Typical sizes of sofas. Ergonomics. Optimal sizes of furniture. By number of seats

Choosing a comfortable sofa is the main point of furnishing the living room. The comfort of spending time in the room depends on it. Often when choosing upholstered furniture We pay attention only to the main dimensions of products - length and width. The possibility of installing products in a room with specific layout features and square footage depends on these parameters. However, a comfortable sofa should not only fit harmoniously in size and shape, but also have the correct height. It affects the fit and aesthetic perception of the product in the interior. But first things first.

The optimal height of a comfortable sofa

The optimal height of a sofa for an adult is considered to be 90–100 cm. The height of the seat itself should be at least 35–40 cm. Such parameters allow you to relax your muscles as much as possible.

For older people, who usually suffer from back and joint problems, the tallest and most rigid option is suitable. It's easier to sit on and get up from. Accordingly, for children it is recommended to choose sofas of a lower height so that the child can easily sit on it without the help of an adult.

When assessing the comfort of a sofa, armrests and headrests occupy an important place. The most functional are recliner models, in which each structural element can be adjusted in terms of inclination and height, which means each person can sit comfortably.

What determines the height of the sofa?

The height of the sofa is indicated in the product passport third after the length and width. In this case, it is worth distinguishing between the overall height of the product and the individual heights of its back and seat. The standard seat height is 42 cm, the backrest is calculated accordingly by the difference.

Conventionally, the total height of a standard sofa is 90 cm. However, it may vary depending on:

  • From the type of sofa: straight, corner, bay window, modular.
  • From the transformation mechanism: withdrawable, folding, unfolding.
  • From the features of a particular design.

Sofa type

Sofas that are placed in the corner of the room may well have a height of 100-110 cm. However, if the room is small, it is better to give preference to the standard parameter - 90 cm. Products installed in the center of the room or parallel to the window are not perceived with a particularly high back. Therefore, the suitable total height of such products is 70 cm, and the seat remains unchanged - 35-40 cm.

The height of modular sofas, which can be quickly transformed, often does not exceed 70 cm. This parameter makes it possible to install the sofa anywhere in the room.

Transformation mechanism

Sofas with book, eurobook and click-clack transformation mechanisms most often have a standard height of 90 cm. This is due to the characteristics of the elements that make up the sleeping place - where the backrest becomes one of the main parts.

For unfolding mechanisms (English and French folding beds, sedaflex) the height is around 100 cm, since inside the seat it is necessary to accommodate a sleeping place in two or three folds, and the back automatically becomes higher.

Most roll-out models (dolphin, accordion and others) have removable cushions on the seat, which create comfortable seating, but the backrest may not be too high.

When choosing a sofa bed with a transformation mechanism, it is necessary to take into account not only the height of the assembled seat, but also the actual height sleeping place. Standard options include:

  • 20-40 cm – low sleeping place;
  • 35-45 cm – standard sleeping place;
  • Over 45 cm – high sleeping place.

Design Features

The height of the sofa is also affected following features designs:

  • The presence of support legs, which visually and actually makes the sofa taller. A product with high legs can visually increase the area of ​​the room; on low legs, on the contrary, it can visually reduce it.
  • Availability of seat cushions. They add height for comfortable seating. At the same time, the sofa may visually look low if the design has a low back.
  • Filler hardness level. The sofa can be visually as high as you like, but if the seat filling is not rigid enough, it is easy to sag down. This product cannot be called comfortable.

Based on the listed features, we can conclude that when choosing a comfortable sofa, you must pay attention to all the nuances of the design. If the necessary parameters are not in the product passport, do not be lazy to measure them yourself or check with consultants. In the selection process, it is also important to rely on your own feelings, so if possible, it is recommended to try the product in person - the net or lie on it.

Back, seat, legs, armrests... What should they be like so that you can sit comfortably on the sofa? How to choose a comfortable sofa, and which sofas are considered comfortable?

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On the picture:

The most comfortable sofas-transformers. They allow you to fix the desired angle of the backrest or armrest. In some models, the armrest can be installed almost vertically. You can increase the height of the backrest using a retractable headrest. Sometimes it hides inside the back frame in its own “pocket” and in order to pull it out, you need to remove the cushions and turn out the hinges. Other manufacturers offer a composite pillow: top part The backrest is raised and fixed on metal rods. The most convenient (and more expensive) option is the “roll-up” edges of the back cushion.

In the photo: Plura sofa from the Rolf Benz factory, design by Beck Norbert.

1 For home or office?

Determine the “responsibility” of the sofa. This will help you choose the model of the desired shape.
If you are going to watch movies reclining, you need a completely different sofa than if you were planning to receive visitors at the office reception. Models with swivel elements for the back of the sofa are suitable for negotiations: they are indispensable if you have to talk for a long time, sitting half-turned - facing the interlocutor. On a regular sofa, your back will get tired without support, but a sofa with a mobile back will allow you to take a comfortable position. A compromise option: rounded island-type models and sofas with “recesses” for the back of each person sitting.
For sleeping: decide whether you need a guest sofa bed or a transformer designed for daily use. Choose - an inexpensive traditional model or a sofa with an unusual mechanism.

2 High or low?

The standard height is approximately 42 cm from the floor. This rule is true for the vast majority of models. But some factories allow you to order comfortable sofas at the seat height you need. It’s amazing that a difference of even 2 cm can become noticeable: the knees stop rising unnaturally, nothing puts pressure on the diaphragm.
How to choose a sofa for an elderly person? It is better to purchase a model with the highest possible seat: it is more difficult to get up from a low one.

3 Hard or soft?

Everything is subjective. Don't listen to advice - trust your feelings. Remember: the harder the pillow filling, the longer it will last. For greater softness, a layer of synthetic wool (Dacron) or elite duck feather/down is added to the polyurethane foam layer. However, after sitting on such pillows, characteristic “stubs” remain. Annoys? Go shopping for sofas that feature down pocket technology. By analogy with mattress springs, soft down and feathers are placed in individual envelopes. When pinched, they quickly restore their original shape.

4 Backrest height and seat depth.

  • The traditional height of the backrest is equal to the depth of the seat.
  • High back - at the level of the back of the head and above. Soft sofas with a high back and normal seat depth are designed for “correct” sitting (the back is pressed tightly against the back). The seat depth can be 60 cm, which corresponds to the length of an adult’s thigh. Deeper models (from 70 cm or more) with such a high back already require an additional pillow under the lower back.
  • Low back - at waist level. As a rule, such a sofa has a seat of incredible depth - up to 100-125 cm. It allows you to take a “reclining” position on the sofa.

5 About compromises.

How to choose a sofa if family members have different preferences: one likes to lie down, and the other likes to sit upright? Look for a compromise solution: you can choose a sofa with a seat that slides forward (increases the depth) and/or a rising and falling backrest. You can also stretch your legs on the couch module, which is part of the corner sofa. Another option is to choose a sofa from which the footrest extends (unlike a separate pouf, it does not take up extra space). Remember that on soft sofas You can sit not only across, but also lengthwise: lean your back on the armrest.

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Manufacturers of upholstered furniture offer their customers upholstered furniture various models and types. Quality furniture is able to give its owners a feeling of real comfort for a long time. The degree of comfort is determined by design and ergonomic parameters.

Optimal overall dimensions of a sofa

The main structural element of any upholstered furniture is its frame, which is made in accordance with the design features and taking into account the anatomical structure of the human body. The materials for making the frame are solid wood, chipboard, metal structural elements, plastic.

To provide an attractive appearance and ease of use, the frame has filling and upholstery. Spring or springless blocks are used as filler to give the sofa the necessary elasticity. The spring block is covered with upholstery on both sides. The lower upholstery provides high tensile strength, and the upper upholstery gives the sofa an attractive appearance.

The height of the sofa is determined by the characteristics of human growth, so in most cases it is 350 - 400 mm. Thanks to this fit, the seat depth increases to 500 - 600 mm. This allows you to relax your spine as much as possible while sitting. To relax as much as possible more muscles, manufacturers equip sofas with armrests, headrests and recliners that are height adjustable. The recliner sofa has wide functionality and provides effective rest for the main muscle groups.

How to save free space when installing a sofa?

To save money free space it is allowed to combine sofas with other furniture into soft sets made in a single style decision. At the same time, the upholstery material of the entire set should have a common concept. In order to obtain maximum savings it is better to purchase free space corner sofa. It provides a comfortable stay and can easily be transformed into a separate sleeping place. To visually reduce the size of the sofa, choose two-color upholstery, one of the shades of which is as close as possible to color scheme walls or floor.

The FURNITURE SOFA store offers to buy a Chester folding sofa in a wide range of colors on attractive terms for customers. We guarantee affordable prices and high quality our goods.

When planning to purchase a piece of furniture such as a sofa, the buyer will definitely focus on one of the main parameters when choosing it - size. Many people purchase upholstered furniture intending to use it as a sleeping place. Therefore, in order to choose the ideal option, it is also important to take into account the parameters of the room where the furniture will be located.

Features and Benefits

Before purchasing a sofa, you need to decide on its functional purpose. When using furniture as extra space for sleep, it is necessary to take into account its method of transformation (transformation) into a bed. Sofas can be classified according to size by their shape and the way they are folded out. Based on this, the form distinguishes:

  • Corner
  • Direct
  • Modular
  • Island

Another sign of the classification of sofas is the presence or absence of a transformation mechanism. Modular and island sofas do not provide such a mechanism, however, corner and straight models require both the presence of a transformation device and its absence.

In terms of size, non-folding sofas have compact dimensions and are quite low price, however, they are less functional and are only suitable for sitting. Such models are perfect for the kitchen, not large living room, as well as an office.

If you intend to use the sofa as a place to sleep, you should pay attention to folding models, which are distinguished by great functionality, but have larger overall dimensions than non-folding products. Buyers will also be pleased with the presence of a linen drawer in some models, which will become an additional niche for things. However, it should be taken into account that this furniture is less mobile, and the constant use of the mechanism for transforming into a bed leads to its rapid wear. Therefore, the choice of folding method is one of the decisive factors when buying a sofa, as well as determining the necessary parameters.

When preparing to purchase a sofa, each buyer individually identifies the main and secondary criteria with which he can choose the ideal option for himself.


This type of sofa, such as a corner one, has the largest dimensions due to its shape and is suitable only for a spacious room. You need to take into account in advance how much space the sofa occupies when unfolded, so that it does not block, for example, a passage or a chest of drawers. The corner side serves as an additional couch, on which you can either sit or recline. This part is often used as a place for reading, since a bedside table or floor lamp can easily fit on the side. This type provides a large linen drawer, which will become an additional niche for both bed linen and any other things.

The dimensions of such products are quite varied - from 140 cm to two meters or more, and the depth, on average, is 60-80 cm. It all depends on the transformation mechanism. Such models provide folding methods such as "dolphin", "puma".

When ordering this type of sofa, the buyer is also given the opportunity to choose a design that includes armrests or an option in which this element is absent.


When choosing straight sofa It is worth considering the room where it will be installed. For the kitchen, an oversized option would be an excellent choice, which will serve as an additional interior decoration. When choosing a sofa for the living room, the expected number of guests is taken into account, so designs that are more spacious are selected. Furniture parameters are selected based on the client’s wishes - from 130 cm and above, depending on its purpose. The sleeping place in straight models is provided both lengthwise and across, which depends on the method of converting it into a place to sleep.

The practicality of sofas with a mechanism such as "book", "click-clack", "accordion" The advantage is that when unfolded, they double in size without taking up extra space. And, for example, roll-out sofa type "dolphin" or "cot" assumes the presence of a perpendicular sleeping place, occupying a fairly large space in front of the sofa. Positive feature The latter is the small width of the structure when folded.

Sofas consisting of several modules, are a godsend for people who often like to rearrange furniture, because such a sofa will not only allow you to move it without problems, but also change its shape. Such models are presented in different overall dimensions, it all depends on the number of modules. The disadvantages are the high cost of such furniture, as well as the lack of sleeping space.

All modern sofas differ in comfort and functionality, but do not forget that the main thing when buying is to choose correct parameters upholstered furniture to purchase the perfect option for the room. The materials used for the upholstery, as well as the filling of the sofa, are also equivalent. They must be safe, high quality and durable.


Having chosen the shape of the sofa, it is necessary to correctly determine the parameters of the future purchase, taking into account the size of the area on which the furniture will be installed, as well as the mechanism for transforming it into a sleeping place. Each type is characterized by several dimensional options. For example, corner models are most often made with standard width sleeping space from 140 cm to 200 cm, depending on the number of people who will use such a product as a place to relax. Since structures with an angle have two straight parts, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of both, where most often the longest part can reach 180 cm in length. As for the depth of the sofa, models with a depth of 70 cm are considered the most comfortable.

Most often, straight sofa models are produced with standard parameters, but in case of purchasing furniture for a non-standard room, the order is made according to individual measurements. However, it is worth knowing that the price of such a product will be an order of magnitude higher than others. For example, if desired, in Personal Area You can order an exclusive model with leather upholstery, which will only emphasize the refined taste of the owner.

Depth in straight models is one of the most important parameters. You should also take into account not only the amount of space that the sofa occupies when folded, but also when unfolded:

  • In sofas such as “book”, “accordion”, where the sleeping place is supposed to be along, standard length product depends on its destination. For the kitchen, a sofa with a length of 140, 150 cm will be sufficient. However, for big family acceptable product lengths are 160, 180, 190 cm. For large room the size of the product can be more than 2 meters, and the depth of the sofa can be from 60 cm to 80 cm.
  • When purchasing a sofa with a transformation mechanism, providing for a perpendicular place to sleep, it is important to consider its purpose. For example, the option for guests may be small - 100-120 cm wide and 170-190 cm long. Meanwhile, planning to use it as a double bed, you should pay attention to models from 190 cm to 200 cm long and 130 cm wide. 140 cm.
  • It is also worth noting that to the children's room a sofa can be purchased without a transformation mechanism, since a child may not need it. If the choice is a sofa that folds forward, it is worth considering that its length can reach 170 cm. Book-type models can reach 2 meters in length, and in some cases, 3 meters.
  • In models consisting of several modules, the size will depend on the shape of the sofa. The parameters of each module can vary from 50 cm or more.

How to choose?

By number of seats

Before purchasing upholstered furniture, it is worth roughly calculating how many people will use the sofa on an ongoing basis, since the size of the sofa and the number of seats on it will depend on this. Furniture consultants give some advice on this matter:

  • Parameters small models with withdrawable mechanism which will be used as a sleeping place for one person can reach 130-140 cm. An excellent option would be the “Baby” sofa, which has a flat and comfortable spot for sleep.
  • For married couple will be optimal sofa-and-a-half, as well as an option with a length of 170-180 cm. Sofas measuring 190 cm and even 210 cm are considered no less comfortable. The width of such structures is from 110 to 150 cm.
  • One of the most popular among buyers is model of a straight sofa 3 meters long. It will fit perfectly into the interior of a medium-sized living room and will be a profitable purchase for a large family. IN spacious apartment can be selected convenient option sofa with ottoman, where the corner part can be used as a fairly comfortable place for reading, equipping it with a lamp.
  • Designs aimed at a large living room can reach sizes from 4 to 6 meters in length depending on the parameters of the seat, the width of which can range from 70 to 90 cm. These models are most often made to special order., in which you can specify the dimensions sofa cushions and the presence or absence of armrests.

For a sofa to be comfortable, its dimensions must be determined by medical standards and anthropometric values. Furniture that is too high or low can not only spoil the aesthetic impression with incorrect proportions, but also lead to discomfort and even back pain. The standards by which all furniture products are created are designed to protect against such troubles.

What is the standard height of a sofa from the floor?

By accepted standards the sofa seat should be located at a distance of 42 cm from the floor. It is permissible to change this value within the range of 35-48 cm.

Important! The height of the seat can be influenced by materials: if the upholstered part of the furniture is stuffed with synthetic fluff or other airy filling, the height can reach 50-55 cm - when sitting down, a person’s weight will push through the filling, and the seating area will drop to the prescribed 40-45 cm.

When choosing, you can take into account health characteristics and age: for older people with sore joints and backs, a tall and hard sofa is more comfortable: it is easier to sit on and easier to stand up. It is better for children to choose a product with a low seat so that they can climb onto it without the help of adults.

Not only the seat, but also the back plays a big role. Her standard size- 90 cm. Fluctuations within 20 cm up and down are permissible, they depend on the design of the sofa, the quantity seats and features of the room. The back should not overlap the window sills - it should be level with them or be lower.

For reference! Furniture with high backs and soft headrests helps to relax the muscles and take the most comfortable position, however, such products are only suitable for spacious rooms; in small rooms they clutter up the space, “eating up” it. On the contrary, in large rooms small sofas dissolve and get lost, which can create visual chaos of objects scattered here and there or bring a feeling of insecurity.

To make the product as comfortable as possible, other parameters should be taken into account:

  • seat depth simple sofas- at least 50 cm;
  • the depth of sofa beds is at least 70 cm;
  • height of armrests from the seat - 12-35 cm;
  • the length depends on the type of sofa and can reach up to 3 m.

Length may vary depending on design features products. So, if the sofa does not fold out, but is characterized as suitable for sleeping, then the seat must be at least 1860 mm. If a folding mechanism is provided, then the length of the assembled sofa can be less - from 700 mm, while the size of the sleeping place should also be from 1860 mm.

How to measure the standard height of a sofa from the floor

To determine exact dimensions product you like, measurements should be taken directly from the floor. The beginning of the ruler or tape measure should be pressed to the floor surface next to the furniture, holding measuring tool strictly perpendicular. You should measure to the top edge of the seat if you are measuring the seating area, or to the top edge of the backrest if you need to determine the overall height. If the backrest includes pillows, then measurements need to be taken to their top.

Important! However, the armrests are measured from the top of the seat, from the middle of its depth - where it is pressed down the most.

The best sofas with a standard height from the floor

Although the gold standard is a seat height of 42 cm and a backrest of 90 cm, furniture with these parameters will not necessarily be the best. When choosing a product you need to consider:

  • room dimensions;
  • the number of people who will sit at the same time;
  • purposes of use.

Depending on these criteria, sofas are:

  • straight two- or three-seater;
  • corner three- and four-seater;
  • couch;
  • modular;
  • folding.

Straight double products have an average length of 2-2.5 m with a standard depth and height. Average triple options range in length from 2.5-3 m. The choice here depends on the parameters of the room.

Corner sofas are often larger, the most high back, as a rule, they are up to 110 cm. They are well suited for spacious premises, where all household members and guests gather. Their width reaches 100 cm, the most long side- up to 3.5 meters.

Often corner products are made modular - they consist of separate parts connected to each other. There are modules different sizes, among them there can be both folding and non-folding ones. This option is ideal for people who are accustomed to changing their surroundings - by rearranging the components, connecting or moving them apart, you can completely change the interior. The main thing is to make sure that the backrests do not cover the windows.

If you need a sofa on which only one person will sleep, ideal option can become a couch. It only extends lengthwise, so you don’t need much space in front of it. Its length can range from 130 to 210 cm.

A transforming sofa can be especially difficult when choosing. Some models are laid out like English or French folding bed, the sleeping place in them has two or three folds, and in order to accommodate it, the backrest is made high, about a meter. If you need a low back, you can choose a roll-out type (dolphin, accordion, etc.), their seat is formed by pillows, which are removed when unfolded. When choosing a folding model, you need to take into account the height of the bed; it can be low - 20-40 cm, standard - 35-45 cm and high - more than 45 cm.

However, a truly ideal sofa would be one that is tailored to a person’s height. For children, a length of 1300 mm may be enough, for a person of average height - 1860 mm, for tall people- 1900-2000 mm and more. In this case, the standard depth of 700-800 mm must be observed. The most important thing you should focus on is your own feelings, because the main objective any sofa - comfort.