Fiberglass - what is it? How to glue glass wallpaper? Paint for glass wallpaper. Fiberglass (fiberglass wallpaper) - what is it? Choosing glass wallpaper for painting Types of glass wallpaper for painting

The modern building materials market offers a wide variety of wall coverings, expanding the range from year to year and trying to satisfy consumers with any tastes and financial capabilities. These relatively new wall coverings include fiberglass wallpaper.

What kind of material is this?

This is a decorative wall covering, its structure reminiscent of fiberglass fabric. As source material a certain type of glass is used, from which high temperature pull fibers to form yarn different thicknesses and types. From this yarn the material itself is then woven: for painting fiberglass(or “cobwebs”) simply prepare a canvas, and for glass wallpaper they make textured decorative weaving.

To produce special glass for glass wallpaper, exclusively natural materials are used, which guarantee the absence of harmful chemical additives and provide high wear resistance. Fiberglass contains quartz sand, lime, soda and dolomite. Glass wallpaper is produced mainly in Germany and Sweden - countries known for their highest quality standards.

“Cobweb” is a painting fiberglass canvas, so named because of its external resemblance to a cobweb. It is both a decorative and reinforcing material used for finishing preparation surfaces. For example, when buildings shrink, tiny cracks appear in the plaster, and fiberglass creates a smooth surface, eliminating the appearance of cracks. The “web” also gives strength to the coating paint, does not burn and is easy to use.

“Gossamer” differs from glass wallpaper in its lower density; its purpose is to smooth the surface and achieve a “marble” effect. The “cobweb” is more reminiscent of a smooth canvas, while the weaving of the glass wallpaper is textured. “Spider web” is best glued to the ceiling, and glass wallpaper is the material that is used for final finishing walls and other surfaces.

Fiberglass wallpaper and painting fiberglass are used in a variety of places: in offices, hotels, hospitals, supermarkets, restaurants, banks, car dealerships, and, of course, in houses and apartments. Service life is up to 30 years, depending on the paint, the quality of the glue and the frequency of washing. And the paint can be renewed up to 6 times.

Fiberglass wallpaper is produced in a wide variety of textures. The photo shows various patterns of glass wallpaper: herringbone, leaf, diamond, matting, zigzag, cat, vertical and even flowers.

You can paste over a wide variety of surfaces: wood, metal, plastic, concrete, plasterboard, chipboard and cleaned brickwork. Large cracks must be pre-sealed, and porous surfaces must be primed.

How to glue and paint them

  • Glass wallpaper looks the same on both sides, but sometimes manufacturers put a special gray stripe on the reverse side.
  • Special glue must be applied to the wall, and not to the wallpaper. The canvases are glued end to end. When gluing “matting” or “cobweb” there is no need for large allowances; for other textures, an allowance of 5-10 cm is made to fit the pattern.
  • Horizontal joints are possible if there is a cut left from the roll or the material was cut unsuccessfully.
  • They are painted twice, with an interval of at least 12 hours. They are painted for the first time two days after gluing.
  • When using wallpaper in a high-traffic area, choose waterproof, abrasion-resistant paint. Latex gloss or semi-gloss paints work very well.
  • In order not to overspend the paint twice, before painting the glass wallpaper must be thoroughly primed with a diluted glue solution, otherwise it will absorb a lot of paint.
  • As with regular wallpaper, glass wallpaper must be protected from drafts and sunlight until completely dry.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fiberglass wallpaper is a relatively new material for us, the pros and cons of which not everyone has yet understood. Some say that this is the best material available today, and all of Europe uses only this coating. Others argue that glass wallpaper is harmful. Let's try to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this wall covering.

Photos of interiors


  • The price varies greatly depending on the texture and pattern.
  • For work, you must wear closed clothing with long sleeves and a medical mask, as some people may experience irritation from microparticles of wallpaper that get on the skin.
  • It takes more paint on glass wallpaper than stated on the cans - they absorb it strongly.
  • If there is an excess of glue and paint, glass wallpaper can separate from the wall under their weight.
  • The weakly expressed texture is lost after several layers of paint.
  • Stains from wallpaper can be difficult to remove if the paint is chosen incorrectly.
  • They are very difficult to remove from the wall during the next renovation.

Despite the shortcomings, they have a number of undeniable advantages that make this material popular not only in European countries, but also for us.

Glass wallpaper is high quality new material for wall decoration. They are made from special fiberglass fabric, popularly known as fiberglass. The glass material itself is made from the very ordinary glass, or, more precisely, from a combination of sand, clay, soda and limestone.

Starting a conversation about unusual material for wallpaper, my friends often ask - “ glass wallpaper, what is it?? So that you do not have such questions, I will tell you briefly about the technology for creating this type of wallpaper:

quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are straightened and then poured into glass fiber. After the glass fiber manufacturing process is completed, it is woven directly into fiberglass. And only after overcoming these production stages glass wallpaper with colorful patterns is born. Shape and appearance fiberglass provides a special solution with which it is thoroughly impregnated. The fiberglass wallpaper is ready for painting, this is what it looks like:

Glass wallpaper photos in the interior

Advantages of glass wallpaper

Fiberglass wallpaper is a unique type of wallpaper that can be painted. Their uniqueness lies in the following properties:

  • Glass wallpaper does not allow air to pass through. Due to its airtightness, under this finishing material moisture does not accumulate, which eliminates dampness, mildew and mold in the rooms. Very important for residents of the first floors (especially if we're talking about about “Khrushchevkas”) like this modern version wall coverings will be a real salvation.
  • High fire protection characteristics. Special tests have shown that among all types of wall coverings, glass wallpaper is the most protected in this industry. They are assigned the highest degree of non-flammability. And as a result, they are non-toxic because they do not emit harmful and toxic substances when burned.
  • Natural material. The wallpaper consists of purified quartz sand, special protected glass, soda and dolomite. Thanks to this, an environmentally friendly environment is created in the room.
  • High strength. These wallpapers have a number of high performance in the area of ​​reinforcement of the top finishing layer. Their base consists of fiberglass - this is one of the most strong materials. For example, if the wall decoration consists of regular wallpaper or decorative putty, then if cracks appear on the wall, there will be cracks in the finish. This is possible as a result of shrinkage of new buildings. In the case of glass wallpaper, there will be no cracks in the finish.

Fiberglass wallpaper is suitable for pet owners, as animals will not be able to chew, scratch or otherwise damage the surface. In addition, if someone gets them dirty, the wallpaper can be easily cleaned and washed with water.

IN Lately Wallpapers that do not require prior priming have begun to appear on sale. Moreover, many of them are soundproofed (find out what thermosound insulation is). All thanks to the rubber backing, which absorbs sound waves. And probably one of the latest achievements in this area is magnetic wallpaper. You can hang, for example, metal frames with pictures on them without any fastening.

Wallpaper classification

This product is available in different price categories. It all depends on the quality of the material and the following criteria:

The 1st grade of glass wallpaper (full-weight glass wallpaper) has a high density (over 100 g/sq.m.). Thanks to this density, this wallpaper is very durable. Also, some companies offer wallpaper with highest density(more than 200 gr./sq.m.). In this case, the durability of these wallpapers is more than 30 years. They can be repainted several times and still look like new.

Economy class - these glass wallpapers have a low density, below 100 g/sq.m. This is also the most common wallpaper on the finishing materials market. The low density of the material will not allow it to last long. In addition, if you need to repaint them, the texture of the wallpaper itself will be clogged with paint.

2nd grade (non-standard) - some builders claim that the 2nd grade differs from the 1st grade only in the defective packaging. But that's not true! The second grade is exclusively a defect. And therefore, all the results of defects may appear in the canvas (holes, knocked-down patterns, protruding threads).

Application area

Glass wallpaper is finishing coat. Subsequently, paint of any color is applied to the wallpaper. Their originality is manifested in the fact that after applying the paint, the pattern or texture of the glass wallpaper itself appears. They can be used anywhere, especially in places where the walls are subject to heavy loads (kitchen, corridor; also, when using special paint, they can be used in the bathroom). Widely used in in public places, such as offices, schools, hotels, or other government institutions.

Gluing process

First you need to prepare the wall. It needs to be cleaned of dust and old wallpaper. If there are large defects on the wall, be it cracks or gouges, they need to be puttied and sanded. The wall needs to be primed, and diluted glue should be used as a primer.

After this, you need to liberally apply glue to the wall to glue 2-3 strips. Apply stripe by stripe and smooth with a rubber roller or wallpaper spatula. If necessary, adjust the stripes according to the drawing.

Fit the strips end to end. The first strip must be glued evenly, plumb or level. Cut off excess parts using a utility knife. After drying, it can be painted with two layers of paint.

Process of creation

Stage 1 - quartz sand, glass, soda and dolomite are placed in a furnace and melted at a temperature of 1200 degrees. Next, fibers are pulled out of them.

Stage 2 – weaving looms. At this stage of production, simple patterns and patterns are made on machines. To make more complex patterns, more sophisticated equipment is used. On such machines, each thread of the fiber can be controlled, making it possible to create patterns of any complexity.

Stage 3 – impregnation of wallpaper. This stage is unique for each manufacturer. The composition of any company's impregnation is a secret.

Stage 4 – sorting and packaging. They are usually cut one meter wide and 25 or 50 meters long. Hermetically sealed and a tag is attached.

History of glass wallpaper

The first such wallpaper appeared in Europe back in the 1930s. More wide application they received already in the 1970s in France, Germany and Sweden. And in our countries, glass wallpaper appeared in the 1990s. And since then they have occupied a worthy place in the finishing materials market.

Video - all about fiberglass wallpaper (what is fiberglass wallpaper?)

Important: a niche for a TV made of plasterboard will look great together with glass wallpaper.

One of the strongest and most durable materials used for wall decoration is glass wallpaper. Their service life is more than 30 years, while the coating retains its original appearance.

After watching various photos glass wallpaper in interiors, you can be sure that they look very aesthetically pleasing, are suitable for any style, will perfectly decorate every room in the apartment, and fit perfectly into the overall design of the room.

Description of glass wallpaper

The name of this finishing material speaks for itself; it is wallpaper made of glass. By using special technologies it is melted and glass threads are drawn out, which are subsequently used to make the canvas.

The resulting finished fiberglass is treated with a special starch-based composition and sent for drying.

There are two main types of glass wallpaper:

The first option is a very thin glass sheet, which is used mainly for leveling and reinforcing walls, as a base for painting. various surfaces. Its production is based on pressing chopped glass fibers mixed with an adhesive mass.

Direct wallpaper based on fiberglass has a denser structure and has various geometric patterns on its surface: “rhombus”, “matting”, “herringbone”, etc. You can find out more about how this or that texture looks in the photo of glass wallpaper made different ways weaving.

These fabrics are produced on special weaving machines. This type is used for finishing walls and cabinet furniture indoors.

Fiberglass wallpaper is intended for subsequent painting. You can repaint the canvas up to 20 times, changing the color of the walls along with your tastes and mood.

Main advantages

Recently, this coating material has become increasingly popular. This happens thanks to the following distinctive characteristics glass wallpaper:

  • environmental friendliness and safety. Fiberglass is made only from natural, environmentally friendly and harmless to humans components: sand, limestone, clay, etc.;
  • unsurpassed density;
  • resistance to mechanical damage - it is almost impossible to accidentally scratch or tear off such wallpaper;
  • fire resistance is a completely non-flammable type of coating;
  • breathability;
  • the possibility of repainting the canvas multiple times;
  • resistance to wet cleaning– such wallpaper is not afraid of unpleasant dirt or children’s drawings;
  • maximum service life - more than 30 years;
  • antibacterial – mold or mildew cannot form on fiberglass, so this material is perfect for decorating rooms with high humidity.

All these advantages undoubtedly speak about the quality and reliability of this type of wall covering. However, along with all the listed advantages, glass wallpaper has some disadvantages, namely:

  • difficulty in dismantling the coating;
  • high cost compared to vinyl or non-woven wallpaper;
  • greater paint consumption compared to painting simple walls;
  • small selection of patterns and coating textures.

In order to choose the best glass wallpaper, you need to focus on the following basic parameters:

Density. This criterion directly affects the strength and durability of the canvas. The higher this indicator, the longer the guaranteed service life will be, and the more larger number since the wallpaper will need to be repainted.

Wallpaper chosen for high-quality and long-term finishing must have a density of 100 g/m^2 or more.

Pattern on the canvas. Of course, the choice of textures on fiberglass is quite limited, however, from the available assortment you can choose a texture that is ideal for your apartment.

Whether it will be a “herringbone” or “rice paper” pattern depends only on your preferences, but pay attention to the volume and depth of the relief, this will determine whether the applied pattern will not be lost when the wallpaper is repainted multiple times.

Compound. High-quality wallpaper should contain 70 percent fiberglass and 30 percent special impregnation. Be sure to study this information on the product packaging. If you find a product whose composition does not correspond to these proportions, it is better to refuse to purchase it.

Of course, it is necessary to note both the brand of wallpaper and its manufacturer. Some companies have proven themselves in the building finishing materials market, so when choosing a good product this must also be taken into account.

A wide selection of high-quality glass wallpaper is demonstrated in Leroy Merlin; the available products are represented by both Russian and foreign brands.

Fiberglass wallpaper will be an excellent alternative to the paper, vinyl, non-woven fabrics we are already familiar with, decorative plaster. This material is characterized by high strength, durability, moisture resistance, wear resistance, and safety, so it is perfect for finishing any room in an apartment or office.

And the ease of pasting and painting fiberglass sheets will help you quickly make high-quality repairs yourself.

Photos of glass wallpaper

IN modern world It has long become a tradition, when performing finishing work indoors, to use Newest technologies. One of these innovations is fiberglass wallpaper. It is important to understand in detail what glass wallpaper is.

Glass wallpaper or fiberglass wallpaper is a wall or ceiling decorative coating, reminiscent of fiberglass fabric in structure, special kind roll wall covering made by weaving.

Manufacturing process

Glass wallpaper - what is it? The basis of glass wallpaper is special glass, which is heated to 1200ºС. Fibers are drawn from this glass and then formed into yarn. various types and thickness. Just as a wool sweater is knitted, material for glass wallpaper is knitted in the same way from glass fibers of various densities and thicknesses. To give a stable shape, the canvas is impregnated with a special solution.

For these wallpapers, textured images are used with the application of decor in wicker and linen weaving.

The basis of special glass is quartz sand, limestone, soda, clay and dolomite. This composition is advantageous in that it is used natural materials, excluding harmful chemical elements and providing wear resistance.


Fiberglass wallpaper has a number of advantages, including:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • hygiene;
  • breathability;
  • fire safety;
  • possibility of repainting;
  • durability;
  • strength.

Wallpaper is absolutely fireproof, as it does not burn and does not support flames. Due to this, they are used both in residential premises and offices, and in specially designed premises for evacuating people in case of fire. In addition, during a fire, wallpaper does not emit harmful substances.

The glass wallpaper does not contain vinyl or other harmful substances.

At the end of weaving, the canvas is treated with a special impregnation made on the basis of a natural component - starch. This composition perfectly contributes to maintaining a natural microclimate in the room, which has a beneficial effect on the health and well-being of residents.

Natural materials contained in fiberglass contribute to high strength, so glass wallpaper is not scratched, does not tear, and is not afraid chemical influences concentrated detergents and disinfectants. They do not accumulate static electricity, and therefore do not attract dust, but they can be washed well with almost all existing cleaning products. One has only to take into account the properties of the paint with which the glass wallpaper is coated, since not every paint can withstand even water.

Why do you need glass painting canvas?

Glass painting canvas, called gossamer, is a coating for walls and ceilings that combines decorative and reinforcing properties. Due to heating and shrinkage of the walls, tiny cracks appear in the plaster, invisible on the dry surface of the walls. Thanks to the use of fiberglass, further manifestation of network-like cracks is eliminated, and a clean Smooth surface. In this case, the web serves as surface reinforcement.

The use of glass wallpaper and painting fiberglass can be observed almost everywhere where there is a need for beautiful, durable surfaces that do not require complex maintenance, and where rules must be followed fire safety. Such places can be houses and apartments, offices and restaurants, supermarkets and hospitals, hotels, banks and car dealerships.

These wallpapers, unlike ordinary ones, can last up to 30 years and can easily withstand repainting up to 20 times in any color, completely preserving the relief. When choosing glass wallpaper, you must take into account that the faint relief is lost after several paintings.

Fiberglass wallpapers have different patterns, but the most famous are “herringbone”, “diamond” and “matting”. It is also possible to purchase wallpaper with a unique designer image. Fiberglass wallpaper comes in rolls 1 meter wide and 50 meters long.

Wallpapering process

  • Special glue should be applied to the wall, not to the wallpaper. Oscar glue is suitable for this purpose.
  • Wallpaper must be glued end to end. To do this, when cutting, an allowance of 5 cm is made in advance to align the pattern, after which the excess must be cut off. For cobwebs or “matting” large allowances are not made.
  • When using second-grade wallpaper, cuts from a previous roll, or incorrectly cut pieces, the joint can be made horizontal.

Wallpaper is glued to surfaces made of wood, plastic, metal, concrete, brick. They can be used to cover plasterboard and chipboard. Surface preparation consists of mandatory puttying of large cracks and priming porous surfaces with a weak adhesive solution.

It is also important to consider how to use glass wallpaper for painting.

The paint should be selected taking into account the following nuances: what influences the surface may be exposed to, the intensity of contact with it, how often it needs to be washed. Latex gloss and semi-gloss paints are best suited for these purposes.

It is necessary to apply the paint twice with an interval of approximately 12 hours. At the same time, it is important not to allow excessive amounts of glue and paint, otherwise the glass wallpaper may separate from the surface under its own weight.

In high-traffic areas, it is better to use waterproof, abrasion-resistant paint.

Room design

Now that we have basic information about this material, it is important to think about how to make glass wallpaper in the interior of the room look the best in the best possible way. With the help of glass wallpaper of different textures and different patterns, painted in the desired colors, you can realize your fantasies by dividing the room into zones using a combination different colors and shades.

Special stencils when decorating wallpaper will allow you to choose the frequency and number of patterns.

Enough good choice– decorating a hall or other rooms with glass wallpaper, since in this case there is no need to specially select wallpaper for furniture. Just choose desired color wallpaper and draw on it yourself. Green, yellow, pink and other “live” shades are considered the most spectacular for residential premises. To give the room an elegant look, you can decorate the walls in a floral design using special stencils with patterns or geometric combinations. More and more often today, glass wallpaper is used to decorate the bedroom. Thanks to its unique texture and delicate colors, these wallpapers will give the room for sleeping and relaxation an atmosphere of coziness, comfort, harmony and warmth. Why do you need to think through the design down to the smallest detail? To promote good mood and well-being. For the bedroom you can use gentle pastel shades– beige, light green, pink, blue.

It is not always possible to decorate the interior beautifully. suspended ceilings, therefore, in this case it is appropriate to cover the ceiling with glass wallpaper. It should be noted that the process of gluing glass wallpaper to the ceiling is practically no different from gluing with vinyl or paper analogues - the operating principle is the same.

Preparing and pasting the ceiling

  • First of all, you need to prepare the ceiling for wallpapering. The surface must be smooth, cleaned of old, worn-out plaster; lime; fat
  • Irregularities on the ceiling can be eliminated using starting putty and then drying. For durable surface It is best to completely putty the ceiling.
  • Before starting puttying work, be sure to prime the ceiling or separate places. For this purpose you will need a wool roller.
  • Immediately before gluing the wallpaper, the ceiling needs to be coated with a primer again to finishing works and let it dry well.
  • Seams and screws on drywall or foam plastic also need to be puttied and the entire surface coated with a primer.

During wallpapering, the temperature should be 18–25ºС, and the relative humidity should be about 70%. During and after work, the room must be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Oscar glue is also suitable for the ceiling, both in liquid and dry form.

  • Before starting work, you need to cut the wallpaper to the required length using a painting knife, ruler, rule or level. For the first sheet, draw an approximate line with a pencil.
  • Then you need to dilute or pour the glue into a convenient container.
  • With help paint roller The glue is applied to the entire width of the wallpaper sheet with some margin.
  • During this work, you cannot do without an assistant who will help you attach the wallpaper sheet to the ceiling and smooth it out using a plastic wallpaper spatula. For ease of gluing the next strip, the sheet does not need to be pressed down strongly.
  • The next strip is glued joint to joint. It is important to monitor the weave of fibers along the edge of the wallpaper sheet. To make the joint invisible, the weaves must match. If the wallpaper sheet does not lie correctly, you need to move it in the right direction with your palms pressed tightly.

When the glass wallpaper has dried well, you can apply paint using a wool roller.

Kitchen interier

Fiberglass wallpaper in the kitchen is a more acceptable option than tiles, as they have more advantages. It is important to think carefully about the design and color of the wallpaper so that it fits harmoniously into the interior of the kitchen.

When choosing wallpaper for the kitchen, it is important to consider that in this room they are most susceptible to contamination. And since this coating will need to be cleaned from grease and stains, it is better to use moisture-resistant glass wallpaper that is vapor-permeable. However, contact with steam can affect their appearance, so you should choose sufficient wallpaper for your kitchen High Quality.

When purchasing glass wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the color - it should not be too bright or, conversely, gloomy. The color of the wallpaper depends on the lighting in the kitchen. For a kitchen with excessive sunlight, you can use cool shades such as green, blue or gray. If you need to give the interior more richness and light, then in this case they will be suitable warm shades: yellow, pink, orange.

Bathroom finishing

The traditional finishing material for bathroom walls is ceramic tiles. But due to their resistance to moisture and temperature changes, glass wallpaper will do an excellent job as a wall covering in the bathroom.

Another advantage of these wallpapers is their low cost compared to ceramic tiles, and in case of damage, the damaged area can always be quickly and easily replaced.

The use of glass wallpaper is practical, as it is environmentally friendly and safe, and more aesthetically pleasing than tiles. In addition, you can choose different shades to give your bathroom the right type- from romantic soothing to invigorating.

So, by showing your imagination, using all your skills and abilities, using glass wallpaper you can create an original, most effective and unforgettable interior.


Watch a video about fiberglass wallpaper:

After watching this video, you will learn how to glue glass wallpaper.

First, let's figure out what glass wallpaper is and what its features are. Fiberglass wallpaper is obtained by using a special type of glass in its production. When heated above 1200 °C, such glass stretches and forms special fibers, from which this type of wallpaper is subsequently made.

Due to natural natural materials(such as lime, quartz sand, soda, dolomite) ensure complete safety for human health.

In addition, glass wallpaper is not susceptible to moisture, rotting or bacteria, and is fireproof.

Attention! When purchasing such wallpaper, remember that truly high-quality glass wallpaper does not break or tear when bent or stretched.

As you have seen, fiberglass wallpaper has many positive properties, which provided them with great popularity and recognition among consumers. So, the main advantages of glass wallpaper include:

  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • resistance to external influences;
  • fire safety;
  • breathability;
  • possibility of repainting (high-quality glass wallpaper can be repainted about 12 times), etc.

We advise you to take a look - the features and specifics of working with tensioned two-level structures will become much clearer.

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Interior design features

Now let’s figure out how to make glass wallpaper look most successful in the interior of your room. Currently, you can find glass wallpaper of different textures and with different patterns; they are very easy to repaint, so you can give free rein to your imagination and divide the room into zones, combining various colors. When decorating wallpaper, you can use special stencil devices, and you can choose the number and frequency of patterns, which means that such wallpaper will not dazzle your eyes.

If the walls in your room are not level enough, this can be easily hidden by using glass wallpaper. Some of their varieties can be applied on top of already pasted wallpaper, and due to their density they will make all irregularities and imperfections invisible.

Use in living rooms

The use of glass wallpaper in the bedroom has become popular today. Due to its unusual texture and delicate colors, such wallpapers can give your room an atmosphere of comfort, coziness, warmth and harmony. Since your mood and well-being depend on the design of your bedroom, the color and structure of glass wallpaper should be thought out to the smallest detail.

Most often in the bedroom, gentle, bed colors: blue, pink, beige and others, and you have the opportunity to play with colors, shades and their saturation.

Using glass wallpaper to decorate your bedroom, you will not only provide yourself with comfort and comfortable conditions, but also protect your health.

If you decide to use glass wallpaper in the interior of the hall or in other rooms, then you have done right choice— you don’t have to look for wallpaper that will match the furniture: now you can easily and simply choose the color of the wallpaper and apply designs to them yourself.

For the hall, “live” shades are considered the most preferable: yellow, green and others.

Advice: If you want to give your room an elegant look, decorate the walls with flowers, draw patterns using stencils or use geometric combinations. For the design to look most successful, the shades of the wallpaper and furniture in the room must be harmonious.

Glass wallpaper in the bathroom: main advantages

As for the bathroom, many believe that it is inappropriate to glue wallpaper here and it would be more correct to use tiles, however, glass wallpaper is also perfect as a wall covering because it remains resistant to moisture and temperature changes.

Despite the fact that the use of glass wallpaper in the bathroom is not widespread today, many have already appreciated the practicality of such an application.

Not only is it safe and environmentally friendly, but it also looks much nicer than tiles and, again, you can experiment with shades to give your bathroom a romantic, soothing or uplifting look.

In addition, you will be surprised how easy it will be for you to clean your walls, because glass wallpaper for the bathroom very easy to clean and not susceptible to the harmful effects of detergents and cleansers. And the special composition of the wallpaper will not allow unwanted microorganisms to appear in your bathroom.

Remember! The ease of washing and cleaning the surface of fiberglass wallpaper directly depends on the quality of the paint you used when decorating.

Another advantage of using glass wallpaper in the bathroom is that it low cost compared with tiles and the ability to quickly and easily replace the material if any damage occurs.

So glass wallpaper for the bathroom is economical, practical and, most importantly, beautiful way decoration.

Kitchen decoration

Now let's look at the features of using fiberglass wallpaper in the kitchen. As in the bathroom, in the kitchen today the option of using tiles is considered more acceptable, but we have already seen that glass wallpaper has many advantages over it.

If you decide to use glass wallpaper for the kitchen, you should carefully consider their color and design so that it does not stand out against the background of the entire interior and does not seem unnecessary.

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Choose the most moisture-resistant wallpaper, because it is in the kitchen that wallpaper is susceptible to maximum number dirt: you will often have to clean the wallpaper from grease, oil and other stains.

Important! Pay attention to the vapor permeability of the selected wallpaper, since it is in the kitchen that they most often come into contact with steam and, if the quality is not high enough, they may lose their appearance.

When buying glass wallpaper for the kitchen, pay attention to the colors: it should not be too bright and strain your eyesight, or, conversely, too dark.

The shades used when decorating the kitchen should be aesthetic, because they are designed to create a cozy home environment and give a feeling of harmony and warmth.

The choice of colors depends on how much light there is in your kitchen. If you need wallpaper to relieve some of the stress from excessive sunlight, use cool tones such as grey, blue or green.

If, on the contrary, you want to give the interior light and richness, use orange, yellow, pink or other colors.

Show your imagination and make your interior as spectacular and unforgettable as possible! We wish you creative success.