Creating a dream flowerbed: the most unpretentious flowering plants. The most unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer Unpretentious flowers for a garden in the open ground

A beautiful and well-kept garden requires a significant investment of labor and time. Many people admit that changing activities is beneficial, but most of us come to the countryside to simply relax surrounded by family and friends. Beautiful flower beds in this case, it is only a pleasant addition to your vacation. Therefore, we choose unpretentious flowers for the garden, which do not require significant effort to grow. But this does not mean that hardy plants are less attractive or bloom less profusely. Among the unpretentious crops, you can choose those that will serve as a real decoration for the garden and will not require special attention.

There are a lot of plants that do not require special care. First of all, let's figure out which of them we need. So, in order for the garden to make a pleasant impression, you need to decide on the priorities.

Anyone who sees this Moorish lawn will admire its beauty and naturalness. Meanwhile, you don’t even need to cut it

You can achieve the desired effect using:

  • Living hedges. Ornamental shrubs can divide a site into separate zones. For this purpose, it is better to choose plants that can go without cutting for a long time. It is important that the climatic conditions of your area match those to which the shrub is accustomed.
  • A special type of lawn. The usual one requires care, especially at first, when the weeds are still trying to reclaim their living space. It is much easier to use or with the inclusion of white clover. This garden decoration does not need frequent trimming and looks great.
  • Vertical gardening. Many recklessly allow hops onto their plots. It's really unpretentious plant, which is capable of braiding large spaces in a fairly short time. But the spread of hops is very difficult to control. This aggressor plant can do more harm than good. If any vertical surface needs landscaping, then it is better to use girlish grapes for this purpose.
  • Tsvetnikov. Flower beds, ridges, and other types of flower beds will decorate any garden. In order for the flowerbed to bloom as long as possible, unpretentious perennials are needed, which will form the basis of the flower garden. Annual plants of the seeding type allow you to give the flower garden a new and fresh look year after year. For the most impatient flower lovers, you need to provide primroses, among which there are not so many truly capricious plants.

Everyone brings a pleasant variety to the garden flora flowering shrubs. Flower beds can also be decorated with them. They are planted as single plants and in small groups.

This green island contains extremely unpretentious plants. No one can say that he looks unkempt or unattractive

Beauty from year to year: the most unpretentious perennials

When choosing perennials, focus on maximum dimensions already an adult plant. Groups of such crops are compiled according to their size and flowering time. In this case, it is necessary to take into account light, humidity and soil preferences. If watering may be difficult, you should choose drought-resistant flowers. Perennials, as a rule, do not need protection from frost and tolerate summer heat well.

Plants can be planted in tiers so that the tallest ones create a background for the shorter ones, or act as a center from which shorter flowers radiate in circles or rays. Even inexperienced gardeners are happy to plant the following perennial flowers on their site:

  • Peony. Blooming in late spring attracts everyone's attention to this plant. In all subsequent times it will be just a green bush. A peony can keep you happy for 25 years without needing a transplant.
  • Hosta. This is a beautiful plant with approximately 40 different species. Hosta flowers look like strange bells of lilac, purple or even white. Hosta leaves are particularly expressive and diverse.
  • Sedum (sedum). A bushy compact plant with bright pink umbels of flowers will decorate a garden in Japanese or chinese style. In such gardens it looks especially organic because it comes from the countries of the East.
  • Catchment area (aquilegia). The catchment blooms in May-June. Since the 17th century, this plant has enjoyed universal love precisely because of its unpretentiousness. It is believed that aquilegia flowers are very loved by garden elves. The exquisite beauty of the plant captivates and inspires.
  • Daylily, dicentra and astilbe. These three plants share a love for shaded corners of the garden. Large openwork inflorescences and shiny foliage make the data ornamental plants very attractive.
  • Rudbeckia and Echinacea. Both plants have very similar flowers to multi-colored daisies. They will decorate the garden in summer and autumn period. Among perennials they are considered the tallest. This circumstance must be taken into account when placing them in the flowerbed.
  • Garden chamomile and pyrethrum. Chamomile blooms for a long time and does not require much attention and care. At the end of September, it independently reproduces by rhizomes. Unlike chamomile, pyrethrum flowers are brighter in color. However, chamomiles are larger than pyrethrums.
  • Primrose. This plant will provide memorable blooms in early spring. can grow in one place for quite a long time. After which it needs to be dug up and planted.

Flowering shrubs will greatly decorate the garden. For example, hydrangea, forsythia, Japanese quince, spirea, buldenezh and everyone’s favorite lilac. Taking into account the difference in flowering periods, it is better to choose liverwort, lily of the valley, primrose and etc. from the composition of perennials for spring flower beds. In the summer, long-lasting and bright flowering will delight you with chistema, tiarella, sedum and daylily.

Peony, hosta, sedum and aquilegia. Take a look at these flowers and imagine how much more beautiful and brighter they can make your garden and your life.

Daylily, chamomile, pyrethrum, rudbeckia and primrose. A riot of colors and only positive emotions - this is what you can only dream of when going on vacation after a working day

Only summer we bloom...

Annuals are often called simply annuals because they bloom throughout one summer. These plants are the most suitable for forming carpet beds. With their help, they create those complex geometric designs that delight others. Perennials grow over time, so they are not suitable for precision work. And they are able to change accents and colors every year, reviving patterns and giving them new attractiveness.

Popular and most in demand annuals:

  • Petunia. This plant is great for flower beds, borders and even decorating balconies. In addition to their pleasant appearance, they have an aroma that is familiar to many from childhood.
  • Nasturtium. The elegant orange gramophone of the flower and the rounded leaves of nasturtium look very positive. Orange color awakens, according to scientists, only positive emotions.
  • Salvia. If the area has a lot of sun and moisture, then salvia should definitely be planted. Undemanding to any other factors, it will color your flowerbed with red “Christmas tree” inflorescences.
  • Marigolds (calendula). Golden calendula daisies not only serve as a wonderful decoration. It is also a noble honey plant. It is possible that this information will be useful to you over time. Who knows?
  • Marigold. Despite the fact that we are used to seeing these flowers literally everywhere, they amaze us every time with their varied and abundant colors. Marigolds can grow in drought conditions and do not pay too much attention to the soil they are given.
  • Astra and erigeron. The real queens of autumn are asters. Echoing its beauty is erigeron (small leaf), which is a perennial. Another perennial plant, chrysanthemum, is not far behind.

Spring planting annual plants should not be particularly tedious: routine work can ruin the entire effect of the result. Therefore, it is better to use seed plants rather than grow seedlings. If it is possible to buy ready-made seedlings, this can make the process of creating a flower garden that uses unpretentious annuals not only easy, but also visual. You won't have to wait long for the result.

Petunia, salvia and nasturtiums. Who would have thought that the flowers we are used to seeing since childhood could be so beautiful. And nasturtium is simply positive incarnate

Calendula (marigolds), asters and marigolds. These plants have different periods of abundant flowering, but we have collected them together to show how beautiful your garden can be, regardless of the season.

Positivity from a small onion

If someone decided to choose a leader among unpretentious flowers, he would stop at. Most of these plants are not bothered by shading, and insufficient moisture only stimulates the growth of their root system. However, with proper care, the bulbs will respond to the gardener with flowering that does not require advertising.

Lilies and gladioli. Plants stretched upward seem to want to get closer to your face, so that you can once again be convinced of how luxurious and fantastically attractive they are.


  • Tulips. There are as many varieties of this plant as there are places for their use. With the grace of their shape and bright colors, tulips have captivated many flower growers. May and June are their flowering time.
  • Daffodils, crocuses, muscari and hyacinths. All listed plants are early flowering. The only condition for their successful development is the absence of strong winds.
  • Lilies. The most preferable position for a lily when it is top part is located in the sun, and the leg itself is in the shade. Abundant flowering and variety of varieties are its signature feature. By the way, the lily does not tolerate excessive attention to itself: it should not be disturbed for 3-4 years.
  • Gladioli. A flower that, according to legend, grew from a gladiator's sword cannot be capricious. However, well-groomed flowers are noticeably different from those left to their own devices. Gladiolus is a lover of sun, abundant watering and loose loamy or sandy loam soil.
  • Dahlias. Good air circulation is important for dahlias, but strong winds they don't like. But their luxurious flowers need a lot of sun. Planted in the right place, they will fully justify the legend according to which dahlias were once grown only in royal gardens.

Material about the rules of caring for dahlias will also be useful:

Before planting plants, you need to stock up on minimal knowledge about their preferences. Proper placement of bulbous plants is the key to their successful growth and abundant flowering.

Daffodils and hyacinths, dahlias. Bulbs begin to bloom in early spring. Daffodils and hyacinths are among the first to appear. And dahlias will delight from August until late autumn

Picky biennial flowering plants

  • Daisies. Poets compare daisies to a pearl necklace. At one time, it was these flowers that even replaced lilies in national flag France. Although the plant is perennial and is not afraid of winter cold, it is grown in culture as biennial flowers.
  • Forget-me-nots. Surprisingly, in languages different nations the name of this flower has the same meaning! Flowering in early spring makes forget-me-nots suitable for any garden.
  • Garden violet. Large flowers, which we used to call viola or pansies, do not leave anyone indifferent. They are beautiful and that says it all.
  • Turkish cloves. Enchanting coloring, undemanding nature and long-lasting flowering make the Turkish carnation a leader among biennials that take root well in our gardens.

Daisies and forget-me-nots are flowers that can awaken love and endless tenderness in a person’s soul. It’s enough just to look at them without looking away

Viola and Turkish cloves. Looking at these plants, you never cease to be amazed at the boundlessness of Nature’s imagination, which created the world around us so diverse and charming

As you can see, there are many unassuming plants. They can also become a decoration for your garden. But even the most unpretentious flowers for the garden require respect for their preferences and at least minimal care. Therefore, you still can’t do without watering, weeding and fertilizing. But persistent plants are not afraid of pests, they are not afraid of diseases and winter cold, and they practically do not need pruning.

Labor-intensive and not always successful cultivation of capricious gladioli, roses and pelargonium is not to the liking of every gardener. Many people find the prospect of annually planning flower beds and sowing annual seeds daunting. Often there is simply no time for fertilizing, growing seedlings, storing bulbs and winter shelter.

At the same time, a summer cottage or Vacation home I want to decorate it somehow, add bright colors, create a blooming island.

In this case, unpretentious perennial flowers and plants for the garden will become a real salvation. They are also suitable for improving problem areas where other garden “sissies” will not grow.

Quite a lot of plants have been introduced into cultivation, with minimal requirements for soil and care. In this article we will note only the most unpretentious ones, dividing them into several groups depending on the features that need to be taken into account when planting. The photo will help you make a choice from an aesthetic point of view.

Plants with beautiful and long-lasting flowering

Unpretentious perennial flowers that bloom all summer are ideal for creating a “lazy” flower bed or for filling empty spaces that are inconvenient for cultivation. They got into this group not only for a long time flowering plants, but also species with repeated flowering at the end of summer.


Large, orange-yellow or red-brown inflorescences of helenium, densely covering tall bushes, will decorate the most inconspicuous corners from mid-summer to late autumn. The sun-like helenium does not tolerate partial shade; it likes nutritious and moist soils. In the southern regions it winters safely, but in the Moscow region it requires shelter. Care consists of moderate watering on dry days. It is often used to disguise nondescript walls of old country houses.

Perennial cornflower

The familiar “fluffy ball” does not require special care and grows well in any type of soil. Being a wildflower, cornflower loves sunny areas and gets along well with all the inhabitants of the flowerbed. Cornflower is a medium-sized plant. Blooms from early summer to autumn. Very rarely damaged by pests and resistant to diseases.


Lupine is loved by flower growers not only for its tall “slender” inflorescences of various colors, but also for its very decorative feathery leaves and compact bushes. It grows on any soil and quickly spreads throughout the area by self-sowing. It has high winter hardiness, tolerates shade, and is quite drought-resistant.

The first flowering begins in June, and after removing the faded inflorescences, it blooms a second time in August. Lupine can spread throughout the site as a weed, so to control its spread it is recommended to remove some of the autumn inflorescences before the seeds ripen.

Oak sage

Candle-like sage inflorescences of different shades of purple will perfectly complement mixborders, filling the garden with a bright aroma. Flowering lasts all summer, while low-growing bushes always remain decorative without additional manipulation by the grower. It is unpretentious to soil type and fertility, but does not tolerate waterlogging. It can grow in partial shade, but feels better in a sunny meadow.

Garden chamomile (Nivyanika)

If you select the most low-maintenance perennials for your site, then garden chamomile should definitely be on the list. Perhaps you won’t surprise anyone with such a flower, but you definitely shouldn’t expect any hassle with it. The flowering plant will delight you with its flowering from early summer until autumn if it is planted in a sunny, warm area and provided with regular watering.


Rudbeckia is represented by several species with different inflorescence-basket structures. They are united by their bright yellow color and tall shoots. Flowering begins in mid-summer and continues until the end summer season. The plant does not require fertile soil and overwinters well without shelter. Open sunny areas are allocated for rudbeckia.

Unpretentious perennials that bloom in early spring

After the greyness of winter, I can’t wait to plunge into bright colors blossoming nature. Therefore, we need to take care of what form the dacha plot will be in at the beginning of the season. Unpretentious flowers for the flowerbed, blooming in the first warm days of May, will certainly decorate the still “bare” garden.

Geranium is magnificent

In May, low-growing geranium bushes are completely covered with delicate, simple blue flowers. After flowering, it remains attractive thanks to its decorative leaves. It tolerates shading well, so it can be used to decorate tree trunks and in compositions with ornamental shrubs. Geraniums planted in partial shade can grow without watering.


Low-growing ground cover periwinkle is intended for the area under ornamental trees and shrubs. In direct sunlight it may die. Large blue flowers They appear on tall peduncles already in late April - early May. Periwinkle grows very quickly, taking over the area and outrunning the weeds. It does not need watering; in snowless winters it can freeze without shelter. There are varieties with double flowers and other colors.


Medium-sized brunner bushes with dark green large leaves are strewn with small blue flowers with a white core already in early May. Optimal conditions for good growth - nutritious moist loams in the partial shade of large shrubs and trees. Brunnera also grows well near bodies of water. It grows quickly and does not require transplantation or rejuvenation. It is characterized by high winter hardiness.

Bergenia thickleaf (saxifrage)

Lilac-colored “panicle” inflorescences appear at the end of April. At the end of June, after flowering, compact low-growing bushes with rounded, whole leaves of juicy green color remain decorative. Bergenia is a shade-tolerant and winter-hardy plant. Does not tolerate drought and needs abundant watering.

Shade-tolerant perennials for the garden

As a rule, on summer cottage It is quite difficult to find sunny places for planting ornamental plants, but at the same time I want to improve the shady areas under the trees. Unpretentious perennial flower crops for shade have not only beautiful inflorescences, but also attractive leaves. They compete well with weeds and can do without any care at all.

Aquilegia (catchment)

Aquilegia looks harmonious in a garden of any style and grows and reproduces well without human intervention. This "elf flower" has a compact, lush medium-sized bush and fancy flowers on tall peduncles. The color of flowers varies from species to species, so a small collection will look especially impressive. Old bushes can freeze out, but it is easy to leave young shoots to replace them. Optimal conditions for growth are partial shade and moist soil.


Astilbe is one of the few plants that can bloom luxuriantly even in heavy shade. In floriculture, low-growing (up to 20 cm in height) and tall (up to 100 cm) species are grown. Lush panicles of white, pink and scarlet color appear from mid-summer and decorate the tree trunks until late autumn. The only maintenance requirement is timely, abundant watering. However, when planting under a dense canopy of trees and creating a mulch layer, the frequency of watering is significantly reduced.


Hosta with its diversity of species is ideal for shady areas. The combination of several species with varied leaf colors helps create unique compositions, maintaining decorative value all season long. Compact bushes with large leaves grow slowly and always look well-groomed. Hosta is undemanding to soil and has high winter hardiness. Flowering is short and occurs in June.


Kupena forms a low spreading bush of an original shape. It blooms in May, white bell-shaped flowers are located under the leaves on the lower part of the stem along its entire length and are difficult to notice, but they pleasant aroma will certainly attract attention. It can also grow on poor soils and develops well in partial shade and when moist.


Loosestrife is a tall plant with lilac or purple long spike-shaped inflorescences that decorate the garden and attract butterflies from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Grows well in heavy, waterlogged soils and in partial shade. It can be successfully grown near a pond or in lowlands. It has good winter hardiness. It grows quickly and forms clumps. Does not require any care when growing.

Unpretentious vines for the garden

Climbing plants occupy a special place in the garden. On the one hand, the rapid development of shoots is very important in the design of gazebos, hedges and country porches. On the other hand, due to their rapid growth, vines require proper formative pruning. However, you can choose unpretentious types of climbing vines that grow quickly and have modest requirements.

Brown's honeysuckle

It is distinguished by early and long flowering until frost. In conditions harsh winters needs shelter.

Actinidia kolomikta

Actinidia shoots become lignified with age. Valued for its decorative foliage, delicate aroma of flowers and pineapple flavor of the fruit. It has high winter hardiness and does not require shelter.

Maiden grapes

The most common type of vine. Adapts well to many growing regions. Valued for its carved large leaves that change color depending on the season. It forms shoots very quickly and is ideal for creating hedges. Easy to shape.


Ivy is an evergreen heat-loving vine that climbs any support (house wall, trellis, tree). Often used to disguise nondescript walls of buildings.

In conclusion, I would like to note some more unpretentious perennial plants for the garden, which are highly resistant to a lack or, conversely, excess moisture in the soil. Evening primrose, cornflower, catnip, oriental poppy can withstand well for a long time without watering. At the same time, they delight with lush and beautiful flowering.

Around the pond or in wetlands, you can plant moisture-loving meadowsweet, bathwort and buzulnik. The names of many plants are well known from wild representatives of the genus.

All presented types of garden plants have minimal requirements for the level of soil fertility, but when compost or humus is added, an increase in growth vigor and more luxuriant flowering is observed. By purchasing planting material it is better to give preference to perennials simple varieties, which are characterized by high vitality, good resistance to adverse weather conditions, pests and diseases, and also reproduce easily and quickly.

Perennial garden flowers that do not require care will become ideal option for creating unique design your site. Their flowering will delight owners from early spring until late autumn, without causing them much trouble.

Many gardeners wonder how, among the huge variety of plants, to make right choice, and what qualities should they meet?

The peculiarity of perennial garden plants that do not require care is their unpretentiousness, long flowering and resistance to various weather conditions.

With the help of decorative bushes you can decorate the landscape of the garden and the entire summer cottage. The varieties of shrubs used with beautiful and bright colors, planted in single plantings and group plantings.

Plants are not demanding on care and climatic conditions. Propagated by cuttings and bush division.

Perennials such as ornamental weigela, garden hibiscus, and hydrangea are easy to care for. These plants develop well, their flowering pleases others in different conditions. They are frost-resistant and grow quickly.

Hydrangea is of particular interest. During the flowering period, it does not require special care.

Blooming large balls tend to change color when mineral fertilizer is applied. The snow-white ones turn pink and blue.

When planting, it should be borne in mind that their species can bloom at different times. And everything needs to be created so that from early spring to frost, the garden shines with splendor.

Bulbous plants

Bulbous plants open the flowering season. Snowdrops and scillas are the first to bloom. They are unpretentious, do not need special care, and tolerate winter cold well.

Grows in shady places. Prefer soil containing leaf humus. But they can also decorate open lawns with their early flowering.

Botanical tulips begin to bloom in early spring. These are plants of small height. Their flowers have different shapes. They are distinguished by many shades. They grow for about 5 years without transplantation.

The more the bulbs grow, the more beautiful the flowers themselves become. If it is cold in spring, the flowering period increases.

Hyacinths (muscari) are considered the most unpretentious bulbous perennials that bloom in spring. They fascinate the most various shades- white, pink, blue.

Incredible nice smell extends to the entire garden. They are often used in the construction of alpine slides.

They tolerate winter well. They are not picky about lighting: they grow in shady places and in the sun.

The flower stalks left behind may disperse on their own. Stagnation of water is the only factor affecting their growth.

Daffodils, crocuses, Pushkinia are delightful flowers used to decorate the garden in spring. Flowering time is April – June. They grow well both in the sun and in shaded places, and there are no special requirements for the soil.

There is also one bulbous perennial, but it blooms in late autumn. This is a colchicum. It is very poisonous.

The flower resembles a crocus. Grows in sunny places and does not need replanting. Planting is done in summer.

Ground cover plants

One of the representatives of this species is periwinkle. It spreads across the earth like a green carpet. Flowering occurs in May. Flowers violet shade.

Reproduces by shoots. They take root easily when they touch the ground. Unpretentious to soil and light. Even the most unsightly area of ​​the garden will be covered with its dark green foliage.

In May, Brunnera (Caucasian forget-me-not) will delight you with its flowering. She loves shady places, moist, nutritious soil. All the lowlands of the garden will be decorated with its blue flowers.

It is characterized by rapid growth. Does not require any maintenance.

At the beginning of summer, Veronica begins to bloom. This unpretentious plant is presented in several types: ground cover and tall.

The first ones weave the earth in such a way that even the weeds don’t have a chance. The latter are used to decorate borders and complex flower beds. Flowers with white, pink, blue, purple hues.

Medium and tall plants

Peonies will not cause much trouble while growing. Flowers pink, white, red. A heady sweet aroma fills the entire garden area.

Grows in well-lit areas in moist but drained soil.

Lupine is considered an integral part of garden beds. It is suitable for decorating mixborders and multi-tiered flower beds. Blooms in blue, red and white.

By cutting off the peduncle in time, the plant can bloom again. Just be aware of the toxicity of the seeds. Does not grow in acidic soil.

Mountain cornflower is one of the long-blooming perennials. Its height reaches 0.6 m. Bright blue flowers look like thistles. They bloom twice: in summer and autumn.

Perennial irises have growing thick rhizomes. The height of dwarf plants reaches 0.2 m, and tall ones - 0.75 m.

Numerous species bloom at different times. Their planting on the site is selected so that their flowering continues throughout the summer.

Magnificent geranium has the qualities of an unpretentious and drought-resistant plant. Its large flowers are white, blue, pink, red, purple. The leaves are covered with green, gray, red or bronze color.

Flowering continues from May and lasts until the end of July. At the end of summer, the color of the leaves changes to red.

There is a variety of geranium whose leaves fall off, and there are evergreen varieties. Some plants are suitable for partial shade, others prefer full sun. When planting geranium, you should always pay attention to its variety.

Oak sage has a long flowering period. Its helmet-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences of a blue or light purple hue. With its exquisite aroma it attracts bees from all over the area.

Its height is 0.4 m, flowering period is May – August. After flowering ends, shoots with buds are cut off.

Tall perennial 1.5 m in height. It blooms for 10 weeks, and the inflorescences are particularly spectacular. They can remain on the plant until the end of the flowering season.
In spring its leaves turn coppery. It grows in fertile soil, but requires watering during drought.

The tall perennial meadowsweet yarrow is used as a border decoration.

Its height is 1.2 m. The flowers are yellow or red. It can be used both for cutting and for creating dry bouquets.

There are no special requirements for care and soil. Flowering begins in June and continues until September.

Low growing plants

The perennial Phlox subulate is considered an incredibly beautiful and unusual garden flower that does not require care. It is in the form of five-pointed stars.

Depending on the variety, they are white or purple in color. Flowering begins in May.

The low-growing rosemary looks a bit like a daisy. Its densely growing low stems cover the flowerbed with a dark green carpet with beautiful yellow-white buds. The plant must be planted in an open area, as it loves the sun.

For a garden in autumn, Korean chrysanthemums are also needed. They, including colchicum, bloom late.

When the flowers of other plants have already faded, these remain the decoration of the garden plot. By arranging interesting compositions with them, perennials will look beautiful in autumn flower beds.

Flax grandiflora - graceful perennial flower. This is an unpretentious long-flowering plant.

Thin stems 15–30 cm high with narrow leaves. Flowering begins in June and continues until August.

The life of one flower is 1 day. But during the summer, new buds constantly appear. Flax goes well with other plants. Used as a border perennial and for planting in rock gardens.

Shade-tolerant plants

For landscaping shaded areas of the garden, it is necessary to use shade-tolerant plants that do not require care. If the flowerbed is located near a fence or other building, they will come in handy.

The beautiful perennial hosta grows well under trees. He is distinguished by his beautiful decorative look their leaves.

When planting a plant in the shade, bright shade changes to green. Paniculate inflorescences of snow-white color. Flowering period - July - September.

The perennial dicentra magnificent is a border plant, the height of which is 60 cm. It grows in the shade of trees and buildings. Her small flowers are shaped like hearts. Arched peduncles hang smoothly over the leaves.

For cultivation, select a place protected from the north wind. May – June is its flowering period.

Bellflower bushes are used to decorate flower beds home garden. He is not afraid of shaded places.

Flowering begins in July and ends in August. Due to the loss of decorativeness, the flower stalks are cut off.

If there is not enough space for, perennial compact species of Volzhanka will perfectly decorate the garden area. Dwarf variety grows by 0.3 m, tall reaches 2 m.

It is a shade-tolerant plant with showy, feathery inflorescences of small cream-colored flowers. The foliage is pale green. Although it blooms from June to July, the decorative effect is not lost throughout the season thanks to the beautiful carved leaves.

Shade-tolerant flowers perfectly decorate different corners of the garden. You can combine such plants with stones or other elements to decorate the garden. Especially considering that it’s nice to relax in shaded areas on summer days. So it is better to pay more attention to the decor of such areas.

Which a private house Or will the dacha do without landscaping? Flowers are a joy for the housewife. They make the house more beautiful, beautiful and a pleasure to walk into. Neighbors and other passers-by will definitely appreciate the blooming flowerbed, which plays with a variety of colors. But it’s one thing to love flowers, and quite another to grow and care for them. There is not always enough time for this. That's why many people prefer to use unpretentious perennial flowers on their site.

But a logical question arises - what flowers are these? How to make your garden plot beautiful and at the same time not spend a lot of time caring for plants? This is what we will try to find out. If you want to grow flowers, then this article is for you. We will look at shade-loving perennial flowers, photos and their names, as well as shade-tolerant perennial unpretentious flowers.

What is the difference between shade-loving and shade-tolerant flowers?

It is generally accepted that all flowers love sunlight, so they try to plant them in such areas. However, this is not entirely true, because there are unpretentious flowers that feel great away from the rays of the sun. They grow and bloom no better there. And there are those that can exist in such conditions. Here is a variety of such flowers:

It is important to know! On the territory of a private house, the shadow can be constant or depend on the location of the sun in the sky. In addition, the shadow can be continuous or diffuse. When choosing shade-loving crops, this should be taken into account.

Now we propose to consider the types of shade-loving and shade-tolerant perennials.

Spring perennial flowers

Why are these plants called perennials? They grow over many years, and some can bloom all year round. You only need to plant them once and enjoy the beauty. They are unpretentious because they do not require special care. This is great for busy summer residents.

Spring is characterized by the fact that the sun is not so active at this time. Snowdrops and Scillas can thrive in the shade of trees. These are the first spring flowers growing in the forest. But you can also plant them on the site. Muscari, Narcissus, Frost-resistant Kandyk, Erythrinium and Dicentra can also tolerate slight shade. Another wonderful perennial is Lilies of the Valley, which are even suitable for planting in dense shade.

For areas where the sun's rays only appear in the morning, you might want to consider Brunner. These flowers are small in size and pleasant blue color. Their inflorescences form something like small clouds. It is popularly known as Forget-me-not. It begins to bloom in May and finishes flowering by the end of July. But even after flowering, large colored leaves remain on it, decorating the area. If you need to fill shady and waterlogged areas, then Brunner is an ideal option.

Another unpretentious flower that can survive in almost any conditions is Ayuga. She is also called the survivor, and for good reason. This is a shade-tolerant flower that grows very quickly, creating a beautiful carpet. The leaves are burgundy, green and chocolate shade. The beginning of flowering is May. The flowers themselves are blue-violet, growing at a level of 10-15 cm in the form of a false spikelet. The flowering process is long, so the lush blue carpet remains for quite a long time. Ayuga can be used to decorate slopes and slopes. An example of Ayuga in the photo.

Below is one of the flower bed schemes that can be implemented on your site. We will take a closer look at each of the types of these plants, learning their characteristics.

Mahonia subbolifolia- perennial plant. This evergreen shrub that has yellow buds, blooming in spring. They smell pleasant and grow from 30 cm to 1 m. They can be cut, and the leaves of the crop are decorative. In spring they have a reddish tint, towards summer they are dark green, and in autumn they are bronze. This is a shade-tolerant plant species.

Looks very nice Atlantic rhododendron. It is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 60 cm high. It can grow in the shade and is shade tolerant. Leaves, like flowers, appear in early May. The flowers themselves are white with a pinkish tint. They look like stars and turn into bright yellow buds in the fall.

The garden azalea can be called no less beautiful. Its shape resembles the previous flower. This is also a shrub that needs partial shade. They will not grow in direct sun or shade. Even if it is a little demanding to care for, but during flowering in May the bush is simply overflowing with flowers so that the greenery is not even visible.

Female Kochedyzhnik. This is a type of fern that has delicately beautiful dissected foliage, the height of which is approximately 1 m. The good news is that the plant is unpretentious, grows in the shade and is frost-resistant. It will perfectly complement the flowerbed composition to dilute it.

Bergenia thickleaf is an evergreen perennial. The culture has thick dark green leaves that are not afraid of winter. With the beginning of spring, leafy ears, brown-green in color, peek right out of the snow. In autumn they turn red. The flowers themselves are pink and begin to bloom in May. Badan is unpretentious.

Hosta plantain It has heart-shaped leaves, quite large and bright green. With its shape and veins, the crop resembles a plantain leaf. The flower has a tall peduncle on which white star-shaped buds bloom. They have a delicate scent like lilies. Begins to bloom in early August. However, the crop is valued precisely for its beautiful leaves. It is shade-tolerant, unpretentious and survives well in different conditions.

Hosta white-edged has beautiful oval-pointed leaves with a white-green color. The flowers bloom in a purple color and are shaped like bells. They begin to bloom in July. Hosta white-edged is shade-tolerant.

To decorate the lower tier you can use fragrant Violet. This delicate forest flower is shade-tolerant and unpretentious. Every girl knows what little ones smell like purple flowers in the shape of butterflies. It can bloom twice: in early May and late summer. Exist different varieties perennial unpretentious violets, which have a white, purple and red-purple color.

So, to summarize, one flowerbed of spring perennial unpretentious flowers will look like this:

  • mahonia subbolifolia;
  • Atlantic rhododendron;
  • garden azalea;
  • female nomad;
  • bergenia thick-leaved;
  • hosta plantain;
  • white-edged hosta;
  • fragrant violet.

WITH spring flowers We figured it out, now we can start the summer ones.

Summer perennial unpretentious flowers

Summer is a time of bright and warm sun. But even for this season there are shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants that you can plant in your garden. Below is a visual design diagram of popular summer-blooming shade flowers.

This list includes Hosta and Bergenia thickifolia. We already know them, and since they are attractive throughout the warm season, these flowers are used quite often in landscape design.

Let's start with Foxglove, which is placed in the center of the entire composition. This is an unpretentious plant that grows for two years. Its peculiarity is that it grows well in the shade and in the sun. The peduncle is tall, reaches about 1.5 m and has large bell-shaped flowers. The color of the buds can be very different. There are white flowers, yellow, purple, red and with spots and dark dots. Can bloom all summer long. The flower is beautiful, but poisonous!

Used as background lush bushes. These are two types of hydrangeas:

The peculiarity of the bushes is that they love light shade. They begin to bloom in summer. The buds grow in a cluster, somewhat reminiscent of lilacs. The color range is varied. They can be pink, blue, white and lilac. They grow in a crowd and you can’t even see the leaves because of the flowers. They look incredibly beautiful.

The top tier is still filling up Phlox paniculata. Another perennial bush that is divided into different varieties. Somewhat reminiscent of Hortense. The colors are very different, there are even two-color flowers. The height of the plant can reach 60-130 cm. The inflorescences are dense and have different shapes. They can bloom throughout the summer, and even in the fall. These flowers are perennial and unpretentious, however, they do not like drought.

As for the middle tier, along with Khosts and Badan, perennial and shade-loving plants are planted Astilbe and Aquilegia. Astilbe is a universal plant that can grow almost anywhere and in any conditions. Still, ideally it should be planted in a semi-shaded area. Designers appreciate it for its beautiful paniculate inflorescences, consisting of small flowers. Their colors are very different: pink, red, white, lilac, light yellow. Begins to bloom in summer.

As for Aquilegia, it also loves partial shade. Its beautiful appearance due to the unusual shape of flowers with a spur. They look simply gorgeous. Various shades: yellow, blue, pink, white, lilac, one-color or two-color. The peculiarity of flowers is that they can collect droplets of water. This is why Aquilegia has the name catchment. Even if translated from English, Aqua is water.

Let's start designing the lower tier, which will consist of Soft cuffs, Heuchera and Primrose. Let's start with the cuff. This is a creeping perennial plant that has unremarkable greenish-yellow flowers. The peculiarity and advantage of the plant is that it retains dew droplets due to its fan-shaped rounded leaves. The leaves are slightly concave and drooping.

As you can see in the photo, with dewdrops the plant looks cute and unusual. This is an unpretentious plant that can grow in any area on the territory.

A very popular plant for private homes is Heuchera. It has decorative leaves and a small height of up to 50 cm. The leaves are drooping, rounded-lobed. They are assembled into a socket. As for color, the plant can be green, red, yellow or silver-gray. The flowers resemble bells and are white and reddish-pink. The plant loves shaded areas.

Primrose or Primrose. This is very beautiful flower, and thanks different types you can create a beautiful flower bed that will bloom from spring to late autumn. We are looking at the summer flowering primrose. They usually bloom low, have rounded leaves and form a rosette. The flowers are collected in a bouquet and have different colors(yellow, red, blue, white and pink). Flowers can be one-color or two-color. They do not like direct sunlight, so it is recommended to plant these perennial flowers in partial shade.

There are also other summer shade-loving flowers for the garden:

  1. Periwinkle.
  2. Helenium.
  3. Bells.
  4. Forget-me-nots.
  5. Bought.
  6. Rogersia.

Autumn perennial flowers

Autumn is the period when the sun is no longer so active. All plants stop blooming, however, even for this period you can make a beautiful flowerbed that will bloom in the shade. Below is a diagram.

You will notice that the flower arrangement in autumn is not as blooming and mainly consists of Hosta and other green plants. Their peculiarity is their beautiful leaves. Green plants can be diluted hybrid Astilbe. They bloom in autumn. Looks very nice. The colors are very different.

Another flowering plant - Black cohosh spreading. It can grow up to 2 m, has small white flowers, which are collected in an inflorescence similar to a pyramid. Black cohosh has a special, specific smell that is reminiscent of medicine. The stem and leaves of the plant are green-violet in color. Decorative culture. It can grow in the shade, as it is a forest flower.

Another type of fern - Common ostrich. It is heat-loving and has two varieties of leaves. The first type looks like a beautiful funnel, long and feathery. The second is the spore-bearing one, which resembles ostrich feathers, which is why it got its name. They are located in the middle of the bush.

Add general composition Tiarella cordifolia will help. This is a winter-hardy plant that, although it blooms in the spring, in the fall its green leaves with bronze veins begin to acquire a brown tint. This is a heat-loving flower that decorates the area with a leafy carpet in the fall. They winter quietly under the cover of snow.

Note! Autumn-flowering shade-tolerant plants are Goldenrod, Kirengeshoma palmate, and Campanula prefabricated or twisted.


These are not all the perennial flowers that you can grow at home. This is also Hoof - a creeping plant that has rounded glossy leaves. It grows in the most shady places. Ordinary Ivy is also shade-tolerant. Don’t forget about Hibiscus, Barberry, Irga, Jasmine, Viburnum, etc. All these plants will fill the area with beauty and wonderful aromas. It’s pleasant to even just walk past houses like these with beautifully decorated grounds. And living there is even better. This information from the article will help you create a wonderful landscape design, and the garden will bloom all year round for many years.


Joyful meeting

Any summer resident wants to see his plot blooming and well-groomed all season long. To do this, he needs to choose the right plants and form flower beds in accordance with his imagination. Even if there are many different varieties growing on the site, it is impossible to do without annuals. The most unpretentious of all the types of flowers available for growing when traveling only on weekends are the following.

1. Calendula(Calendula). Modern varieties " Orange Ring", "Radio", "Muraji"of this medicinal flower, as if small suns will decorate even a shaded area in the garden. Sometimes it seems that it grows on its own, and therefore is simple and uninteresting. This is not the right opinion. The flower is beautiful in the beds, among lush bouquets, without counting it healing properties and the ability to create a special atmosphere on the site. The remarkable ability to reproduce by self-sowing makes growing calendula simple.

Calendula officinalis "Radio"

2. Siberian iris (Iris sibirica). Modern varieties Spindazzle, Berliner, Rolling Cloud, While Prelude and others. The flower has a neat bush shape with beautiful sword-shaped foliage and surprisingly delicate flowers of various colors. If you want to create a blue flower bed, the Siberian iris perfectly complements the muscari ensemble ( Muskari), forget-me-nots ( Myosolis), lupine ( Lupinus) perennial. These flowers are directly created for “lazy summer residents”.

3. Nasturtium(Tropaeolum). On a summer resident's farm you can always find an old barrel, a saucepan, or build a small decorative fence, for example, from wattle. And then the ideal flower planted in these devices will be nasturtium, with its festive bouquet of bright flowers. Among the new varieties there are bush and climbing forms with multi-colored double flowers. Long flowering time and beautiful foliage are very convenient for compacting plantings in order to create a beautiful and neat flower bed. Unpretentious.

4. Eschszolzia(Eschscholzia). A flower smiling at the sun. Its graceful carved leaves of gray-green color create a real holiday in the summer cottage. It is this flower that is good for determining the weather. It is always closed before it rains. If you work carefully, in the spring you can always find plants that have sprouted from self-seeding, which will bloom much earlier than those planted in open ground in May.

5.Golden balls or. Summer residents call this flower a perennial dahlia, although it is correct to classify it as a rudbeckia. Variety Goldball and there is that flower that our great-grandmothers grew in village front gardens.

6. (Lavatera).Slender tall plant Lavatera may seem like a powerful perennial from a distance. A long-flowering bush with white, pink or light burgundy flowers will perfectly complement the background of any flower garden. Caring for lavatera is very simple - by planting seeds in May.

7. (Godetia). The most commonly grown varieties are Tall Double, Mixed, Grimson Glow, Dwarf Satin. This delicate plant, with numerous clusters of flowers, planted from seed in May, will require only good lighting and careful weeding.

8. (Bergenia). The most common types are B. cordifolia, B. purpurascens, variety Morgenrote. Shady places do not interfere with the growth of powerful leaves and beautiful spring flowers. Planting bergenia garden trees, all that remains is to admire its beauty, and also use it to obtain aromatic Mongolian tea.

9. Red beans(Phaseolus coccineus). Covering a fence or not very beautiful parts of buildings, it surprises with its unpretentiousness and duration of flowering.

10. Mattiola (Matthiola). Night violet is one of the most favorite and unpretentious flowers for the garden. The delicate scent and flowers that open in the evening create the coziness of summer, sun, and relaxation.

Mattiola ("night violet")

11.Hydrangea(Hydrangea). It would be hard to find a more beautiful plant for planting as a privacy screen, such as a toilet or compost pit. In addition, the snow-white caps of the unpretentious “aujisai”, which came to us from Japan, are surrounded by neat lawns, next to the majestic ferns (Polypodiophyta) make any corner of the garden cozy and magical. Both large-leaved and large-leaved are equally popular.

12. (Centaures). Everyone's favorite cornflower flower, planted next to red or blue flax, against the background of a bush of perennial decorative oats and delicate bells, will create the atmosphere of a flowering meadow on the site.

13.Tagetes, or Marigold (Tagetes). In terms of popularity, it occupies one of the first places among annuals. But it is better to grow any variety of marigolds through seedlings. The beginning of flowering greatly depends on this. And then this “autumn king” lights up and delights everything around with its beautiful flowers even in the summer.

14. (Hosta). Cold-resistant, shade-tolerant plant, not susceptible to diseases. Along with the delicate flowers, the hosta has very beautiful foliage. Depending on the plant variety, it can be green, blue, striped or even white. Foliage is used to create interesting bouquets. is one of the longest-living perennials.

Hosta "Shade Fanfare"

15. (Callistephus chinensis). September, school and a colorful sea in the flower beds. Currently, many new varieties of this flower have been obtained, which are also best grown in seedlings.

Chinese aster "Pompon Splendid Serie"

It is difficult to list all the beautiful and easy-to-care plants that you would like to see in your flower beds. This catchment ( Aquilegia), Periwinkle(Vinca) Violet ( Viola), Peony(Paeonia), Phlox ( Phlox), Bell(Campanula), Mallow(Malva), Day-lily, or Krasodnev(Hemerocallis) , Delphinium(Delphinium) and others. The main thing is to find time every year to plant a new flower and meet the minimum requirements for growing it. And then a joyful meeting with blooming flower beds will be ensured during each visit to the dacha.

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