Systems for the formation of trees in dense gardens (rounded crowns). Forming systems Formation of vertical palmette


Basic crown shapes, pruning order and technique,
formation of the crown of a young tree

What you need to know to successfully master pruning techniques

Pruning trees and forming a crown is a serious matter, but if desired, everyone can understand the principles, understand the essence of the process and achieve compactness, large-fruitedness, and productivity from their apple trees.

Of all the activities carried out in the garden, perhaps the most difficult, especially for beginner gardeners. Pruning a fruit tree is nothing more than surgical intervention into his Organism, and the slightest mistakes made in this case, especially in relation to newly planted young trees, are fraught with serious consequences.

The need for systematic and consistent formation of the crown of a young tree is justified by the fact that mature tree, in our case, must have sufficient strength of fusion of the crown branches with the central conductor, good lighting all their areas, which contributes to the formation of fruits not only on the outer, but also in the inner zone of the crown.

In addition, in order to increase the density of plantings, improve the convenience of caring for the crown and harvesting the crop, it is necessary to choose a formation system such that even mature trees are of small height with a low-volume crown.

In practical gardening, various systems for forming fruit trees are common, but the most accessible and at the same time universal crown for amateur gardeners is a small-sized sparsely tiered crown.

Basic crown shapes

Small-sized sparsely-tiered crown

It is recommended as the main formation for plantings on both vigorous and weak-growing rootstocks. In this case, the crown is formed, as a rule, from 5 skeletal (main) branches of the first order on a trunk 60-70 cm high.

In the lower part, a tier is created from two adjacent or close, oppositely located branches. Others are located sparsely with an interval between the lower tier and the third branch of at least 60 cm, the rest - after 30-40 cm. The upper branch (5th or 6th) is laid at a height of 1.8-2.1 m.

Semi-skeletal branches 1-2 m long are formed on the skeletal branches. They are placed singly or in groups of two or three, on the lateral and outer sides of the main branches. Between groups of semi-skeletal branches, an interval of 40-60 cm is maintained.

Skeletal branches are placed at an angle of 40-45° to the row line, which allows you to create a more convenient shape, flattened on the row-spacing side, reduce the row-spacing width and increase the density of plants per unit area. The specified formation system makes it possible to limit the height of trees to 2.5-3.0 m.

(in the second to fourth year after planting): left - before pruning, right - after pruning

Semi-flat crown

The crown consists of a well-developed central conductor and 4-6 skeletal branches of the first order, directed at an angle of no more than 30° to the row line.

The lower tier is laid from two oppositely located branches, between which a height interval of 20-30 cm is acceptable. The remaining branches are placed sparsely along the trunk. The third branch is laid at intervals of at least 60 cm, subsequent ones - after 40-50 cm. As a result, the semi-flat crown forms fruit walls 3.0-3.5 m wide and 2.5-3.5 m high.

Rounded spindle-shaped crown

The crown is formed from lateral branches evenly spaced around the central conductor. The lower tier consists of 5-7 branches, which, in order to weaken growth, are given a slope of 25-35° to the horizons. With a smaller number of branches in the first tier they become excessively strong, with a larger number they do not reach required sizes and sag greatly under the weight of the fruit.

The number of branches in subsequent tiers may be greater than in the lower tier, or less. To reduce growth, strengthening reproductive functions they are given a horizontal or slightly elevated position. Crown parameters depending on growth vigor, rootstocks and varieties: height 2.5-3.5 m, width up to 3.5-4 m.

The fully formed crown in the lower part has small openings on the row-spacing side, which make it more convenient for trimming and cleaning blankets. Making openings in the crown is carried out by spreading the branches growing between the rows to the sides, fixing them in this position with a garter and using pruning for transfer.

Flat spindle-shaped crown

Recommended for extensive production testing. It consists of a well-developed central conductor and two strong, oppositely located skeletal branches, forming a palmettic layer, and semi-skeletal branches. Skeletal branches and the bulk of semi-skeletal branches are formed in the plane of the row.

For some weakening of growth, increased branching and stimulating fruiting the skeletal branches are given an inclination of 55-60° from the vertical, and the semi-skeletal branches located higher along the conductor are given a horizontal or slightly elevated position. Between the main branches in height, an interval of 20-30 cm is acceptable.

Semi-skeletal branches, depending on the shoot-forming ability of the varieties and their divergence in space, are placed on the sides of the central conductor every 20-40 cm. In varieties with pronounced tiered growth, these branches are placed in tiers of 4-6 in each. In this case, an interval of 40-45 cm is required between tiers.

Length of skeletal branches growing along the row line, depending on the growth strength of the rootstocks and the density of trees in the row, can reach 1-1.8 m in the lower part of the crown, 0.7-1.5 m in the upper part. The length of semi-skeletal branches growing to the side row spacing is limited by the accepted thickness of the fruit wall. As the crowns grow, branches of this orientation are gradually removed into a ring or transferred to branches growing along the line of the row.

The order and technique of pruning

Tree pruning during the period of crown formation should be minimal and intensify as harvests increase and growth processes weaken.

Correct cuts of branches

This means that with the minimum necessary alienation of wood, completed and well-made crowns are obtained in the shortest possible time, with maximum growth rates of leaf surface and fruit wood. This is achieved through extensive use of inclination of skeletal and semi-skeletal branches and limitation of cutting.

At the same time, trimming the central conductor in order to obtain branches on required height, shortening the main branches (at an optimal angle of inclination) to enhance branching or subordination, cutting out competitors that cannot be tilted, vertical shoots and branches with sharp branching ears must be performed very carefully.

A faster growth of leaf surface and fruit wood in many formations is facilitated by leaving temporary branches on the central conductor. But this is permissible only in varieties whose branches sharply blunt their growth when they are transferred to a horizontal or slightly drooping position and do not form a significant number of tops. In varieties such as Pepin Saffron, Autumn Striped and others that weakly or do not respond at all to tilt, it is not advisable to leave temporary branches.

Anti-aging pruning of trees begins when the length of the terminal growths of skeletal and semi-skeletal branches becomes less than 25-30 cm. The first anti-aging Pruning is carried out on two to three year old wood. In terms of its strength, such pruning in the first years of fruiting is quite sufficient to maintain active growth and obtain high-quality fruits. As harvests increase and trees age, it intensifies and is carried out on “older” wood with an annual growth length of at least 40 cm.

In full-aged plantings, as the crowns thicken, rejuvenating pruning is combined with cutting out the least valuable branches to improve the radiation regime of the crowns. When carrying out anti-aging pruning, the principle of subordination of branches in the crown must be strictly observed in order to preserve, and in some cases improve its shape and design.

The main feature that determines the timing of the beginning of limiting the height of trees in plantations with round and semi-flat formations is natural opening crowns, usually occurring after two or three bountiful harvests, when the tops of the branches deviate quite far from the central conductor.

In plantations with round and semi-flat formations, the method of limiting or reducing the height of trees should be preceded by opening the center of the crowns.

The central conductor is cut out at the accepted height with a “protective link”; strong vertical branches and branches in the center of the crown are also cut out. Conducting this appointment improves radiation regime in the central part of the crowns, reduces the number of strong vertical restoration growths in the area of ​​cutting branches.

In order to reduce the activity of restoration processes in the upper part of the crowns, pruning to limit the height of trees is best done in late spring or early summer.

Formation of the crown of a young apple tree

Fruit nurseries and gardening partnerships sell planting material pome-bearing species (apple, pear), usually in two year old age.

The two-year-old is planted on permanent place into the garden in such a way that the main (skeletal) branches of the first tier of the future tree (no more than three) are located at an angle of 30-45° to the row line. In the spring of the first year, carefully monitor the angles of separation of the branches from the central conductor (50-55°) and the angles of their divergence (90-120°). To do this, use spacers and twine. Briefly, the competitor, if any, is shortened by 4-5 buds; later (after 1-2 years) it is removed.

The first minimal pruning of planted trees is carried out in early spring, in the second year of planting, in order to coordinate the branches.

Pruning begins with least developed branch chosen as the main one in the lower tier. They are cut to 1/4-1/3 of its length, so that it is at least 40 cm. The remaining branches of the first tier are cut at the same level. Particular attention is paid to the choice of the bud along which the cut is made. Pruning technique is equally important. Varieties with a pyramidal crown are pruned to a bud located with outside, and with a spreading one - on a bud located inside.

The cut is made above the selected bud, leaving a spine 1.5-2 cm long, which will dry out and fall off within 1-2 growing seasons. This is how we guarantee kidney safety, from which a continuation shoot grows during the growing season, which is not always achieved when cutting directly above the bud. This rule only applies when pruning annual shoots.

They often resort to another technique. Varieties with a pyramidal crown (Northern Sinap, Anise etc.) in spite of everything, they are pruned to a bud located inside the crown, and the next year they are pruned to a shoot that has grown from a bud located outside, thereby achieving the greatest effect in opening the crown.

In varieties with a wide crown ( Pepin Shafranny, Berkutovskoe, Zhigulevskoe etc.) on the contrary: first, the cut is made on the outer bud, and then on the shoot that has grown inward, achieving a more compact structure of the tree crown. The central conductor is cut 15-25 cm above the level of the branches in the tier. The predominance of the conductor is less in varieties with a spreading crown, and greater in those with a pyramidal crown.

Center conductor cut carried out over a well-developed bud, located in such a way that the continuation shoot that grows from it further ensures its straightness, preventing or correcting its curvature.

All other branches not selected as the main ones are under no circumstances removed and, as a rule, are not cut short, but are left in the tree, but are not given the opportunity to compete in the vigor of the main branches. For this purpose, various techniques for reducing branch growth: increasing the angle of deviation from the central conductor by tying it with twine to a horizontal position, weaving them together, placing them under a stronger branch, deformation (careful repeated bending of the branch until the wood crunches and the bark slightly ruptures).

These temporary branches are needed to quickly increase the area of ​​leaves on the tree, which will contribute to the better development of the young tree and its rapid entry into fruiting. The first fruits will be obtained precisely on weakly growing branches, which are covered with short branches turning into fruit formations (rings, spears, fruit twigs).

The twine used for shaping is tied on the branches and trunk of the tree in a figure eight to prevent them from becoming overtightened, and after 1.5-2 months or even next year, it is removed. Over the next 5-6 years, and sometimes more, the crown of the tree continues to be formed annually, maintaining the subordination of the branches among themselves and with the central conductor, trying, if possible, to withstand the requirements sparsely-tiered crown.

Angles of departure of the main skeletal branches: 1 - unacceptable: too sharp an angle (less than 45°);
2 - permissible angle (45°); 3 - good angle (60°); 4 - permissible, right angle; 5 - unacceptable obtuse angle

Depending on the chosen planting scheme (nutrition area), the crown of an adult tree can have from 4 to 6 main branches.

It is advisable to place rows of trees on seed (vigorous) rootstocks at a distance of 6 m, and between trees in a row - 3.5 m. Deviations of 1 m in the distance between rows and 0.5 m between trees are possible, of course, in the direction of decreasing or increase. At small power area form 4 main branches, with a large one - 5-6 branches, which have a strong but uniform development in length (3-3.5 m) and thickness equal to 0.5 of the thickness of the Central conductor.

On the main branches they form a large number of semi-skeletal branches, placing them 30-40 cm apart from each other, in pairs or singly, in a position close to horizontal, 1-1.5 m long. The same branches are formed on the central conductor. They quickly become covered with small overgrowing branches, lay fruit buds and promote increased fruiting.

In the future, when the crown thickens (after 10 years), they can be gradually thin out. The lower tier is laid from 2 branches, the subsequent main branches are placed as follows: the third branch, or the second tier of 2 branches, can be laid at a distance of 60 cm from the lower tier, and the subsequent ones with an interval of 30-40 cm - sparsely. The upper branches are placed above the lower ones, maintaining sufficient divergence angles.

In order to subordinate the branches, all main branches are shortened annually at the same level (by 1/3 of the length of the weakest of them), and the central conductor is given an advantage of 20-25 cm, in order to avoid its extinction.

On the main branches and directly on the central conductor, semi-skeletal branches are formed by bringing them into a horizontal position, and only in exceptional cases by pruning.

Crown formation The trees are continued until the upper 5th or 6th branch deviates from the central conductor by 1-1.5 m. This can happen in 6-8 years, depending on the growing conditions. After this, the central conductor is cut out above the last branch (at a height of 1.6-1.8 m) in order to open and lighten the crown. The cut is made with a “protective link”, i.e. leave part of the removed branch (equal to approximately 10 times its thickness) with a small twig.

1-2 years after the thickening of the main branch above which the conductor is removed, the “protective link” is cut into a ring. At the “protective link” during the growing season, shoots emerging from dormant buds in a green (non-lignified) form are removed in order to prevent their increased growth, and therefore even greater thickening and shading of the crown in subsequent years.

During the fruiting period, annual growth is monitored and if it decreases to 25-30 cm, rejuvenating pruning for 2-3 year old wood, i.e. on wood of the year when the annual growth was at least 40 cm. The cut is made in the lower part of the strong growth on the branch. This is done to ensure that there is always sufficiently good vegetative growth on the tree crown, which guarantees the establishment of new fruit formations and further harvests of high-quality fruits.

Thus, pruning of a young tree before it begins to bear fruit is carried out systematically, annually, but minimally, only for the purpose of subordinating the branches. Other methods of crown formation without the use of cutting tool(garter, weaving, bending branches, pinching and removing green shoots). This allows you to avoid excessive height of the tree during the period of full fruiting.

Formative pruning of young apple trees is carried out in early spring (March). It is harmful to carry it out in late spring (April, May), since the budding upper buds are removed, which weakens the tree and retards its growth and development. The cuts are cleaned with a garden knife and covered with garden varnish.

Sparsely tiered crown- the most common round shape in our country. It is used for all tree fruit species of the temperate zone, with the exception of peach. Combines tiered and single arrangement of skeletal branches on the central conductor. Developed by the famous Soviet fruit grower P. S. Gelfandbein.

The number of skeletal branches depends on planting density, tree growth strength, and branching. When plants are placed relatively densely in rows (less than 4 m), four to five main branches are formed, in more sparse gardens - five to seven. Vigorous trees are grown with a large number of skeletal branches. Their number also increases in weakly branching varieties and breeds with spreading crowns.

Skeletal branches can be placed on the trunk in different ways (Fig. 35). The first two or three are always arranged in a tier. For sweet cherries (weakly branching varieties) and wide-crowned varieties of other species, lower tiers of four branches are allowed as an exception. Above the first tier, a tier of two branches and one or two single branches are laid. The crown can also consist of only one tier and three or four single skeletal branches.

The distance between tiers in vigorous trees is from 60-80 (varieties and species with wide crowns) to 80-100 cm (pyramidal crowns), in dwarf trees after 40-50 cm. Single branches are placed in the first after 50-80 cm, in the second - 30-40 cm. If in the horizontal projection the skeletal branch is located in the middle of a very wide angle of divergence, it can be placed much closer to the one below - 20-40 cm. When mechanized harvesting of fruits with vibration machines, the interval between the lower tier and the skeletal branch growing above should be in all in cases, be at least 50-60 cm. This makes it easier to install the vibrator grip on the barrel.

With a relatively sparse arrangement of trees in rows (more than 4 i), two (less often three) skeletal branches of the second order are formed on the branches of the lower tier. In the southern regions of the country, with strong growth of trees and weakly branching varieties of cherries, apricots, apples and pears, third-order skeletal branches are sometimes produced. With a denser planting on the main branches, a group of two or three semi-skeletal branches no more than 1-1.5 m long is left at a distance of 40-80 cm from one another. Second-order skeletal branches are not formed in such plantings.

The sparsely layered crown is limited at a height of 3.5-4 m from the ground. The upper part of the central conductor is removed above the last skeletal branch, which should have an inclination of at least 45-60°.

Improved-tiered crown, like the previous one, it combines tiered and single placement of skeletal branches, but has a larger number of main branches - 8-10. The following options are possible: 1) lower tier of three to four skeletal branches + tier of two to three branches + two single skeletal branches; 2) a tier of three or four skeletal branches + a tier of two or three branches -\- a tier of two skeletal branches + one or two single branches.

The distance between tiers in vigorous trees is 80-100 cm, between single skeletal branches 40-60 cm. On the branches of the first (less often the second) tier, second-order branches are usually left every 40-50 cm. This crown form is used mainly for species with a pyramidal habit - pears and cherries.

Rice. 36. Vase-shaped crown

Vase-shaped crown(cauldron-shaped, vase, bowl) - leaderless formation, used in peach orchards (Fig. 36). The skeletal branches (three, rarely four) are arranged close together, in a tier, on a short trunk (40-50 cm). The central conductor is cut out immediately, at the beginning of the formation of the tree. The main branches have two second-order branches and four third-order branches. The ends of the latter are located approximately at the same horizontal level. The distance from the base of the uterine branch to the second-order branching is 40-50 cm. Approximately the same interval from the first to the second branching of the main branch.

Modification of a vase-shaped crown - improved vase-shaped. It usually consists of four skeletal branches of the first order, which are arranged in a sparse layer - 15-20 cm from one another. On the sides of the main branches, at intervals of 40-50 cm, several subordinate skeletal branches of the second order are produced.

In Southern Europe and Australia, this system is used to sometimes form not only peach trees, but also apple, plum, and apricot trees. In such breeds, the central conductor is cut out no earlier than the 3-4th year of the growing season. Otherwise, the upper skeletal branch takes a vertical position, acting as a leader.

Russian spindle crown Suitable for growing early-fruiting, low-growing apple tree varieties on seed rootstocks in the middle zone. Like the previous formation, it consists of frequently located semi-skeletal branches, but their length is limited to 1.5 m. The lower branches are placed elevated (inclination angle 55-60°), the upper ones are horizontal. Two shallow vertical openings are made in the crown on the row-spacing side, which make caring for the tree easier.

Bushy crown proposed by Professor V.I. Budagovsky for the formation dwarf trees apple trees It consists of six to eight main branches with fairly wide angles of departure, of which the lower three or four are arranged in a tier, the upper ones - singly. Skeletal branches of the second order are not displayed. Growth is shortened only in the first 2-3 years after planting. In the future, until the construction of the skeleton is completed, the crown is only thinned out, removing competitors, fattening shoots, rubbing and intertwining branches.

Low-standard bush-like crown used in regions of Siberia for frost-resistant local varieties, less often - semi-cultivars. Characterized by a very low trunk (20-30 cm). In some. cases it is not laid down. Five or six or three to five (low-trunked version) skeletal branches of the first order are formed on the trees. The lower branches (2-3) can be placed in a layer, the rest - sparsely. In areas with stable snow cover, the absence of a trunk and the short length of the trunk guarantee rapid recovery of plants after harsh winters.

Stlantsevo - bush-like crowns used in the same place as the previous system. They make it possible to obtain very low-growing, squat trees. The Krasnoyarsk stylized-bush crown (author Z. S. Vorobey), very characteristic of this group of formations, does not have a trunk. At the very surface of the soil, it branches into three or four short horizontal arms (up to 30 cm), each with one vertical branch.

Semi-flat crowns. In horizontal projection, these formations form a geometric figure close to a wide ellipse. The fruit walls that form the rows of such trees are 3-3.5 m thick. In terms of the ease of formation of semi-crowns, the crowns are close to round. At the same time, they are more convenient for maintenance, including for mechanized pruning and harvesting.

Semi-flat shaping V. G. Kuzhelenko developed for plum and apricot. The crown has three tiers and ends with a single branch. The tiers consist of two branches. The distance between them is 50-60 cm. In the interval between the first and second tier, all branches are removed to facilitate the grip of the trunk by the vibrator boom during mechanized harvesting. The lower skeletal branches are directed into the row spacing at an angle of 15-20° (to the row line) in opposite directions. The second tier is formed similarly, but the branches are oriented in a different direction, so in horizontal plane the first four branches form a figure resembling the letter X. The branches of the third tier are placed above the row.

To make it easier for fruit harvesting machines to maneuver, the plants in the gardens will be arranged in a system similar to a checkerboard pattern. In addition, in the same row, the branches of the first tier of all trees should be parallel, and in neighboring ones they should have the opposite orientation.

The Ukrainian Research Institute of Irrigated Horticulture has developed a semi-flat crown recommended for apple and pear trees grafted onto seed and medium-sized clonal rootstocks. Consists of 5-6 skeletal branches with angles of inclination of at least 45-50°. They are placed in the plane of the row or at an angle of no more than 10-15° to the line of the fruit wall. The main branches are usually placed in tiers, two in each. The intervals between tiers for vigorous trees are 90-100 cm, for medium-sized trees - 70-90 cm. In the upper tiers they can be placed sparsely, the distance between the bases of branches is 15-25 cm. It is also permissible to remove single skeletal branches. On the main branches, semi-skeletal branches are formed every 20-30 cm. The width of the fruit wall at the base of the crown is from 2.5 (for medium-sized trees) to 3.5 m (for vigorous-growing trees).

The crown is formed by annual shortening of the central conductor. Shoots of continuation of the main branches are pruned only in weakly branching varieties. The angle of inclination of the main branches is increased by spacers and cutting for translation. Semi-skeletal branches are formed by thinning out the lateral branches on the main branches: vertical and bottom-growing growths are removed, and the lateral ones are thinned out by 20-30 cm on each side of the branch.

These rounded shapes various modifications are still most widely represented in the fruit plantings of our country. However, some of the properties of such crowns do not fully meet the requirements of an intensive garden. Spherical large volumetric shapes prevent compaction of plantings. Trees are slower to develop the food area allotted to them, and later they enter the time of commercial fruiting. In a rounded crown, the outer and inner zones are unequal in the penetration and distribution of light, the intensity of photosynthesis, the placement of leaves and generative organs, and, consequently, in the level of productivity.

The use of periodic anti-aging pruning, lowering the height, limiting the volume of trees, brightening the outer zone and installing vertical openings make it possible to sharply increase the productive part of the crown volume.

The whorled-tiered formation system that developed in the 19th century served as the initial type for the development of more advanced tiered crowns. Its construction is based on two biologically natural phenomena: layering and cyclical leaf arrangement. The main branches in the crown are placed whorled, usually in two or three tiers. The lower tier, which is laid in the nursery, includes five branches grown from adjacent buds (whorl) or (with very short internodes) from buds located one after another. Above it, another, or less often two, groups of 3...4 branches are formed with intervals between them of 1.0...1.5 m. The leader, preserved during pruning, usually naturally deviates by the period of full fruiting.

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​Next, individual branches within each tier are shortened and thinned out. Preference is given to branches extending from the skeletal ones at an angle of at least 45°. In the first tier they choose 4-5, in the second 3-4, in the third 2-3 branches. The rest are removed “on the ring.” If you need to remove a strong branch that has grown on a conductor or skeletal branch, it is removed not “on the ring,” but above the horizontal growth closest to the base of the branch being removed. If there are no lateral growths on it, it is cut off at a distance of 25 - 30 cm from the base. After pruning, several shoots appear on the branch. One of them, directed towards the outer part of the crown, is moved to a horizontal position, and the rest above it are removed in the spring of next year. Beginners are able to perform the necessary pruning on their own. To do this, you need to choose the appropriate method and study the main principles of operation.​

​The main task of pruning in this case will be to maximize the opening of the center and thin out the branches:​​The main thing is that the basic shoots have time to appear. Typically, trees with this shape are planted at a distance of two meters.​ ​Type of grafting.​

​Initially, the upper branches of the plant crown are cut out, which will facilitate the penetration of sunlight onto the lower branches and increase their productivity.​

  1. ​The formation of a reliable structure is also important so that the plant can withstand the noticeable weight of a significant number of fruits. The apple tree branch is quite fragile and can break off at any moment under the weight of the filling fruit.​
  2. ​, but it depends on the number of tiers, which is important to remember when forming.​
  3. ​A year later, on the trunk that had already appeared,​

Every gardener knows how important it is to shape the crown of a growing apple tree. This procedure ensures that each leaf will be exposed to the sun for at least three hours every day. Sufficient exposure of the apple tree to sunlight allows each leaf to receive energy (nutrition). Otherwise, the energy will not be enough and the fruit will taste sour. In addition, the lack of pruning will lead to the fact that the tree will be very tall and harvesting will be difficult. When pruning large branches, breaks and tears are possible, leading to wounds that do not heal for a long time. Therefore, when pruning large branches, you should either support such a branch, or make a cut from below, and then cut it off completely. To prevent infection from getting into the wound, it is necessary to cover it with garden varnish. During the period of full fruiting, the amount of growth noticeably decreases, and with it the leaf surface. The tree produces less carbohydrates, which are used in large quantities to form the crop. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in the winter hardiness of fruit trees.

Apple tree crown shapes

​More information can be found in the video.​

  • ​Pruning for the purpose of rejuvenation also restores yield, increases fruiting time, maintaining the size and taste of apples.​
  • ​A tree with a spindle-like structure has a base stem with central shoots that radiate in different directions.​
  • ​There are several goals for giving a certain shape to young fruit trees.​
  • ​Proper anti-aging pruning increases the number of emerging shoots with flower buds.​

The result of breaking branches on fruit trees is the occurrence of wounds

Sparsely tiered crown

​After watching the video, you will definitely be convinced that it will be convenient to grow an apple tree in a limited area.​ ​need to delete all branches​​When should one of the most important procedures apple tree care? From the very beginning

The formed crown should consist of one conductor and branches in tiers subordinate to each other, i.e. the branches of the first tier should be thicker and longer than the branches of the second, and, accordingly, the branches of the second should be thicker and longer than the branches of the third tier. Then shoots that compete with skeletal branches and branches are removed, as well as all strong branches growing inside the crown, intertwining or thickening it. Unwanted skeletal branches and shoots are cut to a developed side branch, and annual ones are cut to the outer bud (located on the outside of the shoot). This is necessary for horizontal growth of the next annual growths, stimulates the formation of flower buds and increases the yield of the branch.​

​More details...​​In our country this fruit crop occupies over seventy percent of the area occupied by gardens and is distributed everywhere. There are early and late ripening apple varieties. Early (summer) ripen in August. From this time, the consumption of fresh fruits continues until April - May at the expense of autumn varieties (consumer ripeness - September - November) and winter varieties suitable for long-term storage. Some varieties are stored until the next harvest. The fruits harmoniously combine sugars and acids, contain vitamins, mineral salts and other biologically active substances. Experts advise first of all to shorten the trunk by a third, and then thin out particularly dense areas.

​It is better to start the process from the first year of the tree’s life. A plant that does not yet have branches. ​The main ones:​

​, which can rot and often cause disease or death of the plant.​

​This method of formation​

Cupped crown

​. In the first tier you can leave a branch at a height of 50 centimeters and two others (located above), but the distance between them should be 15 centimeters. One branch should go in one direction, and the other two should go in the opposite direction. Trim the ends of the branches at the same level. Take care to cut off the shoots that appear at the site where the central trunk was cut. You can leave the branches if their length is less than 30 centimeters, as they will definitely delight you with fruits.​ ​Pruning must be done correctly​After the tree has been formed, we continue to ensure that the subordination of the branches is maintained. To do this, shorten the increments. Increments of the continuation of skeletal branches are shortened by 1/4-1/5 of their length, and the leader should be 1/3 longer than other branches. Skeletal branches are trimmed so that their length is 1/2-2/3 of the length of the branch carrying them from the top to the place where the skeletal branch grows. Please note that you cannot cut annual growths short, as short pruning leads to strong branching of the branch and thickening of the crown, which delays the time the tree begins to bear fruit.​

​To the beginning​

Apple tree blossoms usually begin on May 15 - 20. In warm weather it lasts about a week, in hot, dry weather - less, and in cool or damp weather, it lasts up to two weeks. All varieties of this crop require cross pollination, so several varieties are planted in the garden.​​The pruning angle should be 45 degrees. For mandatory removal, it is recommended to remove shoots located at an acute angle to the trunk, since they most often break under the weight of apples.​ ​Prune the apple tree, leaving most of the skeleton.​

​The density of the apple tree causes the appearance of some diseases. One of them is scab. For this reason, the fruits lose their taste and their appearance deteriorates.

​It is very difficult and sometimes impossible to correct mistakes made during the process of pruning fruit trees. The most common violations are: ​There are several options and schemes for forming the crown of an apple tree.​​is one of the simplest​

​In the third year, 50 centimeters from the first tier, you can leave two skeletal branches at a distance of 15 cm from each other. New skeletal branches will be required

​and regularly, because subsequently significant difficulties may arise. Crown formation guarantees growth required quantity skeletal branches and their correct placement. In the future, new branches with leaves and fruits will appear at each branch, guaranteeing good development of the tree and a chance to enjoy amazing delicious fruits.​

​To do this, you need to promptly remove young top shoots, which inevitably grow near the places where large branches are removed and annual growths are bent. All tops that arise after formation are cut out. At the end, a final check of the subordination of all continuation shoots is carried out and the formed crown of the fruit-bearing tree is assessed. By pruning you need to lay down the crown and ensure the subordination of the branches. However, the formation of the crown takes several years until a natural slowdown in growth occurs due to the transfer of vegetative branches to fruiting ones. In the current season, it will be necessary to: promptly remove young fatty (top) shoots, which inevitably grow near the places where large branches are removed, and bend back annual growths to transfer them to fruiting.​

​Back​​Growth buds formed on the shoot in natural conditions behave differently: in the upper part they give strong growths, a little lower - weaker ones, even lower - short ringlets and leaves, and at the base of the shoot they generally remain dormant. But after pruning or bending the branches, strong shoots can grow from weaker and even dormant buds that find themselves in the upper position.​ ​Rejuvenating procedures for an apple tree are carried out closer to spring, but until the tree has no leaves and is at rest .​

When the first branches sprout on the main shoot, the first row is created in the middle of the trunk, deviating the central parts.

Spindle-shaped crown

​Weakened branches lose strength and break from strong gusts of wind. Freezing of apple trees with a large number of branches weakens the wood. This is typical for a variety like Borovinka. For the same reason, the emergence of main branches at an acute angle is observed. This problem occurs in apple trees of the Terentyevka variety.​ ​Crown diameter decreases​​The most popular way.​

​. Pruning of apple tree branches will be minimal. Take into account that the central conductor must be cut correctly, and semi-skeletal branches can be trimmed with pruning shears. It will take about three years to create a crown. The first fruits can be obtained in the second year. Apple trees should be located at a distance of two meters from each other.​

​equalize with each other​​You should start pruning a year after you planted the apple tree in the spring. Be prepared for the fact that young seedlings have a weak root system, due to which the crown can be shortened only by a third when the seedling is about 60 centimeters high, and by half when the height is 60 centimeters or more. If the height of the seedling is less than 60 centimeters, only the lower branches can be trimmed. Remember that the main conductor should be 40 - 50 cm higher than the skeletal branches of the apple tree. Prepare for the fact that the formation will need to be carried out annually. You can guarantee good growth side branches if you trim the crown branches​ ​Fig. 7. Cut to the kidney (a - cut; b - result):​


The main methods of forming the crown of an apple tree

​First of all, get rid of the upper branches.​

It is important to know

​The next season the frame is cut off again.​

​Special techniques and types of pruning allow for maximum penetration natural light into the thickness of the leaves. Since the apple tree needs intense sunlight for rapid growth and proper development, allowing it to bear fruit as early as possible. Typically, fruiting occurs a year or two earlier by removing not the competing shoot, but the leading shoot, which is the main shoot in terms of growth power. It is very important to pinch out developing shoots that compete in growth strength with the leaders. Subsequently, such shoots are completely removed in the spring.

The demand for this method is due to the maximum naturalness of the tree’s silhouette. The branches are cut in tiers. A feature of the method is to increase the productivity of the apple tree and prolong the fruiting period. To use this method, the location of plants in garden plantings must be at a distance of at least three meters.​

Why is it necessary to form a crown?

A prerequisite is the presence of a central conductor with semi-skeletal branches extending in different directions. One-year-old seedlings can be processed. Competitors must be eliminated. The growth of the central conductor, which exceeds the end of the main branches, must be shortened.​

​approximately a quarter of the growth length​

  • ​1 - the cut is made correctly;​​2​
  • Apple trees are planted in spring (late April - mid-May) and autumn (September - first ten days of October). At autumn planting Leaves are carefully removed from apple tree seedlings. With a well-developed fibrous root system, seedlings quickly take root. When transporting them to the planting site, the roots are dipped in a creamy clay mash and wrapped in film or burlap. Before planting an apple tree, dried seedlings are immersed in water for one to two days. In the spring, when the weather is dry and windy, after planting, the stems are wrapped in a damp cloth or moss. This reduces the desiccation of the tissues of the seedling.​ ​This is done for better conductivity of sunlight to the lower parts, and, therefore, their productivity increases.​

​At the end of the third season, the creation of the “spindle” is completed.​

The quality of apples also depends on the shape of the apple tree. Instead of wasting nutrients on branches and leaves, some of the necessary elements go to the development of fruits. Thus, sugar produced during photosynthesis accumulates directly in apples.​ ​Crown diameter increases,​​This method is characterized by speed and ease of implementation.​

Formation of the crown of an apple tree (video)

Schemes and terms of formation

​In the middle part you will need​

Tiered sparse formation

​Next spring you can plant another branch.​​.​

Spindle formation

​2 - incorrect, the base of the bud is cut;​​3​

​In an area with a groundwater depth of no closer than 1.5 m, the apple tree is planted in planting holes 100 cm wide and 60 cm deep. For an apple tree on a dwarf rootstock, a hole or trench is dug smaller - 40 - 50 cm. On sandy or uncultivated poor soils, their size more. This is done in order to bring in more good fertile soil. And on heavy ones clay soils The holes are made wider, but somewhat shallower, since water can stagnate at the bottom of deep holes with heavy soil and cause rotting of the roots. WITH top layer Fertilizers are mixed with soil taken out of the hole. Fresh, unrotted manure cannot be used for filling pits.​


​The appearance of shoots will also increase, on which flower buds will be able to form in the future.​ ​The plant stretches up to three hundred centimeters during this time.​

Formation of a vertical palmette

​Form reliable design necessary so that the fragile tree can withstand the significant weight of a large number of apples. This point is especially important for apple orchards in open, unprotected areas, which is associated with insufficient removal and thinning. By the autumn period of the first year, seedlings should have four main skeletal shoots, the length of which is about fifty centimeters. A small amount of shoots is subject to processing or pruning. The most important thing is to properly trim the frame of the conducting branch. The main shoots are removed using pruning shears.​

Rejuvenating formation

​make the first tier​​Now you can consider that the formation of a sparsely-tiered type of apple tree has been successfully completed. After two years, it is necessary to cut off the central conductor above the upper branch, which will be single. Remember that the crown height should not exceed 2.5 meters. What goals can be achieved by forming the crown of an apple tree?

​3 - incorrect, stump left

  • ​On sandy soils A layer of peat (10 - 15 cm) is poured onto the bottom of the pit to preserve nutrients from being washed out into the deeper horizons.​
  • ​You can carry out rejuvenation in the summer. In the first half of summer, during the resting season of the fruit tree, major pruning is carried out. So, the main branches are shortened by three quarters and the areas of greatest condensation are thinned out.
  • As a result, the stem is shortened above any shoot that is not vertical.
  • ​As a result of branches breaking off, wounds appear on the tree, which begin to rot, heal poorly and are more susceptible to frost. This leads to diseases and even death of apple trees.​

​. Semi-skeletal branches should be distinguished by an inclined position.​

This crown is perfect

Common Mistakes

​No risk of crown thickening.​

​Fig. 8. Cut leaving a thorn:​​5​

​More...​​After the operation, it is necessary to water the apple tree abundantly. IN autumn period The tree trunk is whitened, protecting part of the bark of the standard zone.​

​Removing the stem is not so important for certain types of apple trees, since the formation of their lateral shoots occurs faster. In this case, if the trunk grows by 50 cm over the season, it is shortened to symmetrically grow new branches.​

​Dense foliage makes it easier for pests to settle in and can damage the tree bark.​

​Complete non-interference in the development of a fruit tree is also unacceptable. This leads to the crown of the apple tree becoming too voluminous and dense.​

​This pruning technique is most often used to form the crown of fruit plants, which are characterized by weak growth and short life expectancy.​​After three years, the crown height will reach 2 - 2.5 meters. Now the formation can be completed. Above one horizontal branch, remove the center conductor by adjusting the height of the apple tree.​

How to properly prune an apple tree (video)

​suitable for low-growing apple trees​

Formation of the crown of an apple tree: methods and seasonal features

​You can give the crown a certain form. As a result, upward or sideways growth can be prevented.​

​1 - slice; 2 - escape garter;​

Good illumination of all parts of the crown plays a significant role in increasing the productivity of a fruit tree. To do this, it is formed and thinned out during the fruiting period. This work is usually done by trimming. But pruning associated with the formation of the crown deprives the trees of early fruiting. The desire to obtain an early commercial harvest leads to the need to reduce the degree and duration of the pruning period. At the same time, the burden of young trees with harvest leads to premature aging and a shortening of the life span of fruit trees. Accelerating the fruiting of young trees is facilitated not only by reducing the amount of pruning during the period of crown formation, but also by using techniques such as pinching, breaking, twisting, bending and intertwining branches. With the onset of sustainable fruiting, pruning is intensified in order to maintain the active growth of the tree, and therefore increase its productive period.​

​Crown formation is most often carried out in the spring.​

​This pruning technique is used for plants that grow poorly and do not last long.​

​The convenient shape of the plant allows for high quality and without unnecessary hassle harvest the future harvest. This is much more difficult to do with a tall and overgrown apple tree.​

​You may also be interested in the article in which we talk about diseases and pests of apple trees.​

  • ​The technique is a little similar to the tiered sparse method.​
  • ​Watch the video to successfully care for your apple tree and guarantee its productivity and tasty fruits.​
  • ​. The formation principle resembles a sparse-tiered one, but differences still exist.

​Risk of reduction in fruit size and deterioration in their taste.​

​3 - result of trimming​

  • There are two ways to prune an apple tree -
  • ​This is done before the buds open, usually in March and April.​
  • ​The method of creating the structure resembles a tiered-discharged form, but has its own characteristics.​
  • ​So, to obtain stable and good yields, one should not neglect this important element care like the formation of apple tree branches.​
  • ​It is possible to form a high-quality crown of a fruit plant in a few years. A very important condition is to obtain strong annual growth in the first years of apple tree cultivation. The process and method of crown formation depend on their quality and size. It is for this reason that you need to pay attention to creating optimal conditions for apple tree growth.​
  • ​As a rule​
  • ​Formation of the crown is an important measure for caring for apple trees. One of the most important measures for caring for fruit trees, including apple trees, is the formation of the crown. It is very important to carry out the procedure in accordance with a certain algorithm, which allows you to form a structure, create the correct shape and the required volume of foliage of the fruit tree.​

​Three branches of the first tier should be directed towards different sides. The divergence angle between them should be approximately 120 degrees. Each of them should be cut 40 centimeters from the central conductor, due to which paired branches will be obtained. The center conductor should be shortened above the top branch. If desired, it can be shortened after 1 - 2 years in order to give optimal strength to the frame.​

​If you are interested in how to carry out the upcoming procedure, it is very important to watch an informative video containing answers to all your questions. The correctness of the planned procedure will depend the following aspects: yield, ripening period, beautiful appearance and pleasant taste of fruits, risk of tree disease. Too thick a crown increases the risk of developing fungal diseases due to high humidity levels. In addition, a large number of branches and ovaries

  • ​The sparsely tiered crown of a tree is the look closest to the natural one. On the trunk of a tree, the branches are arranged in groups, that is, in tiers along
  • ​Forward​
  • ​shortening​
  • ​At this moment, the tree will not lose much sap, since its intensive secretion has not yet begun, which means that the wounds on the apple tree will dry out and heal faster.​

In the first row, three branches are spread in different directions, making sure that the angle of spread is approximately 130 degrees. The branch is shortened, leaving 45 cm from the trunk.

​This method is considered the most popular and the reason is the ease of the formation technique:​

​It is very important to apply fertilizers, water and remove weeds in a timely manner.​

​formation is carried out on fruit trees located around the perimeter garden plot or along the front of the building.​

​Formation of the crown of an apple tree in the form of pruning is required for fruit plantings almost throughout the entire life of the plant. This provides the tree with a neat appearance; in addition, this procedure helps to rejuvenate the plant and extend the period of fruiting.​

​Be sure to avoid​

​will lead to a decrease in fruit size​

​two or three pieces, and singly. Start forming with annual plant. True, only the part that grew from a grafted bud is annual. And the rootstock is already three whole years old. In the first year it grew from a seed (or from a cutting), in the second year it took a graft, and in the third year a yearling grew on it. In early spring, measure 50 cm from the soil level on the tree. This will be the trunk zone. It is undesirable to have a trunk less than 50 cm, since subsequently the lower branches will interfere with caring for the garden: digging or loosening the soil, mowing the grass in gardens with turf, applying fertilizers, collecting wood fallen, trimming branches. It is dangerous to leave a very high trunk in the middle zone. He will suffer greatly from sunburn and frost damage. So 50 cm, as practice has shown, is the best option.​

  • ​To the end​
  • ​Pruning is also carried out in summer.​
  • ​The task of this stage is to get two shoots.​
  • ​The silhouette of the apple tree remains as natural as possible.​
  • ​When annual growth is formed at the level of forty centimeters, high-quality crown formation can take at least five years. The result will be healthy and beautiful garden plantings.​
  • ​The complete formation of a crown of this type takes about four years. As a result, the crown diameter is leveled out, which gives the tree a neat and attractive appearance.​
  • ​It's important to remember​
  • ​overgrowth of the central part of the crown

​. In some areas, the procedure can protect the tree from low temperatures.​

​Measure another 30 cm above the trunk area. This will be the area where the main branches of the first tier of the crown are located. Everything that


The reason for this is the appearance of many new shoots that need to be thinned out, and the remaining ones need to be spread in the required directions.

The main stem itself is shortened above the central branch located on top. This procedure is recommended to be carried out next year. The skeleton of the tree will become stronger and more resilient.

​The branches on the tree take the form of tiers.​

​You've probably noticed the difference between apple trees in an old private garden and farm fruit tree plantations. Most often, one or two mighty trees grow on the site. While on commercial sites the plants are not tall and they are all the same shape, as if they were a carbon copy.​

  • ​This event is held for long-lived apple trees, which must be preserved in fruit-bearing condition for as long as possible. As a rule,
  • ​that illiterate pruning can cause more damage to the plantings than the complete lack of formation of the crown of the apple tree.​
  • ​. To do this, cut off the branches of the main branches.​
  • ​In our time, formation can be carried out according to the following principles:​

​located above, cut above a well-developed bud, which, when viewed vertically, is located exactly above the place where the thorn is cut. This is done so that the trunk does not deviate from the vertical position. If you make the cut with a garden knife, then place it on the back side of the bud at an angle of 30 degrees to the horizontal and cut the branch with a sharp movement towards you. You cannot leave a stump above the bud, otherwise the shoot may deviate greatly to the side. But you can’t cut its base either: it will dry out, and the shoot will grow from another bud and go completely in the wrong direction in which the central conductor should grow (Fig. 7). If you are not sure that you will get a good cut above the bud, leave another 10 cm over the measured ones. This will be the thorn to which you will tie the shoot when it reaches a length of 10-12 cm (Fig. 8). In the summer, take a closer look: have the shoots on the thorn from the dormant buds begun to grow? If you find them, break them out; the tree does not need them. By the way, look to see if there are any shoots in the trunk area. If there are any, pinch them above the 3-4th leaf. After pinching, they will not grow much, and their leaves will contribute to the thickening of the trunk and better growth of shoots in the branching zone. In the spring of next year, remove all the branches on the trunk, if they suddenly appear again. In the main branch placement area, select three. The lowest one should be at the height of the trunk (50 cm), and the other two are higher along the trunk at intervals of 15 cm. A little more, a little less - it doesn’t matter. It is important that the main branches are not crowded. One of them should be directed in one direction, and the other two should be directed in the opposite direction. The optimal divergence angle between the main branches is 120 degrees. Cut out one or two branches closest to the place where the stem was cut last year. These are competitors. They extend from the central conductor at an acute (less than 40 degrees) angle and grow as strongly as the branch with which the crown grows in height. They are not suitable as main branches, since they constantly threaten to break. Also cut out other strong branches that are not part of the skeleton. Make the cut at their very base, where there is usually an annular influx. Hence the term among gardeners - cut into a ring. By the way, in the annular influx there are a lot of cells capable of active division, which contributes to better and faster healing of wounds. However, if you prefer, you can bend them to a horizontal or drooping position. Let them work on the plant temporarily. You look, and the beginning of fruiting will accelerate. And you will always have time to cut them out. In addition, horizontally located branches will not grow much (Fig. 9.2-3).

​June 27, 2015​

​. When shortening, part of the annual growth or perennial branch is removed. This pruning method has different effects on trees depending on their age. In young trees, when annual growths are repeatedly shortened, the growth of the cut branch in length is weakened, but its branching increases, which is used in the formation of the crown. Shortening the branches of aging trees increases the number of annual growths, their length, and, consequently, the number of large, healthy leaves. By shortening, you can also change the direction of branch growth. When thinning, part or all of the branch is removed at the base.

However, there are also opponents of summer pruning.

​Usually this appearance is given to fruit trees growing along the perimeter of the site, in border zones as a screen or along artificial objects. The algorithm for creating a structure for a tree border requires four years. Then the cultivated plantings begin to bear fruit.​

  • A feature of this type can be called increased tree productivity and longevity.
  • Of course, their height depends on the age of the apple trees, but professional gardeners definitely worked on the silhouette. Is the appearance of trees so important, what does it influence and, most importantly, how to form the crown correctly?​
  • ​The technique is used when it is impossible to replace an old plant with a young seedling.​
  • There are several methods for forming the crown of apple trees and other young fruit plants. To choose the most suitable pruning method, it is important to consider not only the age and variety of the plant, but also the type of grafting.​
  • ​Do you want to increase the productivity of your apple tree? Take care to preserve short branches, which are sure to delight you with delicious fruits.​
  • ​sparsely-tiered
  • ​Fig. 9. Formation of a sparse-tiered crown:​

​Formation of the crown of pome crops in a sparsely layered system has its own characteristics.​


​Main argument experienced gardeners– in summer, the leaves of apple trees accumulate the greatest amount of useful elements.​

  • ​When creating a palmette:​
  • ​On the site, apple trees are placed in such a way that there is plenty of space for them, leaving an interval of three meters between adjacent plantings.​

​A garden with young apple trees requires constant care and monitoring of its life cycle.​

  • As a result of pruning, the apple tree changes beyond recognition.
  • ​Every gardener knows that proper pruning can improve not only the appearance of a tree, but also its health.​
  • ​This type of apple tree crown is ideal for trees that are grown along the fence or walls of houses,​
  • ​cupped​
  • ​1-2 - biennial tree and its pruning;​
  • ​With the help of crown pruning, you can regulate the growth and development of the tree, the timing of its entry into fruiting. Formation ensures an abundant and high-quality harvest, and also protects against diseases and pests.​

​The selection and creation of crown forms should be linked to the density of trees on the site. Fruit trees need good lighting, on which the quantity and quality of the harvest depends. Therefore, the shape of the crown affects the yield and longevity of trees.​

  • By removing young shoots, valuable substances are lost.
  • ​The branches of the skeleton turn into a surface lying in the same plane, and they are located on the same line.​

​You need to start constructing using this method after winter, measuring out an area on the seedling at a distance of half a meter from the soil. Let us remind you that an annual plant is a plant that has a graft, while the rootstock can be up to two years old.​

​One of the main elements of caring for fruit plantings is the formation of the crown. Using a certain algorithm, the structure of the structure, shape and volume of foliage are created.​

​Often the plants themselves give signals that they need this procedure.​

​along the boundaries of the land plot​
​vertical palmette​
​3 - pruning a three-year-old tree;​

​Pruning of pome crops begins in late February - early March, when the danger has passed severe frosts and the temperature will not drop below -2-4 °C. At lower temperatures, the wood of fruit trees becomes brittle, the cuts are uneven and traumatic, the bark breaks off, leaving defenseless bare trunks open to sunburn and pests. Therefore, even in the beginning - mid-February, while walking around the garden, it is worth determining what kind of pruning each tree needs.​

​Depending on the varieties and growing conditions, each gardening zone has its own crown shapes.​
​Therefore, experts recommend removing only branches that compete with the conductor.​
​To achieve this effect, all shoots on the trunk in each row are removed, leaving a pair, moreover, having an unequal direction of growth.​

​Another 30 cm is marked above the place of the trunk. In this place the first order will be located, consisting of three basic shoots.​

Apple trees experience the need to prune branches throughout their entire life. So, for middle-aged and old trees, it is important to trim the crown in order to rejuvenate the crop.​
​Features of anti-aging pruning:​​. It will take about four years to form. After this period, the tree will delight you with tasty fruits and productivity. ​spindle-shaped.​​4 - fully formed crown

​A large number of competitors for nutrients and the sun of the branches must be limited so that the subordination of the branches of the first and subsequent orders is not violated. If this is not done, excessive vegetative mass is formed to the detriment of the formation of flower buds and the yield is reduced. Due to the lack of light in the inner zone of such a crown, the fruiting branches die off early, and few flower buds are formed on the remaining ones. Almost no ovaries are formed. Inside the thickened crown, conditions are created for the development of pests and diseases, since the penetration of sunlight into it is difficult, ventilation is limited, and treatment with supporting, nutritional and protective preparations does not have an effect.

​The following crowns can be used for standard trees: sparsely-tiered, vertical palmette, spindle-shaped. Many gardeners allow a free-growing crown, that is, they leave it without formation.
During this period, you can get rid of the shoots growing along the frame.
​The levels are formed symmetrically vertically and have a distance of 85 cm.​
​After 10 months, the shoots formed in the trunk are cut off. In a row, a shoot is kept at a distance of 30 cm, and then - two, with a distance of 20. The principle of the method is the mirror arrangement of branches. Often the condensation of a tree is due to the fact that in frosts the base trunk dies and intensive development of lateral shoots begins, with over time turning into the main conductors.​
​Helps restore productivity and allows you to increase fruiting time while maintaining the size and taste of the fruit.​

​Dense garden plantings can cause diseases​

Skeletal branches should be placed in the same plane. As a result, the crown will be flat. In each tier that is part of the central conductor, you will need to leave two branches, but they should grow in opposite directions from each other. The distance between tiers should be 80 centimeters.​
​What features should be taken into account?​
​Do not cut, bend or shorten branches shorter than 30 cm. Leave them alone. And in the future, for any

The development of the crown of such a tree goes up due to the mass of shoots, the vertical direction of which stimulates the formation of new vegetative shoots devoid of flower buds. In such a crown there are no conditions for the growth of horizontal shoots on which flower buds are laid that ensure the harvest. In addition, the rapid upward growth of a tree leads to the formation of sharp angles between the branches, which carries the risk of branches breaking and breaking off from the trunk under increased loads. The greater the angle of departure of the branch, the better its fusion with the trunk or branch of the previous order.

  • ​Sparsely-tiered crown
  • ​Prune the branches in the autumn season.​
  • The shoots that appear on the main shoots and the frame are bent. It is on them that apples will ripen in the future.​
  • ​It is better to leave the branches to a size of 35 cm, as small shoots produce better quality apples.​
  • ​Unfortunately, an illiterate procedure causes more damage to the plant than helps it develop properly.​
  • At the first stage, the stem part of the plant is shortened by a third, and then especially dense areas of the plant crown are subject to thinning.
  • ​, including scab. The dense foliage of the crown is very attractive to various pathogenic microorganisms and pests. The trees lose their visual attractiveness, in addition, the yield decreases and the taste of the fruit suffers significantly.​
  • ​Attention should be paid to escapes. They will need to be moved to an inclined position. Later they will bear fruit.​
  • ​This forming option is​
  • Never touch such branches when pruning, except in special cases. The fact is that most short branches are more prone to fruiting than to growth. Unfortunately, many gardeners do not know this and cut out such branches with the firm confidence that they are doing a good and very necessary thing for the trees. But in fact it is difficult to imagine anything more ridiculous. It's painful to look at trees trimmed into half-boxes. The three main branches that were left will require a little more work. So that none of them overtakes the others in growth, they must be placed in an equal position. Trim their ends at approximately the same level. Or, instead of pruning, you can slightly bend the longer branch downwards and pull the shorter one up. If after this the ends of the branches are not at the same level, you will have to shorten the strongest one slightly. By the way, the central conductor throughout the entire period of crown formation should be higher than the ends of the main branches in plants with pyramidal growth by 15-20, with spreading ones - by 10-15 see B next year 50-60 cm above the branches of the first tier, lay two more main branches. The interval between them is 10-15 cm. As last year, equalize them with each other. Be sure to cut out competitors and shorten the conductor's last year's growth if it ends up much higher than the ends of the newly abandoned main branches. Those of them that last year were bent to a horizontal or drooping position, if they do not interfere, leave them alone, and if they thicken the crown, shorten them further or cut them into a ring. A year later, lay another one 40 cm above the two branches of the second tier main branch (Fig. 9.4). You can assume that the skeleton of the crown is formed. After a year or two, when the upper single branch takes a stable position, cut off the central conductor above it. A further increase in crown height is undesirable; the optimal is 2.5-3 m. It should be kept at this level.​
  • There are many ways to prune fruit trees, depending on the rootstock (vigorous, medium-growing, dwarf), growing area and corresponding technologies. The most common method is to prune fruit trees using a sparsely tiered system, when the skeletal branches are arranged in tiers on top of each other. Priority crops that lend themselves well to pruning using this system are apple and pear.​
​. The skeleton (skeleton) of a tree is formed from a conductor and three to four skeletal branches of the first order. They are placed on the conductor in tiers or individually. There can be no more than two branches in the lower tier. The distance between tiers and single skeletal branches on the conductor is 40 - 60 cm.​

Pruning apple and pear trees « Garden tricks

​This does not in any way affect the amount of the future harvest.​

​Basic branches should be tightened if they have noticeably moved away from the head part. If the processes have not deviated enough, then, on the contrary, they are pulled back.

​For the next season, another row is laid at a distance of 45 cm from the previous level. Now the creation of the tiered-discharged form of the apple tree is completed. Then you just have to remove the base conducting process above the single branch from above. The growth of the crop should not exceed 2 meters.​

​Young apple trees and those that have already begun to bear fruit are shaped in different ways, the choice of which takes into account:​

Crown thickening

​The cutting angle should be about forty-five degrees.​

The branches of the apple tree weaken and lose strength,

​The main branches need to be pulled up, but only if they are deviated from the central conductor.​

Pruning a non-bearing tree

​one of the most popular​

If you purchased a two-year-old seedling that has several strong branches, then start forming a crown with three

Crown lightening

​The formation of the crown is carried out in the initial 5-7 years of the life of the fruit plant. Such a tree must have one conductor. Therefore, the most powerful, developed shoot of the continuation of the conductor is selected and left, the rest are removed.

The crown skeleton will be strong if the branches are strong and subordinate to the conductor (that is, the ends of all branches are 20 - 25 cm below the conductor); the diameter of the skeletal branches at their base will not exceed half the diameter of the conductor at the point of their connection; the angle between these branches and the conductor (divergence angle) will be 45 - 60°; all skeletal branches are evenly located in space, that is, the angle of “divergence” between two adjacent branches can be within limits. 90 - 150°.​

Moreover, the autumn method perfectly prepares the apple tree for wintering, freeing the tree from dried, large or non-fruit-bearing branches.

What should the crown be like?

With this form, the tree grows in length according to the number of rows. It is possible to adjust the value when pruning the base shoots and trunk annually. Growth over 12 months is shortened by a small distance. Horizontally the tree grows by about two hundred centimeters.​

Shortening increments

​This method is fast because a small number of shoots are processed. With this method, it is important to correctly trim the frame of the conducting branch.

Transferring branches to fruiting

​Age of the tree.​

How to prune and form a sparsely tiered tree crown

​It is imperative to remove shoots that are located at an acute angle to the stem part and are at risk of breaking off during a heavy harvest.​
​which contributes to the breaking off of shoots under the influence of gusts of wind. As a rule, the reason for this is low temperatures: the branches freeze slightly and can become brittle.​
The crown width can be two meters.
​. Crohn's reminiscent appearance natural shape. The branches on the trunk should be arranged in tiers. Apple trees can delight you with their durability and productivity, but the trees must be placed at a distance of four meters.​

​branches. The lowest one should be at a height of 40-50 cm from the soil level. The interval between the branches is desirable 10-15 cm, and the divergence angle between the two upper ones is approximately 60-70 degrees.​
​The picture shows a young apple tree, the crown of which is formed according to a sparsely layered system, before formative spring pruning. Before the trees enter the fruiting season, formative pruning is carried out. Remove competitors on the central conductor, vertical branches near the skeletal branches. Sharp forks are transferred to the lateral branch. Vertically growing branches on the periphery of the crown are cut to a side branch, horizontal if possible. They form tiers in which the skeletal branches are subordinate. The upper tier of branches is subordinated to the lower one, approximately 30-50 cm shorter. The central conductor should be 25-30 cm above the upper tier of the side branches.​

​Thus, all options for crown formation come down to ensuring the correct balance of the growth force of the base conductor and the main branches growing from it.​

​An amazing feature of the apple tree is its almost eternal ability to produce a harvest. Although, the intensity of fruiting decreases noticeably over the years.

​The main shoots can be removed with improvised tools, using, for example, pruning shears, since the precision of the cut is not fundamentally important in this case.​


​Rejuvenation by pruning is carried out in the spring, but when the fruit plant is dormant.​
​Usage special equipment and different pruning methods allows you to thin out the foliage of the crown as much as possible and ensure high-quality penetration of sunlight to all parts of the tree. An apple growing on a sparse branch ripens much faster and has best performance quality.​
​Height can be adjusted​
​Formation should begin by measuring the area of ​​the trunk on annual seedling. Keep in mind that the rootstock can be three years old, but the grafted shoot must be one year old. The distance from the ground should be approximately 50 centimeters. Above the measured area of ​​the trunk, you should mark an additional 30 centimeters, where the three main branches belonging to the first tier will be located. Branches growing higher should be cut off.​

​Kudryavets R.P.​

From the age of 5-6 years, most varieties begin to bear fruit. The crown thickens and fruiting shifts to the periphery. To prevent this, you need to start lightening the crown. We leave the central conductor, and cut out the competitors “into a ring,” that is, at the base of the branch growth. On the left conductor, developed skeletal branches are selected and combined into groups by height, which will form the first, second, and, if necessary, the third tier. The distance between the first and second tier is maintained at about 60-80 cm, between the second and third - 30-40 cm. The branches forming the second tier are spread along the diameter of the trunk relative to the first, the branches forming the third tier - relative to the second. I cut out branches that are not included in the tiers “into a ring.” The tree trunk is left 80 cm high.

To ensure that all parts of the apple tree crown are well illuminated, it is systematically thinned out, maintaining the subordination of the skeletal branches to the conductor. Narrow, pyramidal crowns are expanded by pruning skeletal branches into external growths. In spreading (wide) crowns, the growth of skeletal branches is directed upward, cutting them into branches with a more vertical position in the crown. At the ends of the branches, the forks formed from two equally developed growths are eliminated. To prevent them from breaking in the future, one of them is removed.​

​It is obvious that the central conductor should be higher, stronger and more powerful than the processes. When the branches grow to the same level as the conductors, shortening is carried out. The long-lived apple tree is preserved by all owners possible ways, one of which is pruning. There is an opinion that it is more advisable to remove the old tree, replacing it with young seedlings of new varieties. If there is a desire to leave an old apple tree, then this is done by forming the main structure of the branches. Formation of the crown of an apple tree

A sparsely tiered crown is formed from 5-6 branches instead of the previous 5-8. The branches are placed in tiers and sparsely, and the tier is limited to two or three adjacent or close branches.

With the previous eight branches, in most varieties it was allowed to leave three adjacent branches in the lower tier. The presence of 4-5 branches above this tier ensures that sufficient conductor power is maintained and inhibits excessive reinforcement of the lower branches. Only in varieties with weak mechanical connections and eight branches was the tier limited to two branches. When forming a crown of 5-6 branches, the tier should be limited to two branches and in all varieties with a pyramidal crown. The small deviation of the branches characteristic of these varieties enhances their growth and under these conditions three branches above the three-legged tier will not provide the necessary predominance of the conductor.

In a crown of eight branches in the lower tier, four branches were also allowed through the bud. With 5-6 branches, such a layer is completely excluded: laying 1-2 branches above a four-branch group is not sufficient for the development of a strong leader.

In varieties with a wide crown, when planting six branches, up to three adjacent branches can be left in the lower tier. If the crown is formed of only five branches, then in these varieties the lower tier should be limited to two branches.

For trees with two branches in the lower tier, another pair of adjacent branches can be placed in the middle part of the crown. But in an open crown above the middle tier, at least two single branches must be laid in two adjacent branches: after cutting out the continuation of the conductor, one final branch above the two-branch tier does not provide sufficient dominance of the conductor in the upper part of the crown. In cases where the continuation of the conductor is preserved, one final branch is sufficient above the two-knot tier. This provision defines the following possible options branch placement:
a) in an open crown of six branches, the lower tier is of three branches, and the next three are sparse; the lower and second tiers of two branches; the top two are single;
b) in a crown of five branches - the lower tier consists of two branches, and the rest are sparse.

When laying two branches in the lower tier, the third on the opposite side of the trunk can be selected at a short distance - within 15-30 cm. In the middle zone and in the south, the following branches are laid at intervals of 60-100 cm, and in varieties with a wide crown they can be left intervals of 60-80 cm, while others require an interval of 80-100 cm. In more severe areas, the interval can be reduced to 50-60 cm.

The spacing between single branches in the middle and upper parts of the crown depends on the position of the upper branch in relation to the underlying ones. If it is directed in the opposite direction from the angle of divergence of the two lower branches, the interval can be small, within 20-40 cm. Otherwise, the interval is increased to 60-80 cm.

The general rule for placing branches is as follows. Each branch located above the angle of divergence of the underlying two must be separated from them by a large distance (the distance is calculated from the base of the upper one). No more time is spent on laying five to six branches with increased intervals between groups and individual branches than on laying eight branches.

In gardens with sparse trees (more than 4 m in a row), the crown can be formed from skeletal branches of the first and second orders, although it is better to limit it to one branching order. Branches of the second order are formed only on the three lower branches, no more than two on each. The third one can be selected as a backup.

The study showed that in a low canopy, growing second-order branches on the upper branches leads to thickening of the top. On the skeletal branches of the first and second orders, semi-skeletal branches of limited length are formed: within 1-1.5 m on the lower part of the branches and shorter at the top. Skeletal branches of the second order are placed sparsely on both sides of the main one, and semi-skeletal ones can be selected in groups of two or three on the lateral and outer sides of the skeletal branch.

Only the formation of semi-skeletal branches on the inside of the branch is not allowed. Between groups of semi-skeletal branches, an interval of 40-60 cm is maintained. In the south, in highly branched varieties, it can be increased to 80 cm. After the main branches are laid, the continuation of the conductor is removed, opening the crown.

With such formation sparsely tiered crown must have no more than 12 skeletal branches of both orders. The height of the crown is limited to 3.5-4 m. In gardens with a dense stand of trees (4 m in a row), the skeleton of the crown is built from branches of the same order. Semi-skeletal branches are formed on these branches.

In gardens with a higher planting density (less than 4 m in a row), the number of branches is reduced to 4-5 and 3-4, depending on the accepted density. When laying four branches, their approach is allowed only for the two lower ones, or all branches are placed sparsely. Forming a crown of three branches, they are placed only sparsely. In the latter case, the sparse-tier placement is replaced by a tiered one.

The basics for the formation of a sparsely-tiered crown are: inadmissibility of more than three branches in a tier and removal of the conductor above a close group of branches;
determination of the necessary intervals and order of placement of branches depending on the divergence angles, the total number of branches and varietal characteristics;
limitation of skeletal orders.