Schedule of lessons at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Moving the Lyceum from Tsarskoye Selo. How did lyceum students feel about lyceum anniversaries?

|Dmitry Nikolaev | 4592

The first thing that surprised me was that at the National Lyceum-Boarding School. G.S. Lebedev has very strict rules of behavior, with getting up and down, and everything is spelled out literally to the minute. I wonder if current graduates need such strict control?

Date, place of birth: October 22, 1954, p. Yanishevo, Vurnarsky district, Chuvash Republic.

University: In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.

Hobbies: As a student he was interested in theater, dancing, playing folk music. musical instruments- that’s how it remains to this day.

Movie:"Gentlemen of Fortune".

Book: Favorite writer Jack London. I have read almost all of his works. This is a great writer, one can educate a personality on his books.

Music: Classic, it calms.

Motto:“Always look forward with optimism.”

The director of the lyceum, Yuri Petrovich Ivanov, tells more about the life and study of lyceum students. It turns out that such strict rules lead to achieving very great results.

- Tell us how your teaching career developed?

My mother, Anna Aleksandrovna Ivanova, worked for 45 years as a primary school teacher at the Yanishevskaya school in the Vurnarsky district, so this is to some extent hereditary. In high school, I was very interested in physics and mathematics, so even my teachers advised me to enter a pedagogical institute, and my parents supported me. After graduating from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, I worked for two years as a mathematics teacher in the village of Koltsovka, Vurnary district, then as an inspector of the public education department in Vurnary. After serving in the army, he worked for 25 years in Cheboksary PU-4 as a mathematics teacher, deputy director, and since 2004 - in Cheboksary.

- What distinguishes your lyceum from other educational institutions?

It differs a lot. Firstly, the lyceum is a municipal educational institution for gifted children of the republic who show an aptitude for music, the humanities and physical and mathematical sciences with round-the-clock boarding in a boarding school. We conduct competitive selection for grades 5 and 8, and despite the fact that parental fees are charged for keeping children in the boarding lyceum, there are a lot of people who want to study.

Lyceum students are provided with four meals a day, tenth and eleventh graders live in 2-3-bed rooms, those who are younger live in general wards. Establishment closed type, lyceum students are under strict control: during the day it is class teachers, after school teachers who hand over their shift to night teachers before lights out.

- What daily routine do lyceum students follow?

Lessons at the Lyceum from 8:10 to 14:45, then free time until 16:00.

From 16:00 to 19:00 - time for self-study, doing homework, preparing for the Unified State Exam and Unified Examination.
Then there is free time - some watch TV, others go to the gym or to various clubs, for example, dancing or a folk ensemble, those who are passionate about theater - to the theater studio.

At 20:00 - evening lineup with checking against the list.

Lights out at 22:00, and rise at 6.45 in the morning.

- What are the advantages of such strict control?

I would put it differently - this is just the daily routine of a lyceum student. Studying at our lyceum is not easy, but very interesting. The multidisciplinary direction combines a serious interest in national culture, language, and folklore.

Here is an eighth grader who came from rural areas, he is 14 years old, he is not very familiar with city life - but at this age the desire for independence is very characteristic (and not everyone, and not always, uses it correctly). And the education of morality in our lyceum takes place on the customs and traditions of the Chuvash people in relation to universal human values. The linguistic communication environment, round-the-clock stay in the boarding school, teaching staff who speak their native language, all this contributes to the development of talented children in the boarding system.

Separately, we need to dwell on the educational program - we have very high requirements, and it often happens that excellent students who come to us begin to study with C grades. So it happens that someone can’t stand it and goes back home. Only those who are focused on studying, the strongest, remain, and by the end of the year, many of them again begin to receive “B’s” and “A’s.” This indicates that the time of adaptation of students to our educational institution has passed successfully.

- How do they pass the Unified State Exam at your lyceum?

We provide specialized training in four areas:
1. Physics and mathematics,
2. Chemical-biological,
3. Socio-economic,
4. Chuvash philology and creativity.

Accordingly, lyceum students choose Unified State Exam subjects in these areas.

As for the results of state exams, it is very well characterized by admission data - last year, out of 98 graduates, 75 entered the most prestigious universities in Moscow, Kazan, N-Novgorod, St. Petersburg . If we talk about the Olympiads, this year our lyceum students have 16 victories and prizes, and in chemistry, astronomy and physical education our guys represented the republic at the Russian level.

In the Unified State Exam, we have never had a question about overcoming the minimum threshold for the number of points; for example, in mathematics, with a threshold of 30-33 points, our graduates do not score below 60.

Where is our rose?
My friends?
The rose has withered
Child of the dawn.
Do not say:
This is how youth fades!
Do not say:
This is the joy of life!
Tell the flower:
Sorry, I'm sorry!
And on the lily
Show us.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote these lines during his years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, when students were asked to write a poem about a rose as an exam. The task was quite complex and caused difficulty. But the future poet coped with it brilliantly, instantly composing and voicing it in front of the class.

The guide led us through the corridors and classrooms of the lyceum, telling us how the young Sasha - the Frenchman, as his friends called him - surprised everyone with his talent. And I wanted to understand what was special about it educational institution that so many famous, truly talented people who were patriots of their Fatherland came out of its walls. What kind of atmosphere reigned in the classes, what was the “lyceum spirit” that its graduates later remembered so much about? More than once I visited the museum of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and enjoyed its views, which were restored and preserved for us, our descendants. I admired the views of the park, which is located in close proximity to the lyceum. And every time I discovered something new.

A little history

The Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum is located in a wing of the Catherine Palace in Pushkin. Consists of four floors:

  • On the ground floor there were rooms for lyceum employees, as well as a utility block.
  • On the second floor there was a dining room, a pharmacy, a hospital, a conference room, and an office.
  • On the third floor there are halls for physical exercises, a recreational hall, classrooms, a reading room with periodicals, and a library. It was located in the arch connecting the lyceum and the palace.
  • The fourth floor was reserved for student rooms.

The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was founded on October 19, 1811. Its grand opening took place in the same year. The Lyceum was founded by Emperor Alexander I. The idea was brought to life by the famous statesman XIX century M. M. Speransky. The children of the upper noble class, close to the emperor, were supposed to study here. They are future diplomats and senior government officials. It was planned that the lyceum would also teach younger brothers Emperor Alexander I. Students were selected by competition, and one of the influential people had to vouch for them.


The grand opening of the lyceum took place in the assembly hall on the third floor. The opening was attended by Emperor Alexander I and his family, famous political and cultural figures of that time. Just imagine how many people have been in this building famous people! 30 boys were enrolled in the first year. Six years of study at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum were equivalent to studying at the university. The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum is a place where future writers, poets and composers received knowledge and revealed their sparkling talents. While still very young, under the guidance of experienced teachers, they took courses in science, learned languages, studied Russian and foreign literature, history.

Study and life

Studying at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was fundamentally different from the teaching methods in schools of that time. Here young boys were treated with respect and communicated with them as equals. Teachers addressed their students as adults—exclusively using “you.” Even some students addressed each other as “you.”

Physical punishment was prohibited at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. The poet in his memoirs often describes the famous “lyceum spirit” that reigned at that time. There were no topics prohibited for discussion here. The teachers tried to discern and develop the talent of each student, carefully nurture and develop it.

The lyceum was intended not only for education, but also for year-round living. Students of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum were forbidden to leave its boundaries throughout their studies. The family could visit the student at strictly designated times. The educational process was strictly regulated. Each day of study for a lyceum student was subject to a clear schedule:

  • 6:00 – rise and morning prayer;
  • 7:00 – 9:00 – classes;
  • 9:00 – 10:00 – tea and walk;
  • 10:00 –12:00 – classes;
  • 12:00 – 13:00 – walk
  • 13:00 – lunch;
  • 14:00 – 15:00 – penmanship, drawing;
  • 15:00 – 17:00 – classes;
  • 17:00 – tea, review of lessons, walk;
  • 20:30 – dinner, reading, games;
  • 22:00 – prayer and going to bed.

Boys were also taught horse riding, dancing, fencing, and swimming. Each lyceum student had his own room, which had everything necessary for living: a bed, a washstand, a chest of drawers, a desk, a mirror, a candle and tongs for removing carbon deposits. There was a sign with a number on the door of each room.

For example, the room of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was number 14. And the room of his neighbor and closest friend Ivan Ivanovich Pushchin was number 13. The two rooms were separated from each other by a partition that did not reach the ceiling, so the boys could communicate with each other through the wall.


It's no secret that the most brilliant was the first graduation from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, which took place in 1817. Its famous graduates emerged from the gates of the lyceum:

  1. A. P. Bakunin,
  2. S. F. Broglio,
  3. V.D. Volkhovsky,
  4. A. M. Gorchakov,
  5. P. F. Grevenitz,
  6. K. K. Danzas,
  7. A. A. Delvig,
  8. S. S. Esakov,
  9. A. D. Illichevsky,
  10. S. D. Komovsky,
  11. A. A. Kornilov,
  12. N. A. Korsakov,
  13. M. A. Korf,
  14. K. D. Kostensky,
  15. V. K. Kuchelbecker,
  16. S.G.,
  17. I. V. Malinovsky,
  18. A. I. Martynov,
  19. D. N. Maslov,
  20. F. F. Matyushkin,
  21. P. N. Myasoedov,
  22. I. I. Pushchin,
  23. N. G. Rzhevsky,
  24. P. F. Savrasov,
  25. F.H. Steven,
  26. A. D. Tyrkov,
  27. P. M. Yudin,
  28. M. L. Yakovlev,
  29. A.S.

He graduated from the Lyceum with the rank of collegiate secretary and was supposed to go to serve in the College of Foreign Affairs, but instead the poet devoted himself entirely to creativity.

The fate of the lyceum

The further fate of the lyceum has undergone changes. The charter was revised to tighten discipline. The reason for this was the events of December 1825 (Decembrist Revolt).

In 1843, by order of Emperor Nicholas I, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum moved to the address Kamennoostrovsky 21. The Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was renamed Alexandrovsky Lyceum. It continued to remain a closed educational institution. They received their legal education here. The last graduation took place in 1917, and then the educational institution was closed.

In 1974, the Memorial Lyceum Museum was opened in the building of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum in Pushkin. Its grand opening was timed to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. Using manuscripts and archival documents, museum staff tried to restore to the smallest detail the environment in which the first graduating class of the lyceum lived. The museum's library contains books preserved from that time.

Address and opening hours of the museum

You can visit the museum at the address: Pushkin, st. Sadovaya, 2 from 10.30 to 18.00.

Closed day at the museum: Tuesday.

Sanitary day: last Friday of the month.

Ticket price

  • for adult visitors: 200 rubles;
  • for pensioners: 100 rubles;
  • for persons under 16 years of age - free;
  • for students and pupils over 16 years old: 100 rubles.

You can visit the museum for free on the following days:

  • International Museum Day - May 18;
  • Pushkin Day in Russia - June 6;
  • Lyceum Anniversary Day - October 19.

How to get there

  • Pushkin is served by electric trains departing from the Vitebsky station (located at the Pushkinskaya metro station) and from the station. m. Kupchino. You need to get to the Detskoye Selo station. The fare will be about 30 rubles one way. Travel time is about 30 minutes. The interval between trains is 15-20 minutes. From the station in Pushkin to the Catherine Palace there are route taxis and bus No. 382. You can walk to the museum. It won't take long, about 30 minutes.
  • You can get there by minibus from the station. metro station Moskovskaya (No. 342, 347, 299, 287, 545 or by bus No. 187,155). Transport departs from the House of Soviets. Travel time will not take more than an hour. In my opinion, this is the most convenient and comfortable way to get to the museum. You will be able to admire the city and avenues while you are being driven.
  • From Art. m. Kupchino, in addition to electric trains, there are minibuses that wait for you at the metro exit towards Vitebsky Prospekt (No. 342, 347, 286, 287, 545). The cost of travel by minibus or bus will be just over 30 rubles.

I hope my review was helpful to you!

I wish you the most pleasant emotions from visiting the museum.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8", operating full-time, implements general education programs (including programs for in-depth study of mathematics, extended study of physics, chemistry, Russian language and other subjects of students' choice) and programs additional education, ensuring their integration.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8", operating as a full-day school, is guided in its work by the federal law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and laws of the Moscow region, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation , Governor of the Moscow Region, decrees and orders of the Governments of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Region, decisions of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, decisions of the Education Department of the Administration of the Elektrostal Urban District, Standard provision about educational institution and the Model Regulations on the educational institution of additional education for children, the Charter of the Lyceum and others local acts Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8".

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" creates additional conditions for personal growth students, the formation of their common culture, the organization of meaningful leisure, the preservation and promotion of health, their adaptation to life in society, the development of individual motivation for knowledge and creativity, self-determination, the desire for lifelong education, and the development of the skill of independently replenishing knowledge. Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8", working full-time, creates educational spaces that combine educational and extracurricular activities children, ensures closer interaction with students’ parents and social partners on issues of education, health care, crime prevention and neglect, social protection children, active involvement of young people in the life of the local community, creating conditions for the socialization of graduates.

Lyceum students have the right to attend cultural, excursion and other events of their choice that are held at the Lyceum and are not provided for in the curriculum. Of all the elective courses conducted at the Lyceum, only elective courses and elective subjects are mandatory for students to attend in accordance with the Regulations on Elective Courses.

Lyceum students have the right to free use of the sports ground and gym, gym, tourist club equipment, theater hall in the prescribed manner depending on the class schedule and workload of the facilities.

The main goals of the Municipal Educational Institution "Lyceum No. 8" as a full-day school are:

the formation of a general personal culture of students based on the mastery of programs for in-depth study of mathematics (as well as extensive study of physics, computer science, Russian and English languages ​​and other subjects of the students’ choice), as well as additional education programs - elective courses, lyceum special courses and electives. adaptation of students to life in society, their active participation in the life of the local community, the formation of an active life position development creativity students on the basis of their individual inclinations and requests for education of citizenship and legal culture of students, creating the basis for an informed choice and subsequent mastery of professional educational programs, developing in students the desire and skills of continuous education and self-education, nurturing hard work, love for nature, the Motherland, family, formation healthy image life.

To implement additional education programs “Full Day School” (hereinafter referred to as FDS), the Lyceum enters into cooperation agreements with other institutions and attracts freelancers from among parents, Lyceum graduates, and specialist employees of third-party organizations to conduct special courses. To organize the work of the additional education system, budgetary funds and funds from the Gifted Children Foundation can be attracted. Lyceum students can use broadband services even if they receive additional education and employment outside the Lyceum.

Full-day school documentation.

order of the Education Administration and the director of the Lyceum on organizing the work of the Lyceum in broadband mode - in accordance with the social order of the population, an application from parents to enroll a child in the Lyceum (for students in grades 7-8), an individual agreement indicating the subjects chosen by the lyceum student for in-depth study and additional education ( for students in grades 9-11) curriculum of the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" Regulations on the "Full-day School" magazines of additional education teachers

The procedure for completing broadband access.

The administration of the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" makes a decision on the operation of individual classes or the entire Lyceum in broadband mode based on the results of studying the social order based on the application of parents or concluding individual contracts in agreement with the Lyceum Governing Council.

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" selects and places teaching staff to operate in broadband mode

Lyceum students have the right to choose special courses from the list announced at the presentation of special courses on the first Saturday of September, operating within the framework of broadband access; for lyceum students in grades 7-8 it is mandatory to attend at least 2 special courses, for grades 9-11 - at least 4 special courses.

IV. Full-day school operating hours.

The operating mode of broadband access is based on the curriculum of the Municipal Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 8” and taking into account the requirements of SanPiN.

“Full-day school” operates from 8:00 to 18:00. For certain events, it is possible to extend the opening hours until 21:00. To streamline the work of broadband access and the possibility of creating a single mode for all parallels, its work is organized according to the pair-lesson principle.

Lesson duration - 45 minutes. The duration of breaks between lessons of one pair is 5 minutes, between pairs - 10 minutes. After the first couple, breakfast is provided, lasting 15 minutes. After the third pair there is a lunch break of 35 minutes.

A mandatory component of the regime is the active-motor and physical culture-health activities of students (visiting the gym and sports ground, walks, games, recreation, “moving breaks”, etc.)

Call schedule:

V. Features of the educational process.

When organizing the educational process, the following factors should be taken into account:

Optimization of the process of real development of children through the integration of general and additional education subjects: in addition to general education subjects, the Municipal Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 8” presents a wide range of additional disciplines and special courses, which allows students to receive a versatile education and successfully adapt to “adult” life

Uniformity of the academic workload of schoolchildren due to a unified schedule for the first and second half of the day; psychological relief lessons are used; the schedule is structured in such a way that students have the opportunity to attend individual consultations with teachers; In addition, the schedule alternates subjects aimed at developing various types activities, which allows students to maintain their performance throughout the day.

Possibility of teaching a lesson by several teachers of both basic and additional education: various seminars, debates, integrated lessons.

The ability to divide the class into mini-groups using both basic hours and additional education hours.

Combining educational, upbringing, and health-improving processes into a single functional complex: during the big break, students have the opportunity for active recreation - playing football, basketball, pioneer ball, table tennis and others.

In the warm season, children have the opportunity to walk in the garden and play outdoor games on the territory of the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8"

Polarization of the educational environment of the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" with the allocation of different accent spaces:

The library has a mini-reading room for 8 people, where students have the opportunity to complete creative tasks and select materials to complete various projects and individual works.

Computer classes, a video laboratory, and a number of classrooms have Internet access, so additional conditions for self-education have been created for students, and there is an opportunity to quickly receive and process information

Basketball and pioneer ball sections practice daily in the gym, and a general physical training section operates.

The municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" has a lecture hall where morning meetings are held; it is also used for holding various joint lectures, seminars and conferences.

The main requirement when drawing up a curriculum is a combination of taking into account the individual needs of students and the absence of “windows” for lyceum students. In order to optimize the schedule, it is possible to overlap the subjects of basic and additional education during the day. It is also possible to add additional subjects to the schedule at the request of parents.

The main form of additional education at the Lyceum is full-time. During classes in a number of disciplines that allow this possibility (special courses in computer science, preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination), it is possible to use distance and network learning methods. To conduct remote lectures and seminars, the Lyceum’s social partners (universities) are involved, and Internet resources are actively used.

Additional education of students is carried out in same-age and multi-age associations (Globus Theatre, sports sections, Dispute Club, special courses of narrow subject and interdisciplinary focus). Classes are conducted according to complex integrated programs aimed at both expanding horizons, subject and non-subject knowledge, and deepening it. Classes in some disciplines are organized as a supplement to basic education (consultations, electives), while in others they are purely applied in nature.

The numerical composition of the association and the duration of classes in it are determined by the Charter of the Municipal Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 8”. Each student can study in several associations.

VI. Managing a Full-Day School.

The Deputy Director of the Lyceum carries out planning, general leadership and control over the functioning of broadband access, draws up a schedule of classes for basic and additional education.

The educator and additional education teachers conduct classes according to the approved schedule, are responsible for organizing the educational space, and for the life and health of students attending additional classes.

For the work of the Broadcasting School, a psychologist, the head of the library, subject teachers and other full-time and part-time employees of the Lyceum are involved.

VII. Medical care of the “Full Day School”.

Medical care for students is provided by medical staff, which is assigned by the health authorities of the Elektrostal urban district to the Lyceum and along with the Administration and teaching staff bears responsibility for carrying out treatment and preventive measures in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, diet and quality of nutrition.

VIII. Organizing health-saving conditions for students to attend full-day school.

Health-saving conditions for a child to stay in a school operating in broadband mode include:

Creating an atmosphere of cooperation, community and co-creation of teachers, students and parents, graduates of the Lyceum;

Availability of psychological, medical and pedagogical services;

Organization of two hot meals a day;

Equipment for recreation and psychological relief;

Equipping places and creating conditions for organizing “moving recess” for physical education and sports.

The Deputy Director for Human Resources Management organizes and monitors compliance with the principles of health protection during the operation of the broadband service.

IX. Catering.

Students of the municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 8" have the opportunity to receive two hot meals a day (breakfast and lunch), as well as use the services of the canteen in accordance with its opening hours during the entire school period.

If there is a corresponding resolution of the Administration of the Elektrostal city district and orders of the Education Department, free (preferential) meals are organized for groups of students studying in the broadband mode using coupons.

Organization of drinking regime - through coolers.

Canteen opening hours:

Monday-Saturday from 9 00-15 00

Sunday - day off

Dmitry Zubov

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum:

When several years ago, previously modest “institutes” began to call themselves “Academies” and “Universities”, and instead of the usual “schools” “gymnasiums” and “lyceums” grew up all around, it seemed that a little more, and Russia would be happy with the appearance of new Pushkin, Delvigs, Lomonosovs... But time is running, but the miracle still doesn’t happen - it seems that the issue is not in the names or the number of zeros in the tuition bills. And what?
Once Russian pedagogy tried to answer this question - and today, 190 years later, this is still the most striking of the answers...


Do you remember: when the lyceum appeared,
How the king opened the Tsaritsyn’s palace for us,
And we came. And Kunitsyn met us
Greetings among the royal guests...

October 19, 1811. Sparkling in the sun White snow, the blue bulk of the Catherine Palace echoes the same blue sky. Uniforms, ribbons, orders... And thirty pairs of excited eyes, greedily absorbing the events of such a long-awaited day. A serene childhood under the parental roof is behind us, now it begins new life. From now on they are “lyceum students”...

given by Alexander I under the Lyceum

The appearance of the Lyceum was expected. From the very beginning of the new century, the entire society did not part with hopes for quick changes. The spirit of freedom, faith in the triumph of justice, hopes for the speedy revival of the fatherland gave birth in the hearts of many people to dreams of that not-so-distant time when the world would see new Russia, free from slavery, ignorance and tyranny. And - lo and behold! - Speransky’s project, having overcome all bureaucratic obstacles in the shortest possible time, presented Russia with an educational institution of a new model. And although, according to Ivan Pushchin, “not everyone then had an idea about the colonnades and rotundas in the Athenian gardens, where Greek philosophers talked scientifically with their students,” the name “Lyceum” quickly caught on and became synonymous with the best Russian education.

Name of the Lyceum

The name of the new educational institution - Lyceum - comes from the word Lykeion. This is the name of one of the parts ancient city Athens, where it was located famous temple Apollo, solar deity, guide to the principles of beauty and harmony, patron of poets and artists. Beautiful garden Athenian philosophers chose to talk near the temple, and Aristotle, under the shade of the Lyceum trees, created his famous “gymnasiums,” where he generously shared his knowledge with his students. And so, many centuries later, in the magnificent park of the Tsarskoye Selo Palace, a new educational institution was born, designed to become a temple of wisdom, adopting the pedagogical traditions of ancient philosophers.
And “Tsarskoye Selo” - in fact Sarskoye - comes from the Finnish name of the village of Saari Mois, “Upper Manor” located on this site.


In those days when in the gardens of the Lyceum
I blossomed serenely
I read Elisha with pleasure,
And he cursed Cicero,
In those days I wrote a rare poem
I wouldn't prefer a ball to a tag,
I considered scholasticism to be nonsense
And jumped into the garden over the fence...

All training for lyceum students was divided into two parts. IN " Beginner course» information was provided on grammar, physics, mathematics, history, Russian literature, German and French. In the “Final Course” more time was devoted to the “moral sciences”: jurisprudence, philosophy, history of religion, political economy, logic. Moreover, by the end of their studies, each lyceum student had to perfectly master the art of writing in French, German, and especially in Russian, which was important for the time of general Gallomania.


The first director of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was born and raised in the family of the famous historian, archivist, and translator Alexei Malinovsky. The spirit of freedom and service to the fatherland that reigned in his father’s house largely determined his fate. Having graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University in 1781, Malinovsky worked for many years in the diplomatic field, while simultaneously being engaged in literary activities. His works “Notes on the Liberation of Peasants” and “Discourses on War and Peace” earned him fame as a man of progressive views. An unusually erudite scientist, a writer who spoke and wrote in many languages, a subtle and insightful teacher, Malinovsky, in a very short period of his directorship, managed to create a unique atmosphere of freedom, creativity, and friendship at the Lyceum, which was later called the “Lyceum spirit.” Among the first students of the Lyceum was his son Ivan. The sudden death of the first director was a tragedy for all lyceum students. Over his grave, Alexander Pushkin and Ivan Malinovsky swore eternal friendship to each other.

Much attention was paid to the physical education of children at the Lyceum. In addition to the required gymnastic exercises, outdoor games, dancing, horse riding, fencing and swimming, the lyceum students walked in the park for several hours every day, and the walks took place in any weather. And it’s not just a matter of hardening. Overcoming the difficulties of such a Spartan education by lyceum students was supposed to serve the purposes of their moral improvement and contribute to the development of an integral independent character. The mentors understood well subtle connection between the success of physical education and the formation of such personality qualities as will, self-control, courage, and dignity. It is no coincidence, perhaps, that the lyceum student Pushkin most succeeded in literature and fencing, because both of these disciplines require one thing from a person: ease, grace and accuracy. And the famous Guard and Eberhardt were invited as dance teachers to the Lyceum, who taught “the old fashioned way”, that is, they kept students for a long time at the minuet - an outwardly inconspicuous dance, but which taught a person grace, nobility and harmony.


Everything gave rise to disputes between us
And it led me to think:
Tribes of past treaties,
The fruits of science, good and evil,
And age-old prejudices,
And the secrets of the coffin are fatal.

A simple but very effective principle of lyceum pedagogy was the rule: “do not darken the minds of children with lengthy explanations, but excite their own action.” Teachers did their best to encourage creative free-thinking and a joint search for truth in disputes and debates. Such concepts as “idea”, “word”, “deed” in lyceum pedagogy were connected by an inextricable thread. The mentors did not allow idle talk among their students, because the “Resolution of the Lyceum” demanded “never tolerate them using words without any ideas.” In the same way, any action should have been preceded by careful consideration of the consequences and understanding of the meaning of the action being performed. And vice versa, any dream, any thought required its specific embodiment. In general, training at the Lyceum was specific and practical. Each teacher’s goal was not just to impart to the student the necessary knowledge on the subject, but to certainly achieve tangible practical results. Teacher " Russian literature“Koshansky not only explained the rules of grammar to the students, but also regularly gave independent creative tasks, for example, writing poetry on a given topic. Such “tests of the pen” were not in vain - an abundance of handwritten literary magazines, published by lyceum students: “Lyceum Sage”, “Inexperienced Pen”, “Herald” - speaks for itself.

Life schedule of lyceum students

6 am - wake up call
From 7 to 9 o'clock - class (training sessions)
At 9 o'clock - tea with white bread (no breakfast!)
From 9 to 10 o’clock - the first walk (it was a good walk in the summer, when Tsarskoe Selo became “Petersburg in miniature”, in the fall “everyone will go to the capital or wherever they want, but how to kill such a boring time? This is where you inevitably call on science ")
From 10 to 12 o'clock - class
From 12 to 1 o'clock - second walk
At 1 o'clock - three-course lunch
From 2 to 3 o'clock - penmanship or drawing
From 3 to 5 - grade
At 5 o'clock - tea
From 5 to 6 o'clock - walk
From 6 to half past 9 - repetition of lessons or additional classes for those lagging behind
At half past 9 - dinner
After dinner until 10 o'clock - rest, entertainment
At 10 o'clock - sleep

Classes at the Lyceum began on August 1 and lasted until July 1, but July, the only month of “vacation” (vacation), the lyceum students had to spend in Tsarskoye Selo. Thus, throughout the entire six years of study (2060 “lyceum days”), the students were separated from their families and home, forming a single lyceum family.

The lyceum authorities spared no expense in purchasing the most modern scientific instruments for the physics classroom. A special machine for demonstrating the laws of magnetism and electricity cost the Lyceum a huge sum of 1,750 rubles at that time.

And art teacher S.G. Chirikov organized literary meetings for his students in his apartment, in every possible way encouraging them to be creative. He taught each of his pets to draw, regardless of ability. Illustrations by Pushkin (by the way, not his most outstanding student) for his own works - the best one example.

“The main rule is that students should never be idle,” says the “Resolution on the Lyceum.” The mentors tried to make every minute of the children’s stay within the walls of the institution interesting and useful. The first director of the Lyceum V.F. Malinovsky personally selected passages from books to exercise lyceum students in reading and translation in such a way as to give a lesson, for example, “towards fearlessness and fortitude.” And walks between classes, in his opinion, should have become an example of “how relaxation after work is pleasant.”

Traditions of the Lyceum

Fate for eternal separation,
Perhaps she made us related.

Many Lyceum traditions appeared thanks to the second director of the Lyceum E.A. Engelhardt.

One of the most famous is to break the Lyceum bell after final exams, the same one that has been gathering students to classes for six years. Each graduate took a fragment as a souvenir in order to preserve for the rest of their lives a piece of love, warmth, care with which they were surrounded within the walls of the Lyceum, which became a second home for many.

For the very first release, Engelhardt ordered the production of commemorative rings with an inscription from the bell fragments. The cast iron ring in the form of hands intertwined in a friendly handshake became a priceless relic and sacred talisman for Pushkin and his lyceum comrades.


To the mentors who guarded our youth,
To all honor, both dead and alive,
Raising a grateful cup to my lips,
Without remembering evil, we will reward for good.

The highest demands were made not only to students, but also to teachers at the Lyceum. Malinovsky, upon taking office, stipulated in a special clause his right to recruit and approve professors. These were mostly young people, energetic, dedicated to their work, and not afraid to experiment. Both Malinovsky and E.A., who replaced him in this post. Engelhardt tried with all her might to ensure that the lyceum teachers did not just preach the truth from the heights of their pulpits, but became a true friend to every lyceum student, and strived to teach children by their own example. Each lyceum student, of course, had his own favorite teachers, depending on his personal predisposition to a particular subject, but there were also everyone’s favorites: the teacher of “moral sciences” I.K. Kaidanov, literature writers Koshansky, Galich, Frenchman de Boudry. The secret of their popularity lies in their love for their students, in the atmosphere of friendship and goodwill that reigned in their lessons. It was these qualities that Engelhardt valued more than others in both students and teachers. He called it “the feeling of the Heart,” never tired of reminding everyone that it was “in the Heart that lies all the dignity of Man: it is the sanctuary, the keeper of all our virtues, which the cold, calculating head knows only by name and by theory.”

At the Lyceum, corporal punishment was strictly prohibited, but other types of penalties were preserved: putting a name on a black board, a special table in the classroom for the offender, solitary confinement in a punishment cell. But, as many noted, the most terrible punishment for lyceum students was to lose the friendship and love of the teacher. A slightly stern look, a slightly colder attitude of the mentor had a much stronger effect and forced the naughty pupil to correct himself much sooner than the punishment cell and “black lists”.


A tree is recognized by its fruits. Even if Pushkin had not existed (but he did!), the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum would have remained a brilliant page in Russian history. Chancellor Russian Empire Alexander Gorchakov, famous navigator Fyodor Matyushkin, Decembrists Ivan Pushchin, Wilhelm Kuchelbecker, Vladimir Volkhovsky, poet Anton Delvig, composer Mikhail Yakovlev - this is only the first Pushkin issue. In total, during the existence of the Lyceum in Tsarskoe Selo (1811–1844), it gave 12 members State Council, or ministers, 19 senators, 3 honorary guardians, 5 diplomats, more than 13 district and provincial leaders of the nobility - and this is not counting those who left a significant mark on Russian science or art. And at the same time, the Lyceum has always - from the very first graduation - been under the watchful supervision of the authorities, considered a dangerous institution that spread freethinking. In 1844, at the height of the Nikolaev reaction, it was transferred to St. Petersburg, to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, and began to be called Aleksandrovsky, existing under this name until 1917.

Coat of arms and motto of the Lyceum

To award distinguished lyceum students, gold and silver medals were cast according to Engelhardt's designs. The image on them later became the coat of arms of the Lyceum. Two wreaths, oak and laurel, personified Strength and Glory, the owl symbolized Wisdom, and the lyre, an attribute of Apollo, indicated a love of Poetry. Above all this the lyceum motto was proudly inscribed: “For the Common Benefit.”

Let us explain the phenomenon of the Lyceum: educational process it was aimed not at gaining knowledge, not at “training” specialists in any narrow field, but at educating an honest and noble person, a worthy member of society, valuing goodness and justice above all else. career growth and personal glory.

Saying goodbye to the first lyceum graduates, Engelhardt summed up his six-year studies with these words: “Go, friends, to your new field!.. Keep the truth, sacrifice everything for it; It is not death that is terrible, but dishonor; It is not wealth, not ranks, not ribbons that honor a person, but a good name, keep it, keep a clear conscience, that is your honor. Go, friends, remember us...” A year later, the answer was born - the famous lines of Pushkin:

While we are burning with freedom,
While hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, let's dedicate it to the Fatherland
Beautiful impulses from the soul!

Lyceum students' daily routine

Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was closed university, and his pupils were on full board. Departure from the Lyceum on time school year prohibited. All lyceum students were subject to a strict daily routine, which was observed by the director, staff guards and teachers.

6.00 - rise, prayer

7.00 - 9.00 - training sessions

9.00 - tea with white bun

9.00 - 10.00 - walk

10.00 - 12.00 - classes

12.00 - 13.00 - walk

13.00 - lunch

14.00 - 15.00 - penmanship and drawing

15.00 - 17.00 - doing homework

17.00 - tea and walk

20.30 - dinner

Uniform at the Lyceum

A distinctive feature of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was its uniform uniform. The Lyceum uniform consisted of a caftan of dark blue cloth with a standing collar of red cloth and the same cuffs, with gold and silver embroidery. The buttons were smooth, gilded, and the lining was blue. The camisole and underdress are made of white cloth.

First issue and imperial

In 1817, the first graduation of students from the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum into public service took place.

By imperial decree of March 18, 1822, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was transferred to the department of the chief director of the Page and Cadet Corps.

Lyceum under Nicholas I

After the accession to the throne of Emperor Nicholas I, by decree of February 23, 1829, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum switched to training students only for civil service.

The organizational structure of the Lyceum has also changed. Instead of two classes of 3 years, pupils began to study in four classes of 1.5 years each.

According to the new regulations, the sons of nobles at the age of 12-14, who must be baptized and in good health, could enter the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Moving the Lyceum from Tsarskoe Selo

In 1843, the Lyceum left Tsarskoye Selo. On November 6, 1843, Emperor Nicholas I signed the Decree “On the introduction of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum into general device civil educational institutions." According to this decree, the Lyceum came under the direct supervision of the monarch and moved from Tsarskoe Selo to St. Petersburg to the building of the Alexander Orphanage.

After this, the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum was renamed the Imperial Alexander Lyceum.

anniversary of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum

October 19, 2011 - Lyceum Student Day. This day is inextricably linked with the name of A.S. Pushkin, with the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and with the history of all Russian education. It was on this day 200 years ago that the legendary educational institution opened in Tsarskoye Selo.

Education and upbringing of the younger generation has always been public important topic. Time could only change the goals and objectives facing teachers, but teaching itself has always remained an urgent task for society. This is what happens in our time. Education in Russia is currently experiencing very strong changes. State State Examination and Unified State Exam became mandatory, Primary School is already working according to the new standards, the secondary school still has to switch to them, in higher education A system of bachelor's and master's degrees appeared. You can criticize these changes or welcome them - only time will tell the result. And today we want to remember one of the best educational institutions in the country. This is where they came into life the best people Russia: A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Delvig, V.K. Kuchelbecker, I.I. Pushchin, A.M. Gorchakov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and others.

The lyceum was a closed educational institution, so students had no right to leave it. The first director of the Lyceum, V.F., insisted on this. Malinovsky. The director believed that children could be exposed to "harmful" influences at home and sought to isolate children from this. This system made it possible to eliminate excessive parental care, spoiling, and outside influence on the development of lyceum students. They lived and studied at the Lyceum. And it was here that they became individuals. This is where their worldview took shape. From the walls of the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum came a whole galaxy of wonderful people who left their mark on history. Therefore, when thinking about modern reforms in education, it is useful to remember unique experience Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Speaking about the great Russian poets, the selfless Decembrists, we will talk about the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. We will talk about it as the first privileged educational institution in which young men were trained for the most important public service, as a freedom-loving “lyceum republic” that revealed to the world the names of Delvig, Pushchin, Kuchelbecker and, of course, Pushkin.