Orthopedic pillow for newborns - pros and cons. Using an orthopedic pillow for newborns. How to make the right choice Orthopedic styling for a newborn

Reading time: 9 minutes

Sleep is an integral part of every person's life. Newborns sleep up to 20 hours a day, the rest of the time they just lie down. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a comfortable sleeping place for babies. How to choose the right orthopedic pillow? This is what we will talk about.

No one argues about the parameters of the mattress, blanket and bed linen, but there are fierce discussions about the pillows. Is this bedding necessary for a baby? What forms are there?

Variety of shapes

Orthopedic pillow necessary for the formation of the correct shape of the baby's head. Usually it is a structure where there is a certain depression in the center, and rollers are located along the edges. The pillow allows you to keep your head in the desired position, which contributes to the correct formation of the cervical spine.

Depending on the form, the following types are distinguished:

  • Headrest (can be in the shape of a donut, butterfly, teddy bear);
  • Open ring;
  • Positioner (support);
  • Trapezoid (inclined version).

The butterfly pillow is a cushion with rounded edges and a depression in the middle. Exactly “dent” and is needed to fix the head, the roller is intended for the neck. The height of the latter is 3-4 cm. It contributes to the correct formation of the child’s skull and cervical region.

It is also called “anatomical”. It received this name due to the fact that it repeats the structure of the cervical-occipital region of the child. Also a pillow normalizes blood circulation neck and head. Some people recommend using it from two weeks, others from 2 months. But everyone agrees on one thing: it is used up to 2 years and it is better to consult a specialist about the “initial” age.

Especially she useful for those kids, which constantly turn the head in one direction. Over time, the fragile skull adapts to this position and the symmetry of the head is broken. Using this device, the position is fixed. Even if the child has already experienced minor problems, after a few months you can notice a lasting result.

Pillow in the form of an unconnected ring Designed more for feeding than for sleeping the baby. It ensures a comfortable position for the baby. This attribute is placed on the mother’s lap, and the baby is placed on it. It is not recommended to use it for sleeping.

The positioner (support) is flat surface with two rollers at the edges. They are needed to secure the baby so that he cannot turn on his tummy. This is especially helpful for fussy babies who often roll over during sleep.

The distance between the rollers can be easily adjusted depending on the child’s build. Very important point is the degree of fixation - it should be rigid. The rollers should not move apart due to the child's influence on them. Such a pillow can be used from birth. It allows you to fix the position both on your back and on your side.

A special pillow has been developed, imitating the presence of mother. The built-in sensor produces a sound and pulse that is similar to a heartbeat. This helps the child calm down and fall asleep. Whether you need this innovation or not, it's up to you to decide! But no device can replace the warmth of mother’s hands and beating dear heart!

The inclined pillow is made in the form of a trapezoid. It is made from dense material and helps if the baby often spits up. A slight slope prevents the released masses from falling back. However, this does not mean that babysitting is not necessary.

Her the width must correspond to the parameters of the bed. Thanks to this, the child does not roll off of it. The slope is 15 degrees. This value was not chosen by chance. A slight tilt does not deform the neck, but creates a comfortable position for the head.

Do not forget about such types of orthopedic pillows as anti-suffocation and swimming options. Main feature the first is a breathable surface. It is usually made of polyurethane foam. This product is simply necessary for little fidgets who often toss and turn in their sleep. Even if the baby falls asleep on his tummy, he will still get access to oxygen.

The bathing pillow is also called the “newborn circle.” She supports the baby's head during water procedures. It can be inflatable or made of waterproof material. It makes bathing very easy. It is recommended to use this invention from the moment the baby can hold his head up on his own.

Manufacturing materials

Giving the baby the best is the task of every mother. Caring shows in the little things. When choosing a children's orthopedic pillow, you cannot blindly follow advertising; you need to analyze all sources and make right choice which is right for your child.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the filler. The following are available for sale:

  • Latex;
  • Sintepon;
  • Comfrel;
  • Polyurethane foam.

As seen natural fillers not used for special pillows. But why does this happen? The fact is that down and feathers are the strongest allergens. This reaction is acutely manifested in a fragile child’s body.

A child at this age has not yet fully adapted to external factors, so additional load is not desirable. This also applies to cotton pillows. , which is part of them, is capable of accumulating dust. This is known to create a pleasant environment for household dust mites, which will also cause allergies.

Don't be afraid of synthetic fillers. On this moment production has reached such a level that in terms of their characteristics they are in no way inferior to natural ones, and sometimes even surpass them.


Represents the juice of Hevea. To make pillows, it is processed into a special foam, which will serve as a filler. This is a natural material that is ideal for the production of orthopedic pillows. It combines the impossible: incredible softness and elasticity. Latex allows the body to relax during sleep and get maximum rest.


  • Ecologically pure;
  • Lasting;
  • Durable;
  • Soft but resilient;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Has antibacterial properties;
  • Thanks to the porous structure it can “breathe”;
  • Does not electrify and does not attract dust.


  • High price.

Another property of latex is that it does not heat up while you sleep. Whether this is an advantage or a disadvantage is up to everyone to decide for themselves.


Which is obtained by thermal bonding of a fibrous canvas made from a mixture of polyester fibers. Such pillows are very popular, primarily because of their low price.


  • Low price;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Repels dust mites;
  • Has no smell.


  • Quickly loses its shape (“crumples”).


This material is elastic balls. I owe my creation to the DuPont company. It is made from hollow siliconized fiber that is heat treated. After this, the fibers turn into balls.


  • Has antibacterial impregnation;
  • Soft and comfortable;
  • Does not cause allergies;
  • Easy to care for;
  • Keeps its shape well;
  • Lets air through;
  • Keeps you warm
  • Has no flaws!

Polyurethane foam

It has both viscosity and elasticity, memory properties. Polyurethane foam is the most common filler for orthopedic products for newborns. The material has a large number of pores, which ensures self-ventilation.


  • Elastic, but at the same time soft;
  • Provides free air ventilation;
  • Creates comfortable temperature in any season;
  • The ability to take the anatomical shape of the neck and head.

Despite the advantages of synthetic fillers, do not forget that the surface of the pillow must be made. Only they can provide the necessary tactile sensations and protect against unpleasant sensations.

Why are they needed and how to use them correctly

For a child to be healthy, he needs proper rest. When collecting a dowry for her baby, every mother thinks about a pillow. There is a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. or is this a useless purchase?

The first stage occurs at the time when the baby can hold his head independently, the second - when the child sits down, the third - when he walks. Irregular shapes products for sleep and relaxation create unnecessary tension on the cervical spine.

However, when it comes to certain diseases, you cannot do without orthopedic items. In addition, modern pillows have an anatomical shape, which does not create stress on the baby’s body. But in any case, before you buy it, you need to consult a pediatrician. The age of first use varies. Some advise starting use as early as 2 weeks of age, while others recommend starting at 2 months of age.

What are the features of special pillows?

  • They take into account the structure of the head and cervical region. There are “intelligent” options that are able to adapt independently;
  • Since the pillow has small bolsters along the edges and a notch in the center, this eliminates curvature in the back of the head and relieves tension from the neck muscles;
  • The special structure of the pillow normalizes blood circulation in the cervical region and prevents head deformation.

Required for:

  • Prevention of torticollis. Of course, this item alone will not solve the issue, but as part of a comprehensive treatment it will help;
  • Correct head formation. A fragile skull can become deformed due to the fact that the child constantly lies on one side. An orthopedic pillow solves this problem;
  • Stabilization of muscle tone. Moreover, it has a beneficial effect both in increased and in in a reduced state.
  • TRELAX pillows

    from 0 to 6 months From 5 to 18 months From 1.5 to 3 years Over 3 years old
    40x44 cm 25x30x6(4) cm 27x38x6(4.5) cm 27x38x8(6) cm
    Highly elastic polyurethane foam highly elastic polyurethane foam with perforation viscoelastic polyurethane foam
    Normalization of muscle tone; Correct formation of the spine; Preventing curvature of the spine and head deformation; To prevent falls and traumatic moments; Safety during regurgitation Normalization of muscle tone; Prevention of head deformation; Complex use for torticollis; Neck support in premature and weakened children; Recovery after birth trauma Recovery from injuries; Correct head position during sleep. Prevention of poor posture; Correct position of the head and neck during sleep; Memory effect allows you to remember the position of the child’s head.

    Manufacturers and prices

    Choosing a children's orthopedic pillow is a difficult task. So that it brings benefits and gives peace deep sleep The child needs to approach the choice thoroughly. Recommendations and reviews from friends alone are not enough in this matter. Before purchasing, be sure to consult with a specialist.
    Next is a video about one of the types of orthopedic pillows for children under 1.5 years old from the Trelax company.

In defending their point of view, both opponents and supporters of the use of pillows in infancy provide convincing arguments. Let's try to figure out which of them is right. At the same time, we will keep in mind that we're talking about about pillows under the head, and not devices for changing the profile of the bed and fixing the position of the body.

Does a baby need an orthopedic headrest pillow?

Most often, the truth in any dispute turns out to be somewhere in the middle. This also applies to the question of the need for pillows for newborns.

Experts who believe that a child does not need to be given a pillow from birth to 1-2 years are right. The natural curves of the human spine are formed only by the age of 2 and do not need support until this time. In addition, the baby's head circumference is comparable to chest and lying on a flat surface does not cause any discomfort.

An orthopedic pillow is not needed for a healthy baby under 1-2 years of age. Its use is necessary only for diseases of the musculoskeletal system in a child. Buy such a pillow only after consultation and in accordance with the recommendations of a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist.

An ordinary pillow will create additional stress on the baby’s cervical vertebrae and the risk of choking when regurgitating, and it makes no sense to place an orthopedic product under his head.

As a headrest and for hygienic purposes, it is enough for a healthy baby to lay a diaper folded in four.

Unfortunately, not all children are born one hundred percent healthy. Various diseases and injuries of bone and muscular systems can arise both as a result of the enormous stress that the baby experiences when he is born, and during his intrauterine development. Many of them can be easily corrected in the first year of life, and the earlier treatment is started, the more effective it will be.

During this period, a children's orthopedic pillow for newborns will become one of the effective tools for preventing the development of various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and their complex therapy. You need to understand that such a pillow is not a panacea, and its use must be combined with massage, manual therapy, electrophoresis and other methods of therapy prescribed by a doctor.

In what cases is an orthopedic pillow for infants necessary?

An orthopedic pillow for infants adapts to the anatomical features of the baby’s skeleton, reduces the load on the cervicothoracic spine and helps maintain the physiological position of injured cervical vertebrae, fixing the head and neck in the anatomically correct position.

There are many pathologies for the complex treatment and prevention of which it is recommended to use a children's orthopedic pillow. The most common of them is torticollis, the most common disease of the cervical spine, which is characterized by an inclined position of the head with constant rotation to one side. It can be either congenital or acquired, and in the future it threatens with asymmetry of the face and skull and spinal deformation.

Depending on the complexity of the disease, torticollis is treated surgically or with manual therapy, and adjustment of the position of the head and neck is prerequisite its effective treatment.

An orthopedic pillow is also used for such pathologies as:

  • scoliosis;
  • Not correct formation skull bones;
  • deformation of the occipital part of the head in the early stages of rickets;
  • displacement of the cervical vertebrae as a result of birth trauma;
  • hypertonicity or hypotonicity of the muscles of the cervical and shoulder girdle.

Types of children's orthopedic headrest pillows

Standard sizes of head pillows for children in the first year of life vary between 30-40 cm in length and width. Most often they consist of a fabric cover and filler, but there are also products that are a monolithic block with perforations over the entire surface or made of a material with a highly porous structure. With such a pillow, the baby will be able to breathe unhindered, even if he turns over and buries his nose in it.

The shape of headrest pillows can be different:

  • square;
  • triangular;
  • in the form of a butterfly;
  • in the form of a ring.

A butterfly-shaped headrest is the most common children's orthopedic pillow for newborns. It reliably fixes the baby's head in a physiologically correct position, relieves stress on muscles, bones and nerve endings and provides him with a comfortable sleep.

The baby's head is placed in a round depression, which is shifted from the center of the pillow to its lower part and is located at the same height as the mattress, the neck rests on a low bolster about 3 cm high, and the wings of the “butterfly” serve as a barrier and do not allow the baby to change the given position .

More expensive and complex models consist of two functional surfaces, for sleeping on the back and on the side.

Whatever appearance manufacturers give to orthopedic pillows, the principle of their operation - fixing the head and neck in a natural position, and the basic design - a recess for the back of the head, a small cushion under the neck and convex supporting edges to limit head rotation - are the same.

Requirements for pillows for babies from birth to one year

The quality of products for children is always subject to increased demands and they are selected with special care. What you should especially pay attention to:

  • Elasticity. A children's orthopedic pillow should easily adapt to the contours of the baby's head and neck, be resistant to deformation, retain its shape during use and not lose it after washing.
  • Breathability. To prevent the baby from suffocating by turning over on the pillow, sweating and overheating, it must allow air to pass through.
  • Hygroscopicity. Sweating, regurgitation, tears and saliva, drops of mother's milk - all this threatens the dryness of the pillow, so the ability to absorb and evaporate moisture is especially important for children's products placed under the head.
  • Care . You will have to wash your baby pillow often, so there must be a machine washable symbol on its label.

High-tech synthetic fillers of the new generation most fully meet all these requirements: comforter, ecofiber, holofiber, latex, polyurethane foam.

The cover of an orthopedic pillow should be pleasant to the touch and made of natural cotton fabric. Main seams are allowed only internal, strong and frequent.

Modern orthopedic pillows for newborns take into account the structural features of the child’s skeleton and serve as one of the means in the complex treatment of diseases associated with congenital or acquired pathologies of the baby’s musculoskeletal system. Buy them only after consultation and in accordance with the recommendations of a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist.

Healthy babies do not necessarily need it, but it can serve to prevent the development of these diseases in them, if there are indications. For example, if the child sleeps only on one side all the time. Thanks to the orthopedic pillow, parents can control and regulate the time the child spends on his side and on his back. If a baby constantly sleeps in one position, then his skull bones become deformed and his head loses its naturally correct shape. Therefore, you need to make sure that while sleeping, he takes different positions.

It is believed that, if indicated, such a pillow is usually used no earlier than the 15th day of the baby’s life. By this time, it becomes clear whether he has health problems and what kind of pillow should be chosen.

The cover and filling of the pillow provide a comfortable temperature for the baby's head, so you can lay the baby on it without a cap.

It is advisable to wash the headrest pillow in an automatic machine at a temperature not exceeding 40 °C and dry it, avoiding direct sunlight on the product.

If the pillow has lost its elasticity and the filling does not return to its original shape after pressing, it should be replaced.

Safety is the main requirement for children's products. Be sure to ask the seller to present a certificate of conformity of the purchased product.

An orthopedic pillow for newborns with torticollis helps normalize muscle tone by creating additional support for the neck. When the head is fixed in the correct anatomical position, the cervical spine develops in the desired direction.

Operating principle

If, while observing the baby, parents notice an unnatural position of the head, they should urgently contact a pediatrician. If, after examination, it is detected, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, including physiotherapy, massage, and gymnastics.

Besides, an important factor is the use of an orthopedic pillow. Before you start using it, it is important to know how to use it correctly and why this device is needed for torticollis.

Thanks to the orthopedic effect, the use of the pillow provides the following indicators:

Doctors' opinions differ regarding the need to use an orthopedic pillow, so the decision always remains with the parents
  • proper development and growth of the cervical spine;
  • maintaining the baby’s neck and head with reduced stress and normalization of muscle tone and blood circulation in the cervical region;
  • straightening congenital and preventing the development of acquired torticollis;
  • formation of a physiologically correct curve of the upper spine;
  • normalization of atony or cervical and shoulder girdle.

A children's orthopedic pillow for newborns is designed to ensure that the child lies in the most comfortable and correct physiological position.

Regardless appearance, functional purpose such products are the same. When used, the load on the neck is reduced and blood circulation in this area is normalized.

Who needs

In most cases, the problem of torticollis can be dealt with quite easily.

When asking the question whether a newborn needs an orthopedic pillow, many doctors assure that in the absence of undoubted indications, it is better not to use it at all.

It is enough for the baby to place a standard diaper under his head.. Read about bedding for newborns.

An orthopedic pillow for children up to one year old, without the presence of any abnormalities, should be as universal as possible, which will prevent unwanted stress on the neck and the development of other problems.

  1. Birth trauma is a muscle injury, resulting in the development of idiopathic torticollis.
  2. Cerebral palsy, injuries of various types, inflammation of the pharynx and pharynx.

If we talk about at what age to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns with torticollis, it is worth correcting the neck and spine from the 2nd week of the baby’s life with the permission of the doctor. It is very important that the head is in the correct position while sleeping. How much sleep a child should sleep from birth and older can be found in this.

If torticollis is not treated in a timely manner, infants may develop asymmetry of the facial part of the head and skull, deformation of the spinal column, and in complex cases, neurological pathology.

The baby should be placed on the painful side, with toys in his field of vision, which will ensure minimal turning of the head.

Types of orthopedic pillows

At what age an orthopedic pillow for newborns should be used, as well as the type of product, should be determined by the attending physician.

Types of orthopedic pillows for newborns are shown in the photo:


The following types are distinguished:
Positioner cushion. Used to secure the child in the desired position. It has recesses and 2 bolsters on the sides.

Positioner pillows have several important functions, among which:

  • prevent the child from turning over on his back;
  • ensuring sleep in the side position, which is especially important for children prone to;
  • the child's inability to roll over in principle.

Such pillows have many varieties and shapes: rectangular with limiting bolsters on the sides, with a fastener like on a diaper, inclined positioners, in the form of mattresses with a pillow, in the form of a crib and others.

The body positioner is also used to soften shocks when in a stroller. In this case, not only the head is fixed, but the entire top part torso.

Some types of positioners in the photo:

Inclined. Allowed for use from the very birth of the baby. It has the form of a trapezoid, on one side it is raised by 15°. The product should be selected based on the width of the crib and the baby’s shoulders.

The downside of the pillow is that if the angle of inclination is large, the baby slides off it. For such cases, there are inclined positioning pillows with fasteners.
Headrest pillow. It can be round, square, heart or butterfly shaped. The orthopedic butterfly pillow for newborns is the most common. The butterfly is the most popular and comfortable form of orthopedic pillow for torticollis. The baby's head is placed on a small cushion, and the wings do not allow the baby to change his position during sleep.

Products of this kind limit the mobility of the baby’s head during sleep, which can cause very unfavorable consequences, in particular, if the baby often spits up or has breathing problems.

Orthopedic pillow filling and cover material

It is important not only to know how to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns, but also to choose a high-quality and good filling. Today, manufacturers offer many variations. Among them are natural and artificial for children suffering from allergies.

Polyurethane foam with memory effect (memory)

Low allergenic, modern, environmentally friendly pure material. Able to remember the contours of the head after pressure is applied to it and does not take the original shape of the pillow for a long time, even after washing.

In addition, it responds to body temperature and environment, has excellent ventilation. Currently the most the best filler for orthopedic pillows, but is also the most expensive product.


Natural filler that takes the shape of the body, comfortable, soft and elastic at the same time. The skin on such a pillow breathes, and the body is in an anatomically correct position.

It is durable even after numerous washes and does not crumble. In addition, it is hypoallergenic and antibacterial (dust does not accumulate in it and mites do not infest). An excellent filler along with polyurethane foam, but the prices for such pillows are also high.

Coconut, grass fibers, buckwheat husks

When choosing a filler for an orthopedic pillow, you should base it on the overall health of the baby, the price and the face of the manufacturer.

An environmentally friendly filler, also used in, but coconut is very hard, and buckwheat husk- rustles during sleep.

Therefore, this component is not suitable for every baby, although it has an orthopedic effect and is completely natural.


Pillow filled with balls. Takes the shape of the head under pressure onto the balls. Does not cause allergies. Even after prolonged use and washing, it retains its elasticity and has good ventilation properties.


One of the most popular fillers with a low price. Does not cause allergies, easy to use, but short-lived. Such pillows quickly lose their shape. Sintepon is not able to retain its shape, as a result of which the pillow may become deformed. Therefore, it is better to refuse to purchase a product with such a filler.

Various other fillers are also used, such as holofiber or silicone.

Shakirova A.R., pediatrician, Children's City Clinic No. 9, Kazan

Torticollis is quite often observed in newborns; it can be treated with conservative or surgical methods.

If we talk about the first, then the main task is to place the child in an anatomically correct position. For this purpose, doctors often prescribe the use of orthopedic pillows.

In case of hypertonicity, when false torticollis is detected, the emphasis is placed more on physical education and therapeutic exercises. In any case, all actions must take place under the supervision of a doctor.

The cover must be from natural material, which can serve as:

  • cotton;
  • chintz.

Let's go shopping

When choosing, you should pay attention to the following points:

A large assortment allows you to choose the most best option for a specific baby. Products domestic production cost from 400 to 1500 rubles, foreign models will cost 1500-2500 rubles.

There are no dangers in using pillows. However, I believe that in most cases their use is not at all necessary, and such products can be replaced with ordinary rollers made from a diaper.

In some cases, in the presence of certain pathologies, the use of orthopedic pillows is allowed, but only on the strong recommendation of the attending physician.

Orthopedic pillows for newborns with torticollis from this company are made of highly elastic polyurethane foam, ensure normalization of muscle tone, correct formation of the spine, safety during regurgitation, and recovery from various injuries. Prices range from 1500 rub.

The table shows the best orthopedic pillows that are used in great demand from parents:

Terms of use

In order for the product to bring only benefits, you need to know:

  • technique of use: how to correctly place a child on an orthopedic pillow;
  • recommended age from which the pillow can be used (when using a butterfly-shaped pillow, for example, it is recommended to use it no earlier than 1 month);
  • to maintain the correct position, it is important to ensure that the height of the bolster corresponds to the width of the baby’s shoulder;
  • It is not recommended to use the pillow for a long time; it is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations;
  • if parents notice that the child is tossing and turning, crying and is uncomfortable on the pillow, the product should be removed immediately (most likely, an inappropriate model has been selected that brings discomfort to the baby).

Kuznetsova M.A., pediatrician, Children's Hospital No. 32, branch 1, Moscow

With torticollis, the initial task of parents is to give the child the correct position during sleep. To do this, use various linings, for example, from diapers or bandages with cotton wool.

The use of orthopedic pillows may also be prescribed, which relieve stress on the spine, normalize blood circulation and help cope with the disease over a certain period of time.

It is very important to know and understand how to use an orthopedic pillow for newborns to prevent possible complications and health problems.

Parents begin to collect a dowry for their baby long before his birth, trying to provide him with everything he needs. Special attention is given sleeping place child. Every mother tries to buy the highest quality and most comfortable things for her baby. Inevitably, future parents will be faced with the question: do they need a pillow in the crib and what kind of pillow should it be?

Not long ago, pediatricians were against pillows for newborns, at least for the first 5-6 months. Now the market is abundant various models orthopedic products, including those intended for infants from 0 months. Let's try to figure out in what cases a baby needs a product, what it should be like, and how to sleep on an orthopedic pillow correctly.

Which model to choose

Use a regular pillow under the baby's head is prohibited. It has an extremely negative effect on the baby’s spine and neck. In addition, there are a number of other reasons why this should not be done:

  • The baby may roll over in his sleep and bury his nose in the pillow, which can lead to suffocation.
  • Incorrect head position can cause scoliosis.
  • The filler may cause allergies in the child.

An orthopedic pillow for infants can adapt to the anatomical features of the baby and have a positive effect on health:

  • Normalizes muscle tone.
  • Holds the cervical region.
  • Develops correct form skulls
  • When using a pillow, there is no need to wear caps.
  • Supports optimal temperature for a baby.
  • Hypoallergenic.
  • Long service life.

But even considering all the advantages of these products, you should consult your pediatrician before purchasing. He will help you make the right choice.

Indications for use

It happens that doctors not only do not prohibit, but even recommend the use of orthopedic pillows. The main factor is the physical pathology of the child - “torticollis”. In this case, the doctor will help you choose the right product, tell you how long the baby should sleep on it and how to use the orthopedic pillow.

For newborns, in addition to torticollis, orthopedic products may be needed in other cases:

  • Birth injury.
  • Cervical vertebrae are damaged.
  • Uneven head.
  • Neck muscle tone.

In any of the above cases, before buying an orthopedic pillow for an infant, be sure to consult with your doctor. Find out at what age you can put your baby on it.

How to choose the right one

For the manufacture of products, there are certain standards that correspond to the quality of the product. The main factors when choosing should be:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • safety;
  • thermal insulation;
  • quality;
  • wear resistance.

Don't neglect none of the listed characteristics.

It should be remembered that a nursing pillow and an orthopedic pillow are completely different things that have different purposes.

When choosing the right model, pay attention to how many centimeters the height of the roller reaches. It should be equal to your baby's shoulder.

Types of pillows

Today there are a large number of different models on the market. anatomical pillows. They differ in color, size, thickness. Each has its own effect on the child’s body. Let's look at some of them.

Material of manufacture

When choosing a pillow for your baby, pay attention not only to individual characteristics his body, but also on what the product is made of. Orthopedic pillows should be made of hypoallergenic materials. The filler should be materials such as polypropylene, viscose, polyurethane or latex.

What is torticollis (torticollis) in newborns? We will give a detailed answer to this question, and also tell you about all possible ways speedy relief from the disease. What a complex, multifaceted, but at the same time joyful, sweet science to comprehend it is - raising a baby.

Everything was fine, but suddenly...

Some people don’t even know which side to approach the tiny lump gently snoring in new clothes, while others boldly pick up the baby, frivolously believing that a newborn is an adult in miniature.

Meanwhile, newly born babies have a lot of features. Everything is important here, from nutrition and hygiene to how the child lies in his crib. After all, failure to comply with even such a seemingly insignificant nuance can lead to violations.

A newborn may be discharged from the maternity hospital completely healthy, but after just a week or two, an alert mother may notice a warning sign: the baby's head is always tilted towards the same shoulder and turned away from it in the other direction. This is what torticollis looks like, which occurs due to deformation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle - congenital or resulting from a birth injury.

Most parents can simply be thrown into a stupor by the doctor’s words that the child has torticollis. An unaesthetic word unnerves those who hear about it for the first time. But orthopedists encounter this disease quite often and have already learned how to successfully cure it.

The main thing is to recognize the signs of torticollis in time, which can be noticeable as early as 2-3 weeks of your baby’s life.

One of the reasons for the development of torticollis in newborns may be:

  • abnormal intrauterine development,
  • difficult childbirth,
  • formation of scars in the tissues and muscles of the neck,
  • inflammation of the ear, nose or throat, etc.

Due to these reasons, an incorrect position of the head occurs, in which the baby always “looks” only in one direction – opposite to the changed muscle.

In this case, the baby’s neck is constantly tilted towards the shortened muscle.

Also, the cause of torticollis lies in the same notorious sternocleidomastoid muscle, located in pairs on the lateral surface of the neck (has 3 attachments: on the collarbone, sternum and at the ear). Its tone is what triggers the disease.

Since in the first months of life the child grows at a very rapid pace, excessive spasm of a muscle group or one muscle leads to curvature of the body.

When the left muscle contracts, the baby’s head tilts to the left and the face turns to the right, and when it contracts right muscle- vice versa.

If both muscles contract at the same time, the head tilts back and extends slightly.

Congenital or acquired installation?

This disease is classified as congenital if torticollis is the result of a complicated birth or some kind of intrauterine development disorder, if muscle tissue scars have formed.

The fact that an inexperienced mother does not transfer the baby from one barrel to another can also lead to torticollis. which is a consequence of the fact that the child, lying on his back, constantly looks for his mother with his eyes, watches what is happening in the room outside his crib, and meanwhile his neck “gets used” to being tilted in one direction.

Moms, don't ignore the recommendations. medical personnel in the maternity hospital, the visiting nurse, the local pediatrician that After each feeding, be sure to shift the baby to the other side. This simple rule will help prevent acquired installation torticollis.

If torticollis is not caused by a disorder in the development of muscles and bones, that is, it most likely refers to the installation, it can be corrected in simple ways. All that is required from the mother is tireless attention to the baby and time. By the way, some of these measures simply will not allow the disease to develop.

What to do?

As soon as the head is constantly tilted to one side, it immediately stands Show the baby to an orthopedist and follow his instructions:

  • massage,
  • physiotherapy,
  • orthopedic styling.

Otherwise, the insidious muscle will distort the shape of the skull and facial features.

Massage and other treatments should be provided to an experienced, specially trained nurse., and the mother can do it correctly, too.

Orthopedic styling

For the treatment and prevention of torticollis, you can use orthopedic pillows and bolsters for newborns

First, you should pay attention to how the crib is positioned.

It should be placed so that the light falls on it from the side in which it is difficult for the child to turn his head.

From the same side you should approach the baby, talk to him, sing lullabies, put down toys.

Then the baby will have no choice but to work out the capricious muscle, which will be excellent gymnastics for it.

Position treatment is recommended for 30 minutes several times during daytime sleep, placing a newborn with torticollis on his back on a semi-rigid mattress without a pillow - with a diaper folded in four under the back of his head. The device must be placed under the baby’s head so that it lies straight, on the same axis with the body.

Treatment by position

Option No.

Necessary equipment


Option #1 A pair of bags in pillowcases with fine sand (previously calcined in a frying pan for disinfection), connected by a fabric bridgeYou should place a bag on both sides of the head or one on the side of the torticollis.
Option No. 2 A rubber ring (can be purchased at a pharmacy chain) or a specially sewn “donut” from a cotton diaper rolled into a tubeIn order for the newborn to lie upright, it is recommended to place on the sides from the armpits to the knee 2 long and narrow bags of thick fabric half filled with sand, or flannelette blankets

The orthopedist will tell the mother how long this “procedure” will take, because each baby has its own characteristics of disorders and development.

How to hold it?

In our article, we all touch on options for how to put a baby in bed and how to “treat” him with the position, and let’s not forget that the baby can cry, he needs care, hygiene procedures, and the mother must imagine how to hold the child.

A newborn with torticollis should be picked up in such a way that his head is supported.

When you pick up your baby, be sure to hold his head in place.

If the baby likes the horizontal “helicopter” position, then you need to hold him in your arms on the problematic side or facing you, while holding his head and lifting it to the healthy side.

Professional massage

Massage for torticollis in newborns, as well as special exercises to develop the cervical muscles, which are mandatory for babies with congenital torticollis, should initially be performed only by a professional massage therapist.

After a massage, thermal procedures (paraffin wraps or using isokerite) are useful.

Parents, saving on massage is fraught with serious consequences for the future health of the child. Therefore, if there is a huge queue at the clinic for a massage and you have to wait several months, you should turn to the services of a private massage therapist or a medical center.

Before the mother can take care of the child herself, she must learn from specialists to do everything correctly. And only when they give the go-ahead, you can begin additional massage sessions at home: 2-3 massages, 1-2 exercises several times a day.

Like most diseases, torticollis can have different stages, so the approach to each child is individual. Massage, therapeutic exercises, and even the position in the crib are chosen differently for each tiny patient.

We level it ourselves


All exercises and massage must be agreed upon with your doctor.

Starting position of the child: on the side of an adult in the arms.

We work: Holding the baby's head, the adult needs to slowly spin in one direction. Then you should change the direction of rotation.

The exercise is performed correctly if the baby tenses the neck muscles to maintain balance. After this reaction, it is important to lift the baby and repeat the exercise. The circling ends at the very bottom, almost near the floor.

Then you should move on to rocking: right-left, up-down. To do this, just place the little one in your arms (you can sit or lie on your back). Holding the child firmly by the arms, you need to perform the movements slowly. Afterwards, you need to lie down, lift the baby above you with outstretched arms and rotate it.


Starting position of the child: on the edge of the table with a healthy side towards the adult.

We work: Having wrapped your arms around the baby and stroking him, you should stretch his “sick” side, as if girdling yourself. It is necessary to carry out both stretching and vibrating movements simultaneously. One palm should be directed to the armpit, the other to the leg, then to the foot. The baby's head should lie on the adult's elbow and slightly deviate towards the problem area.

Additionally, it is worth exercising the leg and arm that are in good shape. Stroking and shaking are effective. the main task– relax the child’s muscles.

For mothers who admit their inadequacy, I would like to quote the lines of the children's writer E. Karganova:

If you try and don't be lazy,
You can always learn everything!

When can I expect results?

As already written above, treatment of torticollis in newborns will take time: from the moment of diagnosis until the complete elimination of the deformity and for several months after that as a fixing component.

If parents notice in time that the baby somehow turns his head incorrectly or is not able to do it at all, they will immediately consult a doctor, then By the age of one year, neither they nor the child will even remember about the “trouble” that happened.

Health to you and your little ones!

Several Yet useful tips about how to recognize and how to correct torticollis in a newborn baby.

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