Upgrading the doorway of an interior door. Methods for arranging a doorway without a door. Which design to choose

Any house is equipped with solid entrance doors; they are installed solely to protect the house from uninvited guests, and interior doors. According to the type of design, the latter can be sliding, swing, cassette, folding and pendulum. The main function of interior doors is to isolate one room from another. This “barrier” not only acts as zoning, but also protects rooms from sound penetration, which is sometimes simply necessary. In the bedroom, for example, it is difficult to fall asleep if there is an office or hall nearby where household members stay up late. Interior doors also isolate the kitchen with its special microclimate, preventing the latter from penetrating into neighboring rooms.

However, in design in last years They secretly adhere to the principle of “large spaces, conditional boundaries” and refuse partitions altogether. Interiors should “breathe” freely and be bathed in light, which is why studio apartments, or their imitations (combined rooms), have become such a popular option. The decor of a doorway without a door, as a rule, is selected in accordance with the stylistic picture of the interior of the adjacent rooms that are separated by it. You can arrange it yourself using available materials or involve a team of specialists. The first option is preferable, since it will cost less, and the creative component plays an important role in the decorating process. By using the skills of a builder and designer, you can create an original, unique design that will become the highlight of your home. Let's talk about the benefits doorways open type, materials for their decoration and stylistic features.

Advantages of open openings

Open doorways have a number of undeniable advantages, including:

  • Beautiful aesthetic appearance. Modern methods designs allow you to create complex, original design options decoration.
  • The “closed” area, which was previously necessary to open a swing door (common), can now be used to place interior items.
  • More natural light. If in adjacent rooms only one room has a window, then the absence of a door in the opening will allow a piece of the sun to enter into the adjacent dark room.
  • Regular air circulation. Relevant for rooms with poor ventilation.
  • Combining two spaces. The technique is used to create a special interior composition, when two rooms decorated in the same style should have a conventional border, and not an actual one.
  • Zoning. The diametrically opposite purpose of an open doorway is in cases where the wall in the house is erected artificially, but a “connecting link” must be left between the rooms.
  • Visual enlargement of a cramped “closet”. If a tiny room is considered as an independent room, then design tricks will not always help correct the situation. With the help of an open opening it changes visual perception. It seems like a continuation, part of the adjacent larger room.
  • New opportunities in choosing the shape of the opening. Despite the fact that designers continue to surprise non-standard solutions design, the simplest and convenient option arches remain. The variety of their shapes allows you to create a unique interior picture.

The list of advantages also includes easier maintenance of the structure (no need to lubricate hinges or wipe glass) and relatively low installation cost. The latter does not depend on the type of decorative materials; a complete door set will cost more.


Open doorways are classified into two types:

  1. Classic option. It is not much different from kits with a door, it has the same rectangular shape. Classics are distinguished by primitivism.
  2. Arched doorway. In this case, use the variety of types that these decorative designs can boast of.

Arches have a strict classification according to shape:

  • Roman (romantic). Their arches are made in the shape of a circle, the diameter of which is equal to the width of the doorway.
  • Turkish (Eastern). The arched vault is shaped like a dome.
  • British. The vault is a truncated circle. It is a “stripped down” Roman version.
  • Gothic (lancet). The lines of the vault smoothly stretch towards a single center.
  • Ellipsoidal. The arched vault is similar to the “elongated” Roman version.
  • Slavic. Arches with a “domestic” name are similar to classic open-type doorways, but have slightly rounded corners.
  • Transoms. The vault of the structure is blind, that is, it is glazed or decorated with other translucent material.

There are also Thai versions, in which the arch seems to be cut in half and only one part is left. In rare cases, use completely round version, as in the fairy-tale dwellings that John Tolkien described on the pages of his books. Such options are difficult to install, but become an elegant element of the interior.


There are certain standards that regulate the permissible dimensions of doorways, both open and closed type. A height of 1.9 m corresponds to a width of 0.55 and 0.6 m. You will encounter such standard openings in standard apartments. For a door 2 m high, the permissible width is 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 m. In private homes, the parameters may be different. Naturally, such figures do not always correspond to the wishes of the homeowner. In this case, the openings are expanded due to partial dismantling walls. Before starting work, it is necessary to consult with specialists who will give an accurate answer as to whether such actions can be carried out and what consequences they will have.

The thickness of the box also matters. In apartments it is standard: 7.5 cm. The indicator is necessary for the right choice doborov.

Design materials

Before decorating the opening, you need to decide on the materials that will be used during the work. For simple ones, budget options stop at textiles and decorate the element with curtains. They will bring comfort into the room, and you can replace the material at any time. For monumental structures, plasterboard, clinker (a type of ceramic tile), MDF panels, chipboard, PVC, lining, solid wood, artificial and a natural stone, brick.

In more exquisite interiors apply polyurethane stucco molding, expensive wallpaper or decorative plaster on the slopes. Particular importance is attached to platbands. They are also classified by form into:

  • Curly;
  • Flat;
  • Rounded.

Included in a separate category carved frames- the result of painstaking manual labor on wood. Master the technique fine workmanship master classes and making an element yourself is quite difficult, so it’s easier to purchase a ready-made designer product.

Separately, it is worth noting the siding finish. The material has original invoice, and its strength allows you to create complex frame structures as open shelves surrounding the doorway.

Plastic panels

Plastic is classified as budget materials, which boasts a rich range of colors and surface textures. It is flexible, so it repeats easily different shapes doorways. The material is simple to install, so you don’t have to involve specialists for the work. You can decorate the doorway yourself by cutting out the necessary elements from plastic, or you can buy a ready-made kit. It includes:

  • Platbands in the amount of six pieces. Four for the side “walls” on two sides and two to form the upper vault. If the latter has non-standard shape(arched), then special kits are purchased, designed for a specific doorway.
  • Three extras. Two for the side walls and one for the top.

Panel doorways decorated with plastic are universal and suitable for any style. Choose a material with an ornate, subtle pattern and it will organically blend into one of the classic trends. Use imitation metal or brick with lighting and the doorway will become an elegant addition to a room in a high-tech or loft style.

Decorative stone can be used to decorate the interior and entrance doorways. Natural material camouflages perfectly metal carcass, who on the threshold disfigures the situation with his appearance. For interior openings open type mainly uses artificial stone. The material is lighter than natural, but less durable. Stone or brick finishing often performed using the “torn” edge technique. Its edges capture part of the wall and create a unique pattern that imitates carelessly done work. The option is very popular in modern interiors, as it introduces “antique” motifs that contrast with the general “neatness” in the room’s decor.

Unlike gypsum stucco, polyurethane is lightweight. During installation, it is not scary to drop elements on the floor, since the fall will avoid cracks and broken pieces. With the help of stucco molding, aristocratic arched structures are created that are suitable for Empire or antique styles. Small elements are complemented by pilasters imitating columns on the sides of the doorway. This option looks impressive in rooms with low ceilings, as it will visually lengthen the room. It is not recommended to get carried away with stucco in small spaces: the abundance of small, relief details will play a bad joke on perception. Polyurethane decor is “set” on glue, which provides good adhesion to any surface.

One of the advantages of the material is its standard White color. Subsequently, you can paint the surface in any shade, in accordance with the room’s decor palette.

Clinker is another popular type of finishing. Ceramic tile has a rectangular “brick” shape, as opposed to the traditional square one. It is recommended to design the opening using the “staggered” technique, when the fragments of the adjacent row are shifted by half the width of the piece. When laid in this way, the seams do not coincide, which makes it possible to achieve a resemblance to brickwork. If, when decorating walls in this way, it would be necessary to cut the clinker, since every second row should end with half a tile, then to decorate the opening they resort to “torn” edges. This design looks stylish and elegant. The color range of clinker tiles allows you to choose the material in accordance with any interior palette.


The simplest decoration option is to decorate the doorway with fabric curtains. For these purposes, use both light tulle and heavy curtains. The latter are assembled on the sides and secured with special hooks. Holders allow, if necessary, to leave the opening open or curtain it completely. Also widely used filament curtains: they are “stripes” of special synthetic fabric, which sways freely in the opening and creates the illusion of an obstacle. Textiles as decoration are very convenient; they can be easily removed for washing or replaced with curtains with a different “style” or color when changing the interior.

Design ideas

The practice of a “built-in” doorway, or rather its illusion, is widely used. A similar solution is relevant for apartments where there is nowhere to put books. Home library placed on open shelves that surround the doorway. IN the nearest corner set up a place for reading: a cozy table with an armchair or a miniature sofa. In modern interiors, designers often experiment, and the shape of the doorway becomes the subject of design experiments. They can follow the contours of keyholes, vases, be completely round or have asymmetrical curved edges.

The original openings are complemented with decorative “windows” on the sides, illuminated voids that highlight the contour features, or shelves on one side. The original solution would be installation forged elements With floral ornament above the vault. They will stretch the metal “stems” all the way to the floor. Forged “vines” are provided with special holders to which family photographs of equal size are attached.

Standard design

Standard design is usually made of plastic or MDF. These materials are available and have affordable prices. It is recommended to purchase a kit, which already includes platbands and accessories. All the owner has to do is install it.

A classic doorway may seem too conservative and a little boring to many. Typically, such options are chosen by adherents of traditions who do not like dramatic changes either in life or in the interior. However, a primitive open-type doorway is also used in too “live” colorful environment. It plays the role of a discreet element that unloads the space.

Arches magically expand space. They create the effect of “freedom” and fill both rooms with light and air. In most cases (except for Thai versions), arched structures are symmetrical. They are designed accordingly, as if in mirror image. IN classic styles the arches are decorated with stucco molding, bas-reliefs and pilasters on the sides. An interior with a similar design will look elegant and expensive.

The arches with transoms are decorated with glass and thin slats that create a geometric pattern. Asymmetrical options are complemented by niches, shelves for decoration, and lighting. Arched structures connect any rooms; there are no restrictions in this regard. Although more often such openings are found between a cramped hallway and an adjacent room (usually a hall).

Restoration of various kinds of buildings and structures can often be accompanied by a system of new entrances and exits. Some take it upon themselves to correct the situation and seal the opening in the walls themselves. Everyone has seen the photo of the opening in the wall and what it looks like. But openings are also different.

You should approach the opening in the load-bearing wall with special care. Redevelopment in apartments and houses concerning the area of ​​load-bearing walls must be discussed in certain authorities.

Many people ask the question of how to make an opening in a wall with their own hands. Let's just say that this process is not significantly complicated, but quite labor-intensive. The hole created will need to be reinforced so that the wall retains its original strength.

For this action use steel profiles. To strengthen the hole, jumpers with posts can also be used. Thanks to them, the created structure can support the weight of the entire wall above it.

Sealing existing openings

For example, if there is no longer a need for any of the doorways in the house, then it must be closed. Close the openings available in internal partition, you can use regular drywall or other similar material.

However, if the opening is in the outer part, then it is impossible to do without a major filling of the opening. In such a situation, I will come to the rescue special blocks and bricks.

The opening must be carefully prepared before the sealing process. The plaster should be completely removed: starting from the lowest base to the slopes and inconspicuous corners.

New so-called grooves are created in the brick opening for future masonry. Half the brick should be removed on every 4th row. Holes are created in the inner walls of the concrete into which 9-10 mm reinforcement is driven. This is done to strengthen the bond with the brick material.

The wall covered with brick is left to harden for a day, and only after a day they begin to plaster. Initially, the areas of the walls freed from plaster will have to be primed.

During the plastering process, apply every 240 mm steel mesh. Steel structures used for additional strengthening of the structure. Next, the wall is sprayed with cement, and the mixture (mortar) begins to be applied. The number of layers of plaster should depend on the correspondence between the levels of the previous and existing walls.

But! Be careful! Each subsequent new layer can be applied only one day after the previous layer has hardened. Before each application of a layer, the surface should be well primed, and the other side of the wall should be plastered.

Decorating openings

Sometimes you can leave the opening, but in this case you will need to decorate the opening in the wall.

There are several ways to decorate an old opening in a house:

Creating an arch. While creating arched structures, it should be remembered that the height of the opening will decrease by a significant number of centimeters. Making an arch is simple, using corners and putty. Additional material can serve plasterboard structures, chipboard or plywood sheets.

But now you can buy in stores ready-made option for your arch, which will make the task easier. All that remains is to buy it and place it under the opening. Arches can be completely various types: U-shaped, oval, rounded, square, triangular, etc.

Interior decoration using a niche. Niches look rich, aesthetically pleasing, and also visually increase the space in the room. They can be not only beautiful, but also practical, that is, they can serve as cabinets and shelving. They will look like shelves occupying the entire wall space.

Design of old openings in various ways decorative materials. You can make the finishing from natural wood. This is done if the interior is already dominated by wooden structures, for example, stairs, doors, smaller elements.

Next option will do you if you have already created an arch in the house and decided to decorate the arch with curtains or curtains. This will add lightness to the interior.

As a last resort, you can use plastic panels. The wide range of colors of plastic panels and saving your money will be a huge advantage when finishing openings with this particular material.

Photos of wall openings

Having decided to get rid of traditional doors, you cannot avoid the question of how you can design the resulting arch? In this article we will look at how you can look beautiful without doors using various materials on one's own.

Why are openings made?

  1. In some buildings, open doorways are part of load-bearing wall. It cannot be removed; all that remains is to decorate it or turn it into a built-in closet or niche.
  2. Open doorways are also made to visually unite several rooms: kitchen and living room, office and bedroom, living room and hallway.
  3. In open-plan rooms, such openings divide the area into functional zones.

In addition, open doorways visually increase the space; they do not need to be maintained like traditional doors; they can be interestingly decorated and given an original shape. But this option is unacceptable for those who want to retire from everyone.

Door niche shape

  • Rectangular. This design requires mandatory finishing, installation of platbands and framing. It can be finished with wooden or plastic panels with similar platbands, decorated with stucco or decorative stone.

  • Arched design. It can have a rounded, trapezoidal, ellipsoidal arch, etc. Such an opening visually expands the space, so it is advantageous to make it in narrow rooms. In principle, you can use drywall.

Advice! When planning to decorate an arched opening, avoid “heavy” and “bulky” cladding methods (stucco molding or stone with large patterns).

  • Imitation of an arch. In appearance it is similar to an arch, but is made from semicircular ready-made segments that can be bought at any store. They are fixed in the corners of the niche and decorated in any way.

How to highlight an arched opening

The finishing of interior openings is done in order to attract attention. There are several design solutions that will help highlight the arch:

Advice! If you want the entrance opening to look unusual and original, give it an unusual shape using drywall: ellipsoidal, sloped in one direction, a figured entrance with shelves, etc.

How to divert attention from a doorway

There are situations when it is necessary to visually hide a doorway. To do this, you can resort to some tricks:

  1. Drywall without additional finishing, i.e. painted white, will help make the entrance “inconspicuous”. Many people hang a cornice with curtains over such an opening, decorated with bright patterns and interesting prints that will distract attention to themselves.
  2. A wicker frame in the form of lambrequins made of thick threads will also help to merge with the overall interior.

How to decorate a doorway with stone

Decorate door arch stone is an excellent option for:

  1. Large, spacious rooms;
  2. Premises with a small number of furniture;
  3. If you need to hide any wall defects.

The process of decorating a doorway with stone is performed as follows:

  • The surface must be prepared: removed from the old coating, plastered and primed.
  • Markings are made on the wall for decorative stone, making the design larger at the bottom and smaller at the top. Then the selected area needs to be primed.
  • Then on flat surface The decorative stone is laid out to visually see the combination of colors and the intended pattern.
  • Artificial stone is glued to the wall using tile adhesive or liquid nails. You need to start from the bottom corner. If the vertical edge of the opening is lined with stone, then it is glued close to the platband.

Advice! To masonry looked more organic, sharp corners can be sanded with sandpaper.

  • After the glue has dried, the decorative stone is coated with varnish or a special composition consisting of tinting paste, water and acrylic varnish.
  • At the end, the plinth is glued to the floor and the trim is installed.

Finishing the interior doorway with MDF

Externally type MDF similar to natural wood. An opening decorated with MDF boards looks especially elegant and will suit any style. In addition, they are very easy to install; even a beginner can do it, adhering to the following sequence:

  • IN doorway it is necessary to seal the cracks and chips, and then nail the guide rails along the edges.
  • Next, you need to determine the width of the workpiece; to do this, attach the platband to the slope with outside, the resulting distance will be equal to the width of the slope.
    In this case, it is necessary to take into account the width of the finishing corner along the edge of the platband.

  • Now you can cut the strip for upper slope using a jigsaw. Using self-tapping screws, we attach it to the slats.
  • The side slopes are installed in the same way.
  • Next, glue along the perimeter of the opening decorative corners, and then cover them with a platband.
  • The gaps between the slopes are sealed with putty to match the color of the wood.

Decorating a doorway with plastic

This is one of the most affordable and inexpensive ways finishing. In addition to the price, its advantages include diversity color solutions and textures, which allows the material to fit into any interior. In addition, plastic is not afraid of mechanical and chemical exposure, easy to clean. There are two ways to install such panels:

  1. By analogy with MDF boards, i.e. fasten to wooden frame. However, this method can easily damage the texture of the plastic.
  2. Provided that the slopes of the opening are smooth and plastered, the plastic is attached to the base using liquid nails. The ends of the plastic are closed with special plastic corners. They are attached to liquid nails, just press them to the surface with steam.

Other design options for arched openings.

Stucco molding. It can be made of gypsum and polyurethane. The first option is practically not used today, because Such panels are very heavy, they are difficult to install, and they are also a very fragile material; if they fall, they will simply break. Polyurethane is no different in appearance from gypsum, but it is lighter and is glued to any surface using liquid nails.

However, this method of decoration is not very appropriate in small apartments with narrow doorways. Polyurethane stucco molding is available in white; later it can be painted with regular paint. water-based paint in any color.

Plasterboard. With its help, the niche can be given any shape and get a perfectly smooth surface. Drywall is attached to a special metallic profile using self-tapping screws, and the corners are closed with corners. After installation, it is primed and puttied in three layers. Then the opening can be covered with wallpaper or painted to match the main walls.

Natural wood. This is the most expensive finishing option. But the result is worth the investment, because... natural wood gives the interior a special chic, comfort and respectability. Moreover, it is an environmentally friendly, harmless material that does not cause allergies. But you can use cheaper types of wood, varnishing it to resemble oak or walnut, and this will not affect the appearance in any way.

Decorating a doorway beautifully is not such a difficult task. There are plenty of options to make it fit into the style of your home and transform the room into... better side, just use your imagination and use our advice.

Design of arches in an apartment: photo

How to design a doorway: photo

When planning the decoration of an apartment or house, choosing the ideal design solution for many ordinary people it becomes challenging task. In an attempt to decorate their homes, people use everything available materials, starting from Italian wallpaper and ending artificial stone. Particularly difficult is the decoration of doorways, since the number of options that designers offer can amaze even the most demanding imagination.

Choose the ideal method that will optimally fit into the overall style decision and correctly emphasize the leading direction is extremely difficult.

Finishing the doorway: choosing the appropriate solution

Before deciding on the design of the doorway, the designer, together with the owners, needs to decide what exact shape these openings will be.

There are the following forms of doorways:

  • Rectangular opening. This method of organizing space requires either the presence of a door or voluminous and noticeable cash. Depending on what kind of cashing is chosen, the doorway can perform both an auxiliary and a main function in the interior of the room. In itself, such a strict form requires additional decor that can give it the necessary gloss and attractiveness.
  • Arch. This method of designing doorways is quite popular and appropriate in certain styles. Designers note that using an arched opening is only advisable if the rooms it connects are made in the same style. Experts advise paying attention to the fact that overly massive or bright decorative elements can make such an opening heavier.
  • FACT! The arch does not have to be round. Other forms are also used: ellipsoidal, trapezoidal, asymmetrical arch - each of them is worthy.

    • Imitation of an arch. This method of designing a doorway can be called “lazy”, since in this case an ordinary rectangular opening is given the shape of an arch using segments fixed in the corners of the opening. In this case, designers advise making these corners openwork and airy - this will allow such an arch to fit into any interior and make the room more spacious and lighter.

    Finishing doorway without door- this is a special task, the difficulty of which lies in the fact that all the attention that could be focused on the door is transferred to the doorway. Therefore, in this case, designers pay more attention to the design, choosing options and finishing methods much more carefully.

    ADVICE! Often, curtains or drapes, as well as lambrequins flowing in noble folds, are used as a door substitute in such openings.

    Use of plastic and drywall

    Despite the popularity natural materials, the use of PVC panels and, as well as finishing openings with artificial decorative stone, is still in fashion. All these materials are acceptable options, which, if executed well, can become a real decoration of the room.

    • Plastic panels are the simplest and most laconic option for designing an opening, since they allow you to imitate such a popular wooden texture. Dark panels allow you to create an attractive contrast with a light painted or wallpapered wall, thereby emphasizing the rigor and sophistication of the interior. This design method allows you to visually expand the space and create the effect of a high ceiling. In addition, such panels are the most transparent: they are easy to clean, even if dust or dirt is visible on the surface.
    • Polyurethane stucco replaced the usual plaster, because it has a decent appearance with less weight and excellent practicality. When choosing this method of decorating a doorway, you should be extremely careful, since the abundance of decor can overload the room and make it small.

      Most often, in such cases, the most simple and concise stucco molding in white or another neutral color is used.

    • Drywall. Finishing with this material is carried out in cases where the task of designers and builders is to divert attention from the opening and create the effect of a single room.

      In addition, it often becomes the basis for the use of other decor: for example, polyurethane cornices are often glued to plasterboard structures.

      Regardless of what kind of material will be used to decorate the doorway, designers advise paying attention to the appropriateness and feasibility of using massive or volumetric elements.

      Add traditional design moldings or mosaics means making the room individual, adding a touch of the owners’ delicate taste to it.

      Decorative stone in the decoration of doorways

      Particularly popular in Lately decorative stone is used to decorate doorways. This is due to the fact that decorative stone is one of the most stylish ways to decorate doorways and allows you to give the room a new mood and sophistication.

      The use of such material is quite expensive, but is more than compensated by the decent appearance and reliability of the result obtained.

      Finishing an opening with artificial stone is often ideal solution, since this material has the following advantages:

      • spectacular appearance;
      • durability and reliability in operation;
      • ease of maintenance and the possibility of restoring damaged elements;
      • variability and compatibility with other decorative materials.

      Most often, medium-sized stones that do not burden the interior are used to decorate openings in apartments with artificial stone. To give such a finish a “natural” look, the outer edge of the finish is made deliberately uneven, while smooth edges are used extremely rarely.

      If an arch is decorated with stones, then in its upper part the stones are laid around the perimeter of the opening: in this way the geometric shape arches, which will make it more noticeable against the background of the rest of the stone-lined wall.

      If you decorate a doorway without a door with such stone, you should lay the decor on both sides of the opening: this option will allow you to optimally fit the decoration into the interior and connect two rooms into one.

The desire of every owner to decorate his apartment in an original way or Vacation home This is understandable, because in this way everyone wants to demonstrate their taste and their vision of beauty and comfort.

Fortunately, today there are a huge number of possibilities for this and various building materials that allow, in skillful hands, to create real miracles and make all design fantasies come true.

In addition to the design of the ceiling, walls and floors, large interior doorways, which visually separate the rooms and are an important part of any interior, also play a significant role. Finishing doorways without doors is rightfully considered a separate art, since it has its own rules and technology.

Options for finishing doorways

In modern interior design, there are several main types for decorating an opening.

These include:

  • finishing with plastic panels;
  • decorative stucco molding made of plaster or polyurethane;
  • decoration with clinker tiles;
  • arched design;
  • a regular rectangular opening without additional decoration.

Each of listed types decorations can be done with your own hands, if available the necessary tool, material and practical experience. The price of such openings depends on the material used and the complexity of the decoration.

Plastic panels

The design of ordinary rectangular openings using special plastic panels is the most common design option, since these panels have a number of positive characteristics and features such as:

  • ease of installation;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • low cost of material;
  • does not require finishing preparation of the opening for installation.

The panels imitate natural wood of various species and have a large number of shades. This design style provides for strict lines and visual highlighting of the opening due to the contrast between the color of the panels and the colors of the walls. It is worth noting that such panels are easy to clean and do not leave handprints on the corners.

For your information. In most cases, the panels are fastened using assembly adhesive or liquid nails, but sometimes they are fastened using special self-tapping screws. The use of this material makes it possible partial replacement accidentally damaged parts.

Modeling made of polyurethane or gypsum

You can often find apartments and houses decorated in the Venetian style, where the finishing of an opening without a door is carried out using polyurethane. Plaster modeling Today it is practically not used, since polyurethane has replaced gypsum due to its significantly lower weight, which is very important especially in old houses.

If you decide to go with this option, you need to consider the following points:

  • This type of decoration can be made with your own hands using ready-made elements, the variety of which will allow you to realize any design. However, it must be used very carefully, since this design is not suitable for every room.
  • To use molding, all other interior solutions must be made in the same style, otherwise the decorative pattern on the opening will not stand out favorably from the overall picture. For small rooms, try to use small-relief elements, since large modeling will visually make the opening heavier.
  • Initially, finished polyurethane products are white, which can always be repainted to match the color of the walls or ceiling. If you want to create an exclusive design, then you will have to order the production of the necessary elements, due to which the price of such decoration will increase significantly.

Finishing the opening with stone

The most stylish, but at the same time in an expensive way Finishing an opening without a door with decorative stone is considered. It is worth noting that this procedure is quite complicated and requires some experience, but the result is definitely worth it.

Main advantages decorative stone are:

  • presentable appearance;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • compatibility with other types of materials;
  • durability and ease of maintenance.

For finishing doorways in interior spaces apartments or houses, usually choose a small stone. In some cases, the stone is cut to fit the corners of the opening, but sometimes design with torn edges, where the stone is carefully selected and installed in its natural form. Both options look original depending on general style premises.

The color of the material and the outline of the opening are chosen depending on the overall interior design, and this should not be neglected, since even the most beautiful and perfectly laid stone can ruin the entire look of the room due to an incorrectly selected color or general shape of the opening. The stone is usually mounted using tile adhesive, but liquid nails can also be used on a previously primed surface.

Clinker tiles

For interior decoration of openings, you can also use a special clinker tiles, decorated with brick of various shades. This decoration of an opening without a door looks impressive, despite the fact that clinker is intended for the exterior decoration of building facades.

Relatively recently, this material began to be used for finishing window openings and in combination with a doorway of the same material, the whole room takes on a style of its own. Clinker is easy to use and is laid on liquid nails or tile adhesive, depending on the nature of the surface.

Arch-shaped opening

The most common options for finishing a doorway without a door are made in the form of arches, since this design allows you to visually increase the space and is successfully used by designers ().

Tip: In rooms with low ceiling, usually they install arches whose corner radius is significantly larger than the width of the opening itself; this visually raises the ceiling and increases the space. For rooms with high ceilings, the radius of the arch exactly matches the width of the opening.

Arches are usually made in several geometric options, such as:

  • round (photo);

  • ellipsoid;

  • in the shape of a trapezoid (photo);