Is it possible to lay foam blocks in winter? Masonry of aerated concrete blocks in winter. Is it possible to build a house from foam blocks in winter?

CONSTRUCTION FROM AERATED CONCRETE IN WINTER To the question “Is it possible to build with aerated concrete in winter,” the manufacturers of this universal building material unanimously give an affirmative answer. Laying blocks in autumn winter period is allowed, however low temperature does not affect the quality of the masonry in any way. To begin construction, despite the vicissitudes of the weather, you will need a special adhesive designed for use in temperatures from +5 to -15 °C. If you decide to build a house from aerated concrete in winter, then under no circumstances use standard glue. There are other types of glue, thanks to which a house or some other building can be built even at temperatures down to -20 °C. Construction from aerated concrete in winter has a number of features and rules - follow them, and the quality of the masonry will not suffer. But winter construction still has disadvantages - it is a higher cost compared to summer jobs and longer term for laying blocks. From an economic point of view, laying aerated concrete in winter is not the most profitable solution. Laying aerated concrete in the cold season Have you decided to build a house from aerated concrete in winter? Then you should familiarize yourself with the technology of laying blocks in the cold season. Is it possible to lay aerated concrete in winter without knowing the specific features? Under no circumstances, otherwise the house will not last long. Before laying aerated concrete at temperatures below zero, it is necessary to warm up the blocks - this must be done directly during construction. Blocks need to be watered hot water, the temperature of which is about 40 °C. The glue that joins the blocks must also be diluted with hot water, otherwise it will quickly harden. Dilute the glue into plastic container and be sure to cover it with a lid to slow down the cooling. Before placing aerated concrete in winter time, be sure to warm up the blocks. The blocks must be covered with a banner made of dense material. The blocks can be heated using a heating element or similar equipment, while the banner must be pressed so that hot air does not escape outside. Completely “seal” inner space This is unlikely to happen, but heat loss should be kept to a minimum. Only after warming up can you begin winter construction aerated concrete house! Warming up takes about an hour. A house made of aerated concrete blocks takes much longer to build in winter than in summer - that’s a fact. How to store aerated concrete blocks in winter Do you want the aerated concrete masonry to be of the same quality in winter as in summer? Then you should take care of creating the storage conditions that are necessary to preserve technological characteristics. In case of long-term preservation, for example, more than 3 weeks, it makes sense to store the blocks in their original packaging; there is no need to open the aerated concrete completely or partially. Storing aerated concrete in winter is possible directly on the street; it is not necessary to remove the blocks indoors or under a canopy. The upper part of the original packaging completely protects the blocks from moisture. 2 weeks before the day on which the laying of aerated concrete is planned, the packaging must be removed, leaving top part. This time is enough for the accumulated moisture to come out of the blocks. If the winter laying of aerated concrete begins in the near future, and long-term preservation of the blocks is not planned, then you can immediately remove the side part of the packaging to allow the blocks to dry. Leave only the top part, which protects the blocks from precipitation. Storing aerated concrete in winter is possible with full preservation of the technological properties of the material. So, you can build a house from aerated concrete in the winter if you don’t have the opportunity to wait for the construction season - the construction will just go a little slower and cost more.

In winter. They are building quite a lot. You don't have to go out of town to see this. Look around and you will see that new buildings are growing at an enviable speed, regardless of the time of year. And they have long become popular in construction apartment buildings, as well as private country cottages.

Of course, the most favorable time for building a house is the warm season. The reliability and quality of the future cottage depends directly on the professionalism of the performers. It is important that they know the nuances of construction in winter and follow certain rules. Therefore, when winter approaches, it is not necessary to postpone the planned construction, but consult with specialists and select a highly qualified team.

Important points of construction in winter

  • To lay aerated concrete blocks, it is necessary to use glue with anti-frost additives, and when preparing it, use warm water;
  • If the temperature is below -10C°, it is better to postpone the laying of aerated concrete blocks;
  • In the cold season, a high pace of work is important, because... with slow laying, the seams may increase;
  • The mortar may cool during construction, so sometimes it should be placed in a warm place to thaw. Water in mortar do not add, to avoid cracks in spring;
  • It is important to prepare for the working day required amount blocks and glue;
  • Place the blocks on a surface that has been warmed and cleared of snow and ice (reinforced concrete slab or masonry);
  • It is better to postpone plastering the facade until spring so that the moisture contained in the aerated concrete evaporates.

If you decide to postpone the construction of your house until spring, we advise you to purchase building materials in winter to get a good discount. If you need help in storing material for this period, we will help resolve this issue.

As you can see, building a house in winter has a number of difficulties, but solving them is not as difficult as it seemed, the main thing is to follow the technology and follow the rules, and in the spring you will be able to start finishing and renovating, and in the summer you will be able to move into a full-fledged country house.

The foam block is made from cement, sand and water with the addition of a special foaming agent. At the same time, the material has excellent thermal and soundproofing properties, fireproof and frost-resistant, and also practically does not absorb moisture and does not shrink. Laying foam blocks should be carried out at air temperatures from +5 to +25°C. If the temperature is higher than recommended, the material must be constantly watered with water to moisten it, but in winter, when there is sub-zero temperature outside, during laying it is necessary to use glue, which contains a special anti-frost additive. It allows you to lay foam blocks at air temperatures down to -10°C.

When laying foam blocks directly on the foundation, you need to additionally form waterproofing. This will protect the material from excessive moisture. As waterproofing materials You can use roofing felt, polymer-cement solution and others.

Preparatory work

To begin with, the surface on which the foam block will be laid is properly leveled. This can be done using cement-sand mortar. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the laying of the first row of material, because the laying out of all subsequent rows will depend on this. The smoother the first row of foam blocks is laid out, the easier it will be to lay out the next ones. Lay material in winter at sub-zero temperature It is recommended to add an antifreeze additive to the solution.

Unevenness when laying out the first row of foam blocks can be removed with your own hands using a plane. At the same time, do not forget to clean off dust and debris from the surface. Laying foam blocks begins with the installation of lighthouse foam blocks, which are installed in the future corners of the building. Next, a special cord is stretched between them, with the help of which it will be possible to lay out the rows much easier and more evenly.

Laying out foam blocks

It is necessary to mix the mixture for laying foam blocks in winter at sub-zero temperatures in small portions, stirring constantly. Water for it must be taken at room temperature. The second and subsequent rows of foam blocks are laid out on a solution evenly applied using a special trowel. Particular attention must be paid to butt seams.

When laying the foam block, it is necessary to carefully press it, and the butt seams should be made no more than 5 millimeters thick. Upon completion of laying out each row of material with your own hands, the resulting surface must be cleaned with a plane.

Foam block walls, if they are too long, must be additionally reinforced at sub-zero temperatures. Also in need of reinforcement are surfaces on which heavy loads will be placed, and walls with windows and doorways. For this purpose, reinforcement with a diameter of about 8 millimeters is used, which fits into specially cut grooves in the material. To secure the reinforcement in winter at sub-zero temperatures, it is necessary to add an anti-frost additive to the glue, as well as to the installation solution. If any foam block was not installed quite correctly and evenly, you can correct it either with a plane, if it protrudes a little, or with mortar, if there is not enough height.

Aerated concrete blocks are considered a popular material for the construction of facilities. I don’t want to say too much, you can turn to statistical data that says that more than twenty-five percent of structures for various purposes are built from it. And all this with sufficient quantity other types of materials. This demand is explained by unusual physical and technical characteristics block. Construction work during the season does not cause any difficulties. But what to do if you have to lay aerated concrete in winter?

Features of masonry in winter

Laying aerated concrete blocks in winter is possible under certain conditions.

Masonry work in winter involves cleaning the surface of the blocks from snow and ice.

The adhesive composition for winter masonry should be produced at low temperatures within half an hour from the moment the dry mixture is diluted with water. If the glue is prepared correctly, then its temperature should be from ten to twenty degrees Celsius.

The adhesive mass is applied to the block surface with a ladle-shaped trowel.

In addition, the material must be heated. For this purpose it is being built frame base near the pallet with the material, covered with polyethylene or an awning. Warming is carried out by an electric heating element or a heat gun. Note that weak heating of the blocks significantly reduces the effectiveness of the strength of the seams, which is explained by the crystallization of moisture accumulated in the block pores.

In winter when masonry work ah, anti-frost components are added to the glue.

Permissible temperature

Antifreeze additives produced by domestic and foreign manufacturers, do not always meet the requirements of GOST.

At what temperature can a gas block be laid?

If the adhesive composition is of high quality, then it is allowed to carry out construction works from aerated concrete material at temperature conditions ten to fifteen degrees below zero.

The same indicators give the right to use mixtures for laying blocks in the construction of a low-rise building at subzero temperatures.

The use of a standard (summer) mortar in winter, to which the anti-frost additive Anti-Frost has been added, makes it possible to guarantee construction until the air temperature drops below fifteen degrees.

The purchase of such additives does not greatly increase cash costs, since such costs are compensated by seasonal price discounts for aerated concrete material.

We conclude that construction with aerated concrete in winter is possible.


What will be required to carry out the work? Considering that you will have to mix the glue, prepare:

  • electric drill with attachment or mixer;
  • kneading container.

Additionally you will need:

  • a brush with which we will brush off dust;
  • hacksaw (it is better to use a special one for aerated concrete);
  • a ladle with which the adhesive composition will be poured onto the block surface;
  • spatulas;
  • hand graters;
  • rubber mallet for leveling blocks;
  • plumb line and building level;
  • hammer drill

Selection of glue and additives

For masonry installation it is necessary to apply thin layer adhesive composition. The usual consumption data for this composition at a thickness of 2 millimeters is significantly reduced when compared with a solution of sand and cement, which makes it possible to achieve optimal thermal conductivity.

A high-quality adhesive composition for winter work is characterized by a high adhesion rate and resistance to moisture and low temperature conditions. These features allow it to be used for filling and leveling surfaces. The adhesive composition is based on a mixture of Portland cement and fine sand.

A special feature are polymer components that increase adhesive capabilities and improve ductility. When mixing glue, modifiers are used to minimize the appearance of cracks.

Experts assure that the fast-hardening adhesive composition can be used until late autumn, as long as stable positive temperatures remain during the day. The wall installed during the day receives the specified properties before frost occurs at night. And the weak thermal conductivity of aerated concrete will play a positive role here. It turns out that there is enough time for the glue to fully set.

As a second option, you can consider the use of special additives or frost-resistant adhesives. There are not very many of them, but you will be able to solve the problem of winter construction.

Block laying process

Before work begins, the blocks are warmed up, and this process continues throughout construction. The block material is stored in a heated room. Adhesive for masonry work is diluted with hot water.

You can store aerated concrete outside; it is not necessary to build a shed or store the material indoors. The original packaging will completely protect the material from water. A couple of weeks before the start of work, it is removed, leaving only the upper part. This period will be enough for the material to be freed from excess moisture.

It is believed that when the air temperature is two degrees below zero, the blocks can be kept unpacked for no more than one day.

When starting to continue the masonry, you should check how firmly the wall erected the day before is holding. Testing in progress rubber mallet, which is used to hit the block in the top row. If the impact does not cause separation, the laying can continue.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to leave an aerated concrete house without a roof for the winter? Experienced specialists they assure that the construction process should not be stopped if the first floor does not have a ceiling.

Besides, ideal option will create protection for external walls finishing material before the onset of cold weather.

An unfinished aerated concrete house is being preserved for the winter. Perfect solution- organize heating at least in a minimum mode so that aerated concrete walls didn't freeze.

When asked whether it is possible to build a house from aerated concrete in winter, experts give an affirmative answer. They claim that it becomes possible to save on basic material and improve the quality of masonry, since construction crew will not work at the pace that it is capable of demonstrating in the summer. Laying aerated concrete blocks in cold weather will progress more slowly also because adhesive composition It will take longer to set.

Is it possible to leave aerated concrete walls without a roof for the winter? Masters do not recommend doing this. But if the circumstances turned out to be higher, then during conservation you will have to tightly cover the walls plastic film, strengthening it from below. To insulate the floor, its surface should be covered with straw mats; window and door openings should be boarded up with roofing felt or plywood sheets.

Is it possible to lay aerated concrete in winter if there is no way to warm it up? Everyone knows that blocks absorb moisture well, in frosty weather they become very fragile and form small cracks.

It is better not to use the material without first drying it. Otherwise, when the air temperature drops below five degrees below zero, masonry should be stopped.

Advantages and disadvantages of winter construction

Savings are definitely waiting for you Money on purchasing materials in winter. Prices will vary by fifteen percent, as demand for blocks decreases at this time. Even craftsmen can be found at reasonable prices, since in winter many remain unemployed.

Vehicles with loads will be able to easily approach the construction site, because the road will be covered with snow and frozen, and the equipment will not leave large potholes or pits.

But there are certain disadvantages associated with storing the material, preparing it for work and the speed of masonry.


Winter construction has certain difficulties. But if you comply with all technological requirements and rules, then in the spring season you can completely move on to finishing works to move to in the summer new house. Just don’t rely too much on your own strengths. If there is no proper experience in construction, workers should be hired to carry out masonry in winter. Only they will be able to take into account all the vagaries of nature and do the job efficiently.

Aerated concrete is very popular construction material. There is no point in talking about this, just remember the statistics. Indeed, in Ukraine, more than 25% of buildings are built from aerated concrete. And this despite the fact that there are many others wall materials: brick, ceramic block, foam block, etc. And all thanks to the amazing physical and technical characteristics of this product.

Building a house from aerated concrete during the construction season (from spring to autumn inclusive) is not particularly difficult. But what if you need to build a house in winter?

Let's start with the fact that it is better to avoid such situations. Despite all its many advantages, aerated concrete does not withstand winter well on an open construction site, as it is highly hygroscopic. Moisture absorbed into the pores of the material when negative temperatures turns into ice and expands, causing cracks to form.

But if the situation requires it, you will have to build walls from aerated concrete in winter.

Features of masonry in winter

Make sure that you are close to construction site it was spacious and dry closed room, preferably heated. This is where the gas block should be stored. Under no circumstances should you leave it outside in the cold.

An additional problem is the rapid freezing of aerated concrete mortar and adhesive at temperatures below +5 degrees Celsius. Therefore, you need to use only frost-resistant glue.

Although it costs approximately 15% more than simple adhesive for aerated concrete blocks, thanks to frost-resistant additives it can be used even at temperatures of -15 degrees.

The gas block itself needs to be warmed up before laying. To do this, build a frame around the pallet and cover it with plastic wrap or a tarp. Warm up the air inside the frame using any of the available devices:

  1. Fan heater;
  2. Heat gun;
Glue for aerated concrete should be poured into a container with a tight-fitting lid. When mixing, dilute the glue with hot water.

The first row of aerated block is placed on cement-sand mortar. It is used mainly for laying out the first row and filling grooves with reinforcement. Don't forget to add antifreeze modifiers to the solution.

It is impossible to work with glue at temperatures below -15 degrees. Even if the glue hardens normally, the seams will suffer due to the crystallization of chemically unbound water in the pores.

You can buy a high-quality gas block in the Trivita online store -