Killing cockroaches. Destruction of cockroaches with fog: reviews. Repelling cockroaches with floral scents of geranium and chamomile

Our company has extensive experience in removing cockroaches in various rooms. Our disinfectors have carried out thousands of successful treatments against cockroaches; they know their habits and peculiarities of working in different conditions. To bait cockroaches, modern insecticides that are safe for people and animals are used. We constantly test new drugs and follow foreign and domestic best practices in cockroach disinfestation. Cockroach removal is fast, safe and reliable. A guarantee is given for treatment against cockroaches, and the confidentiality of the call is maintained.

We are all familiar with cockroaches; they always accompany a person in his life and economic activity, but getting them out is not so easy. Cockroaches are very mobile, prolific and able to adapt to environment, in particular to various poisons. Therefore, poisoning cockroaches yourself is a tedious task and does not guarantee results. Contact the professionals and you will get rid of cockroaches forever!

Treatment for cockroaches

What drugs and methods are used?

For treatment against cockroaches, class IV preparations of low-hazard substances (safe for humans, animals and plants) based on FOS, pyrethroids, carbamates, as well as combined insecticides are used. All our products have the appropriate certificates and have been repeatedly tested in real and experimental conditions.

The treatment is carried out using a fine-drop spraying method, which allows you to get rid of cockroaches in a short time and with high efficiency. It is worth recalling that in pest control the main thing is not to deliver the drug to all the cracks and openings, but to choose a composition that will act safely and effectively, since cockroaches quickly get used to new disinfectants.

What needs to be done before treating cockroaches?

Before the disinfector arrives, it is recommended to clean, move away objects that block access to corners, and clean cabinets and shelves using cleaning products. You also need to hide food and personal hygiene items so that the drug does not get on them.

How does disinsection occur?

General information about cockroaches

In Moscow and the Moscow region, red cockroaches (Prussians) are the most common, and black ones are also common. Cockroaches are collective animals, they live in groups; in summer they can live in local areas, grass, migrate across external walls building.

Cockroaches can go without food for about 60 days, but they need water to survive. Cockroaches are very mobile animals, they quickly spread through garbage disposal pipes, staircases, ventilation systems. Where they discover suitable conditions, leave an aggregation pheromone, to which other individuals flock. Therefore, fighting cockroaches in an apartment is not an easy process, without the involvement of specialists.

Cockroaches love warm and damp places where they lay their eggs, and are omnivores - there have been cases of attacks on sleeping people and infants. They transmit infection mechanically, contaminating food with their saliva and excrement, which can also cause an allergic reaction in humans.

Cockroaches breed all year round, they are very prolific: the offspring of the first generation are only tens of individuals, but after the second generation (after 3-4 months) the number increases hundreds of times.

These insects are highly addictive to drugs and getting rid of cockroaches is not so easy. Risk factors are: violation sanitary standards, insufficient disinfestation measures, modern construction. Fumigation against cockroaches is ineffective; it is most likely impossible to remove cockroaches this way, because their nests are out of reach of the “steam”. It is more effective to bait cockroaches with a drug that infects them and which they drag into their nests and feed to the larvae. You also need to take preventive measures against cockroaches: seal cracks, carry out timely cleaning, remove clutter, hide food at night, etc.

Processing prices

Prices for apartments

Extermination of insects

MOP (public areas)2400 rub.
1 room apartment2600 rub.
2 room apartment2800 rub.
3 room apartment3000 rub.
Dormitory 2 rooms3000 rub.
Dormitory 3 rooms3900 rub.
Dormitory 4 rooms4400 rub.
Barrier protection (gels, traps)+700 rub.
Treatment for several insects+1000 rub.

Prices for organizations

Disinsection (extermination of insects)

SquarePriceFor 1 sq.m.
up to 50 m 23200 rub.64 rub.
100 m 24050 rub.40.5 rub.
200 m 25250 rub.26.3 rub.
300 m 26200 rub.20.7 rub.
400 m 27150 rub.17.9 rub.
500 m 28000 rub.16 rub.
600 m 28750 rub.14.6 rub.
700 m 29500 rub.13.6 rub.
800 m 210250 rub.12.8 rub.
900 m 210950 rub.12.2 rub.
1000 m 211600 rub.11.6 rub.
1500 m 214800 rub.9.9 rub.
2000 m 217700 rub.8.9 rub.
3000 m 222950 rub.7.7 rub.
4000 m 227650 rub.6.9 rub.

Treatment of dormitories, hostels (bugs, cockroaches, ...)

Sleeping placesPrice for 1 bed
1-4 beds2500 rub. for all places
5-9 beds3000 rub. for all places
10-14 beds3200 rub. for all places
15-21 beds3500 rub. for all places
22-31 beds4000 rub. for all places
32-40 beds4500 rub. for all places
41-60 beds112 rub. for a place
61-80 beds110 rub. for a place
81-110 beds109 rub. for a place
111-150 beds107 rub. for a place
151-200 beds105 rub. for a place
201-300 beds103 rub. for a place
more than 300 bedsby agreement

Everyone runs the risk of finding cockroaches in their apartment. These insects are very nimble; they enter rooms through small cracks and gaps, as well as through communication channels. You should not put up with the presence of Prussians; these small creatures can spread infections as they run around food and utensils. You can kill cockroaches using home or store-bought remedies.

Prussians can appear in an apartment in different ways. Most often, they crawl from neighbors, but sometimes the cockroaches are brought in by the owners themselves. For example, in a bag after spending the night in an infected room. Having noticed that “redheads and mustaches” have appeared in the house, you should immediately take action. These can be home remedies or commercial insecticides. The first option should be used when the degree of infection is low.

Home remedies

If you don’t want to buy “poison” for Prussians in stores, you can try to remove the insects with home remedies. For example, you can use:

  • ammonia;
  • boric acid;
  • homemade traps.


It's cheap pharmaceutical product with a pungent odor, used in medicine and in the household. To expel uninvited “guests”, you will need to prepare a solution by adding a teaspoon of ammonia to a liter of water. Ready solution You will need to wash the floors of the apartment, as well as other surfaces:

  • heating radiators;
  • internal and external walls of furniture (especially in the kitchen);
  • door frames and window sills.

The treatment will need to be repeated periodically.

Advice! The smell of ammonia solution is unpleasant to cockroaches, so they try to leave the premises. Insects' sense of smell is much more subtle than that of humans, so members of the household will not feel the smell.

Boric acid

This product is sold in pharmacies and is inexpensive. It can be used in different ways:

  • sprinkle the powder on the way to water sources (sinks, sinks, etc.);
  • prepare an acid solution and place bowls with this solution, excluding access to other sources of drinking;
  • Prepare bait by mixing acid powder with egg yolk and powdered sugar. Small balls are made from this mass and placed around the apartment.

Homemade traps

From the usual glass jar you can make a trap:

  • put the bait in the jar (pour in a little syrup, put in a piece of bread smeared with honey, etc.);
  • a cone made of newspaper is put on top of the jar to make it easier for the Prussians to climb inside;
  • from the inside top part The walls of the jar are smeared with Vaseline or oil so that insects cannot escape;
  • After the cockroaches have collected in the jar, they are scalded with boiling water and poured down the drain.

Purchased funds

If there are a lot of insects in the apartment, then home remedies are unlikely to help; it is better to immediately use insecticides, industrial production. These are products that are produced in the form of:

  • aerosols;
  • gels;
  • powders

In addition, glue and insecticidal traps can be used.


If you find a cluster of cockroaches in your apartment, it is best to use aerosol insecticide. This remedy acts instantly, however, it has no residual effect. That is, if some of the insects survive during treatment, the population will soon restore its numbers.


Gel preparations, on the contrary, have a prolonged effect, so they are more effective. The principle of operation of the gels is as follows:

  • the gel contains an insecticide, as well as a bait that encourages the Prussians to eat the gel;
  • an individual who has tasted the gel does not die instantly; upon returning to its nest, it will poison its fellows with whom it comes into contact, thus the toxic substance will spread like a flu virus;
  • in a few days, almost all members of the population will be poisoned and will soon die.


Powdered preparations or dusts can be used to control cockroaches in an apartment. They are used to scatter them in the form of thin continuous lines along the routes of the Prussians. In addition, dusts can be used to prepare solutions.


Traps for controlling cockroaches are insecticidal and glue-based. The first ones act similarly to gels, only the poisonous substance with bait is placed in a nice plastic container with slots.

Advice! Insecticide traps are safer than gels if you have pets or small children in the home. Typically, it is recommended to use gels in inaccessible places (behind furniture), and install traps in open spaces.

Sticky traps do not use insecticides. When cockroaches enter the trap, they simply stick to the walls, unable to move.

So, you can kill cockroaches different methods- homemade or store-bought. The main thing is to act consistently and persistently. It is imperative to monitor the sanitary condition of the premises, depriving insects of sources of water and food. This will help get rid of pests faster.

The destruction of cockroaches is one of the main activities of our service; we know almost everything about them, which is why sanitary treatments are always successful. The company's specialists use the latest generation drugs, as well as the most modern equipment. At the same time, complete preventive disinfection of the home is carried out, making it possible not to worry about spread pathogens.

Everything about exterminating cockroaches

How many cockroaches can there be in an apartment at the same time? It is impossible to count these “runners”. They reproduce at an incredible rate, so it’s not worth wasting time on using folk remedies. It is also better not to try to kill cockroaches in an apartment the “old grandfather’s way” using kerosene or karbofos; such actions can only aggravate the situation. And it is not known who will get poisoned faster in this case, you or the cockroaches. In addition to baiting, it is necessary to disinfect the premises from cockroaches, which is also impossible to do on your own.

Proper extermination of cockroaches and bedbugs

There is no point in fighting cockroaches on your own. Those repellents that are sold in stores are not able to completely get rid of “uninvited guests” from apartment owners. These chemicals are weak, outdated, disappear immediately, it is impossible to treat the entire home with them, but at the same time they are extremely toxic and harmful to the health of its inhabitants. Moreover, having experienced the effects of these “miracle insecticides,” cockroaches forever acquire resistance to them, passing it on to subsequent generations.

For this reason, when deciding what and how to poison cockroaches in an apartment, low price should not be in the foreground. In any case, the cost of self-destruction and treatment of spoiled health will far exceed the cost of inviting SES professionals.

Cockroach extermination service

It is advisable to call a cockroach extermination service as soon as possible. If treated in a timely manner, they can be dealt with in just one go. In case of great neglect or unsanitary condition of the apartment, repeated intervention may sometimes be required. However, thanks to the skill of the craftsmen and high efficiency of the drugs used, the need to disinfest the premises from cockroaches a second time is minimized. But all the same, you should not bring your home to a critical state, if only for the reason that these “dwellers of garbage dumps” negatively affect the health of the residents. Therefore, it is better to call a specialist as quickly as possible.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow has been carried out by our company for a long time and successfully. Every year we receive a huge number of requests for help. Our company has a large number of regular customers who recommend us to their friends and acquaintances.

Services for apartments

Most often, residents of city apartments need help in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches. These insects willingly choose apartment house, since all the conditions for their full existence have been created here: a constant temperature is maintained, there is water and food.

Our private sanitary and epidemiological station will carry out the safe extermination of cockroaches in the apartment so effectively that you can move on with your life without fear of contracting dangerous infections. Cockroaches are a symbol of dirt, untidiness and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, their presence in a person’s home is not at all harmless. It is necessary to kill cockroaches in an apartment correctly, as these insects are carriers of hepatitis, salmonellosis, dermatitis, tuberculosis, tularemia, dysentery, gastroenteritis, etc.

For the cottage and home

We persecute them not only in Moscow, but also in the region. On summer cottage or in country cottage no less, and perhaps even more, assistance from specialists in this field is required. And disinfecting these buildings is much more difficult than standard apartments. Therefore, when at least one insect comes into view, you need to call our managers without delay. We also have the necessary staff of craftsmen throughout the Moscow region, and because of this, the remoteness of your settlement doesn't matter to us. Not all Moscow cockroach extermination companies are ready to travel to distant villages. Some charge a very significant surcharge for this.

The advantages of our company lie precisely in the fact that we are always ready to help our clients anywhere in the Moscow region. When we're talking about about the destruction of cockroaches, the price is of considerable importance, so it is better to choose a service that is most willing to meet customers halfway, i.e., without additional payment for travel.

For legal entities

Our organization also destroys cockroaches in enterprises and institutions. We are exterminating them:

  • in food production;
  • in restaurants;
  • in canteens;
  • in the cafe;
  • in hospitals;
  • in hotels;
  • in kindergartens;
  • in offices;
  • in boarding schools, etc.

Residents of the capital and Moscow region, owners of food and household enterprises, employees of children's and medical institutions turn to us. Our company finds time for each customer. Masters have long practiced strictly individual approach to each individual case and know how to rid an object of any complexity and purpose from cockroaches.

We act in strict accordance with all requirements for the destruction of cockroaches by the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.

The products are odorless and do not cause allergic reactions, poisoning or complications even in people with pulmonary or skin pathologies. This is explained by the fact that we constantly monitor the latest insect control market products and all the most successful chemical substances We immediately use it in our practice.

All activities are carried out quickly, efficiently and safely. They are carried out absolutely confidentially. Neither neighbors, nor competitors, nor visitors to restaurants or stores will know about the ongoing pest control for cockroaches unless you tell them about it yourself.

Professional treatment of premises from cockroaches

Our disinfection station uses a whole arsenal of means and methods to poison cockroaches. All of them are distinguished by advanced technologies in the field of science and technology and are used by sanitary services in Europe and America.

Therefore, when it comes to treating cockroaches in an apartment, the price naturally consists of the cost of drugs, methods, size of the room, number of rooms, complexity of the situation, installation of barrier protection, etc.

Effective treatment for cockroaches: control methods

For professional extermination of cockroaches, our company uses specialized equipment: hot and cold fog generators.

In order for disinfestation against cockroaches to be as successful as possible, the master identifies the ways in which these pests entered the facility, finds places where they accumulate, detects laid eggs, checks remote corners in which they can hide, etc.

Extermination of cockroaches: the advantages of our service

The masters never let their clients down. They will arrive on the day of the call, at any time convenient for the customer, conclude a service agreement, and talk about measures to prevent the reappearance of insects in the apartment. They will carry out a complete disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches only with certified preparations.

We promise our clients:

  • reliable quality;
  • experience of specialists;
  • ability to cope with any difficult situation;
  • application of modern technologies;
  • low prices;
  • long-term contracts with corporate clients;
  • long warranty period;
  • speed of treatment of apartments from cockroaches in Moscow;
  • if necessary, carrying out deratization, etc.;

Killing cockroaches: what drugs and methods are used

When it is necessary to poison cockroaches in Moscow, which have a strong immunity to ultrasound and any household chemicals purchased on the market or in an online store, there are special means, used only professional services SES. These are “Xulat S-25”, “Cucaracha”, “Microcin+”, “Sinuzan”, “Sichlor”, “Taran”, “Force Site”, “Effective Ultra”, “Tsifoks”, etc. They are so effective same for bedbugs, fleas, ants, etc. But all of them will be beneficial only if they are mixed correctly in a certain proportion. So that the effect does not occur when lemon gets into milk. It is also necessary to combine instant and prolonged action insecticides.

What needs to be done before treating an apartment for cockroaches

To successfully disinfect cockroaches, you need to prepare in a special way. Necessary:

  • conduct wet cleaning skirting boards;
  • vacuum the floor;
  • sweep out compacted dust that has accumulated behind the refrigerator and cabinets;
  • clean common areas with disinfectant solutions;
  • eliminate faults in pipes and sewers, install Mosquito nets for ventilation;
  • turn off the electricity (if necessary);
  • If possible, move furniture away from the walls;
  • hermetically seal food and personal hygiene items in bags;
  • cover with film indoor aquarium and turn off the oxygen supply.

How to disinfest cockroaches

The procedure lasts approximately thirty minutes to an hour (depending on the area and complexity). Then all windows, doors, vents are tightly closed and such an exposure is kept in this form for at least one and a half hours. After this, you need to ventilate for 20 minutes to an hour. That's it, you can use it.

Our cockroach extermination service organizes everything quickly and easily for residents, so that the treatment takes place quickly and unnoticed. In this regard, it is advisable to order a specialist call as soon as possible.

What to do after baiting cockroaches

After the cockroach treatment is completed, you should not immediately wet clean the baseboards and walls. The drugs should remain in place for at least three days, and even better for 1-2 weeks. After this period, the above surfaces can be washed. Before this, it is better to simply sweep the apartment or walk through it with a vacuum cleaner to collect dead insects and wipe tables and countertops.

What are the guarantees for the destruction of cockroaches?

We are always ready to treat an apartment against cockroaches in Moscow with a guarantee for a very long period.

Our organization carries out high-quality rehabilitation and is so confident in its abilities that it is able to guarantee that they will not return to the apartment. We promise this with full responsibility, since disinfestation against cockroaches is carried out at the highest level highly qualified personnel. The employees have extensive experience and excellent professional training. A written commitment that if the unexpected happens and cockroaches appear before the date specified in the contract, then a second (free) visit by our disinfector will not take long.

Prices for exterminating cockroaches in Moscow: cost of treatment

All services are provided at comfortable prices. The price also includes a written quality guarantee. Specialists will cause a minimum of disturbance to the apartment owners with a maximum positive result.

We look at things realistically and are firmly confident in our abilities; we promise our clients the complete destruction of cockroaches in the apartment with a guaranteed result.

The appearance of cockroaches in an apartment can change a person’s life forever if you don’t start fighting them. One can only dream of comfortable living conditions, since they can be found everywhere, both in rooms and in the kitchen, among food supplies, which negatively affects the appetite of all family members. Just the thought that cockroaches have visited some products and left behind traces of their vital activity is confusing. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is how to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood in your own apartment.

As a rule, the maximum effect in a confrontation can be obtained if you use a whole range of measures and means. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors in order to select funds for a particular case. In this regard, it should be noted that it is necessary to have at least some idea of ​​the availability of effective drugs.

The question of why cockroaches appear in an apartment worries many owners. As a rule, these unpleasant insects appear where there is something to eat in the dark and where sanitary standards are not followed. Although there are cases of such insects entering apartments with in perfect order. That's why:

  • Cockroaches may appear in a home because the neighboring apartment has begun to fight them and they are looking for more comfortable living conditions.
  • If you leave unwashed dishes in the sink “for later,” then there is a high probability that cockroaches will be interested in this habit.
  • If you leave leftover food, crumbs or spilled tea on the table, it will not go unnoticed by insects.
  • Cockroaches can get into an apartment with used furniture purchased from other owners.

What you need to know:

  • At first, when cockroaches have just entered the apartment, it is quite difficult to notice them, especially since they prefer to go hunting at night. If living conditions are optimal for them, then they begin to actively reproduce. When small cockroaches appear, and there will be a lot of them, it will not be difficult to notice them. They will be almost everywhere, especially in kitchen furniture where food products are located. If you suddenly open a box, even during the day, you can immediately see them on the walls of the boxes or in their corners, where they hide.
  • If you don’t fight them, but hope that they will leave the apartment on their own, then you may soon regret it. Since they have already begun to multiply in the apartment, it means they liked it and they are not going to leave it just like that.
  • If there are too many of them, as evidenced by traces of their active life activity, then it will be much more difficult to cope with them, and without chemicals struggle is unlikely to be avoided.

Is it possible to get rid of these annoying insects once and for all? Of course it is possible, but you will have to try hard for this. Firstly, you will have to analyze the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment in order to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner. Most the best option– is a simultaneous fight against insects in different apartments, otherwise they will run to their neighbors, and then they may come back. But if you figure out the reasons and create uncomfortable conditions for cockroaches, then they are unlikely to want to return to your home again. That's why:

  • It is necessary to determine through what routes the insects managed to enter the apartment in order to deprive them of this opportunity.
  • If cracks are found in various places in the apartment, it is necessary to take measures to seal them.
  • Do not leave any food or water for cockroaches, which is very important for their existence. It is necessary to close the trash can tightly and remove garbage from it in a timely manner. After eating, any leftovers are carefully removed.
  • Before use it is better to make general cleaning, to look into all hard-to-reach places, removing the remains of cereals, flour, sugar and other products.
  • The taps should not leak. Even small drops can serve as a source of moisture for cockroaches.
  • After cleaning and other measures have been taken, it will be possible to rid the cockroaches of the opportunity to receive water and food, which will create unacceptable living conditions for them. In this case, they will begin to look for new, more favorable places to live.
  • It is possible to carry out several treatments for greater efficiency. The number of treatments depends on many factors, including integrated approach. If you approach the problem seriously, you can get rid of insects in one go.

When there are a lot of cockroaches, this is a reason to contact the SES. Experts should first pay attention to attics and basements. As a rule, insects appear first in such places and their nests are located here.

Chemicals used against cockroaches are available in the form of:

  • Aerosols.
  • Liquids.
  • Tablets.
  • Powder.
  • Insecticidal pencils.
  • Concentrated emulsions.

Cockroaches die from various substances. Sellers of similar products will help you choose a product for a specific case. At the same time, it is necessary to post all the information about who lives in the apartment and whether there are children or pets. Quite often the use of chemicals is undesirable for a number of reasons, so you will have to make do folk remedies and preventive measures.

This drug, which is different pleasant smell, has a detrimental effect on adult cockroaches. Powder white, packaged in bags weighing 10 grams. Surface treatment is carried out with a solution prepared on the basis of this powder. In addition to the powder, Fas gel is sold, which has a long shelf life.

The composition of the drugs includes thiamethoxin and pyrethroid. In addition, special additives are used to facilitate the preparation of the working solution.

The drug is poisonous and can cause poisoning if it enters the stomach, so the drug should be used in protective clothing, a respirator, safety glasses, etc.

Unfortunately, the drug is powerless against cockroach eggs, so it is better to carry out the treatment several times.

Enjoys in great demand, since aerosols are convenient to use. The drug is of medium toxicity class, not expensive, but effective. The substance is applied to the surface in those places where a concentration of such insects is found. Sometimes one treatment is enough to feel a noticeable effect. For a can of aerosol you will have to pay about 50 rubles.

Modern Dichlorvos is not the same drug that was produced 30 years ago. The modern spray contains two active ingredients - permethrin and cypermethrin, as well as amephatic carbohydrates, preservatives and auxiliary components. Pyrethroids are drugs of average toxicity class, but this is quite enough to kill insects.

The aerosol contains another toxic substance - pineronyl butoxide, which is dangerous to humans. In this regard, the use of Dichlorvos requires compliance with safety measures.

For effective fight First of all, you need to destroy insect nests and also treat places where pests accumulate. It is possible to use “Dichlorvos” and long-term agents, such as insecticidal gels, which allows you to permanently get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood in the apartment. In this case, the processing can be repeated.

Apartment owners often buy the pencil because it is quite convenient to use. The product acts quickly enough, and the pests die in a short period of time. At the same time, they begin to crawl out of their hiding places within 15-20 minutes. The product lasts for about 9 days, after which the treatment can be repeated.

The pencil consists of active ingredients such as zettacypermethrin and deltacypermethrin. It is considered a drug of toxicity class 4, and has minimal effect on humans and animals. The main advantage of the pencil is its versatility. With a pencil you can draw lines on any surface, both horizontal and vertical.

The gel contains an active substance called fipronil and is considered very effective against cockroaches. Insects begin to die 8 hours after contact with the drug. The substance does not pose a great danger to people and pets, but this does not mean that safety precautions should not be observed when using it. It is also convenient to use, since the drug is placed in a convenient tube packaging with a syringe-shaped spout. This makes it easy to apply the substance into hard to reach places. In addition, the drug is inexpensive. For one tube weighing 20 grams it is enough to pay 50 rubles.

At the same time, you need to know that with frequent use of Dohlox-gel, cockroaches begin to get used to it. Therefore, to ensure the destruction of these unpleasant insects, Dohlox-gel should be alternated with other drugs.

This insecticidal drug contains alphacypermethrin and diazinon. The white powder actively destroys adult individuals within two days maximum. The drug remains active for about 2 months. A package weighing 30 grams costs about 50 rubles.

Pyrethrum powder

This powder is considered safe for both humans and animals. The basis of the drug is special kind daisies. To kill cockroaches, just sprinkle this powder in places largest accumulation insects This drug, created on the basis of natural ingredients, is not always commercially available. Cockroaches disappear gradually, so you shouldn’t expect them to disappear quickly.

Cockroach control based on traditional methods is considered the most acceptable, especially if children, animals and sick people live in the apartment, especially those prone to allergies. Therefore, most owners give preference to traditional recipes.

Recipe based boric acid.

  • To prepare the active composition, you need to take 5 grams of boric acid and combine it with boiled egg yolk, adding a little water. After this, you need to roll out balls with a diameter of about 1 cm.
  • To make the bait more attractive, flour, powdered sugar, and boiled potatoes are added to the composition.
  • The balls are placed in plastic caps and placed in places where cockroaches are most concentrated.
  • Cockroaches do not die immediately, but after a few weeks they will only be memories.
  • For the operation to be successful, it is necessary to ensure that there is no access to water anywhere.

For those who do not want to deal with various solutions, we offer a simple, but effective trap. To make it, you need to take:

  • Liter jar and lubricate the inside with Vaseline or vegetable oil, and at the bottom put a piece of bread soaked in milk or kefir, as well as another drug that cockroaches will not refuse.
  • The jar is installed in the kitchen in the place where these insects mainly appear.
  • The next morning the jar will be filled with adults and their little children.

The use of ammonia

Cockroaches cannot stand strong odors, especially the smell of ammonia, so ammonia will force them to look for another, more suitable place to live.

First of all, you need to prepare a working solution. To do this, take one part of water and 5 parts of ammonia, after which they are combined together and stirred thoroughly.

If you deprive insects of the conditions for their active life, then you can be sure that after they appear in the apartment, they will leave on their own in search of more comfortable conditions. As a rule, cockroaches appear in unsanitary conditions and this is a fact that does not require any proof. Although it is not a fact that they cannot appear in fairly clean apartments. In this case, you still need to analyze how clean this apartment really is.

If cockroaches appear in your home, you should not immediately run to the store to purchase an effective chemical product. First you need to analyze everything, perhaps it will be enough folk recipes and preventive measures to ensure that these unpleasant insects leave the apartment.