The magic of numbers. Money calendar for November

The Moon has a powerful influence on our lives, including our finances. Money calendar by lunar calendar, helps to calculate the most favorable moments for various financial transactions. On what day is it best to make large purchases or sales, lend or take out a loan?

There are two most favorable financial moments - 14 and 20 days according to the lunar calendar. They are best suited for matters related to finance: purchases, sales, long-term contracts, investments, deposits, currency transactions. Thursday is also celebrated, which patronizes business, finance and career. If you want to increase your money, it is better to resolve all issues on this day.

There are many more unfavorable days for working with money - 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29. On these days, any expenses and transactions with money in general are not advisable. They also advise you to keep an eye on your wallet. During the week, the worst day for money matters is Sunday. It is believed that on this day all planned financial affairs will go wrong.

When to take and repay debt?

You need to take out a loan on the waning moon. If you take it to the growing moon, the debt will grow with the moon. But you need to lend money when the moon is waxing; if you decide to lend money when the moon is waning, the debt may not be repaid. If we consider the days of the week, then it is undesirable to lend on Monday, and borrow on Tuesday evening.

Plan your affairs in advance, check the prosperous days according to the monetary calendar and financial success you are guaranteed!

Just think, it’s already November, and I still haven’t posted a prediction of what awaits us, the end of the world or rebirth, or anything else interesting from heaven. I’m out of breath looking for work with my own garden. So in the hustle and bustle you won’t notice what will happen in the end :). Well, okay, come what may, I’ve read these predictions and seen enough, maybe only this fact is pushing me away from writing another fiction here. Although, as for me, I have been seeing terrible and even recurring dreams all year. Volcanic eruptions, floods in Moscow, UFO attacks and all sorts of things. But today I’m posting another one.

Nov. 1. A good day for paying debts, clarifying complicated financial situations, and drawing up contracts.
November 2. Someone will receive approval from their superiors and financial assistance. Cleanse your wallet of negativity with incense.
the 3rd of November. We don’t buy anything, but go and walk (without money) in order to find a coin that will bring new love, happy meeting.
November 4. Count the money, sign contracts, plan the budget.
November 5. Go to the store for shoes that will lead to success. And we will pay off our debts today.
November 6. We make deals, borrow money.
November 7. We do not sign contracts, we do not sell or buy real estate.
November 8. We don’t buy items, clothes, or groceries, but we spend our savings on vacations, medicines, or services.
November 9. Today we are sitting at home and trying on new clothes that we bought not today :). We don't lend.
10th of November. Pay off your debts, help those in need, count your money, plan your budget.
11th of November. Day of serious purchases: you can sell and buy real estate, sign contracts.
November 12. Give alms, help someone, you can take out loans.
the 13th of November. Avoid big expenses.
November 14. For protection, buy something new and put it on right away.
15th of November. Buy them, they will become your talisman. It's not worth borrowing.
November 16. You can buy a wallet.
November 17. Trader's Day :), good luck will accompany you today.
November 18th. We sell and buy real estate, lend. Don't shed blood, it will lead to losses.
November 19. Buy gem or gem, will bring good luck.
20 November. We relax at home near the TV.
November 21. By putting a carnelian in your wallet, you will attract cash flows. There is no need to repay debts or pay off loans today.
November 22. Now is the time to spend money on gifts, but not on big ones.
November 23. If you haven't purchased a wallet before, you can today. I do not advise selling and buying real estate.
November 24. You have financial problems, whisper your complaints to the running water: it will carry away your troubles. But you should not count the money, especially with lamentations that there is not enough of it: the last ones will “run away”!
November 25. Today it is important to show generosity: to lend money if asked, to help for free if possible.
November 26. We don’t complain about poverty, otherwise the money will be offended and you won’t see it for a long time.
November 27. If you meet a beggar, be sure to give alms. And in general, do not refuse today those who make requests.
November 28. We avoid large expenses.
29th of November. A day of serious shopping. It's time to plan your budget and buy gifts.
November 30th. You should not sign contracts, avoid large expenses.

You can lend in November: November 5, 21.
Pay off debts in November: November 6, 27.
Do not lend in November: November 7, 20.
You need to count the money in November: November 17th.
You can borrow in November: November 18.
Do not repay debts in November: November 9.
You can buy a wallet in November: November 3.
Do not borrow in November: November 26.
It is better to buy gifts in November: November 4, 6.

From 1 to 13 and 30 November 2016 is the time of the waxing moon, and these days are more suitable for profitable sales than for shopping. If you have something to sell, place ads or look for buyers on the following days: November 2, November 5, November 6, November 8, November 10, November 30.

Be careful on the next days of the month, when you may face obstacles in solving financial issues, monetary losses or unexpected expenses: November 2, 5, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 29, 30, 2016.

November 1, 2016, 3rd lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. Don't brag about your achievements - catch the evil eye for good luck. Do not plan large expenses: purchases made today will turn out to be unsuccessful, things will not last long.

You can: spend money on family needs, buy goods for home improvement.
Don't: Spend money without thinking about the consequences and without the approval of family members.

November 2, 2016, 4th lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. In the first half of the day, turn to oriental magic and the art of feng shui to increase the flow of wealth. Don’t quarrel with your loved ones, otherwise you’ll end up with a breakdown in your money energy flow!
You can: close debt obligations, pay fines, taxes.
You must not: be inattentive when making payments.

November 3, 2016, 5th lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. Be careful - today the likelihood of running into thieves who can steal your luck increases. Use the amulets! After noon, recharge your wallet with wealth.
You can: invest your savings in securities, buy expensive and prestigious things.
You cannot: purchase goods in teleshopping: there is a high chance of being disappointed in the purchase.

November 4, 2016, 6th lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. Today is a good moment to carry out a ritual for a salary increase, to lure new job, talk yourself into success. Hints Higher Powers will help you choose the right magic.
You can: purchase medications and essential goods.
You can’t: make financial transactions: there is a risk of going broke.

November 5, 2016, 7th lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn. Organize a small celebration, prepare cash dishes, treat your guests. The holiday atmosphere will attract the energy of prosperity to you! In the evening, knit knots for good luck.
You can: spend money on health, for example, buy a membership to a sports club.
You cannot: draw up financial agreements without thoroughly studying all the points.

November 6, 2016, 8th lunar day, waxing Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. A good day for creativity and self-realization. If you put in the effort, your hobby will soon generate income. Time for shopping and gifts. After lunch is a good time to repay debts.
You can: do the necessary communal payments, pay for communication services.
You cannot: open long-term deposits in foreign currency.

November 7, 2016, 9th lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. Do not lend in any way - you will not see your money soon, and you will also end up with a hole in your personal money energy flow. It is not recommended to start new business.
You can: do charity work, repay debts, pay bills.
Don’t: carry an open bag, keep a wallet in your pocket: it’s easy to become a victim of thieves.

November 8, 2016, 10th lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius. In the first half of the day, turn to money magic to activate the energy of prosperity and good luck. A favorable moment for concluding deals and contracts.
You can: go shopping: new clothes will bring joy to you and your loved ones.
You can’t: count other people’s money, borrow or lend for a long time.

November 9, 2016, 11th lunar day, waxing Moon in Aquarius/Pisces (00:44). Read a prayer against envious people. Perform a ritual to repay the debt. Afternoon (make a talisman for good luck, charge a piggy bank or passbook for an influx of money.
You can: resolve controversial issues in courts.
You cannot: apply for consumer loans, buy commercial real estate.

November 10, 2016, 12th lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces. There is a high risk of running into scammers, be careful! Avoid large expenses and purchases and focus on saving money plans.
You can: count money, pay off debts, buy and sell currency.
You cannot: sign financial documents, borrow money.

November 11, 2016, 13th lunar day, waxing Moon in Pisces/Aries. Rituals associated with economic needs, will be effective. In the evening, read the plot to help you get a pension or salary. Use magic to make your dreams come true faster.
You can: place advertisements on the Internet or newspapers about the sale of goods and services.
You cannot: buy country real estate, take out consumer loans.

November 12, 2016, 14th lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries. In the first half of the day, read the plot to attract good luck. Learn new magical practices, make witchcraft artifacts. Plant a money tree in the evening.
You can: negotiate with partners: there is every chance of success.
You can’t: act as a guarantor: you risk ruining the relationship and ending up in debt.

November 13, 2016, 15th lunar day, waxing Moon in Aries/Taurus. The word has great power - when reading conspiracies, be careful not to make a mistake. It is favorable to strengthen business connections and make the necessary contacts.
You can: conclude long-term contracts, conduct large financial transactions.
You cannot: sign documents without calculating all possible risks.

November 14, 2016, 16th lunar day, Moon in Taurus, full moon at 16:53. Be careful about what they advise you, enlist the help of amulets against the influences of others. In the afternoon, perform a ritual to get what you want.
You can: spend money on entertainment. Pamper yourself and your loved ones with pleasant little things. A good day to update your wardrobe. Don't: spare money.

November 15, 2016, 17th lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus/Gemini. Start in the morning magical influences on financial flows. Great is the power of conspiracies to repay debts, charge a business for success, and rituals for trade.
You can: look for new ones or additional ways earnings. This is especially true for freelancers.
Can't: buy household appliances and kitchen utensils from hands.

November 16, 2016, 18th lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini. Make a bagua wish card and say your cherished dream from time to time. Your energy-information message today will definitely reach the Higher Powers.

November 17, 2016, 19th lunar day, waning Moon in Gemini/Cancer. Count the cash you have, imagining how it multiplies and how you get richer. The more detailed the picture, the faster your wealth will increase!

November 18, 2016, 20 lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer. After waking up, read a prayer to your patron saint - this will help you concentrate and choose the right direction. A good time to start your journey.

November 19, 2016, 21st lunar day, waning Moon in Cancer/Leo. A favorable moment for planning. Reckless magical manipulations can lead to material losses or loss of strength. It is undesirable to guess - you will scare away fate.

November 20, 2016, 22 lunar day, waning Moon in Leo. Read conspiracies so that your superiors will show loyalty to you. Otherwise, you may fall under undeserved sanctions! In the afternoon, get a talisman for good luck.

November 21, 2016, continuation of the 22nd lunar day, waning Moon in Leo/Virgo. Any type of magic aimed at improving life is effective. Make a bagua wish card to program yourself for good luck and getting what you want.

November 22, 2016, 23 lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo. It is recommended to postpone important matters to avoid serious miscalculations. Be careful - your competitors are plotting against you, protect yourself with a talisman!

November 23, 2016, 24th lunar day, waning Moon in Virgo/Libra. Everything that happens today will give you impetus for future achievements. Do not give up under any circumstances, so as not to miss the chance that the Higher powers send you.

November 24, 2016, 25th lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. Clean and charge talismans to attract good luck. The effectiveness of Slavic rituals is increasing - knit the ropes, enlist the help of ancient Slavic deities.

November 25, 2016, 26th lunar day, waning Moon in Libra. This is not the best time to manage money energy - the result may disappoint you. When doing fortune telling, give preference to Tarot cards. In the evening, read a prayer for prosperity.

November 26, 2016, 27th lunar day, waning Moon in Libra/Scorpio. Today it is better not to borrow - you can slide into a hole of debt. High probability of conflicts. Keep yourself under control so as not to spoil your relationships with your bosses and colleagues.

November 27, 2016, 28th lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. Beware of scammers and envious people - it is easy to pick up a spell of good luck, which will be difficult to get rid of. Use amulets to protect yourself from theft and loss.

November 28, 2016, 29th lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. A favorable moment for cumulative conspiracies and overseas rituals. In the afternoon, make your own amulet for the wallet, perform a ritual-bait of work.

November 29, 2016, 30 and 1 lunar days, Moon in Sagittarius, new moon. Turn to esotericism to determine the direction of movement, and insight will come to you. A good time for business trips and resolving issues related to inheritance.

November 30, 2016, 2nd lunar day, waxing Moon in Sagittarius. You are guaranteed success if you show determination. When concluding deals, use amulets against scammers. In the afternoon, read a prayer for a full wallet.

(Waxing Crescent).
At 05:44 the period of the moon without a course begins
At 09:42 the 3rd Lunar day begins.
At 17:43 the period of the Moon without a course ends
At 17:43 the Moon moves from Scorpio into the sign of Sagittarius. until 09:42 the 2nd Lunar day continues

The symbol is a cornucopia.
On this day, the appetite awakens, so diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended to do prokshalana (rinsing) in the morning gastrointestinal tract according to the yoga system). The cleansing process is helped by a bath and heavy physical activity. You can also use dry fasting or a mono-diet (eat only one food all day). Good results gives cereal cooked without salt and oil. On this day, your instincts will not deceive you - you can very accurately determine by your feelings which food is good for you and which is harmful. What you want is what is useful. What you don't like is harmful. This applies not only to products, but also to people. On this day you will feel very keenly who you need to communicate with and who you shouldn’t. Do not let greed appear on this day, but on the contrary, show generosity. Give someone a gift, give away things you don't need - everything will pay off and come back in full. You can lend money. Avoid conflicts and violent outbursts of emotions. There is still no need to start new serious things; continue to think about your plans and accumulate strength to implement them. It’s good to start your cycle on this day physical exercise or start learning new knowledge.
Divination. Only for a month.
Dreams. Dreams on these lunar days are, as a rule, not serious; you don’t need to believe them. If in a dream you cannot overcome some obstacle, then in reality you will easily overcome it.
Medically You should pay attention to your mouth, teeth, top part sky.
This lunar day is especially successful for conceiving a girl and procreation. Brings abundance and fulfillment of desires, success and protection.
Those born on this lunar day will grow up prosperously.
They have a strong physical component. They do not need any special diet. Rarely are they full. They have a worldly mind. They become attached to loved ones and property. On the “good” side, this develops into devotion and thriftiness. The “bad” one can develop into greed and predatory behavior. at 09:42 the 3rd lunar day begins

The symbol is a leopard or leopard.
From this day on, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, action and aggression. Tasks of the day - liberation from your negative emotions, from disrespect for yourself and other people, but this is also a time of confrontation with your pride and jealousy. Passivity on this day is contraindicated and even dangerous. All passive people on this day are vulnerable, they can suffer defeat and even get injured - both physical and mental. Internal energy the body is especially strong on this day, so you have enough strength for self-defense and to start new things. It is advisable on this day to give yourself a lot of intense physical activity, go to the sauna, otherwise your energy, being unspent, will harm you and you may suffer internal organs, illness begins. On this day they work with metals and sharpen knives. You can cut your hair (if the Moon is not in Aries). It is bad to spill oil on the third day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).
Divination. Don't guess.
Dreams. Dreams on this day rarely come true, but they can become a kind of test of your strength. If you suddenly pass in a dream, you can wake up and play the dream again in your imagination, so that it has the ending you want.
Medically You should pay attention to the area of ​​the back of the head and ears.
This lunar day is only good for conceiving a warrior, fighter, revolutionary or hooligan. Passion and activity will possess the person conceived on this day.
Those born on this lunar day, in the absence of strong positive aspects, especially from strong and happy planets, especially Jupiter and Venus, will not live long.
They can become good athletes, soldiers, and also succeed in any area where drive and determination are needed.

The lunar calendar for November 2016 advises you to be careful with your superiors, authority figures, and influential people. Conflicts, quarrels, and, in the worst case, prison may arise with them. But if you need government support, then go for it. However, this must be done before November 8, since after this date Mars moves into Aquarius, which is unfavorable for establishing contacts with government employees. Until the 12th, according to the lunar calendar, you need to try to control your appetites in financially, because there may be a desire to live large. This is not always good for your wallet.


As always I write favorable days for cutting hair for those who want to grow it and, conversely, maintain their hairstyle for a long time. For those who want to grow their hair, the following lunar days are suitable - November 3, 7, 8, 10, 13. Yes, November will be fruitful enough for these things. For those who, on the contrary, want to keep their hairstyle for a long time, the lunar calendar is suitable - November 16, 20 (after noon), November 27, 30 (after 12 o'clock).

If you like hairstyles and haircuts that are now in fashion, then it is better to do them before the 12th. After November 12, give preference to classic colors and hairstyles. The fact is that the planet that is responsible for our girlish joys passes after November 12 into a cold sign - . Therefore, tradition is only welcome.


If you want to buy quality items, then November is the month for you. You can make purchases until November 12 according to the lunar calendar. It is advisable to be careful with money so as not to squander it. But you will definitely cheer yourself up with prestigious things. It is also favorable to shop abroad until November 12th. This is facilitated by Venus in the sign. After November 12, it is favorable for expensive and high-quality purchases. Venus in Capricorn will encourage us to save money, so guys can exhale. Girls won't pester you to buy a fur coat.


To be honest, Mars in Aquarius does not make me happy for operations, since surprises may arise. Who needs them during the operation? You think correctly. will be from November 9th. But even before that I wouldn’t take the risk. The fact is that since ancient times it has been believed that there is no need to perform operations on the waxing Moon. This doesn't help fast healing. Therefore, if you have an operation “on fire”, then it is better to do it according to the lunar calendar after November 14th.


For this month, learning is a “must have,” as young people say. contributes to this like no one else. Mars in Aquarius will allow you to study in groups of people. Including remotely. But Mercury will not be in Scorpio throughout November. Therefore, hurry up to study now and until November 13th. Nothing bad will happen to you, but Mercury in Scorpio tends to be more thoughtful.

Therefore, it is simply more suitable for studying something than Mercury in Sagittarius.

If you are planning trips, then I can only allocate a short period for you until November 10th. After this number there are risks of accidents and disasters. Maybe I'm wrong, of course, but it's better to be safe, in my opinion. The same applies to training and sports. Sports are good, but it’s better to individually find out from an astrologer the suitable days in November 2016 for physical activity. There are no lunar eclipses in November 2016

Moon phases:

  • New Moon - November 29
  • Full Moon - November 14
  • Waxing Moon - November 1 -13 and November 30
  • Falling Moon - November 15-28

It is better to start diets according to the lunar calendar after November 12th. During this period, we will treat ourselves much more strictly than always. We’ll be able to stay on the diet for at least a short period of time :)

You can choose a good day for an event