Compact bathtubs for a small bathroom. Interior of a small bathroom. Smart solution for narrow spaces with windows

A small bathroom is often the cause of dissatisfaction among apartment owners in apartment buildings.

However, with the right approach to renovating a room, you can make it very cozy. Let's look at what techniques can be used to optimize space in a small bathroom.

Where to start redevelopment

First of all, you should decide what kind of bathroom you need: combined or separate. When connecting a toilet and a bathtub, the area of ​​the bathroom increases, which allows you to save on building materials for renovation.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to such redevelopment:

  • it is necessary to obtain permission from special authorities;
  • water supply or sewer pipes and other communications that can be damaged;
  • For big family a combined bathroom is inconvenient from a practical point of view.

U separate bathroom There is also a significant drawback - the small area of ​​​​both rooms. You can add a few meters to the bathroom by reducing the area of ​​the hallway or corridor.

Bathroom finishing

Due to the fact that there is always very high humidity in the bathroom, everything Decoration Materials must be resistant to moisture and temperature changes. The floor is most often simply tiled. But if you want to take this issue more seriously, it is advisable to install a heated floor system.

This will allow installation indoors comfortable temperature. A thick one won't hurt either. waterproofing layer which will not allow moisture to seep out in the event of a flood.

When choosing tiles, give preference to materials with a rough texture; smooth, glossy tiles will be very slippery when wet.

To decorate the walls in a small bathroom, use ceramic tiles, plastic panels, paint, fake diamond or moisture-resistant wallpaper.

When using tiles, the most important thing is to plaster and prime the walls well. Can also be used to level the surface.

It is preferable to choose non-toxic paints water based. Oil paints They are not suitable for such a room, they take a long time to dry, smell of acetone and do not tolerate high temperatures.

Best suited for ceiling decoration stretch film. It is durable, resistant to high humidity, it is easy to wash. In addition, if the vases are flooded by neighbors, losses will be minimal.

Painting – more a budget option, but in this case, be prepared for the fact that such coverage needs to be updated annually.

You can also sheathe the ceiling in the bathroom with plastic panels. A stainless metal profile should be used as a frame.

Choosing between a bathtub and a shower cabin

For a small bathroom, a shower stall is definitely more suitable. It will not only help save space, but also reduce the amount of water consumed, which will have a positive effect on the family budget.

If you absolutely want to be able to lie in the bathroom, it makes sense to pay attention to angular and curved models.

How to place furniture, appliances and accessories

The correct arrangement of plumbing fixtures and furniture will allow optimal use of space in the bathroom, and will also make the room comfortable and practical.

In an adjoining bathroom, it is advisable to hide the tank in the wall, leaving the drain button outside. If this is not possible, you should consider purchasing a corner or tall narrow tank.

It will not be difficult to install a small side-loading washing machine under a sink, boiler, in the corner between the bathroom and the wall, etc. You just need to install an insulated socket and hide the pipes discreetly. Drain dirty water should be discharged directly into the sewer hole.

To store bath accessories, use tall pencil cases, hanging shelves, retractable racks.

Lighting in a small bathroom

With a modest room size, there is no need to install several light sources - one will be enough.

Can be installed ceiling lamps, neon stripes or spotlights. It is not recommended to use incandescent lamps in the bathroom; it is better to choose LED lamps.

Color solutions for a small bathroom

As with any small room, for small bathroom Light colors that visually expand the space are best.

If you want to use multiple colors, it is recommended to choose no more than three and try to keep them close in saturation to each other.

Dark shades and voluminous designs will not be appropriate in a small bathroom. Often used for finishing White color, beige, blue, pale pink, light green.

A bathroom is a room in which everything should be as practical and aesthetic as possible. In this article you can learn about the nuances of a small bathroom, what interior items to choose, what plumbing fixtures to choose, and how to achieve maximum optimization of the space.

Small bathroom, how to distribute free space.

Standard bathroom sizes are 4-6 square meters. m., everything higher (7-10 sq.m.) is a large bathroom.

Bathroom size 2-3 sq. m. very small. This room contains only all the essentials, that is: a bathroom and a sink.

Basic principles for arranging bathroom attributes:

  • For convenience and to increase space, the door should open outward and preferably into a blank wall (where nothing can be placed);
  • It is recommended to place the sink and mirror so that when entering the room the eye immediately falls on them;
  • The bathtub should be placed against the wall, occupying the entire space (so that there are no gaps between the wall and the bathtub);
  • To save space, washing machine can be installed under the sink;
  • Under the sink there can be a cabinet instead of a washing machine;
  • You can save space with a shower stall.

Advice: a bathtub or shower cabin is installed for more than one year, perhaps the family has or will have children and elderly people, then for them best option- this is the bathroom.

Bathroom and toilet separately

As a rule, a bathroom is 2-3 square meters. m. very small. It is necessary to accurately take all measurements of the room, and then choose where and what objects will be located. And only then choose the plumbing fixtures, since if you choose them in advance, they may not fit in size.

Separate bathroom pros and cons:

  • When there are two in a family and more people, it is possible to take a bath and use the restroom without embarrassing anyone;
  • There is not enough space, all necessary communications must be cramped;
  • It’s an inconvenience to always have to go into the next room after using the restroom.

Combined bathroom

This option has both pros and cons.

Positive sides:

  • More space;
  • There is no need to go to the bathroom after using the toilet;
  • Possibility to place all necessary communications in the bathroom.


  • An inconvenience for a large family when the bath is occupied and access to the toilet is blocked;
  • Constant smell of air freshener in the bathroom.

Advice! If you need to combine a bathroom and a restroom, but you don’t want to create inconvenience, you can purchase a bath curtain.

Corner bathroom - is it a good choice for a small room?

Corner bathroom is good decision for a small bath. It helps save some space.

Saving space depends on the size of the corner bathroom; it can be either modest in size or large.

And also on how the rest of the plumbing will be placed in the room. And depending on this, it can, just like it eats up space, optimize it.

In a very modest corner bathroom, an adult most likely will not be able to immerse himself comfortably in it, but will have to take a shower.

But in this case, you can install a shower stall.

But if there is a child in the family, it will be more convenient to bathe him in the corner bathtub.

Shower stall is a great option for a small bathroom

A shower cabin helps save a significant amount of space in the bathroom. And also with the help of color and material you can visually expand the space.


  • Saving space (in small bathrooms this is very important);
  • No water splashes while taking a shower;
  • Cold air does not enter the stall while taking a shower;
  • For children there are special models with a deep tray;
  • In a shower stall the risk of injury is lower than in a bathtub;
  • Saving water (while bathing in the bathtub, more water is wasted than in the shower).


  • There is no way to completely immerse yourself in water and enjoy it for hours;
  • Inconveniences for the elderly;
  • Requires daily care (needs to be cleaned of plaque).

Advice: For optimal space saving, it is better to install the shower in the corner.

How to place the washing machine

The washing machine takes up a lot of space in the bathroom, this is especially noticeable if the bathroom is small.

There are a few good options placement of the washing machine:

  • Under the sink (if the spaces are close);
  • Under the countertop, near the sink (you can place a cabinet or shelves under the sink);
  • In the kitchen (can be installed under the countertop).

In the first option, perhaps due to the size of the washing machine, the sink will be located high. To do this, it is advised to raise the floor during repairs, except for the place where the machine stands.

The second option in a small bathroom is less possible if there is already a full bath there. But if you give preference to a shower stall instead of a bathtub, then there will be enough space.

In this case, a cabinet, shelves, and laundry basket can fit into the room without any problems.

In the third case, this solution is quite beneficial, since it saves space in the bathroom.

This has a number of disadvantages:

  • Noise from the machine (the door to the bathroom can be buried, someone regularly comes into the kitchen, so the noise will be annoying);
  • Often a washing machine is used instead of a basket for dirty clothes; this is less appropriate in the kitchen than in the bathroom (often the machine door is open, and this creates inconvenience);
  • Storing powder and products nearby is not advisable (there is a possibility of it spilling during the washing process, and there may be products nearby).

Advice: if you don’t want or have the opportunity to raise the floor, you can buy a special sink (water lily) and choose a washing machine of the required size for it.

Decorating a small bathroom

The bathroom is an important and frequently visited place in the apartment. It should be convenient, comfortable and functional. The material for finishing the bathroom will depend on financial opportunities, the difficulties of working with it, as well as in the future how easy and simple it is to clean and clean.

Ceramic tile

This is a frequently used and fairly common material. Ceramic tiles are moisture-resistant, reliable, and tolerate temperature changes well.

The process of laying tiles is not complicated, so you can do it yourself. Such tiles will last a long time, are easy to care for and do not require special care. She also looks quite stylish.

It can be chosen in any color and size. One disadvantage of this material is its high price.


This material is used as often as ceramic tiles. Mosaic is resistant to moisture and can withstand temperature changes. This material is also quite durable and reliable.

Mosaic can be used on the walls of the room, on the bathroom itself, on the sink. It can be selected in the form of squares, rectangles, rhombuses, hexagons.

And also what is its advantage, with its help it is possible to cover any surface (in the form of an arch, a ledge or a niche).

Mosaic tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive plastic panels. Its main disadvantage is the installation process (it is quite lengthy and labor-intensive, since it is much larger in size less tiles). For quality work and good aesthetically pleasing you need to hire a specialist.

Plastic panels

This option for wall decoration is cheaper than ceramic tiles and mosaics. This material also tolerates temperature changes well and is resistant to moisture.

Plastic panels are simple and easy to clean and do not require special means. They are quite reliable if the work is done well and correctly (if the seams are not sealed with sealant, they will allow moisture to pass through).

Plastic panels can be selected in any color. A very important and significant disadvantage of this material is that over time mold and fungal spores may appear on it.

Choosing a cabinet and mirror for the bathroom

There is very little space in a small bathroom. Accordingly, everything that is there should be as functional as possible.

At the same time, there should be a minimum of interior items. They should not take up much space, since the room is small, it is recommended to choose small-sized items.

There are two options from which you will need to build:

  • Shower cabin;
  • Bathroom.

In the first option everything is quite simple. In the corner of the room you can install a shower stall, in the rest of the room there is a sink on the countertop, a cabinet under the sink, and a washing machine next to it.

Above the sink you can install a mirror the entire length of the tabletop.

Advice: for a small bathroom it is recommended to choose large mirror, it visually increases the space.

In the second option, there is very little space in the room. In such cases, the washing machine is installed under the sink, and above it is a mirror cabinet (it will not eat up much space, you can store everything you need in it, and there is no need to install a mirror).

Advice! At the renovation stage, it is advisable to think over the future layout of the bathroom (know in advance the placement of the bathtub or shower).

For convenience and to save space, make a niche in that exact place (for storing soap, shampoo, etc.), this will be much better than additional shelves.

Finishing the floor and ceiling in the bathroom

Most often used for finishing bathroom floors:

  • Tiles (the material will last a long time, is moisture resistant, easy to care for, if water gets in, the floor will be slippery);
  • Linoleum (the simplest and most financially profitable material);
  • Natural wood (an expensive option, the material requires constant care, is afraid of moisture (needs to be treated with a protective coating));
  • Natural stone (the material is quite expensive, resistant to moisture, and will last a long time).

The ceiling in the bathroom is most often painted. Less commonly done suspended ceiling. Both of these options will work well in any case, but a suspended ceiling is much more beautiful and elegant.

Advice! It is advisable to do the ceiling and walls in light colors, and the floor is darker.

Light selection

Light in the bathroom different time day is needed for different purposes, so sometimes it is needed less, and sometimes more.

It is very important that this room should be very well lit and safety should not be forgotten.

Main types of lighting:

  • Main light (one light source is located on the ceiling, illuminating the entire room, but in the bathroom a curtain is often used (it will prevent light from entering the bathroom));
  • Spotlights (evenly placed throughout the room and, accordingly, there will be no problems with individual zones).

It is necessary not to forget about working lighting - this is the light above the sink or above the mirror. To do this, you can use wall sconces, spotlights or directional lamps.

They can be installed above the mirror or on the sides of the mirror (so the lighting is more uniform).

For comfort and coziness, very little is often enough - correct layout, well-placed lighting and functionality of devices. This one is almost universal formula treat the bathroom as well, even if the size of this room is very, very modest. Today, creating your own special design for a small bathroom space is quite possible, especially if you set a goal and approach the work thoughtfully, taking into account literally all the subtleties and nuances.

For apartment buildings residential buildings bathroom layouts have always been one of the most complex issues. More recently in construction industry bathrooms were seen as spaces with few comfort requirements. Most often, it is through the bathroom that the sewer and water supply risers pass, and a combined bathroom is considered a completely normal phenomenon even for the new generation of economy-class housing.

Regular small bathroom

The attitude towards this room as obligatory, but secondary, gradually began to change only in Lately, because the use of new building materials and technology have made it possible to solve many planning problems.

Most bathrooms use a standard layout with a linear arrangement of plumbing fixtures. This means that the bathtub or shower stall, washbasin and washing machine must be located strictly in one line in order to minimize the distance from the sewerage drain point to the main riser.

Standard arrangement of plumbing fixtures in a small bathroom

Layout small rooms Both separate and combined bathrooms provide for the placement of only one light source in the premises and the absence of sockets for connecting electrical appliances.

Exhaust ventilation is usually implemented in the form of ceiling exhaust openings or vents in the walls, while the ventilation duct can be combined with the ventilation duct of a toilet or kitchen.

Thus, small bathrooms can have the following features:

  • Small total area of ​​the room;
  • Availability of standardly installed pipe connections for hot and cold water supply;
  • No hidden electrical wiring for connecting electrical appliances;
  • A single light source in the room;
  • One ventilation hole;

It is clear that with such initial data, serious work is required to carve out even square centimeter area. True, in order to make the room at least visually larger, you can use some tricks professional designers, for example, choosing contrasting tiles.

So even small space walls with built-in sewerage and water supply systems available in the room can be made more spacious and lighter by using optical illusion techniques in the design. Actually, at 2-3 square meters without design tricks You can’t do it anyway, so why not immediately choose a finish that creates the impression of great volume?

The first and most simple and reliable method to get the illusion of large space is installation o ceramic tiles on the floor at an angle . A 45-degree slope of the seam line in relation to the walls is considered optimal - the squares of tiles on the floor are even, but the combination with straight lines of wall tiles visually makes the room wider and higher.

Location floor tiles at an angle visually expands the room

For individual residential building projects, especially panel ones, the bathroom and toilet were cast as a separate element. This decision was caused by the fact that a space with a ventilation outlet was formed above these two rooms. However, this significantly reduced the volume of the already small bathroom - the ceiling became 20-25 cm lower. Solve the problem low ceilings will help use of contrasting transitions in color scheme tiles .

In order to conditionally “stretch out” the walls, it is recommended to install a row of contrasting tiles on top of the tiles and below - this combination will create the effect of high walls. And the walls themselves will become more consistent and austere, which is always associated with high ceilings.

Use in device mirror surfaces gives the room the effect of infinity, reflection in the mirrors creates perspective and the view visually becomes larger due to the reflection of other objects. It is recommended to make mirrors for small bathrooms built into the surface of the tile, so that the shadow from the mirror frames does not neutralize the already small gain in perception. However, in the case of mirrors, there is one significant remark - the panels need to be positioned so that they do not end up opposite each other, then the room will “put pressure” on those present and the desired effect will not work.

For a small bathroom decorative elements should be used with extreme caution. So decorative frieze , often used as an insert in the form of one continuous strip, it is recommended to use it at eye level, and insert inserts with a certain gap. A frieze inserted vertically into the tiles will provide a “vertical” increase, and an asymmetrical placement of the frieze on the main wall will make it appear wider.

The combination of colors in overall composition bathroom is selected in two primary colors. Contrasting solutions make the perception more interesting, and two competing colors create the illusion of more space. Properly organized ceiling space and room lighting will help complement this illusion.

Contrast of two colors in the bathroom

Contrast of colors is provided by the use and application of tiles different colors on surfaces that emphasize the shape of the room, for example, on adjacent walls or ledges covering the communications of the house. Such a contrast immediately catches the eye, forces you to draw a boundary in space and attract the main attention. Light and dark tiles, selected in one tone group, is the best way for this.

Small room, unlike spacious rooms, does not require a strong main lighting source. On the contrary, it is better to use here some spotlights , which will ensure complete filling of the entire volume with light. The secret to using spot lighting is quite simple - mini lamps provide more soft lighting and do not give clear and sharp shadows in the room; a volume flooded with light really does not produce shadows.

It’s also a good idea for a small bathroom to use such a technique as installing special types of lighting - wall sconces or LED mirror lighting elements . Modern lighting technology allows the use of LEDs with a variable luminescence spectrum, which makes lighting multifaceted. Warm colors LED lamps gives a softer yellowish light - such lighting seems too unnatural and even slightly hot. But the cold spectrum provides a luminous flux close to normal, natural in quality daylight. In this spectrum, glossy tiles appear smoother, which gives the effect of expanded space.

Ceiling decorated in traditional style with a white glossy or matte finish, usually does not give the desired effect of a large space. It’s another matter if the design uses a hanging system from metal structures, using alternating glossy polished and gold or silver anodized strips . An interesting solution in itself metal ceiling will make your bathroom more sophisticated and impressive.

You can visually expand the space of a small bathroom by using not only tiles in light or pastel colors with contrasting inserts. It is possible to obtain a visually larger volume using classic layout techniques household appliances and plumbing fixtures.

Even for the smallest bathroom presence of a sink was and is the basic rule. The sink makes it possible to do a normal morning toilet, wash your hands, and using a compact device is much more convenient than a bathtub. The presence of a sink in the bathroom makes it possible to properly use the space around it. First of all, this concerns installing the sink on a shelf or bedside table.

Examples of installing sinks in small bathrooms

Shell shape in the form of a water lily or rectangular shape fits perfectly into the design with additional shelf-tabletop . The presence of such a solution makes it possible to organize a niche for installation washing machine. This will visually significantly save space and ensure maximum correct location pipelines for connecting the washbasin and machine.

Examples of placing a washing machine under sinks in small bathrooms

Idea of ​​use mini washing machines in small rooms it is excellent both for the safety of the machine and for its durability. Covered with lid The machine is closed on the countertop to prevent drops of water from falling on it and the formation of condensation, and therefore appearance it will remain in almost perfect condition for a long time.

Examples of the location of the washing machine in cabinets under the sink

The bathroom often becomes a place water heating boiler installation , which in urban conditions makes it possible to provide maximum comfort. However, for a small room, installing a huge boiler for 100 liters of water certainly does not help save space. A way out of this situation may be to choose a model with a horizontal tank arrangement. But the space for installation can be chosen above the doorway .

Actually, if we are talking about rational arrangement appliances and accessories, then it is the space above the door that allows you to use a water heater with a horizontal tank arrangement without compromising the overall volume of the room.

Installing basic plumbing items in a small bathroom is in many ways like playing Tetris - you need to very compactly and at the same time correctly install a very impressive structure into a small volume.

Regular bathroom standard sizes install in small room in principle it is possible, but if you take a bathtub 1.5-1.65 meters long. True, there won’t be a big gain in this case - the bathtub will take up all the space near one of the walls. This arrangement will take away half the volume of the room, making it seem even smaller.

Without compromising the layout of plumbing and visual perception rooms, if possible, it is better to install shower cabin or corner bath . Both options ensure installation of devices in maximum effective option with significant space saving in the room.

A corner bathtub or a version of a bathtub without legs for seating is optimal for rooms up to 3 meters in area, but at the same time, visually the volume of the room will be perceived much larger. If space allows, then it is rational to install a shower stall, and a stall with an oversized tray.

One more no less interesting option protruding installation low-slung bathtubs and showers - in this case, the laying of communications will have to be done in the floor to minimize the space. Shower cabins with a corner location, if space allows, are selected with hinged doors, but if there is not enough space, then with sliding doors.

But what you should still pay attention to when laying communications is installing a floor drain . The presence of such an accessory guarantees minimization of the consequences of emergency situations.

A combined bathroom for small bathrooms has always been a big problem. Even with the advent of compact toilets with an arrangement cistern on the toilet, this did not solve the problem of saving space in the room. On the contrary, such toilets have become a serious problem for bathtubs in Khrushchev-era apartments and living-room apartments. A reasonable alternative to this today is installation of suspension system . Except real savings places in the bathroom, wall hung toilet will make it easy to clean the room.

For suspension systems The solution to the issue of installing a drain tank is quite simple and rational. Since communication pipes will still be hidden behind plasterboard construction, that is, it makes sense to install the system’s fastening fittings behind it, especially since the system itself will be located in close proximity to the sewer main.

It’s easy to see that the perception of a large bathroom directly depends on the number of additional accessories and items. Straight, clear lines provide the perception of a picture of increased space, but a large number of small accessories, shelves and things create a diametrically opposite impression.

For a small bathroom, it is rational to install a multifunctional design with spacious compartments. This can be a cabinet or a closed shelf in which it is convenient to store hygiene items and bathroom accessories. But it is better to provide a removable shelf directly in the bathtub for placing accessories.

Next we will provide photo examples of the design and layout of a small bathroom in various forms and flowers. Among these images (view from above) you can definitely find something that suits your taste and room size.

Well, modern bathroom tiles definitely can’t be called boring. And the question even arises: what is its main function - to protect against moisture or to bring pleasure to the owners of the house with its appearance? Various colors and patterns, sizes and even materials - the choice of bathroom tiles is huge!

Marble panels and wood tiles in a small bathroom

Do you have a small bathroom in a Khrushchev building? We'll show you a few tricky tricks How to not only arrange everything you need in a small bathroom, but also visually enlarge it. Some ideas won't even require special effort for re-equipment and cash costs. In addition, you will find photos here modern tiles for the bathroom different styles and color design of small bathrooms.

Bathroom interior in Khrushchev with gray mosaic tiles

Contrasting small bathroom with matte black tiles

Gray mosaic tiles for bathroom

Light. Perhaps the most important factor to consider when decorating small spaces. Glossy tiles reflect light; In addition, the glossy surface is easier to care for. Glass door the shower stall and the mirror “deceive” the eye and confuse a person: at first glance it is not clear where the room begins and where it ends. Large catalog of bathroom tiles various styles and from many manufacturers you can.

Bright glossy mosaic tiles for the bathroom

Calm beige tiles for a small bathroom

Best suited for small bathroom walls light tiles. However, it is worth considering that white tiles in a small, poorly lit room look gray and leave a not very pleasant impression. Natural color accents will add comfort. Bright towels, a rug, and beautiful plants will help you with this.

Color accents in the design of a small bathroom

Brown bathroom tiles

Colored textiles transform the bathroom without major expenses

What tiles should I use for a small bathroom? There is no need to limit yourself to single-color tiles. Vertical lines and irregular details visually enlarge the room. Sharp contrasts should be avoided and based on the characteristics of a particular room. Kind of long and narrow rooms will enhance subtle elongated details and patterns. For square bathrooms, rooms on curves or with many corners, tiles with patterns should be avoided. Instead, you can separate the floor from the walls by using tiles in a darker color, such as gray. Use every available niche: hang a cabinet in it or place open shelves.

Vertical stripes of tiles for the bathroom

Floral Bathroom Tiles

Beige walls and blue mosaic tiles in a small bathroom

Bathroom tiles with a delicate floral pattern

And many more photos with options for finishing a small bathroom with tiles

Bathroom tiles in warm colors

Create an oasis in your bathroom filled with peace and security. Warm shades brown and beige give coziness, gray anthracite will add modernity, fashionable sand color will optically enlarge the room. Don't underestimate the power of color. See if you find your option among our collection of photos of ceramic tiles for the bathroom?

Combination of cream and dark orange tiles in a small bathroom

Large gray bathroom tiles and blue mosaic tiles