How to fix a leaking heating pipe. How to fix a leak in a heating pipe: several typical problems, their causes and solutions The pipe does not flow

The heating is leaking... According to all known laws, this usually happens at the most inopportune moment. In a private house it is not difficult to solve the problem, but for residents apartment buildings, even the smallest leak can cause serious trouble. At the height of the heating season, it is very difficult to shut off the heating riser; of course, if water flows like a fountain from a pipe or radiator, then there is simply no other way out. You urgently need to run or swim to the phone and call the emergency team.

But, as a rule, global breakthroughs do not happen just like that. The peak of accidents occurs at the beginning of the heating season, when pressure and temperature in the system increase. It has been noticed that most often, heating leaks start for two reasons.

1. The apartment has old, worn-out pipes and radiators.
2. The heating system was recently replaced and was poorly sealed.

If one of these factors is present in your apartment, you are at risk. It is much easier to solve a problem than to wait for it to arise, as they say - “Forewarned is forearmed!” So, here are a few ways to temporarily fix a leak.

How to fix a leaking heating pipe

1. If the fistula is small and appeared on an old pipe, you will need a small piece of soft rubber, 3 standard clamps or several pieces of wire. A piece from a bicycle or car inner tube is quite suitable as rubber. Wrap a strip of rubber around the problem area in several layers and clamp it tightly with a clamp at the leak site. Two additional clamps are used at the edges as safety nets.

If you need to fix the leak urgently, but rubber and clamps are not at hand, use a medical tourniquet, wrap it tightly around the current area and clamp it with regular wire.

2. In some cases, fix leaking heating pipes it is not possible with the help of improvised materials, for such purposes in tools home handyman There must be a metal bandage for pipes (you can buy it in almost any plumbing department). Strong rubber is placed on the pipe, fixed with a bandage and, using special bolts, crimped over the entire area of ​​the emergency area.

3. If the heating pipe is leaking in a place threaded connection pipes and fittings, clamps will not help, because... The diameters of the pipe and fitting are different sizes. In this case effective option There will be a use of a bandage, but with a slightly modified version of the design. Instead of the thick rubber from the kit, use rubber from a bicycle inner tube. In order to compensate for the difference in size, first make several turns on the pipe itself. The rubber is secured on top with a crimp strip and bolts.

How to fix a battery leak

1. If the battery leaks at the joints of the sections, the damaged area must be rewound with a piece of fabric pre-impregnated with epoxy resin. After drying, the fabric hardens and the flow stops.

2. For minor damage, a special sealant is used - the so-called cold welding. It looks like children's plasticine. We knead a small piece of welding with our hands until the color and condition are uniform and, using pressing movements, we cover the leakage area.

3. If you notice a rusty spot on the battery that is not yet leaking, but is already slightly damp, sprinkle it with coarse table salt and wrap it with a rag. After some time, the crack will heal.

4. One more folk way- cement bandage. A piece of fabric is impregnated with adhesive cement mortar with the addition of gypsum, quickly wrap it around the damage and allow it to harden. After this procedure, the “treatment site” is painted over with a layer of thick oil paint.

How to fix a plastic pipe leak

Modern plastic and metal-plastic pipes seemingly eternal, but unfortunately, they sometimes cause trouble. Most often this happens due to initial incorrect installation or the use of low-quality components.

1. If water drips at the connection points, the fittings may have become loose, slightly tighten the nut with a wrench, the leak should disappear. But here you should be very careful, one sudden movement and the fitting may burst. Do not overdo it.

2. Tow with silicone sealant. The tow is impregnated with silicone and wrapped several times at the joint.

3. If a plastic pipe leaks, you can temporarily fix the leak using an adhesive bandage. A piece of fiberglass is coated with epoxy glue and wrapped around the pipe 5-6 times, and then fixed with clamps or ties.

Any of the above methods is only good for temporarily eliminating a leak. The heating system will need to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. If the first bell has rung, don’t put off repairs and don’t wait for the second, otherwise it could turn into big problems. Stop the fountain hot water It’s quite difficult, but it’s much easier and cheaper to prevent a breakthrough.
Well, if it does happen that boiling water from a pipe or radiator is gushing in all directions, do not panic. Throw a blanket over it, this way you will protect yourself from burns and have time to remove the water without the risk of getting burned.

P.S. In order to save your time, money and nerves, it is better to trust the repair and replacement of your heating system to professionals))

Consequence long-term operation pipes, mechanical damage or shear may cause leakage. A leaking pipe leads to flooding of the living space, so it is necessary to fix the problem as quickly as possible. Is it possible to seal a leaking pipe without the help of a plumber? What products are recommended for use at home? Read on.

A pipe leak can occur:

  • at the junction of pipes with fittings;
  • in the body of the pipe.

How to fix a leaking fitting

Repairing a leak connecting fitting is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to tighten the threaded connection. For this:
    • you will need a wrench and an adjustable wrench;
    • the pipe is fixed using an adjustable wrench;
    • use a wrench to tighten the fixing nut;

The thread must be tightened very carefully and slowly. Over-tightening may cause the fitting to crack.

  1. if tightening does not help, then most likely the problem lies in worn threads or sealing material. The problem can be resolved by replacing the insulating material. For this:
    • it is necessary to turn off the water supply to the residential premises. The shutdown is carried out using a tap located in the apartment (if the leak has formed on a pipe that is part of the wiring of the residential premises) or the tap of a common building riser (the tap is located in the basement);
    • the thread is unscrewed completely or up to half, depending on the complexity of the situation;
    • the old sealing layer is removed;
    • new insulating material is wrapped;

  • the fitting is installed in its original place;
  1. If the above measures do not allow you to seal the leak in the pipe, then the fitting will need to be replaced. Replacement of the connecting element is carried out as follows:
    • the old fitting is removed. If the connection is threaded, then simply unscrew the thread. If a permanent fitting is used (welded or compression), then it is necessary to cut off the connecting element;
    • a new element is installed plumbing system. The threaded fitting is screwed into the old place. Installing a welded or compression fitting will require special equipment ( welding machine or press device).

When replacing one-piece fittings, it should be taken into account that the total length of the pipeline will need to be increased, which is done by inserting an additional section of pipe. Replacement of welded and compression fittings It is better to entrust it to professionals.

How to fix a pipe body leak

How to repair a leak in a pipe if there is a crack in the body? To resolve the problem, you can use one of the following methods:

  • install the clamp;
  • apply a bandage;
  • use cold welding.

Installation of the clamp

The easiest way to eliminate a leak on the pipe body is to install a repair clamp. Special device comprises:

  • metal case;
  • rubber seal located inside the housing;
  • fixing bolts.

You can install the clamp yourself in the following way:

  1. the leak site is cleaned of dust and rust;
  2. the pipe is wrapped with a clamp;
  3. The device is fixed.

The choice of clamp should be based on the size of the crack. To completely eliminate the malfunction, the clamp must be 1.5 - 2 times larger size leaks.

Applying a bandage

How to seal a leaking pipe if there is no clamp? To eliminate a leak, you can use a rubber, adhesive or cement bandage.

The rubber bandage is:

  • piece of rubber. A cut from a bicycle inner tube or a medical tourniquet used to stop bleeding is ideal. Use a rubber cut to wrap around the cracked section of the pipe;
  • small clamps, wire or other fastening straps for securing the rubber to the pipe.

The adhesive bandage is installed according to the following scheme:

  1. the section of the pipe where the leak has occurred is cleaned of dirt using a solvent;
  2. fiberglass or medical bandage is impregnated special glue;

  1. the applied composition is expected to dry completely.

Instead of special glue, you can use epoxy resin or, when using metal pipes, ordinary table salt.

Watch the video to see how to cover a leaking pipe with epoxy resin.

A cement bandage is an analogue of an adhesive bandage. The bandage or fiberglass is impregnated with cement mortar prepared in a ratio of 1:10.

Cold pipe welding

A relatively new way to eliminate leaks is to use a so-called cold welding composition. How to coat a pipe to prevent it from leaking? For various types pipes (metal, plastic, and so on) are used different compositions cold welding.

Detailed instructions for using the mixture are given on the bottle with the active substance. Here is the general algorithm:

  1. Before applying the mixture, the damaged section of the pipeline is cleaned of dirt. If the composition needs to be applied to a metal pipe, then the crack is additionally cleaned of paint and rust;

  1. A special composition is applied to the damaged area. If liquid cold welding in the form of glue is used, it is advisable to apply it with a brush. If a plasticine-like composition is used, then before application it is necessary to knead it thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained;
  2. the cold welding substance is evenly distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the cracked pipeline, covering 3–4 cm more than the crack itself;

  1. composition is left until completely dry, which takes on average 2.5 – 3 hours.

To ensure that the area restored by cold welding does not stand out, the dried compound can be cleaned with sandpaper and painted.

All methods given in the article for eliminating leaks on the pipe body, except for the use of cold welding, are only a temporary measure. To completely get rid of the problem, it is necessary to completely replace the damaged section of the pipeline. It is advisable to involve qualified specialists to perform this operation.

Standard steel structures, used in household heating circuits, have a significant drawback. Corrosion of their surface, which occurs over time, leads to damage to the metal and leakage of the coolant. Fix the leak heating pipe possible through personal intervention, but this will require study technological sequence works


Most often, heating communications begin to leak due to aging of the metal, which has not been subjected to maintenance for a long time. If plumbing fixtures with incorrectly installed connections are connected to them, the integrity of the heating circuit is compromised and water flows through the resulting cracks. Mechanical damage to metal during construction or everyday activities leads to the same consequences.

Certain sections of the heating pipe are subject to corrosion more often than others. Condensation that forms on the surface of hot communications quickly penetrates into weakly protected areas. These include threaded connections, fitting connection points and joints of battery sections.

Timely localization of the leak allows you to seal the problem area with sealant or other accessible ways before the system is disrupted.

Finding problem areas

You can repair a water leak in a pipe yourself, but this will require special diagnostic equipment. A visual inspection of the premises will show where to carry out repairs. Liquid appearing on the surface of the walls or wet spots near the radiator or battery will indicate the location of a local coolant breakthrough. It will not be superfluous to check the shut-off and connecting valves.

Expansion tanks, heat exchangers and valves are in plain sight, and if water has leaked somewhere, it will be noticeable. Professional method inspection also uses thermal imagers, moisture meters and acoustic meters.

The main function of such devices is to compile a temperature map of the surface of the measured object. The degree of heating of the liquid in the boiler differs from the temperature of the walls and room, which makes it possible to find the points of its exit to the surface.

Despite good efficiency, checking with thermal imagers must be done in combination with other search methods.

If water drips deep behind the wall or its temperature is not enough to detect, such a device may not work.

Moisture meters

To find a leak in a heating pipe, you can use a moisture meter. Devices of this design study the humidity of different surface areas along the highway and display their readings on the screen. Finding and checking places from which water flows usually takes a lot of time, and therefore it is better to use these devices in conjunction with thermal imagers.

The faster the breakdown can be repaired, the less damage will be caused to the heating system.

Analogues of phonendoscopes, acoustic meters consist of headphones and sensors applied to the surface of the walls. Sequential passage of the heating line will allow you to find the points from which coolant is dripping and quickly repair problem areas.

The disadvantage of such devices is their high cost, and cheap analogs do not always detect pipe damage.

Repair work

Different methods for eliminating damage to the heating system, its pipes and batteries have different durations. The use of factory seals or a rubber band will have only a temporary effect, but coating with a special sealant will eliminate leaks for a long period.

If the premises owner’s capabilities are not enough to independent conduct repair work, you will need the help of an experienced plumber.

If a flat section of communications is damaged, it is necessary to stop the heating system and drain the coolant. Without this, repairs will have to be made under the pressure of liquid escaping from it.

Having cut a rectangle from a pre-prepared piece of rubber, it must be placed on the pipe in the area of ​​the water leak. The length of such a segment should be equal to the circumference of the thermal contour, and the width should exceed the leaking hole by a couple of centimeters.

The temporary patch is secured using a clamp or wire. You can use a factory-made clamp to seal the area where water is leaking. It must be installed at the leak point and securely secured with a rubber seal.

Applying different types pipe sealant, you can cover leaks with it and achieve a long-term effect. To do this, you will need to clean the leaking area from paint and wipe it thoroughly. In a separate container, the sealant (base and activating parts) is mixed and converted into a homogeneous mass.

The first layer of metal polymer is rubbed into the damaged area, and the next ones are placed on top of it and along the edges until the mixture dries completely. After closing the leak, it is necessary to sand the top hardened layer with sandpaper and apply a strengthening mixture to the pipe. If repaired communications need to be given a uniform color, additional paint is applied.

Radiator treatment

Heating system leaks often occur at the battery connection points. Damage to the radiator can be repaired using a half-meter piece of fabric and prepared epoxy glue. After draining the water from the damaged joint, you need to make sure that the liquid no longer flows. After drying the surface of the battery, you need to soak the cloth adhesive solution and wind it around the junction in several layers.

The margin of width should allow the joint between the radiator and the space around it to be covered. The heating system is turned on only after the glue has completely set and all leaks have been eliminated.

Checking threaded connections

Even small cracks from which water drips can, over time, lead to a serious breakdown of the heating system. If the suspicion of a leak is confirmed, it is necessary to check the pipe connections and tighten the fittings with an adjustable wrench, but this must be done carefully. The fabric seal that insulates these points will eventually become damp and begin to rot, requiring replacement.

The weak point of all pipelines and radiators is the thread body, which is thinner than the main circuit and therefore deteriorates faster. If water drips for this very reason, only cutting out the broken pipe and replacing it with a new section of pipe will help. Coating the threaded transitions with a thick layer of paint or sealant will prevent such situations.

Leak in hot pipe or in the radiator - this is a nuisance, and a leak that starts in a pressure circuit is an even bigger problem. If a heating pipe is leaking, the problem must be repaired urgently.

Methods for sealing a leak depend on where it occurs:

  1. A seamless or welded heating pipe is leaking;
  2. A leak has appeared at the interface between pipe and battery, pipe and fitting, fitting and fitting;
  3. In the intersection space of the radiator;
  4. In an open area of ​​the battery that is accessible for repair.

Each of these accidents can be eliminated using available means and in different ways, but only in one case - if the leak in the heating radiator or in the pipe is small, and water or coolant flows in a thin stream or drips. More serious leaks can be eliminated using more radical methods, which we will talk about. Who has ever repaired a leak in their heating system, he knows how much trouble he saved himself and his family from.

In both large and small leaks, you must immediately turn off the shut-off valve for supplying working fluid to the system. The problem is solved by using the following options:

  1. If the radiator is leaking, then you need to close the shut-off valves at the inlet and outlet of the device. If the radiator has a bypass, then the entire system will continue to operate without stopping; if there is no bypass, then it is better to turn off the boiler to avoid unexpected overheating of the heating system;
  2. If shut-off valves no, or it is installed, but not where it is needed, then the heating must be stopped so that the pipes do not remain under pressure, and the leak must be repaired.

Steel pipes with hot water They rust quickly, even if they are painted, and this causes thinning of the pipe walls. In the thinnest places, a leak may appear over time and, if it is not eliminated in time, the drops will imperceptibly turn into a trickle.

If a colored spot appears on the pipe, the paint begins to swell, traces of drips are visible rusty water or there is rust on the pipe, water drips unnoticed, you should not wait in the hope that it will stop on its own. It’s better if you find a suspicious place in the summer, with the heating turned off - there will be less problems with shutdown and maintenance of room temperature during repairs.

How to fix a leak in a pressurized water pipe

  1. If a pipe is leaking when the coolant pressure is low, then an ordinary iron pipe clamp to eliminate the leak is a sure and quick solution to eliminating a leak in the heating system. The factory clamp is a round metal structure with a wall thickness of 1-1.5 mm, rubberized on the inside and equipped with a bolt and nut for tightening (or a pair - depending on the width of the clamp);
  2. People's advice on how to seal a leak if there is no steel clamp: wrap the accident site with rubber from a bicycle tube, a pharmaceutical bandage, or any suitable piece of rubber, for example, a rubber glove. Pin this homemade clamp can be wired or wrapped with any cord;
  3. In the absence of a factory clamp and rubber, you can make a homemade clamp from tin, even from a tin can lid;
  4. Even a piece of elastic polymer (for example, vulcan rubber), tightly wrapped with wire, turn to turn, can temporarily save the situation.

Other methods of eliminating an accident if a heating pipe is leaking will not work - only dry surfaces can be sealed with cold welding, although the hardened composite can then work even in water. It will not work to seal a hole or crack with sealing compounds for the same reason - the surface to be repaired must be dry, and preferably clean. Therefore, sealant for heating pipes, epoxy resin, dichloroethane and other fast-hardening composites are used only on disconnected dry sections of the heating route. This also applies to the repair of the water supply line in the water supply pipe for hot water supply or hot water supply.

How to fix a leak in your home heating system

If the leak is strong and a simple clamp cannot be used to close it, the heating circuit with liquid will have to be turned off. It doesn’t matter where the leak is found - on a heating or water supply pipe - eliminating the leak will only be possible by turning off the water supply. A disconnected circuit gives scope for repairs: you can at the same time check the entire route and repair (replace) all suspicious areas.

Let's start with the simplest ways to fix a leak in a heating pipe:

Seal the gap or hole with a fabric (fiberglass) patch liberally coated with epoxy glue. The patches (there should be 2-3 of them) are cut twice as wide as the diameter of the pipe; the length should allow the pipe to be wrapped 5-7 times. The metal around the violation is cleaned with sandpaper, a file or a grinder, the area is well dried, and epoxy resin is applied to it. The fabric can be soaked with glue in advance, or you can coat it as you wind it onto the pipe - whichever is more convenient on the spot. The last fabric layer is not saturated with glue, and the end of the fabric is secured with cord or wire. Epoxy dries on a pipe in different ways: at a temperature of 20 0 C-25 0 C, a few hours are enough; at a temperature below 18 0 C, even a day is not enough.

If you repaired a pipe central heating, then the system operates under higher pressure than individual heating, and during the initial supply of water to the circuit after repair, a noticeable water hammer may occur, which can simply rip off the patch. Therefore, the supply valve should be opened slowly, tracking the area with the patch visually.

You can increase the strength of the patch by adding bronze or aluminum powder to the epoxy glue. If you were unable to buy powder, you can make it at home by grinding off the surface of any non-ferrous metal part with a small file or needle file. By adding such powder, you can make not 5-7 turns of fabric, but 2-3, and repairing such an area will become easier and faster.

Factory materials

From ready-made solutions, adhesives and liquids, you can use a heat-resistant waterproof sealant to seal the leak. Similar adhesive compositions are produced specifically for the repair of heating systems. When purchasing, make sure that the word “neutral” is on the label - this means that your glue will not corrode non-ferrous metal and adjacent materials.

Cold welding is also good for eliminating leaks:

  1. A liquid epoxy substance that is convenient for impregnating fabric patches that are applied to a hole. water pipe. Some compounds can also work on a wet surface;
  2. Semi-solid plastic compositions. This cold welding looks like a small piece of plasticine consisting of two different component strips. Knead the plasticine in your hands until the substance becomes plastic (your palms should be wet - moisten them in water), cover the hole in the pipe with a small piece, and spread it over the cleaned surface. It takes 10-15 minutes to harden, after which the patch becomes so hard that it is difficult to take even with a file.

Both liquid and solid cold welding contain toxins, so it is recommended to use rubber gloves when working with it.

Sealing connections on pipes and between radiator sections

If connections at the junction of pipes or fittings are leaking, then, depending on the difference in diameters, the pipeline can be sealed metal clamp immediately or in a place with a smaller diameter, first rewind the rubber. The rubber band is easily wound even under pressure, stopping severe leakage.

BF-2 glue works well for sealing the threaded connection in the place where tow or FUM tape is wound. The tow is first soaked in alcohol, then coated with glue. The glue dissolved in alcohol impregnates the winding, and after drying it forms a dense waterproof layer.

What else can the winding be impregnated with and what can you wrap the pipe with so that it does not leak: in most cases, ordinary oil-based (not nitro) paint is used. To do this, wrap the tow around the thread, apply the paint with a brush, and after tightening the thread, paint this area 2-3 more times. You can turn on the heating or water supply only after 2-3 days.

If you can’t fix the leak with your own hands, you need to turn off the heating or water supply and redo the threaded connection: completely remove the old winding, clean the threads and degrease them. New tow or FUM tape must be wrapped with preliminary impregnation with sealant or paint.

  1. In case of leakage metal-plastic fitting Water supply network leaks are easier to fix: you can stop the leak by simply tightening the thread. In 90% of cases this helps;
  2. To stop the leak, the copper circuit only needs to be soldered;
  3. Propylene pipes on the heating circuit are repaired by replacing the cracked section with a new section of pipe - this requires a special welding machine for welding PP products - there are no other ways to weld propylene.

If you don’t know what to do if there is a leak between battery sections, then the most common repair is replacing the gasket between the radiator elements, or replacing the nipple. To do this, the system is turned off and the failed part is replaced with a new one. There are no other options other than temporary repairs - applying a patch using the method described above. This is quite difficult process, since with aluminum radiators the distance from section to section is very small.

To fix a leak on an aluminum surface between sections, you need to somehow manage to clean it hard to reach places. To do this, you can use a cable - you need to wrap it around the leak and pull the ends one by one until all the paint is erased. A clean aluminum surface is sealed with epoxy mixed with aluminum powder or by cold welding.

Few people know, but you can coat a heating pipe with regular table salt! A small hole in a water supply line or heating pipe will immediately stop flowing if you rub it with a pinch of salt. If the hole is rather large, then salt is used together with a regular bandage - rewinding the leak area, sprinkle the bandage with salt.

If aluminum radiator drips, then repair is a temporary measure for one season. To get through next winter, the radiator needs to be changed - it will definitely leak in another place.

How to fix a leak on a radiator

Not between sections, not on the threads, but simply on the body of the radiator - such cases occur mainly with cast iron or steel devices due to cavities that occur in the casting. Temporary repairs can be carried out as follows:

  1. The simplest and quick way stop the leak; if the hole is small, hammer a wooden plug (plug) into it. Level it with the surface of the product, cover it with sealant or cold weld;
  2. In addition to wood, a self-tapping screw or press washer will work well. The hardware also needs to be lubricated with sealant before screwing it into the hole.

Leaking hidden pipes

It is clear that this is the biggest nuisance that can be imagined in a newly renovated apartment. There are two options for how to seal to prevent pipes from leaking in the wall or under the floor:

Mustard can only be used for water, and factory solutions can be used for both water and antifreeze.


There are a lot of ways to seal large and small holes and cracks in pipes and heating radiators - both folk and scientific. But they have one drawback in common - this is a temporary and forced measure. The pipe, fitting or radiator must be replaced at the end of the heating season.

The heating of your home can fail at the most inopportune times. This problem causes a lot of trouble, but it needs to be solved as quickly as possible. Depending on the type of malfunction, there is different ways How to fix a leak in your home heating system.

What are the types of leaks?

  1. Violation of tightness at joints.
  2. Gap in the radiator.
  3. Penetrating corrosion or cracks in pipelines.
  4. Deformation in cavities due to freezing or overheating.
  5. Cracks in equipment.

Eat general rules regarding how to fix a leak in a home heating system:

  • turn off the area with the malfunction and drain the water;
  • clean, dry and degrease the defective area.

Leaking at joints

Repairs at the joint are simple: unscrew it, clean the thread and apply a sealant impregnated with paint, drying oil or sealant to it, and then screw it back on.

How to fix a leak Cause. What to do?

Cracks in pipes appear as a result of mechanical damage or corrosion.

It is difficult to weld a rusted metal wall because it becomes thinner due to corrosion.

There are different ways to fix a leaking heating pipe. A heating pipe leak during a temporary repair is eliminated using a “doll” - wrapping it with burlap or a bandage impregnated with silicone sealant or waterproof glue.

When it is not possible to dry the pipe, the “doll” is made on a damp surface using a special sealant. The method is used only for weak leaks.

“Cold welding” is also used, which is applied to a dry surface. The repair area can be dried with a hairdryer. It takes time for the composition to harden, since epoxy glue is used as the base.

Electric welding can be used to repair a crack caused by mechanical deformation or as a result of freezing of the coolant. If damaged by corrosion, the area is cut out and a piece is welded new pipe. Can be cut new thread and screw in the fitting. Old pipe change completely.

A long-proven method is a rubber pad with a clamp. Although this is considered a temporary measure, it can eliminate significant leaks for years. There are even special pipe clamps available that can be purchased at many plumbing stores.

Eliminating leaks in heating radiators

How to eliminate heating with your own hands? IN modern systems heating valves are installed on each radiator, which are closed before replacing it.

It is advisable to replace old heating devices with new ones. Modern products have greater thermal conductivity and their cost will be offset by energy savings.

How to fix a leaking radiator? What to do? First you need to determine the location of the leak. Most often these are places of connection with the pipeline or at the joints of sections.

If a leak is not visually detected, the radiator is immersed in a container of water. Air will begin to escape through the hole. A small leak can be fixed as follows.

  1. Remove old gasket and paint. Clean the joint down to metal with a string. Degrease the area with gasoline or solvent.
  2. Take putty, which can serve as a mixture epoxy resin with metal powder, polymer sealant, cold welding. Apply the composition to a fabric ribbon, then wind it tightly in 2-3 layers per joint.
  3. Place a clamp on the putty and tighten it with bolts and nuts.
  4. After the adhesive composition has hardened, install the radiator in place and fill the system with water. At the top of each heating device there is a valve for releasing air, which is removed when the system is running.

After it's over heating season, the radiator or its damaged sections are replaced with new ones. Sometimes it is enough to replace the gaskets between sections.

Leaks are also eliminated by dissolving the sealant in the coolant, which hardens at the leak site, creating a seal. Cracks in steel radiators eliminated by electric welding.

Many of the above methods are temporary. At the first opportunity, you should replace the faulty heating device.

Features of polymer pipes

An insufficiently knowledgeable user can buy pipes intended for water supply systems cold water. Leakage may occur due to temperature deformation. Therefore, you should buy pipes in specialized stores, where you can get advice from a qualified manager.

Features of heated floor repair

How to eliminate a leak in the heating system of a house if a “warm floor” is installed there? Plastic pipe connections may begin to leak over time. When installing heated floors, you should always make connections in accessible places. If the place will be hidden in the future, for example, in a wall, then the pipes must be connected by heat welding.

Radiators can be additionally installed along with the “warm floor”. How to fix a leak in the heating battery with your own hands in this case? Its repair is carried out by the most in the usual way. To do this, the source of the leak is located, which is then eliminated by applying a patch soaked in sealant or special glue. Before this, the metal surface must be properly prepared.

The coolant passes through the entire system, so for small leaks you can use a special water-soluble sealant. IN complex system heating floors and rooms, it will get into all the cracks and reliably seal leaking joints. The method is effective when the coolant loss is no more than 5-7 liters per day. But first you need to try to find the problem and fix it directly on the spot.

Modern sealants may have new properties. Lubricants and anti-corrosion substances are added to them, which makes it possible to increase the durability of heating equipment.

The disadvantage of sealant in a heated floor system is the possibility of clogging the passage gaps in thermostats. If they are constantly adjusted, then there will be no blockages. As a last resort, the coolant containing the sealant is drained after a short period of time after the leaks are eliminated and replaced with a new one.


A mandatory measure to prevent and check leaks is to flush the system once a year and conduct hydraulic tests under pressure. This allows you to identify and repair weak spots where cracks or gaps are starting to appear.

To protect radiators and metal pipes the outside is painted. There is no need to drain water from the system. You just need to reset it for the summer.


Timely detection and elimination of leaks in the communications of the house allows you to save property and equipment from damage. Availability necessary materials, knowledge and ability to fix a leak in a home’s heating system are necessary for prompt intervention when a problem occurs.

Replacement and repair heating devices do in more favorable conditions when they don't work. Simple ways eliminating leaks is an effective but temporary measure. It is advisable to carry out major repairs after they are completed.