Fortune telling about salty food on Halloween comes true. Fortune telling and omens for Halloween. The embodiment of secret desires

is a holiday that can safely be called the most mysterious and magical. It is believed that on the night of October 31 to November 1, the boundaries between the world of the living and the dead are erased. It's time to turn to folk signs and fortune telling, because this is a holiday of witches, sorcerers and otherworldly forces.

Even main symbol Halloween - lamp "Jack Pumpkin Head" looks dark and mysterious. In the old days, it was believed that if you put your clothes on inside out on Halloween night and walk down the street backwards, you could meet a real witch. I think if you try to do this, then even now on Halloween you will certainly meet someone dressed in a costume of a sorcerer, devil or vampire, hurrying to a holiday party. This holiday managed to take root in Russia. It was especially liked by young people who celebrate Halloween cheerfully and noisily.

You can celebrate Halloween not only with a reckless costume party at a club, but also at home by doing fortune telling. After all, according to popular belief, it is on this night that even simple objects acquire magical powers, and all predictions come true.

Fortune telling for your betrothed on Halloween

Marriage and love have always worried girls. Most of the signs and fortune-telling for Halloween are devoted to the search for a soul mate.

A couple in love threw two nuts into the fire. If they burned quietly, then living together they had a happy life ahead of them. But if crackling and clicking noises were heard in the fire, then it was believed that people were not suitable for each other.

They wished for the name of their beloved and threw two chestnuts into the flame. If they fell next to each other, then they were destined to be together.

According to ancient Celtic beliefs, if you sit in front of a mirror at midnight on Halloween dark room, placing a burning candle and an apple next to it, you can see the reflection of your future husband. However, if the candle suddenly falls or goes out, fortune telling must be stopped immediately, as it is being interfered with evil spirits.

There were many funny fortune-telling stories. It was believed that the spirit of a lover would definitely appear behind a shirt washed and hung to dry at night. Here you can see it.

Well, the bravest girls went out into the street at midnight with a willow (willow) branch. They had to run around the house three times, saying “Mummer, come and take it.” The lover's ghost could appear and grab the twig.

You could go to the neighboring garden and pull out a head of cabbage there. If a lot of earth stuck to the roots, then the husband will be rich, and the shape, taste and density of the head of cabbage predicted his appearance and character.

It was popular fortune telling for the groom with water. Three bowls were placed on the table. They poured into one clean water, another was painted, and the third was left empty. The girl, blindfolded, was choosing a bowl. Clear water promised happy marriage soon, dark - a widower husband. The girl who took the empty bowl still had to wait for her betrothed.

It was not only women who were concerned about marriage issues. That night the young people had to crawl under the currant branches to see the shadow of their beloved.

Prophetic dreams for Halloween

However, Halloween is such a mystical time that it was enough to just go to bed and try to remember your dream in the morning. Dreams on the night of November 1 are considered prophetic.

You can, of course, help yourself a little and magical powers. There is a sign that if you eat a piece of salted herring at night without drinking water, you will dream future husband who brought me something to drink.

Do you want to check the sincerity of your chosen one’s feelings? Then place his letter under your pillow, folded nine times and secured with a pin. Clear water, gems and metal seen in a dream should reassure you. But flowers, flames, storms or clothes speak of lies and deceit.

There is another way to check the feelings of your other half. Prepare three buckets of water and place them in the bedroom. At night you dream about your lover - remember what he will do. If he rearranges the buckets, it means he really loves you, if he doesn’t touch them, he’s indifferent to you.

Halloween fortune telling about everything in the world

A large number of Halloween signs and fortune telling are associated with the flame and its power. In Scotland, fortune tellers placed their stones around a fire at night. In the morning, their fate was judged by their location. The disappearance of a stone or its shifting was considered a bad omen.

A key, coin, gold coin was placed in a bag or bowl with cereal. wedding ring, a button, a shell and a silver pendant in the shape of a heart (there are a lot of similar pendants here They mixed the items with the cereal and pulled them out at random. Thus, a key promises immediate success, a ring promises a wedding, a coin promises wealth, a button promises loneliness, a shell promises a long journey, and a silver heart pendant promises love.

You can tell fortunes and find out how many children you will have. To do this, pour the egg white into a glass with hot water. How many pieces you get - how many children fate promises you.

There are plenty more simple ways look into the future. Think of something and cut an apple into two halves. If the seeds remain intact, you will be successful.

When going for a walk in the evening, listen to the sound of the wind at the intersection of roads. It was believed that one could hear predictions of the future in it.

As you can see, many fortune telling and signs for Halloween are very similar to our Christmas rituals. And if we do this during Christmas time, then why not organize similar fun in the long run? autumn evening. After all, Halloween is a great opportunity to look into tomorrow, even if only as a joke.

And when you go to bed on All Hallows' Eve, do like the ancient Celts - don't forget make a wish and put an apple under your pillow. Eat it in the morning and your wish will definitely come true!

Tutina Maria especially for the site “Congratulations to everyone!.

Halloween is not so much a fun holiday as it is a time to socialize with other world, as they say, painless, not difficult. At this time, that invisible world itself comes to man. All Saints' Day (that is, night) - from October 31 to November 1, 2019. So why not take advantage of this magical moment? Although fortune telling (like the holiday) is not ours, it is still true.
In this article:

Halloween fortune telling for girls

In the old days, girls were required to bewitch for love. It was a good, slightly scary, tradition. For modern girls It is recommended to use fortune telling. If you care, they will turn out to be faithful.

Fortune telling at the Halloween Bonfire

Bonfires were lit everywhere on Halloween. The girl approached the fire, holding two chestnuts. They were ordered to be thrown into the thick of it and see what happens. If they light up quickly and evenly, then there will be a wedding in the spring. If one is burning, and the second does not want to, then loneliness will not soon leave the girl. If one chestnut quickly burns out in a Halloween bonfire, and the second one is still burning, then the unfortunate woman will have love without reciprocity, only suffering.

Even on Halloween they used to tell fortunes using pumpkins.

To do this, two faces are cut out in it, with different sides. Only one is female, the other is male. Feathers are hung on the eye sockets (you can take them out of the pillow or buy them specially). Now place the lit candle inside. Look carefully. Sooner or later the feathers will burn out. So, if a woman’s eyes disappear earlier, you know that the girl will love her husband more and please him in everything. And if they are male, then she will live in prosperity. The husband will indulge all her whims and cherish her.

It's bad if the feathers don't burn. The girl will have to remain alone for another year. But if only one feather remains, then look at which side of the pumpkin it is on. The person who managed to save the “eye” from fire will ruin another’s life in marriage. The other will suffer a lot from him: scandals, bullying, betrayal. Everything will last until the second one breaks off the shameful relationship.

It's better to tell fortunes on Halloween alone. Try not to reveal the results of the spell to anyone, especially the pleasant ones, so as not to jinx it. And if the pumpkin predicts an undesirable fate, then give up marriage this year, this way you will protect yourself and your partner from all sorts of misfortunes.

Terrible fortune telling

You will need a big, beautiful one. On October 31, on Halloween night, you need to take a sharp knife and think about what you strive to achieve in life. Then cut the fruit into eight pieces through the core.

Study carefully. If even one seed is cut, you will have obstacles. When there are more than seven damaged seeds, misfortune awaits you. If only two seeds fall under the knife, then trouble will happen on the personal front. Most often, such Halloween fortune-telling predicts an unsuccessful marriage with an evil person.

It’s even worse if each slice contains a damaged seed. I know your fate is very difficult. You will lose loved ones while struggling with constant difficulties. You just need to change your negative destiny. To do this, you can do some other corrective ritual. But when all the grains are intact, peace and happiness await you. Your plans will be implemented in a timely manner, without obstacles or problems.

Halloween fortune telling for wish fulfillment

On Halloween, it was customary to use pumpkin seeds for fortune telling. Fortune telling is extremely ancient. It requires untreated seeds. Prepare a bag, in case you have a lot of questions. Sitting at the table, take left hand seven seeds. Think about what you want, ask a question, make a wish. Raise your hand with the seeds above the table and open your palm. Let them fall loosely onto the table. Now look at the resulting picture.

A pumpkin seed has two endings. One is dull, the other is sharper. This is how the seeds are oriented relative to you and you need to look. We consider those that have their sharp end towards you.

  • 7 – full execution;
  • 6 – the obstacle is surmountable;
  • 5 – you need to work, try, it won’t happen on its own;
  • 4 – bad, almost unattainable;
  • 3 – don’t get your hopes up; what you have wished for is not yet available to you;
  • 2 – you will get into trouble because of your desires;
  • 1 – expect trouble;
  • 0 – no answer.

Don't despair if your Halloween fortune telling upsets you. Perhaps what you want is not what you need. Think again! Good luck and good mood!

Since ancient times, our ancestors have noticed that during special periods of the year, the past and future change places. At this time, you can make wishes, influence fate, and even correct mistakes made in the past. Halloween is one of those special days!

In order to understand what you can do on Halloween to make your wishes come true, let's take a look at the astrological pattern of this mysterious night.

30th lunar day

It's worth preparing for Halloween this year in advance, especially if you want to leave some events or relationships in the past. The thing is that on October 30, from early morning until evening, the 30th lunar day will last, and the most sensitive among us can even feel the events of the near future. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly want to be in solitude, give up a noisy party or meeting with friends on Halloween, October 31st. At such times, it is better to listen to your thoughts, premonitions, and trust the voice of your heart, even if it suggests completely illogical decisions.
The eve of Halloween is also a good time to update your talismans and amulets. Something will have to be “recharged” or cleaned of deposits energy negativity, and you will have to part with some amulets if you feel that they have worked out their program. You can also bring new talismans into your home that will serve you for more than one subsequent lunar month.
Also at this time it is worth Special attention Pay attention to cleaning your home space and workplace. Choose what you like best and perform energy cleansing using candles or specially prepared water. Well, late in the evening the Moon enters its new cycle, and you can start making wishes while looking at the candle light.

Gifts from Venus and Mercury

Some people dream of happiness in their personal lives, while others are closer to career ambitions and financial questions. On the eve of the mystical night of Halloween, luck will smile on both, because the main thing is not to miss the unique astrological “pattern” that is formed at this time in the sky. The conjunction of Venus and Saturn at this time will allow those who dream of harmony in love to realize their desire. However, it is worth remembering that the influence of Saturn in this “tandem” puts emphasis on the specifics of desires. Yes, you can wish for a prince on a white horse, just specifically and as realistically as possible describe the character traits and some features of the person you would like to meet. It is possible that you will have to work hard on the circumstances in which the acquaintance will take place - Saturn never gives something for nothing, but always rewards those who go towards their goal.
At the same time, another aspect of luck and fortune is formed in the sky - a trine between Mercury and Neptune. Fast and nimble Mercury, and even moving in the forward direction at a decent speed, this time will give a chance to make a dream come true to those who set certain goals for themselves. business tasks. The planet of communication, logic, communications and business activity is now especially on the side of those who have business acumen, but can also show cunning and ingenuity in their business. If you stay in one place of work or in one position, make plans for changes and career. But remember the influence of other celestial bodies on this day and think in concrete and realistic terms.

The embodiment of secret desires

On the eve of Halloween, another interesting combination of celestial bodies takes shape - Lilith in conjunction with the Moon and in trine to Pluto. It is worth taking advantage of this rare moment and thinking about your true desires. It’s worth starting with what causes the most difficulties and analyzing it. It may happen that this is not your true desire at all, but in fact you want a completely different turn of events. Don’t be afraid to admit it to yourself, because Lilith controls our secret desires, and Pluto and the Moon in Scorpio bring many secrets to the surface.
If you want to add a little to your life bright colors and latest events, then indulge yourself a little. The influence of Lilith at this time seems to “allow” us to pamper ourselves a little - delicious dessert, exquisite perfume or a spectacular dress. The main thing is not to succumb to the enchanting influence of Lilith at this time and not to waste all your savings.
Even a simple statement of one’s true desire, which has been “hidden” for a long time behind excuses and denials, is quite enough to realize it. All you need to do is just tell yourself that this is what you want. But do not forget about the influence of the astrological background of this period as a whole and remember to be specific and realistic. And do not tell others about what you are planning at this time - the influence of Pluto and Lilith will allow your dream to come true faster if you keep everything secret until a certain moment.
On the eve of Halloween in 2016, several favorable combinations of planets will appear in the sky at the same time. It’s worth thinking about your desires in advance, and clearly formulating the most important of them on Halloween night. A correctly made Halloween wish, spoken mentally or out loud, has a good chance of coming true over the next twelve months.

Today our country actively celebrates Halloween. The holiday came to us from Europe. It is believed that on this day spirits come into contact with living people. Therefore, many people wish to spend various events on October 31st. Fortune telling for Halloween - a great opportunity unmarried girls find out who will be their betrothed. To do this, wash yours late at night. nightgown and hang it to dry on the back of a chair in the room where you sleep. At night you should dream of your betrothed, who will come to pick up your shirt. If you didn’t dream of anything at night, then you won’t get married in the next three years.

Halloween fortune telling for love in a dream

A great opportunity to find out your destiny is fortune telling for Halloween at home. There are many ways to do this. One of the simplest things would be to eat something salty before going to bed, and leave a glass of water in the same room where you sleep. Before going to bed say:

“Betrothed, come and give me some water.”

After that, don't talk to anyone and go to bed. At night you should dream about your future spouse.

Fortune telling for Halloween at home

To find out if you will get married in the coming year, you will need any ring that belongs to you. Tie a thread to it and take it right hand. Now watch the movement of the ring. If it starts spinning in a circle, then the wedding is just around the corner; if you go from side to side, then it’s not time yet. If the ring does not move, then there is a possibility that you will remain an old maid.

For fortune telling you will need a mirror, two candles and some holy water. You must be alone in the room. Place a mirror on the table. Light on both sides of it church candles. Also place a container of holy water on the table.

Turn off the lights in the room and sit in front of the mirror, carefully looking at the reflection. Now say three times:

“The candles crackle in the pitch darkness,

Warming me with your warmth.

Betrothed-mummer come to me,

Show your face in the mirror."

Now look closely in the mirror. Soon you will see the face of your loved one. After this, sprinkle the mirror with holy water and read the “Our Father.”

Halloween fortune telling for love

If you have already met your loved one and want to find out where your relationship will lead in the future and whether he is really your person by destiny, take a nut with him and go to the fire. At the same time, throw nuts into the fire and watch how they burn:

  • if it is quiet, then your life will be calm and carefree;
  • if they begin to crackle and flare up, then there will be scandals and jealousy in the relationship, and it is possible that you will soon break up.

Another way to find out whether you and your lover will be together is to throw two chestnuts into the fire and see where they fell. If you are nearby, then the guy is your destiny; if you are apart, run away.

Fortune telling for Halloween at home on cards

To find out how the young man you like treats you, take a deck of cards. Shuffle it and with your left hand take out any card from the deck:

  • worms - the guy is in love with you;
  • tambourine - he likes you;
  • clubs - indifferent;
  • pika - annoying.

You can also tell fortunes about the past and future. To do this, shuffle a deck of 36 cards several times. Then, with your left hand, remove the top five cards and place them face down on the table. Saying at the same time: “ For yourself, for the heart, for the home, what was, what will be" Do this three times. Then with the words: “H eat my heart will calm down» Take out another card and set it aside. Now look at the meaning of the cards.

Fortune telling with apples is a popular way to find out your future on Halloween. And all because some people also call this holiday “Apple Day.” Our ancestors believed that it was these fruits that connected people with God.

There are several methods of fortune telling:

  1. Take a large red apple. Cut it into nine pieces. Eat eight of them, and throw the rest over your shoulder, saying before this: “ Betrothed appear" When you throw, turn around, out of the corner of your eye you should see the silhouette of your future chosen one.
  2. At midnight, left alone in a dark room, sit in front of a mirror. Light one candle and start eating apples, looking into the reflection. Tell: " The betrothed come and taste some apples " Soon in the mirror you should see the face of the man who will become your spouse. If the candle goes out or falls, then fortune telling should be stopped.
  3. To find out if your dream will come true, take apples. Make a wish to yourself and cut the fruit in half. If the seeds remain intact during the cutting process, then the desired will come true.

Halloween fortune telling with a cup

This Halloween fortune telling can be done with friends. To do this you will need four cups of the same shape. Place a ring in one, pumpkin seeds in the second, a coin in the third, and leave the fourth empty. Then one of the girls is blindfolded and brought to the table. She must choose any cup at random:

  • if she gets caught with a ring, they will soon propose to her;
  • with a coin - to money;
  • with seeds - for pregnancy;
  • empty - to loneliness.

Halloween fortune telling is not only a great opportunity to find out the future, but also a great way to have fun.

The holiday Halloween, or All Saints' Day, began to be celebrated in our country quite recently. Despite this, on October 31st, many people decorate their homes in accordance with holiday traditions. Girls also love to do fortune telling on Halloween and predict their fate.

Halloween - fortune telling for the betrothed

Fate and the topic of marriage have been of interest to girls at all times; it is not surprising that fortune telling for one’s betrothed is the most common activity on many holidays. You can also ask about your other half on All Saints' Day.

For example, there is an interesting fortune telling for couples. To do this, lovers throw two nuts into the fire; if the fruits burn quietly and do not smoke, most likely the couple will live happily and without quarrels. If nuts crack in the fire, it is believed that the young are not a match for each other.

A girl can tell by chestnut trees whether she is destined to be with the one she loves. To do this, two chestnuts must be thrown into the fire at the same time. If they fell side by side, it means fate, if apart, then not.

They say that on the night of October 31, a girl can even see her future groom. To do this, at midnight, on the eve of the holiday, you need to sit in front of the mirror and place a lit candle and an apple next to it. Looking closely at the mirror, a girl can see a man's silhouette in it. It is worth paying attention: if the candle goes out or overturns, fortune telling should be stopped. There is an opinion that evil spirits interfere with this, and it is not recommended to contradict them.

Girls tell fortunes about their betrothed and... cabbage! If you live in a private house or in a village, go to your neighbor’s garden and pull out the cabbage with its roots. If there is a lot of land left on it, the husband will be wealthy.

Fortune telling by wish

Halloween fortune telling will help you find out whether your cherished wish will come true or not. Simple ones will help you perform such fortune-telling pumpkin seeds. A girl, dreaming of finding out if her wish will come true, clutches a raw seed in one hand and a roasted one in the other. Then he makes a wish and asks his friend to guess which hand holds the fried seed. If she guesses right, the wish will come true.

Another simple way to tell your wish is to cut a pumpkin in half and see which half has more seeds left on it. If on the right, the wish should come true.

Halloween fortune telling: how many children will be born?

Many girls are interested in the topic of motherhood and early years prepare for this important and responsible role. They ask the question about the number of future children rather as a joke, for the sake of interest. But why not try to guess the number of heirs, and then, if necessary, compare the result?

So, all you have to do is take a small plate and pour it into cold water. Then drop in a little pre-prepared egg white. Upon contact with water, the protein will separate into several parts. Their number will be the answer to the question.

Fortune telling with buckwheat

Every housewife knows that buckwheat often contains black, unpeeled grains. It is this “garbage” that will become the basis of this fortune telling. You need to take a handful of buckwheat and pour it on the table, make a wish and sort through the grains to look for black grains. If you come across an even number of them, consider yourself lucky and your wish will come true.

Halloween fortune telling is best done in the company of friends. It's fun, not scary, and brings an element of group play to the holiday evening.

For fortune telling with apples, which will help you find out the future, water is poured into a large basin and apples are placed in it. After which all participants at the same time, with their arms crossed behind their backs, must try to catch the apple from the basin with their teeth. Whoever does this faster than others will become more successful and prosperous in life. next year. It is also believed that if a guy and a girl from a group grab the same apple, they will get married.

Of course, fortune telling for Halloween, like any other holiday, cannot be taken too seriously. It's more of a humorous and fun pastime. But nevertheless, funny games spark curiosity and excitement and, undoubtedly, complement evening gatherings on the eve of the most “scary” night of the year.