DIY fruit tea. How to brew fruit tea. Secrets of making fruit tea. Blackcurrant tea with basil

Fruit tea is a drink made from a mixture of dried or fresh fruits, berries, herbs and flowers. It can be made with water, juice or tea. Each of these methods has nuances in preparation.

  1. Fruit water tea is brewed from dried fruits and herbs. Tea is usually not added (this drink does not contain caffeine). But if you simply pour boiling water over the dry mixture, you get a compote. Water must be boiled and cooled to 85–90 °C. Teapot Be sure to warm it up and let the drink brew for 8–10 minutes.
  2. Fruit tea with juice is made both with and without the addition. In the first case, the juice must be heated, but not brought to a boil. In the second case, the juice is simply diluted with brewed tea. You can drink it either hot or chilled.
  3. If the basis of fruit tea is black, green or white tea, then you need to first brew and let the latter brew, and then add a fruit blend to your taste. This drink perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and tones the body.

10 fruit tea recipes

liz west /

Grind 1-2 small pears using a blender. Brew jasmine tea (2 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water). Add pear puree, juice of half a lemon and a cinnamon stick. Let sit for 10–15 minutes.

Gihan Dias /

Brew strong black tea (0.5 liters of water for 2-3 teaspoons of tea). Strain. When the tea has cooled, mix with half a glass of pineapple juice and the same amount of orange juice. Add a couple of tablespoons of lime juice, as well as fresh lime wedges and mint sprigs. If desired, you can add sugar.

Harry Knight /

You can use any berries: your favorite ones or those available in season. For example, you can take a couple of tablespoons of raspberries, currants and wild strawberries or a few strawberries. Mash the berries and mix with any fruit puree (3-4 tablespoons) and honey (2-3 tablespoons). Pour the berry mixture hot water and leave to infuse for 5 minutes.

Dominique Archambault /

Mash mint leaves slightly to release juice, add a tablespoon green tea and pour boiling water over it. Select proportions based on the desired volume of the drink. An interesting flavor can be obtained by adding lemon balm to mint during brewing. This tea is best drunk hot.

In summer, you can cool it to room temperature and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. After this, strain, add a little honey and fresh mint sprigs and drink with ice.

Sherwin Huang /

Brew chamomile tea(2 tablespoons of dry chamomile per 0.5 liters of water). Add 2-3 orange mugs to it. Cover with a lid and let it brew. When cool, refrigerate for several hours, or preferably overnight. Before serving, strain the tea, add strawberries cut into large slices and sugar.

Nhã Lam /

Brew white tea (2-3 teaspoons per 0.5 liters of water). Strain and let cool. Then mix it with half a glass of peach juice. Add a couple of fresh diced peaches. Place the drink in the refrigerator for several hours.

Brew 0.5 liters of black flavored tea with strawberry flavor (can be from bags). While it is hot, melt 3 tablespoons of honey in it. Add coarsely chopped strawberries (5-6 pieces) and mango (1-2 fruits) to the cooled drink. Place it in the refrigerator for several hours. Drink with ice and mint sprigs.

Personal Creations /

Mix 0.5 liters of strong black tea with a glass of watermelon juice with pulp. Leave to cool for 1.5–2 hours. Before serving, add large slices and garnish with a sprig of fresh basil.


Make 0.5 liters of hibiscus (this is a tea made from flowers Chinese rose- hibiscus). Add sugar to taste. You can drink it hot right away, or you can pour it into a glass when it cools down. apple cider and add fresh lemon slices with ice.

Bring 0.5 cups of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a boil along with the currants. Cook for 5 minutes, then remove from heat and strain the berries through a sieve. Mix the resulting currant puree with 500 milliliters of black tea. Add sugar, ice and fresh currants. Garnish with lemon zest and enjoy.

Fruit tea with a bright and juicy taste will not only warm you up winter cold, but also refreshes in . The main thing is to brew it correctly.

Fruit tea

There are long debates about which type of drink fruit tea should be classified as: teas or compotes?

Although the name of the drink contains the word “tea,” it almost never contains tea leaves, but consists exclusively of pieces of fruit, flowers, leaves and berries.

The basis for most fruit compositions is hibiscus, which gives fruit tea a unique floral freshness and a special pronounced sourness.

In addition to Sudanese rose leaves, cinnamon and citrus fruits are sometimes used as a base for fruit blends.

Benefits of fruit tea

Thanks to the gentle drying mode, leaves and fruits fruit trees, which make up fruit tea, are kept almost unchanged in form and quantity useful material, organic acids and groups B, C and P.

Fruit tea has a general strengthening and. It has no contraindications; children, the elderly, and pregnant women can drink it, with rare exceptions in cases of individual intolerance or allergies.

Making tea

Preheat the porcelain or earthenware teapot by rinsing it with boiling water. Place the fruit mixture in the teapot at the rate of 1-2 teaspoons per cup of tea.

The boiling water for brewing tea must be fresh, that is, boiled only once, and the water for preparing it must be.

Do not immediately pour freshly prepared boiling water over the fruit mixture. The temperature of the water for brewing should be about 80-85 0 C.

Otherwise essential oils, included in tea ingredients, under the influence high temperature will instantly evaporate and the tea will lose its unique aroma.

After letting the tea brew for 9-10 minutes, pour it into cups that need to be preheated, rinsing with boiling water.

Enjoy your meal!

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Popularization healthy image life implies a reasonable attitude towards both dishes and drinks included in daily diet. We have already talked about how much fluid should you drink, and now let’s try to prepare fruit tea together and create our own unique set of ingredients.

First, you need to figure out how this drink differs from black, green and other varieties? After all, there are simply varieties of tea leaves with the addition of fruits or berries. It turns out that this is not entirely true. To make fruit tea, most often, you do not need tea leaves. But herbs (from which you can create stunning compositions), berries, fruits, dried fruits and even flowers will be very useful. Using these ingredients, you can create your own drink with a rich aroma and a pleasant aftertaste.

Why should you include fruit tea in your diet?

There are many reasons to love this drink:

  • lack of caffeine. Contrary to misconceptions, this substance is found not only in coffee, but also in any type of tea, only in smaller quantities. Since the recipe for a fruit drink may not contain tea leaves, you can safely drink it before bed.
  • strengthening the immune system. The presence of herbs, fruits and dried fruits in the drink is good news, because when brewed they create a real vitamin cocktail. The correctly selected composition of such tea will help protect the body from viruses.
  • cleansing The composition helps remove waste and toxins, which has a positive effect on your appearance.
  • meeting the body's needs. Fruit tea quenches thirst very well, and it is tasty and healthy.

Making a drink at home

Of course, nowadays a lot can be bought at finished form. Fruit tea was no exception; the variety of boxes on store shelves dazzles the eye. However, the bags, unfortunately, contain more flavorings and flavor enhancers than the tea itself. Therefore, it is best to prepare this drink with your own hands, taking into account individual tastes.

Before you start brewing, you must do the following:

  • warm up the dishes,
  • boil water (you can’t do this twice),
  • cool the boiling water a little (so that the ingredients do not lose their aroma and beneficial features).

As for the composition, you can safely give free rein to your imagination. It can be fruit and herbal tea, literally from what can be found in any garden and at every dacha, or flower tea - for those who like to experiment.

Simple and popular fruit tea recipes

It is worth noting that even recipes with the same set of ingredients may differ, so to speak, in terms of cooking technology. You can grind the additives in a blender or cut them into pieces with a knife. different sizes or carelessly tear with your hands.

The first, one of the most popular, recipe for currant tea. To prepare it, you can use berries, the top aromatic leaves, and even just jam. Currants contain a loading dose vitamin C, so this tea will not only prevent colds, but also be a very tasty medicine.

The second recipe in line has also become a classic: cinnamon tea. Here you can use any filler, most often it is dried apricots or fresh apple. It is recommended to drink it for those who adhere to strict diets, since this drink contains many vitamins, and cinnamon dulls the feeling of hunger.

Peppermint tea was, is and will always be very popular. Everyone knows about its soothing properties and amazing aroma. The same can be said about the benefits of chamomile tea.

It is not necessary to avoid the appearance of tea leaves in the recipe. You can simply add some fruit, berry or flower filling to your favorite variety. This drink can also rightfully be considered fruit tea.

Exotic lovers can try replacing water with warm juice when brewing (the main thing is not to bring it to a boil when heating). You can also add any ingredients to this base: tea leaves, herbs, fruits.

How to serve the drink correctly?

There are usually no difficulties with this drink, because it can be consumed both hot and cold. Fresh citrus fruits (lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit), cinnamon, honey are recommended as a tasty addition.

So, to summarize:

  • fruit tea is something between tea and fruit drink;
  • it is very useful and delicious drink, great way diversify your diet;
  • You can create a blend of fruit tea from literally anything, adding ingredients to your taste;
  • This drink can be served either hot or chilled.

Making fruit tea doesn't require much effort, just a little imagination is required. But you can experiment with recipes endlessly, every day delighting yourself and your loved ones with something new and tasty.

Unusual and even magical taste of fruit tea gives real pleasure to every lover of this unique drink. Filled with the aroma of your favorite fruits combined with flower infusions, fruit teas delight with their characteristic bouquet.

What is fruit tea

The color of the drink is always characteristic of the berries and fruits that are added to it. In terms of their taste, fruit teas are somewhat reminiscent of tea half mixed with compote. Natural flavors leaves and flowers, as well as dyes give the drink an attractive and sometimes unusual taste and aroma. Giving preference to natural fruit teas, every lover of this real sunny drink must know that black or green tea with fruits is a regular tea with additives. Natural fruit teas do not contain tea bush leaves. And they are not consumed as usual, hot, but only chilled. Such drinks are somewhat reminiscent of compote. There are several distinctive characteristics regular teas from fruit teas and they are noted for the fact that fruit tea is completely caffeine-free. The effects of caffeine on the body are ambiguous and not every body perceives it at the proper level. Based on this, certain conclusions can be drawn regarding the beneficial properties of this drink.

Fruit tea recipes

Variety of types of fruit tea hits everyone. There is a wide variety of different fruits and berries, which when combined give a drink that you can enjoy to the fullest. Each drink has basic flavor notes, and they can be supplemented with berries and fruits that suit your taste. The most attractive and predominant basis of any drink made from fruits and berries is cinnamon and Sudanese rose. Lovers of a drink with a predominance of sourness, . Its sourness and rowan shade are attractive. Many countries of the world in Antiquity worshiped drinks of this level and attributed to them magical power. It is important to fully observe the proportions of berries and fruits and you can enjoy the power of vitamins.

In order to enjoy tea to its fullest, it is important to properly prepare for the ceremony of brewing fruit tea. There are recipes for teas that include many ingredients, it all depends on the person’s preferences. It all starts with preparing the dishes for brewing. You need to take an ordinary teapot.

It is important to pour boiling water over it so that the dishes are fully warmed up and can absorb fruit bouquet for brewing.

Water for making fruit tea

To prepare fruit tea, only boiled water is taken into account, and it is boiled only once.

Repeatedly boiled water loses not only its taste, but also its beneficial and vitamin properties.

You should also be careful with boiled water, since boiling water that has just boiled can completely not only change the taste of the tea, but also its color. All essential compounds that are part of fruits and berries evaporate and the taste of the drink deteriorates. To brew fruit tea, it is important to take water no higher than 80 degrees. The tea should steep for no more than 10 minutes. Properly prepared tea from fruits and berries will give you real bliss and give you energy.

Summer mix tea

Every housewife can prepare fruit teas with her own hands, as well as create her own unique recipe. It all depends on the person’s preferences and capabilities. It is enough to use one recipe to further develop your abilities by adding it to tea. various colors, fruits and berries. The most simple recipe fruit tea, which almost every housewife can prepare, is the “summer mix” drink.

To do this, you need to use a blender, which will help you thoroughly chop the raspberries and apples. Green tea is brewed separately with the addition of chamomile flowers. After the tea has steeped, crushed raspberries and apples are added to it. It is important that the fruit is added to the already strained tea leaves. When combined with honey, this tea becomes extremely tasty and healthy at the same time.

Tea with currants

Many currant lovers will be able to fully enjoy tea with the addition of currant berries. His versatility is amazing. IN summer period time, when chilled, it can relieve thirst, and in winter period time to cure a cold and saturate the body with vitamin C, significantly strengthening the immune system.

To prepare fruit tea, you need to take from 50 to 100 grams of currant berries, as well as the top 3 leaves plucked from the bush. Sugar is added to the berries to taste and hot water. After the drink has been infused for 5 to 10 minutes, it can be consumed in any quantity, since there are practically no contraindications in this case.

Each berry tea recipe, which is not very complicated, can be prepared in any conditions. It doesn’t even matter what fruit the gourmet prefers, what country it is. Fruits that grow in different countries, should not be alarming. On the contrary, they are able to get acquainted with the unique taste and color. Such fruits can easily include mango, lime, pineapple and even banana. They can be added not only in their raw form. You can prepare the ingredients by drying them first.
Every housewife and amateur can add unique recipes to her knowledge base. To get the perfect drink, it is enough to use basic knowledge, and all other skills will come with time and taste preferences.

Sea buckthorn tea with apple

Each fruit tea contains a significant vitamin charge, and if you use this proven weapon, you can not only strengthen the immune system, but even get rid of colds and other diseases at the initial stage. Especially welcome in cold period time tea, with a high percentage of vitamin C and oils. Exactly like this in this moment appears sea buckthorn. This most unique berry tea recipe, which many will be able to remember, can work wonders.

To prepare it you need to take 40 grams of sea buckthorn berries and a quarter of an apple. Sea buckthorn berries are placed on the bottom of the teapot, apples are cut into small cubes. Add a teaspoon of honey and pour 250 grams of it all cold water. This whole mixture is placed on low heat and brought to a boil, after which the drink needs to brew for 5-10 minutes and after that you can enjoy the aromatic and healing fruit tea.

Green tea with grapefruit

Fans of citrus drinks will appreciate green tea with fruits, which even a child can prepare.

For this amazing drink, take 70 grams of orange juice, the same amount of hot green tea and two slices of grapefruit. To make the tea sweet, you can add a couple of teaspoons of syrup, which you like most, sometimes ideal solution It could be maple syrup; to enhance the citrus taste, you can add a few teaspoons of citrus syrup. 3 cardamom seeds can add a piquant aroma. Add 150 ml of boiling water to this entire mixture and after a few minutes you can enjoy the taste and aroma.

The only nuance in preparing the drink is that it is better to add grapefruit slices after the fruit tea is brewed. You can also add a few fresh mint leaves to the drink. Mint can be added to many fruit teas, they acquire unique taste and aroma.

There are many recipes for making fruit tea; it is important to learn how to properly combine fruit and berry ingredients. So, you can make a drink from cranberries and lingonberries, pears and jasmine, black currants and basil, sea buckthorn and ginger. You can also make tea from individual fruits and berries. Pomegranate tea and even pumpkin tea can serve as examples of this.

The flavor and aroma combinations of each drink can be supplemented with mint or lemon.

Tea with chili pepper

Fans of spicy flavors and aromas will be able to please themselves even with spicy tea with the addition of chili pepper. The recipe for such tea is also not false in preparation.

To do this, take 2 teaspoons of black tea and half an apple, cut into pieces. You will also need 2 cinnamon sticks, a pod of red chili pepper, several slices of lemon, up to 3 cloves and honey to taste. For this amount of ingredients you will need 400 ml of boiling water. All the ingredients listed above are placed in the teapot and poured with boiling water. You need to let the tea brew for 5 minutes and you can pour it into cups.

Amazing fruity Chinese tea

The amazing properties of fruit teas are recognized all over the world; Chinese fruit tea is especially attractive for all its properties. It has all the beneficial properties of tea that is consumed and prepared here. It is difficult to list the beneficial properties of such teas in full, but it is important to know the most important ones.

First of all, such drinks are not saturated with caffeine; it is completely absent from such refreshing drinks filled with aroma and vitamins.
Drinking fruit teas significantly improves human immunity and helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body. It is enough to drink a few sips of the miraculous drink and you can completely quench your thirst.

Drinking fruit tea, you can significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the body. In order for all of the above properties to fully work, you need to drink tea with fruit regularly.
Properly brewed tea can not only quench thirst, but also saturate the body with liquid, which is important for its full existence. Useful microelements and vitamins also saturate the body, strengthening it.

Properly prepared green tea with fruits

Properly prepared raw materials for fruit tea will allow you to get a real, and even magical, product. All fruit tea ingredients are prepared in advance. Most often, all fruits and berries are ground with a mixer. The prepared aromatic drink can always be supplemented and enhanced. All sorts of additional ingredients in the form of ginger and even vanilla sticks are definitely suitable for this.

Drying fruits

It is necessary to approach the process of drying fruits and berries especially carefully and carefully. All the beneficial properties of the ingredients can disappear if you treat the process of preparing raw materials irresponsibly, or rather, by speeding up the process of drying fruits and berries in conventional ovens, under the influence of direct sunlight.
By choosing tea with fruits, the recipes of which are not particularly complex, a person is not only insured against many diseases. You can drink tea of ​​this level without worrying about the consequences. It has no contraindications, and the only barrier to drinking the drink may be individual intolerance.
Homemade fruit tea production is not burdened with complexity and this has already been indicated above. In order for fruits and berries to have a decent aroma and taste, they must be cut into small slices. The process of drying cut fruits is carried out using ordinary glass, gauze and baking sheets, cut fruits and leaves of shrubs are laid out on them and placed in a ventilated area, under no circumstances exposed to direct sunlight. Can also be used to prepare raw materials modern dryers for fruits. In this case, it is important to set the correct program for drying the raw materials.

Since not everyone can prepare tea with fruits and berries on their own, you can take advantage of ready-made offers from manufacturers. You can buy fruity Chinese tea, which is offered by the modern market to buyers. Here are the most different types teas with the addition of flowers, berries and fruits. The possibility of adding all kinds of additives and flavorings to them cannot be ruled out. It is important to be able to identify high-quality fruit tea so as not to become a victim of an unscrupulous manufacturer.

How to choose Chinese fruit teas

Before purchasing Chinese fruit teas, You need to pay attention to the packaging. It cannot be made from soft packaging. Tea is exported from China legally in iron sealed packages; you can also use tea that is packaged in foil, which also closes tightly. The names of the ingredients can be found on the packaging itself. Soft and bright tea packaging does not indicate its quality and naturalness. Also, a composition to which flavorings have been added cannot be called natural fruit tea. It is important to be extremely careful when choosing a product, since on the market you can find many blatant fakes to which the buyer has no complaints.

The power of real fruit tea is great. This drink gives health and even taste pleasure. The main thing is that all components of the drink are of high quality and fresh. It is also important that the tea components are properly prepared and dried. You should not be bribed by the bright packaging of Chinese tea on the market; before making a purchase, it is important to study all the components of the packaging and think about whether an inexpensive package in polyethylene packaging can be delivered through customs.

Smoothie with fruit tea Cut dried apricots and apples into small pieces. Brew tea bags with 300 ml of boiling water, keep covered for 5 minutes, then remove the bags. Add chopped fruit to tea, let it sit for 30 minutes, then place it in the refrigerator and...You will need: dried apricots - 50 g, dried apples - 25 g, fruit tea - 2 bags, juice of 1 lemon, natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. spoons, mineral water

Tea " Tropical paradise» 1. Mix the syrup with water, pour the mixture into molds and freeze. 2. Cut the pineapple slices in half and arrange among glasses. Add 3-4 prepared ice cubes to each glass, pour tea, lemon juice and beer. 3. When...You will need: water - 2 glasses, raspberry or pomegranate syrup - 1 glass, chilled tea - 250 ml, canned pineapple - 2 slices, beer - 500 ml, juice - 1 lemon

Tea with tropical fruits 1. Add sugar to tea to taste and stir. Sprinkle the fruit with rum and leave for 5-10 minutes. 2. Place ice cubes in cups or glasses, pour in tea and add fruit. If desired, you can add chilled cream.You will need: chilled tea - 500 ml, a mixture of chopped tropical fruits - 1 glass, rum - 1 tbsp. spoon, sugar

Tea with fruits 1. Place dry tea in a bowl for brewing tea, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes under the lid. 2. Strain the tea, pour into cups and add candied fruit to each cup to taste.You will need: dry tea - 4 teaspoons, water - 400 ml, candied fruit

Tea "Tonic" 1. Remove the zest from lemons and oranges with a grater, add ⅓ glass of sugar, a glass of hot tea and, cover with a lid, leave for an hour. Strain the infusion. 2. Squeeze the juice from the fruit pulp. 3. Mix the remaining tea with sugar, bring to a boil...You will need: tea - 450 ml, lemons - 2 pcs., orange - 1 pc., sugar - 1 glass

Fruits in tea jelly Soak the gelatin. Pour boiling water over tea, leave for 3 minutes, add sugar and lemon juice, dissolve gelatin in tea, let cool. Place the diced fruits on plates, pour a little jelly into each and place in the refrigerator....You will need: whipped cream - 2 tbsp. spoons, pineapple - 100 g, banana - 1 pc., strawberries - 100 g, black grapes - 100 g, sugar - 100 g, lemon juice - 4 tbsp. spoons, water - 4 glasses, black tea - 3 teaspoons, gelatin - 1 tbsp. spoon

Fruit salad with green tea Brew tea with 1 cup of boiling water and cool. Remove the zest from the lime, in the form of a spiral, and squeeze the juice out of it. Combine tea, juice, wine and powdered sugar. Refrigerate. Peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Cut the lychees in half and remove the seeds. Cut large grapes...You will need: canned lychee - 100 g, mint leaves - 3 sprigs, dry white wine - 2 tbsp. spoons, green tea with jasmine - 4 teaspoons, powdered sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons, kiwi - 1 pc., carom - 1 pc., green grapes - 100 g.

tea with ginger and honey Procedure: Cut 3 slices of fresh ginger and fresh apples and orange into cubes; Brew black or green tea of ​​the strength you prefer; Pour into a small saucepan and cover tightly with a lid; Let the tea cool for 2 minutes; ...You will need: fresh ginger root, honey (to your taste, but linden is better), orange and apple, dried cloves, a bag of black tea.,

Tea with fruits and basil Brew tea in a small teapot. Remove seeds from nectarines, peaches and plums. Cut the fruit into slices. Pour ice into a jug, add fruit, basil and pour hot tea. Serve hot or cold.You will need: 1 nectarine, 1 peach, 1 plum, several sprigs of basil, 2–3 teaspoons of dry tea (preferably herbal, such as Rooibos)

Summer tea with lemon... Prepare tea and cool. Add orange juice, chopped fruit and let sit for a while. Then add sugar (optional) and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then pour the tea into a glass and enjoy!You will need: 1-2 liters of black or green tea, 100-200 ml. orange juice, 2 lemons and 4 oranges, a little sugar