French curtains: a luxurious interior detail. Curtains for panoramic windows: Elegant solutions, original ideas French curtains description

French curtains They will help to place accents in the room, make it much cozier and more comfortable, and protect it from sunlight. Window openings decorated with such curtains look chic and luxurious.

What is this?

Fabric sheets decorated with many folds, which are located along the entire length of the product and remain on it, both in the raised and lowered position. At the bottom of the curtains, cords pass through the loops, which, when pulled together, form scallops.

Types of curtains

There are main types of French curtains.


The most common type. The canvases rise to the top, forming waves and lush voluminous folds.


They close the window constantly, are in a static position, do not move to the side and do not rise up.

Curtain sizes

French curtains are divided into two types of sizes.


A classic and quite popular design option. They will become great solution for a spacious room. Beautifully draped fabrics add special softness and sophistication to the space.

The photo shows a living room and long French curtains on the windows.


Select based on design features rooms, for example, when there is a sofa near the window, the window sill turns into a tabletop, or the room itself is simply too small. It is in these cases that elegant and comfortable short models are used.


Awnings are made from well-draped materials in order to fully reveal their aesthetic capabilities.


Linen curtains look great, are pleasant to the touch, easily withstand numerous washes and do not lose their original presentable appearance for a long time.


A material with a unique depth of color. It is covered with dense pile, which has an elegant play of chiaroscuro.


It will add tenderness and airiness to any room and will become a magnificent window decoration. The veil looks great either on its own or in combination with thicker or lighter fabrics.


Shiny durable and soft. It has the ability to be painted in various shades. Silk awnings shimmer very beautifully in the light.


Organza products will be made the interior is light and refined, will highlight any style and charm with its elegance.

Satin fabric

Very dense, beautifully draping fabric with a flawlessly smooth surface. Satin awnings give a radiant shine that occurs due to the reflection of light.

Photos in the interior of the rooms

This type of curtain will be the secret of real attractiveness.

French curtains in the kitchen

It would look appropriate here like short curtains up to the windowsill, and long options. Awnings, with their lush and luxurious folds, will perfectly complement any kitchen interior and add charm, wealth and pomp to it.

The photo shows short French curtains in the kitchen interior.


Awnings will become an original, characteristic decoration and set the tone for the entire room. However, from a practicality point of view, French curtains are not the most the best option for decorating a children's room, because due to large quantity folds they collect a lot of dust.

Living room or hall

They bring a touch of romance and sophistication to this room. Today, French curtains are used to decorate both elaborate and simple interiors living rooms.


Such curtains will add chic, prestige and solidity to the bedroom. With their lyrical and delicate design, they create a special atmosphere and emphasize good taste.

The photo shows the interior of the bedroom and the window opening with French curtains.


French curtains will be an excellent decor for large balconies and loggias. They will fill the space with warmth and comfort, and turn the room into a romantic nest for a pleasant pastime.


It is better to use curtains without accessories, made of transparent fabrics in calm, classic colors.

On the stairs

Awnings are perfect for decoration high window, and it doesn’t matter at all what material they are made from. Both curtains made of heavy satin and airy veil will look great. Such products will give the window opening even more chic and shine.

Examples of design in various styles

Awnings will add exclusivity to the interior a certain style picturesque image.


French curtains are the embodiment of classics. Graceful flowing accordion draperies will fit perfectly into the interior in this style and add celebration, style, sophistication, elegance and splendor to it.

The photo shows a classic-style bathroom with French curtains on the window.


Elegant design of French curtains, goes well with simple and laconic interior Provence.

The photo shows the curtains of the awning white in the living room in Provence style.


Awnings will especially emphasize freedom of style and create real comfort and add soft diffused lighting to the entire room.

The photo shows the dining room in modern style and a window opening with French curtains.


To decorate this solemn and pompous style, long French curtains are suitable. They are especially in harmony and are associated with the luxury and elegance of palaces.

Color palette

French curtains have a fairly rich range of colors.


Is a symbol of purity, harmony, peace and inner world. A window decorated with white curtains will create a feeling of airiness and softness and give the room a special lightness, weightlessness and tenderness.


A bright and emotional color associated with energy and strength. French red curtains will simply be impossible not to notice in the interior. They will attract attention and become a great accent in the room.


Curtains of this color are suitable for decorating any room. Light passing through beige curtains, warms up, making the room more comfortable and pleasant.

The photo shows beige curtains in the kitchen interior.


A gentle shade of dawn, freshness, charm, romance and love. Awnings Pink colour will become quite original solution and add charisma to the interior.


Sensual, mysterious and deep color. The presence of purple decor on the windows in the room stimulates inspiration and creative thinking.

The photo shows French curtains purple in the kitchen interior.


Creates a fresh atmosphere in the room. Wide choose shades, provides the opportunity to choose a product for any style and type of room.

Awning curtain design

A well-chosen design will make the window in each room original and interesting.

Flowers and vegetation

They will give you comfort and joy. Colorful floral awnings will set the interior a special mood, make the atmosphere more playful and fill the room with energy.


Such an ornament on curtains will easily satisfy even the most refined taste. After all, with its help you can turn an ordinary room into a real royal apartment.

Options for attaching to the cornice

There are several options for attaching French curtains:

  • Velcro;
  • braid or curtain tape;
  • loops.

Combination with other types of curtains

Awnings can also be perfectly combined with other types of curtains.


This combination will create a harmonious and stylish look in room. In company with exquisite French curtains, they are suitable as smooth and light curtains with classic design, as well as more laconic options, made from more thick fabric, for example blackout.

The photo shows the living room and awning curtains in combination with drapes.

Roller blinds

They fit perfectly together. Roller blinds give the window design a modern touch, while awnings add pomp and significance.

Decorating curtains

A well-decorated window opening will add bright accent to any interior.


Soft, beautifully draped fabrics are especially suitable for each other, thereby creating an original window image.


With their help, you can achieve visual highlighting of the curtain structure and give it an even more beautiful and elegant look.


It looks playful and light and gives the beautiful awnings a special charm.

Bugle beads

Reminds me gems. Using glass beads you can create a truly sophisticated look for curtains.

Examples of non-standard windows

When decorating such window openings, you shouldn’t adhere to certain standards and don’t be afraid to add something individual to their decor.

Bay window

They will highlight the design and help highlight it. To decorate bay windows, you should choose French curtains light shades made from lightweight fabrics.

The photo shows bay windows decorated with French curtains.

Window with balcony door

Elegant awnings, thanks to their drapery, easily emphasize the aesthetics of a window with a balcony door.


For an arched window, both short and long versions of curtains placed on the eaves in a semicircle are suitable. Such decor will attract attention and help to correctly highlight the unusually shaped window opening.

Photo gallery

French curtains, with their grace and elegance, add luxury and pomp to any room and create an atmosphere of chic that will not leave anyone indifferent.

French curtains are well-known curtains, often decorating wedding palaces, concert halls, halls in cultural centers and other public institutions. They appeared back in the 18th century in France, and were used only in the palaces and reception chambers of kings and other rich nobility. This is due to the fact that the fabrics are such chic curtains it took a lot, she was High Quality and very expensive.

Today, with a wide variety of materials on the market, any connoisseur of medieval interior decoration can afford to sew or purchase ready-made French curtains. In this article we have collected detailed information about what French curtains are, what is the best material to make them from and where to hang them.

What are French curtains

French curtains are a large rectangular sheet of fabric, assembled along its entire length in uniform lush folds, forming scallops. Initially, according to history, French curtains were static; today they are equipped with a curtain rod with a lifting mechanism, which greatly simplifies their use, because such curtains themselves cannot be moved to the sides and open the window.

Although previously the French curtain was exclusively floor-length, now its length can be different: to the floor, to the window sill, and just below the window sill. And you can hang such lush curtains not only on big windows V spacious room, but also in more modest apartments. The French women decorated and continue to decorate them with fringes and tassels.

Materials for French curtains

French curtains in the interior can be used as daytime curtains - from transparent fabric, and at night from dense. In any case, the choice of material for such curtains must be taken responsibly so that the legendary decoration looks presentable and dignified.

To make French curtains, you will need much more fabric than for ordinary curtains, so before purchasing material you should determine exactly whether this decor suits your interior or not, do you like curtains with lush scallops?

For curtains

The most important thing in the presentation of French curtains is the beauty and splendor of the folds, and only high-quality fabrics can cope with this and they must have the following properties: lightness, density, softness and pliability for draperies. Here is a list of the best fabrics for elegant curtains:

  • organza;
  • veil;
  • chiffon;
  • silk;
  • muslin.

Organza is a dense fabric and the folds on it are very clear and even, and it also has a shiny coating over the entire surface, which will help convey all its beauty to the curtains and bring us as close as possible to the era of the reign of the king Louis XIV. Voile and chiffon are lighter fabrics in structure and the folds on such curtains will be airy. Muslin is a natural material and very thin, so if you want to make French curtains from it, you should take into account that the folds may not be as pompous as with organza, but simpler.

French curtains can be either independent decor on the windows, and combined with thick curtains of a classic cut.

For curtains

French curtains made of thick fabric can decorate your window at night. The material for such decoration needs to be very dense in order to darken the room well, and soft, forming graceful folds.

It could be:

  • velvet;
  • atlas;
  • cotton or linen;
  • wool for curtains.

A velvet French curtain, as in the photo below, is always rich and luxurious; the only disadvantage of such fabric is the rapid accumulation of dust. Satin looks solemn because of its shimmer in the light, and its soft texture allows the formation of folds. Natural cotton or linen fibers can also be used in French curtains and decorate the interior, especially since they are highly breathable.

There is no need for additional curtains for thick French curtains, as this will overload the window and the entire decor.

Fabric color

Depending on your interior and its color range you can choose French curtains of any color. Most often these are monochromatic models, since the pattern can simply get lost in numerous folds. To give a solemn atmosphere to the room, snow-white, gold or milky curtains are suitable. Blue and light green shades look more gentle and romantic. For blackout curtains, it is better to choose darker shades: burgundy, blue, brown, red.

Application in the interior

Today, in order to hang aristocratic curtains at home, it is not necessary to decorate the entire room in the style of a royal castle, but it is still worth considering some points to create a harmonious image.


Short-cut French curtains are often hung in the kitchen; it is very convenient if they are equipped with a lifting curtain rod. In general, the kitchen interior can be in a modern way, then the fabric will be simple: a light transparent veil, plain or with a small pattern. This window decor will be complemented by a contrasting color lambrequin and tassels along the lower edge.


In a spacious bedroom you can hang long French organza curtains and complement the look with thick classic curtains. If the window is located above the bed or sofa, then short French women will be very useful. As for colors, the choice is entirely yours. Psychologists advise using a minimum of contrasting combinations in the rest room and choosing calm colors: beige, sand, muted green or blue.

In the bedroom, roller blinds are more relevant than ever - the French ones in this photo fit perfectly into the classic interior

Living room

The living room is the central place in any home, where guests are received and family holidays are held. Therefore, an appropriate atmosphere should reign. Festive curtains with many folds will perfectly cope with the function of festive decor and live up to your expectations. If there are two or more windows on one wall in the living room, then you can hang one wide curtain the width of the entire wall. Or you can decorate each window with separate sets of curtains with additional drapes.

Lush lambrequins with flounces, fringe and tassels emphasize the high cost of curtains and decorations.

French curtains are unique and non-standard way decorate the windows at home. With them correct selection for a specific room you will create an atmosphere of celebration and comfort at home.

French curtains- this is a type of curtains consisting of several separate sections, each of which has many lush folds of fabric falling down. By decorating the windows with French curtains, the room is instantly filled with luxury. As a rule, there are folds of fabric along the entire height of the curtain, which allows you to create an elegant design for any window opening.

Designer: Tkachenko Alexandra

Origin history

French curtains came to us from the era of the dominance of solemn classicism. Distinctive features Such curtains are pompous and emphasized luxury. French curtains, with their many light draperies, are associated with royal apartments, 18th-century castles and, of course, theater curtains. Traditionally, French curtains were used in rooms for receiving guests, state rooms to give the room greater solemnity - both in public and private interiors. Despite the fact that more than three centuries have passed, French curtains are still in demand in interior decoration.

At first, French curtains were often decorated with lace, the main thing was more ruffles. Nowadays, they are more often made from transparent elastic so that the drapery lies in smooth folds.

Mechanism and installation

French curtains are very easy to use; they are a single piece of fabric with airy, lush, flowing folds. Cords are threaded through rows of loops along the bottom edge, and when they are pulled together, scallops are formed. The folds in a French curtain are preserved along the entire length, regardless of whether the curtain is raised or lowered - this is what distinguishes a French curtain from an Austrian one.

Curtains can be lifting or static. Static curtains hang motionless and cannot be moved in any direction or lifted up. They are made, as a rule, from light translucent fabrics, for example, chiffon, organza, and perform the function of tulle.

Second - lift curtains - the most common. In them, sunlight adjustment is carried out using a lifting rotary-chain mechanism - they simply rise to the top of the window and are secured with a special lock. At the same time, when raised upward, more folds are formed and the curtains become more magnificent, gathering into beautiful “clusters”.

Length of the product can be different: both up to the floor and covering only the window opening. Shortened versions of such curtains, which reach the window sill, and the lower part of the wall under the window remains open, are ideal for the kitchen.

Fabric, patterns and decor of French curtains

For the manufacture of French curtains, silk is used (displaced in Lately polyester), as well as translucent tulle.

Textile For this type of curtains, translucent and light textures are mainly used, such as silk, cambric, wool, muslin, moire, satin. If speak about color scheme, then they often choose fabric in light pastel colors (beige, peach, cream, pale blue), but very often French curtains are made from white fabrics. French curtains look noble not only individually, but also combine perfectly in composition with classic curtains or lambrequins, and can be emphasized with decorative braid or fringe.

Frills, ribbons and ruffles create a visual illusion of volume, refracting light, creating an elegant home comfort. Satin or silk folds effectively emphasize the grace and nobility of curtains of a unique French design.

Rooms and style

Such decoration windows will do For classic style . They are also suitable for rooms decorated in the Empire style with its pomp and chic, as well as in luxury styles Baroque and neoclassicism.

In the living room they will represent comfort, in the bedroom- romance, office they will give presentability, and kitchen – luxury. For each room it is better to choose the appropriate fabric and model of French curtains. For example, curtains with an abundance of ruffles and flounces made of soft draping fabric pastel colors perfect for the bedroom. In the living room, you can combine light draperies in combination with heavy curtains. But French curtains for the kitchen can be made of translucent organza, have a minimum of folds and floral patterns.

French curtains in the interior look best in spacious rooms, because in a room of modest size, such chic curtains cannot reveal their full potential.

Photos of interiors with French curtains:

The whole world admires French curtains, and for many centuries their style has been considered a sign of prosperity and prestige, wealth and solidity. Curtains can not only emphasize the high cost of decoration, but also demonstrate the impeccable taste of the owner of an apartment or house.

The luxury and pomp of the palace decoration of the 18th and 19th centuries in the Rococo and Baroque style required correspondingly exquisite decoration of door and window openings. This is reflected in the classic French curtain, which has survived to this day. It belongs to lifting curtains, that is, it does not move apart, but is gathered at the top of the window opening and consists of lush, semicircular folds made of light fabrics (polyester, brocade, muslin), usually in plain pastel colors. The fabric in such products forms a soft, flowing drape, but today french curtains They can also be successfully sewn from thick fabrics. At the same time, hard festoons are formed, and the curtain itself acquires a respectable appearance.

French curtainsbest option to create a solemn and ceremonial atmosphere, therefore they are an integral attribute of restaurants, theaters, reception rooms, assembly halls, as well as interiors decorated in a classical style. They will ideally complement a room with antique furniture and create the necessary feeling of respectability and luxury. Such a curtain can be successfully complemented with curtains, lambrequins and tassels.

Nowadays, French curtains are successfully used for bedrooms, living rooms, as well as for children's rooms, kitchens and other rooms. For such curtains, the use of bows, ribbons, fringe and large decorative elements is extremely important. The colors of the fabrics, at the same time, can be very diverse: from classic monochromatic to playfully multi-colored. The folds fall along the entire length of the curtain, regardless of whether it is raised or lowered. When fully raised, they gather beautifully into luxurious ruffles and in this form serve as a wonderful decorative element window decoration. The length of the French curtain reaches the very floor, or the canvas can charmingly cover only the window opening. The option of several canvases with folds on the different heights: top, middle and bottom. This curtain looks especially elegant and is perfect for a romantic-style interior.

French curtains consist of vertical identical sections, assembled into semicircular horizontal folds using cords. The width of the sections is selected depending on the interior or the customer’s wishes, but the narrower they are, the more magnificent the festoons will be. When choosing this option, you should remember that such a curtain visually reduces the space.

French blinds can be raised manually or using a chain mechanism with fixation on the different heights, or be decorative without the possibility of lifting. The main rule that must be taken into account: unlike the size finished product, when sewing fabric, you need twice as much in length and one and a half times as much in width, because only in this case the product will acquire the necessary luxurious cascade of folds.

One of fashion news is the design of bay windows using French curtains.

The masters of our salon will help you with the choice of fabrics, styles and will impeccably sew French curtains of varying complexity and sizes to give your interior an exclusive, unforgettable and elegant look.

Below are examples French curtains for living room, bedroom, office, nursery, kitchen, dining room.

Beautiful fabric draperies can completely transform any interior and create exactly the right mood in the room. To add an atmosphere of romanticism to the bedroom or living room, you can use beautiful French curtains; they are not so difficult to sew with your own hands. Such curtains are interesting in their design. This is a cascade-lifting option, when the fabric does not move apart, but rises, forming a beautiful drapery. The folds are obtained in the form of an arc, but to create such a cascade it is best to use lightweight fabrics that can drape easily. Too massive ones will not look so good; the folds will turn out rough and not very beautiful.

French curtains, thanks to their spectacular draperies made of delicate fabric, decorate the interior and give an atmosphere of romanticism.

Features of French curtains

French curtains, as they are known today, first appeared in the 14th century in France. For a long time they were the main form of draperies, then gradually gave way to other forms. Today, these curtains have become popular again; they are used to decorate large halls, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens and dining rooms. You can give them different shapes and decorate them with a stylish lambrequin on top. For a classic style, this option is considered one of the most successful; it is distinguished by its softness and smooth lines.

The type of such curtains is cascade-lifting, since the individual sections are vertically arranged and assembled into beautiful folds. Such sections are called scallops; the pitch and number may vary. The folds are obtained in the form of arcs, they are very soft, but their shape is calculated individually. The parameters of the canvas depend on the size of the window opening, its height, width, and location.

When opened, French curtains do not move apart like regular ones, but rise. At the same time, the folds become more pronounced, the drapery gives the room an unusually luxurious and sophisticated appearance. That is why only soft and light fabrics that are easy to drape are selected for sewing. Raising the curtain can be done using manual mechanism or an electric lift that is mounted on the eaves.

Choosing fabric for sewing curtains

French curtains are made from light, weightless, flowing fabrics that create beautiful folds.

The French curtain is a very lightweight design, which is distinguished by soft folds, graceful appearance. Despite the many folds and draperies, such a curtain does not create a heaviness effect; it seems both luxurious and sophisticated.

Traditionally, light and thin, almost weightless fabrics are used, which will not only fold beautifully, but also create a feeling of smooth and soft waves that will beautifully decorate the window opening. Fabrics with a smooth texture that does not distract attention from itself are best suited for this, for example transparent and translucent tulle, organza, cambric. Thin wool, moire and silk are excellent, or thin satin can be used. They all fit well into the folds and create exactly the impression that is needed.

If necessary, the edge of the curtain can be decorated with fringe, tassels, various ruffles and frills. But moderation must be observed so that the decoration does not overload the overall impression. It is important to choose the right color, pattern, texture of the fabric. This will determine what overall impression the curtain will create, whether it will decorate the room or disrupt its harmony. When choosing fabric, you need to choose the right length. For example, curtains can be used for the kitchen middle length, but for bedrooms and living rooms the length to the floor is suitable.

How to determine the fabric consumption for French curtains?

French curtains decorated with tassels look unobtrusive and gentle.

To sew correctly beautiful curtain, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material. The width is usually determined by the length of the curtain rod, but it is best to add a little more to give the drapery an attractive look. Typically, another 4 cm is added to the length of the cornice for seams. To determine the length, you need to take the total height from the cornice to the floor (or take into account another height of the curtain), then multiply it by 1.5-2 times, add 5 cm for processing the seams. This is required to ensure that the folds are beautiful and effective.

As an example, consider the following calculation:

  1. The length of the cornice is multiplied by the curtain assembly factor, which is 1.8-2.5. The assembly factor depends on the type of drapery, which can be dry, light, soft.
  2. The height of the curtain is equal to the height according to the sketch, it is multiplied by the assembly factor (1.8/2/2.5).
  3. The collection factor value of 1.8/2 is used for dry tissues, light. A gathering factor of 2.5 is used for lightweight fabrics that drape well, such as tulle, voile, chiffon.

An example calculation is as follows:

  1. The length along the eaves is 2 m with a build factor of 1.8. It is equal to L-2*1.8=3.6 m.
  2. 3.6/5=0.4 m is the value of the assembly step between the vertical lines with the braid.
  3. Along the length of the cornice, 5 distances are used, there are 6 assembly directions. This means that the height is 2.4 m, the factor is 2.5, and the total length of the fabric is 6 m.

Sewing curtains for windows

A French curtain is not so difficult to sew, but for this you need to have certain skills. To get beautiful folds after the braid is pulled together, you need to make darts along the top of the fabric. To do this, you need to draw conditional vertical lines along which this braid will tighten the canvas. With the help of darts, you can easily achieve graceful and light lines, avoiding the impression of ordinary gathered fabric.

Depending on the height of the curtains, the size of the darts may change.

When lengthening the fabric, all darts must be made deeper and longer.

The mounting tape with rings for cords is sewn along vertical lines, which are drawn with chalk along the surface of the fabric. You need to sew a braid between such guides, but you can use a beautiful piece of decorative fabric for this.

Drapery is made from a special narrow tape for draperies. It has special rings so that you can thread the cord for lifting. The length of the tape must be calculated based on the total height of the future curtain, which is multiplied by the number of future festoons. The cut height for the curtain is added to the resulting value.

To calculate the number of festoons for French curtains, you need to take into account the size of the windows. For larger ones it is best to take wide sections, but for narrow and tall ones they are suitable soft waves small in size, approximately 25 to 45 cm. Total can be correctly determined from the following table:

  1. With a canvas width of 290 cm, the number of scallops is 5 pcs. in increments of 58 cm.
  2. For a 340 cm canvas, the number of scallops is 6 pcs. with a location pitch of 56.7 cm.
  3. With a width of 390 cm, the number of scallops is 6 pieces. in increments of 65 cm and 7 pcs. in increments of 55.7 cm.
  4. With a width of 440 cm and a number of festoons of 7 pcs. the pitch is 62.9 cm, and with a quantity of 8 pieces - 55 cm.
  5. With a width of 490 cm, the number of scallops is 8 and 9 pieces. in increments of 61.3 cm and 54.4 cm, respectively.
  6. With a curtain width of 740 cm, the number of scallops is 11 and 12, the pitch is 62.7 cm and 57.5 cm, respectively.