Eustoma high. Perennial eustoma: planting and care, cultivation and watering. Fertilizer application, liming

This elegant, delightful flower looks very much like a rose. It is called differently in different countries - Irish rose, Japanese rose, French rose, Texas bell, prairie flower, tulip gentian.

And all this is her - Eustoma - “lovely lips” (translated from Greek) or Lisianthus - “bitter flower” (translated from Latin). Eustoma perennial belongs to herbaceous plants of the Gentian family. This is a tender and heat-loving plant native to the forests of Central America.

The many varieties, the variety of colors and shapes of buds are simply amazing. Extraordinary decorativeness and the ability to not fade for a long time in vases with water make this flower increasingly in demand among florists and landscape designers.

Eustoma can be grown not only in open areas, but also in pots at home. IN open ground it is grown as an annual, and in indoor version- like a perennial.

The stems of Eustoma are straight, thin and strong, they begin to branch from the middle of the length, so that several shoots with buds grow on each stem, and it takes on the appearance of a bouquet. Up to 30 buds can bloom on one stem. In indoor varieties, the stem height is 25-30 cm, in garden varieties - 60-150 cm.

Eustoma leaves are muted green in color, lanceolate, covered with a barely noticeable waxy coating. This is clearly visible in the photo.

The flowers are similar in appearance to a half-open rosebud, but there are varieties with flowers reminiscent of a peony or poppy. The color of Eustoma's petals is pleasingly varied - white and cream, pink and yellow, red and lilac, blue and violet.

There are also two-color varieties, with edging and fringe along the edges of the petals. The flowers are found both double and non-double; their diameter, depending on the variety, reaches 5-15 cm. The flowers open alternately, thereby creating a long flowering period.

Varieties of Eustoma

Currently, about 60 varieties of Eustoma have been bred. The most common of them are the following:

  1. White Kyoto. The variety is characterized by accelerated growth, early onset of flowering, and fairly large, snow-white, fragrant flowers.
  2. Picot Pink. A non-double variety with a tall stem, with bright red, fragrant, large flowers.
  3. Mermaid. This variety is famous for the beautiful color of its petals in lilac-violet-pink tones.
  4. Twinkies. The flowers of this variety are yellow, purple and snow-white; they have the best decorative properties.
  5. Cinderella. This is a variety with double flowers for indoor and garden cultivation. The flowers are dazzling white, purple and bright lilac.
  6. Champagne. Flowers of this variety come in various colors, are distinguished by good germination and abundant, long flowering.
  7. Loyalty. This variety is recommended for home cultivation, reaches a height of 20 cm. The buds are simple, snow-white color, multiple, located on the stem in a spiral.

Application of Eustoma in landscape design

The variety of Eustoma varieties, long flowering and constant decorative appearance make it possible to use it in landscape design for decoration. open balconies, gardens, parks and public gardens, both in single plantings and in various compositions.

This flower is good for cutting; florists love to use it in mixed bouquets and often include it in the “bridal bouquet”. Eustoma tolerates transportation well and can stand in a vase with water for up to 14 days.

Choosing a site and preparing for planting

Eustoma requires diffused lighting, its delicate petals cannot withstand the scorching rays of the sun. The planting site must be selected in an area not exposed to winds or drafts.

Properly selected soil is very important - with good drainage, zero acidity, fertile and light. If Eustoma is planted in a pot, then it is advisable to purchase the soil mixture at a flower shop, and you need to check whether the bag with the soil is well sealed.

Before planting a plant in open ground, you need to prepare the garden soil, add sand, lime, perlite and humus to it in equal parts.

The container for planting must be disinfected in advance with a solution of potassium permanganate. If you plan to sow seeds in peat tablets, then they are soaked in water for a day.

Root planting

Eustoma has extremely delicate roots, so it is not propagated by dividing the roots, and its cuttings do not take root. Only effective method propagation of Eustoma - sowing seeds for forcing seedlings. The most favorable period for sowing is the last days of February.

In mid-May, the finished seedlings are transferred to a bed with holes or into a pot, carefully, trying not to touch the roots; this is called “root planting.”

Growing seedlings

Most often, ready-made Eustoma seedlings are bought in flower shops, but you can grow seedlings yourself, following the instructions:

  1. Pour the prepared soil substrate into containers, lightly press it down and moisten it.
  2. Sow the seeds superficially, slightly deepening them into the soil.
  3. Cover containers with crops with film or glass and move to a warm room.
  4. On the 14th day, the first shoots begin to sprout, and then the film must be removed.
  5. After 1.5-2 months, the first leaves appear on the seedlings, and picking can be done. This procedure must be done as carefully as possible so as not to snag the delicate roots of the seedlings.
  6. 2 weeks before transplanting seedlings into the garden, you need to start hardening them off - expose them to the open air for a short time in warm and dry weather.
  7. Before planting adult seedlings, around mid-May, the soil in the selected area must be cleared of weeds and watered well.
  8. Seedlings must be planted by transferring them into pre-dug holes, at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other.
  9. After planting, it is advisable to cover the seedlings with cut plastic bottles for better survival.


To obtain an excellent decorative look, you must comply simple recommendations on growing Eustoma. These rules apply to both plants grown in the garden and indoor varieties.

When kept indoors, it is advisable to place pots with Eustoma on western and eastern window sills and make sure that hot air from heating devices in winter does not dry out the plants.


The plant should be watered as the soil dries with settled water at normal temperature in the early morning or evening hours. In dry weather, watering must be increased. But it is necessary to control the process so as not to oversaturate the plant with water, otherwise its delicate roots may rot.


Every 2 weeks, the soil of the root circle must be loosened, but this must be done very carefully so as not to touch the capricious roots of the plant. It is imperative to weed the weeds on time.

Top dressing

A month after picking, when the seedlings have firmly taken root in the new place, you can do the first feeding. It is recommended to use water-soluble fertilizers, such as "Plantafol", when the active phase of the growing season begins, in early June - "Plantafol growth", when buds appear, in July-August - "Plantafol budding".


As already noted, Eustoma reproduces only by sowing seeds. Cuttings and vegetation do not give any effect.

To obtain seeds, you need to leave several stems with inflorescences until they are completely ripe, and collect them from the boxes.

During the flowering period in the garden, plants are pollinated by insects, but when kept at home, if you want to get seeds, pollination must be done yourself, using a soft brush.


In regions with harsh winters, Eustoma is grown as annual plant. However, after flowering has ended, in the fall, in early September, you can carefully dig up the plants and move them into pots that will be kept at home during the winter.

In the spring, when the night frosts stop, Eustoma will need to be carefully transplanted to its place in the garden using the transshipment method.

Eustoma endures the transplant very painfully; it takes a long time to take root in the new container. In subsequent years, the plant does not bloom so luxuriantly, fewer and fewer buds appear, so it is removed and re-sown the next season.

Disease and pest control

Eustoma can be affected by the following diseases:

  1. Fusarium. A plant infected with this fungus wilts. If there is not enough sunlight in the area or room, there is too much moisture and the temperature is too high, then this fungal infection will actively develop. Affected plant fragments must be immediately removed from the site and burned. Disinfect the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and cover it with a mixture of wood ash and sulfur.
  2. Gray rot. Its sign is grayish spots on the leaves. It is urgent to remove the affected parts of the plant and treat it with Bordeaux mixture. If the entire plant is affected by the disease, it must be eliminated from the site entirely.
  3. Powdery mildew. A sign of this disease is the appearance of a whitish coating on the stems and leaves. It usually occurs due to overwatering. Fungicides are used to control powdery mildew.

Of the harmful insects, the greatest threat to Eustoma are aphids, wingless flies and fungus gnats. They are able to draw out all the juices from the plant, while the leaves turn yellow and crumble, and the plant dies. In this case, treatment with insecticides will help; in addition, bugs and larvae can be collected manually.

Texas bell, Irish rose, lisanthus... The perennial eustoma flower, beloved by gardeners and florists, has received a variety of names. Planting and care carried out according to all the rules allow you to reveal the amazing potential of the plant. Its buds are as beautiful as a rose even in the photo, and there are so many of them on the stem that the queen of flowers is “resting” - one copy is enough to decorate a full-fledged bouquet.

Features of growing eustoma as a perennial crop

Eustoma looks great both in a bouquet with other flowers and on its own

Despite the fact that eustoma is called a perennial crop, gardeners in central Russia usually grow it as an annual. The problem is that the plant is very difficult to preserve in the autumn-winter period - in its homeland (which is the south of North America), eustoma is accustomed to a mild climate, thanks to which it grows and blooms in the wild all year round, reproduces by self-seeding.

In Russia, on packages with eustoma seeds, as a rule, there is an indication: an annual or biennial type of plant can be obtained from them. Biennials (and actually perennials) are purchased by gardeners who have reliable greenhouses in which the plant will be able to survive our harsh winters. In addition, biennial eustoma is used as a houseplant, while in flower pot on the windowsill it can feel great not for 2 years, but for 4–5 years. If the gardener plans to place flowers in open ground, he chooses the annual option.

Differences from one-year-old relative

There are a lot of eustoma varieties for home cultivation - for every taste!

Annuals are most often tall varieties, the length of their stems approaches a meter. Perennials designed for indoor growing, - low-growing, 15–20 cm high. However, this division is very arbitrary: depending on the plans of the grower and for growing as annuals, dwarf flowers may be required.

Another significant difference between the two types of plants is that even a novice gardener can easily cope with annuals. But growing a two-year (perennial) specimen in the garden is within the power of a person with extensive experience. The flower requires special care during the growing season and proper preparation for wintering and its implementation - even minor miscalculations can lead to the death of a delicate plant.

How best to grow: in open ground or in pots

In landscape design, planting is used both in open ground and in pots.

For a long time, Russian flower growers knew eustoma exclusively as a houseplant. Today it is grown in greenhouses, winter gardens, and flower beds. On alpine roller coaster, in mixborders, eustoma fits perfectly into the overall picture due to its long flowering: starting in mid-July, it continues into September. And if the weather permits, then during the first ten days of October. A single plant can bloom for 4 months, gradually opening bud after bud. If a flower is cut, it will begin to grow back from the root and in the southern regions it will even have time to bloom again, which, unfortunately, does not happen in middle lane.

When and for how long does it bloom

A flower bed with eustomas is prepared taking into account the flowering time of certain varieties

Flowering times can be adjusted:

  • sow the seeds in November or early December - eustoma will bloom in June (at the beginning or middle of the month);
  • sow before the New Year - it will bloom in July;
  • sowing in mid-January will ensure flowering in August;
  • sow at the end of January or the beginning of the last month of winter - expect flowering in September.

Eustoma tolerates light autumn frosts well. However, novice gardeners often make the mistake of starting to take care of eustoma seedlings in the spring. In this case, the plant simply does not have time to bloom - even if buds form, they go under the snow.

Container planting, for which various containers are used - pots, tubs, helps to extend the life of the plant and its flowering. While it is warm, they are kept outdoors, with the onset of cold weather they are brought indoors. Flowering continues, although it becomes more modest.

Container technology helps preserve the plant's rhizome during the winter so that it can later be planted, with new shoots, in a flowerbed. The disadvantage of this method is that the flowering will not be as rich as usual.

What climate is this plant suitable for, what soil does it grow best in?

Of course, chernozem is fertile soil for most plants, but not everyone can provide such conditions

The soil for eustoma should be:

  • well dug (without large lumps);
  • drained, which means breathable;
  • fertile (mineral fertilizers and compost are added to the soil);
  • moderately moist, since waterlogging can cause root rot;

As for the composition, the most suitable options- chernozem or a mixture of peat and humus in a 1:1 ratio.

Since eustoma is a heat-loving plant, it feels more comfortable in the southern regions. In central Russia, for its full growth and flowering, temperatures are needed: 20–25°C during the daytime and 15°C at night. In winter, it is advisable to keep the container with eustoma in a room where the temperature does not drop below +10–12°C.

Popular varieties with photos

Breeders have created about 60 varieties, unusual plants they resemble not only a rose, but also a poppy, double mallow, and flowers of the lily family.

Popular tall varieties (with stem length from 70 cm to 1.5 m):

  • Flamenco - early variety, petals are light blue or yellow;

    Eustoma variety Flamenco Lime - a gentle addition to any bouquet of bright flowers

  • Echo - with large (6 cm in diameter) pink, lilac, white flowers;

    Eustoma Echo blue - bright accent in your flowerbed

  • Mariachi lime - with salad-colored buds;

    Eustoma Mariachi Lime Green is an unusual guest in a garden or flower bed, green tint looks great overall

  • Cinderella - with pink or yellow flowers.

    The Cinderella variety is a classic soft beige color and will perfectly complement a romantic bouquet.

Low-growing varieties (with stem length from 12 to 20 cm):

  • Sapphire - snow-white buds have a blue edge;

    Eustoma Sapphire Blue Chip - an interesting idea for discounts in blue tones

  • Double Rosie - with blue or pink flowers;

    Lisanthus of double varieties can compete with roses

  • Riddle - semi-double variety with pale blue buds;

    Eustoma variety Riddle looks great in combination with low-growing flowers of other species

  • Tenderness - with pink satin petals.

Planting methods: options for seed germination and sowing seedlings

Growing seedlings is the only opportunity to decorate the garden with flowering eustomas, since the growing season of this crop lasts a long time, almost six months. The optimal period for sowing seeds is considered to be the months from November to February.

It is important to choose the right soil. It is best to purchase it in a specialized store; it should be intended for flower crops (Saintpaulias, violets) - loose, diluted with coconut substrate or vermiculite (this material contains many natural growth elements, it is ideal for small seeds structure due to which the soil does not cake and its surface is not constrained by a moisture-proof crust). If the soil is prepared independently, then its components should be:

  • peat,
  • sand,
  • garden soil,
  • humus from the bark.

Obtaining eustoma seedlings is a long process

Sow seeds in cassettes (two seeds in each cell) or in peat pots. At the time of sowing the seeds, the room temperature should be 20–21°C, dropping to 15°C at night. If temperatures are higher, the plants will not form properly.

Here's how to sow:

  1. Expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container as a drainage layer.
  2. A soil substrate is placed on the expanded clay. You cannot fill the container to the brim - the soil surface should be less than a centimeter per
  3. The seeds are poured onto moistened soil, carefully pressing into the soil, but without covering it with soil.
  4. Cover the container with glass or film, not forgetting to provide ventilation holes.

If pelleted seeds are used, they are first soaked in water so that the shell swells, and then transferred to the ground using a toothpick. The same “tool” is used to slightly disturb the shell and facilitate the germination process.

As for the quality of the seed material, the germination rate of 60% is considered by experts to be very good.

The main troubles await the grower in one or two weeks, when the shoots appear. First of all, plants for normal development required good lighting(however, direct sunlight is not recommended). If there are no sufficiently bright window sills in the house, you will have to organize artificial additional lighting.

To protect plants from diseases, they are sprayed with “Fitosporin”, and for more active growth - with the preparation “Zircon”.

It is better to replace watering with spraying at first, since large drops of water falling on the leaves can cause disease. For the same reason, excess condensation must be regularly removed from the film or glass that protects the plants. Water for irrigation (spraying) must first settle. The condition of the soil must be checked regularly - it must not become dry, but excessive moisture is also dangerous.

It’s good if the air in the room is humid. If it is too dry, as often happens in winter in apartments as a result of the heating system, then the eustoma will wither and may die. To prevent this from happening, you need to use humidifiers.

As the flower grows, it will require hardening procedures - the film is removed for 10 minutes (and then longer). After a week, they leave it without film for the entire daylight hours, covering it only at night. Then the “protection” is removed completely.

If plants are sown in large containers, it is necessary (at the stage of the first leaves) to be planted in pots with peat. In mid-March (if container use of the flower in the garden is planned), the plants are moved to their “permanent place of residence”, this is done carefully, using the transshipment method.

Advice: for those who adhere to lunar calendar, you need to know that eustoma seeds are considered difficult to germinate, therefore it is advisable to sow on a waxing Moon.

Caring for flowers in the garden from the moment of planting in open ground until autumn

Seedlings should be watered with cool water and try not to transplant from place to place

It is best to plant seedlings in the western or eastern part of the site, where the sunlight is not too bright. Watering is required when the top layer of soil becomes dry. If the weather is cool, then watering is reduced to a minimum, since the risk of waterlogging the soil increases.

It is not advisable to replant the plant - its roots are too fragile. If such an operation is unavoidable, it must be done with great care, digging up the plant with big lump land.

The first feeding will be required for eustoma 2–4 ​​weeks after planting the seedlings in open ground, when the plant is thoroughly rooted. As a rule, this is a complex mineral fertilizer.

How to care during growth and flowering

Active growth of eustoma requires additional nutrition. When the green mass increases, the need for organic matter and nitrogen is higher, when buds form and flowers bloom, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are useful. Lush flowering is promoted by drugs such as Kemira and Kemira Lux. Experienced gardeners recommend slightly reducing the concentration of fertilizer compared to what is indicated on the packaging; these are the preferences of eustoma, proven by many years of practice.

To protect plantings from powdery mildew and other misfortunes, you can use the preparations “Topaz” and “Topsin”.

Self-sowing eustoma does not reproduce even in the southern regions of the country

Soft, settled water is used for irrigation. Not much is required, so the necessary supply, ready for use, can always be created.

Since tall varieties are preferred in the garden, the flowers will need support, especially during flowering, when it is difficult for the long stem to cope with the ever-increasing load.

Regular removal of faded buds is not only a decorative measure. Pruning is necessary as a stimulus for the formation of new inflorescences. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of cutting flowers for bouquets - in a month or a month and a half you can count on a new “wave” of flowering.

Care after flowering. How to prepare a plant for winter

When eustoma fades, a period of rest begins in its life - it practically stops growing, all life processes slow down. In order for the plant to rest, there is no need to try to “invigorate” it with fertilizing and watering. Moreover, if you plan to grow the flower as a perennial (this applies to regions with a warm climate), most of the branches of the eustoma should be cut off, retaining 2–3, no more, tillering points.

In central Russia, you can provide wintering for eustoma by transplanting it into some container and placing it under a roof - on a balcony, loggia, or in an outbuilding, where the air temperature does not drop below +10°C.

Potted eustomas are easier to bring into the house when cold weather sets in

Eustoma does not experience the “transition” from open ground to a pot very easily; the plant may need at least a month to adapt. It weakens and withers due to sudden changes in temperature and decreased illumination, therefore the best option Experts consider moving at the end of summer - beginning of autumn, when the temperature outside and indoors is almost the same. You should also adapt the flower to less light: first place it on the loggia, where there is less sun than in the open air, and then move it indoors, where the light is even less bright.

Unfortunately, even after a successful “housewarming” and proper care, eustoma will not become a classic perennial: its maximum, at best, is exhausted in 4–5 years, and from season to season the flowers will become smaller and their number will decrease significantly.

What problems arise when growing eustoma?

One of the most common problems when caring for perennial eustoma: the seeds are sown, but no sprouts appear. Most likely, poor-quality planting material was used or the seeds were buried too deeply in the soil and could not break through to the top.

Plant problems can arise due to:

  • bright sun rays;
  • overmoistening (it causes fungal diseases);
  • dry air;
  • high soil acidity (eustoma prefers neutral);
  • excess mineral fertilizers.

Troubles that have arisen can be signaled by sluggish or drying leaves and stems, and falling buds. Perhaps the culprit is one of the listed problems. Solve it - and the flower will begin to come to life.

Often problems can be avoided in the first place. Inexperienced gardeners do not know this, but if you place eustoma near walls and fences (brick, metal) that heat up under the sun's rays, the plant can get burned. Therefore, plan your planting placement correctly.

Eustoma is not the easiest flower to plant and care for, but the feeling of celebration that the opened buds give to their owner makes all the trouble worth it. Moreover, the florist can always choose an option that is acceptable to him - growing eustoma in a flowerbed, in a winter garden, on a loggia and balcony, or in an apartment on a windowsill. Even when cut, the flower retains its decorative effect much longer than many of its fellows.

Eustoma or lisianthus is a beautiful legendary flower native to North America. Despite its overseas roots, this culture has successfully taken root in our country; it is used as a houseplant and can grow in the garden. Lisianthus is also grown by enterprising people, because a cut flower can stand in a vase for 18-20 days.

There are up to 60 varieties of the flower in question in the world, but in room conditions Only Russell's eustoma is grown. There is another similar plant, Lisianthus garden, it is not much different from the previous crop. Let's take a look at the description of several varieties of these two types of eustoma.

Russell's potted eustoma (Eustoma Russelianus)

This flower has a small compact bush, its height rarely exceeds 30 centimeters. Let's get acquainted with the most popular varieties of potted eustoma:

Variety Mermaid has simple inflorescences up to 6 centimeters in diameter. The petals are pink-lilac or blue, the maximum height of the crop is 15 centimeters. The bush develops well and does not need pinching to form additional side shoots.

Lisianthus Little Bell up to 15 centimeters in height with small simple inflorescences of different colors. The culture bushes well and does not require pinching of shoots.

Variety Fidelity is a beautiful flower with many white inflorescences. A feature of the culture is the spiral arrangement of peduncles.

Variety Florida Pink A fairly compact bush up to 20 centimeters in height. The inflorescences are pink with simple petals that form a beautiful bouquet.

Variety Rozzi one of the tallest crops of the species in question, its height reaches 30 centimeters. Double inflorescences with white, blue or pink petals.

Variety Sapphire with simple or double petals. The inflorescences have different colors, the height of the bush reaches 30 centimeters.

Garden eustoma grandiflorum (Eustoma Grandiflorum)

As the name suggests, this crop is grown as a garden plant. The flower is quite tall, similar in appearance to a rose, and is used for cutting and making bouquets. Let us describe the popular varieties of large-flowered garden eustoma:

Variety Aurora double lisianthus reaches 1.2 meters in height. Inflorescences of white, blue and pink shades. The peculiarity of the flower in question is the early formation of buds; it blooms two weeks earlier than the others.

Variety Echo with spreading dense stems up to 70 centimeters in height. It blooms early, forms large inflorescences, the petals have 11 different shades.

Heidi. A medium-height variety with simple, numerous inflorescences, available in 15 different color combinations. The height of the bush does not exceed 90 centimeters.

Eustoma Flamenco up to 1.2 meters in height. The culture has powerful, well-developed stems and simple but large inflorescences, their diameter reaches 8 centimeters. The main advantage of Flamenco is its low maintenance requirements.

Twinkie variety with simple inflorescences. Bushes up to 50 centimeters in height with pink, purple and yellow petals.

Double White. Terry variety with inflorescences white the bush is up to 70 centimeters in height, has powerful, erect shoots. It is low maintenance.

Planting eustoma for seedlings

The seeds of the crop in question are quite small; they are supplied to stores in the form of pills. You can collect your own seeds if you have these flowers on your site, but in this case the difference between the parent and subsequent forms will be more and more felt every year.

Dried seeds do not need preliminary preparation, because their shell already contains a sufficient amount of microelements and other nutrients.

Soil for eustoma

We prepare the soil for sowing seedlings from equal parts of peat, garden soil and sifted sand. The end result should be soil with a neutral acid reaction. You can use Saintpaulia soil from store-bought mixtures.

Before moving to seedling containers, the soil is disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in the oven for 30-40 minutes. There the earth is calcined at maximum temperature. The container for sowing can be special plastic boxes, disposable plastic cups or peat humus pots. Drainage from small pebbles is placed in the boxes and only after that the nutrient substrate is filled in.

Seed germination should occur in the light, so the grains are placed on slightly compacted and moistened soil, but not sprinkled with soil. To destroy the protective shell, the seeds are lightly sprayed with a spray bottle, then the containers are covered with a plastic bag or glass.

For better germination The seedlings are placed on a well-lit windowsill in a room with a temperature range of +20…+25 degrees.

Before emergence, the soil should be moistened with a spray bottle as needed. With the right approach, the first shoots will appear within two weeks from the date of sowing the seeds. Next, remove the cover and begin to care for the young plants.

Caring for seedlings and seedlings

Measures to care for hatched seedlings consist of maintaining optimal daytime temperatures at 20..25 degrees. The room temperature at night should not drop below +16 degrees.

Eustoma seedlings begin to be grown at the end of winter with short daylight hours, so the flowers should receive additional lighting with phytolamps. In general, crops should receive up to 16 hours of natural and artificial light per day. Water the seedlings using a pipette or a small syringe in a targeted manner. To avoid the occurrence of diseases, the following are added to the irrigation liquid: chemicals, like Previkur or Fitosporin.

At a certain stage of development, flower seedlings may be delayed in growth, but there is no need to worry. At this time, the root part of the crop is growing, while the above-ground part of the flower stands still.

After about 2 months from the moment of planting, the first pair of true leaves will appear on the plants, this means that the plants need to be transplanted into a larger container, for example, a disposable a plastic cup. During picking, the seedlings are carefully removed from the soil using a toothpick or an awl. Make a hole in the new soil with your finger or pencil and transplant the seedling there.

After the diving process, approximately 10 days later, we add liquid fertilizers for flowers to the soil. We place the seedlings on a well-lit windowsill, which will prevent them from being stretched out due to lack of sunlight. When the seedlings grow a little, they are planted again into permanent pots with a diameter of 6-8 centimeters.

How to grow eustoma in peat tablets

Special peat-based tablets improve seed germination, and picking from such containers is much easier for plants. To grow Lisianthus seedlings, it is recommended to buy washers with a diameter of about 5 centimeters. They are placed several at a time in a food container and moistened with heated water.

When the tablets increase in volume, you need to drain the remaining liquid from the container and place one seed in the center of each of them. To speed up the destruction of the protective shell, the seeds are sprayed with water from a spray bottle. After this, the container is covered with film or glass and placed on a sunny windowsill. Seed germination occurs at a temperature of 20...25 degrees. After the formation of several true leaves, the flower seedlings are moved to a permanent pot.

Growing potted eustoma

In order for the Irish rose to develop well, it is necessary to create favorable conditions in the apartment. Let's get acquainted with some of the nuances of growing this plant.

Eustoma transplant

An adult flower can grow to a significant size and will need to be moved to a new larger container. Eustoma does not like transplants, so the procedure must be carried out with special care. The plants are transferred from pot to pot, filled with new nutrient substrate and watered with warm water.

Caring for eustoma at home

Caring for lisianthus in apartment conditions involves timely pruning and feeding of plants, maintaining the necessary air and soil humidity. Let's take a closer look at these procedures.

Watering and fertilizing

IN summer period the flower needs regular watering, but with the arrival of winter their amount is reduced. During this period, each subsequent watering is carried out when the top layer of soil dries to a depth of 2-3 centimeters. To carry out the procedures, soft rain or settled tap liquid is used. The crop needs high air humidity. To do this, you can place a container of water next to the plant or spray the liquid near the flower.

If water gets on the leaves and stems of plants, it can cause sunburn of plants, so water should be poured only at the root.

Fertilizers are applied to lisianthus every two weeks. For this purpose, special store-bought compositions for flowers are used in the dosage prescribed by the instructions. in winter nutrients do not add to the soil. During this period, the plant should be at rest.

Lighting and temperature conditions

During development, the flower must receive sufficient heat and light. An adult plant will delight its owner with lush, long-lasting flowering for a long time if the pot is placed on a well-lit windowsill. Lisianthus prefers bright but diffused light. In this regard, the plant must be placed on the windowsills of eastern or southwestern windows. In case of persistent drought in the summer, the crop needs to be shaded.

When growing eustoma, it is necessary to create a special temperature regime. In summer, this plant feels good at standard room temperatures within +18...+25 degrees. In autumn, temperatures begin to gradually decrease. With the arrival of winter, the flower goes into a dormant state. During this period, it is recommended to take the culture out to the balcony or to another room where you can set the temperature to +10...+15 degrees.


If all care rules are followed, the first inflorescences on the plant appear 5 months after the formation of the first shoots. During flowering, the gardener must constantly pick off faded buds, which not only spoil the appearance of the flower, but also provoke the development of certain diseases.

If the crop care is correct and timely, then repeated flowering can be observed within three months after the first wave of ovary formation.

Eustoma after flowering

At the final stage of flowering, the plant slowly begins to enter a dormant state. During this period, the upper part of the stems of the flower is cut off, leaving only two or three internodes. Next, the culture is moved to a balcony or another room with a temperature range of +10...+15 degrees.

Rest period

The dormant period allows the plant to recover after prolonged flowering. During this period, you need to completely stop all feeding and reduce the amount of watering. Soil moistening is carried out with special care. With the arrival of spring, when daylight hours increase, the plant will come to life. New young shoots will begin to appear on it.

At this moment, the flower is transplanted into a new large-diameter container and the usual watering is resumed, and nutrients are added to the soil.

Growing eustoma in the garden

The process of growing a flower in open ground is slightly different from caring for a potted plant. Let's look at the details of this process.

Which place to choose for growing eustoma

So that specified plant felt good in the flowerbed; it should be planted in right place. The area for the flower should be well lit by the sun and have fertile soil.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The algorithm for transplanting eustoma seedlings to a permanent place is as follows:

  1. After the plants have formed 4-5 true leaves, they can be transplanted into open ground.
  2. Plants should be moved to well-warmed soil from mid-May, when the likelihood of frost returning has disappeared. Attention should be paid to the fact that eustoma is considered a tropical crop, so the decrease temperature indicators even down to 0 degrees can lead to the death of the plant.
  3. As we have already said, the flower prefers places well lit by the sun, but direct sunlight on the leaves of the crop is destructive. For favorable cultivation of the crop, it is recommended to select a site close to the crowns of fruit trees.
  4. Transplanting seedlings to a permanent location is best done in the evening or during the day in cloudy weather.
  5. We immerse the seedling with a lump into pre-prepared holes native land, and water, then fill the hole with dry soil.
  6. The flower has a bush-like shape, so distances of 10-15 centimeters are left between individual plants in a row.
  7. After transplantation, the crops are covered with scraps from plastic bottles or glass jars.
  8. Approximately 15-20 days after transplantation, the covers are removed.

Caring for garden and greenhouse eustoma

When grown in open ground, lisianthus needs special care. The fact is that this culture reacts sensitively to changes in air humidity and temperature. This is especially true for growing flowers in greenhouse conditions.

Watering and fertilizing for eustoma

The frequency of soil moisture is regulated by weather conditions. Flooding the soil with water, as well as allowing a moisture deficiency, is not recommended. Under stressful conditions, the plant not only develops poorly, but can completely stop growing. If the weather is normal, the soil should be moderately moist. In case of persistent drought, frequent watering is necessary.

During the growing season, the crop sucks the full range of nutrients from the soil, so fertilizing should be done with a special fertilizer that contains phosphorus, potassium and low doses of nitrogen. A complex mineral fertilizer, such as ammophos, is best suited for this.

Fertilizers are applied to the soil every month, during active growth, during budding and the initial flowering phase. If flowers are grown in greenhouses for subsequent cutting, then initial stage development they are fed with fertilizers, in which large quantities contains nitrogen. After budding, nutrients with high doses of phosphorus and potassium are added under the flowers.

To prevent the soil from drying out, as well as to inhibit the growth of weeds, the soil is mulched with a thick layer of humus or peat.

Some varieties of eustoma grow up to 1.2 meters in height. At a certain stage of development, their stems begin to break off, and from the beginning they lie down. To prevent such unpleasant situations, flowers are tied to separate pegs or to a trellis.

Cutting for bouquets

Some enterprising people specially grow eustoma for cutting; colorful beautiful flowers allow you to create unique bouquets. Pruning flowers does not cause much harm to the plants, after which they will bloom again, but after 2 months. We can conclude that cutting lisianthus stimulates an additional, more abundant wave of flowering.

Eustoma is an unusually beautiful, but capricious culture. If all care rules are followed, up to 30 inflorescences are formed on each plant. IN natural conditions Such flowers delight the eye for 2 months. A cut branch of lisianthus can stand in water for up to 3 weeks, but for this you need to regularly change the liquid. Eustoma can be used to create mixed bouquets along with other flowers.

Pruning eustoma

Trimming fading buds during flowering gives impetus to the formation of a new ovary with a long flowering period. After successful pollination and subsequent drying of the flower, boxes with fruits and seeds form on the stems. The grains are collected and stored for planting in next year.

Crops that are grown at home are pinched out in a pot during the period of growing seedlings. Such activities will promote the development of side shoots and more abundant flowering.

Wintering garden eustoma

Garden eustoma dies during wintering in open ground, but the plant can be saved for cultivation next season. The bushes are carefully dug up and transferred along with a lump of earth into prepared flowerpots. Next, all shoots are removed from the plants, leaving only two or three internodes.

During the wintering period, it is necessary to stop all watering and fertilizing. The air temperature in the room with flowers should be at +10...+15 degrees. Standard crop care is resumed with the arrival of spring, when young shoots begin to appear on the stems. The process of wintering garden eustoma, which was previously located in an unheated greenhouse, is similar.

Reproduction of eustoma

The main method of flower propagation is the use of seed material. Vegetative methods for obtaining additional plants are used only for selective purposes for new varieties. Rooting cuttings of a crop at home is quite difficult. To do this, you need to have a special tool and equipment to create special conditions growing.

Flower seeds are quite small; 1 gram of seed material contains up to 25,000 grains. When purchasing, you should give preference to granulated seeds; they are easier to work with (control the seeding density).

To grow in open ground, lisianthus seeds are sown as seedlings in February or early March. If the flower is used as a potted plant, then the sowing date can be postponed, taking into account the fact that eustoma will begin to bloom 5 months after the emergence of shoots.

For sowing seedlings, use disinfected, rich in useful material soil. To prevent rotting of the root system and carry out bottom watering, seeds are sown in flowerpots with drainage and drainage holes excess liquid. Such containers are installed on a pallet. Germinate seeds at room temperature within 18-25 degrees.

The first crop shoots usually appear two weeks after sowing. After the seedlings have 5-6 true leaves, they are moved to individual containers (if the grains were sowed in a common container). After the 8th leaf appears, the top of the plant is pinched, which will promote the appearance of side shoots. The seedlings are transferred to open ground in the middle or end of May, when warm weather sets in.

Diseases and pests of eustoma

When growing crops in the garden, there is a risk of being affected by various diseases and pests. The main diseases of eustoma are considered to be fusarium leaf wilt, powdery mildew, and gray rot.

The main cause of these diseases is considered to be improper watering of flowers. cold water for moisturizing. These diseases are easier to prevent than to cure. The main preventive measure is treating the soil with foundation sol, watering the plants as needed and then loosening the soil.

Blackleg is considered another popular cultural disease, but it affects flower seedlings. This disease can be prevented by disinfecting the soil by piercing it in the oven or treating the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Even a novice gardener can grow eustoma, both in the garden and indoors. Apply the acquired knowledge in practice, adhere to plant care technology throughout the entire growing season, and the crop will thank you with beautiful, abundant flowering.

There are many legends and beliefs associated with this flower: they are all beautiful, poetic and, of course, about love. Eustoma is similar, at the same time, to poppy, rose, carnation, tulip and bell. This is already enough to decorate the facade of the house an extraordinary flower, but the proud and charmingly delicate eustoma amazes, in addition to everything, with a variety of colors and shapes. True, in nature it looks much more modest, and breeders from all over the world have worked on the splendor of the created varieties.

The discovery and naming of eustoma is somewhat similar to medieval knightly tournaments. Carl Linnaeus, the botanist from Ireland Patrick Brown, the Frenchman Jean Baptiste Christian Oblet, sent to the American colony that once belonged to France and located in the northeast of the continent, and a dozen other famous naturalists and biologists of the eighteenth century fought for the right to consider it their discovery and come up with a name. . This is where many names arose: Irish or Japanese rose, lisianthus, rose of love, tulip-gentian and many other poetic names, one way or another connected with botanical classification and origin.

Genuine interest in the plant forces flower growers and ordinary connoisseurs of beauty to look for answers to questions about its cultivation. We are happy to share our secrets!

Subtropical climate conditions are ideal for the plant, and therefore lisianthus is well cultivated in open ground in all countries located in the subtropical zone. The plant also does well in temperate climates. Other fans are content with growing eustoma in greenhouses or closed greenhouses, in greenhouses or at home, on window sills, where a suitable microclimate can be created.

In nature, eustoma is a perennial herbaceous plant. It presumably came to the territory of Russia and Western Europe from Japan and is grown as an annual crop. The Latin name of Eustoma is Lisianthus, which indicates that the plant belongs to the Gentian family, a class of dicotyledonous plants. In addition to the generally accepted Latin name, there is an American classification that more indicates the geographical origin of the Texas bluebell - Texas bluebell, and its original appearance.


With its appearance, lisianthus, like any plant, seems to suggest what conditions it needs in order for it to delight with lush flowering. Therefore, learning the secrets of flower propagation, the diversity of species and varieties should begin with a step-by-step study of it botanical description, moving gradually to issues of breeding and agricultural technology.

Ground units

In nature, the “blue eustoma” flower indeed resembles a bell, having single flowers, with large blue petals, irregular oval shape, narrowed at the base (sepals). Cultivated varieties and hybrids bred on its basis have a diverse range of colors: many shades of pink, white, lilac, light green and yellow, as well as varieties with a two-color pattern on the petals. Both natural species and garden plants form 15-20 buds on the stem, which bloom alternately. The diameter of the flowers, depending on the variety, is 5-8 cm.

The stem is herbaceous, up to 60 cm high, green, with a bluish tint, erect, thin. Selected varieties have different stem lengths: short, up to 30 cm - for potted crops, tall, reaching 60 - 80 cm - for greenhouse cultivation and cutting. The stems of the herbaceous plant are single, but in the middle they form peduncles on long petioles, which gives the impression that the flower has the shape of a bush.

The leaves are narrow, elongated, without petioles, like a carnation, up to 8 cm from the base to the pointed tips. A light waxy coating on the leaves gives the flowers not only an additional decorative appearance, but also performs additional protective functions. The bluish tint on the green parts of the plant indicates that in the recent evolutionary past, eustoma grew in the harsh conditions of the prairies, and the protective waxy shell of the leaves was necessary for the flower to save moisture and escape from the scorching rays of the sun. The narrow and elongated shape of the leaves indicates economical consumption of moisture.

Not much time has passed since the flower came to Europe and Asia, where it is propagated in greenhouse conditions - about four hundred years. During this time, breeders have developed various shades and shapes of petals, improving their decorative qualities and leaving the main genetic characteristics unchanged.

Root system

Gardeners who want to plant lisianthus should pay attention to the structure of the root system. Thin fibrous, highly branched roots grow in the upper layers of the soil without forming strong rods. From these structural features the following conclusions can be drawn:

Eustoma does not reproduce by dividing the bush. The thin fibrous roots of an adult plant die at the slightest mechanical damage, without having time to “get over it” and gain a foothold in the soil. For the same reason, eustoma requires extremely careful handling when planting seedlings.


There will be no shortage of seeds when growing eustoma. In one ripe box there are up to 15,000 small black grains. True, due to the size of the seed material, growing eustoma from seeds at home is a difficult process.

box with seeds

To get eustoma seeds, choose the largest and most beautiful flower that blooms first, wait until it fades. In its place will appear a box similar to the pericarp of a poppy. Leave the testicle on the stem, trying to keep it as long as possible so that the seeds ripen. Cut the dried box over a saucer and carefully shake out the seeds. It is better for novice gardeners to purchase pelleted seeds.

Growing and care

To grow eustoma from seeds, be patient for at least six months. Although, the shoots appear quite quickly, but after that they seem to freeze in thought: to grow or not to grow? In total, the growing season of eustoma of garden and greenhouse varieties lasts six months. Eustoma from seeds grown in a pot indoors, under certain conditions, can bloom again in a year.

But about all the conditions and secrets - in order, with step-by-step instructions for planting and care.

Soil preparation

Every flower collector tries to choose the best soil for his pets. But remember again that you are going to tame a prairie flower, think about creating conditions close to the natural environment.

Eustoma in pots

To grow low-growing varieties indoors, prepare low pots, taking into account the superficial location of the roots. Place drainage on the bottom. Combine peat, sand and humus in equal parts. In order to ensure lightness of the soil and oxygen saturation, you can add to the mixture pine sawdust. A ready-made mixture for cacti, which can be easily purchased in specialized stores, is suitable.

For garden varieties

Eustoma prefers the lungs and is very fertile soils, with a neutral acidity level. Preparing the soil in the area where the lisianthus is supposed to be planted should be done in advance. In the formula for success in growing Irish roses, be sure to include each step of the step-by-step instructions:

Site selection

The plant needs a lot of light, light and fertile soil. When lying close groundwater, take care of soil drainage and drainage of rainwater from the site. Remember that the plant has leaves that help retain moisture, and increased humidity will only harm it. Try to place the flowers on the site so as to protect them from cold winds and drafts.

Fertilizer application, liming

Each gardener has to proceed from the existing conditions of the site, but taking into account the botanical characteristics of the crops. Again we pay attention to the “pedigree” of eustoma, its origin, and prepare soil similar in composition to the fertile prairies of the Great Plains.

The soil must be prepared in such a way that before sowing, the applied manure and compost have time to rot - in the fall, during digging. If necessary, lime is also added in the fall. In the spring, before sowing, it is necessary to loosen the fertile layer to a depth of 20 cm, while simultaneously adding phosphorus and potassium. These minerals can be added as part of complex fertilizers a week before sowing or planting seedlings.

Soil disinfection as prevention

Take care in advance to protect your flowers from harmful microorganisms and pests. To do this, it is enough to prepare a two percent solution of potassium permanganate. The powder must be diluted in ten liters of hot water (50 0). Pour the hot solution over the area at the rate of 10 l/1 m2. A hot disinfectant solution has a double effect: in addition to killing germs, it expels pests.

Additional agrotechnical measures

If the soil needs to be warmed up, then after the measures have been taken, cover the spilled area with black agrofibre. Leave the area under the film for 7-10 days. This technique allows you to sow eustoma seeds in early dates, even in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia. Protective properties films allow you to get rid of weeds and pests, and the black color, attracting sunlight, ensures rapid heating of the soil.


When growing eustoma in a greenhouse method, in addition to preparing the soil, it is necessary to carry out disinfection internal space greenhouses, ensure the necessary ventilation, temperature and air humidity (no more than 75%).

Landing dates

When to plant eustoma? This is the question most gardeners ask. The following factors are important to determine planting dates:

  • Eustoma growing season: shoots appear in 10-14 days, subject to the rules of agricultural technology; 2.5 months pass before seedlings are transplanted, and another 8-10 weeks before flowering begins. Flowering continues for 1.5-2 months - the buds open alternately, starting from the bottom of the stem.
  • Growing method: in a greenhouse, in open ground, on a windowsill. With the greenhouse method, you can collect cut flowers 2 times a year. For spring cutting, for example, in early March, the seeds should be sown in the first half of November; for cutting in May-June, seeds are sown in January; summer planting, At the beginning of June.
  • Climatic conditions (when planting in open ground): maximum amount days with a temperature of 20-24 0 C. Please note that at higher temperatures, up to 30 0 C, seedlings bloom only in the second year.

Before planting eustoma seedlings for further cultivation in open ground, study the calendar: the length of daylight hours should increase at the time of planting to 11-12 hours, and the night temperature to 18 0 C. Such conditions occur, depending on climatic zones, at different times. The optimal time for planting seedlings is when the specified conditions coincide: the end of March or the first ten days of April - for southern latitudes; from late April to mid-May - for temperate latitudes.

In the regions of Siberia and the Urals, three-month-old seedlings can be planted in a permanent place using film covers in the first half of May in order to obtain flowering in July.

Growing seedlings

Taking into account the peculiarities of the root system and the difficulties with uniform distribution of seeds, each of the chosen methods is painstaking work that requires patience and accuracy.

How not to damage tender seedlings? The only, albeit somewhat expensive, way is to grow eustoma in peat tablets. This kind of forcing of seeds eliminates damage to the root system, because the sprouts immediately, from the first days, take root in the tablet, which is also a nutrient soil. How to grow eustoma seedlings in peat tablets?

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Place a grate or any suitable stand with holes in the tray to hold the peat tablets above the water.
  • Fill the pan with water or a solution containing biosporin, growth stimulants, other microfertilizers and protective preparations. The liquid level should barely touch the grate.
  • Place the tablets on the grid, leaving space between them. small space, and leave to swell.
  • After this, put 2-3 seeds on each tablet. After emergence and rooting, it will become clear which shoots will be weak. They will have to be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of stronger shoots.
  • The tray with peat tablets and seedlings must be covered with film or any transparent, airtight material. Seeds need to be provided with moisture and diffused sunlight (or artificial lighting).
  • Ventilate the seedlings daily for an hour. Constantly maintain the required temperature and avoid drafts. If necessary, add room temperature water to the tray and monitor the moisture content of the tablets.
  • In the phase of appearance of two pairs of true leaves, tablets with seedlings can be placed in prepared soil for growing.
  • When the seedlings get stronger and the third pair of leaves appears, the young seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place, along with a lump of soil, into moist soil. Land in the evening.


When transferring tablets into the ground, do not bury them ground part seedlings. Eustoma does not tolerate picking.

Further care consists of timely but moderate watering. Air humidity must also be maintained at 70-75%, but the plants should not be irrigated - it is enough that there is always water in the pan, which will gradually evaporate at 20-24 0 C. The roots should not reach the water in the pan. Seedlings should be fertilized 10 days after transplanting into the soil.

Sowing seeds in open ground

How to prepare the soil for sowing eustoma and determining planting dates is described above. The second method of propagation is sowing seeds in open ground. This option is suitable for the southernmost regions of the country, where warm weather sets in by mid-March. True, even in the south of Russia, when sowing seeds in the ground, it is impossible to do without the use of film covers.

If it is necessary to decorate the facade of the house using the seedless method, then you need to prepare covering material in case of return frosts. Until the seedlings get stronger and begin to grow, they will have to be kept under film. In such a shelter with a warm bed, the plants will be reliably protected, and the absence of the need for replanting allows the plants to quickly take root and bloom a couple of weeks earlier. Eustoma sown in open ground will be in conditions as close as possible to natural ones, will strengthen more easily and will be less susceptible to disease.

With this method of planting, special emphasis should be placed on autumn preparation warm beds. How to do it?

  • In the fall, dig the designated area deeply (at least 40 cm).
  • Scatter manure and compost under the fertile layer.
  • Spray the bed with warm water and cover it with lutrasil or spanboard, securing the material to the bed. Please note that the density of the covering fabric is selected in accordance with the average level of temperature drop in the region: the lower winter temperatures– the higher the density of the material should be.

When creating such a bed, a greenhouse effect occurs. On the one hand, manure, when heated under a layer of soil, releases nitrogen and protects the ground from freezing. The covering material allows you to maintain the temperature during the winter. Black agora fiber additionally attracts the sun's rays and warms the earth, while simultaneously destroying seeds and vegetative parts of weeds, preventing their reproduction.

In the spring, with the onset of positive temperatures, the following remains:

  • remove the black film, add additional fertilizer, and water the selected area;
  • make shallow furrows to mark the planting site; embedment depth – no more than 0.5 cm;
  • using a dispenser, sow seeds at a distance of 5-10 cm; when the shoots appear and true leaves form on them, it will become clear which shoots are weaker; they need to be removed so as not to interfere with the development of stronger specimens;
  • the bed needs to be covered again, but this time with a white film that will retain moisture, provide warmth and diffused light until the threat of return frosts has passed.

Modern technologies help gardeners provide proper care lisianthus, so don’t forget about them. In addition, growing seedlings takes up a significant area in the apartment, which is not very convenient for the owners.

Diseases and pests

Eustoma is attacked by pests: aphids, whiteflies, slugs. Although insects do not really like the taste of the flowers and leaves of the gentian family, their danger lies in the fact that all insects are carriers of viral and bacterial diseases.

Unfortunately, infections such as powdery mildew, fusarium, and gray rot affect any plant. Eustoma is no exception. Flower growers and gardeners themselves are most often to blame for plant diseases, because they forget about preventive measures or violate the rules of agricultural technology.

The cause of infectious diseases is increased soil and air humidity when low temperature. It is also necessary to avoid mechanical damage to plants - most known viruses and bacteria easily penetrate plant tissue during cutting. The worst thing is that the infected area becomes unsuitable for the cultivation of many plants within 3-5 years.

Therefore, for prevention, use any systemic drugs fungicidal effect, do not forget to carry out preventive treatment after cutting, and also follow the rules of agricultural technology.

Rest period

When growing eustoma in open ground as a two-year crop, pruning should be done in the fall, leaving 2-3 buds. In winter, cover with mulch or other covering materials.

For indoor flowers, after flowering, you need to move the pots to a cooler place and store them at a temperature of 10-15 degrees, slightly moistening the soil so that the roots do not dry out.

The popularity of eustoma in Russia is only gaining momentum. It is enough to take an interest in the ratings of flower varieties in the most famous specialized stores, and you can understand which flowers of this type attract the most attention. Just to begin with, you need to decide which growing method is an acceptable option.

So, the top 9 most popular varieties of eustoma:

Low-growing varieties, for pot growing, border decoration:

  • Carmen F1 Ivory (stem height 25 cm);
  • Sapphire F 1, white-pink, height 20 cm;
  • Little Mermaid F1 – all colors.

Medium-sized varieties and hybrids for garden decoration:

  • Twinkies F 1 (white, cream, purple, yellow, pink);
  • Cinderella F1.

The greatest demand is for cut flowers, with a stem length of 70-100 cm. Therefore, they are most widely represented in every flower shop and well-known agricultural company:

  • Magic F 1 terry (the hybrid is available in a series of different colors);
  • Hybrid Green Alley with an unusual pistachio shade;
  • Flamenco F 1;
  • Terry apricot.

Flowers - for every taste! True, we must not forget that hybrids, while decorating the garden during the season, will not produce full-fledged seed material. Therefore, you will have to buy the seeds of the type you like rather than collect them.

At home, Eustoma is grown as a perennial indoor flower, which, due to its exotic appearance, has many other names - Lisianthus, Texas bell, Japanese rose or Irish rose. This article describes tips for proper planting and caring for perennial Eustoma at home.

Eustoma is a very beautiful decorative flowering indoor plant of the Gentian family. These flowers are still often found in the southern regions of Mexico, the south of North America and the north South America, on the Caribbean islands. Eustoma is translated from Latin as beautiful mouth.

An American Indian legend says that Eustoma first bloomed on the grave of an innocent girl who refused reciprocity to the God of War and was killed by him for this.

This wonderful flower was discovered for Europeans by the Irish doctor and botanist Patrick Brown. Under natural conditions, it is a biennial herbaceous plant with an erect stem up to 60 cm high. The leaves are whole, large, greenish with a bluish tint. Flowers are bright, blue, single.

Cultivated varieties of Eustoma appeared relatively recently. They, unlike wild species, have flowers of different colors. This is the merit of numerous breeders. Varieties with two-color colors and double flowers appeared. New varieties are being actively developed by breeders in Japan and the USA. Their Eustomas no longer look like bluebells from the wild prairies.

The appearance of the bush and its flowers, of extraordinary beauty and grace, conquer the hearts of flower growers. The tall, stable stem, similar to the stems of another flower - the carnation, has an elegant shape and is strewn with green leaves with a bluish tint, with a slight waxy coating on them. Somewhere, from the middle of the length of the bush, the stem begins to branch. During flowering, each bush gains from 30 to 35 buds and looks like an unusually beautiful bouquet.

The buds open alternately, one after another, and stay on the stem for a long time. The flowers, reminiscent of roses in shape, have a large, funnel-shaped, deep cup. Their petals are colored, depending on the variety, different colors. Eustomas are snow-white, blue, yellow, pink, lilac, purple, violet, lilac, dark burgundy. It is impossible to list all the colors that nature has given to this extraordinary flower!

There are bicolor Eustomas with simple or double flowers. Only about 60 varieties are known. More than half of them are tall species for growing in the garden. At home, low-growing varieties of Eustoma are usually grown as a houseplant.


TO low-growing varieties Eustomas include:

  • Eustoma Mystery- short compact bush, reaches 20 cm in height. Blooms profusely with double light blue flowers.
  • Variety Mermaid- a miniature compact species of Lisianthus, the crown height of which does not exceed 15 cm. Does not require pinching. This hybrid blooms with simple flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm in a variety of shades: white, light pink, lilac and blue.
  • Little Bell- a densely branching bush of miniature size, reaching a height of 15 cm. The flowers are small, simple, funnel-shaped, of all kinds of colors. This variety is valued for its abundant, long-lasting flowering. You don't have to do pinching.
  • Eustoma Loyalty– a low indoor plant, no higher than 20 cm in height. It is distinguished by a multitude of snow-white small flowers, which are arranged in a spiral on the flower arrow.
  • Variety Tenderness- a beautiful bush with a graceful stem up to 20 cm, on which satiny petals are arranged in a spiral. Blooms with pink flowers.
  • Mermaid has very small bushes, up to 15 cm in height, blooming with white, light blue or pink flowers.
  • Eustoma "Florida Blue"- characterized by abundant blooms of blue flowers.
  • Variety Florida Pink– this very beautiful, low indoor flower blooms profusely with light pink flowers. In a pot it looks like a bouquet with wonderful miniature roses.

Little Bell Mermaid Mermaid
Loyalty Florida Blue Florida Pink

In addition to low-growing ones, flower growers also practice growing tall indoor Eustomas:

  1. Eustoma Cinderella– bush height up to 50 cm. Blooms
    double flowers of delicate pink or yellow color.
  2. Variety Twinkies– the height of the stem is not higher than half a meter. Blooms white, yellow, pink or purple flowers extraordinary beauty.
  3. Eustoma "Mariachi Lime"— the height of the bush reaches a meter. The flowers on it are double lime-colored.
  4. Echo– medium bush, grows up to 70 cm in height. Flowers of pink, yellow, lilac or white are displayed on a strong stem.

Twinkies Mariachi Lime Echo

The most popular Eustoma varieties for growing at home are large-flowered. Their inflorescences consist of many large beautiful skirt-shaped flowers of the most impossible colors: snow-white and purple-red, violet and lilac, lilac and light yellow, blue and light blue.

Caring for Eustoma at home

Indoor lighting

The place for the pot should be chosen on a well-lit, preferably southern, windowsill. But in the hot summer, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight - the lighting should be diffused to avoid burns to the delicate petals and leaves. Lisianthus is a long-day plant. In winter, it should be illuminated for at least 12 hours with fluorescent lamps.

Growing temperature

This flower loves warmth; its growing temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees. and above 24 gr. Celsius. At this temperature, Eustoma will bloom every year, and at an average room temperature of 27-30 degrees. Celsius, the flower will grow like a biennial plant - it will form buds in the first year and bloom the next year. At a constant low temperature, below 15 degrees. Celsius, the flower will slow down its growth, stop developing and may get sick.

Soil composition

Purchased soil for flowering Saintpaulias (Violets) is well suited for the soil. Good drainage is required. If you want to prepare your own soil mixture for growing Eustoma, mix equal amounts of garden soil, coarse river sand and humus. Add a little lime. It is necessary to monitor the pH (acidity) level of the soil. It should be within 6.5 – 7.0. More acidic soil can lead to zinc toxicity and the plant will slow down its growth. For normal growth of indoor Eustoma, regular ventilation of the room is necessary and important.


Lisianthus is not often watered with warm, settled water, as the top layer of soil dries 2 cm. There is no need to spray the flower so as not to provoke the appearance of pests and diseases.

Top dressing

Eustoma loves to be fed during active growth and the appearance of numerous buds. Suitable fertilizer for decorative flowering indoor plants or any liquid fertilizer for indoor flowers. Read instructions for use on the packaging. More often it is 10 g - 15 g. fertilizers in a bucket of warm, settled water.

Eustoma bloom

Eustoma blooms in January-February, and for a long time and abundantly. The flowers bloom in turn, one after another. Don’t forget to pick off faded buds and dried leaves so that the flower always looks neat and decorative. When the flowering of the home rose ends, its dormant period begins. The plant is pruned, leaving only part of the shoots with a couple of internodes. The pot with the flower is transferred to a cooler room - with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. Celsius, water less often and do not feed.

After a couple of months, with the arrival of spring, new leaves begin to appear on the bush - then our sissy, Eustoma, is returned to its previous warm, bright place, watering and fertilizing are resumed. Very soon your pet will grow new leaves and buds. Once again you will be enchanted by its colorful blooms.

Reproduction of Eustoma

Reproduction of indoor Eustoma occurs only with the help of seeds. Reproduction of Eustoma by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush is not possible.

Growing Lisianthus from seeds

Growing Eustoma begins with purchasing quality seeds.

If you are going to use the seeds from your faded plant, keep in mind that they become suitable for planting only after a year.

You can plant seeds for growing Eustoma at any time of the year, but it is better in June-July, so that by autumn the bush will form and bloom profusely and colorfully in winter. Quite a long time passes from the moment the seeds are planted to the start of flowering.

Eustoma seeds

Eustoma's seeds are very small - there are more than 10 thousand of them in one gram. Therefore, it is better to purchase Eustoma seeds in special capsules, in which a nutritious mixture of peat, sand and fertilizer are balanced for maximum effective seed germination. Place the seed capsules in prepared, well-moistened soil (in a pot or container) at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. Cover with transparent film. Place in a warm, bright place to germinate seeds.

You can also purchase the seeds in yeasted form. There, several seeds are placed in one ball with a nutrient mixture. It is convenient to sow such peas as described above. Or you can plant Eustoma seeds for seedlings in. The container with tablets maintains the necessary humidity and temperature, it is convenient to ventilate, it is clearly visible how the seeds germinate and the seedlings develop.

Yeasted eustoma seeds

If you decide to plant your seeds for seedlings in a container or container with nutritious soil, a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts is suitable for you. Place the seeds on the surface of moist soil and press them lightly. Cover the container with transparent film or a lid.

The first shoots will appear no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. The soil should not be too dry or too wet. It is better to moisten the soil after the first shoots appear in the morning - there is a risk of blackleg disease. To prevent the disease, you can spray Eustoma seedlings with a solution of foundationazole - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of warm water. When the sprouts begin to sprout, begin to accustom them to new conditions - open the film more often for ventilation, reduce watering. Spray with Zircon or Epin for rapid growth of sprouts, since in the first months Eustoma grows very slowly.

Growing Eustoma in peat tablets

Only after a couple of months, when the seedlings have grown a little, can they be transplanted into separate pots. It is necessary to replant by picking up the sprout along with a lump of earth, trying not to damage the fragile roots of the tiny bush. If the seedlings are sitting in peat tablet– carefully remove the tablet from the shell and place it in a container with prepared soil.


Although Lisianthus is a perennial flower, it does not tolerate transplantation well, try not to disturb it root system without much reason.


Of the many diseases of indoor plants, the most dangerous for Eustoma are the following: fusarium, powdery mildew, gray rot and black leg.

Powdery mildew on plant petals

The cause of these diseases can be increased soil moisture, low ambient temperature, as well as lack of regular ventilation of the room. It is possible to protect yourself from them with the help of the drugs Fundazol and Ridomir Gold (instructions on the package), which need to be sprayed on our pets in a timely manner, in order to prevent the disease.

Treatment of young Eustoma bushes with Zircon and Epin accelerates their growth, enhances vitality and prevents the appearance of diseases such as blackleg.


Occasionally, Eustoma is affected by thrips, spider mites and whiteflies. Their occurrence is facilitated by incorrect watering of the plant, low lighting, low temperature of the flower, and infrequent ventilation of the room.

Eustoma is an incredibly beautiful indoor plant. She gained popularity among amateur flower growers with the help of her unusually bright, expressive flowers of various colors and shades. This flower will delight you with abundant, long-lasting blooms at least twice a year and will decorate your home like no other! Currently, indoor Eustoma is experiencing a rebirth and is receiving increased attention from amateur flower growers in many countries in Europe, Australia, the USA and Japan. In terms of the number of sales there, this flower broke all records. Lisianthus is not so popular here, but it seems to me that the situation will soon change, and a beautiful rose of love and tenderness will decorate our homes and apartments along with other charming flowers.

Video: Eustoma - growing and care at home