How to cover the roof of a house: slate, ondulin, metal tiles or soft roofing. What is the best and cheapest way to cover the roof of a house? What are the roofs of houses covered with?

The better and cheaper way to cover the roof of a house The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed.


The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed. Only after a detailed study of the roofing materials market can you decide what is best to cover the roof of your house and which flooring will be cheaper.

The main characteristics of roofing decking that should be taken into account when purchasing building materials:

  • The compatibility of the configuration, color and texture of the roof with the façade cladding of the house and the style of the landscape;
  • Strength, durability, roof resistance to numerous external influences;
  • The mass of roofing modules, which affects the method of erecting the rafter system;
  • Labor intensity and cost of installation work when installing the roof;
  • Plasticity, the ability to form a roof of complex shape;
  • The degree of noiselessness of the coating under the influence of precipitation;
  • Price category of building materials.

Comparative table of properties and costs of roofing materials:

Roofing material



Price, rub./m2

Reasonable price.

Variability of shapes and color palette.

Ease of installation.

Mechanical strength.

Not heavy weight.

Moisture and frost resistance.

Risk of corrosion.

Flexible tiles

Presentable appearance, variety of colors.

Easy to install and repair.

High heat and sound insulation.

Moisture resistance.

Susceptibility to deformation due to temperature changes.

Ceramic tiles

Noble appearance.

Excellent sound and heat insulation.

Durability is about 100 years.

Considerable weight. High price.

Labor-intensive installation.

1000 or more

Affordable price.

Durability (at least 30 years)

Lightness and strength.

Easy to install and repair.

Environmental friendliness and biosustainability.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.

High fire hazard.

Susceptibility to deformation from mechanical stress and temperature changes.

Budget cost.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Simplified installation diagram.

Low level of noise and heat insulation.

Low strength, especially along the edge of the roof.

Susceptibility to the formation of fungal and mold outbreaks.

Corrugated sheet

Low price.

Durability provided proper installation.

Simplified installation diagram, easy repair.

Moisture, frost, fire resistance.

Light weight.

Low level of noise absorption and thermal insulation.

Susceptibility to corrosion.

The need for a lightning rod.

Traditional tiles

Tiles are one of the oldest roofing materials known since ancient times. If previously it was made only from clay, now sand-cement and lime-sand mixtures are used, covered with colored glaze or engobe, achieving high wear resistance of the modules. The key advantages of classic tiles include their ideal durability (about 100 years) and environmental friendliness, fire, water and frost resistance, noiselessness and low costs during roof operation.

The fundamental disadvantages of traditional tiled roofing are fragility, high cost and massiveness, requiring significant reinforcement load-bearing walls and arrangement of a strong foundation. Among other things, when installing a tile roof, a steep slope is required for effective snow melting and storm water drainage, and installation of the decking is significantly complicated due to the piece nature of the material.

Metal tiles are made from profiled metal sheet(steel, copper, aluminum) with a protective zinc and decorative polymer coating. The beauty of the material is achieved through stylization to resemble natural ceramic tiles. High aesthetics and resistance to fading, reliability and durability, ease of installation and budget cost - these are the key advantages of a metal tile roof. In addition, the low weight of metal tiles can significantly simplify the rafter system and foundation design, reducing the cost of building a house as a whole.

The disadvantages of metal tile flooring include:

  • Susceptibility to corrosion, especially in areas with a damaged polymer layer, in places where sheets are cut and along the contour of mounting holes.
  • High noise level, the need for thorough sound insulation of the roof.
  • Increased thermal conductivity, requiring high-quality thermal insulation of the coating.
  • The metal creates a cold bridge, due to which condensation forms in the under-roof space of a metal tile roof - the installation of a sealed membrane is mandatory.

Flexible roofing (bitumen shingles) is made from fiberglass, impregnated with bitumen and enriched with colored stone coating. This roofing decking is moisture resistant and not subject to corrosion processes. Flexible tiles are plastic, which allows them to be used for arranging spherical and dome-shaped roofs, as well as roofs of complex geometry. Light weight, variety of shapes and shades, noiselessness are the cardinal advantages of the material. The main disadvantage is the high cost of installation, which requires the installation of a solid base flooring made of wood or plywood. In general, flexible tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive than metal tiles.

Modern look flexible tiles- roofing material Onduvilla. This is a coating that maintains volume and color uniformity throughout its entire service life. Onduvilla perfectly waterproofs and does not make noise in the rain, does not heat up in the heat and does not crack in the cold. Condensation does not accumulate under such a roof, and installation and transportation of the material is simplified due to the small format of the modules.

Ondulin is a practical and budget-friendly roofing material that imitates slate. Light in weight, silent and moisture-resistant, durable and flexible, easy to install - ondulin has a lot of advantages - due to this, it has gained the love of many private developers.

Advantages of ondulin:

  • Reduced roof weight due to the low weight of the sheet and narrow end overlaps.
  • Easy installation without marking and aligning sheets due to convex guides and ready-made holes for hardware.
  • Excellent waterproofing parameters thanks to the locking system when installed with an overlap.
  • Sheet fasteners are equipped with molded caps with an O-ring that completely cover the mounting holes.


Slate is a common roofing material for a wide range of homeowners, relatively durable (about 50 years) and cheap. It is sealed, mechanically stable and quite durable. Disadvantages - tendency to destroy edges, susceptibility to the spread of fungus and mold.

There are many materials for roofing. Each has its own pros and cons. Some types cannot be used everywhere. So how to cover the roof of a house? What is the best roofing material? When choosing, priority is following features:

– reliability;

- life time;

– moisture resistance and fire resistance;

– mechanical strength, resistance to snow loads and wind;

– aesthetics, compliance with the style of construction;

– complexity/ease of installation (including manual installation);

Video “The best way to cover the roof of a house”:

Additional criteria are sound insulation and thermal insulation.

The design of the roof is also very important. If for flat roofs rolled materials and soft tiles are preferred, then for pitched roofs with a large angle - sheet materials.

Important: when choosing, you need to focus on the weight of the material. For example, ceramic tiles are ten times heavier than metal tiles. This means that the rafter system for it should be much more powerful.

It's up to you to decide what the roof is better made of. Below are the types of roofs with photos, their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Metal tiles

It is used for pitched (including hip, hip, and sloping) roofs and attics.

High mechanical strength, durability, resistance to moisture and wear, ultraviolet radiation (does not fade), relatively low weight (low load on the rafters and supporting structures of the house). Easy to process and install. Beautiful view(the roof of a house made of metal tiles looks like a natural one from a distance). Low price.

With a variety of colors, the most popular metal tile is 8017 (according to RAL) photo below.


– the noise of rain and hail (like any metal, such a coating conducts sound very well);

– the need for thermal insulation (since metals also conduct heat well);

– with seasonal temperature changes, condensation forms on the wrong side. In addition to the lathing, a counter-lattice and a vapor barrier are required;

– installation requires compliance with safety regulations. Otherwise, you may get injured or damage the material;

Natural tiles (ceramics)

A material with a long history of existence. It has always been practical and reliable, but now its properties have improved even more thanks to new processing technologies. Tile roofing can be used everywhere, but in fact it is used mainly for expensive cottages.

Flaws: heavy weight, house with tiled roof Not everyone can afford it - the price is high. Installation is more energy-intensive and time-consuming than laying sheets and roll materials. The rest – dignity:

long term service (the material is almost eternal);

– strength;

– resistance to any influences – thermal, precipitation, chemical, ultraviolet;

– aesthetics and style;

– roof made of ceramic tiles absorbs sound, it is a good heat insulator, does not conduct electricity, does not accumulate static;

– fire resistance.


Inexpensive elegant material, can be used on flat roofs. Ondulin roofing material is made from pressed cardboard impregnated with bitumen compounds. There are many colors and shades. Other pros:

– sound insulation, heat-shielding properties;

– durability (up to fifty years);

– simple installation, low weight;

– moisture resistance, resistance to UV rays;

– waterproofing, fire safety;

– flexibility, plasticity;

– not subject to corrosion and chemical influences.

Video "Ondulin Smart":


- not suitable for pitched roofs with a large slope;

– like any bitumen coating, it becomes susceptible to cracking over time.


Asbestos-cement slate is a cheap material, easy to install, durable and strong. Not the most pretentious type, because of this it is used more often for garages and outbuildings. pros:

– fire resistance;

– wavy slate lasts up to forty years;

– resistance to mechanical stress;

– withstands heavy snow loads;

– resistance to moisture, corrosion.

Painted slate


– over time it begins to crumble around the edges;

– moss and lichens may appear in shaded areas.

Corrugated sheet

According to the conditions of use and installation technology, it is similar to metal tiles, but the sheets are much wider and the profile can be anything: round (wavy), trapezoidal, U-shaped. pros:

– light weight;

– ease of installation;

– strength;

– environmental cleanliness;

– elegant appearance (there is a roofing sheeting that is painted and galvanized);

low price;

– large range of colors.


– it is necessary to ensure that there is no damage to the coating, because the material is susceptible to corrosion;

– high windage (this must be taken into account during installation; in high winds the sheets can be torn off);

– thermal insulation and vapor barrier are required;

– noise during rain and hail.

Flexible tiles

Bituminous shingles (as in the photo) are fiberglass roofing impregnated with bitumen. On outside– thin layer of mineral granulate different colors. Used to create original roofs.


– thermal insulation;

– roof made of bitumen shingles dampens sound well;

– tightness, hydraulic resistance;

– beautiful appearance;

– it’s easy to lay, there are even self-adhesive tiles;

– variety of colors, shades and shapes of tiles;

– you can design round, cone-shaped, bulbous roofs.

Basic flaw– price.


Roofing roofing felt is a cheap, durable material. Unfortunately, it is not very durable (average life is 15 years). Pros: water resistance, temperature resistance, ease of installation. Available local repair in the form of separate patches.


– a solid base or sheathing is required;

– strict adherence to the technology, otherwise, due to air cavities, the coating will very quickly bubble.

Seam covering

The advantages of a seam roof are ease of installation, can be used for almost any roof, and low weight. The disadvantage is the price.

The best way to cover the roof is up to you. Discard options that do not meet your requirements, take into account your wishes and make the choice yourself.

Inexpensive and high quality. But first, let’s find out what properties a good roofing material has.

What to consider when choosing

  • Durable to withstand significant loads in the form of snow or water.
  • Weather resistance.
  • Light weight so as not to load supporting structures.
  • Easy to assemble, little waste when fitting.
  • Long service life.
  • Ease of maintenance, maintainability.

It is desirable that the price of the material is not too high. It’s good if the coating has an attractive appearance that lasts throughout its service life. So that the roof not only protects, but also decorates the building.

Metal tiles

Imitation of traditional ceramic tiles. It is a molded product coated with protective layers of zinc and polymers. The shape of shingles varies from trapezoidal to semicircular and is painted in different colors. Compared to corrugated sheets, it has an attractive appearance and smaller width. The latter makes installation easier.


  • Low weight of about 6 kg per square meter. m. This allows you to lay the sheets on the sheathing and use them for houses with lightweight.
  • Strength of the assembled roof. This is due to the reliability of metal tiles and the small number of seams.
  • Durability. Serves on average 50 years. Metal tiles are used in all climatic conditions, withstanding both extremely low and high temperatures.
  • Simple, quick installation. Held at any time of the year. The presence of special fasteners and other components makes it easier. It is possible to equip the roof with high quality only with their help.
  • Fire resistance.


Metal tiles have low insulating characteristics. Additional noise and heat insulation is required. The attractive relief keeps snow on the roof, so the recommended angle of inclination of the slope is observed. It cannot be less than 14°.

Cover with metal tiles complex roofs unprofitable. Adjustment of the pattern is required, because of this, waste during trimming can amount to up to a third of the required amount. The protective polymer layer is vulnerable to mechanical damage. Even a small scratch will become a “gate” for corrosion. For this reason, when laying it, they handle it very carefully, paint over all holes and cuts, and use only special fasteners.

Bituminous shingles

A representative of the flexible group, a kind of multi-layer “pie”. It is made on the basis of fiberglass, which is impregnated with modified bitumen. Apply on top decorative coating. This is colored mineral chips. It not only protects, but also decorates the product. The bottom of the fiberglass is covered with polymer-bitumen frost-resistant mastic.

The lowest layer is a film, it prevents the parts from sticking together. Removable during installation.


  • Good noise and thermal insulation characteristics. Arrangement additional protection not required.
  • Strength and elasticity that fiberglass does not lose even with low temperatures. This allows the material to be laid on a base of complex shape.
  • Light weight, about 5 kg per square meter. m. This greatly simplifies installation and does not place a significant load on the supporting structures.
  • Long service life. It varies from 30 to 50 years among different manufacturers.
  • Big choice shapes, colors.
  • Easy installation. You can cover the roof with flexible plates without the help of specialists.

First of all, it should only be placed on a continuous sheathing made of moisture-resistant material. This increases the price per square meter. For this reason, the costs of metal roofing are approximately the same, despite the significant difference in price.

There are restrictions on the angle of inclination. If it is less than 12°, cover flexible material roofing is not allowed. For structures with a slope of 12° to 18°, it is desirable to install additional waterproofing on fragments exposed to moisture. One of the small disadvantages is the roughness of the plates, which means that they will have to be cleaned more often. High temperatures are not dangerous for bitumen, but soften it. Therefore, you cannot walk on tiles in hot weather.


Natural cellulose is used for its production. The fibers are heated, pressed, and shaped into wavy sheets. Finished products are painted in various colors and impregnated with bitumen. Thanks to this technology, the plates acquire good water resistance, in which they are superior to almost all analogues.


  • Light weight. The sheet is four times lighter than a slate sheet of similar area. This makes transportation and installation easier. There is no need to strengthen the truss structure or foundation.
  • Weather resistance. Acids, alkalis, and petroleum products are not dangerous to ondulin plates. Therefore, industrial gases and acid rain will not spoil it.
  • Hygiene and... The coating does not emit toxic fumes. Contaminants do not linger on it.
  • Good insulating properties. The house will be quiet even during heavy rain.
  • Low price, which allows you to inexpensively equip the roof.
  • Ease of installation. The plates bend and are easily cut with a regular hacksaw. They are secured to special nails, which are driven into the highest point of the wave.

Despite its many advantages, ondulin is not always chosen for private homes. Much more often used for or outbuildings. The reason lies in negative reviews. They appear after improper installation. For example, each sheet must have at least 20 nails, otherwise the strength will suffer greatly. The sheathing pitch affects it; it should be no more than 60 cm. Failure to comply with the technology leads to loss of performance properties.

If everything is done correctly, ondulin will last 15-20 years. Considering its price, this is very good.


An indisputable disadvantage is flammability and fading. These shortcomings cannot be eliminated. Despite the assurances of manufacturers, the biological stability of ondulin is approximately the same as slate. Shaded, damp areas may “bloom” after 3-4 years.

It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether it is better and cheaper to cover houses. To find the right solution, you need to take into account the climate, operating conditions, location of the building, etc. There are many options, you can always choose the best one from them.

  • Material prepared by: Inna Yasinovskaya

The appearance of the house and its service life largely depend on the quality of the roof - the strength of the rafter system and the reliability of the enclosing structure, which is called the roof. Therefore, when planning to equip a roof, it would not be a bad idea to know its structure, types of roofing coverings and their characteristics, as well as installation technologies. This will help to avoid mistakes during construction and will give confidence that the roof over your head will not have to be repaired every year. Today we’ll talk about modern covering materials, we’ll analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each, so that you have general idea about which one and when it is better to use.

Roofing functions

The rafter system is stuffed after its construction. The filling - roofing cake - consists of insulating materials, a metal or wooden base for the covering and an upper covering, which performs two functions: protective and decorative.

The roof is the enclosing part of the roof that protects the house from precipitation, heat loss, ultraviolet radiation and gives it an attractive appearance.

It is the covering material that bears the main climatic loads and vagaries of the weather. It is a barrier between negative atmospheric influences on the roof and all underlying layers, preserving the latter from damage and destruction. But to fulfill fully protective function, the roofing material must meet all operating requirements in accordance with the purpose of the building, roof configuration and local weather conditions. For example, in industrial regions, metal tiles must be chosen with caution, since the polymer protective layers on some of its types are not very resistant to acid rain, which is typical for industrial areas.

A roof made of metal tiles looks aesthetically pleasing, stylish and fashionable, but not all types of metal tiles can be used nearby industrial facilities where there is a high probability of acid rain

Basic requirements for covering materials:

  • low water absorption;
  • high frost resistance;
  • minimal susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation and chemical agents.

All other parameters - longevity, environmental friendliness, strength, fire safety - depend on the composition of the material and its correct installation.

As for the decorative function, here too one must be guided by expediency. For example, in a hot climate, bitumen shingles will be a lot of trouble, since bitumen can soften under the sun's rays, but metal or natural coatings are ideal. But again, if metal is preferred, then humidity also needs to be taken into account. In coastal areas, aluminum will last much less than, say, steel.

Bitumen coating looks very attractive on roofs and facades of houses, but due to its properties it is more suitable for use in temperate climate zones

That is, there are many nuances, so you need to think about choosing a covering flooring at the initial stages of construction, in order to avoid further alterations, reinforcements and adjustments to load-bearing structures, which will be very expensive and not always possible. Or, on the contrary, do not overpay for the construction of a powerful frame for a lightweight roofing covering, although the division of roofing materials into light and heavy is a relative concept.

Remember one number - 200 kg/m². According to existing standards, this is exactly how much any roofing structure must withstand, regardless of the weight of the covering material itself.

This includes wind and snow loads for central Russia plus the necessary safety margin. It is this value that you need to focus on when calculating the foundation and load-bearing walls.

Many people think that when choosing a lightweight coating, the pressure on the rafter system will be less, which means you can save on all load-bearing elements. Let's do the math - for a small roof of 50 m², the total load on the rafters will be 200X50 = 10,000 kg. Is the 10-ton structure overhead impressive? This is without the weight of the rafter system and covering material. And if you did not take these tons into account when designing, then the supporting structure of the house will not withstand even an ultra-light covering flooring. And you’ll have to say goodbye to the dream of a natural coating altogether.

In addition, there is another very tricky point that few people pay attention to when choosing - the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material. And this is a very interesting indicator that creates a cozy microclimate in the house and allows you to reduce energy costs. Let us explain in more detail. Thermal conductivity is the ability of a material to conduct heat from a heated surface to a cold one.

Therefore, in any case, coatings with a low thermal conductivity coefficient are economically advantageous.

In summer, the covering material heats up and transfers heat to unheated premises. In winter, on the contrary - from heated rooms to cold flooring. And when the roof is covered with materials such as copper with a thermal conductivity of 380–407 W/m*C, aluminum (200–221), steel (60), titanium-zinc or metal tiles, then very good thermal insulation, which is not cheap and weighs a lot.

Futuristic titanium-zinc roofing is definitely high style in modern architecture, however, due to the high thermal conductivity of titanium-zinc, without a properly calculated insulating layer, the house is doomed to large heat losses

Otherwise, in winter you will heat the street, and in summer you will swelter from the heat or install expensive climatic equipment. However, it will not help much, but it will consume a lot of electricity. And such materials are not at all suitable for non-insulated roofing structures, since heat loss over the entire heating season will be fabulous. For cold roofs, slate coating, ceramics, concrete tiles, euro slate, straw, rubber, glass, wooden or bitumen shingles are perfect.

Roofs made of wood and euroslate have excellent heat and sound insulation, due to which they perfectly maintain optimal thermal conditions and silence in the house

Roof installation and main stages of installation

Despite the variety of modern coatings, roofing for country house, city cottage or dacha is not much different. The support for all is the rafter system, and the installation method depends on the type of covering material.

They are united by general rules for the design:

  1. The roof ridge should be a beam lying strictly horizontally. To ensure clear horizontality of the ridge, after erecting the rafter system, you need to check the geometry of the slopes. The appearance of the house, the likelihood of leaks, the speed of installation and the economical consumption of materials depend on this. In addition, gable structures must have slopes in the form of a regular rectangle, and hip structures must have slopes in the form of an isosceles trapezoid and triangle. The sheathing will give the slopes a rectangularity, and it will also hide minor distortions. load-bearing elements at home - up to 6 cm.
  2. Before laying the base material at junctions and valleys, the continuous sheathing should be covered with galvanized roofing.

    Elemental estimate standards it is envisaged to lay special additional products or galvanized sheets 600 mm wide in places of valleys and junctions continuous sheathing, securing it with galvanized nails

  3. The bottom beam of the sheathing should be higher than the other laths by the thickness of the roofing material. This will provide a lower point of support and prevent the decking from sagging at the eaves.

    To avoid sagging of the protrusion of the covering material, the first sheathing board is made thicker than the others

  4. All roofing sheets are laid against the rain flow - from bottom to top, and some types are also laid against the prevailing winds - wave sheets, for example.
  5. For attic structures it is necessary to lay additional waterproofing from roofing felt, PE film or roofing felt. For cold roofs, extra waterproofing will not hurt, but it is not necessary.
  6. When installing insulated roofs, it is necessary to provide an air vent of about 2–5 cm between the sheathing and the insulation to prevent saturation of the heat insulator with moisture.

Main stages of installation:

  1. Roof measurement and calculation of materials.
  2. Construction of the rafter system.

    The rafter system ensures the rigidity of the roof structure, so the reliability of the roof, longevity and ability to withstand any influence depend on its calculation

  3. Checking the geometry of the slopes.
  4. Installation cornice strip, front board and holders for gutters.

    One of the cogs of a coherent roof frame is a frontal board installed on the ends of the rafters in the area of ​​the roof eaves

  5. Installation of attic and dormer windows.
  6. Laying waterproofing along the top edge of the rafters.

    When installing any roofs, waterproofing material is laid to protect the insulation and supporting structures from atmospheric moisture and condensation.

  7. Stuffing of counters and sheathings.
  8. Laying roofing.

    The specifics of laying the roof covering depend on the type of covering material and are specified by the manufacturers

  9. Arrangement of the end, ridge, ribs, valleys, exits and junctions.

    It is advisable to finish the chimney before laying the main coating, which will prevent possible damage and contamination of the material

  10. Installation of all insulating materials from the attic side and filing of the ceiling.

    The insulation must fit tightly to the rafters and external walls to avoid “cold bridges” and significant heat loss

  11. Installation of drainage and design of overhangs.

    Installing a drain is a necessary solution to the problem of water drainage from the roof.

  12. Arrangement of an anti-icing system, lightning protection mesh, installation of snow guards.

    Installing snow guards prevents snow from sliding off the roof like an avalanche

Don't forget about safety precautions. When installing a roof, you should not tempt fate and perform stunt tricks. It is better to provide walking bridges and ladders.

The filling of the rafter system - the roofing pie - is also almost the same for all coverings. Sometimes some layers are added, and some are removed, replaced or moved (inversion roofing). All the nuances are specified by the manufacturers of covering materials in the instructions, as well as the laying mechanism.

A standard roofing pie looks like this:

Types of roofing materials

In order to systematize the variety of roofing materials and make it easier for the consumer to choose, they are conditionally grouped according to several main characteristics: according to the form of release, the composition of the initial raw materials and the presence of a base - basic ones based on fiberglass, polyester, cardboard, fiberglass or foil and baseless ones.

Depending on the composition, roofing sheets are:

  • organic - modified bitumen, tar, polymers, wood;
  • silicate coatings - asbestos cement and tiles;
  • and metal roofs - steel, copper, zinc, aluminum.

Based on appearance and size, covering materials are divided into:

  • for sheet materials - designed for quickly covering large areas;

    Roofs made of corrugated sheets are considered economical and durable, but, like everything else, metal coatings, have a significant drawback - high thermal and electrical conductivity

  • piece products - they are distinguished by prestige and give a luxurious look to the roof;

    Elite slate coating is characterized by amazing beauty, high strength and durability, but it is very expensive and heavy

  • self-leveling/mastic - form a seamless sealed flooring;

    Self-leveling roofing is waterproofing coating, forming an elastic and dense membrane on the roof surface

  • as well as rolls - universal materials that are excellent for flat and pitched structures.

    Roll coverings are the most common among economy class covering materials, and due to innovative technologies they are very stylish

Classification by release form, where each group combines products with similar properties and installation features, is the most complete and before choosing, it is advisable to view it in order to have an idea about a future purchase. Let's take a closer look at each group and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the materials included in it.

Video: types of roofs

Sheet roofing

Sheet roofing is widespread in the domestic market due to its ease of installation, durability, depending on production technology, and cost-balanced performance properties.

Metal tiles

These are multilayer large sheets of galvanized steel with a cross-wave section, similar from a distance to natural ceramics. The top of the sheets is covered with a protective polymer composition- pural, plastisol, polyester or natural crumb - what determines the appearance of the material, its durability and price.

Advantages of metal tiles:

Disadvantages of metal tiles:

Leading manufacturers are Ruukki (Finland), Grand Line (Russia), Metalloprofil (Russia), Pelti ja Rauta (Finland), Mera System (Sweden), Stynergy (Russia). The price of metal tiles varies from 260 (economy) to 600 rubles/m² (premium products).

Video: review of metal tiles

Metal profile

Modern corrugated sheeting is an attractive budget material with good performance indicators, main feature which are drainage grooves along the edge of the sheet (product marking R). For the most part, metal profiles have found application in the construction of fences and enclosures, agricultural-industrial and shopping complexes, garages and outbuildings. Houses are rarely covered with it, although various colors, matte or glossy coatings make it possible to choose a metal profile to suit any exterior.

Roofs made of corrugated sheets are resistant to temperature changes, precipitation and fire, and also have high anti-corrosion properties provided by the polymer coating of corrugated sheets

The advantages and disadvantages of corrugated sheeting are the same as those of metal tiles. However, the metal profile:

All this is a definite advantage, as it gives scope for design imagination, reduces the consumption of materials and the cost of installation work. In addition, metal profile sheets have good corrosion resistance, rigidity and resistance to aggressive environments.

The main suppliers of corrugated sheets are Ruukki (France), the metallurgical concern Dongbu Steel (South Korea), the secret of which is the offset printing technique, which allows you to apply a protective coating with a pattern on a galvanized sheet, the Blachy Pruszynski company (Poland), Metalloprofil (Russia), “ Grand Line (Russia), Eugene (Russia), Stynergy (Russia).

The service life of corrugated sheeting is from 1 year to 30 years, depending on the quality of the colored polymer coating, and the price is mainly proportional to the thickness of the zinc layer - from 160 rubles/m² with reduced galvanizing (80–100 g/m²) to 900 rubles/m² ( with a zinc layer of 140–275 g/m²).

Video: how to choose corrugated sheets


Euro slate (ondulin) consists of cellulose fibers impregnated with bitumen and coated with thermite resins or mineral compounds that increase the moisture resistance of the material and resistance to negative atmospheric influences.

In the production of ondulin, cellulose fibers under high pressure acquire a perfect appearance and amazing strength.

Until recently, ondulin was mostly used to cover small architectural buildings, but the flexibility of the material and the ability to freely cover roofs of complex shapes, its naturalness, lightness and rich colors are increasingly attracting the attention of owners of private houses. And for good reason - among sheet materials Euroslate meets the requirements for arranging a high-quality roof more than others.

The ability to choose the desired color harmony with the facade makes ondulin a popular covering material

Advantages of bitumen slate:

  • the lightness of the material, thanks to which it can be laid when replacing the roof with an old slate or metal covering;
  • heat resistance - at 110 ºC does not change shape if not subject to load;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • good sound insulation and water resistance;
  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation - ondulin sheets fade evenly, due to which the harmful effects of the sun are unnoticeable for a long time, but if you compare the slopes on the southern and northern sides, the difference in color is noticeable after the first season;
  • high strength - can easily withstand loads of up to 960 kgf/m², and wind forces of up to 354 km/h.

Cons of ondulin:

  • vulnerability to sudden temperature fluctuations, moss and fungus;
  • low fire safety class.

The main producers of Euro slate are: Onduline (France), which has production capacity in Russia, Corrubit (Turkey), Bituwell (Germany), Aqualine (Belgium), Nuline (USA). The cost of ondulin is from 200 rubles/m². The service life is about 30–40 years, but manufacturers only guarantee the waterproofness of the material for 15 years, and then only if the specified conditions are met.

Video: do-it-yourself ondulin roofing


Slate is asbestos-cement flat or corrugated sheets. It occupies a strong position in the roofing materials market due to its characteristics:

The main disadvantage of slate is the presence of asbestos, which is a carcinogen that causes many serious diseases, which is why regular slate is prohibited for use in Europe. Its analogue, chrysotile slate, has proven itself well as being safer for the health of others, which is why it is readily used to cover the roofs of residential buildings.

Deposits of chrysotile asbestos are located in Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Canada, Central Asia, which are its main suppliers to the market. Among domestic producers The products of Volna Plant LLC, Bryansk Asbestos Cement Plant LLC, Belatsi JSC, Lato, Orenburg Minerals, and Fibrotek company are in demand. The shelf life of slate roofing is up to 30 years.

Video: slate is an excellent roofing material

Seam roofing

Coverings made of non-ferrous metals are, of course, very beautiful and stylish, as well as reliable in terms of water resistance due to the special seam connection of the panels.

Seam roofing is the most modernized and durable way to protect a house from negative influence any weather conditions

The main advantages are durability (50–150 years) and tightness. However, there is a huge disadvantage - high thermal conductivity. For example, for galvanizing with a thickness of 0.5 mm (0.0005 m) and a thermal conductivity of steel of 60 W/m*C, the heat transfer resistance will be only 0.0005:60=0.000008, and for copper even less - 0.000001 . While the minimum required resistance according to SNiP II-3–79 and 02–23–2003 is 1.79 m²*°C/W and is provided for the southern regions (Sochi). Therefore, seam roofs, like metal tiles or metal profiles, need a very good compensator.

Heat transfer resistance reflects the heat-protective properties of the enclosing structure, and all requirements regulating heat transfer resistance according to SNiP are divided by region

In this regard, a seam roof made of galvanized steel will be the most economical in cost and energy consumption during its operation. One square meter of such a roof will cost about 2,000 rubles (160 rubles/m² for steel plus the production of paintings and installation). Copper and aluminum roofing - from 500 to 3000 rubles/m² and titanium-zinc Rheinzink - more than 3500 rubles/m² only for the material.

A huge selection of colors for aluminum, as well as the noble patina of copper and titanium-zinc make such coatings exceptional in beauty and aesthetics

In addition, standing seam roofs:

  • due to the smoothness of the slopes, they do not hold back the snow, which is why it slides off like an avalanche, so the installation of snow retainers is necessary;
  • accumulate static charge well, which will require lightning protection;
  • and are characterized by low resistance to mechanical influences - you need to move on such a roof with extreme caution.

The leading manufacturers of seam sheets are the Grand Line plant (Russia), the Prushinski company, Imada Production Association (Belarus), Ruukki (Finland, Estonia), and the KME Group concern (Germany), specializing in copper roofing. As well as the Prefa company (Austria), the French software Alcoa, Rheinzink (Germany) and the Kalzip business unit, which has no equal in the production of aluminum roofs and facades.

Video: advantages of seam roofing

Polycarbonate roofing

The main task of transparent roofs is to provide additional natural light inside the house. In this regard, the following requirements are imposed on translucent materials:

Among translucent materials, polycarbonate best meets all this requirement, which is used to cover gazebos, canopies, greenhouses, parking lots, barbecue areas and children's playgrounds.

Due to its high strength and ease of installation, polycarbonate is widely used in the construction of greenhouses, canopies, gazebos, and pool pavilions.

But in last years This plastic and beautiful material has found wide application in roofing, creating structures that are truly mesmerizing in beauty.

The use of polycarbonate for roofing is a new direction in architecture, the goal of which is to visually expand the space and ensure free penetration of sunlight into the house

The disadvantage of polycarbonate is its greater susceptibility to linear expansion compared to load-bearing structures, which must be taken into account when drawing up the project. Monolithic polymer with a thickness of 5 mm or more and honeycomb polymer with a thickness of 16 mm or more should not be fixed only with self-tapping screws. A floating fastening method must be used to allow the material to move within the guides.

The largest producers of polycarbonate are the Russian Yug-Oil-Plast, the Kronos plant, Karboglass and SafPlast Innovative, as well as the Bayer company (Germany). average price ranges from 125 RUR/m² (cellular) to 7300 RUR/m² (monolithic textured), and the service life is up to 10 years, depending on the thickness of the panel and the manufacturer.

Video: choosing polycarbonate

Roofing made of piece materials

Piece materials have been used for roofing for a long time. Over time, thanks to new technologies, innovative piece coatings with high performance characteristics appear, and the old ones are improved and do not lose their popularity.

Ceramic tiles are the queen of roofing materials with a centuries-old history. Over the centuries, ceramic tiles have been modified, changing their appearance to a more modern one, however, without losing their advantages, which include:

A significant plus in favor of ceramic shingles is that despite the large weight, when laying ceramics, a reinforced rafter system is not needed. A standard one with an increased rafter pitch will be sufficient.

The downside is that, like any organic material, ceramic roofing can become overgrown with moss and lichen over time. That’s why the coating needs to be treated with copper-containing compounds from time to time ( copper sulfate) or install a special device on the roof that will saturate atmospheric moisture with copper ions, which prevent the spread of moss.

Reliable manufacturers of ceramic tiles - Terreal (France), Jacobi (Germany), Braas (Germany, Poland), Roben (Poland), Tondach (Czech Republic). The price for ceramic tiles is 800–1700 rubles/m².

Video: installation of ceramic tiles

Another worthy representative natural coatings. Concrete tiles are made from quartz sand, cement, water and dyes based on iron oxides. It is not produced by firing, like ceramics, but by hardening cement at low temperatures, due to which concrete shingles have a significant advantage over ceramic coating:

  • cement-sand tiles are lighter;
  • cheaper - 300–700 rubles/m²;
  • more economical to install;
  • and provide better sound insulation.

At the same time, they are durable - a service life of more than 100 years, fire-resistant, do not corrode, withstand any weather conditions, are environmentally friendly, are well ventilated and create a beautiful volumetric covering on the roof.

One of the main criteria that distinguishes high-quality concrete tiles is high density and low porosity of the material, while the pores should be predominantly closed

The main disadvantages of concrete tiles are massiveness, a high percentage of scrap due to careless transportation and high cost. The most reliable manufacturers are Braas (Germany, Russia), Sea wave (Sweden), and Zabudova holding (Belarus).

Video: cement-sand tiles - properties, production, selection

Slate roofs belong to the elite category, capable of radically changing the look at any building and emphasizing the high status of the owners.

Of the natural roofing materials, slate is the most refined, aesthetic, natural and environmentally friendly, therefore slate roofs are designed for people who have good taste and a desire to preserve family traditions

However, they are quite rare in residential construction. This is due to the high price - from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles / m² - and the lack of roofers who know how to work with stone. Although in Lately Artificial slate, which is much easier to work with, began to be supplied to the domestic market. It is also made from natural raw materials and is not inferior in anything natural stone, and in some respects even surpasses it.

Video: artificial slate

Advantages of natural slate coatings:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • long service life - more than 200 years;
  • lack of maintenance and repair for the next 100 years after installation;
  • strength;
  • ease of processing, which allows you to cover the most fantastically shaped roofs with slate;
  • excellent noise, hydro and heat insulation properties;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, acids and alkalis, as well as sudden temperature changes.

Video: Penrhyn Welsh slate

The disadvantages of slate tiles include a weak color range, heavy weight and the fact that the naturalness of the stone can only be determined in laboratory conditions. Therefore, when purchasing slate coating, focus on the products of proven and reliable manufacturers - Welsh Slate (England), Rathscheck Schiefer (Germany), Cupa Rizarras (Brazil, Spain, France, Portugal). Among the suppliers of artificial slate, the American company Tapco Inc (Inspire slate) enjoys authority.

Artificial slate tiles are an excellent imitation of natural slate with excellent characteristics that are superior in many respects to their natural counterpart

Flexible tiles

Soft tiles are a modern, high-quality roofing material that can reliably protect a home from negative influences. environment. Shingles are made from fiberglass, modified bitumen resins and colored mineral chips. Such roofs are functional, aesthetically attractive and give scope to design ideas.

Roofs made of soft tiles are functional, reliable and aesthetically attractive, and also allow you to implement original ideas for the design of roofs and facades in any style.

Advantages of flexible tiles:

  • low weight of bitumen plates;
  • high tensile and abrasion strength of the finished coating;
  • fire safety - ignition temperature from +300 ºC;
  • excellent resistance to ultraviolet radiation and climatic loads;
  • heat resistance, waterproof, silent and lightning protection;
  • immunity to corrosion, rotting, acids and alkalis;
  • lack of windage and avalanche-like snowfall;
  • long service life - up to 50 years;
  • efficiency and a reasonable price - from 235 to 1300 rubles / m² - which allows you to choose coverage to suit any financial capabilities.

Disadvantages of soft tiles:

  • special requirements for installation - the presence of continuous flooring, valley and lining carpet;
  • low resistance to hail, which can damage the coating;
  • the possibility of burnout and moss formation in regions with high humidity;
  • mandatory arrangement of good ventilation.

Reliable manufacturers of bituminous shingles - Icopal (Denmark), Katepal (Finland), Shinglas (TechnoNIKOL, Russia), Kerabit (Finland), Tegola (Italy), Ruflex (Russia), Owens Corning (USA), which provides a lifetime guarantee for your products.

Video: features and advantages of soft tiles

Roll roofing

Roll roofing has always been in demand due to its availability and low cost. But in recent years, rolled materials have acquired exquisite colors and new laying technologies, as a result of which they have become stylish and elegant, reminiscent of seam coverings from afar.

Roll roofing is a flexible waterproofing coating consisting of several layers, which, depending on the type of material, are fused or glued to cold or hot mastic

Advantages of roll flooring:

  • strength, versatility and elasticity;
  • resistance to wear and burnout;
  • high waterproofing;
  • wide choice and ease of installation;
  • the lowest price among all roofing materials - from 120 rubles/m².

A type of roll materials are membrane coverings used on flat structures and characterized by durability - some flooring can last up to 100 years. And also armohydrobutyl - roll polymers based on butyl rubber and chlorosulfopolyethylene, laid on a flat surface and glued with butyl rubber mastic.

The products of Technonikol (Russia), CJSC Luberit (Russia), Solveig (Belgium) and Kerabit (Finland) are in great demand on the domestic market.

Video: one of the most beautiful coatings - Kerabit 7 with triangular slats

Self-leveling roofs

Mastic (self-leveling) roofing is a multi-layer coating of liquid or semi-liquid mastics, which after hardening form an airtight and durable film.

The mastic is applied to the base in liquid form, and after the solvent evaporates it hardens, forming a continuous seamless waterproofing film

Advantages of self-leveling roofing:

  • ease of application;
  • typical structure of a roofing pie;
  • high elasticity seamless coating, as well as its strength, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, weathering and chemicals;
  • considerable service life and affordable price - from 260 rubles / kg.

For the production of mastics, the Ruftehno plant (Russia), the Technonikol corporation (Russia), Ruvitex Industry Corporation (Bulgaria) with a branch in Russia (P. Karaminchev plant) are trustworthy.

Unusual roofing coverings

Exotic roofs include reed, wood and rubber roofing. Such roofs are rare and, to be honest, they are not for everyone. Although they are not devoid of originality and attractiveness.

Photo gallery: rare roofing coverings

In addition to its environmental properties, shingle roofs have technical advantages - when laid, small gaps are formed between the fragments, ensuring the process of self-ventilation
Ploughshare is an ancient Russian roofing material mainly made from aspen, which over time acquires a beautiful silver color, and at sunset it shimmers with gold.
In order for a reed roof to be beautiful, reliable and durable, it is necessary to use high-quality stems, collected and prepared for installation according to certain rules
Rubber tiles are made from recycled materials, but thanks to recycling technology, they are an environmentally friendly material, do not harm the health of others and do not emit hazardous substances

All of them are environmentally friendly and have good performance characteristics and a considerable service life. However, they are highly flammable (except for rubber roofing) and very expensive. This is affected by the peculiarities of the procurement of raw materials, its insufficient quantity in nature, as well as the specifics of making shingles and their installation - you need to try very hard to make a beautiful ploughshare, for example, and lay it out correctly.

Video: reed roofing, preparation and installation

Roof fire protection

When arranging the roof, it is necessary to take into account not only the operational parameters of roofing decking. Due to the flammability of materials, it is necessary to provide protection for coatings from possible ignition and spread of fire. Those at particular risk include bitumen decks, thatched roofs and wooden ones. Therefore, such coatings will have to be periodically treated with fire retardants in order to avoid spontaneous combustion as much as possible. An exception can only be made for flexible tiles, which, thanks to modified bitumen, have a high fire resistance coefficient, and for high-quality wood, initially impregnated with fire-fighting compounds. The least dangerous are ceramic and cement-sand products, rubber tiles and natural stones.

Video: fire safety of various covering materials

The choice of roofing should be taken seriously. Look first of all at its compliance with the local climate and the capacity of the load-bearing structures of the house. Study the physical and technical characteristics of the covering material, calculate the probable heat loss and associated upcoming energy costs. Only after this should you focus on the manufacturer’s reliability and the price offered. Good luck to you.

What is the best way to cover a roof? This question arises for almost everyone who has decided to renew the roof of their home. Choosing a roofing material is not an easy task. The performance properties of the finished structure directly depend on how correctly the decision was initially made in favor of a particular material.

Among the variety of roofing materials that are on the market today, everyone can choose the ideal material that fully meets all requirements.

Choosing roofing material

When choosing the type of covering for the roof of a house, you should pay attention not only to its appearance. First of all, you need to take into account the technical characteristics of the building material. It is also necessary to evaluate the strength of the rafters and what load they can withstand.

High-quality roofing material must have the following properties:

  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • tightness.

When deciding on the choice of roofing material for the roof, you should compare them according to the above parameters and choose best option. It must also be taken into account that roofing coverings vary depending on the type of installation.

They can be:

  • roll;
  • leafy;
  • piece;
  • mastic.

Sheet roofing coverings include materials such as slate, metal tiles, ondulin and corrugated sheets. Each of them has its own advantages and their prices vary. The most common roll covering is roofing felt.

The cost of this material is very affordable, but it must be laid on a solid base. Piece roofing coverings appeared relatively recently; the size of 1 sheet usually varies within 1 square meter - these are materials such as slate tiles and bitumen, ceramic, polymer-sand tiles.

DIY roof covering

Covering a roof is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can easily handle this on your own. How to properly cover a roof and what should you pay attention to?

The first thing you need to do is evaluate the angle of the roof, this will allow you to determine which side to start laying on, and in what sequence.

Covering a roof is not just about laying roofing material correctly on its surface. Don't forget about such important elements as:

  • ventilation;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier.

Step-by-step instructions: how to cover a roof

The first layer is laid on the rafters with a special vapor barrier material, which is quite thin and is fastened using a stapler. The resulting seams must be taped with construction tape.

Next, a layer of insulation is laid, the thickness of which may vary depending on weather conditions in the area where the house is located.

It is not advisable to use insulation with a thickness of less than 200 mm, as it will not fully perform its function. The insulation can be rolled or tile. This material tightly fills the gaps between the rafters.

Next comes the installation of special waterproofing membrane, which serves reliable protection roofs from condensation. The waterproofing material must be rolled out horizontally, starting from the eaves and moving towards the ridge. The rolls need to be joined together on the rafters with an overlap.

The final stage is laying the roofing material itself. Its installation depends on what type of covering is chosen for the roof.

As can be seen from step by step instructions, it is quite possible to cover the roof with your own hands. This will require a little effort and time. The roofing material must be laid as tightly as possible, avoiding cracks and gaps.

And the gaps between the covering and the roof ridge can be eliminated using special seal. The ridge itself can be rectangular or semicircular - it all depends on individual preferences and on what material is chosen for the roof.

The most difficult thing in covering a roof is deciding on the type of main roofing material and correctly calculating its required quantity. The most popular today are: roofing materials, such as corrugated sheeting, ondulin and metal tiles.

When starting roofing work, you need to remember that there is no need to rush in this matter. All processes must be carried out with the highest possible quality, because the general condition of the house directly depends on the roof.

When performing all work, you should not neglect safety precautions and be extremely careful. If you have any questions at any stage of roof covering, you can look at photos of how to cover a roof on the Internet and everything will become clear. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties, because they are all easily solved.