5 most in-demand professions. What high-paying professions are in demand now?

The question “Where should I go to study?” This problem is acute for graduates: often, upon entering an educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they are choosing. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespeare club.

To choose a secondary school for your child abroad, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, and we will also prepare your child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as quality future profession what they have a penchant for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign schoolchildren already know what they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates lose interest in studying by the end of their studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get more modern education in your field, consider enrolling in a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Find out more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most of the higher educational institutions- these are also research centers with their own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in the development of large companies.

Studying at a foreign university gives you the opportunity to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that Russian universities Not yet.

The carefree summer season has passed, school has begun, and future school graduates are faced with an important, life-changing dilemma. Is it worth continuing education after 9th or 11th grade? What professions will be in demand in the future? Which educational institution and choose the direction of preparation? Many have already made up their minds, others are acting on the advice of their parents, and some are still thinking about it. To help tomorrow's applicants, we present an overview - the most popular and highly paid professions in Russia.
We’ll let you know right away that the rating was prepared on the basis of official statistics from the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Russian Federation for 6 months of this year and contains only vacant positions.
Therefore, the answer to the question: “What are the highest paid professions in Russia?” – will seem unexpected to many. The reason is that among those represented there are no consistently staffed specialties related to finance, bureaucracy, energy resource extraction, or service in law enforcement agencies.


1 - captain of an ocean liner

The ranking of highly paid professions is headed by the captain of a civil ocean-going merchant ship - the average monthly salary wages is about 500 thousand rubles.
The demand from potential employers is impressive. Why is it the most popular? There are several determining factors:

  • Less than 10 educational institutions throughout the country provide training for seafarers. Most train naval specialists
  • the requirements for men who want to master the best of the top highly paid professions are extremely high: the availability of the necessary personal qualities, physical endurance, moral stability, sailing experience
  • high rates of shipbuilding, commissioning of new ships

The following fact is even more surprising: maritime personnel are needed almost everywhere. Just look, for example, at the list of in-demand professions in Australia.

2 – aircraft commander

The second place in the top 10 list of highly paid professions in Russia is confidently occupied by another representative of the Russian transport industry - air travel.
The specialty of an aircraft commander (average salary of 320 thousand rubles) turned out to be in demand due to an acute shortage of personnel.
Many experts explain this fact by the massive transition of Russian pilots to work for Chinese aviation companies. However, the forecast for 2018 is that the outflow will stop, the position will no longer be included in the list of in-demand professions.

3 – chief technologist of the gold mining industry

The top three winners in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are closed by the chief technologist of the gold mining industry (average monthly salary 312 thousand rubles).
According to many analysts, soon the “palm” in the demand for specialists among the extractive industries will once again return to the oil industry. Reason: launch large-scale projects in the vastness of Siberia and the Far East.
Therefore, when looking through the review of the most in-demand professions of 2018, do not be surprised if you see the position of head of an oil production site somewhere in the Primorsky Territory, Yakutia.

4 – head hockey coach

Why was the head coach of the hockey team among the top 10? Let's name a few reasons:

  • Hockey, along with football, are popular sports. About 65 thousand people play hockey in our country, the fifth world figure (ahead are Canada, the USA, the Czech Republic, Sweden), the number of amateur hockey players goes beyond reasonable limits
  • the number of officially registered teams, including women's, youth, children's and youth teams, exceeds three hundred
  • Only 12 universities train coaching staff, 4 are specialized in hockey (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk)
  • Even the clubs of the most elite Russian league, the Continental Hockey League, carry out a huge rotation of coaching staff. Based on the results of the 2016–2017 season alone, 20 new specialists were recruited to work as head coaches (a total of 27 teams compete)
  • The average salary of the head coach of a hockey team is high - 300 thousand rubles.

5 – construction site manager

The most in-demand profession in construction is site manager. Across the country, there has been a steady decline in the volume of new development by 10–15%, however, the influx of young personnel continues.
Therefore, many experts predict a reduction in demand for the specialty. The expected result is that the ranking of the highest paid professions 2018 will be without representatives of this industry.
We've reached the middle of the rankings! But all of the above-mentioned in-demand professions in 2018 in Russia are more suitable for men. Where are the high-paying professions for girls? Go ahead…

6 – dentist

The position of a doctor, suitable for representatives of the fair half of humanity, was in the sixth position of the top ones. The average salary of a dentist in Russia is about 200 thousand rubles.
True, it is worth saying that in order to obtain the necessary permission to practice independently as a doctor in this specialty, you must graduate from a medical university, the training period is 7–8 years.

7 – risk manager

The list continues with a new specialty that originated in America, and subsequently received widespread Worldwide.
The main tasks of a risk manager are strategic management of the company, identifying potential dangers of doing business, identifying and analyzing existing risks.
It is not easy to train a specialist of such a wide range, so there is unlikely to be an appropriate area of ​​training in Russian universities. However, the work is interesting and highly paid, salaries are about 200 thousand rubles.

8 – electrical engineer

What “domestic” professions will be in demand in Russia in 2018-2025? “Our national” specialty – electrical engineer – is in eighth position in the ranking!
The truth remains a mystery how the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection calculated the average size wages (195 thousand rubles)?

9 – analyst in the field of information science and computer technology

The Russian labor market is full of vacancies in the field of computer science and computer technology. Which profession is the most profitable among them: programmer, web designer, database administrator? The answer is simple - analyst, average salary - 195 thousand rubles.

10 – co-pilot of the aircraft


The second ten ranking of the most popular specialties are: architects, design engineers, pharmaceutical chemists, marketers, PR managers, ecologists, IT specialists, tourism industry workers, therapists, logisticians.


The specialty of psychology, so beloved by many applicants, is not on the list. Enter the search query, “what are the highest paid professions in Moscow?” – the position is not even in the distribution received. There is reason to think about the salary for graduates choosing professions after 9th or 11th grade.
Let us remind you that earlier the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection published a rating of industries with the highest and lowest salaries. Specialists in the financial banking sector receive the most (average salary 78 thousand rubles), and agricultural workers receive the least (21.4 thousand rubles).
The main conclusion that comes to mind is that a truly decent, well-paid job can only be found with a specialized higher education.
The main thing is to follow the advice of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius: “Choose a profession that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Every year thousands of graduates and their parents stand in front of difficult choice: Which higher education institution to choose for admission? Choosing a future profession is one of the most important steps in life. It is great if a person chooses a future field of activity based on his own recognition, but it is desirable that it also brings tangible income. The topic of our article is.

Average salary: 25 thousand rubles

Opens our rating the most prestigious professions in Russia such a specialty as freelancer. With the development of modern technologies, the time has come when for a fruitful and successful work there is no need to come to the office every day. A freelancer can just as easily work at home, in a cozy and comfortable environment. He does not need to waste precious time getting ready and traveling to his place of work - it is always nearby. Such an employee provides the employer with many benefits - he works no worse than usual office workers, but a freelancer is paid not for the amount of time spent, but for the work performed. There is no need to create for it workplace, pay for vacation and sick leave. Another advantage is that the employer can refuse the services of a freelancer at any time, while it is not always easy to fire a full-time employee.

No wonder today everything more people in Russia and the world chooses the profession of freelancer. They receive an average of 25 thousand rubles and more.

Average salary: 30 - 60 thousand rubles

In 9th place among the most prestigious professions in Russia - sales managers. They are in great demand in the service sector. Most of all, employers value active employees who are well versed in the goods or services they offer to consumers and who know how to find an approach to clients. Communication, professionalism, and the ability to build relationships with customers are the qualities of high-quality sales managers for which employers are willing to pay a lot of money. Labor market experts predict that this profession will be in demand in Russia for decades to come.

The average salary of sales managers is from 30 to 60 thousand rubles.

Nano and biotechnology specialist

Nanotechnology and biotechnology- one of the most promising areas modern science. Most countries understand this and actively support developments in this direction. It is obvious that the state that is the first to make a breakthrough in this area will have an advantage and can become a world leader. In this light, specialties related to nanotechnology look very promising and prestigious. There are very few specialists in this field of science, so each new development brings huge sums to its creators.

Biotechnologists and nanotechnologists receive on average from 30 to 65 thousand rubles.

Average salary: 50 thousand rubles

In 7th place among the most prestigious professions in Russia are marketers. Despite the stagnation, consumers are still actively interested in new products on the market. Experts predict that in the next few years the market will gradually fill with goods domestic production, for the promotion of which marketers will be needed. Correct, competent marketing is an important component of a company’s success in the market. Most manufacturers know this and are willing to pay good amounts of money to highly qualified marketers.

The salary of a marketing director can start from 300 thousand rubles. Of course, first of all it will depend on the level of the company. The average salary of a marketer in the country is about 50 thousand rubles.

Average salary: 40 thousand rubles

Specialties in the field are still of interest to graduates financial sector. – one of the most prestigious professions in Russia. He is checking accounting, audit of financial statements, books of account and other documents. If necessary, advises the organization and adjusts accounting. The auditor can either be part of the company’s staff or be invited from outside.

The average salary is about 40 thousand rubles.

Web programmer and designerAverage salary: 40 - 200 thousand rubles

In recent years, one of the most popular, highly paid and prestigious professions in Russia are IT–. The field of computer support is one of the most promising professions of the future. Nowadays, no company can do without promoting its products on the Internet. IT specialists receive salaries comparable to those of economists and lawyers. It should be noted that the area information technologies– one of the fastest growing industries. Gradually, new professional areas will appear in it, which means that specialists in this field of activity will be in demand in the future. IT specialties are in 5th place in the ranking of the most prestigious professions in Russia.

The salary range is from 40 to 200 thousand rubles.

Engineer Average salary: 35 - 60 thousand rubles

– in 4th place in the list of the most prestigious professions in Russia. The shortage of specialists in industrial production is increasingly felt, so engineers are becoming increasingly in demand. Employers are most interested in graduates from their technical universities. Engineers receive an average of 35 to 60 thousand rubles.

Medic Average salary: 45 - 70 thousand rubles

They continue to be included in the list of the most popular and prestigious professions. First of all, specialists of a narrow profile are required. Due to the fact that there is now a clear shortage of medical workers in the country, graduates can be sure that any medical institution will gladly accept them. Among doctors, dentists have the highest earnings - they can count on a salary of 45-70 thousand rubles.

Average salary: 50 - 80 thousand rubles

In second place in the ranking of the most prestigious professions in Russia is programmer. Specialists high level in this area are valued very highly and can count on a good salary from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. The programmer's responsibilities include development and configuration software. In Russia, 1C programmers are now most valued.

Average salary: 40 - 120 thousand rubles

Ranks 1st among the most prestigious professions in Russia. Professionals in this field are needed almost everywhere. Lawyers with knowledge of international law are especially valued, as they can support contracts with the organization’s foreign partners. The disadvantage of this profession is that employers are more willing to hire lawyers with extensive work experience, and young professionals will first have to work for the future before they are hired for a highly paid position.

On average, a lawyer receives from 40 to 120 thousand rubles.

Of course, time dictates its own rules for everyone, but it has a special impact on the younger generation. But regardless of the year, choosing a future profession for an applicant is always and will not be an easy task. Few of the 16-17 year olds have a clear idea of ​​who and where they want to work.

In addition, you have to take into account the percentage of unpredictable life factors, namely: sudden change course, both political and economic, the level of social and economic development, military situation.

If you choose a profession that is very relevant today, you may find yourself unsuccessful tomorrow. And here, everything will depend on the person and his ability to transform into one state or another, his reaction speed and adequacy in assimilating information.

Now, young people are ahead of previous generations in many of the above: their speed and ability to adapt to changes can only be envied. However, there is still a certain list of professions that are most in demand among employers. Let's take a look at this list.


Top 10 areas in the labor market that were in greatest demand from employers:

IT specialist

The most in demand now are professionals in the field of information technology. The need for such personnel exceeds all conceivable and inconceivable limits. Thousands of companies need system administrators, developers, programmers and web programmers. And given the degree of development of this area, the demand for IT specialists will only grow every year.

Design engineer

Specialists construction industry are in great demand on the labor market like no other. Taking into account the high-speed pace and amazing scale of current and planned construction projects, as well as the relatively low passing score for technical specialties, mastering this promising profession is available to the vast majority of those interested. Architects and designers are no less in demand in this industry.


There has traditionally been a shortage of teaching staff in the area. Schools continue to find it difficult to find qualified and talented teachers. But there is hope that in the future, subject to a revision of the wages of educators and the very structure of educational institutions, this profession will become not only in demand, but also popular among young people.

Lawyer, policeman

Lawyers are in high demand on the labor market, but they need serious experience, which only comes with age. This is, so to speak, work for the future. Professionals with a legal education are needed in almost any organization. The profession of a police officer is also gaining popularity. This is due to the increase in wages and the recently carried out reforms in the field of law and order.


Despite the fact that in the recent past the medical profession was not particularly popular, now there is an urgent need for truly professional medical workers. At the same time, specialists of a narrow profile are especially in demand: nutritionists, speech therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists. But there is a clear shortage of doctors, as well as teachers, and this industry will gladly welcome a specialist of any profile. Surgeons, traumatologists and dentists remain the highest paid.

Marketer, logistician

Marketers are needed in almost every field of activity. The market, oversaturated with goods and services, requires competent professionals, of whom there are very few now. These specialists are called upon to monitor the market and predict what products or services are currently needed. Logistics and customs workers are no less in demand. These relatively young activities are only gaining momentum every year.

Personnel specialist

Extension staffing, an increase in the size of the organization and, accordingly, an increase in the staff of employees who need to be selected, tested, and concluded employment and other contracts with them, leads to a high demand for personnel workers in each organization.

Professional worker

Here we're talking about about qualified machinists, mechanics, electricians, welders, for whom there has been a constant demand in recent years. And it's not a joke. The development of industrial and mining complexes requires truly professional hands. Not everyone is capable of accomplishing what modern design engineers draw and design. The scope of servicing existing machines is also wide.

Beauty industry specialist

Stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers are especially needed due to the rapid growth in the number of beauty salons and, in fact, the demand for beauty itself.

In recent years, the profession of ecologist has become in demand. And this is connected, first of all, with, to put it mildly, the environmental situation in Russia and in the world as a whole that leaves much to be desired.


Experts believe that in the near future engineers will remain the most in demand, technical specialists and production managers. Physicians, chemists and biologists will also be required. Nano- and biotechnologies will not stand still, so specialists in these areas will become necessary.

High technologies have not only become a part of our lives; it is difficult to imagine even one day without them. So in the future, professional IT specialists, programmers and computer software developers will be required.

Every year, the tourism sector of the economy and the hotel business are increasingly developing, which means that studying in these specialties in the present can bring good income in the future.

Experts also believe that there will be a demand for quality service and service professionals will be in demand. Finally, protection issues are pressing issues around the world environment, which means environmentalists will be needed.

This is the situation in Russia as a whole. But among other things, you should never forget that true professionals in their field will always be needed, regardless of specialty and industry.