A conspiracy to make bones heal faster after an accident. Fractures and bruises of bones. Spells for the rapid healing of fractures

Thousands of housewives keep violets in their homes. By caring for them, they receive great joy and pleasure. Over the many years of people living side by side with indoor violets, many signs have arisen, allegedly confirming the influence of the latter on the atmosphere in the house and on its owners. Let us introduce you to beneficial properties violets, as well as the most common folk signs and superstitions associated with their cultivation.

It is known that indoor violets not only delight the owner’s eye with their appearance, but can also be beneficial when she is unwell. The green parts of the plant contain essential oils and glycosides, which have medicinal properties. It is believed that these flowers have a beneficial effect on the human body in cases of atherosclerosis, bronchitis, kidney inflammation and joint pain. And best of all they help cope with skin diseases.

  • You can bathe children in violet decoction for diseases such as rickets, scrofula, eczema and other skin rashes.
  • For tinnitus, drink violet tincture.
  • From a Saintpaulia leaf poured with boiling water, a drink is obtained that is drunk like tea for insomnia and neurosis. You should not drink such drinks constantly; take breaks during treatment for a month.

Essential oils of violets are not to the taste of small domestic insects, in particular ants and cockroaches. Just put her pot on the windowsill in a problem room, and the uninvited guests will disappear forever.

In any case, when using medicinal decoctions or infusions of violet, we recommend consulting with your doctor, since its juice contains toxic substances, which in large quantities and when misuse may cause harm to your health.

Application in perfumery

In Parma, Italy, a perfume called “Vera Violetta” is sold. They are made from Parma violets old recipes, which are almost one and a half hundred years old.

It is known that the aroma of violets is an excellent remedy that relaxes the body, pacifies the soul and strengthens the spirit. By smelling this flower, you can recharge with optimism and find strength for healing itself. It is noticed that in wildlife violets often grow on lands enriched with zinc deposits. They are considered unique geologists of the floral world.

Signs associated with violets in the house

Belief in omens imposes responsibility for maintaining violets in proper form, since flowering plant will be an indicator of a healthy family. But it happens that a favorite flower suddenly dies. Don't be too upset. Perhaps he took away the negativity that was intended for you. If a violet dies, it means it has taken on the owner’s illness. Say goodbye to her mentally and thank her for living next to you and decorating your life. In place of the dead one, be sure to plant a young violet. Just put her in good mood, then Saintpaulia will quickly take root and will soon delight you with lush flowering.

In the East they believe that a violet living in a house is a guarantee of peace, harmony and prosperity in the family. It charges the room with positive energy. Where violets bloom, there are no quarrels and scandals, mutual understanding and care reign there. These delicate flowers create coziness and comfort in the house.

Signs associated with the coloring of violets

The color of the inflorescences of indoor violets also plays a role.

  • Violets with red inflorescences, according to some beliefs, attract flows of monetary energy into the house, thereby improving financial well-being his mistress. At the same time, others claim that an unexpectedly blossoming red violet promises its owner passionate love in the near future. Good too.
  • Saintpaulias with purple inflorescences are indicators of love and understanding. They promote spiritual growth and development, strengthen character, help develop intuition and the gift of foresight. We do not recommend placing them in the room where children sleep.
  • Violets with blue flowers suitable for people with creative inclinations, as it is believed that such flowers inspire them to create masterpieces. Blue violets They will quickly help anyone forget about boredom and despondency. They make a person more harmonious, develop him Creative skills. Such violets are great for children's institutions: various studios and school classes.
  • Snow-white violets bring harmony to the house, mute bright emotions and clear the space from negative influence bad thoughts and quarrels. They help relieve fatigue after a hard day at work and emotional stress. They are quite capable of easing mental anguish and driving away dark thoughts. Pots of white violets are ideal for children's rooms - they protect the health and sleep of babies.
  • Saintpaulias with pink and red inflorescences protect health - they prevent diseases of the throat and thyroid gland, and reduce excess appetite. Emotionally, these flowers lift people's spirits and help them feel the joy of life. We recommend getting these violets for people who have a lot of problems in their lives. Thus, a pink violet on a lonely girl’s window encourages her to find her soul mate and start a family. In pessimists, it awakens activity and love of life.

You just have to remember that this delicate flower with inflorescences of any color requires a caring attitude towards yourself. It’s not enough - just water and forget. You need to talk, lovingly touch a leaf, feel the aroma of its flowers. An unloved flower may wither from the absence of a simple morning greeting. Turn the violet pot with the other side towards the light - this will rid the flower of negative energy.

Signs associated with violets received as a gift

If you were given a violet, try to give the giver a few coins in gratitude for this - this will enhance the positive influence of the flower on you and your home.

  • A pot of violets for a single woman or girl from people who are themselves happily married is considered a wonderful gift, since it is believed that the beneficial energy of family well-being will pass on to the new owner of the flower, and she will soon be able to get married.
  • Give a blooming Saintpaulia to a friend who is inert in life, lacking energy, or if her nerves are on edge. Saintpaulia in bloom will create favorable energy in her home, increase her productivity and, at the same time, balance her mental strength. Indoor violets create a field of luck in the house and calm unbalanced people.
  • In the office, a gift of a blooming violet can unite an unfriendly team, help them become friends and get into a working mood.
  • If you were given a blooming purple Saintpaulia, place it in the living room - it will immediately improve the atmosphere in the whole house. Expect that events in your family will soon develop rapidly and brightly.
  • A pink violet received as a gift guarantees the owner success in the company of friends. It is possible that you will very soon become the life of the party and make new pleasant acquaintances.
  • If your lover brought a violet with white flowers as a gift, try to care for it carefully. If it blooms long and abundantly, a happy and long love awaits you. If the violet withers soon, the relationship will soon end.


If you are used to seeing the positive in everything, you will definitely believe in the good signs we described in this article. After all, if a violet has a well-groomed decorative look and constantly blooms, it means she feels good in your home, which means peace, prosperity and happiness reign in it.

Is it possible to grow violets indoors? Folk signs The stories associated with these beautiful flowers are numerous and contradictory. In this article we will try to analyze the main ones, determining the true role of the plant. “In a feminine way”, where violets should be placed so that they bring prosperity and happiness to their owners.

Usambara violets or Saintpaulias come from Africa, but have taken root well on the windowsills of Russian houses. How do the inhabitants of the home where this flower exists feel? It has long been noted that such a green “beauty” creates an atmosphere of comfort and harmony. It prevents and smoothes out conflicts, promotes mutual understanding in a family or team.

Knowledgeable people claim that Saintpaulia also strengthens children's immunity and contributes to building trusting relationships with teenagers.

There is a relationship between the color of flowers and signs, as follows:

  • It is the purple varieties that bestow harmony and promote the development of spirituality;
  • subspecies with red tassels reduce appetite and help lose weight;
  • white inflorescences calm the nerves, put you in an optimistic mood, and are suitable for people with psychological difficulties;
  • blue varieties provide an opportunity to unleash creativity and get rid of boredom;
  • plants with pink petals strengthen marital love and the desire for fidelity.

In addition to signs, violets have practical benefits - they repel insects: ants, cockroaches.

“A fly in the ointment” or a few words about the negative impact of violets

But with distant relatives pansies bad omens are also associated. Girls who grow Saintpaulia may face loneliness and the inability to get married. The thing is that the plant belongs to the category of muzhegons, it energizes women, but can cause weakness and loss of strength in men.

In addition, the violet is considered a “vampire”. During the process of “breathing,” it releases oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at night. Therefore, you can’t put a potty with it in the bedroom - headaches, muscle pain, and fatigue will appear in the morning.

But if the flower withers and withers, then it probably took the “negativity upon itself”, saving the owners from the disease.

Placement and precautions

Therefore, it is possible and necessary to keep a violet in the house, the main thing is to choose one for it. right place. It is better to place Saintpaulia in the kitchen, office, hall where household members gather, or children's room, but it is advisable to take it out of the latter room before going to bed.

In this case, it is necessary to protect it from direct sunlight and water it once a week. It is advisable to entrust her care to married women and children. But it is recommended to hide it higher from foolish children and animals, because violets are poisonous.

According to the latest signs A violet in the house can activate money energy. For this purpose, such perennials, often with purple buds, are placed in the southeastern part of the apartment.

The chest of folk wisdom is filled with many different superstitions about house plants, among which considerable attention is paid to the violet. Hearing that this beautiful flower is capable of bringing bitterness and discord into the family, do not rush to conclusions and find out if this is really so.

Superstitions about the vampire flower

It would seem what a threat a loved one can pose indoor plant, which has given beauty to a home since the times Ancient Greece. Find out why the little neighbor angered the ancestors so much that they began to consider her harmful.

Exists popular belief that the violet is a vampire flower, sucking vitality in sleeping people. Indeed, many owners saintpaulia, who settled her in the bedroom, woke up more than once with a headache and a feeling of malaise. There is an explanation for this.

Like most flowers, violet produces oxygen during the day and absorbs it at night, releasing carbon dioxide. By inhaling it, a person can get mild poisoning, which will manifest itself in muscle weakness and migraine the next morning. It is not necessary to throw away the flower; it is enough just not to keep it in the bedroom or take it to another room before going to bed.

There is a superstition that you should not buy flowers from unknown women. Allegedly, such an acquisition will provide a bad mood and may become an omen of the beginning of a dark streak in life.

Suggestible people tend to believe that the misfortunes that happen to them are the result of the evil eye or damage. acquaintances are usually looked for in last resort, but a stranger may well be suitable for the role of a secret enemy.

While adhering to such tales, refrain from purchasing a copy from an unfamiliar flower boutique.

Often unmarried girls I'm wondering if it's possible to keep violets at home. Signs do not advise people who dream of starting a family to get involved in their breeding. It is popularly believed that Saintpaulia, in other words “husband chaser,” drives potential suitors out of the apartment of young ladies.

However, this superstition has been refuted by many flower growers as unfounded. Surely a couple of beautiful flowers, not threatening women's happiness. It’s another matter when the whole house is furnished with pots of plants, and the poor suitors cannot take a step so as not to touch the vegetation. The fact that it is the violet that will be the culprit of the failed relationship, and not, for example, is very doubtful.

Try to think sensibly about a couple of the following signs:

  • Seeing another person watering violets is a sign of melancholy.
  • Favorite plant for proper care literally withers away before our eyes - it has warded off damage or a serious illness from the owner.

It's easy to see where truth ends and fiction begins. Try to sort through other folk tales about violets in the same way.

Saintpaulia, commonly known as violet, is unpretentious and thanks its owners for proper care. beautiful flowering. Healthy plant considered a harbinger good events and has a positive effect on the energy in the house.

  1. Lush blooming flower capable of bringing happiness to the monastery married couple, and small sprouts with fleshy leaves attract material well-being to the family.
  2. A violet standing by a newborn’s crib will strengthen his immunity.
  3. A violet flower picked before sunrise on Monday helps lonely people find their soulmate.
  4. A violet given as a gift is considered a good sign married woman lonely friend or relative. In this case, the flower will be a sign that its new owner will soon get married.
  5. One discovered flower, different in color from the rest, portends an imminent pregnancy of the hostess. There is information about possible conception
  6. People call “viola” a peacemaker for its ability to reconcile others. When there is distrust and frequent quarrels in the work team, a violet on the windowsill will help improve relationships between colleagues.
  7. It has long been believed that the plant repels harmful insects, such as cockroaches or ants, from the home.

Folk signs exist to warn people about upcoming changes in the future. However, you shouldn’t take what your ancestors invented for granted either, because each new generation is wiser than the previous one. Read what growing promises.

Violet has a positive effect on the energy of the room. Right choice shade will contribute to well-being in the home and help residents get rid of bad thoughts.

For children's well-being, white violets are ideal, as superstitions speak of purity and innocence. neutral shade. It represents the beginning of something new, bright and kind. It is not for nothing that in Rus' the color of the bride’s wedding decoration is white; many beliefs are also associated with it.

A plant with snow-white flowers will instill in the owner of the home a desire to maintain comfort and cleanliness, and will free the household from bad thoughts. As a result, there will be an order of magnitude fewer conflicts in the house.

White violet has a calming effect, so it is indispensable in a monastery where one of the family members is subject to frequent mood swings and suffers from nervous breakdowns. It also makes it easier to experience love breakups and various shocks.

Pink or red viola helps to get rid of obsessive thoughts associated with instincts and carnal desires. She manifests herself as a silent assistant in the fight against overeating. Those who are trying to lose weight to no avail should place a beauty with dawn-colored petals on the windowsill in their room.

Under the influence of the energy of the scarlet and pink inflorescences, even the laziest household members will stop idleness and think only about having fun. The plant variety also affects the health of the inhabitants, increasing their immunity.

If you want to improve the atmosphere in your home, purchase purple Saintpaulia. Absorbing everything negative energy, the plant transforms negativity into positive vibes.

Yesterday's misunderstanding, aggression or rivalry between family members will disappear without a trace the next morning. The purple resident will help you look at problems from the other side, inspire a philosophical approach to troubles and make the owners resistant to ups and downs.

A violet covered in blue flowers will give inspiration creative people. She clears the space of negativity, while at the same time helping to reveal the inner talents of her caregivers.

Learning to draw or play musical instruments will go much faster. Heavenly Saintpaulia helps overcome boredom and get rid of melancholy.

In case of shortage positive emotions or if you want to spend more time with your family having warm, heartfelt conversations, it is recommended to get a blue violet.

Half a minute later another device began to chirp, Yura grabbed the receiver and, hearing the caller, winked at Nastya. From his meager remarks it was impossible to realize Fr. There is a speech. He finally hung up and smiled broadly. Nastya burst into tears. With your hands. Indeed, the water had already boiled for a long time and was now gurgling in the highest clay chamber. The mug was so desperate that it spilled onto the floor. She frantically pulled the plug out of the socket, but there was still water in the mug. There's not enough left. Nastya obediently trudged along.

Fyodor asked, casting a mean glance at the bottles. Cigarettes. Water. Mineral, fruit, still, Sprite, Dr. Pepper, cola. Hot. Snacks. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, fresh whites, shish kebab with side dishes. Italian salads. Crab, shrimp, ham. Hot tea. The coffee is hot, dark and with milk. The door swung open and Oleg saw a strong, middle-sized man. Tall in a small black terry robe. His hair was wet, and Oleg realized what the tenant perceived.

He's on a business trip, and you're acting weird. Don’t call me names, otherwise I won’t give you a cot, you’ll sleep on the floor. Okay, take out the soup, you really need to eat it, huh. Leshka will be offended. Dinner turned out to be unexpectedly plentiful and satisfying, and Nastya and Yura, who had crammed so much goods into themselves out of hunger at once, could no longer move. Listen, Nastya said with fear, it seems I can’t even get up. Gluttony great sin. Well, let's sit at the table, what's the hurry? Korotkov responded phlegmatically.

This morning everything started as usual. Lilya looked thoughtfully at the buoy dangling in the waves. Said. The licking was missed; for some reason the abundance of fruit did not appear from the snow-white bag. Rita plopped down on a towel and raised her exhausted face to me. I was so taken aback that I didn’t even realize which Olga I was talking about. we're talking about. This question could, perhaps, adequately compete with the previous one. He was neither smart nor original. Rita reacted with awareness. To our heartbreaking story, she immediately calmed down and, to her credit, I must admit, she didn’t spill the beans to anyone. And now our sweet joke threatened to turn into nothing. Suspecting Igor Litvak is in big trouble. And I realized that I had to somehow help poor Igor. I acutely felt my guilt towards him and...

I entered a military academy somewhere in the Caucasus. You must become an Ingush officer and serve our native land. If you go to study in Kyiv, you will serve in the Ukrainian army. Aslanbek. Must cancel trip. You need. Aslanbek went to the Carpathians. At a small airfield in Kolomyia, the highest big man. With a shock of wavy hair and a smiling face, he introduced himself as Vasily Ignatievich. You are aware of what will have to be done for you. Vasily asked when they got into the car and drove towards the mountains. Father said. “I have to do arithmetic with some girl,” Aslan answered hesitantly. Yes, naturally, Aslan nodded absentmindedly, looking out the window at the houses standing on the sides of the road, buried in apple and pear trees. The car stopped in front of the tall metal gates.

Gulya is right. Gulya, you are absolutely right. If the woman did not lie, then the second man did. Then everything comes out. Mishanya, go to the office. “I figured you out, old man,” Misha grinned. Andrey. Chebotaev looked up from the computer and ruffled his hair. She’s not afraid of anything, Nastya agreed. Either he is extremely confident in himself, or he is just a cretin, which is more accurate. And yet I’m wondering if his name is in a magazine that... They took it from the salon, or.

Complete collection and description: prayer for the healing of a fracture for the spiritual life of a believer.

Prayer for fractures

Read on the water that is used to drink for the patient.

There is a mountain of bones,

There is a holy monastery on the mountain.

They will ring the bell for the first time -

The Lord will give salvation to the bones of the slave (name).

They will ring the bell a second time -

The Lord will give healing to the bones of the slave (name).

The Lord will grant you recovery.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The fracture will heal quickly

My mother and I live in the same city, but we have apartments in different areas. We call each other and visit each other almost every day. I consider our family very lucky. We don’t live together, so we don’t have time to quarrel, as often happens with those who live with their parents. But we have the opportunity to see each other often, not to let each other lose heart, to consult on any matter. This is probably one of the reasons why my husband adores his mother-in-law, despite all the jokes and scary stories about mothers-in-law.

I constantly told her that my mother was no longer young and it was time to take care of herself. But my mother survived the war, so it’s difficult to scare her with anything. At 78 years old, she carries a dacha on her shoulders, manages to run around all the shops in the city to find the most delicious and inexpensive cottage cheese, and helps a friend who has not gotten out of bed for 3 years. Of course, I am proud of my mother, but I am very worried. And, as it turned out, not in vain...

When the phone rang at me at work, for some reason my heart skipped a beat. There was some kind of premonition. The hospital called. Mom was taken by ambulance straight from the street. She slipped on the sidewalk and was unable to get up. My husband and I went to the hospital at the same moment, hoping that we could take my mother home and that nothing serious had happened. But the doctor cooled our ardor. The picture showed that my mother had a very serious leg fracture. The bone was broken in several places, so surgery may have been needed. The doctor reprimanded me for a long time that I did not save my mother. At her age, bones heal very poorly! It is possible that mom will remain lame. And this is at best! And in the worst case, he won’t be able to walk at all... (Looking ahead, I’ll say that everything worked out and below you will learn about the rapid healing of bones during fractures). There were also big problems with the operation. Who would dare to operate on a grandmother at 78 years old? Who will guarantee that she will wake up after anesthesia? In short, sheer doubts and bad forecasts.

When I went into my mother’s room, I couldn’t hold back my tears. She was always so active and nimble, but here the man turned out to be completely immobilized. Then it wasn’t me who supported my mother, but she consoled me, because I was scared for her. Mom asked me one thing that day: to bring a notebook with her notes. My mother kept this notebook all her life. She wrote it down there different recipes, methods of treatment, spells. They have helped me and my children more than once. Now it was necessary to treat my mother.

How to treat fractures? We have to wait until they grow together. But in our situation this was not enough - in older people the bones may not heal.

Recipe: to make a fracture heal faster

I cooked my mother strong bone broth (they say it helps). And my mother herself constantly recited a spell written in her notebook at the site of the fracture. She did this often, several times a day, so that the fracture would heal quickly. I was still worried about the upcoming operation when the doctor said that we could take my mother home. The healing went wonderfully, contrary to all forecasts! No surgery needed! The doctors said that she needed to lie at home in absolute peace. Under no circumstances should you move so that the bone can heal normally. I asked how long Mom would have to remain on bed rest. About a year! Of course, I was upset, but on the other hand, the operation was not needed. I’ll say right away that it was quite difficult for us. I had to live with my mother because she needed constant care. It just seems that everything is simple. And my mother couldn’t even go to the toilet herself. I had to be nearby all the time. I provided her with care, and my mother herself continued to recite a spell for a fracture. I can say that she lay there for a little over 4 months, although they promised a year. After 4 months, she was allowed to walk with a stick, and after another 3 months, my mother began to walk independently. There is no lameness; this year she again, despite my persuasion, took up the dacha.

It is a great success that at this age my mother managed to fully recover from a complex fracture. Now I think that a conspiracy played an important role in this. He gave my mother hope and faith in recovery. And so it happened.

I rewrote the words that should be said if you or your relatives have a fracture. Below you will find a plot on how to quickly heal a fracture. Read it at the fracture site several times a day:

“Across the sea, across the ocean, 12 maidens are swimming with their hair disheveled, their belts untied. Ananias, Carpios, Michael looked at the sea and called out to these virgins: “What kind of virgins are you? From whom were they sent? - “We are virgins, sent from King Herod, to the bright Russian kingdom to tempt the body and scatter the bones.” Ananias, Carpius, Michael tortured them, beat them so that they would retreat from the Christian people and not harm their body and bones. From that hour they vowed to help people, to free people from trouble, to collect bones together. 12 daughters, help, collect and put bone to bone, cartilage to cartilage. Everything is as the Lord created. Amen".

I hope this plot will help someone else! Better yet, take care of yourself and your family, don’t break anything. Be healthy!

Elena Karpenchik, Minsk

Article updated: 2016-12-08

a displaced fracture of the forearm and a crushed fracture of the elbow have been connected with metal staples and bolts for a month now, the pain has been constant and aching and the plaster has not yet been removed, I will read a prayer, there is nothing more to hope for, I will share the result

Fortresses of the Spirit, Nina! You will succeed!

here again 2 months after surgery. The plaster was removed and development of the elbow joint began. After 2 procedures, the screw gradually began to come out under the skin. despite reading the prayer 10 times, everything only got worse: cutting pain and inability to sleep during these 2 months. The local traumatologist sends me back for surgery to the hospital. I'm desperate. how will it all end......

Nina, I suggest you strong prayer Our Father, pre-Christian version:

Like You on Heaven

And on the Earth(!) Hallowed be Thy Name!

May Your Kingdom come!

Yes Budet Thy Will Jacob in Heaven - and on Earth!

Our dry bread

JD to us D No!

Leave us our DEBT -

And so we leave them as our Debtors!

And do not lead us into Our mouth, Noah deliver us from the Bow of Avago,

Jacob is Yours - There is a Kingdom, and a Power, and a Glory -

And Now, and Pryseno, and in Veky Vekom!

Omen, Omen, Omen!

What? CONSPIRACY?! Are you fucking serious?! Yes ugh. I'm looking for something that will really help! Injections, vitamins! And here…

ANONYMOUS and you have something serious or what, on 03/24/2016, this year, I caught a shrapnel in the 3rd phalanx of the 3rd finger AND THANKS TO THIS CONSPIRACY I took off the plaster in a week, although the doctors predicted a MONTH for me, or even amputation. . . THE MAIN THING IS THAT YOU HAVE FAITH in the conspiracy and in HEALING. . .

If the fracture is complex and there is displacement of the fragments, then treatment with biodegradable implants gives excellent results. If, of course, the situation allows it. I tested their properties on myself. A comminuted ankle fracture was treated with bioimplants. We wanted to supply metal, but thank you good people prompted. They are installed through small incisions and that’s it. You can forget about the fracture. Well, how can I forget, it will hurt, of course, it’s still an operation. But the broken particles are reliably fixed with bioimplants, and the fracture heals. Doctors control the process, because bioimplants are radiolucent. The injured limb can now be used. Well, don’t load it too much, of course. And after some time, bioimplants dissolve in the body. Compared to iron implants, there are many advantages. The main thing is that you don’t need to take them out. And the bones are intact and there are no glands in the body.

I have a hip fracture, the doctors didn’t give me hope, I’ll try with prayer.

Zoya how are you? Any improvements? Hang in there! God will help!

I only hope in GOD

It’s been two months now that my arm has been broken.. it won’t heal at all.. the doctor said

You wear a cast for up to three months and if the result is bad, then we’ll think differently..

Woman Healed From Broken Ankle Through Prayer

This is what happens: you hurt your arm or leg. The pain is unbearable. You wait for an ambulance and pray: “Lord, help and have mercy! Lord, help and have mercy, so that it turns out that everything is not as bad as I think...” And maybe you even dream that the bone in your leg will heal right in front of the doctors miraculously. But this doesn't happen. And the doctors who arrived in an ambulance, seeing your blue arm (leg), will take you to the hospital. And then they will carefully examine the photo of your limb and kindly put you in a plaster cast. And, of course, bandaged, you will walk for at least a month. At the same time, thinking about what you did in life that it all ended like this...

“Well, it’s a sad story,” you say.

– One could agree, if not for one “but”. It turns out that even such a story has an unexpected ending.

Elena Oskalenko, quite by accident, while at home, twisted her leg, so much so that it turned out that she had a fracture of the outer ankle. The doctor, putting a cast on her, warned that now she would have to be in a cast for at least a month.

She was not going to agree to such circumstances. Moreover, God had previously performed incredible miracles in her life and the lives of her loved ones. And thanks to her believing friends, Elena also had prayer support, so she simply believed that God was able to heal her leg.

– I believed that this situation was for the glory of God! – says Elena. “At first I kept wondering why this happened. But then I received an answer to this question, too,” Elena shares her thoughts. – I kept saying: “Who would sit me down like this, for a week, so that I can stay in one place” (Elena leads a fairly active lifestyle). “So I sat,” she jokes.

Yes, Elena spent exactly a week at home. The daughters prepared food for their mother, helped her wash and dress, and fed her. And on October 3, the woman, without thinking twice, went to a conference in Kharkov (she herself is from the village of Soleny). And not at all for the sake of healing her leg - she needed a miracle from God. She wanted to get an answer to a serious question that interested her at that moment.

And there, listening to the priest’s sermon, thinking about her situation, Elena suddenly noticed that her leg in the cast stopped hurting. And it even became somewhat uncomfortable for her to be in the cast.

Bishop Andrei Tishchenko prayed for the people at that moment. He said, addressing those present, that if you have some kind of illness, pain in the body, then you just need to accept healing.

“The power of healing is moving so that you can be healed right now,” the bishop said, addressing those present.

He did not know that among the five thousand conference participants in the hall there was a woman who had been put in a cast just a week ago. And thanks to the atmosphere that reigned in the hall, and the words that Andrei Tishchenko spoke, she believed even more that right now, at this moment, her leg could be healed.

Elena went up on stage and said that God had healed her. And when the priest asked where her crutches were, she asked to take them onto the stage.

– I no longer used crutches and went home in in a great mood. My leg, of course, hurt because I danced for a long time that day, and during the break I walked a lot.

Elena already that same day, returning home after midnight, took off the cast. And then I went to see a doctor, whose amazement knew no bounds. He felt his leg several times and looked again at the pictures of the woman’s ankle, not completely believing his eyes.

This afternoon Elena received her sick leave from the hospital and the doctors’ conclusion that her leg is completely healthy.

And, yes, by the way, during the conference she received an answer to the question that had been tormenting her for so long.

On the air of the program “Healing is the Bread of Children,” on Wednesday, October 14, you will be able to hear the story of a miracle from Elena Oskalenko herself. Prepare your questions and send prayer requests to Bishop Dmitry Makarenko. After all, if bones knit together thanks to prayer, who said that your situation will not be resolved?

You can watch the program on the Internet simultaneously on two sites: www.ng-tv.tv and ww w.bog.tv.

The program starts at 21.00 (Moscow time) or 20.00 (Kyiv time).

Fractures and bruises of bones.

Very often people fall and break bones. Sometimes this happens due to an accident or accident.

This article is on the topic, how to make bones heal and grow together faster.

This is why old people so often break bones from any, no matter how minor, reason. For example, he turned awkwardly in bed, stood up abruptly, and so on.

Spells for the rapid healing of fractures

If you want the fractures to heal quickly and not bother you, then you need to not only follow all the doctor’s instructions, but also read the conspiracies. There are many conspiracies for the rapid healing of fractures.

Here's one of them. Read the plot over the fracture site for 7 days. Don't miss a single day! And soon you will rejoice at the rapid healing of the fracture and relief from pain.

“From across the sea - the ocean, 12 maidens are sailing.

Hair was disheveled, clothes came loose.

Archangels Michael and Gabriel saw them

-Who are you, virgins? Where are you headed?

- We are the messengers of King Herod,

We are sailing to torment the Orthodox people,

Scatter the bones and dry the body.

The Archangels Gabriel and Michael caught them,

They tried to get the Orthodox people to give up,

The body and bones were not harmed.

The virgins of King Herod obeyed,

We vowed to help people

Free from pain,

Collect the bones together.

Go, daughters of Herod,

Collect and fold the pit and pit,

Cartilage to cartilage, as our Lord created.

Another conspiracy for the rapid healing of fractures.

They talk him into water and give it to the sick man to drink. And here are the words of the conspiracy for the rapid healing of fractures on water.

“There is a mountain of bones,

There is a holy temple on it.

The bell will ring for the first time -

Together he will gather and give salvation.

The bell will ring a second time -

Lord bones of God's servant (name)

The bell in the temple will ring for the third time -

The Lord will send recovery to God’s servant (name)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You can also try the following plot to make the fracture heal faster. Cover right hand the fracture site and in one breath say the words of the conspiracy.

So, the words of the conspiracy for the rapid healing of a fracture.

“The baby was born into the light of God,

A man was baptized in church

White bone, yellow bone,

You will be born and never break.

Key. Lock. Language.

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