Correct expression of thoughts is the key to success

Hello, Pavel Yamb is with you again!

If you write articles, then you need to be able to express your thoughts clearly and to the point. Today we will talk about how to achieve the necessary clarity and what three important components a quality text consists of.

The main thing is the idea

To clearly formulate an idea, you either need to be a child or have a serious knowledge base. The unclouded mind of a child immediately and often, without the usual diplomacy of adults, grasps the essence of what is happening. You are probably familiar with stories from life when children put parents or other people in an awkward position.

A father and a five-year-old child are traveling in a crowded trolleybus. Cold weather, windows fogged up. The boy begins to rub the glass so that it squeals under his fingers. The father makes a remark, the child does not react.

- How many times can I tell you?! - he explodes. “I talk and talk, but you still don’t listen!”

- And no matter how much your mother tells you not to pee in the bath, you still pee! – the boy retorts loudly.

An educated and well-read person draws analogies in the same way and grasps the essence of events - however, he already distinguishes what can be said and when, and what it is better to refrain from.

Therefore, the first and most important condition for the successful formulation of thoughts is the main idea. Without it, it will just be a stream of consciousness.

It happens that there is even an idea, but the problem is in the presentation. In this case three necessary conditions– three pillars,” will help convey it to the reader or listener:

  • clarity and simplicity of thought;
  • structure;
  • data.
  • Peace to the world and...

Let's clarify with words

Clarity of expression on empty space will not arise. To choose the right words, you need to know them sufficient quantity. Synonyms, shades of meaning - all this comes into our speech with the presence of sufficient vocabulary.

For comparison: Dahl's explanatory dictionary consists of 200 thousand words. Dictionary of a person with higher education approximately equal to 10 thousand words, and a polymath uses no more than 50 thousand. Passive lexicon, of course, more. Here's an interesting test: My passive vocabulary, according to this questionnaire, is 58 thousand words. What about yours?

Confidence in your own knowledge is also an important factor. An insecure and illiterate person will try to hide gaps in knowledge with abstruse phrases. Those who know and are confident are, on the contrary, interested in the accessibility and clarity of their ideas. However, one should beware of confusing simplicity with primitivism, and elementary mastery of the material with abstruseness. Even when explaining the basics of quantum physics to children, it is hardly possible to avoid a certain number of terms:

Although the idea is presented elegantly: clearly and simply.

Structure is the basis for understanding

I hope there is no need to explain the importance of a structured presentation of thoughts. How to learn to structure your thoughts? Make an outline of the message you want to make. Determine what to talk or write about first and how to develop the idea further. From simple to complex or from complex to simple - whichever you prefer. However, consistent presentation of information is our “second pillar” of clear and concise presentation of our thoughts. Then, when experience comes, you can simply keep this plan in your head. The clear structure of the message will immediately show that it is made by a master who knows how to competently present the idea.

Facts on the table

The “third pillar” on which clear thinking rests is facts. Give weight to your messages with verified facts, real examples, they inspire trust. For example, Dale Carnegie's books are filled with real-life examples different people- from outstanding personalities to his unknown students, friends, relatives and acquaintances. And he has long become a true classic of self-improvement methods.

In addition, thanks to the facts, it becomes clearer what idea the author wants to convey to the reader or listener.

Is this skill necessary? Everyday life? Of course, if you want to improve the quality of communication with other people.

If a dispute ends in a quarrel or a fight, it means that none of the participants was able to express their thoughts clearly and clearly. The skill of discussion, like many other things, can and should be learned. However, everything is within our control if we only set such a task. And I'm sure you will succeed!

The ability to clearly express one’s thoughts remains very rare even among successful people. The ability to correctly formulate thoughts and clearly convey them to your interlocutor is not a guarantee of success, but it is a serious help in achieving more. It’s not for nothing that they say that language will take you to Kyiv.

Ability to formulate thoughts will help not only at work, but also among friends. And the role of good communication skills is simply irreplaceable in business negotiations. IN business communications It is important not only to be able to speak beautifully. Equally important is the ability to hear what he wants to convey. Even if he cannot express his thoughts clearly.

In essence, it is not only important what are you saying, but also that how do you say it. Good qualities how in business letter so in oral communication: short and to the point, succinct, intelligible and clear.

The first step to becoming a great speaker and leader is to admit that you have problems with communication or being you can't speak clearly. The second step is to start doing something. Below are a few ways to improve your communication skills. So:

What will help you learn to formulate thoughts?

Eat a number of ways which will help you learn to express your thoughts efficiently. So, how to formulate thoughts?

  • Speak in public. At the first opportunity, try to give a speech, report, or share something at a meeting. For everything to go relatively smoothly, you need to prepare for this in advance.
  • Try it express your thoughts in writing. Practice. In business or personal correspondence, do not rush to press the “send” button; stay focused on what you are about to send. Maybe some phrases and sentences look inorganic? Correct it and then send it.
  • Good way to learn to formulate thoughts- is to look at how others do it. Listen to good speakers, read quality books. The benefits of reading are underestimated. Not only classical literature is suitable, but business books can also be used. In this case, you not only remember, but also subconsciously remember interesting verbal structures.
  • and broadening one's horizons indirectly affects other cognitive abilities. Develop mine brain. Eat right, do physical exercise(yes, this also affects your brain), solve intellectual problems. All this together will improve your ability to speak well and efficiently.
  • Study techniques of rhetoric and oratory skills, psychology of influence and principles effective communication. For example, they are good for exploring ideas.
  • Make sure that your communication does not develop into morbid talkativeness. - sometimes the same poor quality as well as full inability to express one's thoughts. If you are overly talkative and have a lot on your mind, you can try writing down your thoughts on a personal blog. It helps to relieve your head, and at the same time conveys your flow of thoughts to everyone.
  • Take an active part in all kinds of meetings, meetings and discussions. This is a great opportunity to learn. Don't be a passive listener. Take action!
  • When preparing for a performance, you can try record your speech on a voice recorder and then listen. Rehearse this way. The flaws in your speech will immediately become clear to you.
  • In many ways, the ability to express one’s thoughts is affected. Do you want to learn express thoughts beautifully and formulate thoughts clearlytry to communicate more with people who are okay with this. In the process of communication, we unwittingly adopt many traits from other people, their manner of behavior. The human brain continues to learn throughout its life without stopping.
  • In order not to lose your thoughts, you can take with you abstract before an important performance. You shouldn’t read from a piece of paper, but having the structure of your speech at hand can be extremely useful. This way you won’t forget anything or get lost even if you’re very worried (excitement and fear turn off the parts of the brain responsible for memory, so keep that in mind).
  • Speech should be simple and understandable. You should not use too sophisticated words or too complex sentences. It's better to talk in simple words so that every listener can understand you. Often, the bestsellers in the world of books are not the smartest books, but books whose authors know how to clearly convey their ideas in a way that even a child can understand.
  • A great way to learn how to formulate thoughts is to teach a little at the university. Even a year of such practice can teach you a lot from your own experience.

What else?

By the way, often respected people are listened to attentively not because they speak beautifully, but because they have proven by deeds that they need to be listened to. If you still can’t learn to become a good storyteller, then don’t give up. Firstly, you still need to improve yourself. Secondly, you can always hire a young press secretary with a higher philological education, who will give any comment in your words.

Clarity of thought determines clarity of presentation - this is truth. Why are many people unable to speak clearly and clearly formulate their position? How to learn to express yourself so that people understand you and want to listen to you.

Not every person knows how to express their thoughts. You listen and listen to such a person - and in vain you try to catch a reasonable thought from the stream of words and understand what he wanted to say.

And only if you have the patience to listen to the end. And you inevitably begin to think: does he himself understand what he is talking about? After all, it was not without reason that back in the 17th century, the French literary critic N. Boileau wrote: “He who thinks clearly, expresses clearly.”

Being able to correctly formulate your thoughts in order to convey them to your interlocutor is important both in a friendly conversation and when applying for a job, especially one that requires business contacts and negotiations.

Things to think about before you start talking

1. Determine the main idea

Before entering into a conversation, you should “think out” the thought to the end, that is, clearly imagine what will be discussed. L.N. Tolstoy believed: “To handle the language somehow means to think somehow.” Based on this, the inability to express one’s thought indicates that it has not yet fully “matured” in the speaker’s head.

2. Use fewer parts

The mistake many people make when speaking is that they pay too much attention to detail, resulting in it being impossible to grasp main idea. No wonder A.P. Chekhov said that brevity is the sister of talent. Excessive talkativeness and verbosity only make it difficult to perceive what is being said.

3. Don't get distracted

Sometimes during a conversation the speaker is distracted, looking at foreign objects, which is why he often loses the thread of the conversation. Therefore, when trying to convey something important to your interlocutor, you should focus on your thoughts.

4. Speak clearly and clearly

Often, when telling something, we jump from one topic to another, speak in fragments of phrases and at the same time think that the interlocutor must understand us perfectly. You shouldn’t think that he has to guess what we want to say - it’s better to speak clearly and clearly right away.

What does the ability to formulate thoughts depend on?

Logic will help you in your ability to express your thoughts, because it is not without reason that it is called the science of correct thinking or the art of reasoning.

The main task of logic is to draw the correct conclusion based on reasoning and get a true idea of ​​the subject of reflection. "Logic is the pursuer of the dark and confused thinking“- this is what the English philosopher J. Mill said back in the 19th century.

Thus, in order to be able to correctly formulate your thoughts, you need to learn how to build a logical chain of reasoning in order to convey to the listener a clear understanding of the narrator’s thoughts. And for this it won’t hurt to study logic and its laws.

Learning to formulate your thoughts is impossible without a rich vocabulary. Let’s say a person speaks briefly, clearly, without distractions, but listening to him is not interesting and he is not a good interlocutor. Perhaps it's because he has a poor vocabulary. For example, the vocabulary of an educated person today is approximately 10 thousand words. For comparison: A.S. Pushkin used over 21 thousand words in his works.

A person who has a rich vocabulary and knows how to use it attracts people as an interesting conversationalist. Employers are no exception, since good, literate speech speaks of education and creative abilities.

How to increase your vocabulary?

One way to enrich your vocabulary is by reading. This is confirmed by the words of the French educator: “People stop thinking when they stop reading.” You need to read not everything in a row, but those works that will really help enrich your speech - the classics of L. Tolstoy, M. Bulgakov, etc., and read thoughtfully, analyzing what you read. You can write down the words and expressions you like so that you can use them in your speech if necessary.

In everyday life, most people tend to use the same set of words. However, it is not difficult to make your speech interesting and worthy of attention if, with the help of a dictionary of synonyms or explanatory dictionary to banal and hackneyed words that we ourselves may already be tired of, pick up alternative options and include them in your vocabulary.

It will help to make your speech bright, beautiful and imaginative by memorizing your favorite words, phrases and expressions that you can “overhear” in someone else’s conversation, film, etc. and make it “your own.” It is best, of course, to write them down and re-read them from time to time, since they tend to be forgotten.

How does the state of memory affect the ability to express thoughts?

Many people are familiar with the feeling of confusion during a conversation, especially an emotional one, when not only “beautiful” and correct words disappear from memory, but also any words at all. And only after some time does it suddenly dawn on the person what should have been said. The development of memory and quick reaction will help here.

Memory worsens due to insufficient oxygen saturation of the blood and, accordingly, the brain. Many people are familiar with the feeling of fatigue that comes with staying in a poorly ventilated room for a long time. Physical activity and sports improve blood circulation and ensure brain performance, which also affects memory.

A good night's sleep is equally important - otherwise memory at the chemical level will not work at full capacity. Tobacco and alcohol in large quantities lead to memory deterioration over time, and foods that contain a lot of protein (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) and are easily digestible (for example, boiled vegetables) improve it. Intense mental work is accompanied by a loss of calcium and phosphorus, so their reserves must be replenished by excluding cheese, nuts, eggs, etc. from the diet. It is curious that a full stomach also worsens brain function.

It is necessary to train your memory just like any other organ, which otherwise will atrophy over time. Everyone may have their own ways of training. The main thing is, before asking for help, first try to remember what you have forgotten.

As a memory training, you can, for example, add up in your mind the numbers that make up the license plates of cars passing by. Or, for non-urgent calculations, do not rush to use a calculator.

Many people find it helpful to remember the necessary names, other people’s birthdays, phone numbers and addresses with the help of associations and parallels built in their minds. For example, remembering the code bank card 2467 we are guided by the fact that 2 and 4 add up to 6, followed by 7.

How to gain thought formation skills?

Leading will help you learn to form your thoughts. personal diary. Suitable as computer version, and “paper”. Keeping a diary on paper will take more time, but will allow you not to rashly delete text you don’t like. Over time, the texts at the beginning and at the end can be compared to evaluate the result. Of course, you need to write not dryly and monosyllabically, but expressing your mood, emotions and trying to show eloquence.

Some people, in order to learn how to express their thoughts, start blogging on the Internet, for example on LiveJournal, and even risk posting their videos on , in order to look at themselves from the outside and get an assessment.

Skills in the ability to formulate and express your thoughts, as well as defend your point of view, can be acquired by participating in discussions and forums, both online and live. And the more sociable a person is, the more opportunities he will have to demonstrate his “oratorical” capabilities and “hone” his skills.

However, it is important to have not just a wide circle of contacts - it must be appropriate in terms of intelligence and interests. After all, constantly dealing with people with whom you don’t have to strain in conversation and who themselves cannot put two words together, a person gradually loses the ability to express his thoughts easily and clearly.

Many people wonder how to learn to correctly express their thoughts so that the idea about which we're talking about, was clear to the interlocutor. Problems with formulating phrases can arise for each person for various reasons - from lack of concentration or preparedness, impaired diction, lack of sufficient vocabulary. At the same time, the skill of expressing thoughts can be quickly developed by doing simple recommendations and exercises.

There are several factors that can significantly complicate the understanding of the interlocutor and his perception of words. These include:

  • excessive verbosity;
  • too little information;
  • poor vocabulary;
  • violation of the logic of the narrative;
  • excessive sarcasticness (the interlocutor may not understand the meaning of an ironic remark and interpret it in his own way).

These points need to be analyzed. This is especially important for people who have difficulty learning to express themselves clearly. Without this, a situation may arise when it becomes simply impossible to achieve mutual understanding.

Components of competent speech

Speech is considered literate and clean if it has the following qualities:

Pronunciation should be smooth and confident. Make sure your breathing is not shortened.

Important qualities for correct formulation of thoughts

People may not express their thoughts entirely correctly for a variety of reasons. This is usually due to the fact that the speaker has a limited vocabulary, which is not enough to pronounce the phrase correctly. A person may select synonyms that are not entirely clear in meaning or use words that do not suit the style of the narrative. Speech variety is a determining factor in learning how to correctly express your thoughts in conversation.

In its absence, choosing the right word may take the speaker some time. To avoid awkward long silences, you need to train your speech function. To do this, it is important to use the following techniques (they are often given in response to the question “how to learn to express your thoughts”):

  1. The quality of memorizing information should be trained. To clearly express your ideas, improve attention and memory, learn poetry effectively, memorize the longest sequences of numbers, learn the lyrics of your favorite songs.
  2. It is necessary to increase the volume of a person’s linguistic reserve. Reading can help with this fiction. When a person reads books, he learns to formulate thoughts correctly, which can then be spoken (this will help anyone who does not know how to learn to clearly speak phrases that can immediately arouse the interest of the interlocutor).
  3. Increasing concentration of attention on a specific thought. It is important to be able to concentrate on what needs to be said - this will help to reproduce the thought out loud without inaccuracies, accidentally spoken words, or erroneous expressions.

It is especially important for the speaker not to lose attention or weaken it, since otherwise he may make mistakes in his speech. To understand how to correctly express your thoughts, you need to eliminate the causes of the difficulties that have arisen.

How to improve your concentration

The technique of managing the concentration of your own attention is not too complicated, but it can be effective for those who cannot find a way for themselves to learn how to express their thoughts beautifully. You need to repeat the following combination:

  • Mentally say the word you want to concentrate on several times, for example “cat”.
  • Resort to visualization of the object in question (for example, when talking about a cat, you need to imagine in detail the details of its image, size, color, coat structure, age, temperament). Mental visualization is a powerful tool for training concentration, which in turn will greatly help you learn how to express your thoughts correctly.
  • Imagine actions associated with this word, why and how you want to use it.

Concentrating in a public or crowded place is much more difficult. During a conversation, extraneous circumstances that do not depend on the speaker may interfere: the place where the conversation is taking place may be noisy, or the listener may make a distracting movement.

Being able to maintain attention and not lose the thread of the story, a person will be able to express his thoughts and phrases competently in any situation, regardless of the presence of distractions.

How can you improve your communication skills?

speak beautifully professional level They can teach you in acting classes. In such circles, the skills of correct stage speech, placement of intonation accents, pure diction.

How can you improve speech quality with poor pronunciation?

If a person independently wants to learn how to correctly express his thoughts, he can use tongue twisters and special exercises from speech therapists if the problem is poor pronunciation.

First, tongue twisters need to be spoken clearly, not quickly, so that the sound being trained does not merge with others and does not disappear. You can gradually increase your reading speed to improve your diction.

A set of speech therapy exercises includes simple actions aimed at producing sounds and increasing tongue mobility. The following are especially often used:

  1. To improve the mobility of the tongue during speech, it is recommended to move the tip of the tongue several times alternately into 4 positions: rest it first on one cheek, then on the other, then move it to the palate and move the tip of the tongue closer to the root. The exercise increases the activity of the tongue during speech - its correct position must be practiced in order to quickly learn how to correctly express your thoughts.
  2. You can also sing all the vowels one by one, smoothly moving from one to another. This will improve the quality of pronunciation of the sounds being trained.

After just a short time, a person will improve his diction and begin to speak more clearly. This is the answer to the question “how to learn to construct phrases correctly” if you have problems with pronunciation.

General ways to improve speech quality

There are several general advice that can help a person learn to express his thoughts competently:

There is a useful exercise that helps you quickly learn how to speak and express your thoughts correctly. Its essence lies in the fact that every day you need to take a simple object (cat, table, house) and describe it literary for several minutes, including means artistic expression, ignoring vernacular. With each new attempt, the monologue will lengthen and improve. Facial expressions can additionally be controlled in front of a mirror.

To monitor changes and shortcomings, you can record the speech on a voice recorder - when you listen to what was said again, all inaccuracies will be heard. Structuring your statement helps you to express your thoughts beautifully - highlighting the purpose and main thoughts in the narrative. This will allow you to avoid saying unimportant things and repeating yourself.

When monologuing, you need to be confident in yourself - then your speech will automatically become clearer. It is important to express yourself in simple, accessible words so that listeners do not have problems understanding - for this you need to learn how to correctly express your thoughts.

You can also start a personal blog on the Internet or just a diary and describe the events that are happening there - this will help you learn to formulate thoughts.

How to clearly express your thoughts in a letter or on the phone

The main difference between letters and oral speech The point is that the content of the message and the speech in it can be thought out in advance. In order to write down an idea clearly and competently the first time, you can effectively use a writer’s technique - imagine that the letter is a book that should be popular and successful. The quality of speech determines the assessment of what is written, and, therefore, its popularity.

This is especially true when writing work messages. Often, when writing formal messages, people wonder how to learn how to correctly present ideas and proposals.

It is important to follow the logic of the narrative, without being distracted by lyrical digressions, commenting on what was said and emotions. Each proposal must have its own significance and value, carry useful information, explaining the statements in the previous sentences. To check the text for euphony and literacy, you can read it out loud. This is important in order to develop clear storytelling skills and understand how to correctly express your thoughts so that the interlocutor does not have problems with interpretation.

When communicating by phone or Skype, it is also advisable to think through the conversation in advance, structuring the main information point by point on a piece of paper - this will help avoid unnecessary digressions.

It is important to achieve a balance between conciseness and capacity - it is better to say a little, but to cover the subject of conversation as fully as possible, without missing out important details: this will make it easier for the interlocutor to understand the thought and interpret it correctly. You need to control the situation and ask your interlocutor questions to assess whether he fully understands the idea.

To correctly express your thoughts, you need to not only be well-read, but also have good diction, facial expressions, be literate, and self-confident. Only then will people perceive speech easily. To develop competent speech skills, there are specialized courses. By doing simple exercises, reading books and speaking tongue twisters, you can improve your communication skills and diction at home. Anyone can learn to express their thoughts well.

The ability to express our thoughts correctly helps us achieve mutual understanding in any situation - in a conversation with a spouse, boyfriend, in raising children, in working with clients and employees. For easy communication with girlfriends or kitchen chat in the spirit of “ how was your day“Simply phrases and human participation are enough.

But if you want others to take you seriously and listen to your point of view, you simply need to be able to present your thoughts clearly and competently. How to learn this?

How others perceive your words

Have you ever felt confused and bewildered when your words are not clear to your interlocutor? It becomes surprising why you cannot convey seemingly simple thoughts.

We speak the same language, we can exchange meaningless phrases without any problems, but as soon as it comes to important messages, it’s as if a wall grows between the speakers - what’s the reason?

Typically, people perceive speech not just as a set of words, but along with a complex psychological context - this includes, for example, the attitude towards you personally, the willingness to hear an opposing point of view, the general tone of the conversation (calm or irritated), as well as the level of education of the interlocutors, etc. what meaning does each of them put into the sounding words.

Isn't it true that it turns out to be rather complicated? And yet we all often communicate without making any effort. special effort to be understood.

There is an old army joke that anything that can be misunderstood will be misunderstood. If the result of the conversation is really important to you, use all your skill so that the listener understands you to the last letter. And we will show you where problems most often arise in a conversation, why this happens and how to deal with it.

Why sometimes people don’t understand us:

  • Too many words - the interlocutor loses his train of thought among endless digressions, details, irrelevant facts, suddenly remembering a similar story;
  • You have said too little. Stinginess in words is also a problem, since the other person has to come up with the missing facts himself (and believe me, he will do this, but hardly in your favor);
  • Poor vocabulary. This is forgivable for children, but adults should select more precise expressions, use different words, so that you don’t have to explain yourself with a hum, a pitiful “uh ...” or a wink, they say, you yourself understood what I want to say - see the point above, they will understand you, but not as it should;
  • Logic is lame - this is simply the scourge of God in a conversation between a woman and a man. We want to express everything at once, without missing a single important (as it seems to us) detail, conveying all the nuances of the mood and achieving empathy in every minute of our speech. What's the result? Accusations of lack of logic, inarticulateness, confusion and stupidity. It’s a shame to say, but the logical connections and purpose of each phrase must be traced very clearly - this must be learned;
  • Passionate about sarcasm. This is when you mockingly say the opposite of your thought, hoping that the interlocutor himself will catch the absurdity and understand it as it should - that is, vice versa. The downside is that your wit may not be appreciated, which means the message will be useless and incomprehensible.

When you decide to improve your eloquence, you yourself will easily find a few more gaps and stumble upon other pitfalls of the art of conversation. The main thing is to practice, listen carefully to yourself and others, concentrate on the central thought. Now, start with a few practical techniques that will immediately improve your communication with anyone.

How to quickly learn to express thoughts correctly

  • Read. Popular books on business and psychology are even better suited than old Russian classics. From the first you will learn more successful speech patterns that are understandable to modern man, than from the works of Dostoevsky and Turgenev. Although the latter are undoubtedly better than women's romance novels;
  • Copy sentences from books and magazines that you think convey the meaning well. You can use dozens of other people's phrases as templates for your statements, the only thing is to make sure they are appropriate;
  • Start a diary or blog on the Internet. In writing, it is easier to get used to formulating your thoughts correctly; you will quickly get used to discarding the unnecessary and concentrating on the essence when you re-read and correct what you have written;
  • Avoid sayings and hackneyed expressions - often their meaning is so erased by time that you may be surprised to find that you were understood exactly the opposite;
  • Start keeping a notebook " My day in 6 words“- today there is simply no better exercise than this. It will form the habit of expressing itself concisely in a few weeks;
  • When rehearsing a speech, look at yourself in the mirror, so you can more carefully filter out unnecessary phrases - the observer effect works wonders;
  • Most quick way- is to find a friend with laconic and succinct speech and adopt his manner of expression. Nothing to be ashamed of - we all learn from each other!

How to express your thoughts correctly in writing

An electronic message or a traditional letter in an envelope assumes that you have prepared its contents well.

As a rule, when we send a message, we know that it is no longer possible to change its text, so it is very important to write it correctly the first time. (So ​​that you don’t have to explain later in repeated letters what exactly you meant, confusing yourself and confusing the addressee.)

To write a clear and beautiful letter, use the publisher's technique. Imagine, you are an editor, you have to publish new article, book, etc. Everything will depend on the quality of the text - reviews from readers, critics, your reputation and earnings.

Of course, if you are just wishing your aunt a Happy New Year, it will be difficult to screw up. But on work issues, you can completely ruin the matter if you don’t work on a clear presentation.

First of all, determine the purpose of the message. The structure of the letter will depend on it. You can simply list the facts and present them as food for thought - then monitor the accuracy and reliability of the facts, do not add your comments and speculations.

If clarification is required, build the text on the classic formula: what should be done? - Why? - what should be the result? All! No emotional details, complaints or threats. And by the way, in letters, a boorish tone is no less harmful than in live communication; do not use rude expressions, otherwise the result will unpleasantly surprise you, no matter how clearly you express yourself.

Having embodied your thoughts in the text, reread it several times out loud (to yourself), put yourself in the place of the recipient. Did it happen naturally? Does each sentence follow logically from the previous one? Check your literacy - and feel free to submit, you did everything right.

How to communicate by phone or Skype

In remote mode, it is also important to be able to express your thoughts correctly. Prepare for the conversation: calmly think about everything you want to convey to your interlocutor, write down the main thoughts point by point - there should be no more than three of them, even better would be one specific message.

Before you speak, rehearse your words and check that you haven't missed any important pieces of information. Even in everyday affairs this sometimes gets ridiculous: you agreed to meet an acquaintance “at the metro”, he will wait on the platform, and you will wait on the surface, near the steps.