Why Monday is the most difficult day of the week. Energy of the days of the week and daily activities

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance days of the week. Each day was devoted to a specific activity or task. And in modern world we still follow these rules and signs. Monday is a hard day, and Saturday, for many, is a day spring cleaning. Why did it happen that the days of the week have their own purpose? Let's look at the signs for every day.

Monday- a day on which our ancestors did not start anything new. This day is hard. There was a belief that on Monday the evil spirits were especially active. On this day it was dangerous to tell fortunes and cut hair. It was also forbidden to lend money on Monday. And those who go on a trip on this day risk inviting evil spirits with them. There are many signs associated with this day of the week:

  • Guests arrived on Monday - now expect guests every day all week.
  • If you sneeze, it means a gift or good news.
  • If you start a new business on Monday, it will go awry.
  • As Monday goes by, so will the rest of the week.

Tuesday according to the ancient calendar, a good day for all endeavors. The evil spirits had already calmed down that day, and it was possible to work actively. Tuesday was considered the day when you could hit the road.

Wednesday was considered a favorable day for gardening. On this day, our ancestors did not hold feasts and preferred to fast. Those who moved to a new place of residence on Wednesday were plagued by failures.

Thursday our ancestors used it to start arable work and tell fortunes. On this day, the girls wondered about their betrothed and the future. In addition, it was customary to get married on Thursday. There is a sign that if a guy asks for his girlfriend's hand in marriage on Thursday, he will family life will be happy and strong.

Friday– a day unfavorable for washing and cleaning. If you start a new business on this day, it will “back up”, so all undertakings were postponed until another time. Friday is good for trading. It was on this day that trade fairs and bazaars began to operate.

If you sing and have fun until lunch on Friday, you will have to cry and be sad all next week. You couldn't cut your nails on Friday, and women were forbidden to wash their hair. Hair and nails were given a special magical power. If you cut your nails or wash your hair on this day, you will lose energy and have no strength left.

Saturday– a favorable day for relaxation and entertainment. You can’t do difficult things on this day. physical work. According to tradition, on this day everyone must wash themselves and put on clean clothes. If you start a new business on Saturday, you will have to continue it only on Saturdays. For those moving to new house or goes on a long journey, good luck will accompany you.

Sunday- It was strictly forbidden to work on this day. It was believed that on Sunday the gates to other world. In order to protect yourself from evil spirits, our ancestors consumed on this day salty food. After all, salt is a talisman against evil spirits.

Following these old signs, we can protect ourselves from troubles and attract good luck. All these signs are based on religious beliefs, and also have close contact with astrology. Do you follow the signs for the days of the week? We are waiting for answers in the comments! And don't forget to click and

Each day of the week has its own energy and ruling planet. If you conduct it in harmony with this planet, plan your activities in the appropriate energy, then the effectiveness of your actions will be much higher.

In many calendars, the week begins on Sunday - the day of the Sun. This is right. In the Vedic tradition, the Sun is God. The sun gives life. Once it goes out, life will end.

The number of the Sun in numerology is 1. All those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th are under the strong influence of the Sun, and it is especially important for them to live in harmony with this planet.

The Sun is the royal planet, the planet of activity, leadership, responsibility. The sun sends us the energy of joy, love, creativity and happiness. This planet, which in our chart represents the Soul, symbolizes the masculine Divine aspect. On the day of the Sun, it is favorable to be active, get up early, plan and start new things, implement any business projects, meet influential people and bosses, carry out elections government bodies, actively spend time in nature, fill yourself with the energy of the Sun.


A day of activity, a day of insights and new ideas. Be open to new things! Give people warmth, speak Nice words- transfer solar energy to others, and you yourself will soon feel the results. What you shouldn't do on Sunday is lie on the couch. The strongest thing that blocks the energy of the Sun is laziness, getting up late, manifestations of selfishness, criticism of the father, teacher and government.

For the Sun's energy to increase, it is good on Sunday:

  • get up early. The proverb “he who gets up early, God gives to him” arose for a reason;
  • do a set of exercises “Surya Namaskar”;
  • take a walk in the morning sun;
  • set goals for the entire next week, plan and properly distribute forces;
  • visit a temple, read holy books;
  • go to visit your father or just call him;
  • spend time in nature.


Moon Day. The number of the Moon in numerology is 2. Everyone born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th is under the influence of the Moon. Such people are emotional and have strong intuition.

“Monday is a hard day” only if the Lunar energies are used incorrectly. The energy of the Moon is calming and relaxing, so it is not recommended to exert too much energy on this day. This is an ideal day for calm, relaxing activities, creativity, women's handicrafts, and communication with family. In life, it’s the other way around: on Mondays, a long-distance marathon race begins in offices, and sometimes you have to crawl to the finish line.

The moon does not like loneliness, but loves heart-to-heart communication. That’s why morning coffee in the office after the weekend is so dear to our souls - “how about we talk?” Don't criticize, cheat, or demand. People become especially sensitive and emotional on this day. This is why it is not recommended to make important decisions on Monday - they can be based on emotions.
The Moon is also responsible for the taste for life. Depression, irritability, reluctance to communicate are signs that the Moon needs help.

The moon is a direct indicator of the mother in the horoscope, so Monday is the ideal day to meet your mother. Come visit with gifts, have a heart-to-heart talk. By the way, it’s very good to give mothers something white on Monday: a Raffaello box or white roses in a pot. All kinds of water procedures are very useful on Mondays, be it a bathhouse, a swimming pool, or just a walk by the water.

On Monday, feminine energy is active. The moon is responsible for emotions, mind, subconscious. Symbolizes the feminine Divine aspect. The Moon is a fickle planet, so on Monday it is most important to preserve inner peace and peace, keep emotions in balance. It is important for women to take care of themselves and women’s affairs, meet with friends, treat and feed everyone delicious and healthy food, especially healthy sweets. For men on this day it is important to maintain emotional calm.

For the Moon's energy to increase, it is favorable on Monday:

  • speak to Mother of God;
  • take care of household and family affairs;
  • shopping (including buying groceries);
  • show care and attention;
  • organize family gatherings, bachelorette parties with healthy treats,
  • communicate with women, with mother, friends;
  • messing around with kids;
  • walk under the Moon, especially somewhere along the shore of a body of water;
  • improve health water treatments, massage, herbs. Anything that calms and restores our body will do;
  • tinker with plants because the Moon rules the earth's flora;
  • organize public events and be socially active.


Mars Day. The number of Mars in numerology is 9.

All those born on the 9th, 18th, 27th are under the strong influence of Mars, and it is especially important for them to live in harmony with its energies. Mars in natal chart responsible for energy, brothers, comrades.

Mars pushes us to rash actions, adventures, makes us seek thrills and sometimes causes aggression. On Tuesday you need to forget about emotions and use a rational approach in everything. You can achieve success on this day if you act spontaneously, at the call of your soul, and implement your ideas as soon as they arise, because Mars is the planet of speed, instincts and desires. It is very good to show courage and determination on this day of the week.

Mars is a fiery planet, active, in goodness it is a protector, in ignorance it is a destroyer. Mars - strength, determination, courage. On Tuesday it is good to play sports, martial arts, be active, start repairs, do physical work, resume postponed tasks, perform surgical operations, dig, go to the pool and sauna. But starting new long-term projects, planning a wedding or conceiving children is not worth it, since Mars is generally considered an unfavorable planet, causing quarrels, scandals and accidents. Negotiations, parties and passive rest are also not compatible with the energy of Mars.

Tuesday is a very active day, filled with energy. It matters where you direct it. Tuesdays are favorable:

  • team up with friends to achieve a common goal;
  • be physically active, play sports, compete. It is very important that energy does not stagnate on this day;
  • practice martial arts;
  • study repair work: from repairing a stool to repairing a car;
  • talk like a man. Keep in mind: if the power is not used for noble purposes, Mars will boomerang and send negative karma.


Mercury Day. The number of Mercury in numerology is 5.

Everyone born on the 5th, 14th, 23rd is under the influence of Mercury. They are usually intelligent, sociable, love communication, easily absorb information and express their thoughts. In the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for the ability of the intellect to distinguish between good and bad, goodness, passion and ignorance.

Mercury is the planet of intelligence, communications and communication, business and trade, the study of new sciences, foreign languages, astrology, speech indicator. On Wednesday, any trade transactions, purchases and sales, business and not so business trips, business meetings, signing contracts, studying new sciences and foreign languages, all kinds of communication, meeting with friends are very good.

Favorable on Wednesdays:

  • learn and teach;
  • write letters;
  • conduct any activity related to education;
  • conduct business related to business, finance, trade;
  • communicate and conduct business meeting;
  • solve problems;
  • improve skills.


Jupiter Day. The number of Jupiter in numerology is 3.

Everyone born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th is ruled by Jupiter. The people of this day have the features of this planet - the “Stars of Kings”. They unconsciously exude a sense of authority and power. Those born on the 12th of any month are especially lucky.

Jupiter is the most auspicious planet, so Thursday is considered the most auspicious day.

Jupiter gives wisdom, desire for spirituality, success in counseling and teaching. Thursday is very good for matters aimed at material prosperity. Favorable for starting long-term projects related to further growth, for example, opening a bank account, wedding, baptism of children, business, financial investments, consulting, attending lectures and educational programs. Jupiter is a very social planet, so seclusion is not very recommended on Thursday. Remember that problems that arise on Thursday tend to grow, so try not to conflict, avoid possible quarrels at the very beginning.

Thursday is favorable:

  • study the laws of the Universe, communicate with spiritual Teachers;
  • engage in spiritual practices, read mantras;
  • gather with like-minded people with whom you have the same spiritual goals;
  • do charity work;
  • decide legal issues;
  • conduct negotiations and make transactions;
  • contact management with requests aimed at the interests of the team. It is very important to show that you think about the common good, to demonstrate professionalism, to be competent - this is the secret to success on Thursday.


Venus Day. The number of Venus in numerology is 6.

Everyone born on the 6th, 15th, 24th is ruled by Venus. Those born on this day are people of feelings (not to be confused with emotions).

Friday is a wonderful day for relaxation and entertainment, expression of feelings and charity. After all, Venus, the patron saint of Friday, awakens the desire for beauty. It is a day of peace, art, contemplation, aestheticism and love. The best time for dating, courtship, romantic dates and weddings.

Venus is the planet of beauty, love, romance, creativity. Friday is the time to give and receive exquisite gifts, buy beautiful cars and housing, and go on trips. Engage in design, attend concerts and exhibitions. Women are encouraged to pamper themselves in every possible way: shopping, personal care, beauty salon, SPA and even delicious cakes, if the soul asks.

Favorable on Friday:

  • decorate the world: yourself and your home;
  • buy clothes, jewelry, works of art;
  • dress beautifully and elegantly;
  • play on musical instruments;
  • sing, dance, draw;
  • play;
  • give flowers to loved ones;
  • amuse others
  • pay attention to women - they are especially sensitive on Friday and will certainly appreciate it.


Saturn day. The number of Saturn in numerology is 8.

Everyone born on the 8th, 17th, 26th is under the influence of Saturn. Saturn people are often solitary philosophers, autonomous.

Saturn itself is a symbol of isolation, isolation, crystallization, self-knowledge and rejection of a person from social contacts, in this it is the antipode of Jupiter.

Saturn is the most serious planet, the planet of ascetics and yogis, the planet of karma. On Saturday it is favorable to rest, observe fasts, retire, conduct deep internal analysis, meditate, perform and organize current affairs. If you need to make a decision, it must be very thoughtful and balanced.

Saturn represents duty, destiny, karma. He is very critical and conservative. Therefore, on Saturday it is better to limit desires and needs, talk less about your experiences and problems. This is not the best day for doing business, as the likelihood of confrontation and losses increases. And with all this, you need to remember that on Saturday it is better to talk less and be silent more.

Saturday is a day for yourself. Time to stop, think, reconsider your plans. The proverb says: “Whoever works on Saturday works all week like a donkey, and to no avail.” Judaism is believed to be heavily influenced by Saturn. And the name of the day of the week “Saturday” comes from the Jewish “Sabbath”.

In our culture, this day is not used for its intended purpose: weddings, companies, feasts. This goes against the rhythms of nature, which gives us a special day for a very deep and serious reflection on our lives, a retreat from everyday bustle and true peace.

Favorable on Saturday:

  • wear blue, light blue and black;
  • retire;
  • calm and clear the mind (yoga, fasting, meditation, service to others, etc.)
  • observe moderation in speech and food;
  • think about life;
  • visit nature, walks in the mountains are especially favorable;
  • tinker with personal plot;
  • do charity work;
  • take care of parents and elderly people; it is not for nothing that Saturday is known as “parents’ day”;
  • control what you say, because Saturn will make you answer for your words;
  • help someone who is worse off than you; to console, to do a good deed;
  • read the book “The Greatness of Saturn.”

And finally: on Tuesday and Saturday, any undertakings are unfavorable, but good for surgical operations; Thursday and Friday - better days for Wedding; Monday and Friday are women's days, to delight the soul and body.

They say that a person's fate is influenced by the day of the week on which he was born. Today we will look at what people born on Monday are like. What character do they have? What fate is destined for them?

People born on Monday: character and destiny

In English, Monday means "day of the moon." And therefore, the fate of all who are born in will go precisely under the auspices and beginning of this night luminary. It is the moon in the life of a person born on Monday that will play a leading role, influencing his intuition and sensitivity. It is on Monday that individuals are born who are capable of achieving a lot if they want it and are able to figure out what exactly they want from life. People born on Monday, whose character and fate will be discussed in detail in the article, are able to easily adapt to any conditions and environment.

Their paraphry is the arts and the humanities, since such individuals are often gifted with great artistic talent and their own vision of the world. Such people are by no means lazy, not slackers, but they are often unlucky in fate - they are the ones who will do their best to bypass any obstacle or difficulty, protecting themselves from many problems and worries. They are more likely to shift their problems and difficulties onto others. These people will choose life partners strong man, so that he would be both support and support. But few people like to solve other people's questions and problems, and because of this, Monday people are often lonely all their lives.

What are people born on Monday like? These individuals are focused on family values ​​- in the circle of family and friends they show themselves in all their strength. But, despite all their sociability, they rarely open their souls to anyone, share their rich inner world, fantasies and desires - precisely because of this, even their household may not understand them.

Women born on this day of the week are gentle and dreamy by nature, graceful as deer - they always compromise, without entering into conflict or argument, especially if it can be circumvented. They are madly afraid of loneliness, and for a full life they need mutual love- they often associate this with a child.

Men born on this day of the week also have a rich fantasy and imagination, they are sensual and sensitive, constantly in search of their only lady of the heart. All their lives they will be tormented by the question of whether they will be able to find their soul mate, because with all their courageous appearance and external calm, they also need care and support.

Compatibility of all those born on Monday

Who will people born on Monday be happy with? Compatibility says that an ideal union would be with those born on Friday or Tuesday. If a relationship is built with a partner born on Saturday or Sunday, in this tandem you will have to constantly improve without relaxing. With a partner born on Wednesday, the relationship is ideal.

Monday is considered a lunar day, and therefore everyone who was born on this day is marked in their character by swings in mood and energy - they should not start new things on this day. Such people also should not take on grandiose plans - a change in mood will lead to the fact that after an hour they will simply abandon it, thinking about how to put an end to such an undertaking.

In work, people born on Monday are recommended to do things that do not require much mental concentration from them, physical activity- otherwise they will simply make a lot of mistakes, which others will have to correct. Their main difficulty is laziness - it is something everyone born on this day must overcome in everyday life.

In matters of nutrition, it is recommended to give preference plant foods and compliance with unloading posts. And what is most important is that our ancestors believed that people born at the beginning of the week can achieve a lot, but the main thing for them is to understand for themselves what exactly they want and what they are striving for.

Born on Monday: human characteristics

All those born on this first day of the week are very emotional, open and responsive, affectionate and sensitive, and have a rich spiritual inner world. They are incomparable dreamers - they will make excellent science fiction writers. They can adapt to everyone and everything and love their home. But in any case, on an intuitive level, they need protection.

They are faithful to the chosen partner both on a spiritual, financial and sexual level. For all their sociability, they will rarely open their own to anyone. inner world, perhaps to the closest person.

People born on Monday, whose characteristics are mostly positive, love to be praised, admired and given gifts, although they themselves are happy to present something to others. They love to eat delicious food, and they themselves are excellent cooks, which is why they are often prone to excess weight. Regarding sexual topics, they like to do “this” exclusively at home or in a well-known environment. As a sexual partner, Monday people are passive participants.

People born on Monday, whose characteristics are being considered, are capable of accomplishing great things, but these are personalities of mood, which rarely anyone can predict. They are often capricious and easily fall under the influence of others - it is precisely because of this that they should engage in their inner world, the formation of their inner core. Without proper work on themselves, they will interfere with reality and fiction, falling into panic, becoming very unhappy individuals.

What do astrologers say about those born on Monday?

As many astrologers emphasize, a man born on Monday is the most courageous representative of all other “days of the week,” and women are faithful and feminine. From childhood, they set a goal for themselves and strictly pursue it - their energy is subtle, but also strong at the same time, and if there are no obstacles in their way, then they will be able to conquer the world. If we take statistical data as a basis, then in every large company about 30 percent of people born on Monday work. Moreover, the more spiritually developed such a person is, the more charisma he has, the more he is able to achieve in this life on his path.

Contradictions and devotion of lunar birthday people

Such individuals are controlled by the night luminary - the Moon, and therefore such people are characterized by pronounced doubts and confusion. Many of them often struggle with mental contradictions and experiences, and this is what gets in the way of them achieving heights. In terms of emotional openness, they are unique, they have no equal, since such individuals are very sociable and affectionate, they have rich fantasy, inner world. It is people born on Monday, whose characteristics are presented to your attention in the article, who can adapt to the world around them with incredible ease. They will adapt to someone, to a stronger personality, and in this position they will feel very comfortable and comfortable.

People born on Monday, whose fate is under the auspices of the Moon, intuitively strive to see a strong personality next to them - it is to them that they often shift their problems and worries. They appreciate family warmth, comfort, and devoted in every sense to their partner.

Monday people and the professions they should choose

People born on Monday, whose character is rather contradictory, for the most part choose humanitarian professions in their professional field, practice charity and are ready to work with the sick and suffering. Individuals to whom the Moon is favorable often devote themselves to medicine - it is among them that you can find the best nurses and caregivers. But doctors rarely come out of them - this particular specialist should have an excellent education, an analytical mind, but “lunar” people do not have the ability to remember large amounts of information, for them this is a real problem.

Dependencies of children born on Monday

All those born on Monday fall under the influence of the night luminary - the Moon - it is she who determines their direct dependence on their own mother. They are often called mama's boys and daughters. It is this dependence that determines their great desire to have their own children and take care of everyone - their own household and strangers. In this regard, it is worth remembering how successfully and competently the relationship between “lunar” people and the mother is built. How well their future turns out may depend on this.

So, if a mother supports her child, he will grow up to be a genius. But if on her part there is negativity towards the child, then he will likely grow into a flawed person, such a moral monster. Quite often, such children demand a lot from their mothers - to give up their careers and favorite things, to communicate with friends. The thing is that this is not selfishness - it is their nature. They need a sensitive mother, attentive and kind, ready to help at any moment. For such a child, a parent is an unquestioning authority, and his future will depend on how she behaves.

For the successful development and personal development of “lunar” children, there must be animals in the house, big or small, younger brothers or sisters, a lot of dolls, that is, everything that the baby can take care of and with. This will allow him to reveal his potential, his strengths, and set tasks and priorities for him.

Life priorities and preferences

For people born on Monday, the main priority in life is their family and home, relatives and friends, children and grandchildren. If they don't have own home and families - they will suffer unduly, often moving from one place to another. The life, career, and success of people born on Monday will depend precisely on the presence or absence of a family, the internal climate and situation in the house, relationships with their husband or wife.

Combination of birthday - Monday and month of birth

What other qualities do people born on Monday have? Their fate depends not only on the day of the week, but also on the month of birth. The characteristics of those born in different months of the year will be discussed further.

Thus, Monday people born in December are loyal and responsible, generous, and have overly developed patriotism. They are passionate and ambitious, love to command and direct everything and everyone, and work for the future. It is interesting to talk with them on various topics, but sometimes it is difficult to understand them; they are friendly and strictly adhere to the law. They just love music.

Everyone born on Monday in the month of January is capricious and very impressive, they love to dress beautifully. Such people can quickly get bored with everything and everyone, but they rarely show their strong emotions. They are very sensitive, and if they are upset, they will take longer to recover than everyone else.

Everyone born on Monday in February loves to fly in the clouds, they often change their own opinions and positions, they are intellectual and well-read, very attractive, one might even say sexy, but at the same time very superstitious, they love freedom of action. But by their nature and behavior they are modest and shy, but if you anger them, they are quite malicious and even aggressive.

People born on Monday in March are attractive and very sexy, they are sensitive and sensual by nature, honest and open, frank and very generous. They value their own peace and serenity, are sometimes irritable, but at the same time reliable, remember everyone who has done them a good deed, reciprocating, and are insightful. But their weak point is an excessive addiction to alcohol, which they absolutely should not indulge in.

People born on Monday in April are noted for an incredible sense of humor, talkative, but at the same time they know how to keep their thoughts in the right direction for them, without relaxing. They are responsive, kind, confident in themselves and their abilities, ready to help, and most importantly, they are incredible polyglots, they love to learn and experience everything new.

May birthday people born on Monday are strong-willed people, very decisive, sometimes stubborn and cruel, but at the same time they devotedly love their chosen one. For such people there are no problems with motivation - they see the goal and at the same time do not see obstacles, they are sharp-tongued and will never remain silent, but at the same time they know how to keep the secrets and secrets entrusted to them. They love to be the center of attention and are able to understand a person, society and the situation in the world better than many people. They are restless by nature, but very hardworking, they can give very useful advice, which is worth listening to.

All those born on one of the Mondays in June are true connoisseurs of life's pleasures, receiving them from everything that can bring positivity and happiness into the world. They are outrageous, love to be in the spotlight, can achieve success in politics and in the public sphere - these are film actors and politicians, journalists, everyone who sees themselves in a public profession.

Those born in July on one Monday are darlings, cheerful people, true companions, open to communication, but at the same time they can be difficult to understand. July birthday people are peace-loving, but sometimes they can show their nervousness and temperament, and be like an awakened volcano. Such people are honest and tactful, they value friendship and the feelings of other people, their opinions, but are often unpredictable. Despite the fact that they are easily offended, they are not vindictive - they quickly move away from insults and, when a friend shows concern, they will forget about everything. They are witty, but at the same time they categorically cannot stand things and actions.

Those born on one of the Mondays in August are very sociable, enthusiastically look at any risk, and demand constant attention and admiration for their person. They often look at the world with their hearts rather than assessing their surroundings with their minds, and at the same time they look at themselves very self-critically. They have a lot of self-confidence, they often behave noisily, are quite vindictive and have an incredible imagination. They are independent, stubborn, strong-willed.

People born in September on Monday are very dynamic and active, decisive in their actions and decisions, and will never regret what they have done. They know the value of their own appearance, love everyone's attention and praise, and at the same time have an innate sense of tact and the techniques of an experienced diplomat. They will always come to the rescue, will not refuse advice and will be able to keep a friend’s secret. Such people know how to take care of their neighbors. They have a lot of friends and acquaintances - they are leaders by nature and are able to successfully motivate.

All those born on one Monday in October are sociable jokers who love to be the center of attention; they are characterized by incredible beauty, both external and internal. But their weak side, the downside is a lie - harmless, not carrying evil, meaningless. They will lie rather out of self-interest. By nature they are brave, friendly, but often lose their temper, intending to teach everyone. They are realists and dreamers at the same time, smart, unpredictable, but rarely control their emotions.

Those born on one of the Mondays in November are loyal and reliable people, passionate by nature and sometimes dangerous, and therefore they should not be angered. They are very independent, sexy and fearless, they know how to get benefit and pleasure from life, they are secretive, although this is not noticeable outwardly. In a good mood, they are able to fit into any company and environment, but at the same time they do not worry if they have to be in splendid isolation for a long time. They are smart and multifaceted by nature, have a rich inner world, are dreamers, but most often they shine in the field of exact sciences. Strong both mentally and physically - having such a friend is a real find.

Useful tips

How to make every day successful in every way?

You may or may not believe in omens, but since ancient times people have noticed certain patterns that defy logical explanation.

It was believed that every day was suitable for certain things.

For example Monday and Friday were considered hard days, and Tuesday and Saturday were considered light days.. And still people adhere to many signs associated with the days of the week.

Listen to these signs to get maximum benefit every day.

Signs of Monday

Monday counts day of the moon, which is associated with our emotions, the subconscious, is responsible for your ability to adapt to people, events and places.

On this day you need to be careful with your emotions, as they are very changeable. Monday is considered a difficult day, and therefore you need to try to reflect everything that happens like a mirror, and not let it into yourself.

    Don't start new project or work on Monday, otherwise you will spend the whole week in trouble.

    Monday is a bad day to hit the road. If an accident happens on the road, it will haunt you all week.

    if you accept guests on Monday, then you will be entertaining guests all week.

    On Monday you can borrow, the whole week will be profitable.

    Monday is the best day if necessary pull out a tooth. But you also need to pay attention to the phase of the moon. Everything will heal faster if the Moon is in its waning phase rather than in its waxing phase.

    On Monday our emotions are heightened, so try to focus on positive emotions.

    Sneeze on Monday means that you will soon receive a gift or a surprise awaits you. If you sneezed early in the morning, rare luck awaits you and problems will bypass you.

    If on Monday the right or left eye began to itch- this is a good omen, promising success and joyful events, as well as a good relationship with others.

    Cheeks are burning on Monday - a new acquaintance awaits you, or you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time.

    When ears are burning on this day, then it may have different meaning depending on the time of day. In the morning, redness of the ears indicates someone's envy, and in the evening it can threaten quarrels in the family and omissions.

    To trip over on Monday - to sadness or troubles.

    Cut nails on Monday - get rid of sadness and melancholy, from bad people and events.

Signs of Tuesday

Tuesday is Mars day. On this day a person has more confidence and energy.

This is a good time for new beginnings, moving through big obstacles, or standing up for your point of view. But you should not go too far and not enter into conflicts.

    Tuesday a wonderful day for any business or work. On this day, any endeavors are favorable. Whatever you plan on this day will be a success.

    Tuesday is the best day for departures on the road. You can go on vacation, travel, business trips and even visit without fear.

    Tuesday is lucky meet new people and start new relationships.

    This day is unlucky for borrowing or lending money to someone, especially in the evening. If money needs to be given or taken, it must be placed on the table and taken from the table, and not from hand to hand.

    If you buy something on Tuesday, give money without change or pay by card.

    If you sneeze on Tuesday, then this is for the arrival of relatives or guests. If you sneeze before breakfast, you will be lucky all day.

    When cheeks are burning on Tuesday, you should be wary of conflicts or scandals.

    If ears are burning On this day, you may be offended or disappointed by loved ones.

    To trip over on Tuesday when leaving the house - to a lucrative offer.

    Cut your nails on Tuesday– provide yourself with protection from surprises, enemies, protect yourself from diseases of the head and blood.

Signs of the environment

The environment is under control Mercury and favors Mercurian affairs - studying, writing, reading. It is also a day for communication of any kind: telephone calls, emails, self-expression.

Like Monday, Wednesday is a rather difficult day, as Mercury can play with us.

    Don't move to a new house on Wednesday or an apartment. Moving to a new place will bring bad luck, and you are unlikely to stay there.

    On Wednesday you can't start new things, since luck turns away from you on this day.

    Bad idea - to get a job on this day, since you are unlikely to be able to stay in this place.

    On Wednesday you can go for shopping, there is a high probability that new clothes or the shoes will suit you and last a long time.

    On Wednesday it’s good to be creative: draw, dance, sing, start writing a book.

    Ears are burning on Wednesday morning - waiting for you unexpected meeting, if the ears turn red in the evening - to a new acquaintance, flirting and relationships.

Read also:Astrology: 7 secrets of success for every day of the week

    Cheeks are burning on Wednesday - you will have good luck in business or expect profit.

    Sneeze on Wednesday- To good news, pleasant communication and meetings, negotiations.

    To trip over on Wednesday - expect trouble, you may have enemies.

    Cut nails You need it on Wednesday if you want to improve relationships with others and find best solution problems.

Signs of Thursday

Patron of Thursday - Jupiter, which helps to cope with major matters, problems and people. A positive attitude on this day helps to attract luck, approval and gain the necessary experience.

    Thursday is the easiest day. To make it even more auspicious, get up early in the morning and wash your face before dawn. This will ensure cleanliness and health.

    Thursday is best start things, everything will turn out well. All your plans and ideas will come true and bring results.

    This day is lucky repay debts. Everything you give will come back to you threefold.

    You should not throw words around on Thursday, otherwise everything said will come true. You should be especially careful with bad words.

    Also not worth it tell your dreams on Thursday, especially bad, since dreams on Thursday come true.

    On Thursday they do not plant potatoes and do not harvest plums. In the first case, you are in danger of a crop failure, and in the second, everything cooked will not be preserved or will turn out to be tasteless.

    If cheeks are burning on Thursday - expect pleasant surprises.

    Sneeze on Thursday - luck is on your side. You can accept gifts and greet guests.

    When on Thursday afternoon ears are burning- good news awaits you.

    To trip over on Thursday is not a good omen, promising trouble.

    Cut your nails on Thursday if you want to increase your authority, become more confident, and live longer.

Signs of Friday

Friday is the day Venus. Work week ends and the weekend is ahead.

During the day you can communicate, find harmonious solutions to problems, and smooth out any conflicts. This day favors love, romance and affection.

    Friday is considered a hard day, just like Monday, because things go backwards. For this reason, it is better to postpone important and new things to another day.

    If you have fun in the morning on Friday, then in the second half you will be sad and cry.

    Not allowed on Friday cut nails, otherwise there will be hangnails.

    Married women not worth it wash your hair on Friday, as this is considered a sin.

    Friday is the best day for first date.

    Not recommended change bed linen on Friday, otherwise you will have nightmares at night.

    This day is also not suitable for moving to a new home or office.

    If cheeks are burning on Friday, expect news from loved ones or a visit from relatives.

    Sneeze on Friday - for a romantic date or a declaration of love.

    If ears are burning on Friday, you may also be called on a date, or you will meet your loved one.

    tripping on Friday promises an unexpected meeting.

    If on Friday spill flour, there is a chance that you will change your job to a more profitable one.

    On Friday you should not do women's work, handicrafts, for example, knitting, sewing, embroidery, otherwise your hands will hurt.

    If a girl wants to get married, she should fast on Friday.

Signs of Saturday

Saturday is under control Saturn. She controls things and doesn't let them get out of control. It's a fairly calm day.

On this day, you should not rush, you need to pay attention to details, spend time with those who have greater wisdom.

    Saturday is an easy day best time for new things. Any business and plans will go in your favor and be successful.

    Can go on a trip on Saturday, the road will be easy, and problems will pass you by.

    Saturday is good move to a new place residence or work.

    On Saturday it is good to garden or garden.

    Saturday is also favorable for matters of the heart. You can schedule a wedding, engagement, christening.

    If cheeks are burning, then great fun awaits you.

    Sneeze on Saturday - all your wishes will come true in the near future. Make a wish right after you sneeze.

    To trip over on Saturday - to betrayal.

    Saturday is a favorable day for nail cutting for those who want to avoid loneliness, improve their health and get rid of debts.

Signs of Sunday

Sunday - day Sun. This is a good day for the most noble deeds, showing kindness and generosity. On this day you need to strive to become better, devote it to self-knowledge and self-improvement.

    Sunday unfavorable day for any work. There is no need to sew, clean, wash or do other household chores; this is considered a sin.

    You can't cut your nails or hair on Sunday, otherwise you are depriving yourself of money and happiness. It is also believed that on this day the connection with the guardian angel is strong, and cutting nails breaks this connection.

“Monday” syndrome affects people in the age range from 45 to 54 years. Somnologists give a simple chain of jet lag: if a person habitually wakes up at 6 am, and on weekends allows himself to sleep until 12, then weekly he shifts his time zones forward, and then again by 6 hours back. The result will not be long in coming - drowsiness, bad mood and boundless desire. On Monday morning, people spend about an hour and a half on their own complaints and complaints, while on other days they spend only a quarter of an hour on “whining.”

Scientists, in turn, confirmed the hypothesis that when biorhythm is disrupted, the brain works twice as slow, which is why the first three working hours are extremely difficult to concentrate and choose activities not only for the whole week, but also for the day.

Monday Magic

Monday is the day of the Moon, which has long been considered the benefactor of witchcraft and magic. The fear of falling under the influence of evil spirits forced our ancestors to postpone new business and travel for other days. What remains to be done? Make the first day of the week your planning day.

Fight with the enemy

Waking up in advance will help you overcome the Monday “sickness”. For some, this may sound like a death sentence, but your body will gratefully appreciate the opportunity to pamper yourself a little in bed. A sudden rise from bed provokes the release of a large amount of adrenaline, which, in turn, awakens aggression and nervousness. Add 20–30 minutes to your usual morning routine to “turn on” your body.

Train yourself to perform your morning routine “automatically” and don’t overload your brain with unnecessary thoughts. Required condition- hearty breakfast. Avoid eating sweet and too fatty foods. A large number of carbohydrates will not allow you to get enough and after a couple of hours the idea of ​​​​a snack will appear in your head.

The ritual you choose will help you get involved in your work, for example, clearing unnecessary papers from your desk, greeting your colleagues and having a cup of tea. Spend a quarter of an hour setting your priorities for the day. And in no case deviate from your plan, this will help you get at least minimal productivity on the first day.

Monday should not be a fall from a ship into the ocean for you, requiring a long and diligent swim. It's better if you can organize a soft start.