Is it possible to glue tiles over old tiles? Laying new tiles directly on top of old ones: a proven method. Rules for laying tiles on a clay wall: how to lay and glue

Decorative ceramic tiles are perhaps the most popular finishing material for decorating floors in the bathroom, hallway, corridor and kitchen.

This is explained by its practicality, hygiene and enviable durability.

Laying tiles is not an easy job, and requires certain knowledge and skill, and in order for everything to turn out as neatly and aesthetically as possible, you need at least a little experience.

It often happens that the owner of the apartment would like to replace the old floor tiles for a new one, but he’s just scared to take on this activity. Dust and debris, labor-intensive dismantling work - all this stops. In this case, the question arises about the possibility of laying tiles on old ones that were laid a long time ago.

The answer is clear - the technology of laying new modern tiles on old tiles exists and is actively used during repairs.

But before you decide to implement this idea, you need to very carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of this method, calculate real opportunities in application to the specific conditions of your own apartment.

If the old tile covering was once laid out conscientiously, then it in itself is a good solid foundation for the new one.

There will be no need for very labor-intensive, costly, dirty and noisy work to dismantle the old coating.

In addition, removing old tiles will necessarily entail large-scale work to repair the base, install new waterproofing, and level cement screed and so on.

In some cases, laying tiles on an old tiled base is most advisable from the point of view of the impossibility of removing it due to passing water or sewer communications, capitally installed plumbing equipment.

However, it should be remembered that similar technology However, this is not always applicable:

If the old coating is very loose and the cement-adhesive mixture underneath is crumbling, then complete dismantling will be necessary.

Laying new tiles on tiles on the floor on top of a weak base is simply doomed to failure - such a floor will not last long.

IN multi-storey buildings old building level of laid out metlakh tiles The floor in a bathroom or toilet can differ quite greatly from the horizontal.

Thus, in order to give the room neatness and geometric correctness, you will have to add screed, and for this you need to dismantle the old tiles.

Another pitfall. The second layer of tiles will inevitably raise the floor level.

But in the bathroom or toilet it must be lower than in the corridor, and additionally protected by a 1.5-2 cm threshold - to avoid the possibility of accidental flooding of living quarters.

Careful measurements should be taken before undertaking such work.

The first thing is a thorough inspection of the floor!

If you nevertheless decide to lay decorative tiles on the old tile covering, then the most important condition for the success of the work will be careful preparation grounds.

First of all, you need to literally climb on your knees all over the old floor and inspect every tile.

If any of them “play”, have significant cracks, or squeak when pressed, they must be removed.

It will not be possible to simply visually assess the condition of the old coating - you need to tap the entire tile with a hammer.

If a ringing sound is heard, this indicates peeling of the cladding, which means it will not serve reliable basis. You will also have to remove these fragments, clean the freed surface, raise and level it to the general level using sand and sand. cement mortar.

It is clear that this is done only if these are single tiles. When such a deficiency becomes widespread, there is no need to doubt it - you need to remove all old tile fully.

How to prepare a surface for laying tiles

The main enemies when laying a new tile covering on an old one are the glazed surface, which significantly reduces the adhesive characteristics of adhesive mixtures, and banal old dirt, which also prevents the quality adhesion of the tile to the base.

To increase the strength of the coating being laid, it is recommended to make notches on old tiles with a glossy slippery coating, drill holes, and even better, carefully treat it with a diamond grinder disc, right down to the ceramic base. After this, the surface must be vacuumed thoroughly.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the old coating from dirt. During the time that it was on the floor, an almost invisible greasy coating was sure to form on it, which may not have the best effect on the adhesive composition.

Degreasing is carried out in different ways - some use organic solvents, gasoline, acetone. Those who do not want to breathe chemicals can be advised to thoroughly rinse the floor several times warm water with the addition of caustic soda.

We should not forget about the condition of the tile joints. This is a traditional place for dirt and grease to accumulate, and their cleaning must be carried out without fail.

If old grout the seams have begun to crumble, it should be removed to the maximum possible depth, and after washing, cover up tile adhesive or cement mortar to the coating level.

There is an opinion that if the old tiled covering is primed with Betonokontakt, you can do without first roughening it.

However, ideal option nevertheless, it will be possible to carry out both – this will serve as a guarantee of success.

Primers that are applicable in this case, in addition to Benonokontakt, are called Ivsil Basis-Beton, Plitonit-Grunt-Superkontakt, and Ceresit CN94.

All further work can be continued only after completely dry primer layer. You should get a grainy surface similar in texture to sandpaper.

Some craftsmen, in addition, practice applying a thin layer of tile adhesive - about 2 mm, and after it hardens, they begin laying the tiles.

Will any glue work?

Laying tiles on top of an old tile covering in its technology differs little from the usual one, although there are still some nuances:

  • The height of the comb on the spatula should be about 10-15 mm.
  • When laying out the starting row, it is better to place a new one ceramic tiles so that the seams do not coincide with the old ones.

But is any glue suitable for such work?

Should we listen to those who claim that after treatment with Betonokontakt, the brand of glue is not of fundamental importance?

It’s probably still worth taking the issue of choosing an adhesive very responsibly, especially since we will mainly be talking about laying tiles in a room with high humidity.

What do experienced professionals advise??

Ivsil Profit glue has good characteristics that will allow you to create a reliable and durable coating.

True, it is designed more for porcelain tiles, but in the case of laying over old tiles it is an excellent option.

Ceresit CM17 has high adhesion, even to the smooth bottom tile layer. Its purpose is precisely complex surfaces, and the new coating will be reliable and durable.

The Vetonit Renovation adhesive composition has earned a lot of good reviews. Even some finishers claim that it may not be necessary to roughen old tiles - this is what adhesive composition plasticity and adhesion.

Of course, similar adhesive mixtures, designed for particularly durable coatings and complex surfaces, are more expensive than usual. However, saving in this matter can be disastrous, and it is better to play it safe by purchasing truly reliable material.

So, put new tiles on an old ceramic coating is a completely acceptable option if you strictly follow all the specified rules.

Sometimes this technology is the only choice the right decision, both in terms of efficiency and timing repair work. And if you are faced with the question of whether such floor finishing is acceptable, feel free to get down to business - everything should work out.

When renovating an apartment, a situation often arises when you need to install new tiles instead of old ones. The work of dismantling old tiles is hard work associated with the need not only to remove the tiles themselves, but also to remove large volumes construction waste, level the floor or walls. Therefore, the question “is it possible to lay tiles on tiles” arises very often in such cases. Is it possible? Yes, subject to certain conditions.

Inspection of old tiles

To find out whether it is possible to lay a new tile on the old one, it is necessary to examine the strength of its attachment to the base. To do this, the tiles are first inspected to detect cracks, chips, and falling fragments. If the tile appears to be holding tightly, tap it wooden hammer, and if there is chatter or cracks, the poorly secured tiles are chipped off. If most of the tiles are not holding up well and there are voids underneath, you will have to dismantle them, level the floor or walls, and only then lay new tiles.

It is also necessary to find out whether the floor level will be higher than the threshold level of the room. Too much thickness of the covering on the walls also does not look aesthetically pleasing, and in this case it is also better to remove the tiles.

Laying tiles on tiles

If the condition of the old coating is satisfactory and the decision is made to lay tiles on tiles, it is necessary to roughen the old tiles, otherwise it will be impossible to achieve good adhesion of the new tiles. You can do this in several ways:

  • Remove glossy upper layer from tiles;
  • Make notches on the tiles;
  • Treat its surface with a special primer.

The first two methods are labor-intensive and involve a lot of dust. The third method requires additional material costs for the purchase of a primer.

Removing the top layer, as well as making notches, is done using a grinder. This is done in order to create contact between the tile adhesive and the lower moisture-absorbing layer of the old tile. The top layer of the tile can not be completely removed, but the contact area of ​​the adhesive with the tile should not be less than 60%. The notches are applied at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.

More modern way giving smooth waterproof surfaces roughness - treating it with a concrete-contact primer. This primer has excellent adhesion to the glazed top layer of tiles and creates a rough coating on top of which tile adhesive adheres well.

Technology of laying tiles on tiles:

Tiles laid over old ones can serve faithfully for many years, but there are situations when this is not recommended. Laying tiles on tiles is not advisable if:

  1. When tapped, the tile does not collapse, but the sound is inhomogeneous. This indicates the presence of air voids, and tiles laid on top of such a coating will create too much stress on old mortar, causing the tile to fall off along with the old one.
  2. The room, for example a bathroom, has a very small area and poorly aligned walls. In this case, laying tiles on top of old tiles and a thick layer of plaster greatly reduces the useful dimensions of the room, and it is better to remove the old coating and do the cladding according to all the rules.
  3. The tiles are very old and prone to the formation of small cracks, chips, and destruction of the top layer. Tiles laid on such a base will not last long, and everything will have to be redone.
  4. Old communications were laid under the old tiles without installation of inspection hatches and access to the pipes. If it is necessary to replace pipes, large-scale dismantling work and remove both layers of tiles at once. It is more rational to spend a little more time and money on dismantling and laying new pipes and tiles.
  5. The tiled floor is uneven or has a fairly large slope that needs to be leveled. In this case, it is better to remove not only the tiles, but sometimes also the old screed, and repair the floor according to all the rules.

Saving is a philosophy, principle and engine of progress. Under economic slogans, new technologies are emerging, ingenious methods are being developed to reduce the costs of labor, money and an important factor - time. In the name of economy, the strictest requirements of building regulations that prohibit gluing are sometimes forgotten. floor ceramics to the previous coating from similar material. However, it was she who made craftsmen think about the problem of “is it possible to lay tiles on tiles?” And since they had to “break” their heads, a solution was found - reliable way build a new covering over the laid tiled floor.

Economic prerequisites for maintaining coverage

The idea that a hard, smooth, water-impervious ceramic floor could not be dismantled before changing the coating could not but arise among prudent craftsmen, since:

  • dismantling will take a lot of effort and time;
  • fragments will probably break off along with the tiles cement-sand screed. It will need to be refilled entirely or locally. with plywood or plasterboard flooring will also become completely unusable with the consequences of a complete remodel. And the polymer preparation also needs to be renewed;
  • dust will be significant. Before renovation, it will be necessary to vacate not only the premises itself, but also the adjacent rooms. Even if you cover furniture and equipment in neighboring rooms with polyethylene, it is not a fact that the dirty finish will not be damaged;
  • There will be garbage removal and cleaning;
  • the construction of a new screed is coming with the purchase of materials, the consumption of labor and again time waiting for the hardening of solutions or binders.

It’s no wonder that the amount of complications persistently whispered the idea of ​​refusing repairs. But if the old coating calls for alterations, means of minimizing costs had to be found. Those. get the opportunity to lay ceramic squares, hexagons and rectangles on probably not very presentable predecessors. The task was to remove purely technical obstacles that hindered the implementation of the plan.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to put tiles on a wooden floor. Due to the fact that wood tends to change size due to instability of temperature and humidity, this may seem impossible. We'll tell you how to do it correctly and avoid trouble in the article: .

What are the difficulties?

There are good reasons for the slightly outdated technological decree, according to which ceramics should be unconditionally destroyed before laying a new coating:

  • the rough foundation should be monolithic, and not made up of separate, insufficiently large elements;
  • the rough surface must be characterized by porosity and roughness, which is required for reliable adhesion of the adhesive to it, which is not typical for ceramic products.

Solidity will not cause concern to owners of a floor with correctly laid previous tiles, which are usually quite new. If the ceramic coating with the underlying base really creates a single whole, it will adequately perform its load-bearing function. Otherwise, an excessively large load will fall on the connecting layer located between the old coating and its base. As a result, elements of both coatings will break off.

With porosity everything is more complicated. This is the main problem for those who are thinking about the question “is it possible to lay tiles on tiles?” The main advantage of building ceramics is high density with a minimum number of pores capable of absorbing moisture.

Moisture absorption or scientifically its absorption coefficient is directly related to the number of pores. At the tiles for interior decoration it varies from 0.5 to 3.0%. Moreover, in the 3% case it is supplemented with a top glaze, leaving the back side porous to optimize adhesion. But the glue needs to penetrate through the miniature tubules into the body of the base, gain a foothold in it and attract it to itself finishing coat. This means that the pores just need to be opened or created, and at the same time the roughness must be increased. How?

In order to increase porosity and provide the roughness necessary for gluing, three options were invented:

  • Cleaning the top layer of the supporting ceramic floor with a grinder grinder.
  • Formation of notches, preferably combined with the previous product.
  • Use of Concrete Contact marked CERESIT ST-19, enriched with needle quartz, or its counterpart with ordinary sand. There are analogues with the brand Knauf, Bolars, etc. After applying these priming materials, the surface acquires the required roughness, thanks to which it will be possible to use ordinary tile adhesive, such as CERESIT CM-11.

It's best if all three effective methods will be used together. Then the grip will definitely be excellent.

Even flawless tile laying will not look perfect if you do not pay enough attention to the final stage of finishing. tile joints. Find out how to choose a grout for tiles and the difference between cement and epoxy options in next material: .

Contraindications to such work

Means have been invented, but their use is not always feasible, which must be taken into account at the stage of inception of the idea. The following contraindications determine whether tiles can be laid on tiles in a particular case:

  • The tiles were laid with low-quality glue, as a result of which the majority of the elements came off completely or partially from the base. The same could happen due to non-compliance with the glue manufacturer's instructions or if the proportions were incorrect. To identify this reason, a kind of diagnosis is carried out using the wooden handle of any of the instruments. By simply tapping, we find out whether each tile responds equally to it. We hear a ringing, which means there is emptiness inside, there is a rattling sound - it has completely come unglued. Only a dull sound will convince of its strength and reliability.
  • The floor is uneven. In general, for laying tiles, differences of 4 mm per 2 m of the lath applied to the surface are acceptable, because the primer and binder will simultaneously play the role of a leveling layer. But if there are more violations, we take a hammer drill.
  • The tile is very old and covered with a network of cracks, in which, no doubt, many years of dirt, indelible grease, and fungi have accumulated.
  • Utilities run under the old ceramic coating, and they forgot to build inspection hatches for them last time. We dismantle such a floor “without waiting for peritonitis,” and arrange everything according to the rules.
  • Afterwards, the floor in the room being equipped will be higher than the general floor level. Such an excess is extremely undesirable, because ceramics are mainly used in bathrooms, showers, and kitchens. In short, where floors are supposed to be made lower by 3-5 cm, so that accidentally spilled water does not have the opportunity to flow freely outside the room.

If the listed obstacles are not identified, you can begin preparing the floor and the subsequent installation. Work should begin if the floor temperature is not lower than +5ºС, and the overall room temperature is not less than +10ºС.

The process of constructing tiles on top of tiles

Fundamentally, the described scheme differs from the standards only in preparation. First, according to tradition, a small plan is drawn with all design features premises. Then a fitting is carried out with the layout of the material “dry” to see how the ceramic floor will look, in order to place the cut pieces of tile in places far from view. The tiles must be laid out so that the seams of the upper elements rest on solid tiles. Those. you need to move the upper seams relative to the lower ones or try to keep the number of matches to a minimum.

  • We carry out a thorough inspection with detailed tapping of the elements in the center and corners. We carefully dismantle the identified unreliable tiles using a chisel and hammer, and fill the exposed area with cement mortar. We are waiting for it to harden. The hardening time of the solution is proportional to the thickness of the cement-sand fill. 10.0 mm will cure in 1 week.
  • We clean the crumbled seams with a chisel and fill them with tile adhesive or the same solution that was used to fill the areas.
  • Cleaning up glossy surface tiles with a grinder, select a grinding wheel with medium grit. It is advisable to also make notches.
  • We thoroughly wash the old ceramics, first with just water to remove dust, then with a soap solution. If there is old dirt and greasy spots add soda to the water. Finally, rinse off several times with clean water.
  • We treat the old ceramic floor with Concrete Contact Ceresit ST-19. Apply it evenly, distribute it with a brush or roller. Material sold in finished form, packaged in 15 liter buckets. Approximately 300 grams are consumed. per m². Before applying to the floor, it is recommended to cover adjacent structures, pipes, and parts with polyethylene. Otherwise, random blots and smears Pink colour will be difficult to remove. We wait 3-4 hours for drying. If we install the tiles with tile adhesive, there is no need to moisten them before laying.
  • Apply glue to the thickness specified by the manufacturer on small area floor. The glue quickly loses its elasticity, so we use it to treat an area of ​​less than 1 m².
  • Glue the first tile with force. Until the glue begins to set, its position can be adjusted. We arrange the elements surrounding it in the same way. Along the perimeter of each tile it is necessary to leave expansion joint for linear expansion. Its size depends on the size of the elements, usually 1-4 mm. To form the seams we use plastic crosses.
  • After a day, the grooves around the tiles will need to be filled with a polymer-cement composition or a solution of suitable color. equal parts sand and cement.

Tile adhesive should harden naturally without artificial heating and ventilation. There is also no need to moisten the adhesive-mounted coating after installation.

It is extremely important to strictly follow the instructions of the material manufacturers, without deviating one iota from the instructions. If you carefully follow the rules, after 3 or 5 days you can safely walk on the finished surface. And to the questions of neighbors, colleagues, and acquaintances, “is it possible to lay tiles on tiles,” give an honest affirmative answer.

Video examples of installation

Apartment renovation often involves replacing the tile floor with a new one. Many are horrified by the prospect of dismantling the old coating - a huge amount of work, hard work and mountains and mountains of construction waste, dirt and dust. I wonder if it is possible to lay tiles on old tiles , After all, this will allow you to skip the most unpleasant stages of repair.

Unfortunately, no one will dare to give a definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to lay tiles on tiles or not, without first examining the old floor. Too much depends on his condition. In this article we are going to look at the question of whether tiles are laid on tiles at all, and how to do it correctly.

As you know, tiles are laid on a rigid and durable base, so it would be logical to assume that before deciding on the possibility of laying a new tile floor on top of the old one specifically in your case, it is necessary to inspect the old coating for reliable adhesion of the old tiles to the base.

Let us immediately note that experts do not recommend recoating tile coverings that have been in use for a long time, since they are in a certain risk zone: they are susceptible to damage various kinds– cracks, chips, etc. Under these conditions, it cannot be ruled out that the new floor will not last long.

When using this technology, the height of the floor increases and may well be higher than the level of the threshold, which in certain cases, say, in the bathroom, has disastrous consequences. That’s why it’s so important to take all measurements first/

Assessing the condition of old tiles

Some defects in old tiles, such as cracks, chips or loose parts, can be immediately detected even with a cursory inspection. However, and this is the mistake of many beginners, visual inspection is not enough. As practice shows, the absence of visible defects and the appearance of a reliable coating are sometimes not the same thing. The old floor must be carefully examined. Armed with a wooden hammer, tap the surface, element by element. A poorly glued one can be distinguished by a characteristic ringing or rattling sound.

If there are too many such elements in the floor decoration, then the question of whether it is possible to lay tiles on old tiles does not arise at all. There cannot be two opinions - dismantling and subsequent installation of a new coating according to general rules is necessary.

The old coating is also removed if any communications pass under it. This is especially true in cases where there is no access to them, such as a hatch, etc.

Let's say you're lucky and there are several tiles with a defect. What will be the sequence of your actions?

Preparing old coating for new

This work is carried out in several stages.

Coating repair

Around the problematic old tile, remove the putty or hardened mortar and, prying it up with a crowbar, lift it as carefully as possible, so as not to disturb either its integrity or the base underneath it. Mix a small amount cement composition and fill the voids with it. Then they are carefully primed.

If you managed to successfully remove the tile, you can re-fix it in its old place. The only thing you need to know is that you can start the subsequent stages in about a day.

Surface treatment

Tiles are usually smooth, so the new floor will not adhere well to them. This means that at this stage the main task will be to obtain a rough surface, and the more grooves there are into which the solution gets, the stronger the new one will hold. You can walk through the finishing grinding machine to partially remove the top layer or make notches in increments of 10–20 mm, etc.

However, this option is not suitable for every type. For example, neither a drill nor an angle grinder will “take” a glazed one. In addition, the mechanical method is quite labor-intensive and dusty.

A more modern and reliable way to provide roughness is to use a “Concrete Contact” type primer. They have excellent adhesion to any material, even if its absorbency is low. These are acrylic mixtures containing cement, sand and various fillers. Using this type of primer provides the most effectively prepared surface for a tile floor. In addition, the process itself takes record time.

The surface is thoroughly cleaned, especially from dust. To do this, use heavy construction vacuum cleaner. Next, using detergent, remove remaining dirt, grease and other things. The floor is washed with water, dried with rags and left to dry from residual moisture for a couple of hours.

Then apply the pre-mixed primer. By the way, it is advisable to repeat mixing from time to time during the priming process. The material is applied with a roller or brush over the entire surface. The pinkish tint of the concrete contact helps ensure that there are no untreated areas left during processing.

If necessary, the adhesion of the primer can even be increased by adding quartz particles to the mixture, which resemble their elongated shape igloo This solution even works on a glass surface.

The primed floor becomes rough, somewhat reminiscent of coarse sandpaper. Laying of the finish is carried out after the primer has completely dried, that is, after approximately three hours. The exact drying time is indicated on the packaging.

The treated surface may not be smooth enough or have other flaws, which is extremely undesirable, so additional leveling may be required.


IN general outline installation of a tile covering on a tiled floor uses the same technology as a regular one. Among the most important nuances Let's note two:

  • a spatula is chosen with a comb height of approximately 1.0–1.5 cm;
  • The direction of laying the new tile is opposite to the existing one, so that the new seams do not coincide with the old ones.

It is also important what adhesive compositions are used and whether the tiles can be laid on cement. In this matter, it is worth listening to the opinion of professionals.

  • The adhesion of tile adhesive is much higher than that of cement mortar. It saves time and does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • The adhesive composition for floors with a bottom tiled base should be flexible and have high adhesion, say, Ceresit CM17 or Vetonit Renovation and others. All of them are designed for the installation of particularly durable and complex floors. True, these adhesive mixtures are more expensive, however, only they are guaranteed to ensure the strength, reliability and durability of the new floor.

A material for interior decoration, the demand for which is beyond doubt - decorative tiles from ceramic materials. With its help, the design of a bathroom, kitchen, or hallway will be not only practical, but also beautiful.

High-quality laying of tiles floor tiles– not an easy task, the implementation of which requires special training, experience and certain knowledge. In order for the work to turn out neat and aesthetically pleasing, you need to act carefully and carefully. You also need to know whether it is possible to lay tiles on tiles. A positive answer will reduce repair time and costs.

Often during repairs a situation arises when there is a clear need to replace old material, but removing it is quite difficult. The inability to remove dust and debris and lack of time stop the owner and force him to postpone repairs. In this case, it is quite appropriate to lay tile on tile.

Possibility of use

Dismantling the old coating takes a lot of effort and time, so the question of laying new material directly on the old one arises quite often.

Removing tiles is a rather labor-intensive process

This is possible if the situation is as follows:

  • the old coating has no defects, its condition is close to ideal - the tiles lie tightly, the grout does not crumble;
  • the process of removing the coating may cause irreparable damage to the premises or part of it;
  • dismantling is hampered by installed plumbing equipment;
  • with complete removal of previous finishing materials there will be a significant drop in floor level.

Coating entails re-pouring the floors and covering the walls liquid waterproofing. The time spent on repairs will increase, and the cost estimate will become significantly larger. To avoid this, you can lay ceramic tiles over the old tiles, but only if the old covering is in good condition and can withstand the load.

Substrate quality

If the old coating is wobbly and the grout material falls out of the seams, laying a new one without removing the previous one is impossible.

Unreliability of the base will cause carelessness in laying the new coating. To understand whether it is possible to put new ceramic tiles on old ceramic tiles, it is better to carry out an audit.

The steps should be as follows:

  1. Careful inspection of the surface of the walls and floor.
  2. It is necessary to show maximum attention, pay attention to every crack and other defects.
  3. A thorough inspection of the seams between the tiles and their condition is also important.
  4. Tapping the surface with a hammer.

If the sound changes from dull to voiced, this is a direct indication of tile delamination. Laying new tiles without removing the old ones is strictly not recommended.

Check using building level spatial arrangement of walls and floors. In case of severe deviations, the previous coating must be removed and then the coating must be leveled with a special compound. This is difficult to do with tile adhesive.

If upon inspection of the surface no defects are revealed that do not allow gluing, you can begin work, but first the ceramic tiles must be prepared.

Lay new tile on top of old one

Surface preparation

The technology used to lay new tiles over old ones is somewhat different from traditional ones. The difference is that the tile covering on which the adhesive is applied must be rough. To achieve this effect, you can use the following methods:

  1. Removing the top glossy layer. If it is absent, nothing will interfere with the clutch.
  2. If it is difficult to completely remove the glazed coating, you can apply notches to the previously laid tiles.
  3. In some cases the best option is to apply a good primer to the surface of the old coating.

Applying a primer over the tiles will help make the job better.

All options are not high-tech processes. Anyone can do all this. If the first two methods are not suitable for a reason large quantity dust during work, the third method is perfect.

It, unlike the first two, will require certain investments, since a good primer composition is not cheap. In any case, such surface preparation will improve the adhesion of already laid tiles to the new surface.

How to put it correctly

There are some technological requirements for the tile laying process.

Treatment of chipped and damaged areas. It is ideal if cement-sand mortar or tile adhesive is used for such treatment. After the solution has completely dried, you can move on.

Complete cleaning of the surface from contaminants in the form of adhesive residues. First you need to clean them, then thoroughly wipe the surface.

Application of concrete-contact primer.

A roller or regular brush works well for this. Drying time – up to 4 hours. To process bathroom tiles correctly, you need to carefully read the instructions.

If a mechanical method is chosen to enhance adhesion, it is necessary to make notches using a grinder or remove the top layer of coating. The body and face must be carefully protected so that parts of the tile do not get into the face.

After all the preparatory activities are left behind, new tiles are laid. Further installation steps are carried out according to traditional scheme. It is important to remember that when installing this way, the adhesive will take longer to dry, so finishing stitches will become possible no earlier than after 3 or 4 days.

When not to put

There are cases when laying tiles on top of old ones is not recommended.

The presence of a ringing hollow sound when tapping the tiles. Even if no damage is found on the surface of the tile, it is better not to install it. Air gaps under the tiles will prevent the two layers of coating from holding together, and the tiles will simply fall off after a certain time.

Small room dimensions or uneven surface.

In case of a small room area, it is necessary to remove the tiles, since the second layer will lead to an even greater reduction in area

In both cases, installing without removing old material will help reduce space in a room that is already small.

If the old coating was laid out a very long time ago. Minor damage that is not visible to the eye will lead to the destruction of the new tile.

Availability sewer pipes under old tiles. If there are no special hatches, the old tiles must be removed and the layout of the room being finished must be reconsidered.

If the floor level changes significantly, it is also advisable to completely remove the coating. New tiles are laid after leveling the surface. If all the rules are followed, the new coating will delight the owners of the premises for a long time.