Prayer for the child to sleep well at night. Prayer for the child to sleep well and peacefully

Every mother wants her child to grow up healthy and happy. And it depends not only on proper nutrition, walks on fresh air, educational and active games, but also from a good restful sleep at night. This factor is important for proper development child and his emotional background. However, the baby's sleep is often disturbed, he sleeps poorly, often wakes up crying or tosses and turns all night.

Trying to understand the causes of such a disorder, a woman goes to the doctor or seeks advice from more experienced mothers, but medicine cannot always help solve this problem, and advice cannot always bring results. Then the only right decision is to pray for the baby and ask God for help. The most important thing is that mom believes that these prayers will help.

What prayers should be read depending on the cause of sleep disturbance in a child?

A mother's love is so strong that prayers for help to the Almighty for her child cannot fail to be heard. The most important thing is to send the right message. To do this, you need to clear your head of extraneous vain thoughts and with all your heart ask God to give the baby peace and sleep well. It is also good to call upon the guardian angel assigned to the child from birth for help. It will not be superfluous to learn a prayer or spell by heart - once it is in memory, it will become much stronger than one read from a piece of paper. In addition, a prayer or conspiracy can be read at any time, without wasting time searching for it.

The two main prayers that can be read regardless of the reasons for sleep disturbance are: “Virgin Mary, Rejoice...” and a prayer to Christ.

The first prayer goes like this:

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice. Delighted Mary, the Lord is with you. Blessed are You among women, blessed is the fruit of Your womb. For you gave birth to Christ the Savior, the Savior of our souls. We take refuge under Your mercy, Virgin Mary, do not despise our prayers in sorrow. But deliver from troubles and protect children, the only Pure and Blessed One.”

The second prayer goes like this:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, by the Power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, and the Holy Guardian Angel of my child, and for all the saints who care for us, have mercy and save me and my child, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. Amen"

“Just as mothers with a ceiling sleep and are silent, never scream, so my child would sleep and be silent, never scream. Amen".

It is said three times in a tongue twister over a cup of water (you can also use holy water for this). Before the hex, take the cup so that thumb was above the water. After a quick hex, let the child drink this water, and you can wipe the baby with the rest.

Depending on why the child does not sleep, you can add other prayers or a conspiracy to these basic prayers to be sure of the result. Causes of sleep disturbance can be:

  • disease;
  • psychosomatic disorders;
  • emotional tension in the family.


Problems with sleep during illness are a temporary phenomenon, but still spiritual protection from heavenly patrons will help the child cope not only with the problem of sleep, but also with the disease itself. The main thing is to know which saint to pray to, or which spell to read. The great martyr and healer Panteleimon is considered the fastest assistant in healing. His help is effective even in the case of medically incurable diseases, and to receive it, it is enough to sincerely turn to him with the following words.

“Oh, Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon, have mercy on me and help my child, deliver him from illness and grant him a speedy recovery. Do not despise the prayers of the sinful Slave, the mother’s heart grieves and asks for help from the bright protector and healer. Have mercy on me and help me for the sake of Christ our Savior, Holy Mother him and all the saints. Amen."

Psychosomatic disorders

A common cause of sleep disturbance is emotional overload on the child’s psyche. This can happen due to watching TV for a long time, being at the computer, playing outdoor games, conflicts with parents or between parents, and other things. In a dream, a child relives what happened during the day, so his brain does not rest. Gradually this leads to sleep disturbances.

In such cases, turning to the Life-giving power of the Cross of the Lord will greatly help. Here is a prayer that you may turn to the power of the cross:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, save my child, bless and sanctify him with power Life-giving Cross Yours. Grant him salvation and peace for the coming sleep, with your Holy hand, protect my child from the fear of the night. Grant him a quick protector and intercessor from any evil, the Holy Guardian Angel. Hear, Lord, and do not despise the prayers of Your Servant, do not turn Your face away from me, for the sake of the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints. Amen"

If a mother wants her child to sleep well and not cry, then she should read this particular prayer.

Emotional tension in the family

Children are very susceptible to any negativity in family relationships. Parents sometimes may not notice how a child changes after a quarrel between parents or after he himself was scolded for an offense. Negative emotions layers are superimposed on the child’s psyche, he withdraws or, on the contrary, becomes very active and aggressive. It can also cause restless sleep. What to do to avoid this? It is possible to restore a child’s emotional balance. First, you need to improve relationships in the family. The child should no longer feel like “mom and dad had a fight again.” After all, sometimes he considers himself to be to blame. Secondly, children do not need to be scolded for everything; sometimes it will be better to simply explain why this cannot be done.

“Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, pray to God for us.”

And it will be good for the baby if you call on his Guardian Angel not only to protect his sleep at night, but also to be with him all the time. The prayer to the Guardian Angel sounds like this:

“Guardian angel of the servant of God/servant of God (name the child), I call on You and ask for protection for my child. Do not leave my child, neither in sleep nor in wakefulness. Cover him with Your wings and protect him. Save my child from bad people and damnable misfortunes. Block the path to the evil invasion and send down from heaven strong protection from illnesses. Guardian Angel, hear the unworthy servant of God and protect my child from all evil. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer should always have a place in everyone's life Orthodox Christian, because this is the most powerful tool not only for peace of mind, but for the fulfillment of what you want. Sometimes it is not necessary to memorize the prayers that are presented on the pages of prayer books in order to turn to God for help. Words about love, forgiveness, healing, etc. can be your own, the main thing is that they come from the soul and not to harm someone. The Lord will always hear those who sincerely repent and care about their loved ones. Moreover, if this is a mother who endlessly loves her child.


Prayer for the child to sleep well

An Orthodox children's prayer before bed will help rid the baby of nightmares, the child will sleep peacefully and will not cry in his sleep. With insomnia, the mother, having put the child to bed at night, reads at his head prayer of Kazan Mother of God for baby's sleep:

Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, the highest angel and archangel and the most honest, pure Virgin Mary of all creation, the Good Helper of the world, and affirmation for all people, and deliverance for all needs! You are our intercessor and representative, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, refuge for the orphans, guardian for widows, glory for virgins, joy for those who cry, visitation for the sick, healing for the weak, salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our request, for everything is possible through Your intercession: for glory befits You now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Prayer for a child to go to bed

How to treat insomnia in a child, if the child sleeps poorly at night, constantly wakes up and gets up cranky in the morning, in this case it will help prayer for baby to sleep well all night long. I know from myself how hard it is with a small child, and even harder for parents who have not gotten enough sleep after a sleepless night. All you need to do is rock your baby to sleep and put him to bed read the following bedtime prayer for a baby:

The cross is on me
The cross is in me
Fly angel to me
Sit on the right wing.
Save me, Lord,
From evening until dawn,
From now until forever.


After this, the child does not get up more than once (to eat), and sometimes sleeps until the morning, allowing the parents to rest. If this does not help, then your child has been jinxed and you need to read the prayer against the evil eye of a baby, which We published earlier.

Prayer for the child to sleep peacefully

If a child is able to speak and remember a simple children's bedtime prayer, he can pray independently before bed:

Thank you, Lord, for the past day! Forgive me for everything I have sinned, grant me, Lord, peaceful sleep. Most Holy Theotokos, save me! Holy Guardian Angel, pray to God for me! In Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commend my spirit: You bless me, You have mercy on me and grant me eternal life.


Prayer for baby's sleep

Prayer before bedtime for children dedicated to the Guardian Angel

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Now that, after reading a bedtime prayer for a child, the baby sleeps peacefully and sees colorful dreams, you have the opportunity to go about your business or also get a good night’s sleep.

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Yakov Porfirievich Starostin

Servant of the Lord

Articles written

A child’s restful sleep is the key not only to his health, but also to the strong nerves of his parents. Not only lullabies save you from nightmares and screams. There is a prayer for the child to sleep well. Already from the very small age a child can be taught to pray. For the baby, read prayers addressed to the guardian angel or God. The prayer service to the seven youths of Ephesus is also suitable.

If you feel like you're both about to have a rough night, read the sacred text. The prayers are melodious, and the baby will be distracted from his worries and pains by listening to the pleasant melody of the mother’s voice. It happens that finding a medical reason bad sleep does not succeed, and in such cases, healers say that demons do not allow the baby to sleep. Mom can help little man, if he learns and begins to read a prayer to calm newborn children before going to bed. The Lord will take the child under his protection, and the guardian angel will help the child throughout his life.

How and why should you read a prayer?

At the head of the child's bed, we wish the child a restful sleep, unconsciously transferring to him protection and our own parental energy. This effect can be strengthened with the help of a prayer that is read for a sleepless baby. How the power of the holy word works:

  1. Drives away all kinds of energy entities.
  2. Sends greetings to the child's guardian angel.
  3. Clears sleep from nightmares.
  4. Drives away bad thoughts before bed.
  5. Strengthens the protection of an already baptized child, who is already under the wing of Our Father.

God sees how parents treat their children and rewards those families in which a good tradition has been preserved with peace. evening prayers. The mother should go to church more often and repent for her sins. The baby is still pure and you shouldn’t pollute his spirituality with your mistakes.

Conspiracies of our grandmothers

The proverb “seven nannies have a child without an eye” is irrelevant in our time. The more caring adults a child has, the more often the baby sees manifestations of care and love, the happier he grows up. In addition to prayers to the Guardian Angel, grandmothers also know many different whispers and conspiracies that quickly calm an excited child.

Washing the baby with holy water also brings restful sleep. This option should be used in exceptional cases. Young people benefit from life-giving moisture. Even if this does not help, then you should light a church candle and walk around the crib with it in your hand three times, while reading the “Our Father” prayer. The nursery will immediately be filled with calm, and the baby will fall asleep soundly. Our ancestors knew about this, so their families had many children, but no one disturbed each other’s sleep.

Who should I pray for peaceful sleep for my children?

At night, faith becomes stronger because nothing distracts you from spiritual life. A Small child always firmly connected with God. You can also pray to the Guardian Angel or one of the seven saints who patronize the youth. Despite the strong connection, the child’s psyche is still weak; children need strengthening of protection and nurturing.

Read also: Reading prayers before bed

Say the text of the prayer in a whisper so as not to wake up the falling asleep child, but so that he hears that his mother is nearby. Try to ensure the quietest night possible so that sleep can come. After all, your baby is the most precious thing not only for you, but also for God.

The Akathist to the Seven Youths of Ephesus helps to improve sleep. It relieves insomnia. The prayer service to the seven youths of Ephesus is one of the most powerful. There is also an icon, it's good if you can buy a list from it.

Oh, most wonderful holy seventh generation, praise to the city of Ephesus and the hope of the whole universe! Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your intercession by their parents: bring down upon her the blessing of Christ God, saying: leave the children to come to Me: heal the sick in them, comfort the sorrowful; Keep their hearts pure, fill them with meekness, and in the soil of their hearts plant and strengthen the seed of the confession of God, so that they may grow to the best of their ability; and all of us holy icon your coming, your relics kissing with faith and praying warmly to you, vouchsafe to seize the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify there with silent voices of joy the magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Daytime nap and prayer

The baby should sleep well not only all night, but also for several hours during the day. To do this, you can read the same texts as at night. Before reading, try to get a blessing from the priest. The Holy Fathers love it when children go to church, because this is how a new Orthodox society is formed.

For a child to sleep peacefully all night and during the day, it is enough to pray one prayer to the Guardian Angel or read an akathist to the seven youths. A restful sleep is guaranteed by any of these prayers. She will be heard by God, who will fulfill your desires and answer requests for help.

Read the prayer for your mother’s blessing more often. She cleanses from filth. Think about the words you say to your Guardian Angel. At night, your faith will give you strength, and you will be able to cope with any difficulty, protect your child from life’s adversities and illnesses. Agree, this addition is worth the effort.

Prayer for mother's blessing:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, Your sinful and unworthy servant.

Lord, in the mercy of Your power my child, have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

Lord, guide him true path Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

What mother does not want health and happiness for her baby? Informed people advise reading prayers at the head of a child's cradle.

Your request must be addressed to the Lord or Guardian Angel. Even children's sleep strong enough, prayer is still needed so that the child rests peacefully and has good dreams.

Try to teach your child to pray from the very beginning. early age. Knowledgeable people They believe that the Lord God will like bright, pure desires and thoughts, and he will want to take the child under his reliable protection. Instill sincere faith in the child’s soul so that later he will receive help from above. Then his life will be happy and he will not know trouble.

The mother is worried about the baby sleeping peacefully. It happens that poor children's sleep is the consequence of a disease that requires serious monitoring by doctors. However, it also happens that it is impossible to find out the reasons why the baby does not sleep and rages. Then the healers say that the child is tormented by demons. To protect a child from violence, you need to read a prayer service every day on which he falls asleep.

Prayer – The best decision this painful problem.

The child's psyche is extremely weak and vulnerable, and therefore requires vigilant spiritual protection.

Such protection is granted by the Lord God.

The holy word has a better effect on a baptized child. But remember, even if your baby is a church member, parents should live in accordance with the commandments of God in order to provide reliable protection for the baby.

Each prayer is read from memory, by heart. While pronouncing her holy words, remain in a balanced state and think about fulfilling what you want. If you have disbelief or doubts about the power of the prayer service, it is better to hold off on praying. A prayer service is said in those cases when you sincerely believe in its power and the help of the One to whom the petition is addressed.

Be sure to ask for forgiveness for all your sins. The child is connected to the mother by invisible spiritual threads, so her behavior directly affects the child’s well-being. A prayer read with repentance for bad thoughts and the intention to correct bad deeds will certainly have its effect.

Say the prayer in a whisper, quietly whispering the words into your baby's ears. Holy words protect against bad dreams. Some mothers and grandmothers wash their children with holy water at night; sometimes it is enough to simply wash the baby with it. After such a prayer, the children will try to behave well.

Prayers for children's sleep

Orthodox children's prayer:

Oh, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, Queen of heaven and earth, highest angel, Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Helper of the world, delivering in all needs! You are our representative and intercessor, you are protection for the offended, joy for the grieving, guardian for widows, joy for those who cry, healing for the sick and salvation for sinners. Have mercy on us, Mother of God, and fulfill our requests, so that all essence is subject to Your intercession: may glory be to You now, forever, and forever. Amen".

If your baby sleeps poorly at night, often wakes up and gets up cranky in the morning, prayer will help so that the child sleeps peacefully all night. Rock the baby and, putting him in the crib, say the following prayer:

The cross is on me

The cross is in me.

Come, angel, to me.

Sit by the right wing

Save me, Lord,

From night until dawn,

From now on and forever.

Usually, after this prayer service, the child does not get up more than once (to eat), and sometimes he sleeps until the morning, allowing his exhausted parents to rest. If the petition does not have its holy effect, it means that your baby has been jinxed and you need to read a prayer against the baby’s evil eye:

“Thank you, Lord God, for this day! Forgive me for everything I have sinned about, give me, Lord, a restful sleep. Holy Mother of God, save me! Holy Guardian Angel, ask God for me! In your palms, Lord Jesus Christ, I convey my spirit: You bless me, You have mercy on me and give me a long life. Amen".

Here is a fairly simple, easy to remember, very effective prayer for children’s sleep:

I pray for my children

God forbid they have bad weather along the way.

Warm them with your breath,

Send them some spiritual happiness.

Simple, like the taste of bread,

Like the chirping of birds at dawn.

Protect them from temptation

All the bad things in the world.

God bless my children,

May the road be smooth for them.

Don’t fill your cup of wealth,

And just give them a lot of health.

Let's go to warm their hearts

And give them selflessness,

Amulets from wars and evil

And reward with pure love.

Lord, I pray for the children -

With dawn,

At sunset.

Forgive their sins - have pity,

Punish me for those sins.

Prayer to the Seven Youths of Ephesus for baby's sleep

Oh, wonderful holy youths of seven, Ephesus, praise to the city and hope to the whole Universe! Look from the heights of heavenly glory at us, who lovingly honor your memory, and especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your protection from their parents: bring down on me the blessing of the Lord God, leave the children to come to Me, heal the sick in them, comfort the sorrowful; Keep their souls in purity, put meekness in them, and plant the seed of God’s confession in the soil of their hearts, strengthen them, and increase them from strength to strength; and all of us, who worship your Holy Icon, kiss your relics with faith and pray deeply, grant us the opportunity to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and glorify with silent voices of joy the Magnificent name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer to the baby's Guardian Angel

“Holy Angel, guardian of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in bright purity. Amen".

“Oh, winged protector, my guardian angel (name). Do not leave me on the difficult path, protect me from anger and filth. Do not allow black envy and fierce hatred. Protect me from the evil eye, damage and witchcraft. Have mercy on me. Amen".

What mother is not familiar with the situation when a fidget cannot sleep and constantly wakes up at night. Already from birth caring parents a prayer is read so that the child sleeps well at night. With its help, you can protect your baby from evil spirits and provide powerful protection.

Features of prayer for a baby

The health and well-being of the baby depends on sleep. After all, babies spend more than 12 hours sleeping, and newborns are supposed to sleep 18-20 hours. While resting, babies gain strength for a new understanding of the world; not only their nervous system grows and develops in their sleep, but also important endocrine organs - the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, hypothalamus.

And if something is wrong with the child, he wakes up crying in the middle of the night, is scared and tense in his sleep, Heavenly intercessors and the Almighty can provide help. In prayer, you can turn to your guardian angel and transfer your child under his protection.

Prayer for a child’s sleep helps and protects in the following situations:

  • for diseases and ailments such as lesions nervous system, hyperexcitability syndrome;
  • with nervous and emotional shocks, especially after trips, holidays, watching mentally stimulating cartoons;
  • in case of damage or evil eye, which manifests itself after a visit public places, and then the baby screams and cries inconsolably.

remember, that holy word It is much more effective on baptized infants. To improve sleep, an image of a guardian angel is placed at the head of the crib.

Maternal prayer works miracles, requests for health, peaceful sleep you can read at home in the holy corner in front of the icon or in Orthodox church. Effective force has prayer rule. You can order a prayer service for health at the church.

If a child cannot sleep, is overexcited and capricious, priests advise reading prayers:

  • "Guardian Angel" Thanks to the appeal to the Angels, it is established reliable protection for the child not only during sleep, but also for the entire period of wakefulness. Baptize your baby early, and then the baby will have the best intercessor from an early age.
  • "May God rise again." Prayer pacifies, calms, and the baby falls asleep faster and more soundly.
  • "To the Most Holy Theotokos for the Children." The heavenly mother is the main intercessor of all babies, a faithful assistant to parents when their child has sleep problems.
  • "To the Holy Healer Panteleimon." The divine healer takes everything bad dreams, treats diseases that may bother children.
  • "Matrona of Moscow". The holy protectress takes the little ones under her protection and heals them from illness and painful teething at night.
  • "To the 7 Holy Youths of Ephesus." Helpers need to pray if the child cries at night and is worried. The cause may be illness, fear, overexcitement.

If you don’t remember the words of the prayer, you can say words coming from the heart. The address should begin with “Our Father.” It is necessary to repent of sins and open your soul to God. If a mother worries about something, it invariably affects the child’s behavior. After all, there is an invisible thread between mother and baby. Your sincere words will protect your baby from unfavorable dreams.

Many parents testify to the miraculous help of prayer. If you read with faith and love, babies calm down and fall asleep soundly, nothing disturbs their sleep.

It is very important to turn to Divine helpers and the Savior if you want your baby to sleep calmly and peacefully. Pray from your heart, sincerely and with faith - then God will certainly hear you and help your baby sleep soundly.

Video “Prayer for sleep disturbances in a child”

From this video you will learn what prayers and before what images you need to read in order to improve your baby’s sleep.

Who should you pray to?

Guardian Angel

Divine Angel, Guardian of my child (the baby’s name is indicated), protect him with your shield from demonic arrows, from the sugary seducer, keep his heart pure and bright. Amen.

Matrona of Moscow

Holy Matrona! I ask you, I conjure you with all your mother’s love, ask the Lord to give health to his slave (the name of the child is indicated). I ask you, Holy Matrona, do not be angry with me, but help me. Ask the Lord to give my child (the child’s name is indicated) good health. He got rid of various ailments both in the body and in the soul. Take all diseases away from his body. Please forgive me for all my sins, both those committed by my will and those created not by my will. Say a prayer to the Lord for the health of my child (child’s name is indicated). Only you, Holy Matrona, can save my child from suffering. I trust in you. Amen.

To the Seven Holy Youths of Ephesus

Oh, holy youths of Ephesus, praise to you and the entire Universe! Look from the heights of heaven at us, people who stubbornly honor your memory, and especially look at our children. Save them from illnesses, heal their bodies and souls. Keep their souls pure. We worship your holy icon, and also sincerely love Holy Trinity– Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.