Lunar sowing calendar for August. Gardener's lunar calendar for August. Gardener's calendar for August

Work in August in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

By August, watering of most crops is reduced, but high temperature air or drought, better water in the morning or evening hours - but remember that on August 6, 16, 25-26, 2017 you should refrain from watering.

In August, the gardener's main task is harvesting. In August, they begin to dig potatoes and carrots, put away onions and garlic for storage, collect well-ripened tomatoes for eating and pickling, and lay out the greenish and orange ones in a warm place for ripening.

Better days according to the gardener's lunar calendar for harvesting cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and herbs- August 14, 3-4. On August 2, 9, 22 and 28, fruits are collected only for quick consumption, collected on these Lunar days tomatoes will not last long, and freshly sealed jars of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes may explode.

For harvesting root crops: turnips, potatoes early varieties, onions, garlic most favorable days according to the gardener's lunar calendar 2017 - August 14, 27-28.

At the beginning of the month, you can still sow early ripening varieties of radishes, lettuce, dill, spinach and sorrel in the greenhouse for autumn harvest on the table. Peking cabbage can be sown in mid-August - it is early ripening and is not afraid of bad weather and light frosts. It can be grown as seedlings and planted at the end of the month in greenhouses in the vacant space for cucumbers.

At the end of the month, sow green manure on empty beds: lupine, buckwheat, phacelia, and at the end of summer, dig them up, embedding the grown plants into the soil. The best day for sowing green manure is August 16th.

In addition, caring for the standing crop, for example, preventing diseases and pests, remains an important task. So, without waiting for manifestation external signs late blight, tomatoes need to be treated with chemicals.

Best days for spraying against diseases and pests according to the gardener's lunar calendar will be: August 15-18, 29-30, 2017.

Deadlines for work in August 2017 according to the gardener’s Lunar sowing calendar

weeding– on any day except 1-4;
fertilization – 9-12;
applying dry fertilizer – 3-4;

pruning dry branches: 6, 8, 16, 19
pruning is not recommended – 27-28;
– 15-18, 29-30;
sowing salad, Chinese cabbage, radish, parsley, lettuce – 4-6;
harvesting greens for the winter – 9-10, 27-28;
harvesting root crops: carrots, turnips, early varieties of potatoes, onions, garlic - 27–28;
harvesting cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and herbs – 3-4;
preparing juices, wine, compotes and jam for the winter – 9-10;
collection medicinal plants: calendula, hops, horsetail, nettle, valerian, tansy, cinquefoil, strawberry leaves - 1-2, 13;
lawn mowing – 1-4;
sowing the lawn– 5

It is undesirable to plant and replant: 20-21

In one place, strawberries (garden strawberries) bear fruit well for 5 years, then they need to be transplanted. Best for setting up a new plantation garden strawberries choose a place where garlic, dill, parsley or legumes used to grow, but you should not plant it in the area where potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers or cabbage grew. Plant young plants in the first half of August, in the evening or on a cloudy, cool day.

The most favorable day according to the lunar sowing calendar for a gardener for planting garden strawberries in August 2017 it will be on August 5th.

Work in August in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

The main concern in the garden in August is harvesting: apples, plums, pears, serviceberries, gooseberries and currants. Start collecting fruits from early varieties of apple and pear trees from the lower branches to the periphery of the crown, gradually moving up and towards the center. Special attention Pay attention to collecting carrion: it should not be left under the trees.

The best days of the month for harvesting in 2017, according to the lunar calendar, it will be August 3-4. Fruits for the table can still be collected on August 9 and 10, 2017.

Healthy loosen the soil in tree trunk circles and feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers(3-4 and 9-12 August). Place supports under the fruit-laden branches.

At the end of the month you can take cuttings from the bushes and conifers. On permanent place you can plant rooted cuttings of currants, gooseberries and other shrubs.

In August, in the garden, start pinching the wildly growing shoots so that they have time to ripen by winter. Thin the grapes well so that the clusters are ventilated and ripen well.

At the end of August - in September, prune the raspberries: remove the fruit-bearing shoots and pinch the tops of the annual ones.

The most favorable days in August 2017 according to the gardener’s lunar calendar for any type of work related with trimming and pinching in August it is 6, 8, 16, 19. By pruning fruit bushes, in particular raspberries, according to the lunar calendar, the gardener can also be done on these dates. Cuttings are harvested on favorable days for this, August 16 and 19.
If there is a need to carry out treatment against diseases and pests, then select August 15-18, 29-30, 2017.

August – best month for dividing and replanting perennial flowers. Plants will have time to grow good root system and gain strength before the cold season. At this time, basic maintenance work continues: weeding, fertilizing, mulching. Don’t forget to feed all flowering crops in August: in the budding phase, dahlias and gladioli with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

At the end of August you can plant daffodils; they will form a more powerful root system. Start planting daffodil bulbs when the soil temperature has been around +8...+10 °C for 2 weeks. In addition, at the end of August - at the beginning of September, plant all the small-bulbous plants: scylla, muscari, pushkinia, chionodoxa, crocuses. But it’s better to plant tulips no earlier than the second half of September, don’t rush.

August is the best time to divide and replant peonies.

watering– on any day except 6, 16, 25-26;
weeding– on any day except 1-4;
dividing, cutting and replanting perennials – 5;
fertilization – 9-12;
applying dry fertilizer – 3-4;
pruning dry branches and faded inflorescences – 6, 8, 16, 19;
treatment against diseases and pests – 15-18, 29-30;
it is undesirable to plant and replant perennials herbaceous plants – 20-21.

The best time to mow the lawn is August 1-4. If you need to seed your lawn, then the most favorable days According to the Lunar sowing calendar of 2017, it will be August 5th.

In August, indoor plants need to be prepared for moving from the garden to the house. Indoor plants are brought into the house when the temperature drops to +10 °C. Pelargoniums and chlorophytums planted in the ground at the end of August need to be replanted back into pots in order to bring them into the house.

In August for more lush flowering It is necessary to feed winter-flowering crops. You can cut pelargoniums, fuchsias and hibiscus; the best lunar day of the month for cuttings is on the Waning Moon in Taurus.

Terms of work from indoor plants in August 2017 according to the florist’s lunar calendar

cuttings – 6, 8, 16, 19;
replanting, transshipment and replacement of the top layer of soil for large-scale crops – 5;
watering, spraying indoor plants– on any day except 6, 16, 25-26;
fertilizing houseplants with complex fertilizers – 9-12;
preventive treatments against diseases and pests – 15-18, 29-30;
sanitary and formative pruning – 6, 8, 16, 19;

The main thing in August is to harvest on time. At this time, apples and pears are already being picked, and the grape harvest is beginning. The most favorable days for working with plants in August according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar are August 1, 2, 5, 13, 15-18, 27-30.

Work in August in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

By August, watering of most crops is reduced, but at high temperatures or drought, it is better water in the morning or evening hours - but remember that on August 6, 16, 25-26, 2017 you should refrain from watering.

In August, the gardener's main task is harvesting. In August, they begin to dig potatoes and carrots, put away onions and garlic for storage, collect well-ripened tomatoes for eating and pickling, and lay out the greenish and orange ones in a warm place for ripening.

The best days according to the gardener's lunar calendar for harvesting cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and herbs— 14, August 3-4. On August 2, 9, 22 and 28, fruits are collected only for quick consumption; tomatoes collected on these lunar days will not last long, and freshly rolled jars of pickled cucumbers and tomatoes may explode.

For harvesting root crops: turnips, early varieties of potatoes, onions, garlic, the most favorable days according to the 2017 gardener’s lunar calendar are August 14, 27-28.

What can you sow in August?

At the beginning of the month, you can still sow early ripening varieties of radishes, lettuce, dill, spinach and sorrel in the greenhouse for an autumn harvest on the table. Peking cabbage can be sown in mid-August - it is early ripening and is not afraid of bad weather and light frosts. It can be grown as seedlings and planted at the end of the month in greenhouses in the vacant space for cucumbers.

At the end of the month, sow green manure on empty beds: lupine, buckwheat, phacelia, and at the end of summer, dig them up, embedding the grown plants into the soil. The best day for sowing green manure is August 16th.

Work in August in the garden according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

The main concern in the garden in August is harvesting: apples, plums, pears, serviceberries, gooseberries and currants. Start collecting fruits from early varieties of apple and pear trees from the lower branches to the periphery of the crown, gradually moving up and towards the center. Pay special attention to collecting carrion: it should not be left under trees.

The best days of the month for harvesting in 2017, according to the lunar calendar, it will be August 3-4. Fruits for the table can still be collected on August 9 and 10, 2017.

Healthy loosen the soil in tree trunk circles and feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers(3-4 and 9-12 August). Place supports under the fruit-laden branches.

At the end of the month, you can take cuttings from shrubs and conifers. Rooted cuttings of currants, gooseberries and other shrubs can be planted in a permanent place.

In August, in the garden, start pinching the wildly growing shoots so that they have time to ripen by winter. Thin the grapes well so that the clusters are ventilated and ripen well.

At the end of August - in September, prune the raspberries: remove the fruit-bearing shoots and pinch the tops of the annual ones.

The most favorable days in August 2017 according to the gardener’s lunar calendar for any type of work related with trimming and pinching in August it is 6, 8, 16, 19. According to the gardener’s Lunar calendar, pruning of fruit bushes, in particular raspberries, can also be done on these dates. Cuttings are harvested on favorable days for this, August 16 and 19.
If there is a need to carry out treatment against diseases and pests, then select August 15-18, 29-30, 2017.

Work in August in flower beds according to the Lunar sowing calendar 2017

August is the best month for dividing and replanting perennial flowers. The plants will have time to build up a good root system and accumulate strength before the cold season. At this time, basic maintenance work continues: feeding, mulching. Don’t forget to feed all flowering crops in August: in the budding phase and with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.

Is it possible to start planting bulbs in August: daffodils and tulips? At the end of August you can plant daffodils; they will form a more powerful root system. Start planting daffodil bulbs when the soil temperature has been around +8...+10 °C for 2 weeks. In addition, at the end of August - at the beginning of September, plant all the small-bulbous plants: , pushkinia, etc. But it’s better to plant no earlier than the second half of September, don’t rush.

Timing of work according to the Lunar sowing calendar in August 2017 in the flower garden

watering- any day except 6, 16, 25-26;
weeding- any day except 1-4;
dividing, cutting and replanting perennials - 5;
fertilization - 9-12;
applying dry fertilizer - 3-4;
pruning dry branches and faded inflorescences - 6, 8, 16, 19;
treatment against diseases and pests - 15-18, 29-30;
it is undesirable to plant and replant perennial herbaceous plants- 20-21.

Lawn care according to the Lunar calendar 2017

The best time to mow the lawn is August 1-4. If you need to sow your lawn, the most favorable days according to the 2017 Lunar Sowing Calendar will be August 5th.

Work in August with indoor plants according to the Lunar calendar 2017

In August, indoor plants need to be prepared for moving from the garden to the house. Indoor plants are brought into the house when the temperature drops to +10 °C. Pelargoniums and chlorophytums planted in the ground at the end of August need to be replanted back into pots in order to bring them into the house.

In August, for more luxuriant flowering, it is necessary to feed winter-flowering crops. You can cut pelargoniums, fuchsias and hibiscus; the best lunar day of the month for cuttings is on the Waning Moon in Taurus.

Photo in the article: Shutterstock/TASS

The significant influence of the earth's natural satellite has been discussed for many centuries. People have long been monitoring the movement of stars in the sky, and have established many patterns about how the Moon, in different phases of its life, influences all living things in different ways. Its most tangible influence is clearly demonstrated by the ebb and flow of the tides. Of course, this was not in vain for plants, of which there are a great many on our planet.

Every experienced gardener and gardener navigates the periods when it is best to produce any excavation. But there is an excellent help that makes the work easier for anyone who has decided to start growing plants, and it is called the lunar sowing calendar for gardeners, summer residents and gardeners. Each month has its own calendar, including August 2017.

What is the lunar sowing calendar for August 2017

Depending on the phase of the moon's movement, favorable or unfavorable days for landing work are calculated. It should be noted right away that our article refers to any work related to plants and land, including those related to indoor plants, crops, trees, etc.

First of all, favorable days in the lunar sowing calendar determine what actions are best performed on this day in order to get the most productive result. Unfavorable days imply, if possible, the refusal of activities of this kind or its limitation in certain aspects.

Sowing calendar for August 2017 for gardeners and gardeners

The nuances of working with the lunar sowing calendar

The first thing you should know about sowing calendars is that, depending on the phase of the moon, you can determine the level of work that should be performed on a certain day. For example, it should be understood that the approach of the moon promotes an influx of strength and energy, and its distance promotes an outflow.
During periods when the growing phase of the natural satellite of our planet begins, it is best to plant plants that stretch upward. Into the fading lunar phase It is customary to plant plants that grow downwards into the ground (see).

Before starting work, become thoroughly familiar with the phase in which the moon is currently located. Remember a few rules, and your harvest will live up to your expectations and the effort you put into it.

Impact of the Moon on Plants

You should not plant or replant plants at a time when the moon is under the rule of the sign of Leo or Aquarius - these are the most destructive signs for the viability of the plant.

At moments when the moon is at its climax, as well as on days of eclipses, beware of the impact on plants - you can damage the flow of their vital juices, which will provoke disease and wilting.

On days when zodiac signs replace each other, you should not resort to work in the garden. Otherwise, you risk getting an underdeveloped plant.

Also see: detailed (for each month of 2017), in table form.

According to the gardener's lunar calendar for August 2017, this month is filled with the smells and tastes of summer. Gardening and gardening efforts bear fruit. The main concern of this month is to process the harvest and prepare planting material.

In the garden they make sure that there is no carrion lying under the trees. Fruits affected by diseases and pests are destroyed. Particular attention is paid to young plantings. August is the hottest month of the year and it is necessary to carry out regular watering, as well as protect trees from pests and diseases.

August is the best time to propagate red and black currants from woody cuttings. For cuttings it is better to use mature strong shoots current year with well-formed buds, as well as growth from branches 2 - 4 years old. Throughout the month, shrubs such as clematis, honeysuckle, and forsythia are also propagated by green and semi-lignified cuttings or layering.

August is a very favorable time for laying a lawn.

In August, it is good to divide and plant perennial flowers, and all divided plants should be immediately planted in a permanent place and watered abundantly. We divide and propagate the following perennials (primroses, lilies, peonies, delphinium, phlox, astilbe...).

In August, they continue to regularly harvest vegetables, preventing them from overripening. Timely harvesting promotes flowering, setting and ripening of new fruits. Only those fruits that are left for seeds are allowed to overripe. They pay great attention to watering, because this month the crop is actively ripening. Water thoroughly every 6 to 8 days, followed by loosening and mulching. When watering, you need to make sure that water does not get on the leaves. This month, onions and garlic are harvested and then dried for at least 20 days. If these crops are not removed and dried in time, the bulbs will sprout and the cloves will crumble. For autumn consumption, we sow radishes, dill, lettuce, kohlrabi, radish, Chinese cabbage, daikon, spinach, coriander. Prepare a place for autumn planting onions and garlic.

August (especially its second half) is the ideal time for planting strawberry mustaches. This is also one of the main months in which mass procurement of vegetables and berries is carried out for the winter.

Waxing Crescent

August 1 (until 15:02) - Waxing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). Favorable time for transplantation indoor flowers, collection medicinal herbs. Re-sow radishes and dill. good time for planting mushrooms.

August 1 (from 15:02), 2, 3, 4 (until 03:38) - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Days). Engage in weeding and cultivating the soil, harvesting vegetables, fruits, and root crops. Collect the seeds.

4 (from 03:38), 5, 6 (to 15:17) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). In the northern regions, trees and perennial shrubs can be planted.

6 (from 15:17), August 7, 2017 - Waxing Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). August 7 at 21:12 - FULL MOON, LUNAR ECLIPSE. Barren days! Do not sow or plant anything! Engage in planting tomatoes, weeding, and pest control.

Waning moon

August 8, 9 (until 00:57) - Waning Moon in Aquarius (Flower Days). Barren days! There is no need to sow or plant anything! Engage in planting tomatoes, weeding, and pest control.

August 9 (from 00:57), 10, 11 (to 08:23) - Waning Moon in Pisces (Leaf Days). Ideal time to water plants. Take care of mushrooms.

August 11 (from 08:23), 12, 13 (to 13:41) - Waning Moon in Aries (Fruit Days). Carry out preventive measures in the garden or vegetable garden, cut out unnecessary growth of trees and shrubs.

August 13 (from 13:41), 14, 15 (until 17:08) - Waning Moon in Taurus (Root Days). It is favorable to plant and replant trees and any plants: flowers, trees and shrubs. The best days to preserve fruits and vegetables. Collect seeds for future harvest. Remove the potatoes.

August 15 (from 17:08), 16, 17 (to 19:14) - Waning Moon in Gemini (Flower Days). Favorable time for planting and transplanting all climbing plants, strawberry mustache, wild strawberry. It is good to prepare medicinal herbs.

August 17 (from 19:14), 18, 19 (to 20:56) - Waning Moon in Cancer (Leaf Days). The ideal time to water and feed plants organic fertilizers. You can plant sea buckthorn, viburnum, and rowan. Mushrooms.

August 19 (from 20:56), 20, 21 (to 23:26) - Waning Moon in Leo (Fruit Days). August 21 at 21:31 - NEW MOON, SOLAR ECLIPSE. Barren days! It is better not to sow or plant anything. Start pruning trees.

Waxing Crescent

August 21 (from 23:26), 22, 23, 24 (until 04:06) - Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Days). Favorable time for late cleaning white cabbage, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage. Not a bad day for canning vegetables and fruits.

24 (from 04:06), 25, 26 (until 11:54) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Days). It is favorable to plant trees and shrubs, any flowers. Start collecting medicinal herbs.

August 26 (from 11:54), 27, 28 (until 22:49) - Waxing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). It is recommended to plant plants that have thorns and thorns. Mushrooms. The use of fertilizers is unfavorable.

August 28 (from 22:49), 29, 30, 31 (until 11:20) - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius (Fruit Days). Weed and cultivate the soil. Harvest your garlic. Collected these days, it will remain dry throughout the winter.

August 31 (from 11:20 am) - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). In northern latitudes, trees and low-growing shrubs can be planted.

When is the best time to harvest in August according to the lunar calendar?

The most the main task owners personal plots in the last summer month - August - do not miss the moment when many crops ripen and harvest on time. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 tells us that it is better to harvest on August 1, 2, 5, 13, 15–18, 27–30. In addition, attention should be paid to preparing planting material for next year.

When to dig potatoes according to the lunar calendar. Lucky days are the numbers from 8th to 10th. During the same period, it is recommended to harvest onions, sow parsley, plant ornamental plants- peonies, lilies. For those who prefer greenhouse conditions, it’s time to sow cucumbers in the greenhouse.

According to the lunar calendar, it is best to dig up root crops on the 14th and 15th. On these days it is worth starting sowing winter variety radishes. During this period, take time to feed the plants with organic matter. The lunar sowing calendar for August 2017 recommends planting perennials in flower beds and cultivating them garden plants from pests and diseases.

It is better to devote three days - from August 16 to 19 - to such a task as harvesting garden trees. At this time, sowing decorative deciduous plants is successful.

The 20th, 21st and 22nd of August are unlucky days for working in the garden. August 21 – New Moon. This day and the two neighboring ones are unlucky for gardening - the Moon in this phase has a negative effect on plants.

It is recommended to devote the last ten days of August, starting from the 23rd, to vigorous activity in your personal plot. An excellent time to harvest beets according to the lunar calendar, carrots and other root vegetables.

Gardener's calendar for August 2017 landing days in outskirts of Moscow

Moon phases in August 2017

August 21, 22, 23, 24, 2017 - Waxing Moon in Virgo (Root Days). A favorable time for harvesting late white cabbage, root vegetables, vegetables and fruits for long-term storage. Not a bad day for canning vegetables and fruits.

August 24 (from 04:06), 25, 26 (to 11:54) - Waxing Moon in Libra (Flower Days). It is favorable to plant trees and shrubs, any flowers. Start collecting medicinal herbs.

August 26 (from 11:54), 27, 28 (to 22:49) - Waxing Moon in Scorpio (Leaf Days). It is recommended to plant plants that have thorns and thorns. Mushrooms. The use of fertilizers is unfavorable.

28 (from 22:49), 29, 30, 31 (until 11:20) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Sagittarius (Days of Fruit). Weed and cultivate the soil. Harvest your garlic. Collected these days, it will remain dry throughout the winter.

31 (from 11:20) August 2017 - Waxing Moon in Capricorn (Root Days). In northern latitudes, trees and low-growing shrubs can be planted.

Tips for gardeners for August 2017

In August, the days become shorter, the nights are fresher and cooler, and the garden and vegetable garden delight with abundant fruiting. It is already becoming clear which bed will have a large harvest and which will have a smaller harvest. But you can’t let the garden take its course, because the quality of the vegetables depends on proper care of the plants.

In the morning, once every two days, it is necessary to harvest cucumbers without turning over or moving the vines. Each cucumber not removed in right time, slows down the growth of fresh greens. It is advisable to process cucumbers on the day of collection.

To prolong the fruiting of cucumbers, it is necessary to feed the plants, spray the leaves with urea, and hill up the fourth or fifth internodes. In rainy weather and when there is a sharp cold snap, they are covered with film.

In August, cabbage is watered abundantly, fed, the soil is loosened between the rows, the leaves are treated for pests, and caterpillars and slugs are manually removed.

Drying of potato tops indicates the maturity of the tubers. If the weather is dry, the tops are cut 5 days before harvesting, and in rainy weather they must be removed as early as possible to avoid late blight infection.

At the very beginning of August you can start harvesting carrots. If the root crops are thinner than 1.5 cm, you can wait a little longer to harvest and feed the beds.

To improve the taste of beets in August, water them with lightly salted water. At the end of the month, its last thinning is carried out.

During this period, tomatoes produce bountiful harvest. To speed up the ripening of fruits, it is necessary to regularly pinch the growth points of new shoots, branches without inflorescences, unopened buds and underdeveloped ovaries. Excess leaves, especially those touching the ground and neighboring plants, must be removed. Bordeaux mixture is used to combat late blight. Ripe, cracked, or fallen tomatoes should be removed as soon as possible.

They stop watering the onions at the beginning of August in order to collect the formed bulbs in the second half of the month. At the same time, the garlic is removed.

In the first half of August, it is necessary to take care of where the crop is stored. If necessary, the basement needs to be repaired, dried and ventilated in hot weather, disinfected, and whitewashed. A box of lime or salt will help maintain the microclimate in the basement.