Baxi boiler has high gas consumption. How to reduce the high gas consumption of a boiler for heating a house. About the joint operation of BAXI boilers

Any user gas boiler wants his unit to work as efficiently and economically as possible at the same time. Over the entire heating season, an economical device allows you to save a lot Money. Therefore, unit owners often look for an answer to the question of how to reduce the consumption of a gas boiler.

The amount of energy consumed depends on fluctuations in the outside air, so this indicator is constantly changing.

An ideal source of thermal energy must meet the following requirements:

  1. Produce enough energy to provide sufficient heat to a house or apartment.
  2. Be able to adjust the production thermal energy in a wide range.
  3. Have high efficiency.
  4. The device must be equipped with an automatic system that will regulate the power of the unit depending on the temperature indoors or outdoors.

To reduce the fuel consumption of a gas boiler, you need to know factors influencing this indicator:

  1. The degree of insulation of the house - the material of the walls, the thickness of the masonry, the tightness of windows and doors.
  2. Gas boiler power.
  3. Unit efficiency.
  4. Equipped with automation that can change the operating mode depending on weather conditions.
  5. Availability of additional power consumers: DHW circuit, “warm floor” systems, etc.
  6. Blockage of the heat exchanger, gas burner of the boiler or chimney.

To reduce fuel consumption, it is necessary to adjust the presented factors whenever possible.

How does home insulation affect gas consumption?

A well-insulated room can save up to 35% of the heat produced. It is best preserved in a house with walls two bricks thick. More thermal energy will be needed to heat a panel or wooden cottage. But the situation can be improved by insulating the walls.

A lot of heat also escapes through the roof and floor. Therefore, in order to reduce gas consumption, it is advisable to insulate the ceilings and floors.

If you have old wooden frames and ventilated doors, they should be replaced with more airtight ones, otherwise the heat will quickly escape through the cracks to the street.

Gas boiler power

Before purchasing a unit, it is important to correctly calculate its required power. It is determined using special formulas taking into account the heated area, wall material, weather conditions of the region, etc.

Some do big mistake when purchasing a unit with too much productivity. This leads to “clocking” of the device - the unit quickly heats the coolant to the set temperature and turns off, then the liquid cools down and the device turns on again. This happens all the time. As a result, the boiler components wear out greatly, the service life of the device is reduced, and gas consumption increases. It is known that the greatest wear and tear on any equipment occurs during startup. Frequent switching on of the unit negatively affects many of its elements:

  • burner;
  • gas and three-way valves;
  • circulation pump;
  • coaxial chimney fan.

At the moment the burner is ignited, it is supplied maximum amount fuel and when turned on frequently, gas consumption increases. Some of this fuel goes into the pipe before ignition.

Unit efficiency

Gas boilers with high efficiency are more economical. Therefore, when choosing a device, you should pay attention to this indicator. For example, units with an open combustion chamber have a low efficiency - from 80 to 88%, since part of the heat, along with the flue gases, escapes through the chimney. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber have a higher coefficient - 90-94%.

The best efficiency is found in condensing units, which are considered the most economical. Their figure is 96-99%, but the cost of such gas boilers is higher.

Weather-compensated automation

Consume fuel from maximum benefit weather-compensated automation will allow. It records the temperature outside and, depending on this, selects the heating agent heating rate. Thus, the system maintains the air temperature in the room at a given level. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a boiler that has this function built-in.

If gas device does not have such a system, it can be purchased separately and connected, but such automation will be quite expensive.

Additional gas consumers

Various types of fuel consumption significantly increase additional functions and systems connected to a gas boiler. For example, a domestic hot water system increases gas consumption by 20-30%. The “warm floor” system will increase consumption by another 20%.

Note! If you connect a boiler to a single-circuit unit of lower power indirect heating, then it, heating the room and producing hot water, will work more economically than a double-circuit boiler.

Clogged heat exchanger, gas burner and chimney

Fuel consumption increases due to blockages in the gas boiler elements:

  1. Scale accumulations in the heat exchanger of the unit. Lime deposits formed during operation prevent rapid heat exchange between the circuit and the coolant. As a result, in order for the liquid to reach the set temperature, the burner needs to heat the heat exchanger longer. To eliminate the problem, you need to remove the element, wash it with a solution and clean it with a brush.
  2. Gas burner clogged. Gradually, the burner nozzles or its igniter become clogged with soot and soot, which subsequently prevents the passage of gas and maintaining a stable flame. As a result, the burner must burn more gas in order to heat the coolant to desired temperature. The problem can be solved by cleaning the boiler gas burner.
  3. Chimney blockages. The soot and soot accumulated during the combustion process clog the pipe for removing combustion products, which disrupts the air supply to the burner, which disrupts the stable combustion process. Proper air supply and smoke exhaust reduces gas consumption. Lack of oxygen leads to a decrease in the amount of heat released during combustion and to the formation of soot.

These defects can have a long-term effect Negative influence and not be noticed by the owners. To prevent this, it is necessary to clean the boiler elements every year.

Has your house already been built? Thinking about choosing energy resources for autonomous heating? There are several sources of thermal energy: natural gas, firewood, coal, fuel oil, liquid fuel, electricity. The technical representative of the BAXI company in the Volga region, Sergey Nikolaevich Shipov, will talk about the use of liquefied petroleum gas as fuel.

The concept of liquefied gas

In Russia, liquefied petroleum gas is usually called hydrocarbon gases (LPG) based on a mixture of light hydrocarbons liquefied under pressure with a boiling point from -50 to 0 °C. The composition of such gas can vary significantly; the main components are propane, propylene, isobutane, isobutylene, n-butane and butylene. Today, for autonomous gas supply systems, mixtures of liquefied technical propane and butane (SPBT, petroleum gas, corresponds to GOST 20448-90) are used, rather than liquefied natural gas (methane). The latter is stored at low temperatures in special cryogenic vessels, requires additional evaporators and is economically justified only for heating a large group of houses.

Liquefied hydrocarbon gas (LPG) turns into a liquid state with a slight increase in pressure. Then it can be easily transported and stored. With a decrease in pressure or a slight increase in temperature, the “liquid” gas begins to evaporate and enters the gas phase, ending in saturation. The saturated vapor pressure depends only on the ambient temperature and does not depend on the amount of liquid.

One liter of LPG produces about 0.25 m3 of gas phase. In winter, gas pressure decreases and gas phase supply performance decreases. If vapors are taken intensively (for example, turn on the boiler at 100% power), then accelerated evaporation of the liquid will lead to its cooling and, therefore, to a decrease in productivity. To obtain the required volumes of gases, the number of LPG containers is increased. Propane has an optimal set of necessary properties. It steadily supplies the gas phase even in frosty conditions, but is relatively expensive and good only in winter. In summer, when it is hot, its vapor pressure reaches limit value, permissible for the walls of the vessel (1.6 MPa), so propane is diluted with cheaper and not intensively evaporating butane.

LPG is not recommended to be placed in basements and even basements if the window area in them is less than 1 m2. Because for complete combustion SPBT requires a lot of air, in boiler rooms it is necessary to provide good ventilation. In addition, the premises must be organized daylight, as well as install a gas leak detection sensor and an automatic shut-off valve with self-powered power.

Application area of ​​LPG

Due to its environmental friendliness (cleanliness of combustion) and relatively low production and processing costs, propane-butane gas has received wide application for production and economic needs population. The scope of application of liquefied petroleum gas is wide. For example, LPG is used as a source of heat, fuel for vehicles, raw materials for the production of aerosols, etc.

The use of LPG as a raw material for home heating retains all the advantages of autonomous heating using natural main gas, with the exception of current gas costs. But it often happens that even with a relatively close location of the main gas pipeline, the prospect of connecting to the “cherished pipe” remains far beyond the horizon. In this case, you should approach the choice of fuel with a calculator. For example, let’s consider heating a 300 m2 cottage with three types of fuel: liquid (diesel) (DT), mains electricity and LPG. On average, such a room consumes 80,000 kW of energy per year for heating. Based on this figure, we will make the following calculations:

Table 1. Economic comparison of heating costs for a cottage with an area of ​​300 m2

Prices are valid for June 2011. Average gas consumption is 0.86 kg per 10 kW.

The presented table for estimating fuel consumption and costs shows a clear feasibility study for the use of LPG. Additional advantages of bottled gas, in contrast to diesel fuel and electricity, will be: the ability to organize various options preparation of domestic hot water (boiler or flow-through heat exchanger) and minimal emissions into the atmosphere, unlike diesel fuel. Only NOХ, CO2 and steam will be emitted with flue gases. When using condensing boilers as heat generators, harmful emissions are reduced significantly, and gas savings can reach 30%!

Autonomous LPG gas supply

Having chosen LPG, next step The question arises about the actual location of gas reservoirs and the gas supply to heat-generating installations.

Two types of containers are used: gas cylinders and gas tanks.

Gas cylinder - steel welded cylinder for liquefied hydrocarbon gases (propane) GOST 15860-84 is intended for transportation and storage of propane with various capacities of 50, 25, 12 and 5 liters ( operating pressure– 1.6 MPa).

Installation of gas supply using small containers should be carried out with at least 3 cylinders. This allows you to increase the evaporation surface and reduce the risk of freezing of the cylinders. It is important to use pressure regulators with the parameters required for a given boiler and type of gas. The use of regulators not intended for LPG is not allowed!

Gas holder – a reservoir designed for storage and regasification of liquefied hydrocarbon gas during gasification residential buildings, municipal and agricultural facilities. Gas holders are distinguished by volume (from 0.25 to 100 m2). Unlike cylinders, they provide a larger evaporation surface and a larger storage volume of LPG and, as a result, fewer refills.

In any case, to achieve safe use of LPG, you will need to design the gas supply at home. The complex and time-consuming process consists not only of developing optimal scheme gas supply to the home, but also includes receiving a number of permitting documents and registration of an autonomous gas supply system. In some cases, LPG is used as a backup fuel, but to transfer the boiler it is necessary to carry out a number of operations.

Application of LPG with boilers

When choosing a heat generator, you should pay attention to the possibility of its operation on LPG. Not all boiler manufacturers allow conversion to another type of fuel.

Boiler model Diameter of methane nozzles Diameter of liquefied nozzles gas Qty LPG injector code gas
MAIN Four 240 F 1,28 0,77 13 5680020
MAIN 24 Fi 1,28 0,74 13 5666390
MAIN Four 24 1,18 0,74 13 5666390
MAIN 24 i 1,18 0,74 13 5666390
ECO Four 240Fi/1.240Fi, ECO-3 Compact 240Fi/1.240Fi 1,28 0,77 13 5680020
ECO Four 240i/1.240i,ECO-3 Compact 240i/1.240i 1,18 0,77 13 5680020
ECO Four 1.140Fi/1.140i, ECO-3 Compact 1.140Fi/1.140i 1,18 0,77 10 5680020
LUNA-3 (Comfort) 240Fi/240i, ECO-3 240Fi/240i 1,18 0,74 15 601520
LUNA-3 310Fi, LUNA 310Fi, ECO-3 280Fi, ECO 280Fi 1,28 0,77 15 608450
Nuvola-3 (Comfort) 1,18 0,69 18 5666910
Slim 1.150 2,6 1,5 2 3607110
Slim 1.230/2.230 3,15 1,75 2 3607120
Slim 1.300/2.300 3,5 2,05 2 3607130
Slim 1.400 4,1 2,4 2 3607140
Slim 1.490 4,5 2,65 2 3607150
Slim 1.620 5,2 2,95 2 3607160

BAXI equipment running on natural gas, can also be used as a heat generator for LPG. To convert BAXI atmospheric boilers and water heaters to LPG (in instructions G31), the installer only needs to perform three important operations:
1. “Inform” the board that the boiler is now operating on G31 (LPG) (change a number of parameters F, or change the position of the jumper/toggle switch to GPL);
2. Replace the existing nozzles with nozzles with a smaller bore (purchased separately, see Table 2);
3. Reset the gas valve (according to parameters G31).

For condensing boilers, the operation occurs at no additional cost:
1. Replace the gas diaphragm located at the outlet of the gas valve (included in the kit);
2. Set parameters H using the control panel display;
3. If necessary, adjust the gas valve.

The use of LPG with condensing boilers not only reduces the level of emissions into the environment, but also significantly reduces gas consumption.

Table 3. Approximate consumption of liquefied gas for residential heating

Features of using LPG

Active use by owners of private houses and industrial enterprises Autonomous LPG gas supply system makes it possible to evaluate its advantages, advantages and reliability.

Low fuel consumption of excellent quality, convenient operation and long service life gas equipment– these are the undoubted advantages of autonomous gas supply. Complete independence from the main natural gas network and the ability to receive hot water and heat all year round attracts owners of private houses. Don’t forget about the possibility of quickly reorienting BAXI equipment from methane to propane and back. In addition, autonomous gasification is an economically viable LPG supply system compared to heating sources such as electricity and diesel fuel.

Gas technology has gained popularity due to the high efficiency that is generated during the combustion process. In addition, the exhaust gases contain a minimal amount harmful substances. At the time of buying heating equipment We want to get an efficient and economical device. Therefore, it is important to calculate in advance the actual gas consumption in the boiler.

What factors affect fuel consumption?

Years of use different types fuels have proven that gas is 30% cheaper than diesel and electricity. Most users connect to a common pipeline, since when using gas in cylinders, funds are spent on delivery.

Factors that should be taken into account when choosing a heating boiler to avoid high fuel consumption:

  • Heat losses. The consumption of a gas boiler directly depends on heat loss through walls, windows, doors, and roof. Therefore, preliminary calculations power of technology. The area of ​​the room, the quality of insulation, and the purpose of adjacent rooms are taken into account.
  • Settings system. Automatic installation includes sensors that record temperature external environment and configure the operation of the unit in optimal mode. This allows you to save on consumption.
  • Type of equipment. When using a condensing unit, gas consumption is reduced by 15–20%. Unlike the conventional convection type, the condenser contains a separate heat exchanger to direct the energy of the combustion products to heat the system. This increases the coefficient of performance (efficiency) to 100%.

The presence of one or two circuits also matters. A single-circuit device works only for heating. Whereas double-circuit - for hot water supply (DHW) and heating. Consequently, its consumption will be greater.

Units with a closed combustion chamber consume less fuel than those with an open combustion chamber. Duration also affects heating season. After all, in winter the boiler works at maximum, while in summer it works at minimum, only for heating hot water.

Why do appliances consume a lot of gas? This is all due to poor insulation of the building and scale deposits.

The table shows an example of maximum consumption for 210 days.

Equipment power (kW) How much gas does it consume (hour/m³) Consumption for the whole season (m³)
10 1,12 5 644
12 1,6 8 064
15 1,68 8 467
20 2,6 13 104
24 3,1 15 624
30 3,9 19 656
40 5,2 26 208
50 6,5 32 760
60 7,9 39 816
100 13,1 66 024
200 26,2 132 048

Knowing how many cubes are consumed per hour, you can calculate the rate per day and per month.

How to calculate fuel consumption

To heat a private house or apartment, calculations are used that are based on two parameters: the power of the heating equipment and the area of ​​the room. An average calculation is taken - 1 kW per 10 m².

Many articles have been written on this topic, but few clarify that the unit of measurement kilowatt is thermal power, not electric. This misleads many users.

It would be more logical to measure work on natural gas in cubic meters (m³ per hour), and on liquefied gas in kilograms (kg/hour).

On average, 1 kilowatt of thermal power consumes 0.112 cubic meters per hour of main gas.

For example, let’s take the “” unit with a power of 17.4 kW. The passport data indicates the consumption of main fuel is 1.87 cubic meters, liquefied gas - 1.3 kg/hour. These values ​​are valid for continuous operation, but if the device is constantly running under wear and tear, then the parts will quickly fail. When choosing, add plus 20% to the indicated power.

“AOGV” in our example will be installed in a room of 140 m². Now take a look at the rates (approximately):

  • Natural fuel: 3.9 rubles per cubic meter.
  • For bottled gas, the calculation is based on the volume of the container. For 50 liters - 600 rubles. The cylinder is not completely filled with propane, approximately 80% (21 kg). This means: 600/21= 28.6 rubles. You can add shipping costs here.

The daily calculation for the main connection will be as follows: :

Day (24 hours) x 1.87 (cubic meters/hour)/2 = 22.4 cubic meters. To find out the cost: 22.4 x 3.9 (tariff) = 87.5 rubles.

Per month:

22.4 (daily consumption) x 30 (number of days) = 672 m³.

Per year (seven months - heating season):

7 x 672 (monthly norm) = 4,704 m³.

When working on propane per day :

24 (hours) x 1.3 (kg/h) /2 = 15.6 kg. To find out the minimum costs: 15.6 x 28.6 (tariff) = 446 rubles.

For a month (30 days):

15.6 (per day) x 30 = 468 kg. That means you use 22.3 propane tanks per month.

For a year (seven months):

7 x 468 (per month) = 3,276 kg or 156 cylinders.

Please remember that these calculations are for one model only. The meanings vary for each brand; you need to look them up in the documentation. See tables below:

And also for bottled gas:

Consumption is affected by the location of the device: floor or wall. Material of manufacture of the heat exchanger, type of gas burner, number of working days.

How to reduce costs

If you follow our recommendations in the domestic sphere, then you can save on using the boiler:

  • Start with choosing a technique. It is considered the most economical. It saves up to 25% fuel, and efficiency reaches 100–110%. Of course, its cost is much higher, but, according to experts, it will quickly pay for itself. Pay attention to consumer reviews when purchasing. uses 20–25% more thermal energy. Therefore, if the room only needs heating, give preference to a single-circuit installation.
  • Take care of wall insulation, install plastic double glazed windows. Heat loss through the roof can be easily determined by the build-up of icicles. The more heat goes away, the more icicles there are. In this case, close the roof, use special materials for insulation.
  • Choose modern technology on automatic. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers install sensors, thermostats and regulators. This system works as a single organism, automatically regulating and adjusting the operation of the equipment to the conditions in the room. Timers and special modes allow you to maintain minimum values ​​during vacation or weekend. You can also select the “Winter - Summer” mode.
  • Carry out routine maintenance once a year. Be sure to call a specialist for a technical inspection. Clean parts from blockages. Scale accumulations on the heat exchanger contribute to increased thermal energy use. Remove soot and soot from burner nozzles and clean the chimney in a timely manner.
  • Install the heat accumulator (TA). This buffer capacity accumulates coolant and retains heat for a long time (like a thermos). Even when the boiler is turned off, the TA will supply liquid to the radiators. Using such a buffer allows you to save 20–30% of fuel.
  • Don't choose maximum temperature. Set comfortable indicators, because against the backdrop of average monthly consumption, even 1–2 degrees matter.

This is how the cost of heating a living space is calculated. If you are not sure of the accuracy of the calculations, contact a specialist. He will take into account all the nuances and help you with the selection of economical equipment.

The mounted double-circuit gas heating boiler, which we will review today, is one of the highest quality in model range heating wall-mounted water heaters from this Italian manufacturer.

In order to verify this in more detail, we need to compare specifications“Baksi EcoFor 24 F” and prices, study the model’s operating instructions (passport), reviews from owners and specialists. In addition, we will pay attention not only to the advantages of the boiler, but also to its disadvantages, analyzing its main breakdowns, malfunctions and errors, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Baxi Eco Four boiler: operating instructions, features

The “Baxi Eco Four” series of gas boilers is a reliable wall-mounted gas heating device of the fourth generation in the “family” of boilers of the brand. The boiler of this series is distinguished by good quality assembly and used components, spare parts. We look at the photo of the Baxi Eco Four 24F gas boiler.

Boiler Baxi Eco Four 24 F

The Italian company markets several modifications of Baxi Eco Four boilers: double-circuit and single-circuit, with an open and closed combustion chamber. In addition to all this, today the devices are produced in two types of power: 24 kW and 14 kW. Let's see what models the manufacturer offers us.

1. Double-circuit gas boilers(heating and hot water):

— Eco Four 24F;
— Eco Four 24.

2. Single-circuit gas boilers (for heating only):

— Eco Four 1.24F;
— Eco Four 1.24;
— Eco Four 1.14F;
— Eco Four 1.14.

The number in the abbreviation indicates the power of the device in kW, and the letter “F” means that the boiler is turbocharged, with a closed combustion chamber.

Baxi Eco Four 24F: installation of a double-circuit gas boiler

The most popular, judging by the reviews of owners and specialists, is the Baxi Eco Four 24 F model. This is a double-circuit wall-mounted heating device with forced draft, power 24 kW, capable of heating a private house area up to 200-220 m2. It consists of several main elements characteristic of a modern wall-mounted gas boiler:

— two heat exchangers (copper for heating, stainless steel for hot water supply);
— two-speed circulation with automatic air vent;
— Italian gas valve SIT 845;
gas-burner Polidoro with stainless steel tips;
— Honeywell electronic board;
— brass three-way valve with electric servo drive;
- expansion membrane tank volume 6 liters.

As we can see, all the main elements of the Baksi Eco For 24 F gas boiler are produced by well-known companies, world leaders in their industry. Besides, everything internal parts made of brass: hydraulic group, supply pipes and gas part. The boilers are adapted to Russian frosts and are able to function even at very low gas pressure.

Design and principle of operation of the Baxi Eco Four boiler

The boiler's gas burner has stainless steel nozzles and smooth flame modulation with smooth electronic ignition, as on all budget units from this manufacturer. Specially designed system automatic regulation air supply to the device is protected by a patent.

Functions, control and safety

As with all models of fourth generation Baksi boilers, on front side The wall-mounted unit “Eco Four 24 F” has a control panel with an LCD display, which displays and sets settings and parameters, temperature in the heating circuit and DHW. In addition, they appear on it when malfunctions or malfunctions occur during the operation of the boiler.

The heating circuit of the Baxi Eco Four boiler can operate in two modes:

- traditional (30-85 °C);
— warm floor (30-45 °C).

Like the boilers of the “Main Four” series, all “Baxi Eco Four” devices incorporate weather-dependent automation that helps the boiler operate depending on the temperature outside the window. All you need to do is buy a sensor outside temperature, install and connect it to the boiler.

Buying and connecting a room thermostat will also help save money, because the operation of the boiler, in this case, will depend on the set air temperature in the house or apartment.

Baxi Eco Four boiler control panel

Baxi Eco Four 24 F boilers are equipped with modern elements safety: a pneumatic relay (draft sensor) is triggered when there is insufficient draft in the chimney, when the pressure in the heating system is low, a special pressure switch is activated, and when there is excess pressure - safety valve at 3 Bar. There are flame control sensors, temperature sensors on the heating circuit and running water, pressure gauge.

The energy-saving circulation pump "Grundfos UP 15-50" automatically turns on once a day to avoid blocking three way valve or its jamming. This function is very useful when the heating device is idle for a long time and not used.

Also, the boilers of this series are equipped with a modern self-diagnosis system: the device itself periodically tests the operation and reports any problems on the LCD display. It is also possible to connect to bottled gas by first changing the gas injectors for liquefied gas.

Baxi Eco Four 24 F: technical characteristics of a gas boiler

The smoke removal system of the Eco For boiler is designed for a diameter of 60/100 mm. When purchasing an adapter for separating chimney channels, it is possible to install aluminum pipes with a diameter of 80 mm. An atmospheric boiler with an open combustion chamber does not have a fan, and the diameter of its chimney pipe is 120 mm.

Heating and gas are connected to fittings with a thread diameter of 3/4′, the DHW circuit is 1/2′. The device has compact dimensions of 730/400/299 mm. The productivity of the boiler's hot water supply circuit is about 14 l/min, which is quite enough for the simultaneous operation of two water supply points: the kitchen and the bathroom. These and other technical characteristics are described in the table.

Baxi Eco For 24F: technical characteristics of the boiler

Baxi Eco Four gas boiler errors

E01 - the burner does not light.
E02 - overheat protection sensor is triggered.
E03 - traction pressure switch is faulty.
E05 - the temperature sensor of the heating system circuit has tripped.
E06 - malfunction temperature sensor DHW circuit.
E10 - insufficient pressure in the heating system.
E25/26 - there is no circulation in the heating system due to the pump being blocked.
E35 - false flame.
E96 - insufficient voltage in the electrical network.

Advantages of the Baxi Eco Four 24F gas boiler:

— European assembly;
— two heat exchangers;
good quality components and main units;
— modern security system;
— ability to connect an outdoor temperature sensor;
- net service centers around the country.

Disadvantages of the Baxi Eco Four 24 F gas boiler:

— high price from 37,000 rubles;
— expensive spare parts;
- small volume expansion tank 6 liters;
— the electronic board is sensitive to power surges.

Today we left a review of the popular dual-circuit wall model boiler for heating - technical characteristics, device according to the operating instructions. Reviews from owners and specialists are quite contradictory, but the undoubted advantage of the EcoFor series devices is the presence in them of two separate heat exchangers, a brass hydraulic group and a Grundfos brand pump. Let's watch the video.

Owners of private houses or other premises always feel the need to reduce heating costs.

Autonomous heating systems, which require certain initial investments, can pay for themselves in a fairly short time and bring significant savings.

At the same time, an important condition for the effectiveness of the system becomes right choice heating boiler, on which the operating mode and performance of the system, the amount of fuel consumed and total costs for heating.

One of good options The choice is the Baxi Eco 4S 24 F gas boiler, which is capable of providing complete heat and hot water supply to a room of the appropriate size.

Let's look at it in more detail.

The Baxi company was founded in 1929, and has been developing and manufacturing heating products for more than half a century. During this time, valuable techniques were developed, high-quality and reliable models of heating installations were created.

In 2009, Baxi merged with De Dietrich Remeha to form industrial group BDR Thermea. Since that time, the company's capabilities have increased significantly, which has significantly affected the quality of its products.

Boilers Baxi Eco 4S 24 F are gas installations, providing coolant supply to heating systems (or heated floors) with parallel supply of hot water for domestic needs. The units are different high quality work, resistance to external influences and loads.

Most of the company's products are manufactured taking into account the specifics of Russian technological lines and climatic conditions, therefore boiler models are adapted to work with low pressures gas, with interruptions in the supply voltage in the network and other unstable indicators.

A useful function that is present in the list of boiler capabilities is frost protection, which ensures increased coolant circulation (or heating water- OV) according to the system.

The units have compact dimensions; the wall mounting type allows them to be installed in any convenient location. The parameters and technical characteristics of the installation make it possible to widely use it both in private homes and in office or public spaces.

Model features

The Baxi Eco 4S 24 F boiler has a copper primary heat exchanger, which demonstrates greater efficiency compared to stainless steel units.

The secondary plate heat exchanger, which produces domestic hot water heating, is a typical stainless steel plate device.

A convenient feature of the boiler is the coaxial chimney. It does not require a complex and time-consuming procedure for connecting to the central chimney; it is discharged through the adjacent outer wall in a horizontal position.

Pipe-in-pipe design allows for simultaneous flow fresh air into the burner along the outer part and remove combustion products through the inner part. This promotes cooling outer surface chimney, eliminating the risk of fire.

What functions does it have?

The set of boiler functions includes:

  • Supply of coolant to the heating circuit simultaneously with heating of the hot water supply.
  • Full protection with indication of switching on, presence or absence of flame, and prevention of freezing of pipelines.
  • Self-diagnosis system, safety valve, protection circulation pump from blocking.
  • Possibility of modulation (auto-adjustment) of the flame depending on external conditions.


Only the most basic functions are listed. Full list too large and does not differ much from the capabilities of other Baxi boilers.

Technical characteristics of a gas boiler

Consider the table technical parameters boiler Baxi Eco 4S 24 F:

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

To the advantages Baxi models Eco 4S 24 F is usually referred to as:

  • High quality units that meet all necessary European and Russian standards.
  • Environmentally friendly equipment.
  • The ability to simultaneously heat and supply hot water to a home.
  • Fully automatic operation mode, simplicity and accessibility of boiler operation control.
  • Availability of self-diagnosis systems and protection of the boiler from various undesirable factors.
  • Virtually silent operation that does not disturb the peace of the house's residents at night.

The disadvantages of boilers of this series are considered:

  • The relatively high price of both the boilers themselves and spare parts for them.
  • The need for regular paid maintenance.
  • Dependence on power supply parameters, requiring the use of a stabilizer.
  • The need to use filters or water softeners.

Both the advantages and disadvantages of Baxi Eco 4S 24 F boilers are common to most gas units similar level and can be attributed to design or assembly features.

His device

The main components that make up the boiler design are:

  • Closed gas heating pad.
  • A fan for supplying air to the combustion chamber.
  • Primary (copper) and secondary ( stainless steel) heat exchangers.
  • Circulation pump.
  • Expansion tank.
  • Three-way valve.
  • Safety valves that relieve the pressure of the heating water or domestic hot water in the event of emergency situations.
  • A control board, a system of sensors that send signals to it in a continuous mode.

The boiler operates according to the usual method characteristic of all similar designs. Using a circulation pump, the coolant is supplied to the heat exchanger, where it is heated to the highest possible temperature.

At the exit it is fed into three way valve, diluting hot OM with colder reverse flow in a given proportion, determined established regime heating After this, the prepared coolant is sent to the heating circuit.

Hot water is heated in a secondary (plate) heat exchanger and supplied to the distribution points. Closed chamber combustion improves quality internal air indoors.

To organize combustion in the required mode, air is supplied using a fan, which takes the required flow from the external compartment of the coaxial chimney.

For which rooms is it best suited?

Wall-mounted gas boilers are optimally suited for use in private homes or other premises of the appropriate size.

The specificity and set of functions make it possible to provide thermal energy and hot water supply to areas of up to 240 sq. m., which corresponds in size to a medium-sized two-story private house, store or other office space, public building.

Such boilers are not recommended for use in industry, although it all depends on the specialization of the workshop and the operating conditions of the heating circuit.

Startup instructions

After delivery and unpacking of the boiler, it is installed on the wall in a pre-designated location. It is necessary to choose a convenient site with the possibility of supplying communications, ease of access for maintenance and repair.

Then all relevant pipelines must be connected:

For the initial launch, perform the following steps::

  • Connect power supply.
  • Open the gas supply valve.
  • By pressing the corresponding button, set the “summer” or “winter” mode.
  • Using the “+” or “-” buttons to the right and left of the display, set the temperature of the coolant and hot water.

The burner will start and heating of the heating agent will begin.

The burner may not start when first turned on due to the presence of air in the system. The boiler will be blocked and the corresponding error code will appear on the display. By pressing and holding the “R” button for 2-3 seconds, the error is reset and the procedure is repeated until the expected result is obtained. It may take several tries.

Basic faults and troubleshooting methods

The sensor system constantly monitors the condition of all boiler components, signaling to the control board if any failures occur. A specific code appears on the display indicating a particular malfunction.

The full list of codes is much wider, but there is no point in citing it in its entirety. When one or another code appears, press the “R” button and hold it for 2-3 seconds until the error is reset. If it appears again, you should urgently call a specialist.

Owner reviews about the model

Let's consider the opinions of the owners of boilers of this series. Such information will help you look at the quality and capabilities of the units more realistically and pragmatically, without advertising or excessive enthusiasm.

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