How to plant a radish on a seed window sill. Radish on the windowsill: growing in winter and summer at home. The most common problems when growing radishes

They start selling radishes back in the spring, and we buy them in order to quickly fill the body weakened after winter with vitamins. Summer residents are in a hurry to sow it in their gardens as early as possible, but you can grow it at home. At home, it can be quite convenient to grow radishes on the windowsill. The main thing is that in winter during the heating season it is not near the hot battery. At home, this can be done even all year round; growing radishes on the windowsill does not require preliminary preparation or the creation of special conditions in the apartment.

Varieties for growing at home

If we are going to grow radishes on the windowsill at home, we need to choose the right variety for this variety. It is best to take early ripening ones, but the most important thing is not even the ripening rate, but resistance to shooting and lack of reaction to a lack of lighting. As a rule, not only those who do not have a vegetable garden, but also those who want to continue the season of vitamins even in winter, undertake to grow vegetables at home, and here short daylight hours and central heating can become a hindrance. Therefore, it is best to choose varieties of radish that grow quickly and do not require ideal conditions.

Perhaps the fastest ripening of all is the 16 days radish. Round, bright red root vegetables can be harvested 16-18 days after sowing, later they become tough. It is very convenient that they are in no hurry to shoot and do not crack, which means that they can be perfectly grown at home.

From 18 to 25 days the varieties "Diego" (a hybrid with roots up to 5 cm in diameter) and "Dabel" (perfectly tolerates a drop in temperature) ripen, their roots do not dry out from the inside and remain crispy for a long time.

In 20-30 days after germination, a radish of the Deka variety is harvested, whose raspberry roots grow more than 3 cm. This variety is also good because it is not in a hurry to shoot even with a long daylight hours.

"Champion" is ready for use 25-28 days after planting, its roots do not become flabby or hollow.

And the variety "French breakfast", in addition to early ripening, is famous for the fact that it does not require hasty harvesting - its pink roots after ripening remain crispy for a long time, and the pink skin remains tender and juicy.

You can choose one or more of these varieties so that the radish on the windowsill at home will only bring pleasure without disappointment.

The subtleties of growing radishes on a windowsill

Growing radishes on a windowsill at home may fail for two reasons: too high an air temperature and inappropriate daylight hours.

Radish is considered a cold-resistant crop, it can easily survive even small frosts, but excessive heat forces it to throw all its strength into shooting, flowering, and not on growing root crops.

If there is an unheated room at home where you can provide an air temperature of 18–20 degrees, then it is there that you will be able to grow radishes on the windowsill. Ideal daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. A window sill, near which there are no heaters, is a wonderful place for this culture. If such conditions can be created, then the radish at home will delight the owners even all year round. You need to sow it every 2 weeks in small batches, then the harvest will constantly ripen and your family will not lack a vitamin-mineral complex with excellent assimilation.

In the summer after 18-oo, the seedlings should be covered from the sun with an opaque covering material. And in winter, accordingly, supplement the illumination with fluorescent lamps so that the plantings receive light for at least 10 hours daily.

The soil is suitable for the most common that is sold for growing vegetables. If you have the opportunity and desire, you can cook it yourself - mix an equal amount of garden soil (preferably black soil), sand and humus (or compost). You can add some wood ash. Only for use at home, it certainly needs to be disinfected, this is done by exposure to low or high temperatures - by freezing it on the street or balcony, heating it on a stove or stove. If this is not possible, then before sowing you need to spill it with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Any dishes that are usually used for seedlings will do - wooden boxes, plastic glasses, clay pots. The main thing is that the depth is at least 15 cm (even more is better) and there are drainage holes. It is very convenient to use special cassettes for seedlings: one plant grows in the cells, and the common tray collects excess water. It is important that each plant has its own place with a diameter of at least 5 cm, and if the description of the variety promises large roots, then even more.

Whichever dish you choose, you need to arrange a drainage layer of expanded clay or any other suitable material, pour soil on top so that a few centimeters remain to the top of the dish, tamp it. Before sowing, seeds are also disinfected with potassium permanganate, they are left in warmth and moisture overnight - just wrap them in several layers of wet gauze.

Sowing is carried out to a depth of 1 cm, then covered with film or glass for several days, periodically moistening with a spray bottle. After the emergence of seedlings, the shelter is removed, and the plants are hardened by lowering the air temperature to + 6-8 degrees for several days. When growing radishes on the windowsill at home, not everyone adheres to this procedure; it is difficult to say exactly how it or its absence affects the harvest.

If vegetables grow at the same temperature, if they are not threatened by freezing, as on the street, then the hardening procedure loses its meaning.


The radishes on the windowsill need to be watered regularly with water at room temperature, you should not overmoisten too much, but you cannot overdry it either. It is advisable to turn the dishes so that the plants do not stretch in one direction towards the light source.

Fresh crispy radishes of a delicate pink color are not only very tasty, but also healthy. This vegetable stores a lot of minerals and vitamins. Usually it is grown in open ground or in a greenhouse in early spring, and in autumn and winter only remember the past harvest. For lovers of this crispy vegetable, growing radishes on a windowsill will be a real discovery. So a fresh root vegetable will always delight with its freshness, benefits and aroma.

Radishes can be easily sown in small boxes or pots, placed on a windowsill, and juicy vegetables can be grown. At the same time, a mature root crop will not be inferior in size and taste to its "garden" analogue. Experienced gardeners in this way sow radishes in autumn and winter, when they really want vitamins.

The root crop ripens 14-16 days after sowing. But before planting, careful preparation is required: there must be a suitable illuminated place, a convenient container and soil for planting. In addition, you need to be prepared to comply with the temperature regime. But first things first.

Time to plant radishes

Window sill radishes can be planted at any time of the year. It grows equally well in spring and winter, if all the necessary conditions are observed. Even in freezing cold, fruits can grow juicy and tender with proper care.

Preparing for landing

For the best germination of the root crop, a novice gardener needs to consider several important details. The algorithm for preparing for landing is presented in the table below.

Table 1. Preparation for sowing radishes at home

What should be done?ImplementationImportant nuances

The most suitable place for a room "bed" is a windowsill on the south side. With this arrangement, the optimal daylight hours are maintained, and the seedlings germinate completely.When planting in late autumn and winter, do not place radish pots on windowsills. Under them are hot radiators that can burn young growth.

For planting, you can use:
- flower pots or flowerpots;
- wide but low wooden boxes;
- plastic containers;
- individual cups or containers with cells.
For the roots to be juicy and evenly developed, you need to choose large pots. The optimal pot depth is 15-20 cm.
At the base of any container there should be drainage holes for moisture to escape: they will protect the rhizomes from decay.

Any universal soil, which is sold in assortment in flower shops, is sufficient for radish. Alternatively, you can prepare the soil by hand.
To do this, mix:
- 2 pieces of garden land from the site, you can use peat;
- 1 part of rotten grass;
- 1 part sand.
For additional mineralization, you can also add 1 part ash.
Before planting, the land must be prepared in one of two ways:
1) Chill in the freezer.
2) Fry in a hot oven.
After the procedure, the soil is spilled with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such maneuvers promote disinfection and protect future plantings from disease.
The finished soil is sieved to remove all small debris and stones.

The seeds should be examined and the best selected. They should have a fresh look, approximately the same size and shape, and be odorless. The seeds are brown in color. Planting material with odor, small shape or gray color can sprout with a probability of 40-50%.
Seed preparation starts 1-2 days before the planned planting:
- seeds are soaked in warm water and left at room temperature for 24 hours;
- put in a container with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours;
- taken out of the solution and laid out on a paper towel to dry.
Dry seeds are ready for planting in the ground.
You can check the freshness of the seeds in a simple way - dip them in a bowl of water. Sunflower seeds can:
1) Sink to the bottom. This means that the seeds are heavy and of good quality. They will rise quickly.
2) Climb to the surface. Old planting material that may not sprout at all.

In nature, radishes ripen very quickly. If sowing in open ground takes place in mid-April, then by the beginning of May the first fruits already appear. To provoke the same fast growing season on the windowsill, you need to choose seeds with early ripening. You can read more about growing radishes in the open field at.

Radish planting algorithm

When all the elements of the future "bed" are ready, they need to be combined. Small stones or broken bricks are poured into the bottom of the pots to create a drainage effect. The earth is poured to the middle of the container. Further landing can take place in two versions.

Option 1. Pot or wooden box

The soil in the pot must be moistened with a spray bottle. The landing algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Use your finger or a dive stick to make holes 5 cm apart. The depth of each recess should not be more than 2 cm.
  2. One seed is placed in each hole. The plantings are covered with a thin layer of earth or sand.
  3. The top layer of soil must be moistened with a spray bottle. Finished pots are covered with foil or glass.
  4. The resulting "greenhouses" are removed to a warm, lighted place until shoots appear. After that, the film is removed.

Important! In the process of growing radish, the soil must be constantly poured. This is done so that the fruit does not come out. Otherwise, they can burn in the sun and become bitter.

Option 2. Egg cassettes

This method requires more preparation than planting in pots. However, it is considered the most hygienic and attractive. The algorithm will be like this:

  1. Paper egg containers must be disinfected. To do this, they are spilled with alcohol or heated in an oven heated to 70 degrees.
  2. The bottom of each cell is cut to obtain small round holes.

  • Take a plastic box large enough to fit an egg container with seeds without any problems. Put small pebbles at the bottom, cover them with a layer of soil on top.
  • Egg containers are immersed in boxes of soil so that the soil appears in the cells.
  • A hole is made in each cell and one seed is placed by analogy with a pot planting. Sprinkle on top with sand and moisten with water from a sprayer.
  • The container with egg cassettes is covered with a film or plastic bag and put away in a warm place to peck seeds.

    Important! Growing in egg containers has a huge plus - the soil does not need to be mulched and weeded out. Root crops only need periodic watering.

    Egg trays prices

    packing for eggs

    How to care for young radishes?

    Taking care of radishes on the windowsill is pretty easy. This root vegetable requires procedures that are relevant to other young plants. All of them are presented in the table below.

    Radishes that grow on the windowsill in the summer may have a more active flowering and seed creation process. The reason for this is too long daylight hours. In order to direct all the forces of the flower to the development of the rhizome, in the evenings you need to cover the sprouts with a dark cloth.

    Which radish to choose for home growing?

    To be on the safe side, it is best to choose seeds of varieties that are immune to drying out and minimal lighting. It is optimal if there are early ripening varieties: then the harvest can be removed within 3 weeks after pecking.

    Ideal for home cultivation, varieties are suitable:

    • "Presto": readiness in 15-16 days, roots are very juicy, do not crack and do not give arrows;
    • "Heat": radish is ready for food in 19-20 days, has a round shape and juicy white-pink flesh;
    • "16 days": tender juicy fruits ripen in 15-16 days, do not crack;
    • "Champion": the variety is not susceptible to major diseases of the radish, bears large oval fruits, does not produce arrows and ripens in 19-24 days;
    • "French breakfast": ripens in about 21 days, has a raspberry hue with fruits up to 8 cm long and has a wonderful delicate taste;
    • "Early red": the variety is resistant to drought, the fruits are ready in 3 weeks, have a pleasant taste and have a long shelf life;
    • "Quarta": early ripe radish, has a juicy pulp and delicate taste, is resistant to cold and does not give arrows.

    In addition, the varieties "Deka", "Dabel", "Zarya", "Diego", "Carmen" show themselves well in indoor cultivation. They ripen quickly, do not crack and are packed with vitamins.

    Important! On the windowsill, you can plant 3 varieties of radish at once with different readiness times. This will help provide the family with a fresh, crispy harvest for a long time.

    Radish seed prices

    radish seeds

    Can radishes be grown on the balcony?

    On an unglazed cold balcony, crops can only be grown in spring and summer. As a rule, the optimal time is mid-April / early May. The final period depends on the region of planting: when the air temperature reaches 12 degrees, you can plant radishes on the balcony.

    "Balcony" cultivation differs in a number of nuances - both positive and negative:

    • on the balcony on the north side of the planting may suffer from a lack of sunlight, which is why the fruits will be small and bitter;
    • large space and fresh air on the balcony allow the radish to develop actively;
    • on a glassed-in balcony, especially with a warm floor, you can create a mini-greenhouse: this way radishes can be grown even in cold winter.

    The conditions for growing radishes on the balcony will be the same as for normal ripening - sufficient watering and a suitable temperature.

    Common problems when growing radishes

    No matter how unpretentious the plant is, growing it cannot do without problems. The most common ones are shown in the table below.

    Table 3. Frequent problems when growing radishes

    Pulling radishes upThe plant is illuminated only from one side, the other is in the shade.For symmetrical growth, the seedling boxes must be rotated periodically so that the light hits all plants equally.
    Overgrowth of topsIncorrect rhizome development as a result of:
    - frequent watering;
    - excess dressings;
    - lack of light;
    - deep in the ground.
    Trim the tops off completely to allow the plant to devote all its strength to root development.
    Insipid tasteOverfeeding with fertilizers.Re-sow the radishes in less mineralized soil.
    Radish cracking and bitter tasteToo pronounced difference between moist soil and dry air, irregular watering.Provide sufficient watering and proper temperature for development.

    Harvesting radishes

    The radishes are harvested as they ripen. When adult roots are removed, weaker ones begin to develop. There is no need to overexpose the radish in the ground: from this it becomes covered with a rough skin and becomes bitter.

    Important! It is permissible to sow radishes with watercress. These crops get along well in one container and save space in the home garden.

    Homemade radishes: how to get rich harvest quickly

    It is not at all necessary to feed your home radish with fertilizers. In addition, it is better to avoid feeding altogether if there are children at home - chemistry can only harm them. However, some gardeners set themselves the goal of growing a huge radish crop in a short time. For this, growth stimulation is used in the form of two dressings:

    1. First feeding. The first time a radish is fertilized at the age of 7-8 days. As a top dressing, you need to use a solution prepared from mineral mixtures.
    2. Second feeding. Relevant at the time of the beginning of the formation of the root crop. Use ready-made fertilizers (5-7 g of the composition per bucket of water).

    If radish grows too thick from such feeding, it is recommended to thin it out. Then the remaining fruits will be larger.

    Pests and diseases

    • keel;
    • blackleg;
    • bacteriosis.

    These diseases cannot be cured, so it is best to prevent their occurrence. For prevention, the soil under the radish is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and fungicides before planting.

    Growing radish on a windowsill is not only suitable for gardeners who want to extend their garden harvest. This is an ideal solution for those who do not have their own garden or summer cottage, but they really want fresh vegetables. In this case, radishes are planted in spring and harvested in summer. The most important rule of growing is to water regularly and ensure optimal daylight hours.

    Video - Growing radishes on a windowsill

    Radishes are easy to plant and grow. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the information on the correct selection of soil, containers and the most suitable varieties, the nuances of sowing and caring for the root crop. Then determine a suitable place for planting in the apartment: sufficiently lit and warm.

    In open ground, radishes are usually sown in early March-April. At home, radishes can be grown all year round, due to its ability to self-pollinate and the ability to maintain optimal heat and light conditions for the plant.

    Is it convenient to use the balcony?

    If the balcony is not insulated and not glazed, cultivation is possible only in the spring and summer. Depending on the region, starting from April-May (upon reaching a stable daily plus temperature above 12 ° C). Also if the balcony is located on the north side, the plant may lack light, which will affect the growth of the plant's fruit.

    The advantage of a balcony is more landing space and fresh air. Growing seedlings in this way, you can create a mini-greenhouse if the balcony is glazed. an especially good option if there is a warm floor system on the balcony, then the seedlings are not afraid of frost. Read more about growing radishes on the balcony.

    The necessary conditions

    • The optimal placement of seedlings is a windowsill on the south side with a long daylight hours (10-12 hours).
    • Additional lighting in winter.
    • The light should fall evenly so that the sprouts do not stretch to one side.
    • The average daily temperature for good growth is + 15-17 ° С, at night - + 6-8 ° С.

    In summer, the seedlings must be covered with agrofibre after 17 hours, manually adjusting the duration of daylight hours.

    Important! When growing radishes in winter, the flowerpot should not be placed in the immediate vicinity of the battery and other heating devices.

    How many days does a vegetable grow?

    For growing at home, early ripening varieties are preferable, yielding 18-23 days after germination. Re-sowing in the same soil can be done at intervals of 10-14 days.

    What containers to use?

    How to grow radishes? As a planting container, you can use:

    • wooden box;
    • plastic container with drainage holes;
    • special container with separate cells;
    • paper or plastic cups;
    • egg cassettes;
    • clay or ceramic flowerpots.

    Any container must be at least 14 cm high. and a width corresponding to the window sill. Each container should be provided with a drip tray and drain holes to drain excess moisture.

    How to choose the time?

    People often ask: is it possible to plant radishes in spring, for example, in April, or in winter, how does it grow at this time at home on the window?

    It should be noted that radishes on the windowsill can be planted at any time of the year... Even in winter, with proper care, the fruits grow quickly and have the same taste and health benefits as the spring harvest.

    From the conditions of proper care, it is necessary to observe the presence of a suitable temperature and illuminated daylight hours.

    Varieties with photos for growing at home

    The most optimal varieties are considered to be with fast ripening periods, since they are resistant to flowering, drought and insufficient lighting.


    Firstborn is a hybrid ultra-early variety with round juicy dark red fruits, has a high yield. The root crop is rounded, red, the pulp is juicy, sweetish. Ripening period - 17-19 days.

    Dubel F1

    Dutch early-ripening variety, gives large red fruits and low tops, does not tolerate very low temperatures. the variety is resistant to the formation of a void in the fetal cavity. Ripening period 18 days.


    Hybrid variety, unpretentious in care with slightly flattened fruits with red skin and white oily flesh, has good fruiting in low light conditions. Ripening period - 22-24 days.


    Liman is an early ripe high-yielding variety, rounded-elliptical roots - red with a white tip. Ripening period - 22-23 days.


    An early variety with large bright red fruits (30-40 grams), resistant to stemming and cracking. The variety has a mild flavor and excellent crunchiness. Ripening period - 23-25 ​​days.


    A mid-season round-oval variety with a ruby-red root color and a weak white pulp, characterized by disease resistance. Ripening period - 25-30 days.

    18 days

    Ultra-early ripening variety with medium-sized cylindrical fruits, the fruit of the variety 18 days tastes juicy and tender... Ripening period - 18-20 days.


    Early ripening variety, characterized by small tops and fast filling of root crops. The pulp is weakly sharp, juicy, without characteristic bitterness, the fruits are round, red. Ripening period - 22-25 days.

    Step-by-step instruction


    • container for soaking seeds;
    • wooden dive stick;
    • planting container;
    • drainage (expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick);
    • soil (substrate);
    • seeds;
    • water;
    • potassium permanganate.

    Seed preparation

    1. It is necessary to sort the seeds. If the grains have a brown tint and stale appearance, this may mean that they are old and must be disposed of immediately. To check, the seedlings can be lowered into the water - the suitable ones will settle to the bottom, and the empty ones will rise to the edge.
    2. The seeds should be soaked in warm water (room temperature) a day before the intended planting at home.
    3. Place for 2-3 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and immediately plant (disease prevention).


    Note! For sowing, any soil mixture for germinating vegetable seedlings is suitable.

    In the pot

    1. The soil moistened with water is placed in a pot.
    2. With a diving stick, recesses are made at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other, the depth of the hole is 1.5-2 cm.
    3. One seed is placed in each recess and sprinkled with earth or sand, the surface is sprayed with a spray bottle.
    4. The pot is covered with plastic or glass and placed in a warm place until shoots appear.
    5. 2-3 days after pecking the tops, the vegetable is hardened in a cool place at a temperature of 7-9 ° C for several days.

    To obtain sufficient and uniform crop emergence use large pots.

    In egg cassettes

    This method is considered the most affordable and hygienic:

    Reference! The advantage of growing radishes using egg cassettes is that you do not need to mulch the soil and weed, for leaving it is enough only to systematically water the plant.

    Seedling care

    • Dishes with seedlings are located in a bright place, if there is a lack of light, additional lighting is provided by lamps.
    • Watering daily, moderate.
    • It is not recommended to loosen and huddle the ground around the seedlings.
    • If the air is dry, use a spray bottle to spray.
    • With a high-quality soil composition, top dressing is optional.
    • The difference between day (+ 15-17 ° C) and night (+ 6- + 8 ° C) temperatures must be observed.

    If the planting of seeds was too dense, plants must be thinned out, leaving a distance of at least 1.5 cm between each fruit. Otherwise, root crops will not be able to grow and develop freely.

    How to make sure that the radish does not stretch?

    In order for the plants to grow symmetrically and not stretch out, it is necessary to periodically rotate the container with the seedlings so that the light evenly falls on the crops.


    The collection is carried out as the root crop is formed, depending on the selected variety. It is undesirable to overexpose radishes in the soil - the fruits quickly coarse and become bitter.

    Frequent problems

    The overgrowth of the tops is a sign of improper development of the root crop, which can result from:

    You can try cutting the tops off completely to give the fruit a chance to grow.

    1. Shooting (color)- excessive loosening of the soil and thinning of crops.
    2. Inexpressive taste. The reason is an excess of fertilizers.
    3. Bitterness. The reason is uneven watering.
    4. Fruit cracking. The reason is the difference in soil moisture indicators and dry air.

    For proper growth, radishes need sufficient watering and the right temperature. To avoid problems when growing radishes, you must follow the recommendations for planting seeds and caring for seedlings. Growing radishes on a windowsill will allow you to eat this vegetable rich in vitamins and minerals all year round.

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    You can plant root crops and vegetables without even having a suburban area, they can be grown right at home! As a rule, radishes are planted in open ground, but for the sake of experiment, you can try to grow it on a windowsill or balcony, even in winter.

    Attention: To grow radishes in an apartment, you need to choose the right soil and variety of root crops. Not all varieties will take root at home.

    Features of such cultivation

    Radish can grow at low temperatures, therefore, the climatic conditions in the apartment are suitable for this vegetable. At a temperature of +20 C, the plant will be comfortable.

    When exposed to elevated temperatures, the root crop becomes lethargic and tasteless, the plant itself stretches and takes on an irregular shape.

    The best time to start planting radishes at home is winter.... The radish ripening process takes very little time, and it is possible to harvest a delicious vegetable 2 times.

    What is the difference from a greenhouse or street?

    To plant a root crop in a greenhouse, it is necessary to start preparing the soil in the fall. You can simply buy soil for seedlings at home in a specialized store. For a good harvest, it is necessary to maintain the correct humidity and temperature conditions. In greenhouse conditions, this is much easier to do than at home. The optimal season for planting radishes in a greenhouse is early spring (March), and it is better to plant it on a windowsill or balcony in February.


    You can grow radishes at home all year round.... The difference will be in the care of the seedlings. In summer, when there is enough sun and the air temperature is higher than comfortable, you will have to shade the plants, very closely monitor the moisture content of the soil. Radish does not like warm dry air. In winter, on the contrary, for successful cultivation it is necessary to organize additional lighting. Highlight seedlings for at least 10 hours a day. Both in winter and in summer, there are nuances in plant care.

    Choosing a radish variety

    The choice of radish varieties for growing at home should be approached especially carefully. It is best to choose early maturing varieties that are less susceptible to drought and lack of light. After all, not every variety can take root in an apartment. Consider the most suitable varieties in the table:

    Variety name Description Where can you buy average price
    Moscow St. Petersburg
    Zarya Early variety. The period from sowing to harvesting is 20-26 days. The root crop is red-crimson, round or elliptical in shape. Productivity from 1.1 to 2.5 kg / m2.
    • "The seeds are here."
    • "Fairy gift".
    • "Compound".
    • "Clean World".
    • "Seeds Partner".
    • "Shop of seeds and flowers".
    • "Summer resident".
    • Demeter.
    • "Garden".
    • Alpinia.
    • "House of Seeds".
    • "Your Garden".
    • "Sortsemovosch".
    • "Garden World".
    • "Harvest".
    • “Shop for gardeners”.
    • "House and Dacha".
    • Dominic.
    • "Gardener".
    • "Studio seasons".
    • Garden Practitioner.
    15-17 p.
    Early red Early variety. The root crop is huge, dark red in color. From sowing to full harvest 20-25 days. Productivity up to 1.6 kg / m2 8-18 p.
    Greenhouse Gribovsky The root crop is round-flat, dark red in color. The period from full germination to the onset of technical ripeness is 27-32 days. Marketable yield 1.7-2.8 kg / m2.10-17 p.
    18 days Early ripening variety. The fruits are cylindrical, pinkish-red, with white tips. Harvesting in 18-20 days. after the first shoots appear. Productivity up to 3.8 kg / m2.15-19 p.
    Quart The root crop is rounded, red. Has a soft white flesh. The ripening period is about 25 days. Productivity 1.7-2.1 kg / m215-20 p.

    Place in the apartment

    Despite all the benefits of growing radishes at home, there are a number of requirements for choosing a root crop planting site... If you plant in winter or spring, then it is best to choose a windowsill or balcony on the south side. When creating radish seedlings at home in the autumn-winter period, it is not recommended to place the pots near batteries or other heating devices.

    In order for the plant to fully develop, you need to provide it with light for about 12 hours a day. It doesn't matter if the loggias or you place your seedlings. The most important thing is to take care of the conditions of detention: temperature, sunlight and humidity.

    Preparation of seeds, implements and containers

    1. Seed treatment before planting... Before sowing seeds, it is advised to soak them in plain or melt water. Pay attention to the color of the seeds, if they have a fresh look, they will sprout quickly and the yield will be high. If the seeds are dry and brown in color, then they are old. Their germination rate will be 40-60%. The quality of the seeds can be checked. To do this, you need to put them in water. Young and good seeds will settle at the bottom, and old and empty ones will float up. After soaking the seeds in water, they are placed in a solution of potassium permanganate.
    2. Preparing inventory... No special equipment is required to plant radishes at home. This requires soil, seeds and a container in which they will be planted.
    3. Seat preparation... Before you start planting radish seeds, you need to prepare a container in advance. Most often, gardeners use oblong wooden flowerpots or plastic containers. For these purposes, plastic cups, special containers that can be bought at the store are also suitable. It is better to plant in a container with separate cells for each seed, then the sprouts will actively develop and receive enough nutrients. The main parameter of the container to which you should pay attention is the depth. It should be at least 15-10 cm. Do not forget about the drainage holes through which excess moisture will come out.

    Planting radish seeds and caring for seedlings

    Advice: You can plant seeds from anywhere, and only then transfer the container with seedlings to the windowsill or balcony.

    The process of planting radish seeds includes several stages.:

    1. Soil (prepared in advance or purchased in a store) is poured into the container. The soil must be compacted.
    2. Small pits (grooves) are dug in the ground, about 1.5 cm deep.If the container is not divided into separate cells, then the distance between the pits is at least 10 cm.
    3. The depressions are filled with warm water.
    4. The seeds are distributed along the grooves, buried, then they should be slightly watered.
    5. After sowing, the seedlings are covered with plastic wrap. When the first shoots appear, the film will need to be removed.

    Caring for young radishes does not require specific skills and is not difficult.... But if you want to get a good harvest, you need to adhere to the following rules:

    • The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 C, normal humidity should be maintained.
    • From the first day the shoots appear, they must be watered. Once a day is sufficient, early shoots should not be watered abundantly.
    • Use top dressing.
    • Provide young plants with sufficient sunlight (10-12 hours).

    When and how to harvest and where to store it?

    When the long-awaited moment of harvesting comes, the main thing is not to miss it. Do not overexpose the root crop. At home, radish quickly coarsens. The fruits must be harvested as they ripen.... If ripe radish is removed in time, it will give an opportunity to grow and ripen weaker root crops.

    The crop can be stored at room temperature for about 2 weeks. But the storage method depends on the variety. Do not store radishes for too long, this will lead to a loss of juiciness and freshness.

    Important: Radish can only be stored dry. Wet root vegetables spoil very quickly.

    Possible mistakes

    • The first mistake Is the selection of the wrong seeds. It is important to remember that not all varieties will take root at home.
    • Second mistake Is the preparation of the land for planting seeds. It is better to buy primer in a specialized store.
    • Third mistake- choosing the wrong place for seedlings. It is imperative to provide a sufficient amount of light. Do not spread the seeds too deeply or too close together.

    By reading this article, you can avoid mistakes and get a good harvest.

    Diseases and pests

    • keel;
    • bacteriosis;
    • blackleg;
    • rot is white or gray.

    These diseases are very difficult to treat, so they are best prevented.

    For example, before sowing, treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. You can spray the radish with fungicides for diseases.


    Growing radishes at home is pretty easy at any time of the year. Before planting, you should carefully choose the optimal place and temperature. As it grows, water and harvest on time. Follow the recommendations specified in the article, and as a result, you will get the desired yield.

    Vegetables grown independently are superior to purchased ones in terms of taste and useful properties. Many supporters of healthy eating try to grow them on their site. If there is no plot, you have to look for ways to get a crop at home. Seeds are planted in flower pots and containers and summer residents who want to feast on fresh vitamins not only in summer. Garden crops that can be harvested even in a city apartment include radishes. Growing it on a windowsill has its own specifics, but it will be up to a plant breeder who does not even have agricultural experience.

    Choosing a place to grow radishes at home

    Radish loves good lighting. The ideal daylight hours for him are 10-12 hours. With a lack of light, it grows poorly, so they try to place the pots with the plant at the windows facing the south side. If the dwelling is located so that not a single window opens to the south, containers with radishes are placed at the eastern or, in extreme cases, at the western window.

    Radishes are grown directly on the windowsill only from mid-April to mid-October, that is, during the warm period. This makes it possible to do almost without additional lighting. It is only necessary to shade young plants at noon so that they are not burned by the sun's rays.

    During the heating season, window sills become uncomfortable for radishes: most often there are heating radiators under them, due to which the soil quickly dries up, the window sill heats up. As a result, radishes lack moisture, and excessive heat can lead to premature shooting. If you are growing radishes on a windowsill, make sure that the soil does not dry out and that the temperature does not exceed 20 degrees.

    Choosing a radish variety for growing on a windowsill

    At home, it is difficult to create conditions ideal for growing radishes. We need varieties that are resistant to shooting and the formation of voids in the center of the fruit, with early or even ultra-early ripening periods, capable of stoically enduring temperatures that are uncomfortable for them.

    Experienced farmers, among those suitable for growing on the windowsill, name the following varieties:

    • Firstborn. An early ripening variety, the harvest of which can be harvested in 17-19 days. The advantage is resistance to shooting.
    • Dabel. Ripens in about 25 days. It does not tolerate low temperatures, but the risk that it will bloom when the standard growing temperature is exceeded is much less.
    • Heat. You will have to wait 4 weeks for the fruit to ripen, but most likely there will be no problems with growing it at home.
    • Champion. In 25-28 days after germination, the fruits will be ready for harvesting and use for culinary purposes. The variety is resistant to the formation of voids inside the fruit, rarely withers.
    • Duro. An early variety with increased resistance to fruit cracking. Growers love it for its high yield - the fruits weigh 30-40 g each.
    • Deca. Ripe fruits of this variety reach 3-3.2 cm. This happens already 20 days after germination.
    • French breakfast. One of the varieties most beloved by gardeners. Its elongated fruits weigh up to 40-45 g and have a pleasant taste.
    • Diego. Within 3.5 weeks after the first shoots appear, you can harvest. Large fruits (up to 5 cm in diameter) will suit your taste.
    • Camelot. The main advantage of the variety is the ability to produce a good harvest even with a lack of light. Has characteristic flattened fruit. It is also appreciated for its excellent organoleptic qualities.
    • Helro. Bred in Holland, the variety is capable of bearing fruit in low light conditions.
    • Ilka. Possesses a spicy taste. To get a good harvest in summer, the plant must be protected from the burning rays of the midday sun.

    You can also grow other varieties of radish on the windowsill. The earlier the variety, the easier it is to do this. However, ultra-early and early ripening varieties rarely have large fruits: if you want to harvest a large harvest, give preference to an early variety.

    Soil preparation

    For growing radishes, garden soil, sold in breeder stores, is suitable. It has a balanced composition and has been disinfected. If you want to save money, you can make a soil substrate for growing radishes with your own hands.

    • soil from the garden (ideally - black soil) - 3-4 liters;
    • river sand - 3-4 liters;
    • humus - 3-4 liters;
    • peat - 9-12 liters;
    • wood ash - 0.25 l;
    • eggshell - from 0.5 eggs of the 1st category.

    Cooking method:

    1. To disinfect the soil taken from the garden, heat it in the oven or pour it with boiling water.
    2. Mix garden soil with sand and humus.
    3. Crush raw egg shells into powder, add to prepared potting mix.
    4. Add ash. Mix thoroughly.
    5. Mix the resulting substrate with peat.

    When choosing from which part of the garden to take land for growing radishes on the windowsill, one must not forget about the rules of crop rotation. The best choice would be the land from the garden where nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes) or cucumbers previously grew. The soil from the beds, where representatives of the Solanaceae family, the closest relatives of radish, grew up before that, is categorically not suitable.

    Seed preparation

    If the seeds are sown unprepared, you should not expect friendly shoots. Presowing preparation of radish seeds when growing in room conditions is carried out in several stages:

    1. Visual assessment of the seed. Seeds that are coated or have a musty odor should be discarded.
    2. Discarding hollow seeds. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container with water, after a couple of hours, the specimens that have floated to the surface are thrown away. The drowned are removed from the water and dried.
    3. Disinfection. For disinfection, the seeds are dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then washed and dried again.

    For reliability, seeds can be germinated by spreading them between layers of wet gauze, but you can do without prior germination.

    Planting seeds

    Planting seeds for growing on the windowsill can be carried out in cassettes with evenly distributed cells or in a common container. If you choose to plant radishes in flower pots, choose containers about 15 cm deep.

    1. Fill containers with prepared soil.
    2. Make 1-1.5 cm depressions with your finger. When planting radishes in a container not divided into cells, observe the interval between the holes within 4-7 cm (depending on the variety).
    3. Spread the seeds over the prepared holes, sprinkle them with soil substrate.
    4. Moisten with warm water from a spray bottle.

    Until the emergence of shoots, containers with radishes are kept at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. After 3-5 days, the first shoots will appear. After that, the radishes are removed to a cool room and kept at a temperature of 8-10 degrees, after which they are returned to the room and looked after in the usual way.

    Caring for radishes at home

    Planting radishes and getting seedlings at home is easier than growing a full crop. The slightest violation of agricultural technology can affect the rate of ripening of fruits and their quality. Individual mistakes can lead to shooting, then you won't have to rely on the harvest at all.

    • The temperature for young radish is needed in the region of 12-16 degrees. If it exceeds 18-20 degrees, the plant will throw out the arrow. An adult radish feels comfortable at a temperature of 16-18 degrees.
    • Adequate lighting is one of the main conditions for growing radishes on a windowsill. Natural lighting will not be enough for him, it will definitely be necessary to provide supplementary lighting with the help of fluorescent or LED lamps. Even in the summer, in cloudy weather, you will have to use artificial light sources. The optimal daylight hours for radishes are 10-12 hours, the time of additional lighting is determined depending on the season and weather conditions. Periodically, the container with the plant will need to be rotated so that it receives light from all directions.
    • Water the radish every day or every other day. It is not worth pouring over the plant so that its roots do not begin to rot. Better to provide drainage when planting and mulching after. Gradually, the soil in the container will begin to settle, then you will have to add some fresh soil, otherwise the fruits will turn green and acquire a bitter taste.
    • Top dressing when growing radishes on a windowsill is not necessary - he can take everything he needs from the soil. A week after the emergence of seedlings, the plant can be fed with a weak solution of humus, during the formation of fruits - with a complex mineral fertilizer.

    When applying fertilizers, try not to overdo it - the overgrowth of the tops signals the insufficient development of root crops.

    Diseases and pests

    Insect pests for radish grown on the windowsill are not scary. He can get sick only if the cultivation technique is violated, the procedures for disinfecting the soil and seed are neglected. If you failed to protect the radishes from ailments, it is better to get rid of the container with diseased radishes in order to prevent contamination of other plants.

    It is advisable to harvest radishes as soon as the fruits reach the size specified by the seed producers. If you leave it in the ground after full ripening for a long time, the fruits will be covered with a tough skin and will lose their pleasant taste.

    Even an inexperienced farmer will be able to grow radishes on the windowsill, but this will have to be troublesome: violation of agricultural technology will lead to the fact that the fruits will grow slowly and remain small, the plant will bloom, completely depriving the hope of a good harvest. Compliance with the rules for growing crops at home will allow you to feast on its vitamin fruits all year round.