Making a countertop from artificial stone with your own hands. Excellent stone countertop - do it yourself How to make a stone countertop

Reliability and functionality are very important for furniture in the kitchen and bathroom. It also requires ease of cleaning - it is imperative to monitor cleanliness. An artificial stone countertop meets many of these criteria. But you need to choose the right material so that it doesn’t turn out that an expensive item does not live up to expectations.

Types of artificial stone

IN Lately there is an increasingly clear trend towards using more natural materials. The same countertop in the kitchen or bathroom. MDF may be a good option, but I want something more reliable and solid. Most optimal choice- a natural stone. But this option is too expensive. A countertop made of artificial stone is more affordable, although it is very difficult to call it natural. Only one of the types, and then only a stretch.

The countertop made of artificial stone looks good. It is important that it is also convenient to use and “long-lasting”

When getting acquainted with the topic, it turns out that artificial stone can be different. And radically different - from various materials with different properties. Or they use different technologies, for example, injection molding. This is how seamless countertops of any shape are made. Or they glue the sheet material onto the base, but here you cannot do without seams.

But don't rush to conclusions. It seems that a table top without seams is better. Maybe. But injection molding technology uses plastic, and it is prone to scratches. So it's better to have well-finished seams. At high quality they do not affect the complexity of cleaning and are only noticeable at close range. In general, we understand the technologies for producing countertops made of artificial stone.

Acrylic table tops

Seamless countertops are made from acrylic stone. This is plastic that is sold in liquid form. Natural stones or sand can be mixed into the composition, but the bulk is, after all, plastic with all its advantages and disadvantages. Such material may be called liquid stone, liquid marble, etc. The essence does not change. Unless this name hides an agglomerate. But here it is necessary to clarify the percentage of the mineral component. If it is less than 90%, and acrylic is used as a binder, then whatever one may say, it is an acrylic countertop, not a stone one.

The advantages are the most different colors, composition options, low price (if there are no crazy markups). Disadvantages - the surface is scratched, afraid of hot. Once scratches appear, they can be polished, but this is not a cheap service. The view will be restored for a while after restoration. But for a while - this is until new scratches appear.

The technology for making countertops from acrylic stone is simple. The formwork is made according to the given dimensions and shape. Acrylic is poured into it and the time is waited until it hardens completely. The formwork is removed. Next, in theory, you need to wait until the hardening processes are completely completed. This is about two weeks. During this time, all volatile components will evaporate from the plastic, and it will gain maximum strength. But companies that produce cast countertops most often skip the curing stage. This is both time and expense - storing finished products in warehouses when you can already get money.

And this is the view after several months of use. And not to say that use is “in hard mode”. An ordinary family

This option is the most inexpensive, attractive in appearance, but also the most unreliable. Within a month, scratches appear, which greatly spoil the appearance and mood of the owners.


This is stone chips and a little binder (4-6%). Most of the stone chips (ideally 96%) are durable quartz or granite. Polyester is used as a binder. Various natural and not so natural stones/substances can be added to the composition “for color and variety.” It could be marble chips, colored glass, sparkles, etc.

Externally, the agglomerate cannot be distinguished from acrylic, but in terms of operational characteristics they can vary greatly

Quartz or granite agglomerate is much stronger. Essentially, it is stone with a little added plastic. It is resistant to mechanical stress. You can scratch it, but you'll have to put in a lot of effort. If scratches do appear, they can be polished. This process is long and tedious. But the countertop looks great for a long time.

Acrylic sellers say that quartz and granite have a “phonic” quality. This is true. Many natural stones - such as marble, quartz, granite - have a certain natural radiation background. But the main thing here is natural. It is not harmful and cannot affect health in such doses. The second “minus” that is attributed to natural stones is their fragility. Well, yes. They split if you hit them very hard. But the action must be applied pointwise and with such force that it is simply impossible to create it in the kitchen. In general, if possible, it is better to choose agglomerate for the countertop.

Sheet artificial stone

This technology is used if a tabletop of considerable thickness is needed. The same agglomerate large thickness- very difficult and expensive. There is no particular point in using an array. A solid agglomerate is made with a thickness of no more than 2-3 cm. If you need a thicker slab on kitchen cabinets, it is cheaper to veneer the base.

A layer of “stone” is glued onto the base—moisture-resistant MDF, chipboard or plywood (plywood is the best option). Glue the plane and ends. They use special heavy-duty and fast-hardening glue. The glue is tinted to match the coating. After hardening, the seams, joints, and differences are sanded. When done well, these countertops are very durable and practical.

There are different leaf “stones”. This can be one of the types of acrylic or an agglomerate. Everything is clear with the agglomerate. It is really durable and reliable. It’s just that in this case more often they use more expensive varieties, for example, with marble. Sheet acrylic is a cheaper option. Despite the fact that it is plastic, in terms of performance characteristics it is better than its injection molded counterpart.

The tabletop is assembled on a plywood base (the best base)

It would be fair to say that the agglomerate may also be “not very good.” If crumbling aggregate is used, if the binder is not of sufficient quality, there will be scratches, stains, and chips. If you decide to order from a company, it is better to find those who already use their products. And ask about guarantees. But keep in mind that in our realities, often one entity close, open another. That's all. All guarantees from the legal entity have expired. Guarantees from a private owner are more reliable in this regard.

Which technology is easier to master on your own?

If we talk about making it ourselves, the easiest way is to make a countertop from cast acrylic. True if used ready-made mixtures, the price will be almost the same as when ordering from a company. The next most complex process for making countertops is from agglomerate. Since there is only a small amount of binder, achieving a smooth front surface is not so easy. If you don’t mind long grinding to get a normal result, you can try to master this technology. A countertop made of artificial stone based on agglomerate is the best choice in terms of durability and appearance.

The latest “lightest” countertop manufacturing technology is made from sheet stone. A lot of precise cutting, gluing parts and sanding. Needed professional toolsCircular Saw with guides, jigsaw, disc sander with a set of polishing discs. A lot of clamps are also required to attract and fix the glued fragments.

Do-it-yourself tabletop made of cast acrylic

Many people think that a solid tabletop without seams is the best possible option. Easier to maintain, no leaks. This is true, but the material itself (acrylic) is not easy to use everywhere. Acrylic itself is an excellent material. For the bathroom countertop made of artificial stone - a good choice. There are very few opportunities to scratch the surface and there are no high temperatures. And moisture, steam, soap and other detergents are not afraid of plastic. If you decide to master the technology of casting an acrylic countertop, you can try making it for the bathroom.


To pour acrylic, make a mold. For its manufacture, laminated chipboard or MDF is used. If the surface of the countertop must be smooth, the formwork material must also be smooth. If texture is needed, it should be on the form. After removal from the mold, the acrylic stone will repeat all the grooves and tubercles. Therefore, we are meticulous in selecting material for the mold.

The sides are made from the same material. The edges of the planks are sanded first with a coarser cloth, then with an increasingly finer sanding disc. Increasingly decreasing grain sizes are used. Remember that all defects will then be cast in acrylic. And they are very noticeable if the stone chosen is plain, without inclusions. The seams are sealed and leveled. The structure is thoroughly cleaned, dried, and then covered with wax from the inside.

Making a countertop

Fillers are added to acrylic - stone or marble chips, pigment, decorative components. Everything gets mixed up. Lastly, the hardener is poured. Acrylic is poured in several layers, so the hardener is added only to part of the composition.

An acrylic composition is poured into the finished formwork. Distribute it evenly over all areas. It should spread over all elements of the form. In this case, bubbles must not be allowed to appear - the air must be removed. After the composition has been distributed, it is placed on top chipboard sheet, which is also lubricated with wax. A load is placed on the chipboard. It must be selected carefully so that the composition does not squeeze out on the sides. The load is left for half an hour. Then they remove it and lift up the chipboard. A second portion of plastic is poured into the mold and left for a day. During this time, the acrylic will harden. You can remove the formwork.

Installation on frame and polishing

After the plastic slab has been removed from the formwork, it is attached to the frame. Acrylic is an elastic material. Even with a thickness of 20-30 mm, it bends. To ensure stability of shape, the frame is assembled. It is made of wood (timber 50 mm thick or more) or moisture-resistant plywood (thickness 27 mm). The frame is the slats along the front and rear pillars, crossbars, installed in increments of 40-50 cm. Also, the planks are placed in places where they rest on the furniture frame. More reinforcements are needed in areas of greatest load. This is where the hob or sink will be installed.

The frame is made with an acrylic thickness of more than 10 mm. A thinner layer requires a solid base. That is, you need to cut out a repeat of your tabletop from the same plywood and glue these two sheets together. The thickness of the plywood is 27 mm or so. You can glue two thinner sheets together. It turns out cheaper. For normal gluing, the sheets are fixed with clamps.

The final finishing is sanding. First, with discs with fine grains - from 320 and above, and finally - with a polishing attachment. This stage is important for appearance. Most of the flaws can be removed. But it can also cause harm.

From sheet stone

It would seem that making something from sheet plastic or, as it is called, artificial stone is not a problem. That's how it is. Parts are cut from sheets the desired shape and size, they are glued together. The seams are polished, removing at the same time possible differences in height.

The assembled structure is either glued onto a solid base (with a stone thickness of up to 10 mm), or a frame is made of wood or plywood. Everything seems to be easy. Except that:

  • A sheet of material weighs a lot, and moving it is a pleasure.
  • The cuts must be perfect, as well as the fit of the parts. This requires professional equipment and the ability to use it.
  • The joints are glued and fixed with clamps. They are placed approximately every 20-30 cm. Even for gradual, leisurely work, the number of clamps is about ten.
  • To sand joints you need a good sander. You can get by with grinding discs on a grinder. But the tool must be able to adjust the speed.

And so yes. You can make a countertop from sheet artificial stone with your own hands. To have an idea of ​​how and what we are talking about, watch the video. There are practically no explanations, but the technology of the work can be traced. But for better connection of parts (when gluing edges), it is better to choose a quarter in the main sheet. This way the seam will not be so noticeable, and the connection will be more reliable.

One of essential elements The kitchen set is a reliable worktop for the desktop. In the recent past, these parts were made from thick chipboards with a so-called hygienic coating - a plastic sheet. However, this option has shown its inconsistency - the plastic quickly becomes unusable, as it is easily damaged. And the design applied to its surface is quickly erased, and the tabletop loses its aesthetic appearance.

Such countertops have been replaced by a more practical material - artificial stone. Having barely appeared on the domestic market, it quickly gained popularity among consumers. However, the cost of this functional part of the kitchen set is quite high, so a do-it-yourself countertop made of artificial stone is a very good option for homeowners who are accustomed to solving most household problems on their own.

What is artificial stone?

What is artificial stone made from?

First, it’s worth understanding what is commonly called artificial stone and what it is made from.

Making a concrete countertop

A concrete countertop may require different materials, depending on the technology chosen to make it. The following table will present the method proposed by American craftsmen, which allows you to make the product lighter. This process will require the following materials:

  • Cement brand PC300.
  • Sifted sand.
  • Polymer primer for strengthening the solution.
  • The color pigment is chosen at the discretion of the kitchen owner.
  • Additives that can make the surface decorative (as a rule, stone chips are chosen for this purpose).
  • Fiberglass fiber for casting reinforcement.
  • Wooden slats of different lengths.
  • Sections of MDF or chipboard with smooth, moisture-resistant surfaces - for forming formwork.
  • Sealant, silicone, wax paste, acetone.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam.
  • Self-tapping screws.

The tools you need to prepare are:

  • Container for mixing the solution and mixer.
  • Air spray.
  • Grinding machine with different attachments.
  • Chisels of different sizes.
  • Putty knife.
  • Metal roller for tamping

From funds personal protection You will need construction glasses, a respirator, and rubber gloves.

The table below shows the procedure for manufacturing a lightweight concrete countertop using American technology.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation performed
As mentioned above, a tabletop shape template can be created at the location where it is installed.
It is easier to do this if the old countertop has not yet been dismantled, or if it is planned to be used as a base. For this process, it is necessary to prepare slats according to the size of the sides of the tabletop.
They are laid out evenly along its edges and glued at the corners, for example, using silicone hot-melt adhesive.
After gluing the template elements, they must be marked without removing them, indicating the front and back sides.
This is especially important to do if the tabletop is rectangular or square. With this shape, you can easily make mistakes during installation. finished product in place.
After this, the finished template is transferred to a table of suitable size, which has a perfectly smooth and moisture-resistant surface. The quality of the base will determine how smooth and even the surface of the tabletop will be.
It is better to temporarily fix the template in two or three places, in one position, so that it does not move during the installation of the formwork.
Next, formwork parts are installed on the outside of the template along its entire perimeter. In this case, they are made of chipboard with a plastic coating, since the inner walls of the formwork must, like the base, have a smooth surface and be moisture-proof.
The height of the walls corresponds to the thickness of the future tabletop.
After the formwork parts are fitted and aligned, the external seams must be glued with silicone hot melt adhesive. It will fix the walls of the mold to the base.
After the joints are glued, the template fixed inside the formwork is dismantled. He has already played his role and will no longer be needed.
The edges of the walls, adjusted at an angle of 45 degrees, are glued together with silicone, which will ensure the tightness of the seam.
And this is very important for retaining moisture in the solution - so that it hardens and gains strength under optimal conditions.
The next step is to treat the internal joints and walls with wax paste.
The composition is applied with a soft cloth.
Next, a thin strip of silicone sealant is applied to the internal seams of the formwork, which reliably seals the form.
After the silicone has been applied, it must be evenly distributed over the seam using a round plastic rod with a diameter of 10÷15 mm.
This operation will help to completely fill the gap between the base and the walls, giving rounded shape edges and will also collect excess silicone.
Next, you should wait until the silicone completely polymerizes.
Then all excess remaining on the walls and base is carefully removed. They can be removed quite easily thanks to the wax previously applied to the surface.
The formwork must be cleaned thoroughly, otherwise the protruding irregularities of the silicone will be imprinted on the tabletop, and its corners must be clear - this is important.
The next step is to mix the first batch of concrete mortar.
The mixture is made up of M300 cement, purified sand, water, polymer primer and color pigment, in a ratio of 1/2.4/0.3/0.2 (excluding pigment).
The color and amount of pigment is chosen at the discretion of the artist. In this case, dark gray color is added to the concrete.
Mixing the solution is done using a construction mixer or an electric drill with an appropriate attachment.
Before you start working with concrete, everything internal surfaces The formwork is thoroughly wiped with acetone.
Thanks to this treatment, the base and walls will be degreased and will allow the solution to be evenly distributed over the surfaces.
The prepared concrete solution is poured into an air sprayer, with the help of which it will be applied to the internal surfaces of the formwork.
The spraying process is carried out slowly, since the solution must be evenly distributed over the surfaces.
The solution is applied in a layer of 1.5÷2 mm - it is designed to create a good smooth surface of the countertop.
In principle, this layer will be subsequently subjected to grinding and polishing.
After the applied solution has spread, it crumbles on top of it. thin layer or even fragmentary small stone or other fillers.
They will appear after sanding the surface of the tabletop and give it a decorative appearance.
Next, the second part of the solution is mixed in the same proportions, but fiberglass fiber is already added to it.
This additive is used to reinforce the structure - it will strengthen and strengthen the countertop.
Fiber is poured into ready solution and mix thoroughly with a mixer.
The finished solution with fiber filling is laid out on the surface of the formwork base and carefully distributed by hand over the entire form.
The thickness of the concrete layer should be about 10 mm.
Each laid concrete layer is compacted with a special roller, which will level the surface and remove air bubbles from the solution.
The compaction process occurs using the same movements as when painting a surface, with moderate force applied to the roller.
Another layer of concrete is laid on the treated surface.
The solution is also manually distributed inside the formwork; its thickness should also be 10 mm. The concrete is then compacted with a roller.
This illustration clearly shows the process of distributing the second layer and its thickness.
When compacting concrete with a roller, do not press it too hard.
The remaining space of the formwork can also be filled in layers with mortar using a similar technique. However, with this approach the tabletop will turn out to be very heavy.
To make it much lighter, in the example demonstrated, the craftsmen used extruded polystyrene foam. Its thickness should be such that after laying it on the already applied layer of concrete, the upper plane of the sheet coincides with the height of the formwork walls.
The size of the cut pieces of material should be less than the width and length interior space formwork 140 mm. That is, when laying the sheet in the central part of the formwork space between its walls and the polystyrene foam liner, a gap of 70 mm wide should form, where the concrete solution will subsequently be laid.
To ensure that the polystyrene foam liners maintain the required location and are not accidentally displaced when laying the solution, they should be fixed. This can be done with slats that are screwed with self-tapping screws to the end sides of the formwork walls.
It is important that the polystyrene foam inserts should lie freely on the already laid mortar, but they should not be pressed into the concrete.
The slats are installed in several places along the entire perimeter of the formwork.
After fixing the liners, the free space between the walls of the formwork and the polystyrene foam is tightly filled with the solution.
In hard-to-reach places, for example, cavities formed under slats, the solution is placed manually and leveled as much as possible.
Laying is carried out right up to the level of the upper edges of the formwork sides - they serve as a kind of beacons for leveling the mortar.
After the formwork is completely filled with mortar, the resulting workpiece is left to dry for at least three days.
After the specified period, the strength of the frozen solution is checked - it is gently tapped with a small hammer.
Then the pressure strips are dismantled.
Protruding parts of hardened concrete must be removed.
This process is carried out using a grinding machine (grinder) with a diamond disc installed on it.
Sanding is carried out in a circular motion.
After the concrete surfaces are leveled, they proceed to removing the polystyrene foam liners.
They are dismantled using chisels - the material is easily picked up and broken.
After completing the dismantling of the polystyrene foam filling, all internal surfaces of the tabletop should be thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed.
The next step is to remove the formwork from the tabletop.
This process must be done very carefully so as not to damage the corners of the frozen concrete structure– it has not yet gained its final strength.
After removing the formwork, the bottom edge of the tabletop is sanded by hand.
Now it's time to raise the tabletop.
To do this, it is carefully separated from the surface of the base, first by “trimming” along the perimeter with a spatula.
Then, slightly lifting the slab, insert between the two surfaces wooden blocks or pieces of board 15÷20 mm thick.
This is necessary so that you can insert your fingers into the resulting gap for a better grip on the heavy product when lifting it.
After this, the tabletop can be completely raised.
Such a lightweight structure is much easier to move than a tabletop made entirely of concrete.
But it will still require the coordinated efforts of several people.
The following stages of work are carried out outdoors.
To do this, the tabletop is taken out of the room and placed on a reliable base. front side up. When carrying the product, it should be held vertically so as not to create stress on the fracture of the plane, which can cause a crack.
The surface of the tabletop must be sanded very carefully.
For this purpose, a grinding machine with a “wet” diamond grinding disc installed on it is used.
Sanding is done with the addition of water in a circular motion.
Once sanding is complete, the pattern of the laid pebbles, sand and fiberglass will appear.
It is also impossible to exclude small voids from air bubbles. These cavities should be eliminated.
To get rid of shells, knead cement mortar no sand or fiberglass. It is manually rubbed over the surface of the tabletop, as well as along its ends.
The applied solution is smoothed out as much as possible.
After the cement has dried, the surface is sanded again.
An eccentric sander is first equipped with an emery nozzle with a grit of No. 80, then it is changed to a grit of No. 100, and to obtain a perfectly smooth surface, sandpaper with a grit of No. 220 is finally used.
Sanding is done in a circular motion.
First, the main surface is sanded, then the end sides of the tabletop.
This stage of work must be carried out with the utmost care.
The sanded countertop is then polished with a special protective sealant for concrete surfaces.
It is applied to the surface with a soft cloth and rubbed in in a circular motion. This composition dries in 10÷15 minutes and creates a protective film.
This type of countertop treatment should be done in several layers. To maintain the product in proper condition, the coating is applied and rubbed annually.
The concrete countertop is fastened to the base using adhesive composition type "liquid nails".
If it is necessary to make openings in the tabletop for kitchen sink or hob, then initially measurements are taken from them, transferred to the base and protected by formwork elements. The solution is spread over the entire surface, except for areas where the necessary openings will be located.
When making concrete countertops, pigments of various shades, additives from different materials, as well as white cement can be used.
The choice of these substances depends on the preferences of the master and kitchen owners.

There are other ways to make concrete countertops with full filling of the formwork concrete mortar. In this case, fiberglass will not be enough to strengthen the slab, so metal mesh is used for reinforcement.

If you plan to make a tabletop from concrete with rounded corners, then when installing the formwork, cut-out parts made from extruded polystyrene foam or other flexible but durable material are glued to the corners with sealant.

However, we should not forget that a tabletop consisting entirely of concrete, plus a metal reinforcing frame, will turn out to be very heavy. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the idea presented by American masters.

Table top made of sheet acrylic stone

Making a countertop from sheet acrylic stone is the simplest option of all. First of all, because there is no need to install a formwork for pouring, since the artificial stone is already ready for use.

Materials and tools

In order to make a countertop from this material, you will need:

  • One or two sheets of acrylic stone, depending on the size of the product. Standard parameters sheets are 3760x760 mm, and their thickness varies from 3 to 12 mm. When using sheets of greater thickness, the product will be more durable. In addition, such material, paradoxically, is much easier to process.

  • Moisture-resistant plywood with a thickness of 30 mm. It is not recommended to use MDF or chipboard, as they are prone to swelling when exposed to moisture for a long time. This process can lead to warping or damage to the stone surface as the plywood and acrylic interact with each other.
  • Two-component adhesive for bonding the above materials. To install one sheet of acrylic stone you will need 150÷200 ml.

The tools needed for the job are somewhat different from those used to create the concrete countertop:

  • Sander.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • with a cutter made of hard alloys.
  • Circular saw for cutting plywood.
  • Electric drill.
  • Clamps.
  • Gun for using two-component glue.
  • Guide rail.
  • Vacuum cleaner.
  • Tape measure, square, ruler and pencil.

Acrylic table top manufacturing process

Unlike a concrete countertop, for the acrylic version of the product, dimensions from the installation site must be taken as accurately as possible. When taking measurements, the results obtained must be immediately transferred to the drawing, which should also indicate openings for the hob, kitchen sink and, if necessary, for installing a faucet or other plumbing or kitchen equipment.

Prices for countertops made of artificial stone

artificial stone countertop

To avoid mistakes when transferring dimensions directly to the manufacturing material, it is recommended to make a template that will have life size future countertops. To create such a pattern, cardboard is suitable, which, if necessary, can be lengthened by fastening the individual sheets with regular tape. All errors on the template can be easily corrected without material loss.

In the example under consideration, a tabletop will be presented with dimensions of 760×605 mm with strips for processing end surfaces with a height of 35÷37 mm, as well as with wall edges with a height of 30÷60 mm. When manufacturing a product according to own project, of course, the dimensions will be completely different.

  • The first step is to transfer the sizes and shapes of the holes onto a sheet of acrylic stone.

  • Using a guide rail, the workpiece is cut. Cutting is done along the outside, and then the edges of the table top, as well as openings for the sink and hob, are milled.

  • The next step is to turn the tabletop over, wrong side up, to make a cut on the edge at an angle of 45 degrees, which is necessary to join the end side of the product with a horizontal surface.
  • After this, the end strips, as well as the wall skirting board, are cut out of a sheet of stone. On back side The edges of the end elements are also milled at an angle of 45 degrees.

If you don’t want to mill the edges of the acrylic at an angle of 45 degrees (and this is a rather difficult operation to perform), then you can do without it and proceed in a different way. The end edge is first glued to the plywood, flush with the top plane, and the main horizontal stone panel is mounted on the plywood with a shift by the thickness of the end strip.

  • Next, using the same pattern, a plywood base for artificial stone is cut out. If the acrylic sheet has minimum thickness, that is, 3 mm, then the base should consist exclusively of a single sheet.

If the thickness of the acrylic is large enough, then the base can be made in the form of a frame. The width of the load-bearing plywood elements varies from 70 to 100 mm. However, if you need to make a reliable, durable product, then it is best in any case to make a full-fledged solid base.

The edges of the plywood part of the tabletop also need to be milled using a straight end mill.

  • Next comes the gluing process. To achieve good adhesion, acrylic surfaces must be degreased with acetone or alcohol.
  • If the edges of the sheet and the edges are milled at an angle of 45 degrees, and the installation of the stone sheet will be carried out on a solid sheet of plywood, then, as a rule, the horizontal slab is glued first. The bottom edge of the cut should coincide with the edge of the plywood base.

  • Glue is applied to the acrylic, then the sheet is placed on the plywood and pressed to the base using clamps. To expand the pressing area, well-treated smooth boards are laid on top of the sheet, and clamps are installed on them.
  • After the glue has dried, the excess that has protruded along the edges is carefully cleaned off with a chisel.
  • Next, to the ends plywood base edge strips are glued. In this case, glue is applied separately to cuts made at an angle of 45 degrees. Then the cuts of the edge and the horizontal panel are joined, resulting in a right angle.

Before the glue dries, the edge is fixed to the end of the tabletop using clamps.

  • After the glue has dried, after about 7-8 hours, and the clamps have been removed, the right angle must be rounded using a special profile end mill equipped with a roller (thrust bearing).

  • The next step is to sand the surface of the tabletop to a semi-matte shine.
  • The upper edge of the wall side is also rounded. To do this, it is fixed on the desktop and processed with a milling cutter.
  • Then, the prepared side is glued to the rear end of the tabletop and also pressed with clamps until completely dry glue. After which, the excess adhesive mass is carefully cleaned off with a chisel.

  • The ends of the openings intended for the installation of kitchen appliances and accessories are carefully processed with a straight end mill.

In order to hide the true origin of the tabletop material and give it the maximum natural look natural stone, all surfaces of the product are polished, and the end border is pre-milled. The shape is selected according to the customer’s preference and depending on the thickness of the acrylic stone. More often kitchen countertops desktops are simply rounded, but there is also a more complex relief that is used for living room or dining room tables. True, the simpler the relief, the easier it will be to care for the product in the future.

The milled edges are first sanded with medium-grit sandpaper, then with wet sandpaper. The final stage is polishing with felt using a special polishing paste.

Polishing the surface of the tabletop follows the same principle as its ends. However, if the edges have to be processed mainly by hand, then for grinding a large area, an eccentric sander is more often used, on which the attachments are changed. Polishing should be carried out without pressure, since the acrylic-based material with stone inclusions may lose some of the plastic of the top layer. The result of intensive processing will be uneven surface, since hard stones will protrude from the main plane.

Repair of artificial stone countertops

Be that as it may, artificial material is inferior in strength and hardness natural stone, so various types of damage are more likely to occur on it. During operation, it is necessary to regularly inspect the panel for defects. And in the event of small damage, at the initial stage, without allowing the development of defects, they should be repaired.

Damage can be different, depending on what material the countertop is made of - this could be the peeling of acrylic stone from the base or the appearance of stains from hot pots or pans on its surface. Mechanical damage is also quite possible.

Detachment can occur due to poor adhesion of the acrylic sheet to the base, that is, due to negligence committed at the stage of manufacturing the tabletop. Chips and scratches are formed from mechanical impact, for example, a heavy or sharp object falling on the countertop. Sometimes cracks may appear on the outer layer of artificial stone; their appearance may be due to its low quality or careless handling of the product.

Acrylic countertops have a fairly high hardness, but sometimes cracks and scratches still appear on them. However, they are easily removed by polishing. To do this, the damage in the artificial stone is filled with polishing paste and then processed with a grinding machine with a felt attachment. Polishing is done from the ends of the crack or scratch to its central part.

When a chip or deep pothole forms on an artificial stone, an acrylic insert of a suitable size and color is installed into the resulting unevenness. Before installing it, the defect is cleaned, degreased and coated with glue. Then glue is also applied to the insert, it is placed in the prepared gap and pressed. Excess glue is removed and the surface is leveled as much as possible. The repaired area is sanded and polished.

A stain that appears on the surface from a hot pan or kettle can be removed in two ways - grinding and polishing, or washing the countertop with detergent and treating with isopropyl alcohol. In any case, the gloss during polishing must be shaded over the surface by 250÷300 mm around the spot in order to completely blur its border.

It is more difficult to cope with the formation of swellings and fistulas on artificial stone, but this is also possible. Work to eliminate them is carried out in almost the same way as when repairing chips. The swelling is cut off, and the resulting depression is filled with an acrylic compound, which should dry well. After this, the damaged area is ground and polished.

Beginners should be warned that operations with any type of artificial stone require accumulated experience. Therefore, having chosen a certain material for making a stone countertop, it is worth experimenting and first making a small board in compliance with all technology requirements. If the process is successful, then you can move on to larger volumes. During the experiment, the novice master will be able to “feel” the material and understand how best to work with it.

At the end of the publication, we invite you to watch a video in which the master shares his secret of making an original countertop made of artificial stone.

Video: An unusual approach to making a relief countertop made of artificial stone

Particular attention is paid work surface. It must meet all the requirements regarding reliability, strength, and at the same time have an attractive and aesthetic appearance. Of course, you can solve the issue by buying the option you like in the store, but such a purchase will cost a decent amount. Another option you can consider is self-production. For these purposes, a currently popular material – artificial stone – is suitable. Let's figure out how to make a countertop from artificial stone with your own hands at home with minimal costs time, effort and money.

Modern artificial materials

Artificial stone belongs to the group of composite materials, which are based on:

  • fillers;
  • pigments (mineral);
  • polymer resins (binding components).

Depending on the type of resin, several types of material are distinguished. For example, using acrylic resin produces a durable sheet of stone that is resistant to high temperatures(up to 200° C), due to this characteristic, the countertop can be used mainly in the bathroom. For the kitchen, a more heat-resistant material containing polyester resins is suitable. They can withstand temperatures up to 600° C.

In addition to resistance to high temperature indicators, we can highlight several more advantages of artificial stone:

  • affordable price;
  • water resistance;
  • strength;
  • long service life;
  • wide palette of colors;
  • the ability to carry out restoration and repair work;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • ease of care.

Against the background of such a list of advantages, it is necessary to highlight only one drawback: the tendency to scratches and other surface defects. If you study the properties of the material more carefully, you will be able to highlight more pros and cons, but the most basic and important ones have been considered.

Note! You can make a sheet of artificial stone yourself. To do this, a mixture is prepared from the components, which is subsequently applied to the chipboard (base) or poured into a special form.

Despite the fact that acrylic resin, in comparison with the polyester binder component, can withstand lower temperatures, it is very popular due to its affordable price. Not long ago appeared on the market new material- quartz agglomerate, which differs in the type and quality of the binder, that is, resin. Thus, the new product among artificial stones has several advantages due to such increased characteristics:

  • rigidity;
  • strength;
  • heat resistance.

Also, the stone is not afraid of mechanical damage in the form of scratches and abrasions. Unlike acrylic, quartz conglomerate has a small variety of textures and colors: imitation of granite and marble.

Note! Only foreign manufacturers supply high-quality artificial stone (quartz conglomerate) to the domestic market.

Preparatory work

For those who have even a little knowledge in carpentry, making a countertop from artificial stone on their own will not be difficult. Before you begin the process, you must purchase the following materials:

  1. Sheet of artificial stone based on acrylic. In the store you can find sheets with standard dimensions of 3.66 × 0.76 m with a thickness of 12 mm. There are also thinner layers from 3 to 6 mm thick.
  2. A backing made of moisture-resistant plywood (thickness 30 mm). Instead of plywood, it is permissible to use fiberboard and chipboard, but only if the tabletop is installed in a room with moderate humidity, otherwise water will destroy the structure of the artificial stone.
  3. Two-component adhesive.

In addition, we select tools and equipment according to the list:

  • sander (plus orbital);
  • jigsaw;
  • saw (circular and miter);
  • drill;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • cutter (high quality);
  • router and cutters;
  • glue gun;
  • guide bar.
Note! Almost all of the above can be found in every owner. If there are no special devices, you can rent them in stores.

The list of preparatory work includes designing the countertop and measuring it. For convenience and accuracy, all received data is recorded on a sheet of paper and diagrams are drawn. So, first they determine not only the dimensions, but also the configuration. The simplest is considered to be a rectangular shape, which everyone can handle, but if we're talking about about a corner or U-shaped tabletop, the process becomes more complicated. The length is measured according to the existing table base, the depth is about 60 cm, with the exception of non-standard furniture made to order.

Note! For reliability, based on the measurements obtained, a mock-up of the future countertop with holes for the sink or hob. A cutting map is drawn up from thick cardboard or sheets of whatman paper.

Manufacturing process

Using an example, let's look at the production of a standard rectangular tabletop with the following dimensions:

So, we transfer the data obtained after measurements to a sheet of plywood and artificial stone. Using a router, we trim the edges of the tabletop itself and form the contours of the cutouts for the sink and hob. Turning the tabletop over to the wrong side, we process the profile, that is, we apply a groove 20 mm deep under the edge. You need to cut several strips from a sheet of plywood to form a frame (the width does not exceed 7 cm).

Note! Before applying an edge to an artificial stone, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surface. Both alcohol and acetone are suitable for this.

The next stage of making the tabletop is gluing the edges and frame from the prepared strips of plywood. We follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  • Using a gun or tube, apply glue to the edges, apply them to the tabletop and fix them with a clamp (the glue dries quite quickly, so you need to act quickly).
  • After complete drying (time should be guided according to the instructions for the glue), remove the exposed glue using a chisel.
  • In a similar way, but using silicone glue, we fix the plywood frame and wait at least 7 hours.
  • If open areas have formed between the edge and the plywood (no more than 2 mm), apply a layer of silicone and level it until the levels match.
  • To give smoothness adhesive layers, we use a cutter with a lower bearing.
  • Sanding machine We sand all the plywood.
  • Turn the tabletop face up and use a router to round the edge.
  • We grind the artificial stone until it becomes semi-matte.
  • We round off the wall edge.

After this, the fully finished artificial stone countertop can be installed on the base.

This video shows how to install a Max-Top acrylic stone countertop:

Note! If it is necessary to make an L-shaped tabletop, use 2 elements that are joined in a straight line. To perform this task, it is necessary to carry out simultaneous milling - mirror milling.

Repair and restoration work

As already mentioned, the great advantage of artificial stone is the ability to subject it to restoration. Tabletops, like any working element, are constantly exposed to mechanical stress. Repairs can be carried out if the following has formed on the surface:

  • scratches;
  • cracks;
  • bloating;
  • chips;
  • scuffs and stains.

To remove cracks, the surface is first cleaned of dirt and degreased. Then the edges are cleaned, which will increase the size of the defect. Two-component glue is poured into the gap formed. After complete hardening, the area is sanded to level the surface to a smooth state.

For shallow scratches or defective stains, it is enough to rub them with sandpaper, selecting required size factions. It is best to carry out this process in several stages: at the first, use large grains, and at the very last, use fine grains. Polish the surface with a drill with a felt attachment.

Note! The use of sandpaper and a drill is only possible for countertops with a thick sheet of stone.

You can also remove any swelling that appears on your own. To do this, a milling cutter is used to cut out the defect site, and a patch is cut out from the remnants of a sheet of stone. The edges are well lubricated with glue and fixed at the site of damage. After drying, grind and remove any remaining glue.

It is important to note that any repair work on the countertop will reduce the durable characteristics of the stone, so experts recommend initially using high-quality material from a reliable manufacturer.

Note! Never throw away even small remnants of artificial stone, as they may be useful during restoration work.

So, in the article we looked at the process of making a countertop from an artificial stone of a simple shape, and also provided important information and recommendations. To summarize, we can say that when independent execution work, the cost of the countertop will be several times less than a new one from a store or workshop. It is enough to set aside a few days, follow the advice, and adhere to the measurements received.


In this video you can see how acrylic stone is made:

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Tabletop made of artificial stone: making it yourself

Takes ~5 minutes to read

Artificial stone is practical and inexpensive material, which is widely used in finishing. Such materials allow you to give your kitchen a solid and attractive appearance, while they are strong, durable and resistant to moisture. In this article we will tell you how to make such a countertop with your own hands.


What to make it from? Brief description of the material


Artificial stone is a composite material that is made from various fillers, binding polymer resin and pigments natural origin. Its type will directly depend on the type of polymer resin used. Artificial acrylic stone, which is durable and resistant to various chemicals, is very popular.

If previously the cost of such artificial material was high, and working with it presented certain difficulties, today you can find liquid acrylic on sale, which is easy to use and allows you to independently create high-quality kitchen countertops.


Among its advantages, we note the following:

  • Completely environmentally friendly.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Maintainability.
  • Variety of colors.
  • Long service life.
  • Strength.
  • Water resistance.
  • Affordable price.

At the same time, it is necessary to note the presence of certain shortcomings. First of all, it is a tendency for abrasions, scratches and chips to appear on the surface. Therefore, you should handle such a surface with care and precision. However, you can repair the surface yourself, restoring its original appearance.

Artificial stone countertop manufacturing technology

The technology for making such a countertop is not particularly difficult, so it is quite possible to do this work yourself. For this you will need acrylic and simple materials. Each of us can carry out such work, even if he does not have the relevant experience in repair work.

To make it yourself you will need the following:

  • Two-component adhesive.
  • Waterproof plywood, which is used as a backing.
  • Artificial sheet stone.

Tools needed:

  • Fraser.
  • Drill.
  • Circular or miter saw.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Sander.


Before proceeding directly to repair work you should decide on the appearance of the countertop and its size. It is necessary to measure the available free space at the kitchen sink, and then make a detailed drawing with detailed accurate calculations.

If sheet material is used, we can recommend the following sizes. Length - 76 centimeters and width - 60 centimeters. The height of the ends is 36 millimeters. The wall plinth and sides are made up to 7 centimeters high. The cutouts for the hob and sink are made with a router, after which the edges of the holes are processed manually using sandpaper.

Strips about 8 centimeters wide are cut from plywood. Such stripes will subsequently form a frame. A corresponding frame is made from plywood, into which a cut and treated “surface” of stone is glued onto the sealant. The ends of the slab material should be covered with decorative edges or adhesive tape.

Making stone countertops from slab material is difficult, so this technology is not widely used today. Most homeowners prefer liquid acrylic, which is easy to use and allows this work with your own hands.

Acrylic liquid stone countertop

Liquid acrylic stone is an extremely simple, inexpensive and environmentally friendly material that allows you to make kitchen countertops that are original in appearance. The homeowner can easily purchase ready-made liquid material or make it with his own hands.


The production of countertops from such stone can be done in a direct or reverse manner. When using the direct method, you will need to make blanks from chipboard or fiberboard sheets, after which “liquid stone” is applied to the blank from a gun. The thickness of the material layer is about 2 centimeters. All that remains is to wait for it to harden and sand it using an appropriate sander and manually with fine sandpaper.

Using the reverse manufacturing method is more labor-intensive, but material consumption is significantly reduced. In this case, you will need to make blanks from fiberboard, which are 5-6 millimeters more sizes future countertops. Such blanks should be glued together with epoxy glue, then the corresponding holes for the hob and sink should be cut, glued along the contour of the plywood blanks and processed with a sander.

The completed workpiece is installed in the kitchen, the plumbing is installed, after which the existing cracks are covered with plasticine. All that remains is to spray the liquid stone, which is done in full accordance with the instructions. The prepared composition hardens quickly, so you need to act carefully and quickly. It is recommended to lay fiberglass fabric over the completed workpiece and then spray it. This will ensure the necessary structural strength.

Subsequently, the surface is sanded, the edges are milled, and the tabletop is leveled, if necessary. All such work is not difficult, so making such a piece of furniture with your own hands will not be difficult.

Stone countertop repair

No matter how carefully you use such a countertop, over time microscopic chips, cracks and other damage will appear on it. Repairing artificial stone surfaces is not difficult, which will allow you to restore original appearance kitchen surface.

To eliminate large chips and cracks, it is necessary to degrease the damaged area, slightly widen the crack and fill it with two-component glue. After the glue has hardened, the surface is sanded and manually polished.


Small stains and shallow scratches can be sanded down with sandpaper. To do this, initially use sandpaper with a coarse grain, gradually moving to a fine grain. You can also additionally polish the surface using a drill and a special felt attachment.

If it is necessary to eliminate blisters and stains, then using a milling cutter the defective area is cut out, after which from the remains liquid material the patch is poured. All that remains is to wait for the material to harden, polish and grind the repaired countertop.


Making a stone countertop with your own hands is not difficult, so you can do this kind of work yourself. The use of liquid stone allows us to produce original, strong and durable kitchen countertops. At the same time, the affordable cost of such material significantly reduces the homeowner’s costs. If necessary, you can repair the coating yourself, restoring the original appearance.

Making a tabletop with your own hands (video)

On the construction market today you can find any finishing materials that are used in interior and exterior work. These also include artificial stone. It can be found in all shapes, sizes and compositions. Such stones imitate natural rocks. Their production occurs by casting various building mixtures with all kinds of additives in arbitrary shapes, which are adjusted to suit required sizes. This kind of stone is called “liquid”.

Countertops made of artificial solid stone add special elegance and luxury to a bath or kitchen. Many families dream of such a countertop, but not everyone can afford it. In such cases, home craftsmen look for a solution to this problem and most often find it.

In this article, we will look at what types of countertops there are, what stone is best to make them with your own hands, whether these structures can be made from ceramics and concrete, and much more.


The main advantages of countertops made of artificial liquid stone the following can be distinguished:

  • Acceptable price;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Strength;
  • Durability;
  • Huge selection of colors;
  • Maintainability;
  • No background radiation.


Of course, there were some drawbacks. Although they are insignificant, they are still there:

  • A countertop made of artificial stone is afraid of elevated temperatures;
  • Countertops made from some materials are often subject to scuffs and scratches.

What to make a countertop from

Necessary tools for work

To make a tabletop with your own hands, you need to have for this a specific set of tools, which is presented below:

  • Drill;
  • Grinding machine;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Fraser;
  • Excellent quality cutter;
  • Glue gun;
  • Vacuum cleaner;
  • Guide bar;
  • Circular saw;
  • Measuring instruments.

Tabletop materials

The tabletop can be made from several types of materials. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine what it will be made from:

  • Ceramic tile. It looks best in the bath. But, if you choose the right tiles, you can also make them for the kitchen.
  • Concrete. Most often, concrete is used for major renovation. But it can also turn out beautiful if desired. concrete countertop. Various fillers and additives will give it beauty and grace.
  • Artificial finished stone. It is sold as an acrylic base with granite or marble filling.

Once the materials have been determined, construction of the countertop can begin. This process will be described step by step in order to better understand all the aspects of manufacturing the structure.

Tabletop design and measurements

Any serious business always begins with a written plan. This rule does not bypass the tabletop. Before you make it yourself, you need to decide on the configuration and all the dimensions. After all, it’s one thing to design an ordinary rectangular tabletop, which is not difficult to make even for a novice craftsman. And it’s completely different when you need to make a single surface in the shape of the letter P, in which you also need to install a sink and hob.

Therefore, making a countertop with your own hands begins with measurements. . The depth of the working surface should be approximately 60 centimeters. The length is measured according to the existing basis.

To understand how the countertop will look, you need to make a rough sketch on paper. It is not yet necessary to depict holes for a sink, pipe or sink. After this, the actual layout is drawn according to the actual dimensions. For such purposes, you can use sheets of whatman paper. Or cut out strips from plain paper and glue them together. This will be a kind of mock-up of the countertop, which should be tried on at the intended construction site.

The process of making artificial stone countertops

Table top made of acrylic artificial stone

After all the necessary drawings have been made, you can start building it yourself. . To start artificial The stone is cut into the required components:

  • The tabletop itself.
  • Strips for processing ends.
  • Wall side. A similar version of the plinth is also possible.

Initial work

The edges and contours of the stone cutouts of the workpiece are trimmed with a milling cutter. After which you need to process the profile. To do this, the tabletop blank is turned upside down. Using a router, a shallow groove is made directly under the edge.

To form the frame, you need to cut several strips of plywood. Their length will be 7 centimeters. Using acetone, you need to carry out the degreasing process. This is necessary since the edge can only be placed on a clean surface.

Making countertops from artificial stone:

  • Now it becomes necessary to glue all the frames and edges. Therefore, the tube of glue is equipped with a mixer and is completely squeezed into a cellophane bag. You will need to mix the resulting mass and pour the glue onto the edge, after cutting the end of the bag.
  • The glue dries instantly, so the subsequent process of squeezing the edge with the tabletop must be done as quickly as possible.
  • The plywood strips cut in the previous stage of making the tabletop must be glued along the entire perimeter of the building. After that, the structure is clamped in a clamp and left in this position for half a day.
  • Using a sanding machine, you need to process the plywood, and then round the edge using a router.
  • The last thing you need to do is round off the wall skirting boards. After this, the stone countertop is ready for installation.

Making your own artificial stone

A stone countertop is made using “liquid” stone, which is molded and then allowed to dry.

Sometimes situations happen that artificial liquid stone does not appear on sale. In this case, you can do it yourself. The following components will be required:

  • Acetone;
  • Calcinitis;
  • Chemical resin;
  • Plasticine;
  • Hardener;
  • Hot melt adhesive;
  • Filler;
  • Epoxy gelcoat;
  • Paste in a variety of colors;
  • Fiberglass;
  • Wood sheets.

To get a liquid stone, you just need to mix the ingredients written above.

Concrete countertop

Concrete is used to make jewelry, furniture, and much more. If desired, you can also get a concrete countertop made by yourself.

Initially, concrete preparation is required . For this you need the following components:

  • Coarse and fine fillers;
  • Cement;
  • Plasticizer;
  • Burnt glass cullet;
  • Colors;
  • Dyes.

To get started you will need a moisture resistant glossy surface, for example, from plywood. The outline will be drawn based on it. You need to screw the bars along it with screws. You can use plasticine to chamfer the entire perimeter, thereby making it easier for you to finish the job at the very end.

It should be taken into account that the thickness of a concrete countertop is on average 4 centimeters. Of course, more can be done.

The concrete solution is poured into the frame, after which coarse filler is used. It is compacted to the very bottom of the base. It will take approximately two to three days for the concrete to dry.

After the concrete has hardened, the frame is removed. The tabletop is placed on bars. The top layer of concrete, literally one millimeter thick, is removed with a grinding machine. The resulting surface is vacuumed. All small pores are filled with cement. The solution must dry again. The same few days are given for this.

The last stage occurs after the solution has dried. You need to go over the tabletop three times with a sanding machine. Now it can be attached to a base prepared in advance.

Ceramic tile countertop

You can make a tabletop with your own hands from ceramic tiles. But, unlike the previous options, it is more suitable for a bath. Her presence in the kitchen is very doubtful, although there is no dispute about tastes.

Laying tiles on a countertop is done quite quickly and does not require any special skills. You can find out how to do this yourself in our “Repair” section.

This tabletop looks like a horizontal surface with ceramic tiles or regular tiles laid on it. It is taken as a basis OSB sheet 2 millimeters thick. An alternative would be ordinary plywood, which is not affected by moisture.

You can cut the base of the tabletop yourself . The end is formed from strips that are the same material as the base. After this work is done, the base is completely primed. Next, tiles are laid on it using any adhesive compound.

How to make a countertop with a stone sink with your own hands (video)

You can learn how to install it yourself from the video below:


So, we looked in detail various options manufacturing countertops, both from artificial stone and from concrete and ceramic tiles. Note that its production will require on average no more than 3,000 rubles. While in a store you can buy a countertop for no less than 10,000 rubles. All you have to do is put in a lot of quality work and the end result will be a high-quality and beautiful tabletop, the service life of which will be very long.

Tabletop made of artificial stone (photo)