Graduated bangs for long hair. Graduated bangs (36 photos): the versatility of the “ragged” style. Video: “Graded bob haircut”

There are many haircuts that can completely change a girl's appearance. There are cases when after the salon even best friends they pass by because they don’t recognize you due to the dramatic changes. And what a surprise they are to see you with a new hairstyle. It’s especially shocking when a girl, after wearing long locks for many years, suddenly gets a short haircut. And oblique bangs decorate her.

Oblique bangs - photo

With the help of such a change in appearance, you focus the attention of others on the merits of your face. The features will become emphasized, the eyes will be more expressive. The only thing that is required for this is to find a great specialist who knows a lot about haircuts. Can create a chic look for any lady. After all, not every beauty will suit a very short haircut or regular short oblique bangs.

For bright color curls and a triangular face, you need to choose long, thick oblique bangs, and a multi-layered, fluffy haircut, then you will hide all the flaws in your appearance. Even an attractive red color will not emphasize your narrow chin. Everything will look aesthetically pleasing.

For dark, light brown strands and for a regular, oval face shape, any type of haircut with oblique bangs (both short and long) is suitable.

Long oblique bangs look especially good on a too elongated forehead. Moreover experienced master will make thick bangs with torn strands, which will smoothly transition on one side problem area to another.

Long oblique bangs on long curls look cute. In order for the hairstyle to hold well throughout the day, you should fix it with hairspray or mousse for the strands.

Haircuts with side bangs

There are many variations of such haircuts. After all, bangs can be cut in different ways. The stylist will be able to make it of varying lengths, smoothly transitioning from very short strands to long ones, bangs with a sharp transition, torn bangs. The latter is trimmed using special thinning scissors. If you are not afraid of experiments, do it yourself.

For this:

  1. Divide your future bangs into three parts. Moreover, on the sides the thickness of the strands should be five times less than in the middle.
  2. Moisten the strands with a spray bottle.
  3. Choose which side your side bangs will lie on
  4. When you cut your hair, keep in mind that dry hair will gain volume and your bangs will appear shorter.
  5. Now cut the side strands along a smooth oblique with a slight slope, and cut the middle part obliquely.
  6. Divide the thickness of the bangs by horizontal line into two parts. Upper part pin it with a hairpin.
  7. Cut the second part a little with thinning scissors.
  8. The same thing, then do it with the second half of the bangs.

  • IMPORTANT! If you are not sure that you will not ruin your hair, then it is better to entrust your hair to professionals. Let the master in the salon cut your side bangs, because even novice specialists can easily cope with this task. This is one of the most popular fashion trends today. In just a few weeks, the stylist will become skilled at cutting side-swept bangs due to the influx of clients.

Side bangs for long hair

A hairstyle with long strands and side bangs suits any face type. However, you will have to spend time styling it. The curls won't just stay in place. To keep your hair in order, do the following:

  1. Apply powerful hair dryer to create the necessary volume and styling of strands.
  2. To achieve the effect faster, use a nozzle with a narrow slot on your hair dryer. Dry wet strands from top to bottom.
  3. Drying must occur in a certain sequence. First blow your hair with hot air, then with cold air.
  4. To keep your curls natural, do not spray a lot of hairspray on your hair. It is better to use foam for daily care.
  5. In order to straighten disheveled bangs, take a regular comb with a large number of teeth tightly spaced together, spray it with varnish and comb the bangs the way they should lie.

  • PLEASE NOTE! After such daily care, the ends may split due to exposure to hot air. Therefore, periodic shortening of the bangs is necessary. Visit your hairdresser once a month for a haircut.

Long oblique bangs - advantages

For those girls who are prone to experimenting with their appearance, long bangs will suit them better. Options to create various styling with this haircut more than with short bangs. And these beauties will quickly get tired of wearing a short haircut. There are also other advantages, more precisely:

  1. You can make short bangs from long bangs, just use bobby pins or curl them.
  2. It's easy to style without bangs. If you collect it with hairpins or the same bobby pins on the back of the head, on the top of the head, you will get a completely new hairstyle.
  3. You can weave it into a braid. An excellent option for windy weather. The strands will not get tangled and fly to different ends.

Side bangs with long hair

This type of bangs is suitable for all face shapes. The only thing you can do is make some adjustments to the haircut in order to achieve the maximum, beneficial effect.

  • If you have a square shape, then to smooth out the lower part of the face (cheekbones, jaw) a good variation would be bangs with a smooth, easy transition. Thinning the ends won't hurt either.
  • For a face type - a circle, long bangs are suitable, naturally with long hair that will smooth out chubby cheeks.
  • Long, thick, oblique and with a narrow transition bangs with long strands will suit beauties with long face.
  • Short, oblique bangs on long strands will look natural on ladies with a heart-shaped face.

Oblique bangs - photo for long hair

Long hair with side bangs - hairstyle options

The hairstyle you choose depends on what event you are going to. If you are going to a party, your hairstyle must comply with the dress code.

Oblique bangs for medium hair - photo

Oblique bangs are used by hairdressers for various haircuts (Aurora, Cascade, Bob, etc.). Thanks to it, you will emphasize your facial features, correct errors in the oval of your face, and become attractive. See hairstyle options for medium length strands. Perhaps, from the proposed options, you will find a haircut for your hair.

Hairstyle with side bangs - bob

For several years now, bob haircuts of various lengths with asymmetrical, oblique, graduated (multi-layered) bangs have not gone out of fashion. A bob with angled, choppy bangs is this season's trend. Below, see examples of many variations with this haircut.

Photo of side bangs

To describe to the master in a beauty salon what kind of bangs you want to have, you will need to explain it in words or, better yet, show a photo of a similar haircut. First of all, stylists pay attention to the following descriptions:

  • Density. Think in advance about what thickness of bangs will suit you; if you are not sure, then ask your hairdresser.
  • Form. As you can see in the photo, the shape of the bangs can be different, so take into account all the nuances with this issue.
  • Very important and length bangs, number of layers.
  • Decorating the ends of the bangs.

Many fashionable, professional stylists believe that long, sloping bangs suit any fashionista.

  • To ensure that wrinkles, age spots, and large moles are not visible on the upper part of the face, a hairstyle with long, sloping bangs is perfect.
  • Bangs with long hair will also hide other imperfections in the oval shape of the face.
  • Thanks to the strands of long bangs, girls can hide the asymmetry of the face and forehead.
  • To keep your brow ridges from looking too heavy, use long, angled bangs.

Short oblique bangs

A hairstyle with this bangs will not suit all face types. It should not be done on chubby girls. A haircut will also not work for large-faced ladies with irregular, disproportionate facial features.

  • note! Choose a haircut taking into account your flaws in appearance. Otherwise, you risk emphasizing them. This advice especially applies to girls who want to have a short hairstyle with short, sloping bangs.

Hairstyles with bangs, perhaps the most popular, because they have a lot of advantages: bangs can radically change our image, rejuvenate, and correct the oval of the face. The main thing is to choose your perfect option using the recommendations of professionals.

Types of bangs

Bangs suit almost everyone, they are suitable for hair of any length. But most of all, stylists love hairstyles for medium hair with bangs; with such a length, the variety of ideas is practically unlimited.

Bangs hide wrinkles on the forehead, but this problem is familiar to most, except perhaps the youngest girls.

Bangs can be divided into thick and not very thick, short and long, straight and oblique. There are classic options and more extravagant ones, for example, geometric, torn or graduated.

A hairstyle with a certain bang is very important when choosing your unique style.

Straight long bangs

For those who naturally have a thick hair structure, hairstyles with long bangs are well suited - the photo will illustrate how advantageous they look.

Bangs that start from the top of the head and cover the eyebrows are popular. This option will suit you if you have a high forehead. It is better not to thin your hair. But you can tint the strands - you get an original effect.

Straight bangs suit those with an oval face shape best.

The lines of the face resemble a triangle or a square - then this option is not for you. If your hair is not very thick and thin, it is also better to refrain from this type of bangs - you simply won’t get the desired volume.

Straight bangs focus attention on the eyes and visually rejuvenate its owner. With straight bangs, pageboys, bobs, sessuns, bobs, and even Greek-style hairstyles look good if you style your hair beautifully.

Short bangs

Hairstyles with short bangs- quite a bold idea. The bangs can be made thick and straight, laid on one side, up.

Stylists agree that those who have round form faces, bangs don’t suit well, but a short version, graduated, is an excellent solution.

For those with small facial features, short bangs with jagged edges are suitable. She looks good with short hairstyles, and straight bangs look good with long hair.

A classic idea in retro style - a bob with short bangs. Bob hairstyle is also in trend.

Side bangs

Oblique bangs can significantly change your appearance - they can soften the contours of your cheekbones and make the contour of your face softer and more feminine.

Hairstyles with side bangs suit women who have a square and rectangular face shape (soften the features) or round (narrow the contour).

There are plenty of options for oblique bangs: short, long, thick, thinned, smooth or layered, even or milled.
But when choosing this type of bangs, remember - they can greatly change the contours of the face - avoid too obvious asymmetry. You should also remember that this type of bangs requires regular care, do not forget to shorten them on time.

If you are a petite girl, long bangs will not suit you, and ladies with curvaceous figures do not suit a too short oblique option.

Graduated bangs

Hairstyles with graduated bangs look stylish and give women a special charm. To put it simply, graduation is when the hair has different lengths, torn; different lengths and shapes are appropriate here - from straight to asymmetrical.

Who is it suitable for - yes, almost everyone, you just need to choose your own option together with the stylist, it will depend on the shape of the face, its fullness, and hair structure.

Graduation in care is unpretentious; you can style your hair naturally or shape it with modeling gels.

Graduation is often used in extravagant, creative, stylish haircuts. Doing such hairstyles with your own hands is very risky.

The shape of the bangs, which is quite free at first glance, is actually modeled in a certain way by the hairdresser, and slight negligence is the result of professional work.

Another advantage of graduation is a note of freshness in your image. This is what hairstyles look like long hair with bangs decorated using graduations:

How to choose your bangs?

Did you decide to get bangs for the first time? Then it is best for you to consult a specialist. At home, it is unlikely that you will be able to choose the option that is right for you.

Although, before going to the salon, it would be useful to get acquainted with the different types of bangs, because they will differ depending on the shape of the face. And fashion also offers such a variety of ideas that it’s simply dizzying. Choose what you like, and the master will advise what is best suited.

A good hairdresser will take into account not only the shape of your face, but also the structure of your hair: those with rich hair can do their hair with thick bangs, and if the hair is thin, then asymmetry will help out.

It is very risky to do short bangs for the first time - new image It will be unusual and it’s not a fact that you will immediately like it. And longer hair is easier to adjust.

It doesn’t matter what you choose: hairstyles with long bangs or short ones - you need to take care of them every day and very carefully. If your skin is prone to oily skin, the hair on your forehead will quickly become dirty. You will have to keep an eye on this, otherwise an unkempt appearance will ruin even the most stylish hairstyle.

Some types of bangs need to be styled with a hairdryer, but there are options when simple drying is enough, and the hair lays beautifully on its own.

Summarizing everything we told you about, let’s briefly go over the basic recommendations for choosing the right bangs depending on your face shape:

  • oval is an almost ideal shape, most types of bangs will be appropriate, but it is important not to forget about the structure of your hair - whether you have thin or thick hair, and one more nuance - it is better not to make bangs that are too short;
  • if the person elongated shape, long straight bangs, as well as multi-layered and graduated ones, will give a good effect, but short ones are contraindicated;
  • you have a triangular face - the best option is an arch, long, but not thick;
  • For a round face, side-swept bangs will help narrow the contour. In this case, the hair can fall in curls, you can make a haircut with a ladder;
  • An oblique version, preferably an elongated one, can also soften the sharp features of a square face.

Hairstyles with bangs for different hair lengths

The photo will illustrate how best to combine bangs with short hair:

These are the current hairstyles for medium hair with bangs - we present to your attention photos of the most successful ones:

And at the end of our review - hairstyles for long hair with bangs - photos will help you choose the appropriate option:

When choosing hairstyles with bangs, consider not only your face shape and hair structure. Each of us is an individual, always remain yourself, unique and inimitable.

Which haircut will suit your face type - watch this video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Bangs can radically change appearance, making the image memorable and bright. Photos with the names of hairstyles will help you choose the right type of bangs that will hide all the flaws and emphasize the advantages of your appearance.

Bangs can do a lot. It can change the oval of the face, visually “rejuvenate” the face or, on the contrary, add solidity to the image. Correctly positioned strands can draw attention to a certain part of the face, as well as distract it from problem areas in appearance.

Types of bangs. Photos with names will help you figure out what bangs can change:

When choosing bangs, you need to focus on two main indicators: face type and hair structure.

Types of bangs depending on length

Bangs vary in appearance, shape, density and, most importantly, length. Photos with names will help you understand this diversity.

According to length, bangs are usually divided into 4 types:

  1. Short– they are always above eyebrow level. Perfect for short or long haircuts. Visually reduce the oval of the face.
  2. Average– such bangs slightly cover the eyebrows. A universal option that goes well with any styling.
  3. Extended– strands can reach eye level. This length is more difficult to maintain; strands that are too long need to be twisted. Such bangs visually lengthen the shape of the face.
  4. Long– the strands can completely cover the face. It requires additional manipulations during installation.

If the length of the bangs has not yet been chosen, then you should not start the experiment with cutting your hair as short as possible. Starting with long bangs, you will have a rare opportunity to “try on” all length options, up to ultra short.

Varieties of bangs by edging

Types of bangs (photos with names will help you distinguish them by their edging) have 6 options:

Medium length straight bangs

Classic version for all times, such bangs are suitable for any appearance. The bangs are cut exactly under the comb, passing over the arches of the eyebrows, or touching their base.

The only thing worth considering is that the hair should not curl. The bangs look perfect and do not require special care if the hair is not frizzy or fluffy. A bob is considered a suitable haircut for such bangs. However, in combination with hair below the shoulders, it looks very harmonious.

Long straight

Long straight bangs allow you to focus on your eyes. It can merge with the curls on the temporal zone. She makes the look mysterious. This bangs looks especially good on voluminous hair. It won't fit into a square shape.


The haircut is cut along an oblique line running from temple to temple. This type of bangs is universal, it can correct any face shape and perfectly hides many imperfections in appearance. Bangs cut on the side can range from slightly elongated to very long. This type of haircut never goes out of style.

Side bangs

Strands of hair are placed on either side. Long bangs with a parting are not demanding on the structure and volume of the hair.
It is suitable for both straight hair and curls. It looks harmonious with ladder haircuts and allows you to correct any facial asymmetry.


Short bangs, much higher than the brow ridges, emphasize youth and openness of look. It is cut straight, with a parting separating a small part of the curls at the top. Bangs are ideal for younger women who don't have to worry about wrinkles on the bridge of their nose. Short bangs look extravagant with a short haircut, but are also perfect for fluffy long hair.


This type of unevenly cut, “torn” bangs has long been firmly established at the top of fashion. It does not require maintenance and is suitable for any appearance.
There are both super short and long ones. You can lay it straight, diagonally or parted to the side. It can safely be called a classic.


In some places, thinned strands of hair give the image some negligence, which is now a current fashion trend. This treatment works best on straight hair, but curly hair also looks good. Graduated bangs cut suits any type of appearance. It can soften a square face shape and slightly lengthen a round one.


To create these bangs you will have to sacrifice a lot of hair, but it's worth it. The volume only doubles all the visible advantages of bangs.

It is easiest to get voluminous bangs for those with lush and thick hair, but even on sparse hair, such bangs benefit from the fact that they visually add volume to the entire hairstyle. This type is not suitable for curly hair; you will need to do styling and straightening every day.

Parted bangs

Bangs parted and straightened different sides, will undoubtedly add romance to the image and will look very feminine. It is suitable for both long flowing hair and short haircuts.

Separated curls are suitable for round and oval face shapes, but for a square face this styling should not be used.


Such bangs are performed on the hair middle length, or slightly elongated. It is cut in the shape of an arc, from temple to temple. It is ideal for an elongated face shape, completely hiding its imperfections. For chubby beauties, this type of bangs will help lengthen the oval of the face. But for triangular and square type These bangs are not suitable.


Asymmetrical bangs have long been firmly established on the fashion Olympus. She will give it to the stylist unlimited possibilities in adjusting the shape of the face, and also allows you to hide all the flaws in appearance. Perfect for medium length hairstyles and short haircuts.


This type of bangs is extravagant and attracts the eye with its original shape. The apex of the triangle can end anywhere, even at the jawline.
Blends well with cascading haircuts or styles on long hair. The only limitation to performing such bangs is curly and split ends. Length options range from ultra-short to long.

Arched bangs

Semicircular bangs in the shape of an arch make your face look younger and fresher. It can be of different lengths, from short to medium. Arched bangs suit all face types except square ones. You should not cut your bangs in an arc if your hair is naturally curly, such a hairstyle will look careless.

Thick from the middle of the crown

These bangs lengthen the forehead and hide skin problems in this part of the face. This form of bangs can easily be classified as a timeless classic. It lengthens the face and hides its fullness. But it is better for chubby girls not to have such bangs, it will make the contours heavier. Also, such bangs draw attention to the shape of the nose; if you have something to hide, then it is better to abandon such a haircut.


Rare, neat bangs are ideal for short girls. It harmonizes well with most haircuts and styles and is able to disguise some flaws in appearance.

Rare bangs of medium length will be easy to maintain. Elongated versions of sparse bangs are suitable for curly curls, emphasizing their interesting structure. This bangs is suitable for any face type, but it is worth experimenting with its shape.


Wavy and curly hair is a gift of nature, but choosing the shape and length of bangs poses some difficulties. You need to focus on the type and density of curls. If the hair curls only at the ends, then there will be no restrictions on the type of bangs.

Long bangs harmonize with large curls, and the hairstyle should allow for some carelessness and dishevelment of the image. If the curls are too dense, then there is no need to fight nature. You just need to leave your bangs as long as possible. Then there will be many options for styling it. Wavy bangs do not go well with straight hair, while straight bangs with wavy strands are in trend.


This is an option for brave women who like to experiment with their image and are ready to shock others. Ultra-short bangs or long curls fixed in an unusual way will be extravagant. Such bangs should be in harmony with the image and main hairstyle. So it is suitable only for brave and confident girls who are not afraid to shock others a little.


Such bangs can be jagged, or consist of several layers of straight hair. It is suitable for those with straight, naturally thick hair; with rare hair, it will not be possible to achieve the desired volume. And such bangs also don’t look good on thin girls. Well hides imperfections of round and square face shapes.

How to choose bangs according to your face shape

Types of bangs (photos with names are presented above) should be chosen based on the type of face.

The shape of the oval face becomes a decisive factor in the choice suitable type bangs.

  • Oval– this shape is considered ideal, so any type of bangs will suit it. Here you only need to focus on the hair structure.
  • Round– to bring the shape closer to the ideal, you need to cut your bangs diagonally, making them of medium length.
  • Triangular– elongated bangs will hide a wide forehead. Bangs that are beveled or parted into an asymmetrical parting look great.
  • Rectangular– this type of face cannot do without bangs. Oblique elongated bangs can hide the geometricity of lines.
  • Elongated– straight bangs of medium length or slightly elongated can visually reduce the oval shape.

By hair type

Those with straight hair are the luckiest; they can afford any shape of bangs. But others should not despair, because any disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

  • straight– bangs of any type are suitable, straight and oval options look most advantageous;
  • curly– do not require much care and elongated, graduated bangs look good;
  • curly– there are only two options: either give up bangs, or stock up on a hair straightener and patience;

By type of haircuts of different lengths

Types of bangs (photos with names will help in choosing) are also selected depending on the length of the hair in the haircut:

False bangs

The good thing about the fringe is that it gives you the opportunity to try on your bangs and decide on its appearance before picking up the scissors. And, of course, the fact that they make it possible to change the image in a few seconds.

False bangs are made from natural or artificial hair. The former are more expensive, but provide immeasurably more possibilities for styling, curling and coloring. And natural bangs look more believable.

The pads can be secured with a hoop or clips with a clamp. These bangs come in natural shades or contrasting and bright colors. If you dye your hair and your fringe with hair dye at the same time, it will be difficult to notice the difference in color.

The hairpiece requires minimal maintenance. It is enough to periodically wash it in warm water with shampoo. If the hairpiece is natural, then you can also use hair balm. You should not dry the artificial overlay with a hairdryer, but such manipulations will not harm the natural one.

False bangs need to be combed, but it’s better not to overdo it with curling and straightening. Artificial bangs will not withstand such interventions, and natural ones may lose their attractiveness.

Hairstyle with bangs

Choosing the shape of your bangs and making your desire come true by visiting a salon is half the battle. To prevent bangs from causing grief, you need to style them correctly.

The styling method depends on the type of bangs, their length and thickness.

  1. Oblique bangs can be easily styled using a hair dryer and a flat comb. Basically, you just need to comb it in the desired direction, directing a stream of hot air from the roots to the ends of the bangs.
  2. Straight bangs are styled depending on their thickness. If the bangs are voluminous, then before drying they are divided into lower and upper parts. The lower part is laid first, twisted inward. The second stage is to lay the top one; the jet from the hair dryer is directed from top to bottom.
  3. The divided bangs are styled like this: the curls are parted, each part of the bangs is dried separately. Using a round hair brush, twist it inward, directing a stream of air from the roots to the ends of each strand.

All styling procedures are carried out only on washed hair. The use of balms, masks and other beauty products for hair makes hair styling easier and makes hair shinier, silkier and healthier.

There are many factors to consider when choosing bangs. Although there are types of bangs over which fashion and time have no power. Photos with the names of such bangs constantly appear in fashion magazines, confirming that they have rightfully gained their popularity.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about bangs

Experts will tell you how to choose the right bangs:


Types of bangs: choosing the option that suits you

Bangs make it possible to add something new to a woman’s image without resorting to a drastic change. It brings a touch of mystery to the look, drawing attention to the eyes. A well-chosen bang can significantly change a woman’s image, making her visually younger, emphasizing her strengths and hiding flaws in her appearance.

Types of bangs and their features

Straight bangs

Most often it has a length to the eyebrows or slightly below. Usually it is not thinned, because it requires a clear cut geometry. These bangs are perfect for an elongated face.

Side bangs

Makes it possible to visually balance the proportions of a rectangular as well as square face. Bangs are suitable for long and short hairstyles. It can cause inconvenience to curly-haired girls, as it quickly begins to “shag” and get into the eyes. For this reason, oblique bangs are often done on straight or wavy hair. To obtain a clear graphic cut, use sharp scissors. If you want to get more air version bangs, then thin them out.

Graduated bangs

Depending on the angle at which the master cuts the curls and the difference in length, the bangs can be made either soft and neat or sharp and noticeable. Graduation helps soften the features of square, round and triangular faces. It is often used by women who want to look younger.

Volume bangs

Blends with elegant long hairstyles, as well as short haircuts, type of square. It is easiest to create voluminous bangs on thick curls. But if you have thin hair, don’t be discouraged: you can achieve visual volume through properly designed edging and challenging game with color (when using coloring or highlighting).

Torn bangs

Depending on the degree of thinning, bangs will give the face a touch of softness and romance, or, on the contrary, extravagance. Typically associated with sexuality, activity and some aggressiveness.

Arched bangs

Helps create a soft, elegant look. It especially suits ladies who prefer a strict classic style.

Curly bangs

It is usually chosen by extraordinary people creative personalities who seek to attract attention. And it doesn’t matter what shape of bangs you choose - heart-shaped, in the form of a corner, an arch, a penguin, or another option. In all these cases, you must take into account that the haircut requires frequent adjustments and careful maintenance. Please note: since it is important that the cut of the haircut is clearly visible, it is advisable to do it not on light hair, but on dark hair.

Layered bangs

Adds volume and fullness to the hairstyle. The bangs can be straight or jagged. It is advisable to do it on thick and strong hair, because thin and weak ones will be unable to hold volume. It is more suitable for straight hair, because wavy hair will come out. The straight type of multi-layered bangs suits owners of square and round face, and short - for women with small features.

Asymmetrical bangs

It can be short, revealing most of the forehead (suitable for young girls or extravagant people), elongated (creates a feminine image), milled (gives the impression of additional volume).

Long bangs

Usually its lower edge ends at the level of the earlobe or chin. This type of bangs not only softens the angularity of your features, but also creates a glamorous look. This can be an option with a corner, divided in two, combed to the side, laid in a curl, or smoothly flowing into the lower line of the haircut.

Short bangs

Brings a touch of mischief to the appearance. Short, straight bangs will help its owner become a stylish French woman (remember Audrey Tautou in the movie “Amelie”). Short and torn bangs give the impression of eccentricity, audacity and originality - which is why this type of haircut is often chosen by young girls from subcultures.

How to choose bangs

By face type

Oval. Any bangs will suit him.

Triangular. It is worth choosing straight and oblique bangs that are up to the eyebrow line or slightly lower. A short one will not work as it emphasizes the cheekbones.

Square. To smooth out a heavy jaw and a massive forehead, take a closer look at asymmetrical bangs with graduations or multi-layered ones. Thick and long bangs, as well as too short ones, should be avoided.

Rectangular. To hide a high forehead and smooth out a long chin, use thick asymmetrical or straight bangs to the eyebrows. It is advisable to keep the ears covered, but straight and long hair should be avoided. To soften angular features in that number will do long oblique bangs.

Round. To distract attention from wide cheekbones, you can use oblique, asymmetrical or graduated bangs. The silhouette of the haircut should not be round. For example, sessun is absolutely not suitable.

Heart-shaped. The best option for a triangular face is a graduated type of bangs with strands of different lengths.

Diamond-shaped. Long bangs combed to the side are ideal.

Pear-shaped. Voluminous cut bangs will help balance the face.

A long nose will be brightened up by voluminous bangs.

If you have a small nose, give up bangs, because they can also visually reduce it.

High forehead. Lush bangs will help hide this flaw.

Low forehead. Blends with light bangs.

By hair type

Direct. All variations of bangs will suit you, but straight and curly ones look better.

Curly and wavy. They are in harmony with graduated and elongated bangs. Do you want perfectly straight strands to cover your forehead? Then you will have to lay them down and straighten them with an iron.

Curly. If your curls are very unruly, you should give up bangs or regularly use styling products and a straightening iron.

Fat. With oily hair and facial skin, the hair will absorb sebum not only at the roots, but also from contact with the forehead. It is better to choose a voluminous (for example, elongated graduated) option, abandoning straight bangs.

Dry. Usually they are lighter and airier, so stepped haircuts like a cascade with milled bangs are well suited. However, excessively thinned ends should be avoided.

Thin. Haircuts with long, massive bangs made with a blunt, even cut give the impression of thicker hair. Side-swept bangs are also used. Several strands with an interesting graduated structure look good.

Tough. Since coarse hair has a thick and dense structure and is difficult to style, pay attention to straight or elongated bangs that are combed to the side.

Rare. Liquid curls look good with side bangs, as well as with straight or short milled bangs.

Thick. Thick strands are usually heavier, so bangs that do not require additional styling and fixation are suitable. These can be classic straight, arched or layered options.

By haircut type

Short haircuts

Bean. Straight, oblique or long side bangs are suitable.

Kare. The graphic shape of the haircut involves straight bangs, and for a voluminous bob, multi-layered, milled or voluminous bangs are suitable.

Garson. This hairstyle implies slight negligence, so choose short, asymmetrical or oblique bangs.

Pixie. Heavily graduated feathery bangs.

Sassoon. Since the hairstyle has rounded shape, suitable solution the bangs will become oval.

Medium length haircuts

Cascade. This trendy hairstyle can be straight, long, layered or graduated.

Ladder. Straight semicircular, stepped or elongated bangs.

Debut. The haircut involves framing the face in the shape of an arc, so thick oval or graduated bangs will suit her.

Rhapsody. The haircut pattern involves thinning the bangs.

Long hair

Long bob, cascade, as well as graduated and smooth haircuts - all of them can be complemented by bangs. Depending on the shape of your face and hair, you can choose any type of bangs, guided by your taste and the advice of your stylist.

Most often, girls refuse bangs because they don’t know how to style them correctly. But if you figure it out, this activity will take little time and effort, but will allow you to create a new image every day.

  • Brushing installation. Style damp hair with a round comb large diameter and a hairdryer. In this case, it is advisable to stretch the strands, directing hot air from bottom to top, and then cold air from top to bottom. This will help your hair keep its shape better.
  • Ironing. If you like your bangs lifted or slightly curled, use a flat iron. Direct it so that the ends of the hair bend slightly towards the forehead.
  • If you have oblique long bangs, you can apply a little styling product to it and direct the air stream from the hair dryer so that your hair lays beautifully to one side.
  • Long bangs can be styled in curls. To do this you need to use a curling iron.
  • If you want to give your hair more volume, it is better to choose bangs starting from the crown.
  • Short, plump girls should avoid voluminous bangs, while tall girls should opt for straight and long bangs.
  • If you want to play up your hairstyle in an interesting way, complement your bangs with accessories - a headband, ribbon, hairpins, bobby pins, a hoop, a wreath, etc.

If you want to liven up a slightly boring haircut, better means You won't find anything better than bangs. Choose the ideal option according to your face shape and features, hair type and color - and you can rest assured: you will get a completely new and fresh look!

Properly chosen bangs suit any woman. It allows you to advantageously emphasize all the features of the facial structure and emphasize the expressiveness and beauty of your features. Different types bangs become popular from season to season, trends and trends change.

Whether to follow them or not is up to fashionistas and lovers of experiments. Oblique bangs suit girls with irregular facial proportions, helping to balance them; the classic shape of bangs will ideally highlight the beauty of those with an oval face type. But only torn bangs suit any type of face.

Graduated bangs - what is it?

Speaking in simple language, this is a mop of hair, of different lengths, which falls on the forehead. When creating volume, stylists use the technique of graduation. The main difference between this modern way from the thinning method is as follows.

By filing the ends of the hair, the hairdresser creates the effect of lightness at the end of the haircut, without weighing down the hairstyle. And when calibrating, the stylist places the tips on top of each other, creating a kind of steps. Thus, the length of the hair increases towards the end of the inner cutting area.

Haircuts with graduated bangs are called "elegant mess." It is the presence of torn edges that allows you to create a casual, but at the same time elegant, stylish and romantic image. There is also an opinion that graduated bangs “throw off” a woman’s years.

Who is suitable for graduated bangs?

This bangs suits almost all women, with any type of face. A large number of Variations of graduated bangs give any lady the opportunity for experiments and bold transformations.

The peculiarity of this bangs is the peculiar “torn” edges. When choosing a haircut, stylists are based on the quality and structure of the hair, its porosity and thickness, and pay attention to the shape and fullness of the face. The age of the lady or the height of the forehead does not matter.

Benefits of graduated bangs

Graduated bangs have been popular for many years, without losing their positions, on the contrary, strengthening them, gaining more and more new fans. And all because many girls have managed to appreciate the advantages of this type of haircut over other models. Namely:

  • Simple and easy styling, which does not require special skills and equipment. It is enough to wash your hair, style it with a hairdryer and comb, if desired, using hair styling foam and hairspray. Finally, you can highlight the strands with special wax to fix the styling.
  • The “torn” edges of the bangs allow a woman to look younger, emphasizing the freshness and well-groomed nature of her hairstyle.
  • Space for experimentation. This haircut allows you to create creative and bold images, following global standards. fashion trends, but at the same time, without losing your individuality and style.
  • This bangs model goes well with almost any haircut. The most popular is the duo of graduated bangs and a cascade for long hair.
  • With the right haircut, graduated bangs can advantageously emphasize the advantages and mask the imperfections of the face shape, bringing it closer to the ideal oval.

How to style graduated bangs?

This model of bangs is quite easy to care for and does not require too much financial or time investment for styling. All the owner of graduated bangs needs is a hair dryer, comb, gel or wax to fix and highlight individual strands. If desired, you can use foam or mousse for your hair, creating a more festive and elegant look.

When using a hair dryer to style or dry your hair, you need to turn on the gentle mode. Otherwise, your hair will become disheveled and your bangs will look unkempt.

When using hairspray, just spray your hair and comb it with a comb until smooth.

Owners of graduated bangs easily attract the attention of the opposite sex to their eyes, as this haircut model emphasizes their depth, expressiveness and color. The hairstyle looks much more voluminous, but at the same time, there is no effect of “heaviness” of the hair.

Graduated bangs laid on the side are a fashionable style, but require a little experience and dexterity.

How to choose the right graduated bangs for your face type?

Graduated bangs have many variations. And sometimes it’s difficult for a girl to determine what is right for her, what shape of bangs will highlight her beauty and be convenient in everyday life?

  1. Short bangs are well suited for those with round, oval and triangular faces. Also recommended for women with soft and medium-sized features. Perfectly focuses attention on the eyes and cheekbones, making the lady sexier and more youthful.
  2. Long bangs suit absolutely all face types. It is the easiest to care for and style. It goes perfectly with both a business image, giving it seriousness, solidity and sophistication, and with street style, creating a daring and bold look.
  3. Oblique bangs are suitable for those with thick or thin hair, with the exception of very curly hair. Gives the look a stylish and creative look. It is considered one of the most fashionable and modern today. Popular with younger representatives of the fair sex.
  4. If a girl has an elongated or oval face, then the best option the bangs will become straight. It visually shortens the face, making it rounder, giving the eyes brightness and expressiveness.
  5. Asymmetrical torn bangs suit owners of any face type, making the look languid, expressive, playful and mysterious. Looks good on straight and curly hair. Usually performed at medium length or up to the chin. This haircut looks great on highlighted or colored hair.
  6. Girls with curly hair should think about other ways to change and refresh their look. Constantly styling bangs using a hair dryer and straightening irons can ruin the hair structure.

In any case, it is better to seek advice from an experienced stylist. It is a professional with extensive experience who will be able to create the desired image and make the girl even more beautiful.

Make graduated bangs at home

Only a master can create such a haircut efficiently and correctly. But if a girl decides to experiment and is confident in her abilities, it’s worth reading a few tips.

  1. Cutting hair requires a special tool for hairdressers and stylists. Regular office scissors will not work.
  2. It is better to cut your bangs with the right daylight. If this is not possible, then you need to prepare a strong, bright lamp.
  3. During cutting, it is better to separate the bulk of the hair with special clips or hairpins, so that at the critical moment they do not slip out and knock down the “master”.
  4. If the haircut is carried out on wet hair, then it is worth remembering that after it dries, the bangs will “jump” much higher. It's easier to cut your hair when it's dry.

By changing the shape and length of her bangs, a girl has the opportunity to radically change her style. It is also possible to give the face the shape of an ideal oval and correct its imperfections. Graduated bangs will always remain in trend, giving its owner a mysterious, daring and at the same time, sophisticated and feminine look.