Eustoma (Lisianthus) - planting and care at home. Indoor eustoma: growing and caring at home What eustoma looks like in the garden

Easy growing of a complex plant

“When everything blooms, you can lose your mind!” - here is an example of reviews about eustoma on FORUMHOUSE. We will tell you how our gardeners grow eustoma - perhaps you will want to have this amazing plant in your garden.

  • Biological features of eustoma
  • How to sow seeds for seedlings
  • How to care for eustoma seedlings
  • How to transplant eustoma seedlings into OG
  • How to care for eustoma in the garden
  • How to organize wintering of eustoma

Eustoma - perennial beautiful flowering plant with flowers reminiscent of paper clouds. It comes from Central America, but also grows in our latitudes. It is believed that eustoma is difficult to grow, but FORUMHOUSE gardeners succeed - moreover, on our portal this plant is considered quite unpretentious, the main thing is to grow seedlings. Eustoma is grown in the garden, in pots, as an indoor plant; it stays cut for a long time. Many parents of schoolchildren grow it by the first of September, for a bouquet as a gift to the teacher.

In flower beds, large-flowered eustoma (Russell's lisianthus) is usually the most spectacular. One plant produces up to 20 bushes, each up to 15 centimeters in size. Another advantage: eustoma blooms for a long, long time, one flower on the plant replaces another.

How to sow seeds for seedlings


If you simply water the seedlings from above, they will most likely die, because a drop of water knocks over the young eustoma and mixes it with the ground.

You need to water the seedlings very carefully; It is generally recommended to reduce watering after germination, and it is advisable to reduce the temperature. Be prepared for the seedlings to grow slowly.


Probably no other plants have such small shoots. I looked at it with a magnifying glass... Here in the photo they were one month old (17.01), two months old (20.02) and now - finally (pah-pah), they began to grow before our eyes.

Eustoma does not tolerate picking well, and it is recommended to do it only when two, or preferably three, pairs of true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in separate cups or peat tablets. Then you will have to be patient again, now for three months. After this period, the plant is carefully transferred to a large pot for growing indoors, or together with a lump of earth, carefully so as not to damage the root system, it is planted in the garden (the distance between plants should be 15-20 cm). Since eustoma, as our flower growers say, is “very southern,” it is planted after the end of return frosts, at the end of May or beginning of June.

There is no consensus among FORUMHOUSE gardeners on the issue of pinching; some pinch seedlings, others do not; Perhaps the answer to this question can be found experimentally.

nadejda53 Member of FORUMHOUSE

Still, I decided to pinch a couple of bushes for an experiment, and in the photo, the first two that were pinched gave off side shoots, but the third, which was not pinched, did not grow.

Ariadna Member of FORUMHOUSE

I planted them in crumbs; if I had pinched them, I wouldn’t have waited for them to bloom at all. After the first wave of flowering, it is worth cutting the stem, leaving 2-3 leaves.

In the garden, eustoma loves about the same thing: a lot of light or partial shade, moisture and good, fertile soil. If growing indoors, choose a large pot and do not allow any discomfort to the roots.

Caring for eustoma in open ground

From the moment of planting, grow it beautiful plant it will be easy. Soon it will bloom and will bloom almost until frost. The beauty of flowers will justify all our dances around seedlings a hundredfold. In principle, you can skip all these difficulties altogether and immediately buy ready-made seedlings. If you live in a warm region, then at the end of summer radically trim the eustoma so that two pairs of leaves remain on the stump, and in a month it will delight you with new flowers. It is better to place supports near each plant so that the bushes do not fall when they bloom. Not everyone dares to disfigure this beauty with ordinary sticks, and decorative supports for orchids come into play.

frosik Member of FORUMHOUSE

I didn’t have the courage to tie such beauties to sticks, so I used holders for orchids, somehow they still look nobler and more delicate.

Two weeks after planting in the ground, the eustoma is fed with complex fertilizer and then the feeding is repeated twice a month.

How to transplant eustoma into a pot for wintering

At the end of August, the shoots can be pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October a new flowering will begin. And, if you grow eustoma as an annual, this project can be closed until the new season. Almost no one does this at FORUMHOUSE: the bushes are dug up and replanted in pots. For the winter, eustoma becomes a houseplant. Eustoma has fragile roots, and in order for the transplantation process to be as painless as possible for the plant, some gardeners immediately plant the seedlings in large pots and dig them into the exhaust gas.

It is believed that eustoma can withstand frosts down to -2. In reality, everyone tries to replant it before frost, in early September. This is also correct from the point of view of plant adaptation: it is better to replant while the temperature in the room and in the garden is approximately the same.

Ariadna Member of FORUMHOUSE

At home, Eustoma is grown as a perennial indoor flower, which, due to its exotic appearance has many other names - Lisianthus, Texas bluebell, Japanese rose or Irish rose. This article describes tips for proper planting and caring for perennial Eustoma at home.

Eustoma is a very beautiful decorative flowering indoor plant of the Gentian family. These flowers are still often found in the southern regions of Mexico, in the south North America and north South America, on the Caribbean islands. Eustoma is translated from Latin as beautiful mouth.

An American Indian legend says that Eustoma first bloomed on the grave of an innocent girl who refused reciprocity to the God of War and was killed by him for this.

This wonderful flower was discovered for Europeans by the Irish doctor and botanist Patrick Brown. IN natural conditions- it's two years old herbaceous plant with an erect stem up to 60 cm high. The leaves are whole, large, greenish with a bluish tint. Flowers are bright, blue, single.

Cultivated varieties of Eustoma appeared relatively recently. They, unlike wild species, have flowers different colors. This is the merit of numerous breeders. Varieties with two-color colors and double flowers appeared. New varieties are being actively developed by breeders in Japan and the USA. Their Eustomas no longer look like bluebells from the wild prairies.

The appearance of the bush and its flowers, of extraordinary beauty and grace, conquer the hearts of flower growers. The tall, stable stem, similar to the stems of another flower - the carnation, has an elegant shape and is strewn with green leaves with a bluish tint, with a slight waxy coating on them. Somewhere, from the middle of the length of the bush, the stem begins to branch. During flowering, each bush gains from 30 to 35 buds and looks like an unusually beautiful bouquet.

The buds open alternately, one after another, and stay on the stem for a long time. The flowers, reminiscent of roses in shape, have a large, funnel-shaped, deep cup. Their petals are colored, depending on the variety, in different colors. Eustomas are snow-white, blue, yellow, pink, lilac, purple, violet, lilac, dark burgundy. It is impossible to list all the colors that nature has given to this extraordinary flower!

There are bicolor Eustomas with simple or double flowers. Only about 60 varieties are known. More than half of them - tall species for growing in the garden. At home, as a houseplant, it is usually grown low-growing varieties Eustomas.


Low-growing varieties of Eustoma include:

  • Eustoma Mystery– a low compact bush, reaches 20 cm in height. Blooms profusely with double light blue flowers.
  • Variety Mermaid- a miniature compact species of Lisianthus, the crown height of which does not exceed 15 cm. Does not require pinching. This hybrid blooms with simple flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm in a variety of shades: white, light pink, lilac and blue.
  • Little Bell- a densely branching bush of miniature size, reaching a height of 15 cm. The flowers are small, simple, funnel-shaped, of all kinds of colors. This variety is valued for its abundant, long-lasting flowering. You don't have to do pinching.
  • Eustoma Loyalty– a low indoor plant, no higher than 20 cm in height. It is distinguished by a multitude of snow-white small flowers, which are arranged in a spiral on the flower arrow.
  • Variety Tenderness- a beautiful bush with a graceful stem up to 20 cm, on which satiny petals are arranged in a spiral. Blooms with pink flowers.
  • Mermaid has very small bushes, up to 15 cm in height, blooms white, light blue or pink flowers.
  • Eustoma "Florida Blue"- characterized by abundant blooms of blue flowers.
  • Variety Florida Pink– this very beautiful, low indoor flower blooms profusely with light pink flowers. In a pot it looks like a bouquet with wonderful miniature roses.

Little Bell Mermaid Mermaid
Loyalty Florida Blue Florida Pink

In addition to low-growing ones, flower growers also practice growing tall indoor Eustomas:

  1. Eustoma Cinderella– bush height up to 50 cm. Blooms
    double flowers of delicate pink or yellow color.
  2. Variety Twinkies– the height of the stem is not higher than half a meter. It blooms with white, yellow, pink or purple flowers of extraordinary beauty.
  3. Eustoma "Mariachi Lime"— the height of the bush reaches a meter. The flowers on it are double lime-colored.
  4. Echo– medium bush, grows up to 70 cm in height. Flowers of pink, yellow, lilac or white.

Twinkies Mariachi Lime Echo

The most popular Eustoma varieties for growing at home are large-flowered. Their inflorescences consist of many large beautiful flowers in the shape of the most impossible skirt color range: snow-white and purple-red, violet and lilac, lilac and light yellow, blue and light blue.

Caring for Eustoma at home

Indoor lighting

The place for the pot should be chosen on a well-lit, preferably southern, windowsill. But in the hot summer, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight - the lighting should be diffused to avoid burns to the delicate petals and leaves. Lisianthus is a long-day plant. In winter, it must be illuminated with lamps for at least 12 hours daylight.

Growing temperature

This flower loves warmth; its growing temperature should not be lower than 20 degrees. and above 24 gr. Celsius. At this temperature, Eustoma will bloom every year, and at an average room temperature of 27-30 degrees. Celsius, the flower will grow like a biennial plant - it will form buds in the first year and bloom the next year. At a constant low temperature, below 15 degrees. Celsius, the flower will slow down its growth, stop developing and may get sick.

Soil composition

Purchased soil for flowering Saintpaulias (Violets) is well suited for the soil. Good drainage is required. If you want to prepare your own soil mixture for growing Eustoma, mix in equal quantities garden soil, large river sand and humus. Add a little lime. It is necessary to monitor the pH (acidity) level of the soil. It should be within 6.5 – 7.0. More acidic soil may cause zinc toxicity and the plant will slow down its growth. For normal height Indoor Eustoma needs and is important to regularly ventilate the room.


Lisianthus is not often watered with warm, settled water, as the top layer of soil dries 2 cm. There is no need to spray the flower so as not to provoke the appearance of pests and diseases.

Top dressing

Eustoma loves to be fed during active growth and the appearance of numerous buds. Suitable fertilizer for decorative flowering indoor plants or any liquid fertilizers for indoor flowers. Read instructions for use on the packaging. More often it is 10 g - 15 g. fertilizers in a bucket of warm, settled water.

Eustoma bloom

Eustoma blooms in January-February, and for a long time and abundantly. The flowers bloom in turn, one after another. Don’t forget to pick off faded buds and dried leaves so that the flower always looks neat and decorative. When the flowering of the home rose ends, its dormant period begins. The plant is pruned, leaving only part of the shoots with a couple of internodes. The pot with the flower is transferred to a cooler room - with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. Celsius, water less often and do not feed.

After a couple of months, with the arrival of spring, new leaves begin to appear on the bush - then our sissy, Eustoma, is returned to its previous warm, bright place, watering and fertilizing are resumed. Very soon your pet will grow new leaves and buds. Once again you will be enchanted by its colorful blooms.

Reproduction of Eustoma

Reproduction of indoor Eustoma occurs only with the help of seeds. Reproduction of Eustoma by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush is not possible.

Growing Lisianthus from seeds

Growing Eustoma begins with purchasing quality seeds.

If you are going to use the seeds from your faded plant, keep in mind that they become suitable for planting only after a year.

You can plant seeds for growing Eustoma at any time of the year, but it is better in June-July, so that by autumn the bush will form and bloom profusely and colorfully in winter. Quite a long time passes from the moment the seeds are planted to the start of flowering.

Eustoma seeds

Eustoma's seeds are very small - there are more than 10 thousand of them in one gram. Therefore, it is better to purchase Eustoma seeds in special capsules, in which a nutritious mixture of peat, sand and fertilizer are balanced for maximum effective seed germination. Place the seed capsules in prepared, well-moistened soil (in a pot or container) at a distance of at least 5 cm from each other. Cover with transparent film. Place in a warm, bright place to germinate seeds.

You can also purchase the seeds in yeasted form. There, several seeds are placed in one ball with a nutrient mixture. It is convenient to sow such peas as described above. Or you can plant Eustoma seeds for seedlings in. The container with tablets maintains the necessary humidity and temperature, it is convenient to ventilate, it is clearly visible how the seeds germinate and the seedlings develop.

Yeasted eustoma seeds

If you decide to plant your seeds for seedlings in a container or container with nutritious soil, a mixture of sand and peat in equal parts is suitable for you. Place the seeds on the surface of moist soil and press them lightly. Cover the container with transparent film or a lid.

The first shoots will appear no earlier than in 2-3 weeks. The soil should not be too dry or too wet. It is better to moisten the soil after the first shoots appear in the morning - there is a risk of blackleg disease. To prevent the disease, you can spray Eustoma seedlings with a solution of foundationazole - 1 tsp. for 1 liter of warm water. When the sprouts begin to sprout, begin to accustom them to new conditions - open the film more often for ventilation, reduce watering. Spray with Zircon or Epin for rapid growth of sprouts, since in the first months Eustoma grows very slowly.

Growing Eustoma in peat tablets

Only after a couple of months, when the seedlings have grown a little, can they be transplanted into separate pots. It is necessary to replant by picking up the sprout along with a lump of earth, trying not to damage the fragile roots of the tiny bush. If the seedlings are sitting in a peat tablet, carefully remove the tablet from the shell and place it in a container with prepared soil.


Although Lisianthus is perennial flower, it does not tolerate transplantation well, try not to disturb its root system without good reason.


Of the many diseases of indoor plants, the most dangerous for Eustoma are the following: fusarium, powdery mildew, gray rot and blackleg.

Powdery mildew on plant petals

The cause of these diseases can be increased soil moisture, low ambient temperature, as well as lack of regular ventilation of the room. It is possible to protect yourself from them with the help of the drugs Fundazol and Ridomir Gold (instructions on the package), which need to be sprayed on our pets in a timely manner, in order to prevent the disease.

Treatment of young Eustoma bushes with Zircon and Epin accelerates their growth, enhances vitality and prevents the appearance of diseases such as blackleg.


Occasionally, Eustoma is affected by thrips, spider mites and whiteflies. Their occurrence is facilitated by incorrect watering of the plant, low lighting, low temperature of the flower, and infrequent ventilation of the room.

Eustoma is an incredibly beautiful indoor plant. She gained popularity among amateur flower growers with the help of her unusually bright, expressive flowers of various colors and shades. This flower will delight you with abundant, long-lasting blooms at least twice a year and will decorate your home like no other! Currently, indoor Eustoma is experiencing a rebirth and is receiving increased attention from amateur flower growers in many countries in Europe, Australia, the USA and Japan. In terms of the number of sales there, this flower broke all records. Lisianthus is not so popular here, but it seems to me that the situation will soon change, and a beautiful rose of love and tenderness will decorate our homes and apartments along with other charming flowers.

Video: Eustoma - growing and care at home

07 Aug 2017

This beauty has been blooming in my garden all summer eustoma. This is a flower of extraordinary beauty with delicate satin petals, and a small stigma and yellow anthers are hidden in the center. The shape of eustoma flowers can be simple, when one row of petals creates a funnel, opening, it looks like a poppy flower. The double eustoma flowers are very beautiful; several rows of petals create a lush shape, like a rose.

The size of eustoma flowers reaches 5-7 cm in diameter, their color comes in various shades of pink, yellow and purple, sometimes with a contrasting border along the edge of the petals.

Not only eustoma flowers look impressive in any stage of opening, but also the buds, which have an elegant shape and thin sepals at the base. At the ends of the shoots several flowers can open at once; surrounded by buds, in a flowerbed or in a pot this plant looks like a lush bouquet.

Florists love to use eustoma to make bouquets, since the flowers of this plant last a long time in water, their delicate and luxurious appearance will decorate any celebration.

At the flower eustoma (Eustoma) there is another Latin name - lisianthus ( Lizianthus), many people call this plant “Irish rose”.

Only one species is used in culture - eustoma grandiflora ( E. grandiflorum) - this plant forms a lush bush of leafy shoots emerging from a rosette of basal leaves. The greenery of eustoma has a bluish-blue tint, as it is covered with a waxy coating.

Eustoma grandiflora is grown in the garden as an annual or as perennial in a pot at home. This plant is native to the warm regions of Central America and therefore does not tolerate negative temperatures and is not able to winter with us.

Created a large number of varieties of eustoma, differing not only in the color and shape of the flowers, but also in the height of the plant. Eustoma with stems growing 70-100 cm in length is grown for cutting. To grow in the garden, choose flowers of medium height, 40-60 cm high, they will look good in the foreground in flower beds or in containers.

If you want to grow eustoma at home, as an indoor flower, dwarf plants not exceeding a height of 25 cm are best suited for this purpose; such plants bloom quickly, short stems form a lush bush and do not require support.

Please note that the packaging of flower seeds always indicates not only the parameters of the plant, but also the duration of the growing season - annual or perennial. For example, the eustoma variety Mariachi Yellow F1, 70 cm high, is an annual, therefore suitable for planting in open ground and when grown through seedlings, it blooms already in July. Perennial eustoma Rose Pink forms compact bushes up to 25 cm in height - this plant will take its rightful place among indoor flowers and is grown in pots.

Growing eustoma from seeds this is not a simple matter, since the seeds of this plant are very small and in order for them to germinate, and for the small seedlings to grow and become stronger, they require careful and proper care for the first couple of months. My first experiments in growing eustoma from seeds were unsuccessful: the seeds did not germinate, or the tender shoots died. Taking into account all the mistakes, for the third time eustoma seedlings proper care went out to fame. After planting the plants in open ground in early June, a month later the low-growing varieties bloomed, and high eustoma blossomed at the end of July.

Lush flowering of eustoma lasted from mid-summer until autumn, and when plants were planted in pots and kept indoors, eustoma bloomed until winter. On one plant, up to 10 flowers bloomed simultaneously and at least 10 more buds were formed.

Eustoma flowers last a long time after opening, they retain color if they are not exposed to the hot sun and droplets of water. It has been noticed that at home, in bright diffused lighting, the eustoma flower, having bloomed, fades only after 2 weeks. Having opened in the garden, the flower lives less, but fresh air plants grow faster, shoots branch more strongly and more buds are formed.

How to grow eustoma from seeds

Eustoma can only be grown from seeds. Dividing the bush for propagation of this flower is not suitable, since if numerous thin roots are damaged, the plant becomes sick and does not take root well.

When to sow eustoma

Eustoma blooms after sowing in about 5-6 months, therefore, if you want to enjoy the flowering of the “Irish rose” in the garden, then grow it through seedlings, sowing in January - late February. You can sow flowers for seedlings earlier, but short daylight hours and a dry, hot atmosphere in an apartment are not suitable for the development of seedlings, so seedlings sown in December or earlier are usually at the same level of development at the time of planting as plants sown in February .

For growing as an indoor flower, it is recommended to sow eustoma at the same time, since in the summer they create best conditions for flowering.

How to sow eustoma seeds

Eustoma seeds very small, they are also called dust-like. When purchasing flower seeds from quality growers, the small seeds are enclosed in a light-colored shell that does not need to be soaked before sowing. It is convenient to sow small seeds in a light shell, maintaining a distance; with this sowing, the sprouts will not interfere with each other’s development and will be easy to sprout.

For sowing, prepare small bowls and loose nutrient substrate. You can make a substrate for growing eustoma yourself by mixing equal parts turf soil, humus, peat and sand.

Before sowing, moisten the soil surface and lightly compact it. At a distance of 3-5 cm, make small depressions of 2-3 mm and place the achenes there. The seeds cannot be sprinkled on top to germinate; they must be exposed to light, and the shell on them can be dissolved by spraying the crops from above.

Sown seeds should always be in a warm, humid atmosphere. Cover the seeded bowls with glass or transparent film and place them on a bright, warm windowsill.

Crops cannot be watered from above; water will draw the seeds deep and they will not germinate. Moisten the soil by spraying its surface every day. At a temperature of +25 degrees, eustoma seeds will germinate in 1-2 weeks.

Eustoma care

Eustoma seedlings are very small, it seems that they hardly grow in the first month, the four green leaves only increase slightly in size. During this period, eustoma seedlings require a temperature of about +20 degrees. Small seedlings need to be watered very carefully, using a spray bottle or a tray. The soil in the bowl should always be slightly moist, but not soggy. If the room is hot, the substrate will dry out quickly, and even if the soil dries out for a short time, tender seedlings may die. To maintain moisture, you can cover the crops with a transparent bag, make small holes in it and ventilate it every day so that the surface of the soil does not become moldy.

The second important condition for the development of eustoma seedlings is lighting., it should be bright, diffused and at least 12 hours a day. At the end of winter and the first months of spring, flower seedlings need to be illuminated with lamps in the morning and evening hours.

Visually, in the first months it is not visible that the eustoma seedlings are growing; during this period, the root system develops underground. When the plants form the first two pairs of true leaves, they can be distinguished by their bluish-blue hue; after about 2 months, eustoma seedlings dive from the bowls into separate pots. When replanting, take out the plants with a clod of earth; you will see that small plants have formed numerous small roots underground.

At the beginning of growth, eustoma tolerates picking well; shortened roots begin to develop even faster, but during adult stage eustoma painfully tolerates transplantation, so the seedlings are distributed into small cups or pots in which the plants will develop until the time of planting. permanent place. Eustoma seedlings are planted from pots using the transfer method, removing the plant from the cup without destroying the clod of earth and without damaging the root system.

Two months after germination and after picking, eustoma seedlings begin to grow by leaps and bounds. A lush basal rosette of leaves is formed and tall shoots will begin to grow from it in May. For rapid growth, eustoma requires regular feeding.. They feed the eustoma every week, but dilute the fertilizer in the water for irrigation twice less than normal. Water the flower seedlings regularly as before, not allowing the soil in the cups to dry out, and there should be drainage holes in the bottom of the cups to avoid flooding the plants.

Planting eustoma in open ground and care.

Seedlings are planted in the garden when the threat of frost has passed, in late May - early June. Plants are placed from each other in accordance with the height of the plants, approximately 20-30 cm.

Before planting flowers, the soil is dug up deeply and complex mineral fertilizer and humus are applied. Eustoma loves fertile soil , but it must also be breathable, so heavy clayey areas Not suitable for growing this flower.

Among the many flowers, you cannot pass by the delightful flower, whose name is the marvelous Eustoma. Noble and sophisticated, gentle and mysterious, you can choose a hundred more epithets to describe its beauty. There is something tender and at the same time stately and majestic about Eustoma.

North America is considered the birthplace of the plant. Local tribes claim that this flower is nothing more than the reincarnation of the soul of a girl, an innocent victim who refused to marry a warlike deity. Eustoma became widely known thanks to Mr. Bran, a famous botanist of Irish origin.

Beautiful Eustoma (the second name of the Lisianthus flower) appeared on the Russian market more than 20 years ago. For a long time it was known only to a narrow circle of florists. Now the Eustoma flower is actively used in wedding themes. Not a single elegant bouquet can do without it. Its role does not end there - many lovers of unusual flowers also prefer growing Eustoma not only in flower beds, but also in the house on windowsills.

Short description

In nature, there are up to 60 varieties of Eustoma (Lisianthus) and all of them, like girls, are delightful and different from each other. The Eustoma flower is capricious to grow, both in the garden and at home. He loves warmth and moisture very much.

  • The height of the stem is on average 80-90 cm; there are also varieties from 15 to 150 cm, with a bud up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • The leaves are matte, green, with a gray tint.
  • The stem is long, thin, incredibly elegant and at the same time strong.
  • The flower bowl is funnel-shaped.
  • The color palette depends on the variety and ranges from white to pink and even blue. The flowering is elegant and lush (from 20 to 30 flowers). One branch can be mistaken for a whole bouquet.
  • Varieties differ into double and non-double; the former are often confused with roses or poppies.

Are you planning to make friends with eustoma, but don’t have a summer house? Don't be sad - many gardeners grow it at home.

How to choose the right Eustoma for growing

One of the main factors for a successful acquaintance with Eustoma (Lisianthus) is right choice varieties. When selecting seeds for the first time, look for annual varieties. It is then that you have a greater chance of not encountering many difficulties and not being discouraged from caring for this “capricious lady.”

If you plan to plant in the garden, choose varieties: Echo, Aurora or Flamenco. For an apartment, Fidelity, Marmaid or one of the varieties of Russell's eustoma - Florida or Little Bells - are suitable. At the peak of popularity among dwarf varieties there is Marmaid (Mermaid), the smallest - from 10 to 15 cm, but no less beautiful variety, the palette of which, in addition to the usual colors, also includes purple.

Eustoma is gaining more and more popularity in floristry. Delicate, at the same time simple and sophisticated flowers, which cannot go unnoticed and demand creates supply.

For this reason, many people grow Eustoma for sale. If you want to turn your hobby into profit, pay attention to these varieties suitable for cutting.

  1. Aurora- variety with terry cups, 100 cm in height. Characterized by early flowering. Monochrome, most often white and sea shades;
  2. Variety Echo– moderately tall up to 70 cm, but has large cups and has more than 10 shades;
  3. Flamenco not inferior to Aurora in height, but have more simple flowers. The main advantage of this variety is easier care.

In a flower pot, Eustoma does not reach its peak growth; it is always lower than in the garden. The limitation in stem height is created by the parameters of the flowerpot.

If in a store you prefer a “ready” flower, then it makes no sense to focus on the variety - many flowers are treated with chemicals that do not allow the flowers to grow taller.

The lifespan of the flower also depends on the choice of location. In an apartment it is considered a one-year-old, and in the garden you can extend its lifespan to 5 years, but even with proper care you should not count on more.

Eustoma is not a frost-resistant plant. She's not suitable for long-term cultivation V middle lane and regions with cold winters. Optimal temperature for wintering from +10 to +13 degrees Celsius. Even with shelter it freezes.

Options for growing Eustoma at home

Experienced gardeners offer two options for growing eustoma. The first option is to plant it in the garden and then grow it at home. Second option primary home growing. Let us consider in detail each of the proposed options.

Growing in the garden followed by home maintenance

To grow in the garden you will need seedlings. You can buy it in stores or grow it yourself. For seeds, it is better to choose large-flowered eustoma - this is the least capricious variety. The height of the plant is from 90 to 120 cm, it begins to bloom 1-3 weeks earlier than its relatives. It comes in white, pink, blue and blue shades.

The best time to plant adult seedlings in open ground will be the end of June or July. The choice of location should be approached responsibly. Despite her love for warmth, Eustoma does not tolerate direct sunlight; she needs diffused light.

It is worth planting flowers in 15 cm increments. In mid-August, Eustomas are recommended to be pruned. After this, within a month (provided the weather is warm), it will delight everyone with new blooms, and the cut flowers will remain fresh for up to three weeks.

In September, you should prepare the plant for wintering in the house. The root is dug up and transplanted into flower pot. The ideal solution There will be a move first to the closed loggia and only then into the house.

Wintering garden eustoma in the house

Eustoma loves stability. For this reason, the period of adaptation to new conditions in the house is delayed for up to 1 month - the flower needs time to get used to the new lighting. During this period, limit watering; the plant will not be able to cope with the usual amount of moisture.

Many gardeners cut off Eustoma almost completely before transplanting it into a flower pot. There is an opinion that in this state he better tolerates changes in the environment

At home best place Eustoma's location will be the window sill. This should be a west or east window. On a northern window, the plant runs the risk of dying from a lack of sunlight, and on a southern window from its excess.


IN daytime Eustoma is demanding of light. For its comfortable cultivation, avoid direct sunlight; diffused and oblique sunlight is considered ideal. If there is a lack of natural light, use artificial sources. Good decision There will be ordinary fluorescent lamps. This way you can extend daylight hours and beat winter. This is especially true for regions where the sun is a “rare guest” during the fall-winter period.


Moisturizing for Eustoma is necessary constantly, this applies to a greater extent to “indoor” varieties of Eustoma; if it overdries, the capricious flower will quickly die. The signal for the need for watering is the soil; it should not dry out more than 2 cm in depth. There is no need to spray the flower when watering. Prevent water from getting on the leaves. An explosive mixture in the form of moisture and cold will cause mold to appear. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

Watering Eustoma must be done with soft water at room temperature. Cold, chlorinated tap water, drafts, open windows in winter - all this is certain death for the flower

Content temperature

Eustoma is demanding not only for light and moisture, it also needs a certain temperature. During the flowering period during the day, the thermometer should not fall below + 20 C and not rise above +25 C. The ideal night temperature for the beautiful Eustoma is +15C degrees Celsius. At the end of flowering, during the rest period, the flower needs a temperature 2-3 degrees lower than usual.

Soil for planting homemade Eustoma

The theater begins with a hanger, and planting Eustoma with the right soil. Eustoma needs soil that has good air permeability and average humidity. There is a choice here - buy a ready-made mixture or make it yourself. The best purchased option is a mixture for violets. When making home soil, you will need soil, peat and sand. Mix all ingredients in equal parts.

Two more types of substrates for growing seeds are popular - a mixture of sand and peat or peat and humus. Mix them in a 1:1 ratio.


One of the factors why Eustoma is considered an annual flower is its difficult transplantation. Its fragile roots react negatively to any influence from the outside, often because of this reason the Eustoma plant dies. The owner of such a delicate flower needs to know that replanting must be done with a lump of earth, and best of all, by “transshipment” - this way the likelihood of damage to the root system is minimal.

Top dressing

The first enrichment with mineral fertilizers and fertilizing is necessary 14-16 days after transplanting the flower. If you want the flower to grow faster in the future, then feed it every 2 weeks. For Eustoma, a universal fertilizer “for flowering gardens” is suitable.

You can feed perennial domestic Eustoma once every 30 days. Fertilizers such as plantafor or kemira are suitable for it. For the latter, you should use a lower concentration than indicated on the package.

Reproduction and cultivation of Eustoma by seeds

Vegetative propagation of Eustoma is almost impossible - the cuttings die before the roots sprout. The only method is to grow Eustoma from seeds.

Seed propagation is difficult. There are a lot of beautiful Eustoma hybrids on sale that do not produce seeds. You can buy suitable flower seeds at a flower shop or order online.

Usually there are a lot of seeds in a package, at first glance. However, it should be remembered that less than 60% of them will germinate. total number. Such a high percentage of loss of germination for Eustoma is due to special treatment of seeds before sale.

Buy seeds with a reserve. Sow an additional container

A good time to plant Eustoma seeds is from January to February. Some gardeners, to obtain earlier flowering, plant seeds as early as November.

How to plant and grow Eustoma seeds at home

When planting in the ground, remember that you cannot deepen the already small seeds of Eustoma. Sow and lightly cover them with soil. Then spray the seeds with a spray bottle. Next, the planting container should be loosely covered with cling film. Required condition is warm - from +20 to +25 degrees during the day and at least +14 degrees at night.

The main problem in germination is the lack of sunlight. Remember that seeds need at least 10 hours of daylight, so you will have to resort to artificial lighting. It is very important to provide the seedlings with ventilation and oxygen enrichment.

There is no regular watering regime for germinating Eustoma seeds - you should focus on soil moisture. It all depends on the air temperature and lighting. If necessary, spray the soil and cover again with film. Irrigation is best done in the morning. The seeds should germinate within two weeks. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the plastic blanket. It would not be superfluous to fertilize with a solution of phytospirin.

After the first 3-4 leaves of Eustoma seedlings appear, you need to reduce watering (water only in the morning). This will help you avoid encountering such an unpleasant phenomenon as “black leg.”

As soon as the number of leaves doubles, Eustoma seedlings should be transplanted. The best option would be pots up to 5 cm in diameter. After this, young seedlings need fertilizing with a low nitrogen content. When the seedlings become stronger, add fertilizer with zircon and change the pot to a larger one - about 8 cm in diameter.

Transplanting indoor Eustoma into open ground

Indoor Eustoma can be transplanted into open ground after 5-6 months from the day of planting. Under favorable conditions in the garden, it will show itself in all its glory. Homemade Eustoma should be transplanted outdoors together with a lump of earth when the threat of night cold has passed. The distance between bushes should be at least 15 cm.

Experiments with the Eustoma flower have not yet brought positive results to anyone. Capricious Eustoma is not suitable for novice gardeners and requires patience, knowledge and experience in growing

Pests and diseases

“Tender girl - Eustoma” is like a princess. It is susceptible to diseases and pests. Among them, the most common are spider mites, aphids and slugs. In the fight against them, the “Fitovera” remedy and home methods will be active assistants: soap solution, sulfur fumigation, tobacco infusion, treatment with potassium permanganate solution, garlic and onion infusions.

Remember that the most best prevention Eustoma diseases - proper watering. In most cases, it is due to excess moisture that powdery mildew and gray rot occur. If the plant still gets sick, use a solution of foundationazole.


Eustoma, like a woman, is capricious, but with due attention and care she will certainly respond with love and reciprocity, which means beautiful flowering. If you want to surprise everyone unusual flower in the house, then go for it! Homemade Eustoma is the right course.

What is the difference: Eustoma, Lisianthus or Irish rose are all names of the same flowering ornamental plant. Its advantage can be called a large number of colors and shapes of the peduncle, as well as lush flowering, which in beauty can compete with roses. The bushes are not thorny, they bush on their own, so there is no need to form plantings. The plant takes root well in the garden in temperate latitudes and can grow in a pot on a windowsill.

Description of the plant

The perennial Eustoma flower was brought from North America, so the climatic conditions of Russia are suitable for it. When roses fade, they are replaced by eustoma, since its flowering period is August-September. IN wildlife the plant can be seen in two colors: purple or blue. Thanks to the work of breeders, a huge number of lisianthus have been bred, which differ in the size and shape of the peduncle, the shades of the petals, and the height of the bush.

There are varieties that are suitable for indoor growing. Their height only 20 cm, but the flowering is as lush as garden varieties, whose bushes above 1 meter.

The petals of the Irish rose have a bluish tint, like a waxy coating, and the peduncle itself, depending on the variety, can reach 6 – 8 cm in diameter.

At flower exhibitions, eustomas take a place in the top ten, and entrepreneurs try to have it in their greenhouse. The peculiarity of lisianthus is its ability to stand in water after cutting. more than 2 weeks b, if you often change the liquid in the vase.

Garden species begin to bush from the middle of the stem; as a result, the top looks like an independent bouquet, which can contain up to 40 buds. When unopened, they look like rosebuds.

When growing eustoma from seeds, the maternal species characteristics are preserved - this is one of the advantages of the plant: you do not need to look for seeds every time. If you like any variety of perennial eustoma, planting and care is all you need for propagation and growing at home from seeds.

Varieties and colors

Tall varieties:

  • Flamenco - double flowers, pale blue or cream.
  • Lilac variety "Echo". Large flower stalks - up to 7 cm in diameter.
  • Aurora - flower stalks of different shades, double.
  • Mariachi lime has an unusual color – light green. Double flowers.
  • Cinderella with a yellowish tint, terry.
  • Florida is the most profusely flowering variety with pink petals.
  • Eustoma Large-flowered White has large white peduncles. Suitable for wedding decorations. The most popular variety of its kind.

Varieties that are suitable for growing indoors:

  • Sapphire - white flower stalks with lilac petal tips. Spiral shape of petals.
  • Terry Rosie - pink shade. The petals are located in three rows.
  • Riddle is a non-double variety of blue color, more similar to its wild predecessor.
  • Mermaid - flowers of a deep purple hue, double.

By combining eustromas of different varieties, you can equip the garden bed with both tall and short-growing crops.

Garden Lisianthus - features

Usually you can find annual or biennial eustoma seeds on sale (they are also perennial). Most often, the lisianthus flower is grown as annual plant, since it is difficult to preserve it in frosty winters. Its root system is fibrous and located in the top layer of soil, which freezes the most. The stems also cannot withstand severe frosts, even under mulch in open ground.

Garden tall species are best bred and grown as perennial crops in greenhouse conditions. IN suitable conditions inflorescences can hold up to 2 months, if you don't cut them off.

Indoor varieties - features

Growing indoor perennial eustoma is more profitable. The plant can live in a pot 45 years. Flowering stages will depend on when the seedlings are sown. It is not advisable to grow tall species at home. They need a large pot and a lot of fertilizing during the growing season for abundant flowering. If these conditions are not met, there will be few flower stalks - mostly greens.

Growing conditions

Caring for eustoma requires careful care, as it is a rather finicky plant. This is partly due to the characteristics of the root system: it is highly branched, and the tissues are soft and vulnerable. If you damage the roots, they will quickly become infected with fungus or bacteria. The plant may die.

Because of this, they try to grow seedlings in wide cups or pots, and replant them by transshipment - together with a lump of earth, so as not to injure the roots.

Constant monitoring of soil moisture is required so that the soil does not dry out. The plant also does not like stagnant water - the roots can rot. The best option for Irish roses is a dosed drip irrigation system.


Eustoma (lisianthus) prefers well-lit areas of open ground or a window sill on the southeast or west side. The lighter the flowerbed, the longer the flower stalks last. If you plant two types of eustoma, you need to make sure that the tall ones do not shade the short ones from the sun's rays, otherwise the latter will bloom worse.

On the windowsill in winter, the plant feels a lack of light, since the days are short. Therefore, lisianthus is extended daylight hours by installing additional lighting so that chlorophyll production does not stop and chlorosis is not observed.

The optimal temperature for seedlings is considered 25 degrees. Stronger plants are able to tolerate higher temperatures.

Video: Eustoma from A to Z - a complete guide to growing

The soil

Particular attention should be paid to the type of soil for eustoma: it should have a slightly alkaline reaction. Therefore, if the site has acidic or slightly acidic soil, it must be properly prepared by adding wood ash, compost, dolomite flour or lime.

On sandy soil or sandy loam, fertilizing is done more often, but in smaller volumes, since they quickly pass through upper layer and go deep into where the roots cannot reach.

The most suitable type of soil is black soil with a lot of humus. On other types of soil, the plant requires organic fertilizing in the form of humus or purchased humic fertilizers. The most consumed nutritional component is potassium, as it is necessary for lush flowering. The growing season is long, so you will have to fertilize the soil every week.

Caring for eustoma in the garden

Ready seedlings are planted in the ground in early or mid-May, depending on the region. It immediately begins to develop and increases green mass. By the time of planting in open ground, the flower should already have at least 4 leaves.

To control humidity and prevent the soil from drying out, it is advisable to mulch the soil under eustomas. For this purpose would be better suited humus with a low amount of nitrogen containing potassium. When humus is processed by soil bacteria, humus is formed, which increases the plant's immunity and enhances its flowering. Mulching prevents the appearance of weeds in the flowerbed.

Important! Adult flowers are not replanted so as not to damage the roots. You need to immediately choose a suitable permanent habitat for them.

Tall varieties must be tied to support pegs so that the stems do not break under the influence of wind or the weight of the inflorescences.

If you leave eustoma in the garden for the winter, the plant will most likely die. If it needs to be preserved, it is dug up, maintaining a distance from the stem, transferred to a warm room, and returned to the soil in the spring. The temperature in the basement or heated barn should be maintained at 12 - 15 degrees. During this period, the plant is not fed or watered.

Home care

Eustoma at home takes longer to grow, but is more susceptible to sunlight, so you need to choose a well-lit window where it is possible to shade the sunlight if necessary - blinds, tulle.

Flowering is regulated by planting seeds. The sooner you sow, the faster the flowers will appear. The growing season lasts 6 months, therefore, you can easily calculate the time when to start seedlings.

If the flower is bought in a store and not grown with your own hands, it must be shaded at first. The conditions in the supermarket are completely different: there the flowers are under artificial lamps and cannot get burned, like on a windowsill where the sun shines all day.

Watering is only needed at the roots. Do not allow drops to get on the buds or flowers - the plant may begin to rot. The earthen ball should not be too flooded with water - this also damages the root system. It also shouldn't dry out completely. The lisianthus flower is not suitable for those owners who are not ready to inquire about the condition of the plant at least once a day.

Indoor eustoma needs ventilation, but does not like drafts, so opening several windows at the same time is not recommended. The petals and leaves of this species are very delicate - temperature changes can cause the foliage to wither and stop growing.

Arrangement of the pot

The pot must be wide, but not deep - by type of root system.

It is advisable to lay a layer of expanded clay at the bottom for drainage. The soil for potted eustoma is selected to be neutral or slightly alkaline. The store has soil for Saintpaulias (violets) - it is well suited for lisianthus.

If you mix the soil at home, take:

  • sand 1 part;
  • garden soil 1 part;
  • peat or humus 2 parts.

You can add charcoal for disinfection. The soil should be light and breathable so that the liquid does not linger but flows into the pan. If you use compost, it must be diluted with sand for better aeration.

Greenhouse cultivation for sale

Lush flower stalks of different shades and the ability to stand in water for a long time after cutting distinguish eustoma from the same roses that wither after a couple of days. The flower business is the main buyer of expensive seeds from Dutch producers.

Flowers are suitable for decorating restaurant tables with small bouquets of low-growing plants, creating flower arrangements for the holidays. In order for flowers to generate income, you need to grow them in a greenhouse: prepare seedlings in the fall, and sell ready-made flowering specimens - potted or garden - by summer. There are many options for business:

  • indoor eustomas;
  • garden species;
  • seeds of any one type or several;
  • decoration of the halls;
  • retail or wholesale sale of cut flowers.

The most difficult thing to maintain in a greenhouse is the required humidity in summer and temperature in winter. In addition, experienced gardeners point out the need for constant ventilation. This can create problems because cold air influences the growth of culture.

In addition to the microclimate, it is important to maintain an alkaline or neutral soil index so that the plants can feed according to their needs. A problem may arise with the absorption of phosphorus, which lisianthus consume in large quantities during the flowering period.

The fact is that all mineral phosphates dissolve in a slightly acidic environment. Eustoma requires neutral or slightly alkaline soil. This means that the soil must contain a lot of organic matter containing beneficial soil bacteria that break down phosphorus.

You can create diffused light in a glass greenhouse by whitewashing the walls with chalk or lime. This will be an additional disinfection measure against mold spores penetrating everywhere. The seedlings will feel better due to the lack of direct sunlight.

Lisianthus propagation

The most effective way to grow eustoma is with seeds. You can collect them from your garden or buy them coated in a coating of nutrients. Eustoma seeds are very small; they must be sown correctly so that the sprouts begin to develop faster. If you cover them with soil, they will not germinate, since it is difficult for delicate greenery to break through the layer of soil.

Other methods of reproduction are absolutely unacceptable:

  • cuttings are not able to form roots even when treated with growth stimulants;
  • The rhizome cannot be divided, since if damaged it dies and the stepson dies.

To grow seedlings, you need to buy seeds and choose a way to germinate them - in a container, cups.

Growing in peat cups

Peat cups are a good option for growing plants that have weak root systems that are susceptible to damage. Peat allows oxygen to pass through well and is environmentally friendly. When it gets into the ground it becomes an additional fertilizer. The root system of the Irish rose will be completely safe until it takes root in open ground.

To sow seeds, you need to fill the glasses with soil of suitable acidity mixed with sand, and moisten it with a spray bottle. Further:

  • Post 2 seeds each on top of the ground, without covering it with soil. Germination must take place in the light.
  • Cover the top with transparent film, leaving a small hole for ventilation to prevent condensation from accumulating inside.
  • Place in the brightest place where the sun's rays penetrate most of the daylight hours.

After 10 – 12 days a root should appear, and then it will begin to form aboveground part plants. During this period, it is better to water with a spray bottle so as not to disrupt the process of root formation and its survival. The usual method of watering can wash away a small grain, and it will stop developing.

The film can be removed when it has formed 2 – 3 sheets. Before this, it is periodically raised to ventilate and moisten the soil. According to the experience of gardeners, watering is required once every 2 weeks, since the film prevents water from evaporating.

When to plant eustoma when growing from seeds

If the seedlings are planned to be planted in open ground, the seeds must be set for germination no later than February. Better in November-December. It will take a little over six months for the plant to gain strength and set buds.

How and when to sow eustoma when growing from seeds at home:

  • When sown in November, flowering will begin in June.
  • At the end of December - beginning of January - flowers will appear in July.
  • If you sow in February, flowering will begin in August and will last until the end of October.

If sowed later, the eustoma will not have time to bloom.

For growing at home, the timing of planting seeds does not matter - flowering will begin 20 - 22 weeks after germination.

Seedling care

Caring for seedlings comes down to maintaining desired temperature- it shouldn't fall below 23 degrees, as well as to control the humidity of the earthen coma.

During the growth period, it is recommended to spray the sprouts with fungicides for prevention to prevent the proliferation of fungal spores. Most often this is a “black leg”, which occurs due to excessive watering and stagnation of water, as well as due to lack of ventilation.

It is better to water in a circle - near the walls of the cup or container. The water must be warm, especially if the seedlings are grown in winter.

It is advisable to use a fluorescent lamp for the first two months after germination, and then you can choose a light windowsill, but without direct sunlight. The lamp will help control daylight hours, around 12 - 14 o'clock, but will not cause burns on small young leaves.

After 2.5 months it is necessary to make a pick if it grows in a glass 3 – 5 plants. To do this, use a wide coffee stick: use it to pry up a small eustoma and transplant it into a separate container. It can be made simpler:

  • Sow the seeds in a common container.
  • Dive into peat glasses.
  • Replant the glasses in open ground.

In this way, the root system will remain intact. After picking, the flowers are once again covered with film until they take root and begin to grow in a new place. The process lasts 1.5 – 2 weeks. Small seedlings love replanting - after a week you can find that they have doubled in size and grown leaves.

Selecting a landing site

The bed for eustoma is selected and prepared in advance, preferably in the fall. To achieve a slightly acidic environment in the soil, it is necessary to apply potassium-phosphorus fertilizers in advance.

They are motionless in the ground, so they will not disappear from the top layer of soil. This is done in the fall, and in the spring, by May, you need to slightly reduce the acidity - add lime based on the initial value (measured with a pH meter). There should be no acidity below 7 units, that is, the soil is neutral.

Dolomite, bone or fish meal reduces acidity, but these fertilizers take a long time to decompose, so they are applied in advance. Wood ash is also suitable as a deoxidizing agent.

If organic matter has not been added to the soil for a long time, on square meter you will need 300 g of ash or its tincture in water - 10 liters.

Transplantation into the ground

For transplantation they choose evening time so that the plants have time to adapt a little to street conditions. The flower is planted in the ground along with a peat cup. If the cultivation took place in plastic, then the eustoma or lisianthus is carefully removed from the pot and rolled into the prepared hole.

You need to make sure that the stem does not go too deep into the soil - this can lead to rotting of the stem. Plant it in the soil at the level of a glass and press down a little.

Immediately after planting, put on the cropped plastic bottles. This protects the plant from wind and sudden changes in growing conditions, night temperature changes. You can water the soil a little so that it tightly covers the roots. In 3 weeks bottles can be removed.

Feeding during the flowering period

In open ground during the initial growing season, eustoma requires large amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus. It can be obtained from complex mixtures. Phosphates stimulate the growth of the root system, along which nutrients enter the stem and leaves. Nitrogen stimulates cell growth and enhances metabolism, causing the crop to grow faster.

If the soil is well prepared in the fall with potassium and phosphorus, you can get by with nitrogen fertilizers only. Urea, calcium nitrate or Ammophos are suitable.

Before setting buds, the plant switches to potassium-phosphorus nutrition. These two elements are needed in large quantities. They support the ovaries, preventing them from falling off, making the color of the flower stalks brighter, and the flowers themselves larger. Potassium determines how long an inflorescence of several buds will last.

The most suitable fertilizer for eustoma is Kemira for flowering plants. According to the experience of gardeners, it is recommended to dilute one third less granules than required by the instructions. During the flowering period, fertilizing is necessary once a week. In the form of an aqueous solution, nutrients are absorbed faster. You can dilute humus in water or last year's chicken droppings at home.

Plant garter

For tall lisianthus with large inflorescences, it is recommended to make supporting supports. These can be pegs driven into the ground or vertically positioned nets that protect the stem from refraction.

In greenhouses, a horizontal mesh is used, which is raised as the flower grows. Seedlings are planted taking into account the location of the mesh cells so that the seedlings are inside.

The net or pegs need to be disinfected. To do this, use potassium permanganate or fungicidal preparations, which are used to prevent fungus. You can whitewash the pegs with lime.

Spring and autumn garden care

IN spring period The main danger is night frosts, so the seedlings are covered with boxes and agrofibre on top. This is too much work, so it is better to use plastic bottles - they are easier to put on and put away. Prevention from fungal diseases is necessary: the best remedy There will be regular fertilizing with complex mixtures and treating the soil with fungicides.

In the fall, you need to dig up the rhizomes and store them in a warm shed. This is done extremely carefully: You need to work with a shovel at a distance of 35 - 40 cm from the stem, so as not to damage the roots. A lump of earth is rolled into wide pots.

You can collect seeds from the boxes that form in place of the dried flower. Each variety is collected in a separate package and signed immediately after collection, since seed material of all types cannot be distinguished.

Gardeners who have been growing Irish roses for a long time are not advised to collect seeds from the second generation of flowers. In this case, the characteristic external qualities are not preserved. Only mother plants and the next generation are suitable for this. Next, it is advisable to buy seeds again.


The eustoma is cut off as a whole bouquet. In this case, the bush begins to branch again and blooms again. In the middle zone and northern latitudes, it will not be possible to wait for re-blooming, since early frosts will not allow the plant to fully develop.

If the variety is intended for breeding, then the drying inflorescences are not cut off, but wait until the seeds ripen.

Pruning is widely practiced when growing lisianthus in greenhouses. The temperature in the greenhouse is maintained all year round, so the bushes can be cut back so that the plant begins to bloom again. This method allows you to get more products from one seed, without spending time on re-germination.


There is a way to grow eustoma, spending less time and effort. This is soil mulching. It is practiced during the growing season in open ground and greenhouses. Benefits of mulching:

  • Restrains the growth of weeds, resulting in more nutrition for ornamental crops.
  • Reduces moisture evaporation, which saves water consumption. If there is no system on the site drip irrigation, you will have to carry it less with your hands from the well.
  • A constant temperature is maintained in the root area, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the flower and the setting of buds.

Mulch can be prepared from peat or two-year humus. These substances allow air to pass well to the roots and are safe in terms of high nitrogen content. They completely block the access of sunlight to the soil surface and do not allow weeds to develop in the flowerbed.

Treated tree bark is suitable for mulching. It is pre-sprayed or soaked in fungicides (you can prepare home remedies for disinfection). The operating principle is the same, only the bark is much more durable and will stick to the ground. at least 3 years.

Preparing for winter

It is not so much the plants that need to be prepared for winter, but the soil for eustomas. IN autumn period organic matter is added to form humus, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers. Over the winter, these substances have time to partially decompose and by spring there will be a lot of nutrition in the soil for new seedlings.

In the southern regions, for example, in Crimea, you can cut off the bushes, leaving hemp 10 – 15 cm, and then mulch them with straw, peat, and cover with lutrasil. Will fit wooden boxes instead of agrofibre, the tree holds the temperature well, especially if you cover it with a film on top, pressing it to the ground with a stone.

In the spring, such a structure must be opened in time so that the eustomas do not suffocate and begin to rot from condensation.

Replanting grown bushes in the garden

  • Draw a contour along which the plant will be dug.
  • Carefully pry up the bush from below and dump it on the surface.
  • If some of the roots are damaged, they are treated with crushed charcoal or ash.
  • Prepare a corresponding hole in another place, sprinkle it with ash, and spray it with fungicide.
  • They lower the bush with a lump of earth and dig it in.

After this procedure, the plant must be quarantined.

It is advisable to provide him with a translucent film shelter with a small gap for air. In this case, there is a chance that some rare variety will survive.

Plant diseases

Due to lack of nutrition during the flowering period, as well as due to rainy weather in the area fungus can multiply:

  • Mosaic virus. Causes the destruction of chloroplasts - cells that produce chlorophyll. White spots appear on the leaves, and the death of tissue areas leads to the death of the plants. There are no drugs for treatment, so more attention is paid to prevention.
  • Late blight – blackening of leaves.
  • Fusarium - yellowing and drying of leaves. The risk is higher at low temperatures and high humidity. During these periods, it is recommended to spray with preparations for prevention.
  • Gray and root rot. With a lack of potassium, the plant is exposed to low temperatures and does not tolerate stagnant water. In weakened roots, with a lack of oxygen, rotting processes begin. The plant cannot be saved.
  • Fitum - causes root rot. Theoretically, it can be treated by disinfecting the soil and soaking the roots in fungicides, but in practice it is very difficult to save a plant with a weak underground part.

Most often, with high air humidity in greenhouses, eustomas are affected by peronosporosis - downy mildew. For prevention, everyone is old plant remains are removed, burned, and the soil is disinfected annually.


In the middle zone, aphids, whiteflies or spider mites infest lisianthus. It is important to notice the appearance of pests in time so that the degree of treatment of the area is small and the damage does not affect all plants. Insecticides against whiteflies and acary insecticides against mite larvae help.

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