Interior color for a dark room. Original style with wallpaper in dark colors. For a bright room

- a very pressing problem, because every second apartment resident faces it. This problem affects not only high-rise buildings, but also cottages and private houses. People try to arrange the windows of their home in such a way that there is as much light in the room as possible, but even with this approach it can be almost impossible to achieve the desired result. But don't worry, all these problems can be solved.

With the help of artificial lighting (read more in the article: “How to choose lighting”) and well-chosen wallpaper for dark room, You can change your living place to better side, making it much more comfortable and brighter.

Cons of a dark room

  • gloominess;
  • Bad visibility;
  • Inability to have a comfortable time.

Selecting wallpaper color

The first step is to consider the color palette for wallpaper in a dark room. For dark rooms, wallpaper is considered the best option. light colors. Peach and golden tones. You can also read the article “Tables of color combinations in the interior” and choose the best option.

Don't forget that colors can be mixed to create different shades for your soul. Just be careful, don’t overdo it, because if the walls are too contrasting, the darkness of the room will not be eliminated.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that you should not buy wallpaper with a large, prominent pattern for a dark room, as it contributes to the effect of “visually darkening” the room and will significantly reduce its size.

Try to cover a dark room with wallpaper with a small pattern, small reliefs and unobtrusive color.

If you cannot make a choice in favor of wallpaper without patterns, then convince yourself to purchase wallpaper in a single color bed color, because if you are reading this article, then your room probably requires additional light, and without these wallpapers this will be impossible to achieve.

As an example, we will give several options for pasting: we make one wall the central one and glue on it the lightest wallpaper with relief and small patterns, and we paste the other three walls in a slightly darker color. This way we can visually increase the illumination of the room. Please note that the brightest wall should be the one opposite the window. Another nuance - when you cover the walls of a dark room, try to choose reflective wallpaper, this will help to further increase the illumination of the room.

Wallpaper for a dark living room

If you have a dark living room, do not despair. We will help you brighten it up in a matter of minutes using wallpaper. To begin with, we recommend reading the article “What wallpaper color to choose,” and then proceed to a more subtle selection of shades.

A great idea would be to combine wallpaper colors to create something original. Of course, you can play with contrast, but this is unlikely to make your room brighter.

Please note! The only option available in this case for playing with contrast to illuminate a dark room is the one we proposed above.

You can also decorate your room with interesting decorations and bright elements, however, do not forget that our task is to make the room lighter, and not more colorful. Add two or three notes of bright, colorful flowers, and your dark living room will be transformed into a cozy, bright room. Of course, don’t forget to cover it with wallpaper, according to the scheme we proposed.

Wallpaper texture for a dark room

The brightening effect of our room can be enhanced by purchasing wallpaper with the right structure. For example, matte colors of wallpaper with deep relief will absorb almost all our efforts and attempts to make the room brighter, since almost all the sunlight will go into them. Our goal is glossy wallpaper that will reflect light (by the way, we have already briefly mentioned reflective wallpaper). They will not only help make the room brighter, but will also visually enlarge it. If you are full of creativity, you can paint the wallpaper in iridescent colors with your own hands and enjoy good lighting in the room.

Photo: wallpaper texture in a dark room

A fairly good effect can be expected from liquid wallpaper, they will help you make your room brighter and more spacious. Liquid wallpaper has reflective qualities, due to which the room will visually increase in size and become at least 40% lighter. The main task when choosing liquid wallpaper is to take into account that the light reflection of these wallpapers is obtained through the use of sparkles, which are present in almost all types of liquid wallpaper.

As you can see, I can make my dark room brighter very simply, and most importantly, inexpensively and without much time investment. Be sure to take advantage of all our tips and brighten up your room.

The use of dark-colored wallpaper in apartment interior design

As for the dark-colored parts of the apartment, for which various techniques are used to lighten and original look, then it is not so difficult to list them. So, lightening wallpaper can be used for walls:

  • living room;
  • bedrooms;
  • hallway;
  • kitchens;
  • hall

What to pay attention to when designing

As for the widespread opinion, many people believe that the problem of dark small rooms can be easily solved with bright interior lighting in the center of the room. However, this is not the case.

Advice! The best solution there will be a placement of color sources, as in different angles and areas of the room, and at different height levels.

As for lighting, in their reviews, interior design experts do not recommend combating darkening in rooms by lighting them in light blue, gray and terracotta tones. The fact is that in bad weather these colors turn into rather faded and inexpressive shades, unable to compensate for the insufficient amount of sunlight and light. In addition, it is also undesirable to use pearlescent shades.

How to brighten a room - video

Thank you for your attention and wish you successful repairs!

Do you have a dark room in which daylight comes in very small quantities? If you are not planning to move, then you need to do something about it. The gloomy interior is depressing, especially in the fall, when it is not difficult to fall into a depressive state or mood. Therefore, the owners of apartments and rooms have a question: how to make a dark room lighter? We'll show you a few design tricks that will optically help make your interior lighter.

Did you know that not only the location of the room in relation to the cardinal directions, the size and number of windows affect the lighting? This is also influenced by the colors of the floor, furniture and walls, window decorations and other materials used in the interior. If everything is in dark colors, then such a room will seem even darker than it actually is. A bright room looks much more spacious and larger.

How to brighten up a dark room if you have neither the desire nor the budget to replace the furniture? To do this, use less capital-intensive, but no less effective tricks. Start by identifying the darkest areas in the room - highlight the darkest walls and corners that you can work on to make a difference. Let's look at which of these elements can be updated relatively inexpensively.

Repaint the walls or replace the wallpaper. It is not necessary to change the wallpaper in the entire room; you can replace it only on one or two walls. Considering the principle that an interior that is not cluttered appears lighter, should you consider getting rid of some not-so-useful furniture? If you take a bulky one out of the room tall cabinet or a furniture wall, or at least part of it, then such a room will instantly become lighter and more spacious.

If renovation is planned:

  • remove dark material floors or repaint wooden floors light, pastel shades;
  • dark carpet covering with patterns or designs, replace them with smooth and light ones;
  • replace solid doors with glazed or sliding ones;
  • paint the window frames and window sills white;
  • scrape off the darkened floor and cover it with clear varnish;
  • if you are planning to change the floor, think about where you can put light polished tiles that reflect light well and “illuminate” the interior;
  • old, dark ceramic tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, replace or paint with special paint for light-colored tiles.

If you are planning to paint the walls a different color, then you should choose the appropriate paint to decorate and brighten the interior.

Of course, the lighter it is, the better. Don't like white walls? Don't worry, a good effect can be achieved using other light and bleached shades.

In a shaded room with one window, it may look impressive to use three shades of the same color. The darkest of them should be used to paint the wall around the window, and the darkest light shade place it on the wall opposite the window. We paint the side walls in the third intermediate shade. This way of distributing paint and shadows in the room enhances the daylight that penetrates inside.

You will get a brightening effect by choosing transparent paints to which particles of gold, silver or pearls have been added. A wall painted with this paint reflects more light.

Well planned lighting has a huge impact to our mood. Plus, the interior looks better when it's bathed in sunlight. When there is not enough sun in the apartment, it is necessary to choose the right artificial lighting. To make a dark room brighter, you need to provide light that is most similar to natural light. When planning lighting in a dark room, you can use the following solutions:

  • In addition to central lighting, it is also worth installing spotlights; this is especially important in those areas of the apartment where it is darkest - in the bathroom and hallway.
  • Spotlight in the kitchen will also be useful, especially when it does not have a window or the window is too small.
  • If you want to paint the ceiling in a more dark color, then in a dark room it’s not the best best idea. But if you take care of good lighting on the ceiling, then you can think about such an idea. This can be halogen spotlights or LEDs, preferably dimmable.
  • In the bedroom, additional lighting should be installed near the bed - in the case of a double bed - always on both sides. In the living room, you should place a floor lamp in the darkest corner.
  • Good results may also give Spotlights, highlighting the selected decorative elements– paintings, figurines and other decorations.

Interior design: soft and light furniture

In a dark room, large pieces of furniture with gloomy upholstery greatly overload the interior. To make such a room brighter, it is better to choose light-colored and non-bulky furniture. It is better to replace a large wall of furniture with a chest of drawers that stands on legs; this will immediately make it visually lighter, since lifting the furniture off the floor adds lightness to it. If the seats on the chairs have dark upholstery, it is worth sewing covers for them from light fabric. The sofa can be covered with a light blanket.

Light floors and light doors are ideal in dark rooms. This is a solution for people who love to tidy up and clean. Unfortunately, this type of floor gets dirty much faster than a regular floor, so it's not a practical solution if you have a large family.

If you are thinking about buying a rug and your sofa or chairs have a patterned upholstery, then it is better to choose a smooth and plain rug. However, in the opposite situation, you can choose a rug (or rug) with a pattern, but not too colorful or bright.

In a dark interior, you should not choose solid doors, but rather install folding or sliding ones. Definitely better glass doors or partially glazed, allowing light to penetrate between rooms.

Mirrors help shape and illuminate the space. It is better to choose a location for placing mirrors on the same plane, preferably a large one. The mirror should hang on the wall opposite the window. A large mirror that shows the silhouette of a person in full height It should also hang in the corridor - the darkest room of the apartment.

The mirror frame should decorate the interior and should be light and uncluttered. If you don’t like to look in mirrors while wandering around the apartment, then you can use a lot of mirrors in the bookcase, behind the shelves, and install objects made from clear glass.
Using mirrors you can also disguise the doors of a massive cabinet. Can buy large mirror or stick a mirror film on the doors.

Dark curtains with patterned patterns and romantic frills are not suitable for dark rooms. It is better to open the windows as much as possible - let daylight enter the apartment without obstacles.

However, if you don’t like empty windows, you should think about soft white curtains, the best ones made of translucent tulle. If you need to close the windows in evening time from curious glances, it is worth choosing blinds in neutral, light colors.

Another important point– try leaving the window sills empty. And if you want to put something for them, let it be objects made of transparent glass that will let the sun's rays through.

In all dark rooms, it is better to create interiors with light-colored furniture, preferably with glossy, varnished surfaces that reflect light.

IN dark kitchen, if you have dark cabinets and floors, then you should take care of light ones additional elements. Paint the walls in light color, tiles should also be chosen in light colors, preferably with a glossy sheen, good option will be thrown off with backlight.

If the apartment is not cluttered or overloaded with knick-knacks, it always seems much lighter and more spacious. Therefore, it is worth removing all colorful and flashy decorations - not only from the window sills, but throughout the apartment. All the trinkets dear to your heart can be installed in the closet and only a third of it can be displayed.

It can be pleasant to be in a dark room: the twilight gives rest from bright light, relaxes, helps you fall asleep quickly and helps, if necessary, create a romantic atmosphere. However, everything is good in moderation. Gloominess is boring and depressing. Staying in dark rooms for a long time can lead to stress and even depression. Dark rooms in which people work, do business, or read are especially harmful. This applies not only to kitchens, children's rooms, and living rooms.

Rooms with small windows or with a loggia/balcony can be dark, especially if clothes are dried on them. If the windows face north, the rooms are usually in cold twilight. How to make a dark room brighter? How to work with rooms whose windows face north? How to add light and warmth to the interior?

Dark room design: how to make the room brighter?

1. Choose a finish in light colors

Nothing else makes a room as bright as using tones close to white. The lighter the ceilings and walls, the more light there is in the room.

For a ceiling in a dark room, pure white is ideal. For walls, you can use paint or wallpaper in either white or light beige.

If the windows face north and the weather is almost always cloudy, bright white walls may be perceived as gray. This will make the room cold and uncomfortable. For such rooms it is better to use a cream finish. In a rectangular room, one of the short walls can be painted - the room will immediately become warmer and filled with spring optimism.

If you can remove doors between rooms, it’s worth doing so. If this is not possible, you should select light doors with large glass inserts.

5. Add lighting

Good move - installation LED lighting under the ceiling around the perimeter of the room. You can install “warm” lamps directly above the window - so that they are behind the curtains. When dusk falls, curtain the room and turn on the light near the window - you will feel as if the sun is warming outside and its rays are penetrating through the fabric of the curtains.

6. Use mirrors

One or two mirrors will be enough depending on the size of the room. It is advisable to position the mirror so that it reflects and multiplies the light - ideally opposite the window or so that the chandelier “looks” into it.

7. Introduce “rays of color”

A monochrome white or cream room looks bright, but not cheerful. To make the room not only bright, but also sunny, you can add bright accents yellow, blue or turquoise.

You can place a yellow rug on the floor of a dark room with a north-facing window. It will look as if a bright ray of sunlight has penetrated inside and drawn a yellow circle on the floor. The room will become bright in spring. You can add a few more yellow accessories, but in limited quantities.

Modern wallpapers are so diverse that anyone can choose a worthy option for their home. There is a huge number of the most different colors, including most of the available colors, many beautiful drawings and photographs. A well-chosen color and pattern on the wallpaper can help eliminate the shortcomings of the room and highlight the advantages.

Today we want to talk about what wallpaper options you can choose for a small, dark room to make it comfortable and cozy, and not lifelessly gloomy.

Floral theme in the interior of a tiny room

Design challenges

In our apartments and houses we meet different rooms: wide and narrow, light and dark. For large, bright rooms it is quite easy to come up with and implement any interior, but in a dark, small room everything is much more difficult.

It’s easy to explain why such rooms occur; the following factors are to blame:

  • Depending on the location of the house, many rooms in apartments are poorly lit. There are also those where there is very little natural light.
  • In densely built-up residential areas, situations often arise when one house blocks another’s access to sunlight. On the lower floors of the house, trees can also block the light.
  • Illumination may be affected after repair work related to the redevelopment of premises.

However, the situation can be corrected if you choose the right wallpaper; they can help increase the illumination of the room and, possibly, its visual perception. Thus, from a dark and small room you can get a bright room that is quite suitable for living.

It is clear that you will have to work with the lighting in such a room, increase the amount lighting fixtures, successfully distribute them into zones. But lighting partly solves the problem; you won’t always keep it on. Therefore, it is worth considering the possibility of wallpapering in light colors; a pastel palette is also suitable. If you want to bring a little color into the room, you can choose accent wallpaper and place it in the brightest part of the room.

One of the rooms of a multi-room apartment

strong contrast in small room there is no need to achieve it, it does not help increase illumination, but it is permissible to use not one color, but several. A successful combination of variegated and calm shades allows you to get the illusion of a bright space.

Perfect for such a room plain wallpaper, you can consider what options wallpaper stores offer us and choose. It is advisable to stick to pastel colors. It is also permissible to use small patterns and small reliefs; they will not spoil the overall picture, but will add originality.

Using a large ornament on wallpaper for a small, poorly lit room is strictly not recommended. Since such a pattern will negatively affect the perception of the room as a whole, it will create the impression that it is smaller and darker than it actually is.

Another design technique will allow you to transform the room by increasing its illumination: hang light wallpaper with a small, discreet pattern on the wall opposite the window, and cover the remaining walls with canvases in the same tone, but a little darker. This way you will achieve an original perception of space; it will seem to you that the light is expanding the room, reflecting from one of the walls. In reality, this will happen, which means that in this way we will get two very light walls in the room at once.

They will help you work with the geometry of the room striped wallpaper. Depending on the direction of the stripes, they can increase the height of the ceiling or lengthen the walls. A medium-thick strip works well, and any color can be used: bright colors will make the interior more lively, while restrained colors will make the interior more austere.

Expanding the room through use light wallpaper

Colors and their combinations

To do more bright space small and dark room, you can use several colors. A couple of light ones and one bright one will be enough to create a balanced interior and place a slight emphasis on important places premises.

If you use more bright colors, the room may turn out to be too blurry and saturated. Of course, outwardly it will look more lively, lighter and even brighter, but it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time. Do not forget that the use of contrasting combinations in such a room is also inappropriate.

Wallpaper for a dark and small room should work with all its texture to lighten it, so options should be considered with a glossy finish. Very good, if not, then you can always add them to liquid wallpaper or paintable options. It is very easy to add reflective elements to the mixture of liquid wallpaper being prepared. After applying it to the walls, the sparkles will be placed on them in a chaotic manner. By adding similar elements to the paint for painting walls or wallpaper, you can also achieve a similar result.

When choosing glossy wallpaper, we know for sure that matte wall coverings will not suit us for our room, since they contribute to the absorption of light rather than its reflection.

Comfortable and warm atmosphere in the bedroom

Don’t forget about the side of the world that the windows of your room face. In our situation, most likely it will be the north side, which means that the following will suit us perfectly:

  • yellow colors, sunny and cheerful;
  • beige tones, soft, light and at the same time very warm;
  • various variations of orange, gold colors.

White and its shades will not be appropriate here. In low light they will look gray, dull and dreary, but we don’t need depressive moods at home.

You can use this original move when choosing wallpaper in a store. Just ask yourself for the rolls of wallpaper you like to try on, and in the immediate conditions of the room, see how they will look on the wall on a normal day in natural and artificial lighting. If you are satisfied with this type of walls, buy them, otherwise continue to look for the right color.

Psychology of color

Understanding the psychology of color will make it even easier for you to select wallpaper for a room with small dimensions and poor lighting. As you probably know, psychologists have long identified the influence different colors on people.

An approximate list of primary colors and their influence is as follows:

  • One of the positive colors that can improve your mood is peach. It is quite soft and light, but at the same time slightly assertive. It is used in living rooms, bedrooms and kitchens.
  • For accumulation in the room vital energy yellow is often used color palette. This wallpaper color reminds us of summer, relaxation and fun, which means it brings joy and pleasant emotions. Yellow is quite a bright color, so it would be appropriate in the living room, kitchen or bathroom.

Cozy small living room
  • Has similar properties Orange color, wallpaper in this color energizes, increases brain activity and awaken the appetite. By toning the body, orange predisposes to active action. Wallpaper in this tone is appropriate in the kitchen and living room.
  • The luxurious golden tone is used as accents; it cannot be the main one due to its high impulsiveness and saturation. With its help you can add brightness, solemnity and nobility to the room. Wallpaper with patterns of similar colors fits perfectly into classic interior living rooms
  • Calm, comfortable, warm and cozy atmosphere will help create colors in the room beige palette. This casual tone promotes rest and relaxation, which means its main place of application is the bedroom.
  • Often used in combination with beige brown tone, it seems to stabilize the interior. It looks the most advantageous, it brings comfort into the house, and with its internal energy it helps relieve stress.
  • Pink is considered a typical romantic color. In its bright performance it calms and brings tenderness, while in its bright and intense form it excites passion. Similar color scheme usually used in bedrooms, bathrooms, children's rooms.
  • Red tones have always been associated with holidays; they bring joy and fun. Most often, red color is used in large living rooms, where it is necessary to achieve a formal atmosphere in the interior. It is also appropriate in the kitchen, as it helps awaken the appetite.

Design of a bedroom in an apartment on the upper floors of a multi-storey building
  • Even in a small and dark room you can consider using wallpaper purple. Despite the fact that it belongs to the galaxy of dark tones, it also contributes to the expansion visual space. If you successfully combine it with in a light tone, you can expand the space and brighten it.
  • Blue tones are also designed to expand space; they can be used in both large and small rooms. They add freshness, lightness, reduce human fatigue and emotional stress. Wallpaper in blue color Most often used in bedrooms, living rooms, children's rooms.
  • The blue tone, on the contrary, narrows and reduces space; it is a cold and deep color that has an extremely calming effect. Wallpaper in this color is suitable for large rooms, where there is very good natural and artificial lighting.
  • Natural green colors promote relaxation and rapid recovery of the body. Depending on their saturation, similar tones can be used in rooms of any size. Wallpaper with green colors is actively used in children's rooms, living rooms, and kitchens.

Summarizing all of the above, it is worth noting that when choosing wallpaper for a small, poorly lit room, it is important to pay attention not only to the color of the canvases, but also to the size of their pattern, the glossiness of the texture and the presence of relief on it. Do not forget about the side of the world on which the windows of the room face. If you take all these factors into account, and also take wallpaper from the store to try on, the likelihood of error will be minimal.

Often people don't even consider the idea of ​​making a room beautiful and elegant with dark walls. What if they make the room seem stuffy and gloomy? At the same time, dark colors can give any home a chic and sophisticated look. Today Dekorin will tell you how to use dark wallpaper for walls in the interior and what is best to combine them with, and also provides ideas for inspiration in 37 photos.

Dark walls in the interior: choosing a color

Do you want to know how you can use dark wallpaper in your interior design? Then you should consider not only black wall coverings, but also wallpaper made in dark shades of blue, gray, green and brown. Below you can appreciate their appearance in 25 photos of beautiful small and spacious rooms.

Interiors with black wallpaper - 8 photos

Black is an excellent background color that can highlight every detail of the decor. However, in small rooms it is recommended to use it only on one of the walls or “break” black wallpaper with paintings, mirrors, light window frames, wall lamps, white cornices and baseboards. It is preferable to fill an interior with black walls with light or bright furniture, as well as green plants, which will bring natural freshness, youth and tranquility to it. In addition, parquet will look great against a black background, wooden furniture and other wood products.

What goes with dark blue wallpaper in the interior?

Dark blue wallpapers are best combined with brown, orange and yellow flowers, as well as various wooden elements and metallic shades (bronze, brass, gold plated and copper). This combination between cool and warm tones will give the interior a bold and chic look. An interesting note in the design of a room with dark blue walls will be brought by details in white, light blue, beige and wine red tones.

Also read:

Fashion trend - dark gray wallpaper for walls

Dark brown wallpaper for walls in the interior

Dark brown is the color of prosperity, elegance and chic. At the same time, it is neutral, which means that an interior with dark brown walls will well accept furniture and decor of almost any tones: white, beige, cream, blue, red, green, gray, black, etc. We can say that it is difficult to spoil it with anything. Note that light brown and wooden pieces of furniture can only emphasize the stylish chocolate shade of the walls.

Also read:

Dark wallpaper in green shades - 6 photos of rooms

Various warm shades brown and yellow will fit perfectly into the interior with dark green wallpaper, as you can see for yourself by looking at the photo below. Pair them with snowy white details for a fresh, natural feel.