What are the components of emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence - what does it consist of? Recognizing the emotions of others

Before building a goal, it is necessary to build a solid foundation so that it does not crumble and remain an unfulfilled dream. Finance loves certainty, and it can only be achieved by carefully controlling all income and expenses. Accounting allows you to clearly see the amount and purpose of all your expenses, understand where the bulk of the money goes and what expenses can be safely eliminated.

Founder of the startup Sky-Dacha Aina Aliyeva records income and expenses in a special notebook using colored pens. She records all receipts as income, including gifts and surprises from loved ones. With the help of accounting, after just a few months you can track where the money is going. Anna identifies several categories of expenses: bills, training, food, vacation. When future expenses are known and listed, goal setting and planning become easier.

Only when preparatory stage completed, you are ready to set the right, and most importantly, achievable goals. Perhaps at first the tasks will be simple: not to save money for a trip around the world, but to minimize expenses.

2. Set specific deadlines and amounts.

The formulation of a financial goal requires maximum specificity. This applies to both the amount you want to save and the time frame you have to achieve this goal.

Financier Nikita Borisov does not recommend using abstract formulations such as “I want to be rich” and “to have enough for everything.” A person always wants more, and his concepts of wealth transform along with income growth. Therefore, you need to immediately decide how much money will be needed to achieve what you want. An example of a well-set financial goal is to save 50,000 rubles by the end of August to buy a new refrigerator.

Commercial Director of ATOL company Oksana Kolchina calls for betting specific goals. Although the wording “I want to earn a million” names the required amount, it does not indicate how to use it. Will you keep your money in the bank or open your own business? Perhaps you need not a million, but 800,000 rubles? Do you need this money right away, or are you ready to receive it in parts? The lack of specifics raises many questions, which means you are unlikely to achieve your goals.

Properly formulated goals do not sound very intriguing. For example: to buy a refrigerator for the New Year, I will need 30,000 rubles. This means that every month I have to save 5,000 rubles.

3. Be realistic about your capabilities

Dreams are good, but they must be realistic. Earning 40,000 rubles a month and spending 30,000, you are unlikely to save a million rubles in a year. Awareness of this can completely demotivate you or lead to risky adventures such as buying cryptocurrencies or going to a casino. To prevent this from happening, the goal must be achievable. By counting all your expenses, you can easily calculate the amount you can save monthly. This should form the basis for further planning.

Maxim Sundalov, head of the online school in English EnglishDom believes that motivation is extremely important in achieving goals. That is why he recommends dividing one big, seemingly unattainable dream into several intermediate goals. By achieving them, you will be able to see results every day.

It is important that the goals you set are yours personally. You should not save for a car if you are afraid to drive and prefer cycling. Don't be persuaded by your parents to buy new apartment, if you dream of studying abroad.

In addition, financial goals should not only be aimed at improving life here and now. Don't forget to think about the future.

4. Prioritize

If you want to immediately save up to buy a home, car and travel package, you are unlikely to succeed in this. Decide which goal is your top priority and which can wait. And start saving for one thing.

Avetis Vartanov, head of training department at QBF, advises opening an individual investment account for monthly contributions. This product offers good returns and provides the owner with tax benefits.

As for small short-term goals, there may well be a few, but not too many. Experts advise limiting yourself to five so that the effectiveness of achieving your goal does not decrease.

5. Mark intermediate points

A strategic approach will help you set a goal correctly and quickly achieve it. Co-founder of the Fins.money service Vladimir Shabason suggests dividing the distance between the current state of affairs and the point where you plan to arrive into several parts and developing a separate strategy for each. Move gradually, first to the first intermediate point, then to the next, and so on until the final result is achieved. Then the final amount will not seem too big to you, and your dream will quietly become a reality.

6. Program your brain to achieve your goal.

There are certain techniques for working with the subconscious that will help you on the path to your dreams.

First, write on a piece of paper a list of 100 wishes that come to your mind first. Then read it and cross out half. Repeat this operation until 10-12 of the most important points remain on the sheet. This way, the goals that really matter to you will become deeply rooted in your subconscious, and your brain will be programmed to achieve them.

Work with visualization. For example, you calculated that you will have to save 25,000 monthly for an apartment worth 2,500,000 rubles. Divide the housing plan into 100 parts and hang it in a visible place. Every month after making your next payment, celebrate your new step towards your dream.

7. Don't be afraid to make adjustments

Not everything always goes according to plan, so you need to be prepared for possible adjustments based on changing conditions. You may have to increase the time frame for achieving your goal or reduce your current expenses. But this will not stop you from gradually approaching your dream.

Once a goal is achieved, immediately start looking for a new one. Otherwise, there will be no incentive to save, and the money earned will be spent aimlessly.

The main thing is not to be afraid to set goals and go towards them, no matter what. And believe that everything will work out.

Earn money for your dream!

Most people know that Oriflame is a cosmetics company where you can make money by selling cosmetics through catalogues, which is absolutely unacceptable for many due to lack of sales experience.

We once thought the same thing, until fate brought us together with those people who told us what Oriflame really is. Now is your time to find out the truth. Read carefully, it's very simple.

You can earn money in Oriflame in two ways:

First way- sell cosmetics through catalogs. After each person gets access to wholesale prices for products, which are 18% lower than catalog prices. Accordingly, if you sell at catalog prices, you will receive a small profit in the form of 18% of the catalog order amount. Many people at Oriflame work just like that, serving clients, without delving into the fact that the earning potential is much wider and more interesting than just sales.

Second way– organizing your structure and generating income from trade turnover. This is where the fun comes in! This is how you can earn serious money, and now we will tell you about it in detail.

What does it mean to organize your structure?

Let's start with a simple question: "InDo you wash your hair and brush your teeth every day?”, we hope you answered: “Of course, yes!” The most amazing thing is that a huge number of people in our country and around the world still wash their hair and brush their teeth :-), and it turns out, you can make great money from this. We need to ensure that everyone who washes their hair and brushes their teeth does so with shampoo and toothpaste from Oriflame. The question is how to do this?

The question is where to get this 1000 people. This is exactly what we teach.

Let’s say right away that you don’t need to personally find 1000 people, that would be wrong. This business is built differently. You have invited 5 active people. They are also interested in increasing their income and each of them brought 5 more, and those brought 5 more, and so on.

Just 5 generations deep, you need to teach people to do what you do yourself. People interested in income and training. And thus you will get a huge organization.

Your group can be very large and consist of thousands of people. And you can earn very, very, very much here. It all depends on how much time and effort you put into your business with Oriflame.

We put a lot of time and effort into it and this is what we got. Today there are tens of thousands of people in our group; in a month our group purchases cosmetics worth 20 million rubles. The company pays the interest due to us, and in addition to this, there are also bonuses for achieving new levels according to the marketing plan.

Who and how to invite to your group?

We have been doing business since 1998 and know many effective ways to do this - from inviting friends to using the Internet.

We believe that to begin with the simplest, most accessible and effective way Creating your own group is an invitation via the Internet. IN in social networks 100,000,000 people, among them you will always find those who are interested in increasing their income! There are also forums, blogs...

Any member of our team has the opportunity to receive their own website as a gift. Our team has developed a whole system that allows you to build your organization using the Internet as efficiently and quickly as possible. By joining our team, you get a proven, streamlined system, " ready business Full construction".

Let's summarize:

1. We know everything about this business.

2. Thousands of people in our team earn money with Oriflame, we will teach you too.

3. We have our own system for running this business. Now we work “On-line”, and also have extensive experience “Off-line”. In our free online training center, you will choose which method of increasing your Oriflame group suits you personally.

4. We are financially interested in your success, in your income. It is beneficial for us that you succeed, this is how the system of doing business with Oriflame works - we are successful only if you are successful.

5. You will be able to study at home, online, in free time, studying video materials from our training center. Training is free!

6. No financial investments! No investment!

7. You will need desire and hard work.

In general, stop doubting, register on our website and make sure that everything said above is not just words! Oriflame is an amazing business. This is a real chance to become not just wealthy, but a truly rich person.

Do you feel like life is passing you by?

Note 1. The article is protected by copyright law; copying and posting on third-party resources is prohibited.

Note 2: If you already have an Oriflame consultant number, please do not register on our website. We conduct ethical business and teach our partners to do the same. If you already have an Oriflame consultant number, but want to be registered in our team, then this can only be done according to Oriflame procedures, after deleting your old number.

- from the Erickson International Coaching University newsletter, August 8, 2016

In his works " Emotional intellect: why can it matter more than IQ?” and Emotional Intelligence at Work, Daniel Goleman described five different categories or components of emotional intelligence:

1 Self-awareness
An emotionally mature person understands both his strengths and areas for development, and how to act accordingly. This quality reveals confidence, which is different from overconfidence or low self-esteem, which is at the other end of the spectrum. People with high level People with emotional intelligence tend to cope better with criticism and can also use it to better understand and improve their lives.

2 Self-regulation
Living without feelings is the same as dying. To be absorbed in feelings is to fall into childhood. An emotionally mature person can contain and control his feelings and emotions appropriately in the appropriate situation. But this is not the same as hiding your feelings or extinguishing your emotions inside. A person with a high level of emotional intelligence can express their emotions sensibly, controlling and restraining them.

3 Motivation
Motivation has the most significant impact on both your career and life in general. Healthy self-motivation can help you respond better to life's setbacks and disappointments and help you face them with optimism and resilience.

4 Empathy
A healthy dose of empathy can greatly improve your quality of life and connection with people on an emotional level. The most recent business research also suggests that people who are naturally more empathic demonstrate more resilient leadership.

5 Social skills
A person with well-developed social skills enjoys being around people. Other people also enjoy being with him. Building relationships and communicating with people is the key to happiness.

How then can these five qualities improve our lives, and how can emotional intelligence make our lives more enjoyable? Developing the five components of emotional intelligence can significantly improve:

Family and interpersonal relationships
Increasing your self-awareness helps you develop better thoughts, behaviors, and feelings toward others. This leads to an increase in the level of public recognition, improved quality family life, friendship and romantic relationships. By better understanding ourselves, we can better understand other people. By restraining ourselves, we better control our emotions, which, in turn, helps improve personal and interpersonal relationships. It has been proven to not only increase happiness levels, but also increase the likelihood of success. Relationship problems are a major source of stress. Improving relationships helps better quality life.

Physical and emotional health
Various studies show that most physical illnesses are related to stress. Depression is a phenomenon that is becoming more dangerous every year and is a cause of divorce, has a detrimental effect on children and can even lead to suicide. As mentioned, developing our emotional intelligence helps reduce the likelihood of stress and depression, leading to a healthier physical and emotional life.

The best definition of life purpose
Doubts about your life's purpose are the main, if not the only, cause of depression or stress. People are scared by the unknown. For some people, striking a healthy balance between ambition and realistic expectations is a surprisingly difficult task. Increasing your self-awareness leads to a clearer understanding of your strengths and can help you realistically define your life purpose.

Although this article is dedicated to discussing the benefits of emotional intelligence, we cannot deny the fact that success is the key to happiness and quality of life. Emotional intelligence has been shown to increase the chances of success in both academic, professional and personal areas and is perhaps a more important factor in success than intelligence.
Maintaining a successful and healthy image life with a clear life goal, certainly makes emotional intelligence worth considering.

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify, use, understand and manage one's own emotions in a positive way, for example to relieve stress, overcome difficulties and defuse conflicts. This ability also allows you to recognize the emotional state of other people.

Emotional intelligence can be improved at any time in life.

However, there is a big difference between studying emotional intelligence and applying it in practice. You may know you need to take certain steps, but that doesn't mean you'll take them, especially if you're in under stress. In order to change your behavioral habits, you need to learn to cope with.

Emotional intelligence generally consists of five components:

  • Self-knowledge. You acknowledge your own emotions and understand how they influence your thoughts and behavior. You know your strengths and weaknesses, you have confidence in your own abilities.
  • Self-control. You know how to control impulsive feelings, manage your emotions in relationships, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.
  • Empathy. Do you know how to develop and maintain a good relationship, easily communicate, inspire and guide other people.
  • Motivation. You imagine your goal and are clearly aware of each next step towards your dream.
  • Social skills. You can understand the emotions, needs and problems of other people, recognize nonverbal cues, feel comfortable in society, determine a person’s status in a group or organization, resolve conflicts within a team.

Why emotional intelligence is so important

Life shows that it is not always smart people achieve success and high social status. Surely you remember a couple of people who have excellent academic knowledge, but at the same time are socially incompetent both at work and in their personal lives.

A high IQ does not guarantee success in your career and family. Yes, he will help you get into a prestigious educational institution, but only emotional intelligence will help you when you need to calm down your emotions before final exams. In tandem, IQ and EQ reinforce each other.

Thus, emotional intelligence affects:

  • School performance and productivity at work. Emotional intelligence can help you navigate complex situations. social connections in the workplace, become a leader and motivate others, succeed in your career. Many companies evaluate the emotional intelligence of candidates during an interview, considering it to be at least important characteristic than professional competencies.
  • Physical health. If you can't manage your emotions, you probably can't manage stress. This can lead to serious health problems. Uncontrolled stress increases blood pressure, suppresses the immune system, increases the risk of heart attack, promotes infertility and accelerates aging.
  • Mental condition. Uncontrolled emotions and stress affect mental health, making us vulnerable to anxiety and depression. If you don't manage your own emotions, you won't be able to build strong relationships. As a result, a feeling of loneliness and isolation will come.
  • Relationship. By understanding and managing your own emotions, you will learn to express yourself and feel those around you. This will allow you to communicate more effectively and build trust.

What will help you develop emotional intelligence?

1. Self-knowledge

Psychologists argue that current experiences are a reflection of earlier emotional experiences. This means that your ability to perceive anger, sadness, fear and joy is likely influenced by the quality and intensity of your emotions early in life.

If you have valued and understood your emotions in the past, they will become valuable assets in the future. If the experience was painful and confusing, you will probably do everything possible to distance yourself from it. However, you should not distance yourself even from negative feelings, because acceptance and awareness of your emotional state- the key to understanding how experiences affect your thoughts and actions.

Ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are the emotions accompanied by physical sensations in the stomach, throat, or chest?
  • Have you ever experienced feelings that were clearly reflected in your facial expressions?
  • Can you experience strong feelings that completely absorb your attention and the attention of others?
  • Do you monitor your emotions when making decisions?

If there is even one negative answer, your emotions are suppressed or turned off. In order to have healthy emotional intelligence, you must open up to experiences and let them into your comfort zone.


Here are the surest ways to improve self-knowledge:

  • Practice mindfulness. That is, deliberately focusing attention on the present moment. Mindfulness is often associated with Buddhism, but most of the world's religions practice something similar in the form of prayer. It relieves anxiety, calms and invigorates, and builds character.
  • Keep a diary. At the end of each day, write down what happened to you, how you felt and how you dealt with difficulties. Periodically look back and analyze typical situations, note where you did not push or overdid it.
  • Ask your loved ones who they see you as. Feedback from multiple people will reveal your strengths and weaknesses. Don't forget to record everything and look for patterns. The main thing is not to argue or object. It is important for you to look at yourself through someone else's eyes.

2. Self-control

Awareness of feelings is the first step to emotional management. You must use your emotions to accept. Constructive decisions and build a line of behavior. When you become overly stressed, you may lose control and become less thoughtful.

Remember how easy it is to think rationally in a state of overstrain. Probably not. This happens because the brain withdraws from thought processes and switches to an overabundance of feelings.

Emotions are important pieces of information that tell us about ourselves and others. However, under stress, we become depressed and lose control of ourselves. Learn to cope with stress. This will help you control feelings and behavior, manage relationships, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to a changing world.


So how can you learn self-control? Surely you've heard about the old-fashioned method of counting to ten when you're angry.

It is not always possible to suppress anger or depression, however, a physical push will be appropriate. If you feel tired, do some exercises. If you can't muster the strength, slap yourself in the face. In general, use any physical force that will produce mild shock and break the vicious cycle.

3. Empathy

We constantly focus on what is most important to us. However, our emotions are only half of the relationship. All other people also have their own feelings, desires, triggers and fears. Therefore, empathy is an extremely important life skill.


Try out a few tips to help you become an empath:

  • Talk less, listen more. This Golden Rule any sincerely empathetic person. Of course, you cannot let the whole gamut of another person’s feelings pass through you, but you can try to hear him. Just let the person speak without interrupting him with your thoughts. This is difficult, especially if there are strong negative emotions. However, almost any connection will become stronger just because you ask before entering into a conversation.
  • Accept the opposite opinion despite your own position. To understand what motivates a person, you need to be in his place. If you think your boss is being reckless, try to justify it in your head. Perhaps you would do the same if you were in his shoes.
  • Understand the difference between saying “I know” and “I understand.” The first indicates that you supposedly had a similar life experience. The second indicates that you thought about the situation and played it out on your own behalf. Of course, understanding other people's problems is a more trusting and truthful level of relationship.

Empathy involves your reaction, but it must come at the right time. If someone is about to burst into tears or is in deep pain, don't try to numb the feelings. The person needs to express his emotions, and he will need your help.

4. Motivation

When we talk about motivation as a component of emotional intelligence, we mean the inner core, and not the psychological strength to get your body out of bed. As psychologists say, our core is located in the prefrontal cortex of the brain. She begins to be active at the mere thought of performing a significant task.

The goal can be a career, a family, a piece of art, or anything as long as it has significant meaning in your life. When motivation gets down to business, it combines with reality, and we take real actions. To start a family, motivated people start dating. To advance in their careers, motivated people undertake self-education.


How to find your core? First of all, you need to find out own values. Many of us are so busy that we don’t have time to dig into ourselves and determine our priorities. It’s even worse if a person does work that directly contradicts his worldview and principles.

Secondly, you should transfer your goal to paper and write it down in detail. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that great success is greatly extended over time. It consists of small victories and the bitterness of defeats.

5. Social skills

Social skills are the ability to understand what people around you constantly address to you. These signals give a clear picture of what a person is experiencing and what is truly important to him. In order to accept nonverbal signals, you need to suspend your thoughts, not think about the goals and objectives that you are pursuing while being next to the person.


Social skills cannot work for you if you are thinking about something other than the current event. When we are immersed in memories or transported to the future, we are simply not in the present. This makes it difficult to pick up on subtle nonverbal cues.

Don't be under any illusions about multitasking. Yes, we can switch between topics very quickly, but in the transition we lose the subtle emotional shift that helps us understand other people.

Social skills are good to improve by resolving disagreements:

  • Make time for each other and then return to the problem. IN romantic relationships It is necessary to remind your partner that behind criticism there is care and love.
  • Make sure both parties are clear about the cause of the conflict. Offer a mutually beneficial solution that takes into account mutual desires and eliminates additional requirements.
  • End on one note, even if it's not entirely positive. Let your boss, colleague or significant other know that you are moving in the same direction, albeit with different points vision.

Along with conflict resolution, you need to teach yourself to get to know each other, maintain a conversation, and play. At the same time, it is advisable to study in advance the mentality of people of different nations.