Drawing of an interior door. Interior door design: review from experts. The importance of careful preparation of wood for door installation

Owners of city apartments often argue among themselves whether to buy interior doors or make them themselves. The dispute divides people into two groups. The main thing is to understand or take into account the fact that doors can have different designs. They are the ones that cause difficulties in production and in the process of discussion on this topic. Despite the division of opinions, you can make interior doors with your own hands.

Design features

An interior door is an important part of the interior of the room and the entire apartment. Doors make us feel protected in our home. They play various key roles - they provide isolation of residents from odors arising in the kitchen, various noises coming from children's rooms, etc. Today, two classes of interior doors can be distinguished:

  • paneled;
  • panel

They differ from each other in design features. Paneled doors consist of a frame and glass panels inserted into it. The area highlighted by thin profiled frames and a plastic or wooden shield is called a panel.

Paneled doors

Paneled doors have increased soundproofing properties and low weight. It is not easy to make such products yourself, since the design is quite complex, and you are unlikely to get by with just one video or a selection of photos about the production of such interior doors.

Panel doors

Panel doors, on the contrary, are quite suitable for self-equipping residential buildings. They have a smooth panel in their design, which can be lined with plywood or plastic. The main advantage of such doors is affordable price and excellent quality. In addition, these doors are considered universal, as they are suitable for both rooms and bathrooms.

Existing coatings

There are four main types of coatings that are used today in the manufacture of doors:

  • veneering;
  • coloring;
  • lamination;
  • toning.

The most simple methods- This is coloring and tinting.


Door manufacturers mainly paint solid wood and MDF products. The canvas is covered with one or several layers of paint. The quality and service life of such doors depends on the quality of materials and equipment that were used by the manufacturing company.


During the tinting process, doors are coated with special varnish compounds, which can be transparent or translucent. Using this method, you can emphasize the texture of the wood as much as possible, since small dents and small scratches remain on soft wood.


In the process of laminating doors, specialists use the method of pressing a film onto the base without glue. The film can be paper or plastic. The first option is more common.


In this case, the surface of the door is covered with a thin film at least a millimeter thick. Veneer is usually applied to a substrate, after which it is coated with varnish compounds. Veneering is required for solid wood and interior doors made of MDF boards.

Types of interior doors

Exist different types interior doors that differ from each other in the way they open. Among them there are five main types, such as:

  • pendulum;
  • swing;
  • sliding;
  • folding;
  • stables

Swing doors

These products are the most common among all. They open in a certain direction and can consist of one or two doors. If the canvases have different widths, such doors are called one and a half doors. According to installation methods, swing doors are divided into left and right. The only drawback of the products is the relatively large space occupied when opening.


This subtype of doors is distinguished by a swing opening system with some zest. Their main distinctive feature is the possibility of opening in two directions. This characteristic does not make the doors popular, since not all apartment owners choose them. Swinging doors are rarely installed in city apartments, but you can see them quite often at the entrances to subways. Pendulum doors can be plastic, aluminum and glass. In the photo you can see what they look like.


Such doors are opened by sliding the leaf inside the wall or along guide rails. The products have an aesthetic appearance, especially when they are moved inside the partition. Sliding doors are great for tight spaces because they don't require much space to open.

Folding doors

This type of interior door is created from individual panels 10-15 cm wide. When opened, they fold towards one of the edges of the opening and can even be hidden in the wall. The main differences between the doors are their lightness and silent sliding of the panels, which is due to the bearings built into the rollers. The panels can be glazed or solid. Glazing is usually done using ordinary or stained glass, but such structures cost approximately twice as much as solid options.


This is one of the types of simple swing doors. Initially, they were used only in stables, which is why the doors got their name. Stable doors consist of two halves with their own locks and hinges. This type of interior doors is most popular in Western countries. In a home environment, these products can act as protection for animals, since the lower part will block their path to the street.

Materials used

In ancient times, doors were made from natural wood, but as the years go by, today there are numerous substitutes that imitate natural wood. Artificial and combined materials are cheaper than natural wood. At the same time, we cannot assume that the technology for producing interior wooden doors is a thing of the past. On the contrary, today such doors are especially highly valued and occupy a leading position on the market. So what materials are used?


The most popular coniferous species for the production of doors is pine, which is common due to its affordable cost. Wood coated with transparent varnish has an aesthetic appearance due to light shade and a pattern with dark splashes. It should be noted that pine is quite soft material, which can be damaged even with a slight blow from a sharp object.

Door installers believe that pine interior doors should not be installed in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom, swimming pool, winter Garden. The fact is that changes in humidity levels cause drying and desiccation of the material and its deformation. Perhaps everything would be so if it did not exist special means for processing wood of any species.

Beech, maple, oak and mahogany are more expensive, but also look much more attractive. The cost of such wood species depends on the strength and aesthetics of the wood compared to other species. With proper production, processing and installation, the service life of doors made from such materials exceeds tens of years.

Artificial materials

To make interior doors with your own hands, you can use MDF or chipboard, which cannot be compared with natural wood in terms of strength and durability. However, these materials are much cheaper than natural wood. The service life of doors is shorter, and the environmental properties of doors are in doubt, despite the assurances of manufacturers.

Interior doors made from combined materials are mainly made from chipboard, MDF and expensive veneer. When the canvas is covered with expensive veneer, it is difficult to distinguish the door from natural solid wood externally, since the veneer is made from wood. As for service life and strength, it can be noted that these doors are not inferior to natural wooden products in these parameters. In addition, combined materials are cheaper, and they are not afraid of temperature and humidity changes.


If we consider the materials that are used to produce interior doors, glass cannot be missed. Inserts from it in the doors originally decorate the product and the interior, carrying a certain functionality. Due to the inserted glass, it penetrates into the room through the door daylight, and this is important in the case of darkened rooms.

Due to the variety of colored shades of glass, you can create different designs in the room. Glass can be different:

  • multi-colored;
  • matte;
  • transparent;
  • with patterns and drawings.

The safest are tempered glasses, which, when broken, scatter into small pieces that are not capable of cutting human skin. Tempered glass is recommended to be used to create doors to a children's room.


Very often, metal is used to produce interior doors, from which handles and hinges are made. The cost of accessories depends on its appearance, ease of use of the product and its coating. Loops are detachable and universal. The advantages of detachable hinges include quick and easy dismantling of the structure.

To remove the canvas, you need to lift it up, and it will come off the hinges. Unlike universal hinges, such hinges open the door to the left or to the right. Universal hinges are used to open a door in a specific direction. It is more difficult to dismantle a door with universal hinges.

To dismantle such doors, you need to disassemble the hinge by pulling out the rod located in the middle. In stores and at the market you can find hinges that will allow you to open the door in two directions, depending on the direction in which the person is walking. Also, the cost depends on the design and material used from which the door handles are made.


Remember about such an insignificant, at first glance, material as a seal. At closed door it is not visible, but it performs important functions:

  • increasing sound insulation properties;
  • prevention of heat losses;
  • an obstacle to the penetration of foreign odors and dust into the room.

Seals are made from different materials and there may be different colors and sizes.

Preparing tools for making a door

Creating paneled doors is not an easy process, requiring some skills, knowledge and experience. However, at the same time, some interior doors are easy to manufacture and do not require special skills. To make such doors you will need a small set of tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisel or knife;
  • tape measure or meter;
  • coarse sandpaper.

The materials you will need are the following:

  • fairly thick boards up to 50 mm thick or timber for the box: a pair of timber for the vertical part and one for the horizontal;
  • beams or slats for the frame: two long for the vertical part and three short for the horizontal;
  • accessories in the form of hinges, handles, locks;
  • finishing materials such as veneer plywood, decorative film, varnish, paint;
  • glue and screws;
  • Fibreboard for door trim on both sides.

Manufacturing process

There are openings in the walls of apartments and houses into which doors need to be installed. If this is an entrance opening, it is better to install steel door. The most affordable one is the one created with your own hands from a photo. You can also upgrade a store-bought product. To do this, you need to dismantle the canvas and lay it on the floor. Then you should remove the fittings and imagine how it will look after the improvements.

Consider what surface the door will have - solid or in the form of a window frame. The second option is more difficult to implement, but the first also has its own characteristics. For example, you will have to remove the old layer of paint from a fairly large area.

We will look at the process of creating doors with window frames, talk about the equipment used and the process of covering the surface with veneer.


The first thing you need to do is markup. To do this, use a large square and a marker to draw lines on the surface of the door along the paint. You need to make a few indentations on the sides:

  • top – at least 16 cm;
  • bottom – at least 50 cm;
  • on the sides about 10-11 cm.

We remove unnecessary things

After applying the markings and selecting a fragment of the canvas to get rid of, you need to arm yourself with a drill and make 5-7 holes in the adjusted corners with a pitch of about 3-5 mm. After this, you need to make cuts using a hacksaw. Make sure all lines are perfectly straight.

Creating frames

It is necessary to remove the sawn piece and insert it along the contour of the binding wooden slats, smearing them with wood glue. Inside the original frames you need to place cardboard sheathing panels or plywood.

Sometimes when installing slats, the cardboard ribs between the sheathing get in the way, so they can be broken out to the desired depth using pliers. The glue will dry for several hours, but wait completely dry not necessary. You can secure all the slats around the perimeter with small nails, recessing the caps into the trim.

Now the interior door is ready for installation, and you know how to choose the material and know what tools may be required. After this practice, you will be able to create more complex products with your own hands, looking at the corresponding photos.

Manufacturers are increasingly using composite materials, plastic, and steel to make doors. However, the tree has not lost its popularity. Durable and warm material ideal for entrance doors to the house. The boards are used to independently assemble canvas for outbuildings and baths. Making a wooden door with your own hands is not difficult. You just need to have good board and a set of tools.

When producing wooden doors, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of the material. The final result depends on this. The main difference between wood is its hardness. Soft woods are easy to work with, but are less resistant to moisture. This material is suitable for interior doors. Process hard wood hand tools difficult, but the material is more resistant to moisture. This wood is suitable for making entrance doors.

When talking about wood species, it is worth considering the resin content of the material. Larch takes first place in this regard. A product made from it will withstand dampness for a long time. Resin protects against rotting.

The following requirements apply to choosing a board:

  • minimum number of knots;
  • wood moisture content no more than 15%;
  • perfect evenness.

For outbuildings, used material taken from the dismantling of old buildings is suitable. Beautiful doors It is better to make one for the house from a new board.


  1. Birch quite hard and difficult to process, but has an attractive texture.
  2. Beech characterized by increased strength, but deforms with changes in humidity.
  3. Alder soft and rots quickly in high humidity.
  4. Oak hard, tends to split, but is resistant to dampness and beautiful.
  5. Nut It has an interesting texture, is easy to process, and is not afraid of moisture and mechanical stress.
  6. Maple moderately hard, well processed, moderately resistant to dampness.

For the manufacture of wooden entrance doors, oak or beech is most often used.


  1. From coniferous species considered the most popular pine. Soft wood is easy to process, but does not withstand moisture well. The material is best used in the manufacture of wooden interior doors.
  2. Larch characterized by a beautiful texture and great resinity. Solid wood perfectly resists moisture, which makes it possible to use the board for assembling entrance doors.
  3. Spruce knotty, lighter and softer than pine, slightly inferior in strength.


In production, special machines are used to make wooden doors.

  • Reismus necessary for processing the board. The most productive are double-sided planing machines, cleaning the workpiece in one pass.
  • Without milling machine Manufacturing wooden doors is not possible. With its help they do locking connections on boards, chamfers are selected, and shaped blanks are processed.
  • When gluing overlays to a wooden frame, use press.
  • Circular saw loosen the board to the desired size.

To make wooden interior doors with your own hands at home, no one will buy expensive machines. An electric one is suitable for unraveling the board. disk saw.

You can select grooves and process the surface of the workpieces manual router.

Additionally, you should have on hand:

  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • grinder;
  • chisels, mallet, corner, level, tape measure.

To paint the door leaf, it is advisable to use a compressor with an air gun.

Necessary materials

To make a wooden door with your own hands you will need the following materials:

  • dry tongue and groove board;

  • self-tapping screws;

During the purchase, the thickness of the boards is selected taking into account the installation location of the door leaf. For interior door 25 mm thick wood is sufficient. For the front door, use a 50 mm thick board. After purchasing, it is advisable to dry the wooden blanks by laying them on a flat surface using pads.

Additionally, they buy a wooden entrance door mortise lock, hinges, handles, viewing eye. For an interior door, it is enough to take hinges and a handle with a latch.

How to make a wooden door?

When assembling a simple wooden door with your own hands, a drawing or complex diagram is not needed. It is enough to measure the height and width of the door leaf. The dimensions of the sash are calculated so that it fits into the grooves of the door frame, leaving a gap of about 5 mm around the perimeter. When making a wooden door, the main elements are prepared: a tongue-and-groove board with a tongue-and-groove lock for the door leaf and a crossbar made from edged blanks.

Consists of step-by-step instruction Assembling a wooden door with your own hands using the following steps:

  • the boards are sawn to the height of the future canvas and laid out on flat surface observing one direction of the pattern of annual rings;
  • the tenons with grooves are lubricated with wood glue, all the boards are connected, tightly squeezing the canvas with a clamp;
  • After the glue has dried on the outermost plank, the tenon is cut off from the end of the product, and the entire surface of the shield is milled and polished.

  • To prevent the sash from falling apart, the structure is secured with cross members. Edged board shape into a trapezoid, grooves are made on the canvas to a depth of 1/3 of the thickness wooden blank and lubricate them with wood glue. The crossbars are inserted into the recesses by tapping with a mallet. For reliability, you can fix it with self-tapping screws.
  • To make the sash last longer, treatment is performed antiseptic impregnations. If it is necessary to install a double-glazed window on a wooden door, a window is cut out in the panel using a jigsaw. A board is nailed to the center of the end of the entire perimeter of the opening - a stop for two glasses. After installing the double-glazed window, the edges are framed with glazing beads or decorative strips.

If thick fabric is required, the sash is made of two layers. In the two-layer technology for manufacturing a wooden door, the perpendicularity of the boards of both panels is maintained. Glue them together with wood glue.


Assemble warm wooden doors for a private house without special effort can be made from boards with dowels. The manufacturing technology consists of the following steps:

Typically, solid doors for entering a house are made of oak, beech or cedar. The canvas can be decorated in an antique style or given modern style. A simple wooden door, assembled with your own hands from a pine board, will fit into a bathhouse or barn.


A panel door is a budget option. The frame is a rectangular frame made of boards. Fiberboard sheets are glued to both sides. In industrial conditions, additional veneer or laminate cladding is used. Another feature of the door design is the filling of the frame voids with insulation from wood waste: sawdust, shavings, small chips, corrugated cardboard.

Let's look at how to make a wooden panel door out of boards with your own hands step by step:

  • A fiberboard sheet is cut to the size of the sash, as well as blanks from boards for the frame;
  • all elements are laid out on a flat surface, connected to each other with wood glue and self-tapping screws;

  • the bottom panel made of fiberboard with a wooden frame has formed voids, which are covered with sawdust;
  • The upper part of the frame is smeared with glue, a second fiberboard panel is laid and the entire sash is pressed with a press.

You can glue veneer on top of the finished door leaf as a finish, and round off the sharp corners with a router.


The design of panel doors consists of a frame made of timber, inside of which a set of horizontal crossbars, vertical lintels, and mullions are inserted. As a result, cells are formed for inserting the panel. The technology allows you to make a wooden door with glass, plastic, and other materials. The strength of the web depends on the number of crossbars.

The panel is cut to such a size that it fits into the cell with a gap of 2 mm. Glass inserts or fiberboard are immediately secured with glazing beads. The edges of a thick panel of plywood or chipboard are milled until they become 2 mm thinner than the grooves cut on the frame. The last to be attached are the framing beads.


Decorating a homemade wooden door begins with sanding. Next, the treatment is carried out with an antiseptic that protects the wood from dampness and pests. After drying, the surface of the door is covered with two layers of primer or putty. Finishing layer paint or varnish is applied.

If there professional tool, as well as certain skills, the canvas is decorated with carvings, stencils are cut out and even a mosaic is made.

Sections of the article:

Often, when choosing from a wide range of door designs, a person cannot choose a door that is ideal in all respects. Many people end up choosing one of the most functional models. Others decide to manufacture wooden doors that fully meet the owner’s requirements on their own.

There is no doubt that having carpentry skills is a significant advantage. However, if desired, even a person without such experience, through diligence, improvisation and with the help of some instructions, is able to make the necessary structure.

Material for work

Popular and inexpensive material, suitable for making doors, are lumber from pine trees. The use of spruce is undesirable, since the structure of the tree is quite unstable and during processing it forms a large number of knots and chips.

Making beautiful and smooth doors from pine wood means, first of all, right choice and board preparation technology. It is necessary to choose lumber with an even structure, without obvious chips or flaws. You also need to pay attention to the color of the boards. The presence of some blue on the surface of the boards is direct evidence of gross violations in storage technology. The use of such boards is highly undesirable, since rotting processes will soon begin in them.

Board drying technology

For absolute confidence in the quality of the material used, and subsequently the entire door structure, after purchasing the boards must be additionally dried. This must be done even if their appearance is perfect. To do this, each of the boards is laid on a spacer that separates the bars so that they do not come into contact with each other in a warm room with low humidity.

The manufacture of wooden doors using such manipulations is necessary to remove excess moisture, which is necessarily located inside the wood fibers. If you miss this stage, mold will grow in the material, which will subsequently destroy the door made from such boards.

The place for drying wood must meet the following parameters:

  • Air temperature not lower than 25°C;
  • Low humidity level;
  • Good ventilation.

Under such conditions, the drying stage takes about 1.5-2 months. However, this process can be significantly accelerated by using special cameras. In such rooms, the air temperature is pumped to about 50°C, but this value must not be exceeded.

The production of wooden doors in violation of technology and exceeding the permissible temperature during drying will entail the leakage of resinous substances from the wood, the main function of which is to bind wood fibers.

The drying chamber can be installed in any suitable location, be it a garage, warehouse or barn. In the process of such drying, lumber is laid in the same way as when drying without air heating.

Required tools and materials

To make a high-quality structure that can effectively absorb noise and protect from cold, you must have the following tools:

  • Set of dried boards;
  • Fiberboard sheets;
  • Insulation material;
  • Wood glue;
  • Roulette;
  • Level;
  • Plane;
  • Chisel;
  • Drill;
  • Hammer with nails and screws;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Fraser;
  • Door hinges.

As the technology for manufacturing wooden doors requires, one side of the door leaf must be made completely flat and covered with fiberboard, followed by laying insulation.


Based internal dimensions door frame, the dimensions of the future door are calculated. In addition, it is important to determine the size of the gaps at the top and bottom. When the measurements are made, it is necessary to cut a rectangle from a sheet of fiberboard that repeats the shape and dimensions of the future door. During the manufacturing process it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the corners. Their dimensions should be exactly 90°.

For standard box with dimensions of 200 * 90 cm, it is necessary to plan 2 boards to a thickness of 50 mm and a width of 110 mm. Since gaps are necessary for the door to move freely, the canvas should be planed to dimensions of 192*82 cm. For entrance structure panels are often used in the amount of 5 pieces. This allows the use of whole pieces of lumber.

Next, you need to cut 2 boards of 192 cm in length and 4 pieces of 72 cm in length. In addition, it is necessary to take into account studs measuring 50 mm on each side. When producing wooden doors, it is best to use a strictly symmetrical arrangement of panels. However, if it is necessary to create doors with asymmetrical shapes, the parts will be secured in the required place. This structure will not affect the functionality of the product. But do not forget about the 50 mm grooves.

During the test assembly of parts, if the elements match completely and there are no gaps in the grooves, the structure is assembled with gluing. If it is necessary to further strengthen the structure at the joints, you can drive in choppers 10 mm wide. After the glue has dried, it is necessary to level the structure until it is completely smooth.

When producing wooden doors, to secure the panels, it is necessary to choose a suitable material that is half as thin as the base material.

Making panels

These elements are cut from solid wood. The panel should fit tightly into the groove without leaving any gaps. One side should be completely smooth. The other, if desired, can be decorated with carvings or in any other way. The panels, in order to avoid subsequent deformation of the fiberboard sheet, during installation should be located at the same level as the main surface.

After checking the accuracy of the relationship of all parameters, the panels are secured using self-tapping screws, which are placed at an angle from the side of the subsequent lining of the fiberboard sheet. To add aesthetics ready product covered paint and varnish materials or stain.

Installation of hinges

The next step in making wooden doors with your own hands is installing hinges. One of the most popular are semi-hinged products. With their help, the door is installed by placing the door hinges on the axle from above in the open position.

Initially, the loops are marked on the end of the canvas and the box. The hinges themselves are attached to the canvas using self-tapping screws of suitable size. If distortions occur, it is necessary to adjust the position of the hinges. Otherwise, the structure will be subject to independent opening or closing.


In most cases, the production of wooden doors also involves insulating them and ensuring sound-absorbing properties. To achieve this effect, it is possible to use external upholstery of the product. This is done by gluing the fiberboard canvas with a layer of foam rubber, retreating 10 mm from each edge. Subsequently, a decorative strip will be nailed onto these free strips. outer material. However, this option is more suitable for entrance doors.

Insulation interior fabric The easiest way to do this is by filling the voids under the fiberboard sheet with a layer of cotton wool or foam rubber.

Today we will tell you about what types of interior door designs exist and what you should pay attention to when choosing them.

Often, a buyer in a store chooses a door based on its appearance. This is of course important. But no less important is its design feature: what it is made of, how it will behave in certain conditions.

Despite the huge selection, they can be divided into the following main types:
  • Natural array.
  • Paneled.
  • Shield ones.

Each of these types, based on a number of features of the composite material, production method, coating and appearance, has several design options.

Canvases of this type are produced in two ways: from solid wood and from spliced ​​wooden blocks. The first option is rarely found on sale due to its high price.

The spliced ​​solid wood structure has the following characteristics and composition:

  • These fabrics are made by gluing onto tenons solid wood . At the same time, maximum durability of the canvas is achieved due to the absence of sampling of knots and resin formations from the tree.
  • The wood is dried before entering the conveyor. At the exit, its humidity does not exceed 8 percent.
  • Different types of wood are used in production: valuable – oak, walnut, mahogany; economy class - pine. Pine wood is more common because it costs much less than its counterparts.

Important! If you decide to update your interior with a door made of natural solid wood, then purchase 3 hinges for it. This type is very heavy!

  • Wooden ones have excellent sound insulation(cm. ) . However, they do not differ in increased moisture resistance. To increase the service life of such canvases, varnish coatings are applied to them in several thin layers. How thinner layer, the better the structure of the tree is preserved.

Benefits from natural wood: “solid” appearance, fairly high strength, extended service life, environmental friendliness, diversity color shades(cm. ).

The disadvantages include the high weight of natural canvases, the rather high cost and the instability of the wood itself to withstand high humidity.

The modern design using panels has the following features:

  • Canvas- consist of three main parts: frame (frame), paneled insert and finishing coating.
  • Frame elements- made from glued timber. The main material for it is pine.
  • – this is an insert (filler). She serves link for the main frame. Made from MDF or chipboard. To secure the panel more firmly in the frame, solid wood glazing beads are sometimes used.
  • MDF– environmentally friendly and reliable material. In its production, small shavings are used, which are bonded using a natural adhesive. This substance is released when wood is heated.
  • Chipboardparticle board. It is cheaper compared to MDF. But it has a lower moisture resistance coefficient.
  • To increase strength, additional transverse inserts made of wooden beams are used. In any model, it is mandatory to strengthen the “lock” part of the canvas. That is, at the place where the lock is inserted (95-100 cm from the bottom edge of the canvas).

Important! The more panels separated by timber, the stronger it is.

There are combined paneled doors. The bottom of their canvas consists of wooden frame and panels, and the top is hollow with honeycomb filling.

External covering of paneled interior doors

The protective function in the paneled structure is performed by the decorative outer layer. It is made from various materials: natural veneer, fine-line (fine-line) and laminate. Additional protection is varnish applied in several layers or paint.

  • Natural veneer is a thin cut of wood 0.5-07 mm thick. Besides protective function Sliced ​​veneer is of no small importance in aesthetic terms. It preserves the entire structure of natural wood. It is made mainly from the following species: beech, oak, walnut, ash.
  • Eco-veneer (fine-line) is manufactured using excellent technology. First, thin sections are made (like natural ones). Next, these sections are laid in the direction of the fibers and pressed into slabs with the addition of special resins and coloring fillers. After this, a cut is made across the fibers.

Important! Eco-veneer - the most durable decorative coating of the common ones. It has excellent moisture-proof properties. With such a coating you can install it in the bathroom without fear.

  • To increase the service life of the veneer, an MDF backing is inserted between it and the main structure of the veneer. Its thickness varies from 3.5 to 6 millimeters.
  • Laminated coating. It costs less than veneer, but is also inferior in quality. If you decide to buy with laminate, then check that all its edges are securely taped.
  • High enamels. Coating with high-quality “high” wood enamels in several layers significantly increases the cost of the finished product.

Panel door design

There are two design varieties: hollow with filler and solid:

  • The hollows have a frame made of spliced ​​wooden beams, inner filler(most often a cell phone), an MDF substrate and a decorative protective coating.
  • The internal cellular filler is made of cardboard or hardboard. It has a structure reminiscent of a honeycomb. The main properties: strength and noise reduction depend on the size of the cell in diameter. The denser the material and smaller sizes honeycomb of filler, the higher these properties are.
  • At the place where the lock is attached (see) there is reinforcement made of timber.
  • The outer backing of the MDF sheet is veneered or laminated for protection.

The advantage of hollow panel doors is light weight, low cost and lack of “guiding” of the canvas due to design features.

Flaws - low level strength and sound insulation.

  • In solid panel doors, one or more chipboard slabs serve as a filler. If there are several of them, then between them there are special elastic pads made of cork material.
  • An MDF gasket is glued to the chipboard, and then veneer or laminate is applied.

Glazing of an interior door

How are glazed interior doors made? Glass has a number of undeniable advantages over solid canvases - a more aesthetic appearance and the ability to transmit additional light into the room.

There are several design features of glazed panels:

  • The glass is inserted and removed thanks to a slot in the upper end (see). This type is typical for paneled doors. With this production method, they use inexpensive glass: matte, sprayed and fusing.
  • The glass is solid from the top to the bottom edge of the canvas. This design uses high-quality glass - triplex. Glass surface is impact resistant. On the sides of the canvas there are wooden blocks with a groove into which glass is inserted to a depth of about 50 mm. To ensure secure fastening, silicone sealant is applied to the grooves.
  • During the production of the canvas, glass is inserted from the side and then covered with the side of the frame. This method is used in collapsible types. Their frame is not tightly glued, but is tightened with anchors, which are hidden under the edge finishing coating.