How much early white cabbage? White cabbage. Useful properties of white cabbage and its composition

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Brassica oleracea) is two years old vegetable crop, belongs to the family Cruciferous. A head of cabbage is nothing more than an overgrown bud of a plant, formed due to an increase in the number of leaves. The head of cabbage grows in the first year of the plant's life; if it is not cut, a stem with leaves and small yellow flowers is formed at the top, which eventually turn into seeds.

White cabbage - favorite garden culture, due to its unpretentiousness to soil composition and weather conditions, it grows almost everywhere, with the only exceptions being deserts and Far North(calorizer). Cabbage ripens in 25-65 days, depending on the variety and the availability of light.

Calorie content of white cabbage

Calorie content white cabbage is 27 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of white cabbage

White cabbage contains enough vitamins and minerals to become a permanent and complete product for anyone who cares about their health. IN chemical composition cabbage contains: vitamins, as well as rare fiber and coarse dietary fiber.

The medicinal properties of cabbage have been known for a long time; leaves of white cabbage were applied to inflamed areas and strained veins; such a compress, left overnight, reduced swelling and unpleasant and painful sensations. Cabbage also has anti-inflammatory properties, it has a stimulating effect on the body's metabolic processes, stimulates the production of gastric juice, and has a positive effect on cardiac activity. The product is useful for gout, kidney disease, cholelithiasis and ischemia.

Harm of white cabbage

White cabbage should not be included in the diet of people with high acidity of gastric juice, with a predisposition to indigestion, enteritis and colitis.

Varieties of white cabbage

White cabbage has early, middle, late varieties and hybrids. The most popular varieties are:

  • Early - Aladdin, Delphi, Nakhodka, Golden Hectare, Zora, Pharaoh, Yaroslavna;
  • Medium - Belarusian, Megaton, Slava, Gift;
  • Late - Atria, Snow White, Valentina, Lennox, Sugarloaf, Extra.

White cabbage of early varieties and hybrids cannot be stored; it has a very tender leaves, therefore it must be eaten immediately after cutting; preparations are also not made from it. Medium-grade cabbage is a little coarser in the condition of the leaves, but it can already be processed and stored for a short time. The most productive varieties are late varieties; such cabbage is very dense, juicy and excellent for the production of preparations that will delight you all winter. At proper storage and heads of white cabbage of late varieties and hybrids will last until mid-winter and longer, without losing their taste and beneficial properties.

Separately in the cabbage classification are Dutch varieties of white cabbage, which are very productive, suitable for our climate and have excellent taste and juiciness. Dutch breeders are proud of their varieties: Bingo, Python, Grenadier, Amtrak, Ronco, Musketeer and Bronco.

White cabbage and weight loss

Due to the large amount of fiber and dietary fiber, cabbage is included in various diets, for example, and.

White cabbage in cooking

White cabbage is an almost universal vegetable; it is eaten fresh in salads, fermented and pickled, boiled, fried, stewed and baked. Many people love cabbage cutlets, pancakes and casseroles; cabbage goes well with cabbage, pies and pancakes filled with cabbage are classics of Russian cuisine, as are cabbage rolls and cabbage soup. Rare vegetable can be prepared as varied as white cabbage.

For more information about the benefits of cabbage and its properties, watch the video from the TV show “Live Healthy.”

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The vegetable is not difficult to grow. Following just a few planting and care rules will provide the summer resident with a cabbage harvest sufficient for his family. One of the components of the harvest is right choice varieties.

  1. The number of warm, sunny days (the duration of actual, not calendar summer in your region).
  2. Conditions for using the future harvest (fresh, for preservation, for long-term storage).
  3. Volume of the planned harvest.

The first criterion is important because for different varieties Cabbage requires different ripening times. The choice depends on the length of summer optimal time ripening, as well as the method of planting (seedlings or non-seedlings).

The second criterion is taken into account when the intended use of the crop is intended - harvesting for the winter and storing until spring, salting or fermentation, fresh use during the summer, for salads and first courses.

The third criterion directly depends on the variety. The most productive varieties are winter varieties, provided sufficient quantity warm days and complete ripening of the heads.

  1. The ripening range is from 70 to 120 days, counting from emergence.
    Application mainly in current seasonal cooking (fresh salads, solyanka, cabbage rolls, soups, raw and cooked side dishes and main dishes). Early ripe cabbage can be fermented, but it will not be stored for a long time - it will become soft and lose its “crunch”.
  2. For winter storage she is unsuitable.
  3. Small heads of cabbage need to be removed at an early stage of ripening; when overripe, they crack.
  4. The yield of early ripening cabbage is low.

Features of early cabbage

Early cabbage has a peculiarity. Unlike later varieties, the early varieties have a much narrower range of tastes. Among hundreds of varieties, only a specialist can distinguish one from the other by taste, juiciness, crunchiness and other parameters. Not being “cabbage sommeliers,” summer residents have nevertheless identified the most popular varieties among the early ones and successfully grow them on their plots.

TOP 10 early ripening varieties


The name of the variety speaks for itself. Heads of cabbage can be collected as early as the end of June, since the ripening period is 90-100 days. The fruit is round, elliptical, medium density, the head is not loose. The stalk is through, the size of the heads of cabbage is small, but they are quite heavy - two or more kilograms. Productivity – up to 5 kg per m².

By the way! The variety is characterized by increased cold resistance and can withstand short-term temperatures down to -5°C. Therefore suitable for cultivation in open ground. Seedlings can be planted in the ground early (early May).

The peculiarity of the variety is that all forks ripen almost simultaneously and are of the same size. High marketability, green-lime color of leaves. Harvesting must occur on time, otherwise the forks will crack.

White cabbage "Iyunskaya"

In terms of structure and taste, the leaves are quite tender and juicy. High content of vitamin C. Used fresh.

Advice! To prevent the heads of June cabbage from cracking before harvesting, minimize changes in temperature (shelter at night, if necessary) and soil moisture (observe the watering regime).


An early ripening hybrid, which, in comparison with non-hybrid varieties, has several advantages.

  1. Resistant to diseases.
  2. High-yielding.
  3. The heads of cabbage do not crack.

Its “official” name is “Cossack F1”. The leaf rosette is raised. With a trunk height of up to 30 cm, the diameter of the head can be up to 18 cm. The shape is slightly flattened. The coloring for white cabbage varieties is not typical. The outside of the leaf is greenish-gray and covered with a waxy coating. The inside of the head of cabbage is white-cream, juicy and crisp. The stalk is not through, no longer than 6 cm.

Forks ripen in a time closer to the average varieties - up to 112 days. But with small and fairly light heads (weighing no more than 1.2 kg), more than 4 kg of heads of cabbage are collected per square meter.

By the way! Increased selection resistance to bacteriosis, blackleg and other damaging factors makes it possible to obtain forks High Quality and excellent presentation.

This hybrid is cold-resistant. It can be planted in unprotected soil quite early (mid-May). The simultaneous readiness of the crop makes it possible to quickly collect it once. The variety is intended for fresh use.


Cabbage "Parel F1"

The variety should definitely be in your garden collection of early ripening cabbage plantings. Its yield is up to 5 kg per square meter. Grown in open ground. It is very early in terms of ripening - ready on the 95th day.

The flattened heads of cabbage are of average size, but in weight they manage to grow to 2 kg in 3 months. The color is dull green with a barely noticeable white coating. Medium sized stalk.

They cannot be stored for a long time, but if necessary and under conditions they can be stored for up to two months. Mainly used fresh and processed. The higher than average density of the head of cabbage makes it possible to transport it over long distances without damage.

By the way! This variety contains so much vitamin C that it is recommended for dietary nutrition sick and weakened by age people, as well as baby food.

This variety is a real cabbage “bestseller” among the early ones. He manages to ripen, especially when early boarding, and has a high yield, and is stored, if not until spring, but definitely for a couple of months. To speed up fruiting, Parel can be grown in protected ground.

"Ditmarskaya Early"

This variety is really early - it ripens in 105 days. But it has a high risk of cracking. Round shape Medium-density cabbage heads are small in size and weigh up to one and a half kilograms (with successful care - two).

The stalk is half, very small and unnoticeable. The leaves are bright green, delicate, and have a soft silky texture. In terms of taste, it is close to Beijing. The yield for such a small-fruited variety is excellent - up to 5 kg per m².

It is not stored for long; it is used immediately after harvest or for canning. The heads of cabbage ripen well and almost simultaneously.

Advice! As soon as technical ripeness has arrived, the crop must be harvested - otherwise the degree of cracking may be above 90%.

Plants are resistant to bacterial rot, clubroot and other problems of cruciferous plants.

This species has many fans because it is characterized by high productivity (up to 7 kg per square meter). Light green colored head, larger than standard sizes (weight up to 2.5 kg). Ripening period – 110 days.

Resistant to clubroot and arid climates. Unfortunately, other diseases and pests affect it very actively, so it is necessary to take preventive measures in a timely manner.

The heads of cabbage are dense. Can be stored for up to five months. Used fresh and for all types of canning.

Advice! The peculiarity of the variety is its high demands on soil. It will grow well only in fertile soil. Chernozem and regular abundant fertilizing are preferable.

Doesn't actually crack. He is not afraid of untimely cleaning. Prolonged harvesting for the state of consumer, rather than technical ripeness, is practiced before storing for autumn-winter storage.

The variety arrived from Denmark, but is not inferior in quality to domestic selection. Considered very good. Early – ripens in 100 days. Small size stalk.

The peculiarity of the variety is its short shelf life, literally 3-4 weeks. Heads of cabbage up to 2.5 kg. Productivity is average - up to 4.5 kg per square meter.

By the way! This variety does not have problems such as bolting or cracking of heads.

High cold resistance and ability to tolerate light frosts. Cabbage is sown for seedlings in early March, and seedlings are moved to the ridge in mid-May.

The density is average, without voids. Not subject to cracking. The leaf color is standard green on the outside - yellow-white on the inside. It is best, to guarantee, to grow this “musketeer” in greenhouse conditions. It is recommended to sow and grow seedlings at home, and transfer them to a greenhouse two months before the expected technical ripeness. The taste of the heads of cabbage is high, and the marketability is also high.

By the way! This variety is more suitable than all other early varieties for thickened crops. If you have little space in your garden, choose to plant early date"Dumas".

Also a hybrid, mid-early ripening variety, complete ripening in 110 days. The small round head of cabbage is medium in density and weighs no more than one and a half kilograms.

Consumers like it for the following properties:

  • crop stability;
  • high productivity;
  • good yield of fruits;
  • simultaneous maturation;
  • resistance to cracking.

This variety can be sown for seedlings not only at home, but also in a greenhouse, starting in March, and planted in open soil at the end of April. The attractive color of the outer sheets is green and white. The interior is pure white. Rich taste, characteristic density, resistant to infections. Used for direct consumption in cooked and fresh form; when fermented, it has little storage

Two varieties have been bred under this name - the Zarya MS variety and the Zarya F1 hybrid. The hybrid form has more advantages. The heads of cabbage are medium-sized, reach two kilograms, and have an even shape.

Ripening period – 110 days. The leaves of the cabbage are grass-green on the outside, but with a waxy coating; they look and feel smooth and glossy.

Salads and main courses, soups, solyankas - this culinary “gift” of excellent taste is not suitable for pickling, pickling, or canning. It doesn't last long either, a month at most.

The variety bears fruit actively, abundantly and almost simultaneously. Since the heads of cabbage are resistant to cracking, they can be stored on the root for up to two weeks.


Hybrid early species, matures in one hundred days. The heads of cabbage are smooth, with high and persistent taste characteristics, weighing up to two kilograms.

Commercial fruits with a high degree of transportability. The technical density of the head of cabbage is slightly below average, the soft, juicy leaf is green on the outside. When cut, it is white with yellowish tint.

White cabbage "Malachite"

It can be grown either by seedlings or without seedlings. Does not crack. It has a yield of up to 6 kg per square meter. You can either eat it fresh or preserve it.

By the way! The fruits of this variety contain not only a lot of ascorbic acid, but also sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, other salts, iron and even silver.

Growing early ripening cabbage

Growth conditions

Early variety white cabbage needs certain conditions.

  1. Place on a sufficient area, at least 0.5 m² per plant.
  2. Fertile soil.
  3. Unshaded sunny area.
  4. As predecessors: root vegetables, legumes, onions, pumpkin and grain crops.

Advice! If you want to get a stable harvest for fresh consumption, for harvesting, and for storage, plant 3-4 varieties of different ripening periods.

Features of care

Early varieties require more careful and scrupulous care. They are more often damaged by pests, react more actively to changes in temperature and water regime. They suffer from weeds.

  1. Preparing the soil in advance, increasing fertility (applying fertilizers), deep digging.
  2. Growing seedlings - for guaranteed production early harvest.

    Cabbage seedlings

  3. Weeding and loosening the soil, watering warm water, regular feeding.

  4. Prevention of pests and timely anti-infective treatment.

  5. Harvesting on time, avoiding over-ripening and cracking of forks.

Growing algorithm

Video - Planting cabbage

Video - Growing early cabbage

The homeland of cabbage is the coast Mediterranean Sea. IN Western Europe cabbage began to be cultivated in the 16th century, and in our country - in the 11th-12th centuries. In the USSR it was one of the main vegetable crops.

Leaves and heads of cabbage are eaten. Their usefulness is due to the presence of sugars (3-5.3%), protein (up to 1.8%), mineral salts, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, B9, P, PP, carotene. Energy value- 28 kcal.

Biological features

White cabbage is a biennial plant of the cabbage family. In the first year, the plant forms a thickened stem up to 15-50 cm high, densely covered with leaves, and a head of cabbage. The head of cabbage is formed when the number of leaves in the rosette reaches 15-18 in early varieties, 19-21 in medium varieties and 22-25 in late varieties. The size of the rosette can be small (up to 60 cm), medium (60-80 cm) and large (more than 80 cm). Leaves sessile or petiolate. The root is taproot, deeply penetrating into the soil, branched. With seedling method root system forms shallowly in the soil.

In the second year, cabbage develops a flowering stem up to 175 cm high. The inflorescence is a raceme, the flowers are yellow. Cross pollinator. The fruit is a pod. Seeds of various shades: from brownish-red to black. The weight of 1000 seeds is 2.5-3.6 g. Under normal storage conditions, the seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

The minimum germination temperature is 2-3°C, seedlings tolerate short-term frosts up to 2°C. Rooted, hardened seedlings tolerate short-term frosts down to 5-7°C, the minimum temperature for the growing season is about 5-8°C, the optimal temperature for growth is 15-18°C. Temperatures above 25°C negatively affect the growth and development of plants.

Cabbage is light-loving and moisture-loving plant. The greatest need for moisture manifests itself during the period of growth of the rosette of leaves and the formation of a head of cabbage. Lack of moisture in the soil delays the formation of heads of cabbage and their size decreases. Excessive moisture causes roots and leaves to die and dramatically reduces yield. Relative air humidity - 70-80%.

Cabbage responds well to organic and mineral fertilizers. Thus, the application of increased doses of nitrogen fertilizers for 7-10 days accelerates the formation and ripening of heads of cabbage.


Dymerskaya 7. Early ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 106-115 days). Moderately demanding on soil moisture, resistant to disease and cracking.

June Early ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 96-112 days). Moderately resistant to diseases.

Ditmarscher Frewer. Early ripening. Ripens 8-16 days earlier than the Dymerskaya 7 variety. Demanding on soil moisture, unstable to diseases and cracking.

Slava 1305. Mid-season (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 130-140 days). It loves moisture, has high taste, and is transportable.

Brunswick. Medium late (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 145-155 days). Undemanding to soil, relatively heat- and drought-resistant, medium-heavy. Used fresh (in autumn-winter) and for pickling.

Present. Medium late (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 135-150 days). It has high taste qualities. Keeping quality is good. Used for fermentation.

Stolichnaya. Medium late (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 143 days). Heat-resistant, resistant to vascular bacteriosis and cracking. Used fresh and for fermentation, keeping quality is good.

Amager 611. Late-ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 140-150 days). It has high shelf life, is resistant to cracking), and is demanding on soil and air humidity. Due to its bitter taste, it should not be used for fermentation immediately after harvesting.

Kharkov winter. Late-ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage 160-180 days). Reacts positively to irrigation and fertilization. It is resistant to cracking and is not inferior in keeping quality to the Amager 611 variety. Designed for long-term winter storage and fermentation.

Snow White. Late-ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 155-175 days). Reacts well to the addition of organic and mineral fertilizers, irrigation. It is resistant to cracking and has a shelf life similar to the Amager 611 variety. It is used fresh and for fermentation.

Ukrainian autumn. Late-ripening (from germination to ripening of heads of cabbage - 160-178 days). Quite resistant to cracking of heads of cabbage and damage to them by vascular and mucous bacteriosis. High-yielding (superior in yield to the Kharkovskaya Zimnyaya variety), suitable for long-term storage and fermentation.

Growing white cabbage

Place it in the illuminated part of the area. Should not be grown after radishes, radishes, cabbage. For autumn plowing, organic and mineral fertilizers are applied per 1 m2 of area: 3-4 kg of semi-rotted manure, 30 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potash fertilizers; in the spring for deep loosening - ammonium nitrate (20 g for early varieties and up to 30 g/m2 for late ones).

Early cabbage

Seedlings are best grown in pots for 50-60 days, while the ripening of the crop is accelerated by 5-8 days. Before planting, seedlings are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture, tobacco dust or naphthalene mixed with sand against cabbage flies. Seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of March - beginning of April, when the soil warms up to 5-6°C and the threat of sudden cold snaps and frosts has passed.

Planting is carried out using a two-line tape method. Planting pattern (80+40)X25 cm. Planting depth - at the level of the first true leaf. In this case, you cannot fill the apical bud (heart). After planting, watering is carried out at the rate of 0.5-1 liters of water for each plant.

Caring for cabbage consists of watering, fertilizing, loosening, and controlling diseases and pests.

Early cabbage is watered 6-7 times (every 8-10 days). The greatest need for moisture is during the period of tying and formation of heads of cabbage. After watering and rain, deep loosening of 8-12 cm is carried out. 10-12 days after planting, the plants are hilled up with moist soil and fed with a solution of slurry diluted 4-5 times or mullein - 8 times. Give 0.5 liters of solution per plant.

Feed a second time no later than the beginning of head setting. In the form of fertilizers, mullein and chicken droppings are used, diluted with water 10-12 times, or mineral fertilizers (nitrogen - 10 g, phosphorus - 20 g, potassium - 10 g per 10 liters of water). For one plant - 1 liter of solution. The third feeding - after 15-20 days (excluding nitrogen fertilizers).

Early cabbage under film covers

Growing early cabbage under the simplest film covers allows you to speed up its ripening by 8-12 days

Seedlings are planted 7-10 days earlier than in open ground, using a two-line tape method according to the scheme: (100 + 40) X 25-30 cm. After planting along the rows, after 1-1.5 m, arcs are installed at the same level: in width - 70-80 cm and a height of 40-45 cm. For strength, they are tied with twine along the ridge and on the sides of the frame, and then tied to stakes driven in from the end sides. The frame is covered with film. Film structures (tunnels) should be placed in the direction from north to south. In warm sunny weather they are ventilated, and when elevated temperature under the film up to 25°C is raised from the leeward side. When the night temperature in the open ground rises to 10°C, and the daytime temperature to 20-22°C, the film and frame are removed.

Medium cabbage

Seedlings are grown in greenhouses and under film covers. Seeds should be sown in the first ten days of March, seedlings are 40-45 days old. It is planted in the third ten days of April - the first ten days of May in a row method with row spacing of 60-70 cm, in a row the plants are placed at a distance of 35 cm from each other. Care medium cabbage the same as for the early one, but the number of waterings should be increased to 7-9.

Late cabbage

It is grown in seedlings and without seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in open ground in an ordinary way in the first ten days of May. The age of the seedlings is 30-35 days.

Seedlings are planted in the second half of June using a single-row row method with row spacing of 70 cm, the distance between plants in a row is 40-45 cm. With the seedless growing method, seeds are sown in holes of 5-6 pieces to a depth of 2-3 cm. The distance between rows is 70 cm, holes are made in the direction of the row, 40-45 cm apart from each other. After germination in the phase of 1-2 leaves, the first thinning is carried out, leaving 2 plants per hole, and in the phase of 4-5 leaves - 1 best plant.

Unlike early and middle varieties late cabbage They water more abundantly, loosen deeper, and fight armyworms, moths, aphids and other pests. 15-20 days before harvesting (ripening), watering is stopped to prevent cracking of the heads of cabbage.

Cabbage harvesting

Early and middle white cabbage is harvested selectively, 3-5 times as the heads of cabbage ripen. The first two harvests of early varieties are carried out when the weight of the head of cabbage reaches 300-500 g, and the subsequent ones - when it reaches 800-1000 g or more, avoiding cracking of the heads of cabbage. The heads of cabbage are cut off together with two or three covering leaves. Late cabbage, as a rule, is harvested in one go: first, the varieties used for pickling, and then for storage.

The yield of early varieties is 2-4 kg, medium - 5-9 kg, late - 6-10 kg per 1 m 2.

Early cabbage has its advantages and disadvantages. Early ripening varieties will yield a harvest within a month and a half after planting the seedlings, forming slightly loose, medium-sized juicy heads of cabbage. They are not left in the cellar for the winter, since early varieties of cabbage are not intended for long-term storage. It has a low yield, and the heads of cabbage easily crack if improperly watered or overripe. But these vegetables appear on the table earlier than others, giving the body much-needed vitamins and minerals after a long winter. To collect bountiful harvest tight heads, it is preferable to grow cabbage in a greenhouse, where ideal conditions are created for it.

Ultra-early ripening variety Cossack has excellent taste. Smooth, round heads of cabbage weigh about 1.5 kg and have an average density. Vegetables will ripen 40 days after planting the seedlings. The leaves are thin and delicate, have a dark green color with a bluish tint. The variety is resistant to cracking, immune to mucous bacteriosis and blackleg. At favorable conditions 5 kg of vegetables are collected per square meter. The variety is a hybrid, so there is no need to collect seeds from it.

Early ripening cabbage of the Ditmarskaya early variety will yield a harvest 40 - 45 days after planting the seedlings. Elastic light green heads of cabbage reach a weight of 2 kg. They have medium density, a classic round shape and excellent presentation. Therefore, early Ditmar cabbage is often grown for sale. The inner and outer stalks are short. The leaves are thin and succulent. Very tasty fresh, they are used to make salads. The variety is immune to clubroot, as well as mucous and vascular bacteriosis. Gives high yields - 5.5 kg per square meter. Vegetables should be harvested immediately after reaching technical maturity. As they ripen, the heads of cabbage will crack. Vegetables ripen together.

Parel white cabbage was bred for early harvest. Vegetables can be harvested 50 days after planting the seedlings. Exactly as much is needed to form bright green, tight heads of cabbage. round shape. The vegetable weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg. Due to its high taste and external qualities, it is often grown for sale. Parel cabbage is distinguished by a high content of vitamin C. The variety is unpretentious in care. Resistant to cracking, blooming and bolting, as well as temperature changes. Already in May, you can harvest the first harvest of vegetables: about 4.5 kg per square meter.

The early-ripening variety Golden Hectare, popular among gardeners, is valued for its consistently high yield and excellent taste. It was for its excellent characteristics that the variety was given the name “golden”. Vegetables are formed and filled about 100 days after planting the seedlings. The rounded white heads of cabbage are of medium density, their weight reaches 3 kg. You can harvest up to 8.5 kg of cabbage per square meter. The head of cabbage rarely cracks, the vegetable transports well and is stored longer than others early species. The variety is resistant to flowering.

Growing cabbage seedlings

How to grow early cabbage correctly? The use of greenhouses will help create optimal conditions not only for growing cabbage, but also for getting an early harvest. Cabbage is grown from seedlings in a greenhouse. Seeds can be sown as early as February. Before sowing, the planting material is sorted out, setting aside large and dark grains for planting. They definitely need to be processed. First, the seeds are immersed in hot water (up to 50 degrees) for 20 minutes, then in cold water. After processing, the grains are dried.

It is better not to plant seeds in ordinary soil. A soil mixture is prepared for greenhouses from sand, turf soil and peat, taken in equal parts. When the temperature under the film reaches 20 - 25 degrees and the soil warms up, you can begin planting the seeds.

The seeds of early cabbage are sown tightly, immersed in the soil to a depth of about 1 cm. It is enough to leave 3 cm between the rows. The first shoots will appear after 4 days.

When the seeds germinate, the air temperature is reduced by 10 degrees. A week later, the greenhouse is again heated to 17 - 18 degrees during the day and 9 degrees at night. Observe temperature regime very important. In the heat, plants become thin and stretch upward. When they are cool, growth slows or stops.

Two-week-old sprouts can be transplanted into pots, but it is enough to simply thin them out. They will already have 1 or 2 leaves. From this moment on, the seedlings need to be intensively watered and fertilized. The first time they are fed with phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. The second time, only nitrogen fertilizing is needed. The last third fertilizing is carried out just before planting in the greenhouse with a mixture of potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. At this stage of growth, daily morning watering is necessary.

Before planting plants on permanent place in the greenhouse they should be prepared for new conditions. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated more often and the air temperature reduced by a couple of degrees. Before planting, the seedlings are fed. It is sprayed with a composition of potassium sulfate and urea. The solution is prepared by adding 1 tbsp. l. components into a bucket of water. Product consumption is about a glass per sprout. A week before transplanting, the plants stop watering. They are poured generously only immediately before being removed from the ground.

Planting seedlings in a greenhouse

By this time the greenhouse should be ready. It is advisable to dig up the soil in it in the fall. You need to dig deep, using the tip of a shovel, while adding fertilizers - manure, mineral fertilizers or compost humus.

You cannot plant cabbage on the same piece of land for two years in a row. It is better to alternate the crop with cucumbers, potatoes, legumes or onions. After these plants, a lot remains in the soil useful substances, necessary for early cabbage.

Early cabbage loves light very much. The daylight hours for her should be at least 14 - 17 hours. In the northern regions, it is advisable to equip the greenhouse with lighting lamps. This will allow, if necessary, additional illumination of the plants on short and cloudy days.

The seedlings are ready for planting if the plants already have 3 - 4 leaves. Quality criterion planting material considered green with a purple tint. According to this principle they select best plants. Green sprouts without shimmer with a weak root system are unlikely to take root. Around the beginning of April, early cabbage is transplanted to a new place in the greenhouse.

The rows are marked at a distance of 60 cm. Seedlings along with soil are planted every 30 cm in the row. It is recommended to add fertilizer to the holes prepared in advance. The soil should cover the stem to the base of the first leaf. After planting the plant, the soil around it is compacted to ensure good contact between the new soil and the roots.

Planting early cabbage in a greenhouse (video)

Plant care

To grow early cabbage with good performance, proper care must be provided. This moisture-loving vegetable requires regular watering at least 2 times a week. It is advisable to do this in the morning and not spend more than 8 liters of water per square meter.

The first watering is carried out a week after planting when the seedlings take root well. Cabbage is hilled for the first time 20 days after planting, the next time - after 10 days. It is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse regularly.

The garden beds must be clean. All emerging weeds must be removed promptly. When the stump begins to form, it needs to be covered with soil.

It is useful to fertilize the plants every 10 days tinctures of mullein, chicken manure, urea or sulfate solution. You can sprinkle the soil and cabbage leaves with wood ash. It will not only feed, but also protect the plant from pests.

Wood ash mixed with mothballs will get rid of whites, cabbage flies and cutworms. Tobacco dust with added lime will repel cruciferous flea beetle. As soon as the head of cabbage appears, treatment of the plant with these drugs should be stopped. Now we must get rid of pests manually, destroying their eggs at the same time.

How to properly plant, water and care for early cabbage (video)

You can use decoctions of wormwood and tomato stems. They are effective in the fight against caterpillars. Tinctures of tobacco, dandelions, hot pepper or garlic will help overcome annoying aphids. Even a novice vegetable gardener can grow early cabbage.

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White cabbage is very demanding of moisture and all nutrients throughout the entire growing season.
White cabbage requires large quantity organic and mineral fertilizers. It makes excellent use of organic matter, so it is grown in the first year after applying manure, which is plowed in the fall. Compost is added in the spring and dug in shallowly.
In the spring, when preparing the soil, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are scattered; for late varieties, fertilizers are applied a week before planting the seedlings. When preparing the soil, nitrogen fertilizers are also applied. High needs cabbages in nitrogen can be covered with only two or three, and for late varieties, four additional dressings. Early varieties feed every 3 weeks, the last time at the beginning of head formation. For late varieties, fertilizers are applied less frequently, and cabbage intended for winter storage should receive its last fertilizing no later than the end of August. The soil for cabbage should be neutral or slightly alkaline. At a pH below 6.5, the soil should be limed, even immediately before planting, since cabbage tolerates this procedure well.
All types of cabbage are best placed after legumes, grains, cucumbers, root vegetables, and potatoes.
Early varieties do best in light to medium soils rich in humus. Choose a sunny place for them, preferably high, where there is no threat of late frosts. Late cabbage produces good yields in medium to heavy, deeply cultivated, moist soils with high air humidity.
To combat caterpillars that can destroy cabbage crops, there are different methods. For example, cabbage is planted like this: two rows of Amager, one row of Slava, two rows of Belorusskaya. In addition, sow dill on the ridge: the first row will ripen to seeds even before you sow the cabbage. Then sow dill in the cabbage rows at the same time as planting the main crop. Also sow the ridge when the heads of cabbage begin to sprout - this dill can be dried for the winter. So the sown dill will scare away the white butterfly.
In addition, when the butterflies begin to fly, place sprigs of wormwood on the heads. Sow wormwood near the road, in the yard of the house. Wormwood is very effective: more than once I had to observe how a butterfly begins to rush over the cabbage, but does not sit down, but flies away to look for another place to lay eggs.
If you plant leaf celery on one side of the early cabbage, and tomatoes on the other and put a few sprigs of wormwood, there will be no caterpillars on the early cabbage.
In small beds, you can mechanically destroy eggs and caterpillars on the leaves.
Coriander, dill, salad mustard, cumin and other spicy vegetables highlight essential oils. They should be used to plant cabbage beds or plant them scattered throughout the bed. The smell will confuse the cabbage whites.
If tomatoes and cucumbers need a lot of heat, then cabbage sprouts very quickly under the film and you need to make sure that on hot, cloudless days the temperature under the film is not too high.
Cabbage should be sown in the first half of March. Seeds for seedlings can be purchased once every 3-4 years. After all, there are a lot of grains in a pack. Some cabbage seeds, namely late white cabbage, can be grown yourself.
Plant early cabbage seedlings in the ground in the first half of April; in June there will be a harvest.
Often gardeners wait for the seedlings to become large and strong. However, it is better to focus on weather conditions. If they promise rain and cloudy weather, you should take advantage of this and plant even very small seedlings.
Cabbage is good for growing potatoes. This has been done since ancient times. The cabbage grows lush and healthy, just like in the picture, although no one really takes care of it.
Potato tops release a substance that repels whiteweed and other pests. This neighborhood is favorable for cabbage. It is especially good to combine early potatoes and late cabbage. You will dig up the potatoes near the cabbage first, and the cabbage will grow and fill until late autumn.
Cabbage is best planted near beans, beans, and beets. You can sow peas nearby. Beneficial insects, which live on pea plants, after they are harvested, they will move to the cabbage bed. Then the aphids will be in trouble.
When moisture begins to accumulate under the cabbage leaves, slugs rush here from all over the garden. If you do not take action, they will begin to eat into the cabbage, and it will take on a completely unappetizing appearance.
Keep cabbage clean. Place cardboard and roofing felt on the tubercles between the plants. The slugs will begin to gather there, and they can be collected.
Cabbage heads, like tomato fruits, crack when the weather changes from dry to rainy. To prevent cracking when good heads have already grown, monitor the watering regime.
If it passes heavy rain, cut them off immediately and put them in a cool place. It will last for two weeks.
There are varieties that are less susceptible to cracking. This is Stakhanovskaya 1513, June. Early ripening varieties Number One, Gribovsky-147, mid-ripening variety Slava are cracking. It happens that you look in the evening, the head is still intact, but in the morning it’s as if someone pushed it apart with great force.
Inexperienced gardeners are perplexed why the soil is damp and the cabbage leaves wither. This manifestation is very dangerous disease- keels. It affects the entire cruciferous family, even weeds. All infected heads should be removed from the garden immediately. Cabbage cannot be planted in this place for seven years.
Several ways to avoid this disease:
1) 10-12 days before planting, lime the soil: slightly acidic - at the rate of 200 g of lime per 1 sq. m, medium acidic - 500-550 g per 1 sq. m;
2) use clubroot-resistant varieties: Podarok, Moskovskaya late-9, Airbus R, Nadzeya, etc. are also quite resistant.
3) effective means the fight against clubroot is the drug “Fundazol” (10-15 g per 10 liters of water). Water the soil with this solution before planting (follow the instructions).
Attempts to get early seedlings by sowing seeds in cups usually end in failure. Cabbage is very drawn to the light and within a few days it becomes so stretched that it becomes unsuitable for planting.
It's better to do it differently. In autumn, cover a piece of land pine needles(or anything else). In early spring collect insulation and arrange a small greenhouse for seedlings of early cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, asters. After all, you only need a dozen or two of each variety. This is the first sowing. Dig a hole and place biofuel in layers. Place the box, fill it with soil (a mixture of humus, peat, earth). The soil can be taken from the place where tomatoes, onions, and beans grew last year.
When planting, under each bush it is good to put humus, a little chicken droppings, half a teaspoon of superphosphate or nitrophoska, 2 tablespoons of ash.
If the holes are filled normally when planting, then fertilizing does not need to be done. But if we determine their poor growth by the type of plants, then feeding is needed.
White cabbage loves feeding. You can feed it with mullein (1:10) and chicken droppings (1:20).
Fresh white cabbage fresh from the garden contains as much ascorbic acid as oranges and lemons, as well as B vitamins, cobalt, copper, zinc, and magnesium. Cabbage contains calcium, potassium, and phosphorus salts. It contains 16 amino acids and vitamin U, which promotes the healing of stomach ulcers and duodenum. People often resort to sophisticated diets to lose weight; white cabbage contains tartronic acid, which prevents obesity.
We cannot imagine life without potatoes or cabbage. Cabbage is cabbage soup, solyanka, salads, cabbage rolls, pies, pies and much more.
The most common is white cabbage. It can be extra-early, early, mid-season and intended for winter storage. Many late varieties had to be sown and planted in the garden, but so far the best are Belorusskaya for pickling and Amager and Churkus for storage.
Belorussian, Amager, Nadezhda or Slava can be sown immediately in the garden before the Annunciation, even if it is cold. The seeds will lie down and wait for warmth.
Early varieties - June, Number One, super early variety - Transfer F.
Be sure to disinfect cabbage seeds hot water(for 16 minutes at 45 °C).
Take a large and a small enamel pan. In a small one, heat the water to 45 °C. Determine the temperature with a thermometer, which is used when bathing children. Place a small saucepan into a large one, where the water is heated to 55 °C. This difference is enough to cook in a small saucepan for 15 minutes. desired temperature. Soak the seeds, wrapped in canvas, in hot water for 15 minutes, and then in cold water for 1 minute. This prevents diseases that may be on the seeds. If the soil is contaminated, for example, with clubroot, such treatment will not help. For better growth After disinfection, place cabbage seeds in a nitrophoska solution. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of nitrophoska in 1 liter of water and place the seeds for 10-12 hours.
Vegetable growers often complain that early seedlings are lost. The fact is that it is the early seedlings that are attacked by the cabbage fly. You can lightly water it at the root with a solution of karbofos (or other insecticides according to the instructions).
Water the first time when the seedlings take root, the second time after 8-10 days. You can combine this operation with feeding. Ash doesn’t really help, but you can sprinkle it on the bushes.