The water station does not pump water for a reason. What to do - the pumping station does not pump water. Composition of the pumping station

If the pumping station often turns on or other signs unusual for the normal operation of the equipment are noticeable, you need to find and eliminate the cause of possible malfunctions. Correcting the problem in a timely manner will prevent the occurrence of more serious breakdowns or complete failure of the device in working order with the need to replace important components. In the article we will look at the design of pumping stations, frequently occurring malfunctions and the best ways to eliminate them.

How the equipment works

The task pumping station is automatic feeding water into the autonomous plumbing of any premises. A conventional pump will not provide the stable pressure required to operate some samples. household appliances(dishwasher and washing machines, hot water boiler), and to use the water taps you will have to constantly turn the device on/off manually. The operation of the pumping station makes the operation of the water supply system as reliable as with a centralized water supply with stable pressure and uninterrupted supply.

How can equipment ensure a stable water supply? The secret lies in the design of the pumping station, which consists of the following main parts:

  • vortex type water pump driven by an electric motor;
  • storage-pressure unit, consisting of a metal tank and a rubber water tank (pear);
  • equipment operation control system, which includes a relay, pressure sensor, and valve block.

Constant pressure is created by a storage-pressure unit, and uninterrupted autonomous water supply is ensured by automation. Let's take a closer look at how pumping equipment functions. Knowing the operating principle of a household water pump, it will be easier to understand why the pumping station is not functioning properly.

Operating principle of a water pumping station

Before water can be supplied to household water distribution pipes, it must be pumped from somewhere. This task is assigned to the water pump, which can be installed at the station itself or at the water intake source. These sources are usually:

  • shallow wells;
  • Abyssinian wells;
  • storage tanks.

In rare cases, pumping stations are connected to centralized water supply systems, if the pressure in the water supply system is insufficient for the operation of household appliances. The pump does not supply water directly to the water distribution system, but indirectly through a storage tank.

The storage and pressure unit is divided by a rubber membrane (bulb) into two sections, one of which is filled with water, the other with compressed air, which is pumped through a nipple mounted on the back of the metal tank. When the pump is turned on, it lifts water from the water intake source, and it is directed into the rubber bulb until the pressure inside the membrane equals the resistance compressed air. As soon as this happens, the relay connected to the pressure sensor is activated and the pump turns off.

The valve system is designed so that water from the pump can only enter the storage tank. In the water supply, water is pushed out of the rubber membrane by the pressure of compressed air. When water is consumed, the pressure in the storage-pressure unit gradually drops and, at certain levels, the relay is activated again, and the switched-on pump fills the bulb again. This is how the automatic control cycle of the pumping station occurs. Further, knowing the principle of operation of household water-pressure equipment, we will analyze for what reason the pumping station does not turn off, or, conversely, turns on too often in order to gain the required pressure.

The pump does not want to turn off - what should I do?

If the pump does not turn off for a long time, this indicates that the pumping station does not build up the pressure necessary to activate the relay. There may be several reasons for this, namely:

  • there is not enough pump power;
  • there is no water in the cavity of the vortex pump;
  • major leak in the water pipe.

Let's consider each of the above situations. In what cases does the pump not provide the required pressure? The reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • installation of low-power equipment (the pump does not cope with the task under specific operating conditions);
  • wear of the pump itself.

The first situation occurs when the equipment power is incorrectly calculated, when such an operational indicator as pressure does not correspond to real conditions. That is, the pump is weak, and therefore is not able to overcome the resistance of water (which needs to be raised from a certain depth) and compressed air in the storage tank. This problem manifests itself immediately after installing the purchased station and the first attempts to start it. The issue is being resolved by replacing equipment with more powerful ones.

At long-term operation water pressure device, one of the parts of the vortex pump may become unusable. Often this is the impeller, which wears out and cannot provide the required water pressure. In this situation, you need to replace the worn part or pump assembly. Both cases will be characterized by the presence of water in the water supply system, that is, the station pumps water, but its pressure is not enough for the relay to operate.

A feature of the vortex pump is its inability to create pressure without the presence of water in its cavity. Before starting the newly installed pumping station, the cavity of the pumping device and the supply pipe must be completely filled with water through a special hole on the pump body (top), closed with a screw plug. If this is not done, the pump will run idle without stopping. To prevent water from flowing into the water intake tank, it is necessary to install at the end of the supply pipe check valve.

For vortex pumps, water is not only a transportation object, but also a coolant, so it is impossible to leave the pumping device on for a long time if it is not filled. This will lead to overheating and failure.

How can a situation arise with a lack of water in the pump cavity during operation? It's simple - the check valve stopped working and the water left the supply pipe. It is necessary to replace the valve (if it has been in use for a long time) or inspect it. It is quite possible that a grain of sand or other small object has gotten between its body and the membrane, preventing a tight seal. To prevent this from happening, the valve is equipped with a strainer to prevent clogging. If the station does not turn off for a long time due to the lack of water in the pump, nothing will flow from the open water tap. In such a situation, immediately turn off the equipment and look for the cause.

Why doesn't the pumping station turn off? This happens when there is a large intake of water at points of consumption or when there is a significant pipeline break in the domestic water supply system. The pressure accumulated by the pump is constantly consumed, so the injection device may not turn off for a long time. In such a situation, one should be concerned about the possibility of a communications breakthrough. To determine the presence/absence of a leak, close the tap on the outlet pipe closest to the station. If after this the equipment began to operate at normal intervals (gained pressure and turned off), you need to urgently look for a breakthrough or simply a forgotten open tap.

The pressure device turns on more often than usual

Why does a working pumping station often turn on? The reason is simple - there is insufficient pressure in the air chamber of the storage tank. The lower the air pressure, the more often the pump turns on and the period of its continuous operation is reduced. To verify this, take a car pressure gauge and measure the pressure on the nipple mounted in the tank. In most models of pumping stations normal pressure is 1.5 Atm. If, after testing on the pressure gauge, 0.5 Atm or 0.9 Atm, use a conventional automobile pump to pump air into the tank to the recommended value.

It is worse if, when monitoring the pressure in the air compartment of the tank, it is discovered that it is completely absent. This may be a consequence of air leakage through the rusted metal body of the tank, which may well happen after 3-4 years of operation if the tank is made of ordinary rusting steel. The leak will be detected when you try to inflate the air chamber. In most cases, the tank cannot be repaired, so you will have to replace it.

Now new storage tanks are sold as a set (tank, membrane, connecting flange), so replacing it is not difficult. You need to disconnect the pump pipe nut from the old flange and loosen the two threaded fasteners connecting the tank to the devices installed on top. The used tank is carefully removed and a new one is installed in its place. The fasteners are tightened, the pipe is attached to the new flange - the station is ready for operation.

What else could be causing the equipment to turn on frequently? This happens when a rubber bulb becomes unusable (breaks). It is very simple to diagnose such a breakdown - when you press the nipple, water flows out of it intensively. In such a situation, you need to change the membrane. How to do it?

You need to prepare containers (dishes) to drain the water (the tank is completely filled with liquid). First, the nut connecting the pipe to the flange is gradually loosened so that water begins to drain. When the liquid has completely drained from the inlet, unscrew the bolts connecting the flange to the tank body and drain the remaining contents of the tank. Now you need to remove the used membrane, dry the tank as much as possible from the inside (if it is made of ordinary steel) and place a new bulb in it. The flange is put in place, gradually bolted to the body, and the pipe is attached. Replacement of the rubber membrane is complete. All that remains is to pump air through the nipple to the previously specified pressure and pour water into the pump cavity. You can turn it on.

The considered malfunctions of pumping stations are the most common; they can be easily eliminated by the equipment owners themselves. Malfunctions are also possible due to breakdowns of the automatic control system. This happens much less frequently and requires the intervention of a qualified technician. It is better not to touch the relays and sensors yourself.

When starting up or operating a pumping station (crazy), sometimes malfunctions occur due to which it works poorly or stops pumping water altogether. In this article we will look at what could be the reason when the crazy pump does not work or works poorly - the most common malfunctions of the pumping station, their causes and how to fix them yourself.

The pumping station does not gain pressure

If the pumping station does not gain pressure, that is, the turret turns on, works, but cannot reach the set maximum (upper) pressure and, accordingly, does not turn off. The reason for this may be:

  • insufficient pump power or wear of its parts;
  • water leakage from the system through connections, pipe rupture or plumbing fixture;
  • voltage drop in electrical network;
  • air entering the suction pipe of the surface pump.

Now let's look at them in more detail, as well as ways to eliminate them.

Does not gain pressure due to insufficient power or wear of parts

This may be the case if the pump or pumping station is not selected correctly and, according to its characteristics, cannot achieve the specified pressure under these specific conditions: the height and volume of water supply from a well or well, the height and location of plumbing fixtures, the diameter of the water supply system pipes and etc.

In addition, if the pumping station has been in operation for a long time, the cause may be wear of its parts. For example, in a centrifugal pump this may be wear of the impeller and housing or a crack in the plastic funnel (diffuser), and in a vibration pump it may be wear of the rubber valve. In this case, the pump will supply water, but the performance and pressure will not correspond to its original characteristics and it simply will not be able to create the specified maximum (upper) pressure and will work without shutting down.

In order to eliminate the first problem, it is necessary to replace the pumping station with a new or more powerful one, selecting the necessary characteristics, or reduce the specified maximum pressure to a level that it can provide. If parts wear out or break, replace them yourself or take them to a workshop for repairs.

Does not gain pressure due to water leakage from the system

Sometimes, a crazy person cannot gain pressure due to water leaking from the system. This could be a rupture of a pipe or its connections, a faucet or mixer left completely open, a faulty toilet flush, etc. Therefore, if the pumping station has been running for a long time, cannot build up pressure and therefore does not turn off, you need to turn it off yourself, inspect all elements of the water supply system at home and if the above reasons are found, eliminate them.

Insufficient mains voltage

Another reason that the crazy pump does not gain pressure may be a voltage drop in the network, during which the pump cannot develop its full power.

In this case, it is necessary to measure the voltage in the network and if it is less than 220 V, turn off the pumping station, find out the cause of the voltage drop and take measures to normalize it.

Air in the suction pipe

This can happen when using a pumping station with a surface pump without an ejector, in the case when:

  • the water level in the well or borehole will drop to the location of the check valve;
  • there has been a leak in the pipe or its connection to the pump.

It is necessary to check the water level in the well or well and the tightness of the pipe and its connections.

The pumping station does not pump water: possible malfunctions

Firstly, this can happen if she won't turn on(you turn on the station and it is silent). In this case:

  • it is necessary to check whether there is voltage in the network, and whether it is supplied to the pressure switch and the crazy pump;
  • if there is voltage in the network, you need to check the corresponding machine in electrical panel, as well as cable integrity and voltage supply to the relay. To do this, you can remove its cover and use a probe or tester to find out whether electricity is supplied to its contacts and whether they are burnt;
  • if voltage is supplied and the contacts are not burnt and they close and open (that is, the relay is triggered), then the reason may be a malfunction of the electric motor of the pump - the terminals under the boron cover are burnt or the integrity of its winding is damaged, that is, as they say: “the motor burned out” , which can be determined by the characteristic smell of burnt insulation. If the reason is in the electric motor, then it is better to have it repaired by a specialist or replaced with a new one.

If you're crazy turns on, but doesn't pump water, then there may be several reasons, depending on its type.

Turret with surface pump (standard version)

If a pumping station with a surface pump does not pump water, then considering that it can be equipped with a unit different types(without an ejector, with a built-in or remote ejector) the reasons may be different. But most often, the following malfunctions may occur:

Now let's look at these faults and ways to eliminate them in more detail:

  1. The bezbashenka does not pump water due to lack of water in the suction pipe. Before the first start-up of a pumping station with a surface pump without an ejector, the suction pipe and the pump itself must be filled with water, otherwise it simply will not be able to pump water from a well or borehole. If water was filled before start-up, but it later turned out that it was not there, this means that the water goes back into the well or well through a check valve or joints. To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to check the check valve and its connection location, as well as the location of the pipe connection to the pump or filter.
  2. The tightness of the suction pipe connection is broken. If the connection of the suction pipe to the station is not tight, then air may be sucked in. In order to make sure that there is no such reason, it is necessary to wipe dry and inspect all connections. If the connection is not tight, it will leak if there is water in the pipe and pump. It is necessary to check all connections that are on the suction pipe. If a filter is installed at the inlet, you need to check it too.
  3. The check valve filter or the valve itself is clogged. It may be that the reason that the crazy one does not pump water is that the check valve strainer or the check valve itself is clogged. This can happen, for example, if the well is not deep or has not been cleaned for a long time, and the suction pipe is lowered too low and the check valve is clogged with deposits of sand, clay or silt. In this case, it is necessary to lift the suction pipe together with the check valve and clean its filter.
  4. The water level in the well or borehole has decreased. A possible reason that the pumping station does not pump water may be a decrease in its level in the well or borehole. If the water level has dropped so that the lower end of the suction pipe with a check valve is in the air, or the distance from it to the level of the pump suction pipe is more than 7-8 meters (depending on the characteristics of the pump), then it’s crazy if it is without a built-in or remote ejector, water will not pump. With a built-in ejector, the station can pump water from a depth of up to 9 m, and with a remote one - up to 40 m. If the check valve at the end of the suction pipe is in the air, then it is necessary to lower the pipe lower, and if the water level in the source (well, well) below 9 m - use a deep-well pump or with a remote ejector.
  5. The pump impeller is jammed (“stuck”). Sometimes, after a long break in operation or for other reasons, the electric motor cannot turn the pump impeller when starting. Disconnect the station from the power supply and try to scroll it manually several times. If it is “stuck” due to prolonged inactivity, then this is enough for the pump to start working.
  6. The capacitor has failed. When turned on, the pump electric motor will make a sound different from a normal operating one (it cannot start, as in step 5), while its rotor and the pump impeller will not rotate. If turning the impeller does not do anything, then you need to check the capacitor, there may be a problem with it and, if necessary, replace it with a new one.
  7. Worn or broken pump parts. Due to the content of abrasive particles in the water, wear of the impeller and pump housing can occur. In this case, it may begin to work “on its own” - it will not create the necessary pressure, and in order to eliminate this malfunction, you will have to change the housing and impeller or completely replace it with a new one.
  8. Very low line voltage. If the voltage in the electrical network is too low, the pumping station will seem to work (that is, make operating noise), but it may not supply water. At the same time, the sound of the crazy machine itself may differ from the usual one. In this case, it is better to turn it off and identify the cause of the decrease in voltage in the network.

Reckless with a deep-well pump

If water is not pumped by a pumping station with a deep (submersible) pump, then the malfunctions may be as follows:

Now in more detail:

  1. Pump faulty- this may be one of the reasons that the pumping station does not pump water. It may not work at all, in which case the problem is with it electrical part, or it can make a working sound, but does not pump water. To determine this, you need to disconnect the pipe from it, lower it into the water and turn it on. The cause of such a malfunction in centrifugal submersible pumps may be wear of the impeller or housing elements due to abrasive particles, and in vibrating pumps - wear discharge valve or damage to its axis (core). In order to eliminate such faults, you need to send it in for repairs or do this work yourself if you are confident in your abilities and that you can do it yourself.
  2. Broken connection between pipe and pump. Sometimes it happens that the reason that the crazy one does not pump water may be a spontaneous disconnection of the pipe from the pump or check valve in the well or well. This can happen due to a pipe rupture at the connection point or a loose clamp, or as a result of an insufficiently reliable connection during installation. This is easy to determine: when working in a well or borehole, the pump will emit a fountain of water. In order to eliminate this malfunction, it will be necessary to reconnect the pipe securely.
  3. Rupture of a pipe underground between a well (well) and a house. In some cases, the cause may be a rupture of a pipe or its connections underground in the gap between the well or borehole and the house. This is one of the most unpleasant reasons, since to eliminate it you will have to dig up the pipe and repair or replace it.
  4. Reducing the water level in a well or borehole, that is, a decrease below the installation depth of the submersible pump (its suction valve). True, the pumping station will not be able to operate for a long time in this mode - the pump will fail. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the water level or use deep-well pumps that have special float switches that turn off the unit when the water level drops critically, or use a relay with dry-running protection.
  5. Very low voltage in the electrical network. If the voltage in the network is insufficient, then a crazy pump with a deep pump, as well as with a surface one, can work, but not pump water. If this continues long enough, it may cause the latter to fail.

The crazy thing doesn't turn off - it doesn't turn off automatically

The pumping station does not turn off if it cannot reach the set maximum pressure in the water supply network (switch-off pressure) or the pressure switch is incorrectly adjusted or faulty, which does not turn off the pump when the set maximum pressure is reached.

In the first case, the pumping station may not be switched off the following reasons:

  • water leak through connections, plumbing fixtures or pipe rupture in a volume equal to or greater than the capacity of the station pump, so the pump pumps, but cannot raise the pressure in the system to the specified maximum level and the relay, naturally, does not operate;
  • very low voltage in the network and the pump cannot develop the necessary power to achieve the set upper pressure;
  • malfunction mechanical part of the pump;
  • air entry into the suction pipe of a surface pump without an ejector;
  • relay is faulty.

If the pumping station does not turn off when the maximum pressure is reached, then the reason is the pressure switch. You can remove the cover of the pressure relay and inspect the contacts (whether they are burnt or can open) or try to loosen the nuts on the regulators somewhat; they may be too tight, which may also be the reason the relay does not operate. The relay inlet and membrane may be clogged. In order to check this, you need to relieve the pressure in the system and unscrew the nut and remove the relay. If this does not help, replace the relay with a new one.

If the station does turn off, but it takes much longer to reach maximum pressure (shutdown) than before, then it is possible:

  • does not allow water to pass through well check valve(clogged or faulty);
  • the mechanical water purification filter installed in front of the crazy tank is clogged;
  • small water leak in the system (less than pump capacity);
  • malfunctions in the mechanical part of the pump.

The crazy thing works in jerks - it sharply gains and releases pressure

If the pumping station operates jerkily, that is, it turns on frequently and abruptly and also stops every time a tap or other plumbing fixture is opened, then this may occur for the following reasons:

  • the integrity of the rubber chamber-membrane is damaged(“pears”) in a pumped storage tank;
  • no air pressure in a hydraulic storage tank with an intact membrane;
  • relay is faulty pressure of the pumping station.

If the integrity of the membrane chamber in the tank is broken, then water will fill that part of it that is intended for pumping air. To find out, just press on the spool core of the fitting intended for pumping air. If, when pressed, water begins to flow out of the fitting, it means that the integrity of the membrane has been compromised and will have to be replaced with a new one.

If water does not flow from the fitting, it is necessary to check and use a pump to raise the air pressure to the required level: 10% less than the minimum pressure in the system (turning on the pump).

If the membrane is intact and the air pressure is normal, then the reason that the pumping station operates jerkily may be a faulty operation of its relay. You can check whether the inlet is clogged and whether the wires are securely fastened in the terminals. If the cause cannot be identified, it is better to replace the pressure switch with a new one.

The crazy guy can't hold the pressure

If the pumping station does not maintain pressure, that is, it decreases, even if at this time there is no flow of water from the water supply system of the house, then this indicates that somewhere in the system there is water leak.

First of all you need to check check valve– does it allow water to flow back into the well or borehole. Solids may become lodged in the valve, preventing it from closing completely, or the spring may weaken.

If you are convinced that the check valve is working properly, it means that the leak is occurring in the system itself. Need to check integrity of pipes and their connections, as well as connection points for shut-off valves and plumbing fixtures.

Also, they can pass water themselves plumbing fixtures: taps, mixers, toilet flush, etc.

Reckless often turns on

Possible causes and solutions:

  1. The pumping station often turns on if air pressure in its hydraulic storage tank very low or absent at all. In this case, the pumping station will turn on at every, even small, flow of water from the water supply system. Since the liquid is practically not compressible, the lack of air pressure in the tank will lead to the fact that immediately, with any opening of the tap or mixer, the pressure in the system will rapidly drop, which will immediately entail turning on the pumping station. When you close the tap, on the contrary, the pressure instantly rises and the pump immediately turns off. Measure the air pressure in the hydraulic storage tank and, if necessary, add to the required level: it should be 10% less than the lower pressure (pump activation).
  2. Another reason that the crazy machine often turns on may be destruction of the hydraulic storage tank membrane. In this case, water will come out of the air injection fitting when you press on its core. The membrane chamber can be replaced by first disconnecting the front flange of the tank, which is secured with bolts. When installing a new membrane, it is advisable to cover the points of its contact with the tank and flange with silicone sealant.
  3. Third possible reason frequent switching on, if the membrane is intact and the air pressure in the tank is normal, it may be that pressure switch adjustment is broken- the difference between the pump switch-on and pump-off pressures (Δ P) is set too small. In order to increase the difference, you need to tighten the nut on the smaller of the two regulators clockwise.

If you did not find the answer to your question in the article, ask it through the “Contacts” section of our website or in the comments.

Pumping station malfunctions video

Being yourself effective solution Such an important problem for the inhabitants of a private house as the organization of water supply, pumping stations were simply doomed to popularity from the very beginning.

But in the operation of any equipment, failures occur from time to time, and in the case of a water supply system, its owner must meet them fully prepared. Let's consider one of the most common problems - the pumping station does not gain pressure, the reasons for this phenomenon.

To understand exactly how the pressure in the pipeline affects the operation of the pumping station, you need to familiarize yourself with its structure. Obviously, the main thing actor in this system there is a pump that pumps water.

It, or rather the electric motor included in its composition, has one weakness: at the moment of start-up, this element experiences overload, so if these moments are repeated too often, the engine will quickly become unusable.

There is only one way to reduce the frequency of pump switching: enter into the system storage capacity- hydraulic accumulator. In centralized rural water supply systems, the role of such a tank is played by a water tower. It provides pressure in the pipeline due to the height of the water column, and the pump is turned on/off by a level sensor.

Modern stations are equipped with a more practical storage device that does not need to be installed high above the ground. The required pressure is created by the elastic force of the air, which is compressed when the accumulator is filled with water. But with this design it is fundamentally impossible to use level sensors, so the moments of turning the pump on/off have to be determined by the pressure in the pipeline.

For this purpose, the station is equipped with a third component - a pressure switch. As soon as the pressure in the system drops to a certain minimum value (switch-on pressure P1), the relay will start the pump. And after the unit fills the hydraulic accumulator and raises the pressure to the maximum (switch-off pressure P2), it will be turned off.

And in this topic we will consider the characteristics of the Agidel pump domestic production. And helpful information about the nuances of installation.

What are the reasons for the failures?

Why doesn't the pumping station gain pressure? Most often, disruptions in the operation of the pumping station are caused by the following reasons:

The power of the electric motor was insufficient

Here are the situations an equipment owner may encounter:

  1. Due to errors in the calculation, the required power of the unit was determined incorrectly (it turned out to be underestimated). In this case, problems will begin immediately after the first start-up of the pumping station.
  2. The pipes were replaced or the configuration of the water supply system changed, as a result of which its hydraulic resistance in the system increased. That is, before the station worked normally and stably, but after repair work it suddenly went haywire.
  3. The voltage in the network turned out to be insufficient. It is no secret that in suburban areas the quality of electricity supply is, to put it mildly, not ideal. If, instead of the required 220 V, the pump “engine” receives only 205 V, it, of course, will not be able to develop the nominal pressure.

In all of the above cases, the pump must be replaced with a more powerful one.

If you are not yet able to do this, adjust the relay. By slightly unscrewing the nut of the small spring, you will reduce the pressure P2, while P1 will remain at the same level (the small spring sets the range between P2 and P1).

If you release the large spring, both P1 and P2 will decrease, while the difference between them will remain the same (the large spring sets the value of P1).

To immediately select a suitable pump, before purchasing it, check the voltage in the network for several days using a multimeter.

Elements of the pump discharge mechanism are worn out

In the most common type of pump - centrifugal - water is spun by an impeller rotating at high speed.

At the same time, solid particles in the water cause abrasion of parts with the efficiency of sandpaper.

If the pumping station was working well, and then suddenly, without any external reasons (the voltage is normal, nothing has changed in the pipeline), it suddenly does not turn off, you may have to replace something in the pumping mechanism.

If there is sand in the water, it is better to purchase a pump with liners in the working chamber. In case of wear, it will be necessary to replace not the entire injection mechanism, but only these same liners.

The pipeline leaked

Of course, such an accident as, for example, a broken tap, is very difficult not to notice. But leaks can also be hidden. If your pumping station stops turning off, it makes sense to carefully examine the water supply, especially the connections.

If a crack is detected in a pipe or one of the pipeline parts, for example, in an outlet, it can be temporarily wrapped with metallized plumbing tape.

But at the first opportunity, the element, of course, needs to be replaced.

If a leak appears in one of the threaded connections, it means there is not enough sealant in it. This often happens if the owner assembled the pipeline himself, without sufficient experience.

Beginners are advised to use Tangit Unilok thread to seal threaded connections. It is extremely easy to use, and in case of a slight “overdose”, unlike flax or tow, it will not damage the screwed part.

The check valve installed on the suction pipeline may also leak. Usually it is prevented from completely closing by accumulated dirt. In such a situation, the pump manages to “get” to pressure P2 and turn off, but very soon it turns on again, although no one used the water supply (especially noticeable at night).

The elastic element in the accumulator has ruptured or the air pressure in it is too low

In this state of affairs, the pump will gain pressure P2 and turn off, but as soon as one of the users opens the tap, it will start working again.

That is, it will work as if there was no accumulator at all.

First of all, you need to press the spool pin, through which air is pumped into the accumulator. If water comes out of it, then it’s time to change the cylinder or membrane of the accumulator.

If water does not appear, you need to check the air pressure. It should be 10% lower than pressure P1, the approximate value is 1.5 atm. If necessary, air is pumped up with a conventional pump.

When the depth of the source is insignificant, stations with self-priming pumps are used.

Such units operate properly only if air does not enter the suction line and the working chamber. Otherwise, the pump becomes airy, causing its pressure to drop.

Reasons for airing the pumping station

Here's what can cause this kind of trouble:

  1. During the process of pumping out water, its level in the source turned out to be lower than the suction line pipe, as a result the pump “grabbed” air. In this case, the hose must be lowered lower or a float switch for the pump must be installed.
  2. The suction hose has cracks through which air enters the system. You need to replace the hose or wrap it with tape.
  3. The connection between the suction hose and the pump inlet has become depressurized. You need to tighten the nut or add a seal.
  4. Due to the fact that the pump was not filled correctly before the first start, air remained in the system. The pump needs to be refilled.

Sometimes, to restore the pump’s functionality, the gas-air mixture formed in it has to be squeezed out. To do this, water must be supplied to the suction line through a tee cut into it under good pressure - from a neighbor’s water supply or from a container installed high above the ground. The pump should be running at this moment.

Why doesn't the pumping station turn off?

After getting acquainted with the principle of operation of the pumping station, the reason for the non-stop operation of the pump becomes quite clear: not being, for one reason or another, capable of developing pressure P2, it cannot force the pressure switch to open the electrical circuit.

This relay has a contact group, which, on one side, is acted upon by the force of water pressure (through a membrane), and on the other, by springs mounted on studs, the compression force of which (the springs are compressed by nuts screwed onto the studs) determines the pressure values ​​P1 and P2. But before adjusting the relay, let's try to find out why the station stopped gaining the required pressure.

Video on the topic

Almost every resident of the private sector knows what a pumping station (crazy) is and why it is needed. With this unit, you can provide quality water home and garden, and do not depend on the central water supply. But what to do if suddenly the pumping station does not gain pressure or does not maintain it. To deal with this problem, let's get acquainted with the basic principle of operation of the station

The pumping station allows you to not depend on the central water supply

Operating principle of the pumping station

The main part of the station is the pump. In principle, to provide water to a private home, you can limit yourself to a regular water pump and not install a crazy one. But in this case, every time you open a tap or flush the toilet, the pump will turn on. Such frequent switching on will lead to the fact that the parts will quickly become unusable and you will have to take the unit in for repairs, or even purchase a new one.

To prevent this from happening, a special tank is attached to the pump to collect water - a hydraulic accumulator. The pump now pumps water into the tank and turns off. In the tank, the water is pressurized by compressed air. When the water level drops to a critical level, the pressure drops and the pump starts, which again replenishes the water supply. The pressure in the accumulator is regulated by a special pressure switch. Thanks to the tank and relay, the pump starts much less often.

But it happens that the pump turns on too often or does not turn off at all. This happens when the pressure in the pumping station drops. The reasons for this problem can be different, here are the most common:

  • low voltage in the network;
  • leakage in the system;
  • weak pump power;
  • air entering the pipes;
  • problems with the hydraulic accumulator.

In order to understand why the pumping station does not gain pressure, let's look at the above reasons for the problem more carefully.

Low voltage

Voltage surges, as well as its low level negatively affect any electrical equipment - pumping stations are no exception. Low voltage does not allow the unit to fill a full tank of water and shut down. You can cope with this problem by purchasing a voltage stabilizer. It will ensure optimal operation of the pump and protect your wiring and household appliances from overheating and damage.

Leakage in the system

Logically, if the station does not turn off, it means that there is not enough water in the tank. There are two options: the pump does not have the ability to pump water, or water leaves the system. In the second case, you need to check all pipes and taps, as well as the drain tank. If the pipes are metal, a leak may occur if the metal rusts or corrodes. Here you need to replace the segment that has become unusable. If it leaks in the place where the parts are twisted, it is necessary to use a rewind. Well, every man can deal with a leaking faucet.

House plumbing diagram. During installation, it should be taken into account that there is free access to all elements

Mounting plumbing system in the house, it is important that all its details are accessible.

It has become fashionable to hide pipes in walls. But even plastic pipes can leak when twisted. It is very difficult to detect a water leak behind a wall. In addition, in private homes it often happens that pipes are damaged by freezing, which can also cause leaks. To avoid this, insulate pipes that are located outside.

Weak pump power

Someone will say that there cannot be a problem with insufficient power, because before purchasing a station, a calculation of the required power is made, depending on the depth of the well, the amount of water consumed and the design features of the pipeline. However, power problems arise when:

  • pump parts wear out;
  • changes are made to the pipeline system;
  • The water level in the well drops.

Wear of parts occurs more often in centrifugal pumps. If the water is of poor quality and contains sand or small debris, they get between the pump shaft and cause parts to loosen. This is how the unit works, but cannot provide sufficient water pressure.

You can avoid this by installing special filters. And to cope with the problem, you will have to take the pump for repairs, or replace it with a new one. The rubber valve in the vibration pump may wear out and need to be replaced to solve the problem.

Before installing a new washing machine or dishwasher, or install additional pipes, calculate whether the power of the pumping station is enough for this. Some experts advise buying a pump in advance that is more powerful than needed. After all, technology does not stand still, and you may want to connect additional device consuming water.

If the water level in the well drops, the water pressure will significantly decrease or disappear completely. When the water drops too much, you may need to purchase a deep well pump. Buying a more powerful pump will solve most problems: after spending once, you will no longer be nervous about failures in the operation of the station.

Air got into the pipe

If your station is equipped with a surface pump, then if the water level in the well drops too low, or the pipe is damaged or not tightly connected to the pump, air gets in and the water pressure cannot be maintained at the required level.

Sometimes excess air is squeezed out of the pipe. To do this, a tee is connected to it, and water is supplied under pressure from another source. Doing this yourself is quite risky; it is better to use the services of a specialist.

Problems with the accumulator

Problems with the hydraulic accumulator occur when:

Problems with the hydraulic accumulator arise for many reasons.

  • the pressure switch is installed incorrectly (or it is faulty);
  • the membrane inside the tank ruptured;
  • low air pressure in the accumulator;
  • leak in the check valve.

If the maximum pressure in the relay is not set correctly, the pump will turn off with a delay. To fix this, loosen the smaller spring nut slightly. The unit will start working normally.

If the pressure switch does not work at all, it needs to be replaced. To understand that the relay is broken, pay attention to whether there are any leaks from the fitting. If the pressure in the tank is normal and there are no leaks, the problem is in the relay.

Press the air connection if water starts to drip, i.e. the entire hydraulic accumulator is filled with it. Those. there is water in the place where the air should be to provide pressure in the tank. This indicates a ruptured rubber membrane that needs to be replaced.

The pumping station does not hold pressure if it is not in the accumulator. This difficult problem is solved using an air pump. You simply need to pump air into the chamber.

If the pump turns on at night when no one is using water, you can suspect that the check valve is leaking. In this case, the tank cannot be filled completely, since the water flows in the opposite direction. To change the situation, you need to clean the valve.

If your station has a built-in surface pump, cause low pressure could also be:

  1. Empty suction pipe. The first start of such a pump can only be carried out if it is filled with water. Otherwise, the unit will not be able to operate normally.
  2. The pump impeller is stuck. If you have not used the station for a long time, the impeller may become sour (especially if the water quality leaves much to be desired). Unplug the unit and turn the impeller by hand. If you succeed, then after launch the station will work as expected.
  3. Capacitor failure. If you turn the impeller as described above, but there is no effect, you will have to spend money on purchasing a new capacitor.

If you have a deep-well pump installed, the breakdown may also include:

  • rupture of a pipe underground: if a pipe bursts between the well and the pump, then you have a lot of work ahead of you, because you will have to dig out the rupture and eliminate it;
  • breakdown of the unit: it may be that the pump itself is broken - whether it can be repaired must be decided by the master.

A pumping station is a very necessary thing for private homes. Its installation requires a lot of effort and financial investment. Therefore, if you have not encountered the repair of water pumps or are not confident in your abilities, let the specialists diagnose and repair the station. After all, by trying to repair something you don’t understand, you can do more harm than good, and further repairs will cost even more.

After reading the article, you will be able to control the work of the craftsmen and not give them the opportunity to take extra money from you. If you decide to repair the pumping station yourself, carefully read the instructions. Let your equipment serve as long as possible.

The continuous supply of water to the house depends on the stability of operation hydraulic equipment. Failure can have various reasons, both structural and operational. Many of them can be eliminated independently, so when the pumping station does not pump water, it is worth carrying out timely diagnostics of the main components.

No pressure

The pump is not always able to reach operating mode. In fact, the liquid enters through the outlet pipe, but it does not have time to reach the maximum value in terms of the number of atmospheres. Accordingly, the upper limit of the parameter is not reached, although no shutdown occurs and the pumping station is operating.

The phenomenon may be a consequence of the following events:

  • reduced voltage supplied to electrical appliances;
  • low power pump or the presence of operational wear of mating structural elements;
  • water losses due to poor-quality connections at technological joints, as well as a possible breakthrough of a pipe or one of the elements of the hydraulic circuit;
  • airing of pipes, typical for certain models of surface pumps.

Parts exhaustion or low power

It happens that a pumping station does not pump properly due to the fact that its operational characteristics are not capable of achieving the tasks assigned to it.

The parameters were initially selected or calculated incorrectly. The following values ​​were not taken into account in the calculations or resulted in a large error:

  • the height of the water column from a well or borehole;
  • level of consumer accommodation;
  • water pipe diameter;
  • depth of liquid intake, etc.

Equipment that is used for a long time may show signs of wear and tear:

  • the impeller changes to geometric parameters;
  • cracks or corrosion effects appear on the body;
  • the membranes of vibration pumps are damaged;
  • rubber elements lose elasticity and minimize tightness.

In such situations, the pumping station does not gain the necessary force for full operation, but partial supply will be carried out. The upper pressure threshold cannot be reached. In this case, the hydraulics can function without stopping, which can lead to rapid failure of the electrical part.

The cardinal solution to the issue is complete replacement water supply complex to equipment with the required characteristics.

You can also lower the set highest pressure value. If breakdowns are detected, it is enough to carry out visual diagnostics and purchase a repair kit of gaskets or consumables. If possible, the damaged housing is strengthened with sealant or epoxy resin.

VIDEO: Water supply station. Main malfunctions, causes and recommendations for selection

Leak detection

Let's figure out why the pumping station is not in full compliance performance characteristics does not produce the desired result. The most likely situations are the presence of leaks in the circuit.

The reason lies in the depressurization of the pipeline:

  • leaks shut-off valves;
  • the pipe is damaged due to corrosion or mechanical means;
  • the fastening in the connecting joints has weakened due to loosening of the clamps or insufficient sealing of the unit.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the entire length of the water supply system from the intake point to the consumers.

Low tension and airing

The culprit that the equipment does not pump the required volume of liquid may be low voltage in the electrical network. We measure the current value and, if necessary, install a stabilizer.

The problem with surface pumps is the possible penetration of air pockets. This often happens in systems that do not have ejectors. The event occurs due to the fact that the water goes lower to the place where the check valve is installed. Depressurization of the pipe may occur at the junction with the pump or in the area located between the pump and the intake section.

Lack of liquid at the pump outlet

Owners autonomous water supply may encounter a situation in which, after starting the pump, liquid is not supplied to consumers. In fact, the system shows no signs of operability, and the pumping station does not pump water. In such cases, you should do the following:

  • the presence of voltage in the network that approaches the house is monitored;
  • check the current supply to the pressure switch and to the pump motor, which is not visually damaged, but does not pump water;
  • Visual inspection of the cable is carried out to detect damage;
  • We use a tester or multimeter to measure the presence of electricity, after first removing the cover from the relay, you will also see possible burning of the contacts that interrupt the circuit;
  • if the current reaches the relay, and then the electrical parts do not work, then the culprit may be the electric motor, so it is necessary to unscrew the cover on the boron contacts (“box” on the motor) and determine the integrity of the unit;
  • If you notice the characteristic smell of a burnt winding of an electric motor, you should send it in for repair, since it will not be possible to rewind the winding yourself.

It must be taken into account that at each type of station (with a surface or deep pump) different or common negative phenomena may occur.

VIDEO: Why the station constantly turns on and off

Common challenges for outdoor equipment

Design of pumping station models classic type, With installed pump on the surface, can have three types:

  • the ejector is built into the pump design;
  • the ejector is located outside the structure;
  • installation of an ejector is not provided.

Problems may be of the following nature:

  • There is no water in the suction pipe. It is first necessary to fill water into surface pumps that do not have an ejector. Otherwise, the liquid supply will be prevented. If the liquid was poured in, but subsequently “left”, then this is evidence of depressurization at one of the joints or a poor-quality check valve.
  • Violation of the tightness of the suction pipe connection. In this case, unauthorized pumping of air into the system occurs. It is important to visually inspect the joints and the functionality of the input filter.
  • Check valve problems. Not only the valve can become clogged, but also its strainer. The reason is the shallow depth of the well or borehole, which leads to clogging with sand, silt or clay. It is enough to lift the intake part from the depth and carry out cleaning.
  • Impeller jamming. It happens that after a long break in work, the impeller becomes fixed in one position. The engine power is not enough to turn it. It is enough to manually rotate the shaft several times around its axis to relieve tension.

  • A burnt capacitor is also a common cause of pump problems. During the start, a characteristic sound will be heard in which the impeller does not rotate.
  • Decrease in water level. The lack of water on the consumer side often indicates a decrease in the liquid level in the well. This phenomenon may be seasonal for certain regions.

For a sufficient volume of water, it is necessary to correctly determine the flow rate before casing it and, accordingly, select the appropriate equipment.

  • A large number of abrasive particles leads to rapid wear of certain elements. The housing or passage channels, as well as valve seats, may be subject to wear. The impeller is also subject to wear. The problem can be eliminated by replacing worn out elements or the unit as a whole.

It is worth considering that in some cases the problem can be complex. In such a case, there will be several reasons, and they will have to be eliminated sequentially.

VIDEO: Why the pumping station does not pump water

Household appliances are a vital necessity in the absence of a centralized water supply in a country house or country house. A hydraulic pumping station can be easily installed in a separate special room; water automatically flows from a river or well. They are reliable in operation, but if used incorrectly or worn out, malfunctions or breakdown of one or another spare part for pumping stations occur.

All owners of wells or boreholes face repairs to pumping stations.

If possible, be sure to contact a specialist about repairs. If you are far from civilization, evaluate possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them yourself.

Common important causes of frequent breakdowns

The pumping station has a certain configuration: consisting of a pressure gauge, a pressure regulating relay, a pump, a hydraulic storage tank and other components. stations out of order, spare parts, replacement of electrical wiring, ensuring supply required quantity water. Causes of emergency:

  • pump failure;
  • there is no electricity or insufficient supply;
  • there is not enough water supply, it is absent;
  • damaged hydraulic tank;
  • The automatic control sensor unit is faulty.

To identify inoperability conditions, it is first important to check the power consumption and the reliability of the circuit connection. At low voltage, a connection to a stabilizer is required. Then you need to turn off the power supply and rotate the shaft to eliminate possible wheel blocking. The next step check the operation of the starting device.

The pump may not supply water for the following reasons: if its seal is broken, if there is an air plug in the housing or along the overpass. Insufficient level, low pressure, inconsistency, clogging or breakdown of pipelines and valves are factors that often cause work failure. Let's take a closer look at the methods for determining the main types of breakdowns and home renovation water pumps.

Repair the pumping station with your own hands only when the unit is completely de-energized. Be sure to remove the water, disconnect the pressure switch for the compressor, and the tank.

Brief analysis of the most popular problems and ways to solve them

The main problems are characterized the following indicators: the pumping station does not turn on. The engine is running, but the pump does not operate, or water does not flow. The station's action is jerky. The pumping station does not turn off at all. Frequent switching from working mode to non-working mode.

When such violations occur, the pumping unit requires urgent restoration. Malfunctions of the pumping station are dangerous and can lead to a fire in the electrical wiring of the dacha building.

Knowing the operating principles of pumping stations, you can troubleshoot problems yourself

When turned on, the pump rotates, but no water enters the station system

What to do when incorrect operation is caused by other factors?

  1. If there is water in the pipeline, work “dry”. Check the water level, top up the pump if necessary, or lower the leading hose down the well. To prevent insufficient water, the pipe is installed with an inclination to the surface of the intake site. Carefully monitor the filling of the well.
  2. Solution to the problem when the integrity or tightness of the pipeline is compromised: it is necessary to patch the joints, gaps, and holes. All parts damaged by corrosion require immediate replacement.
  3. If the hydraulic tank, pipeline, or check valve is contaminated with debris or sand, you need to clean them with a jet of water under pressure. The valve spring may break, requiring a new part.
  4. When an air lock forms in the suction pipe, you need to fill, drain inner space water, increase its pressure to eliminate air.
  5. For detailed cleaning, you will need to disassemble the pump, buy spare parts for the pumping station: housing, impeller, and replace them.

If the above measures do not bring a positive result, it is better to repair the water pump or replace the membrane tank in a special workshop.

The pumping station operates intermittently and jerkily

Problems with frequent switching and uneven water supply are caused by a violation of the integrity of the housing or the internal membrane of the hydraulic tank. During such failures, the indicators of the pressure gauge device jump sharply up, then drop.

  1. Carry out a test: press the tank nipple, if air comes out, the membrane is not damaged. When it breaks, a trickle of water will appear from the hole. It is necessary to disassemble the battery case and replace the old membrane with a new part.
  2. The problem of depressurization of the housing, caused by a crack or hole in the housing, is accompanied by a drop in pressure of the accumulator. You need to seal the hole, pump the missing air into the tank using a bicycle or car pump to the normal level (from 1.5 to 1.8 atm.).
  3. Jerky water supply occurs when the integrity of the joints is damaged, there are cracks in the suction hose (pipeline), or the check valve is blocked. The reason is worn parts.

Disadvantages that arise due to depressurization can be easily eliminated during home repairs.

The pump does not turn on when starting

Possible malfunctions: fuse has blown, power supply has been turned off. Breakage, charring of insulation on the wire network. Destruction of relay contacts. The pump does not work if the motor shaft is jammed or the motor is burned out.

Necessary actions:

  • check the power connection diagram of the station; eliminate cable breaks, replace the plug and fuse;
  • make sure that the contacts inside the pressure switch are working properly;
  • check the serviceability of the capacitor with a special device - a tester;
  • clean the pump;
  • rotate the impeller to check the engine wedging.
You can check the engine unsticking by turning the impeller

To avoid engine combustion, do not turn on the pump again until fault factors have been eliminated. A sign of insulation breakdown or engine failure is a burning smell.

The pumping station may turn on, but does not rotate

If the pumping station has not been used for a long time, the impeller and pump housing may have become stuck. To eliminate the blocking process, you need to manually make several turns when turning off the power supply.

Another reason for the breakdown is that the capacitor has failed. To restore functionality, you will have to purchase a new replacement part for the device.

If you hear a humming sound when there is no rotation, the power supply may be insufficient. Solution to the problem: connecting the installation to the network through a voltage stabilizer.

The station unit works uninterruptedly, but does not turn off automatically

The cause of the failure is a failure of the pressure switch or an incorrect action. The pump runs continuously unless the automatic device is triggered.

It is adjusted using two nuts with springs located under the cover. Tightening one of them (large) determines the parameters of the lower and upper pressure of the relay, the other (small) determines the difference between the levels of the upper and lower indicators.

What is the operating principle of the relay when setting up?

  1. Achieving the minimum value is carried out without water with the pump turned off and the tap open.
  2. The pump uses a pressure gauge inside the hydraulic tank to reach normal pressure.
  3. Unscrew the surface cap of the tank. The large spring is loosened, the pump is connected, and the nut is slowly tightened. The water station is gaining pressure. When water enters, the pressure value is already equal to the parameters of the air indicator.
  4. The process of regulating the differential begins: turn off the pump, measure the pressure of the relay. If the indicators are not satisfactory, tighten the small spring (or each one in turn). Then check the maximum value, bringing the pressure to normal.

A factor that causes incorrect operation of the relay when the station does not turn off is contamination of the contacts with deposits of metal salts if the source water is of poor quality.

The situation can be corrected by thoroughly cleaning the contacting surfaces with fine sandpaper. It is imperative to clear its water inlet from calcified or rusty iron deposits, debris, and sand.

A few notes about adjusting the pressure switch

If the values ​​of the pressure switch for the compressor in the hydraulic accumulator differ from the norm, the station will fail and the engine will burn out. In this case, the unit is not subject to warranty repair.

In addition, the moving components of the station wear out, which significantly changes the pressure, so after time it is necessary to adjust the indicators, repair the relay, and replace parts.

The initial factory setting of the relay changes during prolonged use as the springs stretch.


It is safer to entrust the repair of a hydraulic accumulator, engine, tank to a specialist, since it is not easy to select the necessary spare parts for pumping stations, due to the exclusion of outdated models of devices from production.

The main element of any autonomous water supply system is the pumping station, which, like any other technical device, can periodically fail. In order to return pumping equipment to working condition, you can use the services of specialized companies or repair the pumping station yourself. However, before starting to repair such technically quite complex equipment, it is necessary to identify the reasons why the water pumping station is not functioning.

There are many reasons for malfunctions in a pumping station. They may be associated with a lack of power supply, improper water supply from a water supply source, breakdown of the pump itself, failure of the hydraulic accumulator or elements providing automatic control equipment. Many of these reasons that lead to the fact that water supply stations do not work or function incorrectly can be identified and eliminated at home, and repairs do not require professional skills and complex equipment.

Construction of pumping stations

Pumping stations, which are often called hydrophores, are now actively used to organize autonomous systems water supply to country houses and cottages, so the question of how to independently repair such equipment, if the need arises, is quite relevant. Before you figure out how to repair a pumping station with your own hands, you need to understand what such stations consist of and on what principle they work.

A pumping station for equipping a domestic water supply system, which pumps liquid into the pipeline system, is installed on the surface of the earth, as close as possible to the well (as far as possible), and operates from the network electrical supply. Main structural elements pumping stations that ensure efficient and uninterrupted operation of such equipment in automatic mode are:

  • the water pump itself, which pumps water from a well or a well and pushes it under pressure to the outlet pipe (to equip pumping stations, a surface pump, rather than a submersible one, is used);
  • a water intake hose that is immersed in water to the maximum possible level;
  • a check valve that prevents water from the suction pipeline from flowing back into the well or well;
  • a mesh filter installed in front of the check valve and purifies the water pumped from the source from dirt and sand particles, the entry of which into the inside of the pump can become one of the reasons for its failure;
  • a pressure sensor installed after the pump - on the pressure line (the main task of such a sensor, operating in automatic mode, is to turn on the pump if the water pressure in the water supply system drops to a critical value, and turn it off when it reaches the required parameters);
  • water flow sensor, which is installed before the pump and does not allow it to work at Idling(when water stops flowing from a well or well, such a sensor automatically turns off the device, preventing it from overheating);
  • a pressure gauge that allows you to measure the water pressure in the pipeline created by the pumping station.

Malfunctions of the pumping station, as mentioned above, can be determined by a number of reasons, the exact clarification of which will allow repairs to be carried out promptly and with the highest quality possible, returning the equipment to working condition. Diagnostics carried out to determine the cause of a pumping station breakdown do not require the use of complex equipment and professional skills. Reveal the majority typical malfunctions pumping stations can be either external signs, and with the help of devices that were originally equipped with such equipment and the water supply system.

Among the malfunctions of pumping stations, we can highlight several of the most typical ones, which each user is able to identify and eliminate independently, using the advice of specialists during repairs.

The pump works, but no water enters the system

When starting a pumping station, it may happen that the pump with which it is equipped works, but no liquid flows into the water supply. To determine why the pumping station does not pump water, it is necessary to analyze individual parameters and operating conditions of the elements included in the equipment.

  • First, you need to assess the technical condition and correct operation of the check valve, which is located on the suction pipe in the inside of the well or well. Very often the pumping station does not pump precisely because this valve is clogged with sand and dirt: without opening, it simply does not allow water from the well to flow to the pump.
  • You should check whether there is water in the part of the pressure pipeline that is located between the pump and the well. If there is no liquid there, then, accordingly, the device has nothing to pump. Often this situation occurs when there is a power outage and the pumping station stops operating. In order for the pumping station to start operating normally again, it is enough to fill this part of the pipeline with water, for which a special hole is provided in it.
  • It is necessary to check (with the pump disassembled) how large the output is between the inner walls of its housing and the impeller. Such production is most intensively formed in cases where water containing a large amount of insoluble impurities (a kind of abrasive) is pumped. If this particular reason for the lack of water in the water supply system while the pumping station is running is identified, then repair of the pump is necessary, which consists of replacing the impeller and device housing, or its complete replacement. If you find components suitable for your equipment model, you can repair the water pump yourself.
  • It is also necessary to determine whether there is water (and at what depth, if any) in the well itself. If there is water in the water supply source, then the problem can be solved simply: just lower the supply hose or pipe to a deeper injection level. In this case, it is necessary to follow the operating instructions for the pumping equipment in order to subsequently avoid its repair.

The pumping station operates jerkily

A pumping station operating in automatic mode may begin to turn off and turn on frequently, which indicates the presence of malfunctions. This type of operation of the pumping station, in which it is constantly turned off and on, is called jerking. This should be a signal to check (and, if necessary, repair) individual elements of the system.

If the pumping station operates jerkily (it turns off and then turns on), you should measure the pressure in the air chamber of the hydraulic tank. To perform this procedure, you can use a car compressor equipped with a pressure gauge. If this parameter in the air chamber or bulb for the pumping station is below normal, it must be raised using the same auto-compressor. A repeated drop in pressure in the air chamber of the device indicates that a depressurization of the system has occurred, the location of which must be identified. If the joints have lost their tightness, then repair of the hydraulic accumulator is not required; it is enough to simply replace the sealing tape in such places.

The body of the hydraulic accumulator may also lose its seal if a crack or hole has formed in it. Repairing the hydraulic accumulator with your own hands in such a situation is not difficult: to do this, just close the resulting crack or hole using a “cold welding” compound.

Why does the pumping station often turn on and off during operation? The answer to this question may also lie in damage to the accumulator membrane. In such cases, the solution to the problem is to replace the accumulator bulb or such a membrane.

Replacing the membrane in the hydraulic accumulator

Unscrew the flange Remove the membrane and clean the tank The new membrane must fit the flange
Insert and straighten the membrane, install the flange Check the nipple and pump up the pressure Check the pressure after a while

Repair specialists are often asked why the pumping station often turns on or why the pumping station does not turn off when the liquid pressure in the water supply system exceeds the norm. This is usually due to a breakdown or malfunction of the pressure switch. Such malfunctions can also cause the pumping station to not maintain water pressure in the pipeline. Repairing a pressure switch is a rather complicated procedure that cannot always be done with your own hands. That is why, in many cases, the pressure switch of the pumping station is not repaired, simply replacing such a sensor with a new one.

Unstable pressure of the water flow coming from the pumping station

One of the fairly common situations when operating pumping stations is the supply of water from taps in pulsating jolts, which indicates that the water supply system is sucking in air from the outside. To identify where air gets into the pipeline, it is necessary to carefully check for leaks all the connecting elements present in the area located between the well or borehole and the pumping station.

If the pumping station does not build up pressure or pumps water into the pipeline in a pulsating mode, this may also indicate that the water level at the source has decreased or that a hose or pipe of the wrong diameter is being used to pump out water.

When choosing a hose or pipe for placement in a well or borehole, you should always take into account that their diameter should be smaller, the lower the suction height of water from the source.

The automatic shutdown system of the pumping station does not work

The question of why the pumping station does not turn off automatically is quite common. A pumping station operating in such a mode, which is considered an emergency, cannot be operated; it should be immediately disconnected from the power supply. Otherwise, you may experience rapid equipment failure, which means that more complex and expensive hydrophore repairs will be required.

Why does the pumping station not turn off for a long time? The reason is incorrect operation or failure of the pressure sensor. Malfunction of this device operating in automatic mode may cause the pumping station not to turn on at the moment when the pressure of the liquid flowing through the pipeline decreases. In most cases, this problem is solved quite simply - by adjusting the sensor to the required pressure to turn the pump on and off.

The pressure switch may not work properly due to the fact that the elements of its internal structure are covered with salt deposits. In such cases, it is enough to disassemble the sensor and clean it internal parts from such deposits.

The pumping station does not turn on

In most situations, the station does not turn on (and, accordingly, the pump does not work) due to a rupture electrical circuit, oxidation of elements of the contact group and malfunctions in the operation of the pressure sensor. In addition, the causes of problems may lie in a burnt-out winding of the drive motor, as well as in the failure of the starting capacitor.

As a rule, no problems arise with such repair procedures as eliminating breaks in the electrical power supply circuit of the station, cleaning the contacts of the starting device and replacing the capacitor. However, in order to rewind an electric motor, you need to know how to disassemble it and how to replace a burnt winding in it. That is why many users of pumping stations, when the drive motor burns out, simply replace it with a new one, avoiding repairs.

Often, when starting up a pumping station that has not been used for a long time, a characteristic hum occurs, but the equipment does not start working. The reason for this situation is that the pump impeller of the pumping station is simply “stuck” to the body of the device and cannot budge. In this case, it is necessary to partially disassemble the pump of the pumping station and manually move its impeller from its dead center.

How to properly install a pumping station

In order to less often wonder why the pump does not pump water from the well or supplies it incorrectly to the system, serious attention must be paid to the installation of pumping station elements. Correct installation of water supply systems with submersible pumps is no less important, since repair deep well pump or replacing it is also an expensive procedure.

So, when installing pumping stations, you must strictly follow the following recommendations:
  • avoid bending and deformation of pipes used for installation;
  • ensure absolute tightness of all connections made to prevent air leaks into the system;
  • be sure to place a check valve and a filter element on the supply pipe;
  • immerse the lower end of the inlet pipe in water in a well or well at least thirty centimeters (in this case, the distance of the end of the pipe to the bottom of the water supply source must be at least twenty centimeters);
  • with a significant depth of the water supply source (more than 4 m) and, if necessary, to pump water over a significant distance, increase the design diameter of the pipes used for installation;
  • use a water flow sensor and a pressure switch to equip the pumping station;

When operating a water station (as well as any mechanism), problems may arise. various kinds malfunctions.

Water station - malfunctions

It is very important to know what types of faults there are and how to deal with them.

Most often the following problems occur with a water station:

1) The water station basically works, but does not pump water. First you need to look at whether the tightness of the pipelines that approach the station has been broken. It is necessary to carefully check all possible joints and be sure to check the check valve.

It is also advisable to check that there is water between the well and the pump.

The pump must also be completely filled with water, and if this water is not there, then it must be started using a special hole. It is also possible that the water in the well has simply run out - then simply lower the hose deeper until it reaches the water level.

There may be such a breakdown due to the fact that the network is very low voltage– in this case, you will need to check the operation of the engine and if it is faulty, you will need to replace it with a working mechanism;

2) The pump turns on very often and pumps water in jerks. First you need to look at what a device such as a pressure gauge, which exists on an automatic unit, shows.

While the pressure gauge rises to the level at which it is located water station, and then it starts to fall – then there are several possible reasons:

— the membrane in the tank burst.

You can check this using the nipple, which is located on the back of the tank. If you press it and water appears instead of air, then you need to change the membrane;
— there is no air pressure in the hydraulic tank.

You need to measure the pressure with a pressure gauge and if it is low, then bring it to normal. The repair consists of identifying this leak and sealing it. Most often this is done using cold welding;

— the pressure switch that controls the rotation of the pump does not work. In this case, you will simply need to replace the relay with a working one;

3) The pump works, but the water flows intermittently.The reason for this is that air is being sucked in somewhere. In order to fix this problem you needcheck water level, which is located in the well, as well as a pipeline that sucks water from the well and find a specific place where air is sucked in, and then make it work;

4) The pump does not turn on at all, although it pumps water. In order to fix the problem, you need to repair the central pressure switch. Therefore, the relay contains two springs.

In this case, the level of adjustment of the upper and lower level is done using a large spring. The difference in pressure level between the higher and lower is made thanks to the lower one. It is also possible that the inlet is blocked by salts (they can form when bad water in system).

In order to eliminate this, you need to thoroughly clean the relay;

5) The pump does not want to work at all. When such a problem occurs, it is possible that the relay contacts have burned out. To do this, check with a special tester whether there is power in the network, and also look at the pressure relay contacts.

It is possible that the electric motor has burned out - this is easy to understand by the specific characteristic smell. It is best to contact a good specialist to fix this, since the breakdown is really quite serious.

6) The pump hums and does not spin. Almost always the reason for this is that it has not been used for a long time and has remained without any use.

In order to fix this, use your hands behind the pump motor to twist the impeller of the motor itself, and then plug it in

The following reasons may also be present:

— the capacitor is partially or completely broken

- low power supply voltage

Water pumping station malfunction– all the most common breakdowns are outlined here and exactly how these problems can be eliminated. There are several other types of malfunctions, but they are extremely rare, so there is no point in describing them.

And if pressing on the valve goes out, it is necessary to change the membrane.

The instructions are in the photo below.

If the reason is that there is no water, you need to measure the pressure with a pressure gauge, but if the pressure is low, you need to bring it to 1.5 - 1.8 atmospheres with a pump.
The role of the membrane is performed by a rubber bag in the pumping station

The private sector is characterized by the presence of individual sources of water supply, which means that a pumping station is a mandatory attribute in this communication. The equipment is designed for high-quality lifting of water from a well and its transportation through water supply pipes. But what to do if the pumping station does not build up pressure and does not supply water to the pipeline? You will have to figure it out step by step to find out the reasons for such a failure (why this happens) and eliminate them.

For those who don't quite understand why it is so important that water equipment pump type accumulated a certain pressure, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the station and its structure. Thanks to such knowledge, carry out renovation work and eliminating the causes of a possible breakdown on your own will be much easier.

So, the main “person” in the operation of a water supply station is the pump itself. It is designed to lift water and supply it to the system. But the pump, although a powerful unit, is quite sensitive. Its operation is based on constant engine switching on/off, which can have a detrimental effect on the life of the mechanism. That is, the pump will fail faster due to engine burnout. To prevent this from happening, many people equip the pump with a hydraulic tank, and this is already a water station.

The hydraulic tank (also called a hydraulic accumulator) is already responsible for the pressure in the system, creates its specified limits and controls the operation of the pump. In addition, he plays the role storage tank for water. That is, first the pump pumps water into the tank. After this, water is supplied to the pipes when the taps are opened from the reservoir. The pump is resting during this time. As soon as the pressure in the tank drops (namely, the water runs out), the pressure switch is activated, which activates the pump. Water is drawn from the well until the accumulator is completely filled. The cycle repeats itself over and over again. And if the pump does not turn off, it means required pressure not in the system. We need to find out why.

Important: the operating pressure indicators of the lower and upper limits on the relay are marked with symbols P1 and P2, respectively.

Causes of station malfunction

But it happens that the water station for water supply does not turn off. That is, water simply enters the tank, but there is no upper pressure. Accordingly, the pump does not turn off. It is not only possible to deal with such a situation with your own hands, but also necessary. And to do this, let’s look at the main reasons for the breakdown (why this happens):

  • Pump motor power too low. Here, either the required power of the equipment was initially incorrectly calculated, or during the operation of the water supply system, changes were made in communications. For example, the water surface dropped or the configuration of the pipeline on the site was changed.

Important: to determine the power of the pump, before purchasing, you should always take into account the depth of the water surface in the well, the diameter of the pipes, the number of people living in the house and the purposes for which the water will be used. When purchasing, it is advisable to choose pump models whose engine power slightly exceeds the required one.

  • Insufficient mains voltage. This situation is especially common in villages located far from the city. In this case, the pump simply cannot develop the pressure specified in the passport. This means that the pressure in the system will not rise. That is, the unit seems to be working, it seems to be pumping water, but it does not turn off. It is worth checking the output voltage in the network and the engine power according to the passport. For example, the pump motor is designed for a voltage of 220, but only 205 W is supplied to the network. Accordingly, the unit does not pump water at a given pressure and therefore does not contribute to increasing the pressure in the system. Here, either installing a good stabilizer or changing the pump to a more powerful model will help.
  • Incorrectly set pressure switch. This small element controls the operation of the water station, regulating the lower and upper limits of the pressure in the tank. Most likely, the upper limit is set incorrectly. In order to lower the threshold P2 (upper pressure), you need to slightly unscrew the nut of the smaller spring. The indicator will decrease and the station will turn off on time.

Important: the large spring nut simply reduces the readings of both pressure limits, while maintaining the range between them.

  • It is possible that the reason for the uninterrupted operation of the water supply station is the wear of the pump mechanism parts. This option is especially relevant for centrifugal pumps. Since the impeller of such units operates at high speed, passing water through itself, small particles of sand and other inclusions in the water also pass through the impeller blades. At this moment, they work on the principle of sandpaper, abrading the pump elements. Accordingly, the pumping mechanism of the water station becomes loose and fails. That is, the pump works, but does not supply water in the specified volumes to the hydraulic tank. Accordingly, there is no upper pressure threshold in the accumulator. In this case, you will either have to replace the entire pressure wheel in the pump or buy a new unit. To prevent this from happening, it is better to buy pumping equipment with a special filter insert in the working chamber. Especially if the water contains sand or clay impurities.
  • Leak in pipeline.

This reason for the malfunction of the water station is one of the most common. Moreover, there is often a hidden leak. That is, the pump works, pumping water, and does not supply it to the hydraulic tank in full. Somewhere water is leaking from the system. This is why there is no required upper pressure limit in the hydraulic tank. To identify the problem, it is necessary to carefully inspect the water supply network, starting from the well water supply pipe to the hydraulic tank itself. If even the slightest drop is found, the pipeline section must be replaced. If a leak is found in the place threaded connection, you need to strengthen the seal in this place. A good solution is the Tangit Unilok sanitary seal. Even in the case of “overkill” of the material, it gives high-quality shrinkage and does not damage the thread.

  • Check valve leaking. Here the water simply flows back into the water supply system, preventing the pump from reaching the P2 mark. That is, there is no upper required pressure in the water supply, and the pump does not turn off. A clear sign such a malfunction is the spontaneous activation of the pump at night, when no one is using the water station. Typically, a check valve fails due to dirt accumulated in it. You need to either clean (rinse) the check valve or completely replace it.
  • Rupture of the elastic element in the hydraulic accumulator. That is, a rupture of the membrane responsible for filling the tank and regulating the pressure in the water supply system. In this case, the pump works, almost reaching the upper pressure mark, and then turns off. But as soon as you turn on the water in the tap, the water supply station works again. In this case, it is necessary to check the spool through which air is supplied to the accumulator. Just click on its pin and watch it. If water starts coming out through it, it means that the tank membrane is torn and needs to be replaced. Or change the entire hydraulic accumulator. If it is dry near the spool when you press the pin, you should pay attention to the air pressure in the tank. Its indicator should be below the P1 mark (lower pressure) by 10% (approximately 1.5 atm.). If the indicator is lower, then you can simply pump up the air using a simple pump.

Self-priming pump: problems with pressure in the station

To operate a water supply system at shallow well depths, self-priming types of pumps are most often used. In this case, the reasons for the drop in pressure in the hydraulic tank and water supply may lie in the airing of the impeller and the working line of the unit. The reasons for air getting into the pump system can be:

Drop in water level in the well. If this happened, then most likely the pump hose took in air and sent it into the water supply. To correct the situation, you need to check the water level and lower the hose deeper if necessary.

The seal between the inlet pipe of the pumping equipment and the intake hose has become depressurized. Here it is necessary to tighten the nuts or strengthen the sealing gasket.

It is also possible that the pump at the start-up stage was filled not only with water, but also with air. In this case reliable operation there is no solid pump, and you will have to restart the equipment with a new fill of water. Sometimes you have to squeeze it out of the pump air lock. To do this, connect a tee to the suction line of the pump and pour water into it from a tank installed much above ground level. In this case, the pump must be on.

Thus, we have given the most common reasons for malfunctions in the operation of a water station, namely the inability to achieve the upper operating pressure in the tank chamber. Knowing these nuances of the station’s operation, you will be able to fix the breakdown yourself or at least identify the cause of the failure. And this is already half the savings of the family budget. After all, you never know what reason for the breakdown they will tell you in service center! No, no, and point out to the technician the true reason for the failure of your pump or hydraulic tank.