Verbal and non-verbal tests examples. Eysenck verbal test. Job selection

Dear friends!

  • If you are soon to take “Verbal-Numeric” testing SHL, Talent-Q, Ontarget Genesys,
  • If you are afraid of failing and are looking for how to prepare
  • If there is little time left,

then I hasten to inform you that it is possible to prepare online professionally.

Quickly and simply, using effective online training, you will train your skills in 2-3 days and pass the tests the first time! A stable skill appears after solving 30-40 tests.

Listen to the 6-minute interview immediately after testing and training in our system.

In the interview we talked about online program Roboxtest V.8, which is a platform for versions of MAXIMUM 875, BIG4, FMCG, NGK.

Our team has developed a unique computer program Roboxtest V.8. It is as close as possible to real testing - the process itself takes place directly in the browser, with a limited amount of time. I invite you to take a trial verbal test and see everything with your own eyes. Complete test database (more than 100 tests per this moment- about 1500 questions) is also available. To do this, contact me. Contacts are below.

All preparation will take place online. Each test has correct answers and solutions without a time limit. The program runs directly from Google browser Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.

Attention! At the moment, the program is not compatible with Internet Explorer (not all the functionality).

(Works with Google Chrome, FireFox, Mozilla, Safari.)

At the end you will see a report similar to what employers see - in percentages and percentiles. This will allow you to soberly assess your strengths. Since the preparation takes place online, it is possible to compare yourself with other people who have taken this test - this is important, because this is how employers look at you.

The system will also reveal your strengths and weak sides and will tell you what to pay more attention to.

Now the database contains more than a hundred different tests (more than 1,500 questions) - mainly ability tests - verbal, numerical, abstract-logical. But, most likely, you are not solving the entire database. Something else is important here - skill.

As experience shows, it is enough to achieve a level of 80-90 percent and at least 60 percentiles for each type of test in order to successfully pass real testing the first time.

People who prepared using our system solved an average of 30-40 tests. Here again, individually, one candidate really wanted to get the position - he solved 152 tests!!! And I passed the real test successfully!!!

There are also knowledge tests - English - 2 levels, RAS, IFRS - for preparation for the Big Four.

If you are interested in training in our system, please contact me. Without payment, the system will block you within a few hours after registration.

Sincerely, Panteleev Stanislav.

[email protected]

The tasks you will solve cannot be called difficult. These are not matrices and integrals, not complex mathematical logic. The purpose of testing is to measure your psychometric data.

The whole difficulty lies only in the time that you are given and the passing scores that are assigned by employers and testing companies. You don’t know anything about them, and you don’t know about the types of tasks. In this article we will lift the veil of secrecy and show you what will await you during testing.

An example of a testing company report for an employer

Your results will be compared with those of other candidates. This is what the test result looks like for an employer using the example of testing the Talent-Q system.

Draw conclusions. You will be compared with a normative group and, based on these results, you will be invited for an interview or not.

To get an interview, be sure to train hard! See what types of tasks exist, find your own materials or use ours. The formula here is simple: “Training = Success”

Numerical test and its varieties. Examples and solutions

Example of a problem with a graph

How many thousand more cars were imported in the second quarter of the second year than in the first year for the same period?
The graph shows that in the second quarter of the second year, 600 thousand cars were imported, in the second quarter of the first year – 425 thousand.
We calculate the difference 600-425=175 thousand cars
175 thousand cars

Example problem with diagram

It is no secret that the level of power of the financial system of any country is assessed based on the size of its gold and foreign exchange reserves. Of course, the greater the reserves, the higher the level of economic stability to various financial shocks.
The charts below show the change in the size of such reserves (in billions of US dollars) of the five largest economies in the world: China, the USA, Japan, European Union collectively (EU) and Russian Federation. Note that the data reviewed relate to the period 2010-2013.

How many times are China's gold and foreign exchange reserves in 2010 greater than Russia's in 2011?


The gold and foreign exchange reserves of China in 2010 amounted to $2,000 billion, the Russian Federation in 2011 - $400 billion.


Example of a problem with a table
At the 2004 Olympic Games, athletes from five countries won the most gold, silver and bronze medals: the USA, China, Russia, Australia, and Japan. Question: How many gold medals did the Russian team lack to take first place in the team standings in terms of the number of gold medals not counting silver?

Comment: places in the standings are distributed according to the total amount of awards


For Russia to take first place in gold medals, it needs to overtake the United States and collect 36 medals. That is, we lacked 36-27 = 9 medals


Example of a problem involving percentages

In January 2012, the price of a men's suit increased by 25%, and in March 2013, at a sale, it became 16% less than the price raised and currently stands at $336. By what percentage overall did the price of a suit fall or rise during the period mentioned above?


Let us denote by x the initial price.

Then the price in January 2012 was 1.25*x;

Price in March (1-0.16)*1.25*x=$336



The price rose by 5%.

Example of a mixture problem

From two salt solutions - 10 percent and 15 percent, you need to create 40 grams of a 12 percent solution. How many grams of each solution should I take?


Let us denote by x the mass of the 10% solution, and by y the mass of the 15% solution.

Then we can create 2 equations:

The total mass of the solution is 40 grams, that is

The following equation will determine the salt content of solutions:


So, we have a system of 2 equations. We express x from the first equation and substitute it into the second.




10 percent 24 grams, 15 percent 16 grams.

Verbal logic test. Example and solution.

Example of a verbal logic task

There is a worldwide accepted international classification diseases (ICD-10), it includes hundreds of different diseases. Many psychiatrists from different countries all over the world (for example, American doctor Kimberly Young) are demanding the inclusion of cyber addiction (computer addiction) as a disease in the next edition of the ICD. At the moment, the closest existing diagnosis is gaming addiction, however, the description of this disease refers exclusively to the use of slot machines, about personal computers there is no talk there.

Question 1: Cyber ​​addiction is a disease recognized throughout the world.

Answer: False.

Explanation: since psychiatrists from different countries demand the inclusion of cyber addiction in the next edition of the ICD, we can conclude that this disease is not yet recognized throughout the world.

The story of Stanislav Panteleev. Tests at P&G

I will tell you about my experience, and you yourself will draw conclusions from this. In 2008, I graduated from the Ural State University with a degree in economics and management with a specialization in anti-crisis management. In our final courses, we had a powerful ad from the Big Four (E&Y KPMG Deloitte PwC). Many from my course went to work there. 90% left within the first year. I chose a different path for myself - sales. The first company I went to was P&G. I filled out the form in the Taleo system, uploaded my resume, waited for the call, and now I’m testing at the P&G branch in Yekaterinburg. The first impression is that the tasks are easy, but time flows inexorably. There were three of us candidates for the Sales position at P&G. I worked through everything carefully and was stuck on some tasks. I remember there was some kind of task about how many and what items different sizes will fit into the warehouse - I sat on it for about 10 minutes and realized that I couldn’t solve it. At one point, my rivals asked me, “Will you have time?” I said that I would have time, but for the rest of the time I was just running around with answers from the idiot. The results were in 20 minutes. Stanislav "No." I was very upset then. I’ve never had problems with such simple tasks, but here I’m going to fail and ruin my career. A few days later I came back to life and realized this simple thought - I’ll find textbooks, download tests, and start preparing. But it was not there. There were virtually no online tutorials on how to prepare for such seemingly simple tasks. Tests too. As a result, there are scarce resources for preparation. And my career meant a lot to me at that time. This includes money, professional growth and social significance. There was a resource from Vadim Tikhonov, but I didn’t want to pay for tests at that moment. It seemed to me that everything could be downloaded. As a result, I spent a lot of time and began to compose my tasks based on what I remembered and what else I came across. I started asking my friends and acquaintances who also faced this problem. This is how I met Marina Tarasova, who greatly helped me in my preparation. At that time, she already had extensive experience in developing tests for assessing and qualifying personnel, including training tests for admission to international companies. Next were the companies Mars, KPMG, E&Y, Unilever. Everywhere I passed these tests with a bang! It was only necessary to master the principle. The training helped me, and it will help you too. Our tests are paid because we conduct great job to create them - work for results. You have probably encountered the fact that there is very little information on the topic of preparing for testing. We are filling this gap. A lot of new things come from you, dear clients and readers. Every month we update the tests in accordance with new information and trends in the candidate testing market. These include new tasks, new types of tasks, examples of solutions and other updates. As a result, we have created a small but very useful resource for your test preparation. We are ready to hear your wishes, comments and reviews on our website. To do this, contact a “consultant” and we will contact you.

The Eysenck verbal test and ready-made answers to it are used to assess an employee’s thinking abilities and vocabulary. We will tell you in the article when to use the Eysenck IQ test correctly.

From the article you will learn:

For what purposes is the Eysenck verbal test used?

Hans Jurgen Eysenck - British psychologist who developed several personality questionnaires and tests to assess intellectual abilities. These questionnaires and tests are widely used in the field of human resource management.

In the "Personnel System" you will find a selection of useful tests

Important! Intelligence tests are not used to assess how educated or erudite a person is. Their goal is to assess cognitive and thinking abilities.

Using intelligence tests, you can determine:

  • human ability for abstract thinking;
  • degree of mental development;
  • ability to solve logical problems;
  • degree of learning ability.

Exists eight versions of Eysenck's IQ test, which use graphic images, digital and verbal (verbal) material. The use of a particular test depends on what type of intelligence is being assessed.

Psychologists distinguish four types of intelligence:

  1. Logical- when testing, mathematical puzzles and problems to identify patterns are used.
  2. Verbal- when testing, they use abstract images and signs, existing vocabulary, tasks to find analogies and generalizations.
  3. Spatial- volumetric volumes are used for assessment geometric shapes, existing spatial imagination.
  4. Mnemonic- test all types of memory.

The Eysenck Verbal Test allows you to obtain a quantitative assessment of verbal intelligence. Therefore, in HR practice it is advisable to use it to evaluate specialists who must have great vocabulary, be able to express your thoughts competently and logically, and accurately understand the statements of other participants in the conversation. This, for example, applies to professions such as journalist, translator, teacher, PR or public relations specialist.

A selection of tests to assess intellectual abilities from the Personnel System

A short orientation test. Buzin and Vanderlik technique

How legal is it to use the Eysenck verbal test to evaluate candidates?

The author of the IQ tests himself noted that they were designed for those who have at least a secondary education. Eysenck tests should be used to assess individuals whose intelligence is obviously above average. For individuals who do not have outstanding thinking abilities, passing such tests can cause significant difficulties and frustration due to the inability to cope with test tasks.

Therefore, it is generally incorrect to include the Eysenck verbal test in a candidate selection program for hiring.

Experts from the HR Director magazine have prepared a selection matrix. Learn how to evaluate candidates for key jobs.

From an ethical and legal perspective, employers should use selection methods that assess business qualities a person related specifically to the vacancy for which he is applying.

But if we're talking about For those professions listed above, using the results of the Eysenck verbal test as arguments for refusal will not be regarded as discrimination in hiring. An employer can easily prove a statistical relationship between test scores and performance indicators in these specialties.

The candidate selection system of Jack Welch, who headed General Electric for 20 years, includes one of the stages: . Experts from the HR Director magazine will tell you about this system and the tests that are included in it.

How to evaluate candidates using the Eysenck verbal test: step-by-step algorithm

The Eysenck Verbal Test includes 50 tasks. The complexity of their implementation increases from the first to the last. Those participating in testing should not know in advance which test will be used - otherwise they can always find the correct key on the Internet or in specialized literature. They have to carry out tasks exclusively on our own. The total testing time is limited to 30 minutes.

Important! To solve some tasks, the test taker will need to know the sequence of letters in the Russian alphabet. The letter “ё” is not used in the Eysenck verbal test and answers.

Step-by-step testing algorithm:

Step #1. Download the Eysenck verbal test and the answers to it on the Psychology portal. Online testing."

Step #2. Print out the test text for each participant. Check out the questions and answers.

Step #3. Prepare and print out a sign for each participant to write their answers on. It consists of two columns, the first contains the number test task, in the second - the answer.

Step #4. Before starting the test, explain to the participants the conditions for completing it. Tell them that the answer to each task is one letter or word. In some cases, they will have to choose one word from several offered. Ask them not to enter answers at random. But if there is a guess, the test taker can indicate his answer, even if there is no final certainty. The number of dots placed in the test task corresponds to the number of letters that need to be inserted.


Step #5. After half an hour, collect the sheets with test tasks and answers. Check the answers with the key and calculate total correct answers.

Key to Eysenck Verbal Test:

1. GAS 2. FIGHT 3. BELLY 4. FIR 5. LAMA 6. ROW. 7. PUSHKIN 8. BLACK 9. KEY 10. JUICE 11. FLOWER BED 12. WATER 13. Feast 14. ARGUMENT 15. CHERRY 16. DEMONS 17. OL 18. CHAIR 19. OM 20. SCATTER 21. IMAGE 22. NUT 23. VAL 24. IS 25. PARADISE 26. PARIS 27. GATE 28. TREASURE 29. BELGRADE 30. AIKA 31. INA 32. WEASEL 33. CAT 34. DOLPHIN 35. FROM 36. LUK 37. EINSTEIN 38. ESCAPE 39. ENA 40 REASON 41. TOL 42. TV 43. PHALANX 44. MAC 45. GLASSES 46. SEMAPHORE 47. EEN 48. HORN 49. OL 50. VIOLIN

Step #6. To interpret the results and obtain quantification for the Eysenck verbal test, use the graph presented in the figure.

On the horizontal axis, plot the total number of answers that match the key. From the marked point, restore the perpendicular to the intersection with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, draw a horizontal line to the vertical axis. It displays IQ (intelligence quotient) values. Results in the range from 100 to 130 points are considered reliable.

Testing is carried out to assess the speed of mental activity. Use the Eysenck verbal test when assessing the IQ of specialists whose professions are related to journalism, translation, pedagogy, PR or public relations.

So, you recently sent your resume to a very reputable and large company such as Pyaterochka, Sberbank, Rosneft, Hoff, Mars and others. And, most likely, for a good position with a good salary. And since you are reading this article, you have successfully passed the selection at the “resume” stage. But as you understand, this was only the initial test of this difficult path to finding a job. And then they call you and tell you that you need to take an online verbal and numerical test. Some HR even tell you to prepare, namely, that you look on the Internet what verbal tests, numerical tests, etc. are. Which is exactly what you are doing. We would like to immediately inform you not to look for verbal tests with answers, since most likely they are already outdated. Better focus on preparation. Below we will look at what these verbal tests are, how to solve them, where to look at examples and how to prepare for free.

What is a verbal test for employment?

Verbal - (from Latin verbalis verbal). As a rule, an online verbal test is given to candidates for management positions and for those positions whose work involves a lot of work with textual information. Such a text will show how the candidate operates with textual information, his reading speed, memory, ability to identify points from information, and so on.

But we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the online verbal test is very different from the test that is given during the interview. Yes, there are organizations that during an interview give you a test with questions on several A4 sheets. So, this is not at all the test that is solved on the Internet. Below we will look at their options.

Verbal SHL test

On the Internet you will find many examples of verbal tests. But do employers use all of them and which ones exactly? Below is an example of a regular verbal test, for which, in principle, you don’t even need to pay attention to preparation; even a child will solve it. But, nevertheless, such tests are found on almost every site where there is an article about verbal tests. And yes, employers actually use them when selecting a candidate, but usually these are offline tests. They don't warn you about them.

If you were told that you need to take an online test and were given access to any platform, then most likely we are talking about verbal and numerical or. Below is an example of such a test.

As you can see, it is very different from the first example, and even more so, it is not so easy. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance. Try the verbal test for free.

For those who already work a lot with textual information, this test will be easier to pass than for those who work, say, with numbers. Conversely, such people will have a more difficult time passing the numerical test. But not about that.

Ideally you should have fast technology reading and a good memory will probably be the main components of success. After all, the verbal test is limited by time, and if you hesitate, you are unlikely to have time to answer all the questions. Therefore, try to read quickly, between the lines and, most importantly, remember the text.

Try to highlight the main points, because the thesis most often appears in the question, and not the entire sentence from the text. If you read very quickly without delving into the essence, you can take a sheet of paper and write down the main thoughts on a piece of paper, but do this by shortening the words, since time is limited.

When opening a question, first read the question and its answers, then read the test. After all, if the question contains a thesis or sentence from the text, it will be easier for you to remember it and thus, when reading the text, you will immediately pay attention to it.

Keep track of the time. If you are given 20 minutes for a test, and the test has 20 questions, try to spend 1 minute on 1 question.

Let's summarize. What you need to successfully solve the online verbal test:

  1. Quick reading or reading between the lines;
  2. Good short-term memory. If everything is bad, try using a piece of paper with a pencil;
  3. Ability to highlight theses. A pen and pencil may also come in handy here;
  4. Read the question and answers first, not the text.
  5. Keep track of time, try not to spend more than the allotted time on a question.

Once you have practiced these skills, passing the test will not be a difficult task for you.

Answers to the verbal test

Of course, it’s easier to find a ready-made solution, answers to the test. Yes, this is a very simple option, but we want to warn you that most likely you will not find answers to your questions, since the verbal SHL test is individual for each organization and most likely for each position as well. But let's say you found some answers to your testing. They may be out of date as the SHL Verbal Test items are updated every 3 months.

Friends, why bother, because they can easily check you, and if they don’t check you, then there will be other filters, for example, a personal interview with a manager or an HR specialist. Or even worse, assessment. Therefore, try to solve the verbal test yourself, prepare for it in advance. After passing the testing stage, you will have confidence and it will be easier for you to pass next steps selection.

Half of the test questions are mathematical, the other half are verbal. Mathematics includes examples of calculating proportions, percentages, area, productivity, time, as well as finding segments, mixtures, histograms, diagrams, and working with graphs. The list shows that examples school level, there is no higher mathematics, derivatives, integrals, etc. However, you should not relax in advance, given the testing conditions.

Verbal tests include two types of questions: assessing the correctness of statements and analyzing text. The short text is accompanied by several statements that are marked as “true,” “false,” or “not enough information.”

Simple examples give an understanding of the tests.

For example, there is initial data that there were 100 residents of the house in such and such a year and their number was growing at a rate of 4% per year. To answer, you need to calculate how many people there are in the city after five years.

For example, there is a text that says that a complete inventory of the library was recently carried out, after which a shortage of two dozen books was revealed, and five books were unaccounted for. The first statement says that because of the check, books were found, and it is correct, and the second assumption indicates that the books disappeared due to the negligence of the librarian, and here the correct answer is that there is not enough information, since based on the text it is not known why exactly the books disappeared .

Passing the SHL test is more difficult than the examples above suggest. These tasks are unlikely to be encountered in real testing - the examples there are more complicated, but the essence is similar.

Help in passing tests

There are no magic recipes for passing the SHL tests or any cheat sheets, but there are some common-sense tips that can help you figure out how to best prepare for the test.

Constant practice. Examples of logic and mathematics problems are best solved regularly, every other day or several times a week. The tasks are not particularly difficult, but require maximum concentration and automaticity. If you start to reason about each example, then success is hardly possible.

"Timing" Over the past couple of years, tests have become increasingly more difficult, especially in terms of time constraints. Previously, the task was given a minute, now it’s thirty seconds. This is due to the constantly increasing number of applicants. To protect yourself from an unpleasant surprise during the testing itself, it is better to prepare, gradually reducing the amount of time.

Search for information. There are frequent searches on the Internet about how to correctly pass the SHL test, and there is nothing negative about this; on the contrary, the more data about the upcoming test the applicant finds, the better prepared he will be. Of course, you don’t need to collect a bunch of “garbage”, you need to sift out the incoming information, but before there was no such excellent source of knowledge, and not using it is stupid.

Pass complex examples. If it is possible to skip some tasks and move on to the next, and it usually is, then you should use it. The only condition is the ability to instantly assess the level of difficulty of a task, otherwise you can endlessly scroll through the list. The ability to quickly evaluate an example must be developed in advance.

Minimal technical assistance. Some companies conduct testing online, others directly in the office. You shouldn’t think that it’s much easier at home - time is still limited, but theoretically you can search for data on the Internet, use counting programs, etc. In the office, most often they don’t even allow you to use calculators, and you need to be prepared for this by practicing the solution as an example with only a pen and a piece of paper.

Memory training. To solve numerical tests, you need to do simple calculations in your head, complex calculations on a piece of paper, but with verbal tests the situation is different. There is a text of 500-600 characters, roughly speaking, one paragraph, and statements are given for evaluation. If you constantly re-read the text, there will not be enough time to answer, so you need it to be imprinted in your memory, and the remaining time should be used to evaluate the statements.

Creating "interference". Passing the “exam” in the office can be complicated intentionally or accidentally by ambient noise or any ongoing processes, which, when combined with the nervousness of the competitor himself, can lead to a complete failure of the test. It would be a good idea to practice at home by turning on music and asking your family to talk loudly nearby. The ability to concentrate in any conditions will become indispensable.

Since the next attempt is given in at least six months, you should find out in advance how to pass the SHL test competently. To do this, you need to spend a lot of time, especially the first time, but subsequent tests will be more successful, and preparation will take less time.

Best regards, worldcompanyjob team

When applying for a job, your resume is reviewed to ensure that your qualifications and experience match the employer's requirements. Psychometric testing is often suggested. This part is especially important. The calmer you are, the easier it will be for you to pass the aptitude test. Psychological testing is a broad concept. It begins from the moment a person crosses the threshold of an institution that recruits or selects candidates. Behavior and communication style in a stressful interview situation are already very indicative. If a person behaves aggressively, refuses to provide information, or resents being forced to fill out a questionnaire, this says a lot about personality traits. It happens that a candidate, when taking a test, does not attach due importance to the proposed test and fills it out “from scratch.” An employee deciphering such a test will come to the conclusion that he is faced with a “mentally retarded person.” Why should he waste his time if the applicant could not complete such a simple task? Testing provides additional information about your abilities and character. It is important to know and understand that psychological tests are a standard, scientifically based way of assessing a person’s qualities and capabilities. Tests can assess general mental abilities, education, aptitudes, personal qualities, interests, value systems and motivation. You understand that any job requires certain knowledge, skills, experience, abilities and motivation.

The form of testing may vary. According to the form of execution, the test can be projective, computer-based, and the questions can also be printed on a special form. The form of testing can be individual or (less commonly) group.

There are approximately 50 different abilities that can be assessed, but in most cases the following types of tests are used:

  • General type of testing, or knowledge tests.

Knowledge tests measure your ability to use acquired knowledge and skills. These tests very often consist of questions that are not related to your professional work.
Do you know the name of the high mountain in the world?
Answer: The tallest land mountain is Everest. Its height is 8848 meters.
Why is this, you ask? The fact is that some companies, with already established teams, care about intelligence in their ranks. If you “fall short” of the average level of education, then you will not be interested in the company, you will feel out of place and will quit very soon.

  • Abstract thinking test.

Typically, they can be recognized by a series of symbols arranged in rows or squares with alternating sizes, colors and features (circles, lines, dots, stars). This type of testing is designed to assess your abilities, important for solving problems, where they study your ability to process unfamiliar information and find solutions. But they are especially valuable for work where you need to deal with abstract ideas, concepts and theories. Such tests determine general intelligence and ability to logical thinking, how well you can isolate the underlying principles.
Abstract thinking tests are used for all types of professions.

  • Verbal ability test.

Tests of this kind include tasks on spelling, grammar, sentence completion and understanding of instructions, but they are always based on an understanding of the meaning of words, the structure and logic of the language. You have probably seen the requirement in job descriptions “Ability to express your thoughts clearly and clearly.” These tests assess your ability to use and understand verbal information.
As a rule, such tests select specialists whose responsibilities include writing reports, using instructions in their work, and customer service specialists.
Some animals are poisonous. All poisonous animals are dangerous to touch. Which of the following statements is a valid inference?
1. All non-venomous animals are safe to touch.
2. Some animals are dangerous.
3. Some animals are safe to touch.
When solving this example, try not to let existing opinion lull your judgment.
Statement 1 - no, since we are not given information about non-venomous animals
Statement 2 - yes, since the instructions stated that it is dangerous to touch poisonous animals.
Statement 3 - no, despite the fact that some animals are not dangerous, we cannot draw such a conclusion from the information provided.
A good way to answer these types of tests correctly is to read the information provided carefully and analyze it. In case of difficulties, you can carefully read all possible answers and discard the incorrect ones.

  • Mathematical thinking tests.

They measure your ability to manipulate numbers. They use arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, number series, simple mathematics and the use of numerical data. You may encounter quantitative information in the form of tables, charts, or graphs. Your job is to make sense of it, find and interpret the data you need, and then perform the necessary calculations. When analyzing charts, pay special attention to the data contained in the chart axes. The main emphasis in such tests is on developing the correct strategy for solving a problem, and not on the ability to do mental math.
Example: Count without a calculator.24.7*4= ?
a) 84.3 c) 89.8 c)92.3 d)98.8
The correct answer is d). The easiest way to find the correct answer is to round the numbers 25*4.
Mathematical tests are used in selection when it is necessary to assess the ability to think mathematically or the ability to manipulate data. This applies to specialists in the field of finance, administrative work, and banking.

  • Tests for visual-figurative thinking.

They assess the ability to understand and use information presented in diagrams. Such tests are based on analogies or interpretation of patterns in a diagram. To get an answer, you need to identify the visual logic of the presented data. This could be opposing the direction of objects, rotating objects 180 degrees, or visual interpretation exercises, for example, what will happen to a figure after the proposed transformations.
Testing of this kind is carried out when selecting designers, computer specialists, technical specialists, engineers, applicants for scientific work.

  • Achievement tests.

These are tests of professional knowledge, skills and abilities. So, if you are applying for the position of secretary, you will be asked to pass a simple test on the speed and quality of typing, literacy, and if you are an accountant, you will be asked to take part in some kind of simulator of a financial structure. Such tests include narrow professional aspects that the candidate must know (for example, for logisticians this is a system of codes for customs clearance, for freight forwarders - the ability to correctly fill out an order form), and so-called “open questions”, the purpose of which is to force the applicant to think out loud. The latter makes it possible to draw conclusions about how a person thinks.

  • Checking detailed information.

You are given information in tables that you must compare with each other. The purpose of tests of this kind is to determine how attentive you are and how quickly and accurately you can find the necessary data. This ability is important in work where it is necessary to perform operations with data entry and verification, in banking, accounting, and retail trade.

  • Manual dexterity tests.

If you are applying for a job that requires speed and precision in your hand movements, you may be asked to test your typing speed or be able to quickly sort objects according to given criteria.

  • Personality tests.
  • If you do not understand something, please ask clarifying questions.
  • Take your time and be careful when answering.
  • Don't dwell too long on a question for which you don't know the answer. Check the box next to it and come back to it later. The more topics you cover, the better your chances will be.
  • Read the instructions carefully, don't assume you already know.
  • Pay attention to the position of your arms and legs when taking the test. An awkward wrist position will negatively impact your speed. Pay attention to the position of your legs, no matter how much you want to cross your legs, keep both legs on the floor, this will give you confidence.
  • Before the test, gather your willpower. But mobilization should not be excessive, so that a crisis situation does not occur.
  • Don't be afraid of the lie scale when testing. For some reason, everyone thinks that the test compares answers to the same questions - at one point in the test they will ask “Are you afraid to sleep at night?”, and 10 points later - “Are you afraid to sleep at night?” And here it’s as if you have to look both ways and answer similar questions in the same way... Nothing like that! Lie scale - scale social desirability- shows whether you are ready to lie in order to look more “good” in the eyes of others (simply, to embellish yourself). It turns out that honest people almost always answer “yes” to many questions: “I sometimes gossip”, “Sometimes I enjoy listening to indecent jokes”, “I cross the street at a red light if there are no cars or police officers nearby”... And if you try seem super correct and good - then you will be caught in a lie. And they may decide: what if you also answered dishonestly to other questions on the test.
  • Don't give up on difficult situation and complete the test even if you fail to answer some of the questions. Firstly, you will still have a chance to get a job, and secondly, you will gain additional experience in passing such tests. After all, your entire fate is not being decided at this moment. Treat the test like work - do it diligently, if possible, quickly, but calmly.
  • Do not overdo it! During a test or interview, you shouldn’t always try to show yourself in all your glory. Your high professional qualities, surpassing everything that the employer needs at the moment, can be a serious obstacle.
  • Never stop. Try as many questions as possible and complete as many points as possible in the given time.
  • Check your answers. You are 3 times more likely to replace your wrong answer with a correct one.
  • Guess wisely. If you don't know the answer to a question, is it worth guessing? If the instructions say that it is important to answer more questions, then it is better to skip questionable answers and tasks that you think are difficult. Conversely, if the instructions say that you should not skip questions, then it is better to write at least some answer. How to guess? Eliminate obviously incorrect answers from these options and your likelihood of giving the correct answer will increase. For example, out of 3 options - 1 is definitely wrong and you eliminated it, your chance of giving the correct answer will increase 1 to 2 if you just guess “blindly”. In any case, "semi-informed" fortune telling is better than randomly choosing answers.
  • Read the questions twice. Many questions are fraught with a "catch".
  • Check your answers. It often happens that people give the correct answer, but indicate the wrong option.
  • Don't be afraid of numbers. Each math problem tests not your ability to do mental math (calculators have not yet been abandoned), but rather your approach to the solution.
  • Pay attention to "red herrings." For example, if the correct answer is 6.75, then the correct answer line may contain the numbers 675, 67.5, 6750.
  • Answer the questions that seem easiest to you. It is not necessary to follow the order in which the questions are given. If you read complex issue and move on to an easier one, your subconscious will have time to work on a difficult issue.
  • Make full use of the allotted time. If you finish early, check your answers.

Rules for organizing testing.

You have the right to expect, when undergoing testing, that the organization carrying out psychometric testing will adhere to the following principles:

  • Testing warning. You should be warned about testing as it takes a certain amount of time, which you must have available.
  • You have the right to request practice tests several days before testing.
  • Suitable conditions must be created for you so that you can pass the test. For example, it should be a separate room with an acceptable temperature, good lighting, comfortable chairs or chairs, and no noise or other distractions.
  • Before testing begins, you should be aware of what type of tests will be used and what they evaluate. You have the right to ask for an explanation of how the tests relate to the requirements and why they are important.
  • You have the right to confidentiality of your testing.
  • You can get the opinion of professionals about the results of your testing.
  • A potential employer has no right to charge you money for taking the test.
  • Testing can last from one to several hours. If, as a test task, you are asked to carry out various assignments for several days for the benefit of the employing company, then this is already a temporary job. Perhaps this is a reason to think: are they going to use you as free labor, without having the intention of hiring you? The presence of unscrupulous employers in the market cannot be ruled out, but, on the other hand, as they say, “if you are afraid of wolves, do not go into the forest.” Remember that the unscrupulous are in the minority.

Candidates often ask: is it possible to refuse the test? Of course you can. Just keep in mind that your chances of getting this job will be much lower than those of those candidates who successfully pass the test.

It happens that the dissatisfaction of applicants is caused by the need to fill out cumbersome questionnaires. You, of course, can refuse this, but remember that every company has its own established procedures, and it is not for you to decide whether they are correct or not. You can only decide that the company is not suitable for you, refuse this vacancy and look for another one.

Remember that looking for a job is also work, be patient and fill out the questionnaires and tests that the potential employer offers. This will only increase your chances of getting the position you want.

Based on materials from specialized sites

Pre-employment test, sample

which is found on many Internet sites, is faced by all young professionals planning to find a job in well-known companies. This happens not because of the “harmfulness” of top managers of Western or domestic companies, but thanks to the long-standing existing system selecting the best candidates for the position. American and European schoolchildren from high school are accustomed to all kinds of testing, so tests when applying for a job do not cause difficulties.

It is logical that all large and medium-sized foreign companies assess the abilities of candidates, because this is the minimum that they should know after many years of training. Although such programs are just being introduced here, foreign companies and their branches are not going to abandon existing practices and conduct selections using their own methods, adapted to our realities.

Who uses testing

Pre-employment testing, examples of tests of which can be seen on the websites of large corporations, is found during employment in all top-level companies. Every foreign company with branches in Russia, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine adheres to a step-by-step selection system, where the first difficult stage is testing. Big 4 companies, FMCG sectors, consulting, financial, investment companies, banks - almost everywhere there will be a test of general and professional skills in the form of tests. Among these corporations are JP Morgan, Mars, Deutsche Bank, KIT Finance, inBev, Citigroup, Raiffeisen, L'Oreal, Troika Dialog, Procter&Gamble, Renaissance Capital, Sberbank, KPMG, Ernst&Young, Unilever, BAT, Nestle, Danone, inBev, J&J, Philip Morris, JTI.

Domestic companies in the financial, energy, and banking sectors use foreign personnel assessment technologies, their number is growing, medium and small businesses are also moving to a phased selection of candidates for open vacancies. Thus, examples of employment tests, the answers to which cannot be copied, are needed for preparation by almost all young and capable Kazakhs, Russians and Ukrainians who are ready to conquer the career heights of transnational corporations.

Job selection

If we briefly go through the standard stages of selection for a position in foreign companies, as well as in many domestic companies, then this will be the submission of an application, testing, interview, the coveted receipt or not of an “offer”. Companies combine stages, but testing general abilities is carried out by everyone without exception, and examples of tests for hiring are almost the same for everyone. Leading task developers are SHL, Kenexa, and Talent Q, but their examples do not differ significantly from each other.

Grade general abilities consists of numerical, logical, verbal tests, and only two types of testing are used during testing. All companies use a numerical test, and it is paired with a verbal or logical one. A company may post an example of a job application test on its website, but it may not, in which case applicants must look for them on their own.

Test samples

Numerical, verbal, and logical tasks differ significantly, and passing one type of test successfully but failing another does not guarantee passage to the next stage.

Numerical tests are mathematics, algebra one might say, and an example of a math test for employment is finding percentages, proportions, sums or differences. Of course, there won’t be any very simple problems, like taking four apples and giving them to the children, but you won’t have to solve trigonometric problems or derivatives either.

An example of a problem is a graph with four sales curves for four companies by quarter or year; the problem requires finding out which of them sold more over a certain period. Answer options are provided, you just need to choose the correct one. A similar task can be found on the Internet, but you should remember that real mathematical tests for employment, examples of which are not publicly available, will be more difficult.

Many literate candidates have probably already encountered logical problems - they are used in tests to determine IQ, they are also called abstract-logical. Standard sample– a picture with a number of drawn graphic objects, where the last, or less often, central object is omitted; below are the answer options, also in pictures. The simplest example of a test when applying for a job, the sample is a drawn broken line, triangle, square, pentagon, etc. The missing option is a figure with the required number of angles, but real problems are much more complicated, there are several objects “built into” each other, and each one changes according to its own laws.

Their examples are also unlike the tasks in other sections. A verbal example is a half-page text that describes a specific topic, followed by statements on the topic that should be marked as “true,” “false,” or “uninformative.” The difficulty is that the statements are selected so as to meet two criteria at once, that is, you need to quickly master the text while making complex logical conclusions.

Employment tests, examples of which are described above, can be divided into mathematical and logical, only in some logic is combined with texts, in others - with graphic images. However, the skill of solving logical problems will not help you solve verbal examples; they differ radically. For general development, you can learn both types of tasks, especially since an alternative type of testing may be useful in the future.

There are numerical tests in every test, and you should also practice them, taking into account the non-standard presentation of data. In our schools, such examples are just being introduced, where everything is given in graphs or tables, so good practical training will be extremely useful.

On our website you will find the necessary materials for successful completion test cases
and case interviews in leading consulting companies.

Verbal tests when applying for a job, examples of which can be found on specialized websites, often present the greatest difficulty for applicants. The difficulty is not that such tasks are difficult in themselves, but that the examples are unfamiliar to our compatriots. In the Western world, the system of assessing abilities using testing began to develop in the middle of the 20th century, in our country only a few years ago.

And numerical skills are just beginning to be introduced in universities, but they are already new for recent graduates, what can we say about managers and engineers who are “over thirty.” The level of our education is generally good, therefore, after some practice, every Russian who intends to find a job in a reputable foreign or domestic corporation will be able to solve examples of verbal tests.

Most FMCG companies use verbal tests, and a significant number allow candidates to take them online. Big 4 companies, in addition to PricewaterhouseCoopers, which uses abstract-logical tests, also use verbal tasks. Even those companies that today conduct testing in the office, in a month or six months can switch to online testing, which saves time, and therefore money.

Popular verbal tests

Verbal tests, examples of answers for which are easy to find on the Internet, are created by two well-known companies: SHL and Talent Q. More precisely, there are other test creators, but leading corporations and top-level firms use online tests from these American manufacturers.

Company managers are attracted by the maximum objectivity of tests, verification of results, the ability to compare results with data from any groups by level of complexity, as well as dynamic system issuing assignments. The system evaluates the correctness of each answer, the time spent on it, and gives the next task easier or more difficult. Making sure that the applicant has not “cheated” is also simple - the candidate is given a short verification test in the office with the level of difficulty that was shown to them earlier.

Examples of verbal or SHL are similar, and only specialists can see the differences. The applicant can prepare on the basis of any examples, any available online tests.

Description of verbal tests

Verbal tasks can be called text-logical, since they contain text on the basis of which several logical conclusions must be made. Any example of a verbal elements test consists of the text itself and five statements to it. The text is up to a thousand characters long or 3-5 paragraphs, each statement is a complete sentence. As a rule, the test includes three texts, that is, a total of fifteen questions on three texts, and 12-15 minutes are allocated for answering, about a minute per question.

Applicants should take into account that the texts themselves are given in completely different directions: scientific, economic, psychological, but they definitely won’t be simple, at least not in transnational corporations. Thus, SHL or Talent Q is an example of a verbal test - a short text about the psychophysiological adaptation of a person, with a description of the main stages. Below are five statements that the applicant must mark as “true”, “false”, or “cannot answer definitively”. The text is quite difficult for the first perception, and you need to understand it, and also trace the logical connections between the original and the statements given.

  1. Studying available information. Although most top companies use the Talent Q verbal elements test, examples of which are in the collection, or tests from SHL, some conditions for passing may differ. Many companies use online testing, but there are also those who only accept results offline. Any information from former or current applicants for companies of interest will be useful if it is first-hand.
  2. Search for tasks. If the search engines did not provide useful answers when searching for examples for training (which is quite possible), you need to look for specialized forums, where you can sometimes find several reliable tasks.
  3. Order collections of problems. Buying an SHL verbal test example is sometimes the best solution, since you can prepare for numerical tests using several examples, but verbal tasks are much more difficult. For practice, it is better to have five to ten or more problems on hand so that they can be solved automatically during testing.
  4. Online. An excellent preparation option is to complete training tasks online. The authors of such collections, such as the verbal test shl, examples of which are on the websites, give you the opportunity to solve tasks and then get acquainted with the results. The most important thing is that the applicant sees where he made mistakes, and the correct answers are explained.
  5. Intelligent system. Recent developments in Talent Q make the next question more difficult if the current candidate answered correctly and quickly. If a person does not want to show maximum result or you are not sure of your knowledge, you can answer closer to the end of the time, it still does not go further.
  6. Optimal time allocation. Some experienced candidates recommend starting with questions when reviewing an assignment. That is, you need to read the text keeping the question in mind. This is a rather controversial point, and it is better to use the verbal elements test, examples of which are available online, to try this and that. Perhaps it will actually be easier for someone to start with questions.
  7. Conditions for training. An example of a verbal test is best solved in a difficult environment, you can turn on loud music, ask relatives to walk nearby, etc. Even if the testing will be online, verification in the office is possible, or something extraordinary will happen at home when taking the test. Better prepare for everything.

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