Well or centralized water supply. Individual well or central water supply? Central water supply or well

Many owners of private houses or cottages are faced with the question of how to optimally organize the water supply at home. As a rule, the choice is between connecting to a central water supply or drilling a well.

Methods of organizing water supply

In places with well-developed infrastructure, as a rule, there is central water supply, which you can connect to. But at the same time, concerns often arise about the quality of the water that such a water supply provides. And this question is justified, since in general the existing water supply systems are quite old, with a high degree of wear and tear, and therefore the water quality inevitably suffers and frequent water supply shutdowns are likely due to repair work But, nevertheless, the central water supply significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of water supply to the site.

An alternative to central water supply is an autonomous water supply. Despite the fact that this method of water supply requires quite a serious initial financial investment, it is preferred by the majority of owners of private houses or cottages.

A properly organized autonomous water supply system is characterized by excellent water quality and complete autonomy from central systems.

Features of central water supply

Central water supply guarantees maximum convenience and no need to independently organize water supply for the site and home. One of the most serious obstacles to organizing a central water supply is the initial lack of it at the location of the site. If the infrastructure of the place is well developed, then to connect to the central water supply you need to obtain the necessary permits and call specialists who will make a connection to the central water supply.

At the same time, central water supply has a number of quite significant disadvantages:

  • using a central water supply requires paying a monthly fee for use, and given the regular increase in prices for water supply, it is worth initially preparing for a constant increase in the cost of water supply to the site;
  • when connecting to a central water supply, you need to take into account possible interruptions in the water supply due to regular maintenance;
  • Only recently organized central water supply is characterized by the use modern equipment, but in places with an old central water supply system, the wear and tear of the equipment is quite high, which leads to frequent breakdowns and shutdowns of the water supply system;
  • for the same reason, the quality of water from the central water supply is quite low and often requires the use of additional system filtration for possible use as drinking water.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a central water supply?

If there is a central water supply, you can choose it to supply water to the site or to a private house. In this case, you should pay attention to several rather significant points:

  • when connecting to a new high-quality central water supply, practically no problems arise, except for organizing the sewerage system, but it is possible that this can also be solved by connecting to centralized system wastewater discharge and treatment;
  • if the house is used exclusively in the warm season, then care should be taken to turn off and completely drain the water supply system in order to avoid freezing and possible rupture of pipes;
  • if the water supply is old and not designed for a large number of consumers, then there may be insufficient water pressure, which may cause malfunctions household appliances(dishwasher and washing machine and water heaters) - in this case, you will have to install a special pump to create more water pressure;
  • Old water supply systems are characterized by low water quality, therefore, for the normal operation of household appliances, as well as the possibility of drinking water for food, water purification filters are installed in the water supply system.

The procedure for connecting to the central water supply

After deciding to connect to the central water supply, you need to perform certain actions:

  • Initially, you need to obtain a special site plan, which indicates all existing underground communications;
  • at the local water utility office, after providing the title documents, you need to obtain technical specifications connections to the central water supply;
  • a licensed organization develops design and estimate documentation;
  • after registering the documentation with the SES, the work is coordinated with organizations whose communications are available in the specified area;
  • After this, a licensed organization can carry out work to connect a central water supply to the site.

IN last resort The devices are registered with the water utility and a contract for water supply is concluded.

Worth paying Special attention the fact that carrying out many stages requires contacting specialized licensed organizations, a list of which can be obtained from the water utility department, as well as numerous approvals.

Independent work on diverting the water supply to the site is unacceptable.

Autonomous water supply

Despite the significant convenience that a central water supply provides, even in places where there is a central water supply, it is often chosen to supply a site or private house with water. autonomous water supply.

Autonomous water supply assumes complete independence from the centralized water supply and the ability self-control and regulation of water quality in the water supply system. The main disadvantages of the system include the need for significant financial investments in organizing such water supply. Although the monetary costs are one-time and can be shared, for example, with the owner of a neighboring plot who also wants to organize an autonomous water supply.

One of the key stages in organizing an autonomous water supply system is drilling a well or a well and equipping it.

Since an autonomous water supply system may differ depending on the specific conditions and preferences of the owner of the site, it is initially worth consulting with specialists which option will be optimal:

  1. The most economical option for organizing an autonomous water supply is wells. Compared to drilling a well, they have a lower cost. But they should be chosen only in the case of a relatively small need for water, shallow water occurrence and the presence favorable conditions However, you should be prepared for the fact that the water in the well may be of very questionable quality.
  2. The ancient, but little applicable to modern reality, method of supplying water through a well has been replaced by a more effective method water supply - drilling a water well.
  3. Filter wells can be drilled up to thirty-five meters, which take about two days to drill, but they are subject to siltation quite quickly.
  4. The most in the best possible way autonomous water supply is the drilling of an artesian well, which is drilled to a depth of twenty to two hundred meters, depending on individual conditions, their drilling takes about five days, but they are more durable, their minimum service life is fifty years.

Water from a well, due to changes in the environmental situation and numerous communications, currently often no longer meets safety requirements, so many people forgot about the well and began to use the most in modern ways organization of autonomous water supply for a site or private house.

A filter well as an alternative to a central water supply is relatively inexpensive, but also not durable. One of the features is the rather rapid siltation of the well. These wells are usually drilled to a depth of two to ten meters, in the case of shallow underground groundwater and the presence of sand. But, as a rule, there is rarely potable quality water at such a depth, therefore the main purpose of filter wells is technical. IN final version the filter well is constructed from a casing pipe with mesh filter at the end. The peculiarity of a filter well is that its lifespan directly depends on the frequency of use: the more often the well is used, the longer its service life. The productivity of such a well is approximately a cubic meter of water per hour.

Not wanting to use a central water supply to organize water supply on a site or in a private house, you can drill an artesian well, which, despite its high cost, fully justifies the cost of it.

Artesian well drilled to a depth of up to two hundred meters, depending on individual characteristics location of underground groundwater. Water from such a well can be used for any economic needs and used as drinking water. Unlike a filter well, an artesian well has a significantly higher productivity; it can reach one hundred cubic meters per hour.

Such wells are not subject to silting, and their service life is at least fifty years. To organize an artesian well, special metal pipes are used large diameter, the wall thickness of which must be at least five millimeters.

Autonomous water supply system on site or in a private house

To organize an autonomous water supply on the site, you can resort to the services of professionals who will arrange the necessary permitting documentation, will carry out the necessary survey work and carry out direct installation of the structure. In this case, the optimal time for drilling a well will be winter. Since drilling a well involves the use of specialized equipment, then winter time this will be less traumatic for green spaces and especially for the owner’s beds. Among other things, winter is not the season for companies involved in drilling and developing wells, and therefore it is possible to carry out work with significant savings in terms of money.

To organize a water supply, you must first decide on the location for drilling the well itself. The site for organizing the chamber, in which the automation and the well head are located, occupies at least four square meters, but it is optimal to locate it as close as possible to the house in order to save:

  • you can choose a cheaper pump option, since a short length of pipes does not require the same pressure as when increasing it, because in the latter case the pump must not only lift water from the well, but also push it through the water supply system;
  • materials are significantly saved: not only the pipes themselves, but also backfill, insulation, etc.;
  • the cost of digging a trench is reduced.

If the need for water is seasonal, then the well can be equipped with a cap, which is designed to seal the well, protect it from melt and rainwater, mechanical impurities, and facilitate the process of attaching the pump.

If the need for water is not limited to any period and is not seasonal, then a well with a caisson is drilled. With this drilling option, the well head is located below the soil freezing level, otherwise damage to expensive equipment during the winter cold cannot be avoided. The caisson helps to protect the well head from the penetration of groundwater and possible drainage of the sewer located nearby.

There are several nuances when developing an autonomous water supply scheme:

  • during the development process, it is necessary to provide for possible changes in the water supply in the future, in which case an increase in the length of pipes or the number of consumers will not affect the specified fluctuations in water pressure in the pipes;
  • To prevent damage to equipment from lightning strikes, it is necessary to carefully ground and lightning protection.

Installing and using additional containers will help protect yourself from possible water shortages and save money by storing it at night.

To conduct water supply in a private house, you can use a well or borehole

There are several ways to supply water to a private or country house. Use a central water supply, a well or a borehole. Comparing the pros and cons of each method will help determine which option is better. In addition, it is possible to arrange a source for several houses.

In private or country house Problems with water supply often arise. Typically, owners equip an autonomous source. As a rule, a well or borehole option is chosen.

A number of criteria are used to compare the pros and cons. First, the difficulty of finding the water layer is taken into account. From this point of view, the construction of a well is very difficult, because it requires thorough drilling. And for a well, due to its shallow depth, the procedure will not cause problems.

When choosing a source for water, you need to take into account the level of its pollution

For residents, water quality comes first. In a well source, the liquid is protected by a large layer of soil. In a well, contamination can easily get into the source due to its shallow depth.

The development of both sources does not require any permits or documents. But if the depth of the artesian is large, then documentation may be required.

When installing a well, it is used professional equipment, which simplifies the process. But for a well, most of the work is done manually. But when connecting communications there are more difficulties - when arranging the well option.

The amount of liquid in the well is greater than in the well. And this does not depend on the season, which is often observed at wells. The quality of the fluid itself from a well source is quite high, but the fluid may contain impurities. The problem is resolved using a filter. The quality of water in the well is getting worse and worse every year.

The longevity of a well source can be measured in decades. At the same time, installations rarely require maintenance. The well is also durable, but requires periodic cleaning. A higher cost is observed when constructing a well.

Pros and cons of well construction

All positive and negative aspects are related to the fact that the source is artesian. The liquid is particularly pure and is often sold in stores. The level of occurrence is quite deep, under calcareous layers, which provides good filtration.

Additionally, you can make a list of the pros and cons of a well and a well


  1. High quality water. This is the main advantage. The liquid is not contaminated by runoff or melt water. The main thing is to drill at a considerable distance from sources of pollution. At the same time, the narrow shaft is easy to protect.
  2. Availability of constant good pressure. The time of year has no effect on this. So, there is enough liquid for several houses at once. Average productivity is 50 cubic meters per hour.
  3. Possibility of drilling at any time of the year. But it is important to do this when groundwater rises.
  4. You can choose any location for drilling. You can even arrange it in the garage and basement of the house. This can reduce construction costs and significantly save space.
  5. Easy maintenance. No need for frequent cleaning. The mine does not silt up because the water is quite clean.
  6. Durability. Can last for 50 years.

Disadvantages include the difficulty of drilling. May come across difficult places, boulders. Working under the house itself causes many problems. Space is limited, making it difficult to work.

Installation is expensive. In addition to expensive equipment, you need to purchase required elements installations and special filters.

If dirty, cleaning cannot be performed. All that remains is to drill a new structure.

Certain documentation is required. This includes permission, state registration and license. The device does not work without power supply. The installation is afraid of cold weather, so it requires insulation.

What to choose - a well or a central water supply

Owners most often choose the first. But along with an autonomous water supply, the device requires sufficient patience and financial costs. The drilling itself is performed by professionals. Registration of a license also requires separate costs.

Central water supply most often used for apartment buildings. This option is also possible for mass development. Then the artesian source is dug into several areas. Water is supplied to every house. The central highway has a number of advantages.

If it is not possible to equip a well, you can connect to the central water supply

Advantages of central water supply:

  1. There is no need to equip a well on the site or perform drilling work;
  2. Unlimited water supply;
  3. Communications maintenance is carried out by special services;
  4. When there is a power outage, the supply of liquid does not stop;
  5. There is no need to equip storage tanks.

The disadvantages of the central pipeline include the presence of rye and bleach in the water. At emergency situation At the center line, the fluid supply stops. In this case, you need to pay for services every month. The connection itself for the private sector is not always possible due to the distance.

Disadvantages of wells include high cost, the need for additional filtration and the availability of permits.

The quality of water in a well source is considered to be the best. It will last a long time, and the liquid will not lose its characteristics. In addition, pollution and runoff cannot enter it.

Use on a number of houses

To save money, you can equip a well for 3-4 houses. But this option is rarely used. The point is that there are several technological features. You cannot use an adapter; you will only have to equip a caisson. The main advantage is the reduction in the cost of arrangement.

Quite often, one well can be used to supply water to several houses


  1. First, problems arise with choosing an installation location. Which neighbor would sacrifice his own territory? In this case, the plot can be sold.
  2. Only one will have to connect the well to electricity.
  3. Water is used unevenly. A well is a common option for summer cottages, and some people only spend time there summer season. In the future, consumption between neighbors can lead to conflicts.
  4. Financial problems associated with equipment breakdown.
  5. Well debit. It will not be possible to determine the readings in advance. There may be enough water or very little. In addition, pressure drops cannot be ruled out. It is recommended to equip a pump.
  6. To increase the chances of getting enough water, you can drill the well deeper. But this does not provide any guarantees.

You can find a compromise and come to an agreement with your neighbors, but not everyone is ready to bear such responsibility. Many summer residents sooner or later abandon such an idea.

Installing a water supply system in a private home requires effort. First you need to determine the water supply option. The central water supply does not have any difficulties with maintenance, but the supply of liquid and its quality leaves much to be desired. It's better to have your own borehole or well. But when comparing two options, the first one wins.

If you are lucky and you own a plot of land near which there is a water supply, then you have a choice: provide yourself with water from a personal well or through a central water supply system. Each option has both its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the final decision is made taking into account their needs, the geochemical composition of the soil, the cost of land work and the economic feasibility of the project.

Water supply through a well

All water wells are usually divided into filter and artesian wells. The first type includes shallow wells with a depth of up to 30 m, and the second type includes deep wells, reaching aquifers at a level of 250 m. Depending on the depth, filter wells are also divided into: small, medium and deep. The deeper the drill goes, the cleaner water. Therefore, moisture can be taken from small wells only for watering the area.

Artesian wells require the use of special equipment. Their drilling costs much more than filter ones, but the water quality is noticeably higher. Thus, choosing one or another type of well allows you to optimize water supply costs, taking into account your requirements for water quality.


  1. The water supply does not stop during repair work on the central water supply.
  2. The site is provided with water of optimal quality.
  3. You don't need a project to complete the work.


  1. Water from artesian wells is considered national wealth, so its use is taxed.
  2. High cost of drilling deep wells.
  3. If other wells appear in the neighborhood, the water level in the well may drop.
  4. Additional costs for pump and electricity.
  5. Water mineralization.

Central water supply

This method of solving the problem, in addition to financial costs, requires obtaining permits, as well as drawing up water supply and sewerage projects. The mineral composition of pipeline water leaves much to be desired, so connection to a central water supply is chosen in cases where drilling wells is impossible or economically infeasible.


  1. Low system maintenance costs.
  2. The cost of the work is lower than when drilling a well.
  3. The ability to provide water supply where drilling is problematic.


  1. Poor water quality.
  2. The water supply is entirely dependent on the condition of the central water supply and is interrupted during repair work.
  3. A high tariff can make water consumption unprofitable.

Let's sum it up

Before you make a final decision, set your priorities. If you have high demands on water quality, and your budget allows you to equip your own personal water source, then it is best to drill an artesian well. Central water supply is suitable for those who want to rid themselves of unnecessary hassle related to equipment maintenance.

In villages with developed infrastructure, residents have the opportunity to connect to the central water supply. It would seem a simple solution, but far from the most optimal.

The quality of water in a centralized system often leaves much to be desired: it is dangerous to drink, and it causes washing machines and dishwashers to malfunction.

The communications are mostly old, so there is a risk of accidents, and therefore interruptions in water supply. In areas of the Tula region, the condition of water supply systems is often deplorable: equipment breaks down, pipes freeze, and water supply is sometimes turned off for several months.

Own well gives the home owner complete freedom and independence from utilities, pipe condition, season, air temperature and other factors. This is your personal autonomous water supply that will provide you with clean artesian water without interruptions - all year round and 24 hours a day. And you don’t have to pay for water from a well using a meter.

Well or well?

If there is no central water supply, the home owner has two options - a well or a borehole. And here you need to understand that wells are dug to a depth of about 20 m, and the water layer can lie at a depth of 50-70 m.

Therefore, by ordering a well, you will spend money, but you may not get water.

Secondly, the quality of well water is reduced due to melt and rainwater. Thirdly, in winter there is less water in the well, and in a dry summer it may run out altogether.

An artesian well has high productivity (there is enough water even with high consumption) and is not subject to silting.

The wellbore is strengthened with casing metal pipe, which protects the walls from crumbling, from dirt and ground moisture getting into the trunk. Inside - plastic pipe: she doesn'trots, does not rust, does not collapse under the influence of water.

It is completely sealed, so groundwater, melt water and other contaminants cannot enter it. It will not freeze in any frost, since the water intake comes from a great depth.

Is there water everywhere?

Everywhere. A well can be drilled in any area with guaranteed access to the aquifer. It does not require much space: 1 square meter is enough. meters, with the possibility of access roads for equipment.

A well will require financial investment only once, but for the next 50 years it will faithfully supply you with water.

Moreover, the water is of excellent quality: analyzes of water from wells confirm its drinking characteristics. You can safely drink it; it does not form scale on household appliances. Such water does not require an additional purification system, although one can be installed if desired.

To drill a well you need small area- from 1 sq. meters and the possibility of access to it by equipment.

The TSENTRGIDROSTROY company will help you drill and equip a well. We have been working for more than 10 years and have our own fleet of equipment. The staff consists of specialists with 10-15 years of experience. We equip wells on a turnkey basis, with installation of everything necessary equipment, introducing water into the house, internal wiring and issuance of documentation. We work quickly (work completion time is from 1 to 5 days) and efficiently so that your well will serve for many years. We provide a warranty of up to 5 years, service.

Only until the end of April there is a special price - from 1800 rubles/linear. m.

To supply water to a private home, you can connect to central networks or install an autonomous source.

Each of these options has limitations in application, positive and negative sides.

Wells are becoming more and more popular, and more and more owners country houses stop at this water supply option.

Connection to central networks is convenient for several reasons:

  • it's easier and cheaper to carry out, although permission is required from the organization supplying water and servicing the network;
  • water is supplied in unlimited volume, it is usually enough for all wiring points;
  • independence from electricity supply to the house.

But central water supply is not always available in the private sector. Exit - o development of a local source, which also has some advantages.

  1. Worn-out urban networks affect water quality
  2. The central water supply contains residual chlorine.
  3. Central water treatment plants in some areas cannot cope with water purification.
  4. In case of accidents or scheduled repairs, the water supply is temporarily interrupted.
  5. You will have to pay monthly for water supply.

If autonomous water supply is more attractive, all that remains is to decide what it will be - a well or a well.

Types of wells and their features

There are three types of wells:

  1. Abyssinian well, or needle well, – inch pipe, which narrows, turning into a filter pipe with a sharp tip. The depth of the source is no more than 12 m, and the surface of the water surface should be no deeper than 8 m due to the capabilities of surface water supply equipment (electric or hand pump). Average productivity – 1 m3.
  2. Filter well(a well in sand) is drilled at a depth of 15 to 50 cm sand layer. Its productivity is up to 1.5 m 3 /hour. This type of underground source consists of a water supply shaft, which is also casing pipe, head, bottom filter at the lower end of the column, deep-well pump.
  3. Artesian well can produce over 2 m 3 /hour of water. The aquifer runs at a depth of more than 100 m and is located between 2 layers of rock, usually limestone. The structure consists of a casing, water supply pipes, a deep-well pump and a head.

Advantages and disadvantages

A well in a private house has pros and cons, which largely depend on the type of source.

But there is also several common benefits:

  • water security from external influence;
  • productivity is usually sufficient for full water supply at least a small house.

Among the disadvantages of wells is noise, but the head is often located outside the house in a special caisson. Even if the source is in the basement, the noise is minimal.

Another disadvantage is the need to purchase additional equipment.

Pros and cons of the Abyssinian well

"Abyssinian" is very simply designed. There are other positive aspects:

  • easy installation and dismantling
  • possibility of driving in the basement even a ready-made house;
  • service life – on average 15 years, after its completion, the structure can be dismantled and moved to another location;
  • low cost arrangement;
  • performance– about 1 m 3 per hour, this is enough to service a small country house;
  • if used hand pump, That water supply does not depend on electricity.

Negative characteristics are:

  • impossibility of arrangement in rock and when the water layer is deeper than 12 m;
  • the possibility of contaminants leaking from the surface.

"Gerbil": pros and cons

The productivity of a sand well is usually enough to service a small cottage.

Drilling and installation are carried out quickly. Water usually good quality, but there is probability of external influence, and in some regions the iron content is recorded in the source.

This source also has several negative characteristics:

  • short service life– up to 15 years;
  • susceptibility to siltation, especially during downtime;
  • need for annual flushing bottom filter.

Pros and cons of an artesian well

This source has other advantages.

  1. Free from pathogens and surface contamination.
  2. Long service life.
  3. Consistency of water supply regardless of the season, drought, etc.

But the disadvantages are also quite significant.

  1. Drilling is carried out only by specialists.
  2. To carry out work, you must obtain permission; it is also necessary to license the source and enter it into the register.
  3. High cost of arrangement.
  4. Water is often characterized by high mineralization, which requires the purchase of a water treatment station.

“Artesian” is the most productive source. It may be enough to provide for a group of cottages and an entire village.

The need for maintenance and arrangement of wells is a common disadvantage

A sand well and an “artesian” are technologically advanced sources of water. When arranging them, in addition to drilling and installing pipes and a pump, you need to take care of several elements.

  1. To protect the well head and equipment from atmospheric influences need a caisson. This sealed container with a bottom hole into which the head fits. Usually the caisson is buried in the ground.
  2. To reduce the number of pump on and off cycles, it is important to install a hydraulic accumulator. This is a container for collecting liquid. It is installed either in the basement of the house or in a caisson.
  3. Pump operation is controlled and protected by automation. Its installation and launch is best left to professionals.

The well itself and the equipment need maintenance.

  1. When debit decreases and sediment appears in the water, the source is cleaned. You can clean the filter well yourself using a vibration pump. Artesian well being cleaned various methods, but it is better to leave the procedure to specialists.
  2. Clean the hydraulic accumulator once a year.
  3. Serviced annually deep well pump and automation, which is best left to specialists installing the equipment.
  4. Check the tightness of joints in the caisson, especially at the point where the head enters the tank.

Advantages and disadvantages of wells

For small country house, which is used only in the summer season, a well is often installed.

The positive properties of such a source are:

  • simplicity and low cost installation;
  • possibility of manual water lifting, which is important in case of power failures;
  • ease of maintenance.

But the source also has disadvantages:

  • low productivity;
  • exposure to external pollutants;
  • the complexity of digging and the need to remove soil.

Features of autonomous water supply systems

Installation and operation autonomous system Supplying your home with water requires knowledge of several nuances.

  1. When choosing a pump, it is important to take into account not only the flow rate of the well, but also its depth, the distance from the source to the house and the height of the building.
  2. The volume of the hydraulic accumulator depends on the number of water consumers. It is usually calculated that there are 50 liters of water per person.
  3. Before commissioning the source it is important to conduct microbiological and chemical analysis of water. If necessary, select water treatment equipment.

Cost of implementation of two types of systems

Fee for connection to the central network depends on the region. The minimum price is 12-15 thousand rubles. Tariffs for water supply also differ.

Turnkey filter well costs about 200 thousand rubles. An artesian well is at least 2 times more expensive.

Well with all materials will cost about 15-25 thousand. About 25 thousand and cost Abyssinian well Full construction.

A well is a more expensive source of water supply and requires special costs. It is better to choose it if there is no possibility of connecting to central networks or the water from them is of very low quality.

At the same time, you should not save money by choosing cheap equipment and hiring dubious companies to install it. For drilling, you need to choose a company that works in your region and has extensive experience and good feedback. Also, do not neglect performing initial and annual water tests.