Toilet repair with tile panels. Repairing a toilet with panels: quick transformation without extra expenses (52 photos). Color palette of plastic panels

Toilet repair plastic panels- This best option for those who want to do budget renovation in the apartment. This method has several advantages. Firstly, you can purchase sufficient quantity inexpensive material. Secondly, it is very easy to install it yourself, which will save a lot of money on paying the craftsmen.

Plastic panels - features of choosing a reliable material

Before finishing the toilet, you need to choose quality panels. There is a huge range of these products on the market, but not all products meet the requirements of modern quality standards. It can be quite difficult for a buyer to visually determine the reliability and safety of the products offered. To prevent you from running into defective panels, we will tell you a few secrets. They will allow you to choose really high-quality material that will last for a long time.

PVC panels must contain additives designed to improve the elasticity of the material. Thanks to the presence of these components, the products are easily bent and are difficult to accidentally mechanical damage. If you are offered plastic that leaves dents when pressed with your finger, then you should refuse such products. This material is not able to last for a long time. In addition, within a year it will lose its original appearance.

To easily check the quality of the material, you should do the following. To begin, grab the edge of the panel with two fingers and lightly squeeze the product. As a result, the ribs that are inside should not be deformed or bent. In addition, no dents are allowed at the top or bottom of the panel. Then try to bend back the mounting strip of material. It is located on the edge of the product and forms a docking lock. As a result, this part of the material should not break or crack. IN quality materials it quickly returns to its previous position, and no traces remain on the bend lines.

To check, place the panel against your nose. The product should not emit any unpleasant odors. If you smell a strong chemical smell, it is better not to use such material for. Most likely, this plastic is created from cheap raw materials or with violations technological standards production. If you buy these panels, the toilet finished with them will have bad smell, hazardous fumes.

In stores you can find panels of various widths. IN small rooms You should use products that are not too wide, as after work there will be a large number of unusable waste. Therefore, in order not to guess with the desired batch of finishing, before making it, it is worth measuring them and calculating required amount material. Another important nuance when choosing a product, it is the presence of a certificate from the seller. The document must indicate the country of origin and the product’s compliance with all sanitary and technical standards.

How to buy material and take the necessary measurements?

To finish the toilet with plastic panels yourself without any problems, you need to prepare for the work. First of all, take all measurements and buy materials. Preparation of tools and surface treatment will also be a mandatory activity. The purpose of taking measurements is to find out how many panels will be needed for the job. At the same time, it is also important to count the number of profiles that will be useful for decorating external and internal corners. In addition, profiles will be needed to mount the panels to the floor and ceiling lines. Often these finishing elements are needed to install doors, windows and cabinets, if such work is also included in the planned renovation.

The choice of profiles directly depends on design idea, the size of the toilet and the technique of installing panels in some areas of the room. As for the base material, its quantity should be 15% more than the measurement result. A certain part will go to trimmings. Cases of improper cutting or accidental damage to the panels should not be ruled out.

Remember that you will also need material to install the sheathing. In most cases, homeowners need to save every centimeter of the apartment, so the toilet has a small area. In this regard, suitable as a frame wooden slats or metal profile with a section of 50x20 mm. To calculate the number of slats, you need to take into account that the guide battens will be located at a distance of 50–60 cm from each other. In addition, calculate the number of parts for the sheathing of the ceiling frame and the decorative box that will hide the pipes. But this is only if you plan to finish these areas of the toilet.

In order to secure the frame to the wall surface, you need to purchase dowels of such length that they can be screwed into the wall by 40–50 mm. To find out the number of fasteners, take into account that their pitch during installation will be 40–45 cm. To fix the panels to the frame, you need to purchase self-tapping screws no more than 20 mm long. If wooden slats are used as lathing, then for fixation it is better to use staples 10 mm long. If your toilet has perfectly smooth walls, then you don’t have to do the sheathing. In such situations, plastic panels are glued directly to the walls with liquid nails or tile adhesive.

Preparing the room - how to level the walls before finishing?

As is the case with other types repair work, finishing the bathroom with plastic panels requires necessary tools. Having them at hand, you will not be distracted by searching for the necessary equipment. To work you will need:

  • screwdriver and a set of bits for it;
  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • drills of different diameters;
  • manual or electric jigsaw;
  • scissors for working with metal, if a metal profile is used;
  • stationery knife;
  • hammer;
  • square and tape measure;
  • marker or pencil;
  • stapler and building level.

To prepare the surfaces of the walls, you will also need a hair dryer, spatulas, a brush and a primer roller. Special attention worth your time construction level. It must have a horizontal and vertical pointer. This tool will help to achieve the most even surface of the walls in the toilet. If you are going to specifically buy both a drill and a hammer drill, then you can get by with only one drill. It is important that it has a perforation function. Such a tool will cost a little more than a regular one, but you will save money on purchasing a separate hammer drill.

To level the walls in the toilet, you first need to remove all old finishing. This will help prevent mold and mildew from appearing in the space between. To remove old wallpaper or other types of trim, use a metal putty knife. If you need to clean the walls of worn wallpaper, but it has already firmly adhered to the surface, then you can apply it several times to the old finish for cleaning. hot water using a roller for this. You need to remove the material in those places where it has begun to separate from the wall. If the walls in the toilet were previously painted with paint, then it is not necessary to completely remove it from the surface before repairing. The main thing is to remove the dried compound where it has begun to flake off.

After cleaning the surfaces on the walls, make markings. This is necessary in order to determine the size and number of slats for the sheathing. If you chose wooden slats as the last option, then next stage prepare them for installation. First, they are cut to size, after which they are impregnated with an antiseptic composition. It is best to do this on the balcony or in any other room where there is a draft. While the slats are still wet, you can apply a primer to the walls and ceiling of the toilet. It is best to apply 2 layers of this composition. If you use a white primer, then marking the walls should be done only after the material has dried on the surface.

Making lathing - an option for uneven surfaces

Toilet finishing PVC panels- this is one of last stages indoor renovation. First of all, you will need to secure the batten guides. This should only be done on dry, smooth walls. Before installation, drill holes in the slats, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameters of the dowels. After this, the slats are applied to the markings. You need to insert a drill into each of the holes in the rail and mark the drilling locations in the wall. Then the lath is set aside, and the place marked in the wall is drilled to the length of the dowel.

To secure the strip, it must be attached again to the marking so that the holes in it and the wall coincide. After this, we take dowels with screws screwed in and drive them into the walls one by one through wooden guides. All elements of the sheathing are installed in a similar way.

Before covering the walls in the toilet with plastic panels, you need to do decorative box. It is made from metal profile and serves as a place where pipes and other communications will be hidden. To make the structure, install vertical racks under the ceiling so that they are located on the sides of sewer riser. After that vertical elements fastened with horizontal guides. To hide all the pipes, the frame of the box must run along the sides of the communications so that after installing the panels they are not visible.

Installation of panels - how to cover walls with plastic yourself?

Next we proceed to finishing the walls. It's best to start from the far corner. All vertical panels that are installed to repair a toilet must be leveled using a level. Only after this can they be screwed on. Remember that the correct position of the first panel determines how smoothly the other products will be screwed on!

If one or more walls in your toilet are perfectly flat, then there is no point in installing lathing on them. In such a situation, it is better to glue the panels directly to the surface. To do this, take liquid nails and apply them thin layer for covering walls. After this we apply plastic lining and, until the glue has dried, we align each of the panels. After finishing the walls, carefully install the material on the decorative box. To do this, take the first panel and attach it to the frame. We mark the cutting places and shorten the product along the indicated lines.

Next, we fasten the paneling with self-tapping screws and repeat the procedure with the rest of the material. In corners and joints, use special ones that will make the finish more neat. If finishing your toilet with plastic involves installing the material on the ceiling, then do not forget to make holes in the panels for the lights. If you use spotlights, then you need to cut out circles whose diameter will be the same as the diameter of the lamps. If you have a small lampshade, then the hole should be of such a size that you can insert the wires needed to connect the light bulb into it.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Not everyone can install tiles in the bathroom themselves. home handyman. This is why many people prefer to resort to more simple way improve this room - make it with plastic panels. The main advantage of the designs of this type– assembly according to the design principle, which allows you to easily and without loss disassemble the panels if necessary. Design features This type of finish allows oxygen to circulate freely, which is fundamentally important in conditions of high humidity.

Advantages of choosing PVC panels

  • Low price, which varies depending on the quality of the material and the prestige of its manufacturer, but generally remains affordable.
  • If the installation work is not carried out independently, then you will have to pay much less for the services of a specialist than for laying ceramic tiles or, for example, natural stone.
  • Resistant to humidity fluctuations. Plastic is not afraid of drops of water, temperature changes, mold, fungi. Even if the material is used in unheated room, there will be no deformation or loss of brightness of colors.
  • Reliable manufacturers guarantee that their products will retain all their properties for a quarter of a century.
  • Easy to use and maintain. Plastic panels can be easily washed from dirt using a soap solution.

Have plastic trim and a few disadvantages:

  • Installing plastic panels will still steal some space from the toilet, which does not happen when painting or wallpapering.
  • Vinyl does not burn easily, but if it starts to melt, it emits acrid, toxic smoke.
  • By choosing plastic trim from unscrupulous sellers, you can purchase a low-quality product that will be very fragile and brittle.

In the video you can see the results of repairs in the toilet when it was PVC finishing panels:

Examples of DIY toilet repairs using plastic panels are shown in the photo below.

Cost of repairing a toilet using plastic panels

If you have not decided what is better - to renovate the bathroom yourself or order a turnkey toilet repair service, keep in mind that in Moscow such a renovation with plastic panels will cost you 11-13 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg – 9–11 thousand rubles. In regions, prices may differ quite significantly.

Choosing panels for finishing the toilet

  1. PVC is an incredibly flexible material that bends at an angle of more than 90⁰. You can check the quality of the material by taking the panel from different ends with your hands and starting to bend it. High-quality plastic will bend into a ring.
  2. Take a sniff of the material you buy. Your nose should not smell anything, because high-quality plastic is devoid of any odors.
  3. Narrower panels are easier to correctly level; wide ones will leave a lot of unnecessary trimmings.
  4. All quality products have appropriate certificates. Their absence from the seller should make you suspicious.

Advice. When purchasing PVC panels, always take a small supply of several elements. After all, if during the installation process it turns out that your initial calculations were erroneous, it may turn out that this particular model is no longer available.

We install plastic panels in the toilet

Covering a toilet with your own hands using plastic panels is not at all a difficult task if you have the desire and a supply of free time.

Before going to the store, recalculate the area of ​​future installation, add another 15% to the resulting figure for the cuts.

Required materials and tools

Before installing plastic panels in the toilet, you need to stock up on useful equipment. You will need:

  • PVC panels, as well as the edging profile for them;
  • aluminum or plastic profile;
  • hydraulic level;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver and drill;
  • cutting tool;
  • drawing tool.

Preliminary work

Before installing the plastic trim, perform the following steps:

  1. We remove old finishes from the walls.
  2. If possible, we change old wiring and water pipes.
  3. We treat the walls with a primer mixture.
  4. If you plan to install cabinets, shelves, and accessories in the room, we install additional strips under them.
  5. The material must be brought into the apartment several hours before the start of work so that its temperature is equal to the temperature in the room.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Today, plastic panels are widely used in different types repair. Their main advantage is the design principle, which allows the panels to be disassembled if necessary. Thanks to the design of the plastic panels, the improved walls will be able to “breathe”, and this is important in conditions of increased humidity. The enormous popularity of this material was ensured by its cost-effectiveness compared to tiles, wallpaper, and stone.

Preparation for repair

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels takes 1-2 days. First, you need to decide on plastic panels with a thickness of 8 mm, which are much more practical than 5 mm ones. After all, the smaller the thickness of the PVC panel, the more likely the lock to break during assembly, which contributes to the appearance of cracks at the joints. The amount of plastic needed will depend on the perimeters of the room, but you will need to add 10-15% of the material, since there will be a lot of scraps during the work. When working, you need to pay attention to the water supply, which must remain open or have unhindered access.

When covering the toilet, metal profiles UD and CD are used. In addition, dowel-nails 6x40, hanging brackets for fastening the profile, white silicone glue, press washers measuring 3.9x16 will be useful.

The tools that will be used are: grinder, water level, hammer, hammer drill, cutter.

Installing panels on the ceiling

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands is quite simple. You just need to consistently carry out the following actions:

  1. assemble a frame consisting of a metal profile for attaching plastic panels to it;
  2. we beat off the ceiling level line using a water level;
  3. We fix the UD profile along the ceiling line using dowel nails. Next, using press washers, we attach the CD profile to the UD profile. Each strip of the CD profile must be mounted at a distance of 60-70 cm and adjusted in two places so that the ceiling does not sag over time;
  4. It is recommended to start the set of panels from the side best review, because with a high degree of probability the last strip will need to be cut.

First, we attach the starting strip, from which we will begin installing the plastic. We attach each strip of plastic to the CD profile with a press washer.

You need to be very careful with plastic, which is fragile and can break the lock if you move it carelessly. You can view a video and photo of toilet renovation using plastic panels in this article.

Wall repair

The principle of working with walls is similar to the process on the ceiling. First we dial metal carcass from profiles, taking into account all levels. And don’t forget to make a vertical partition, which will increase the rigidity of the structure. Used to join strips at corners internal corner. As in the case of the ceiling, we start installing plastic from the side with the best view. Outside corner used in the process of joining plastic, when repairing a toilet with plastic panels, to cover sewer pipes. The upper skirting boards or baguettes are fastened with silicone glue, but the lower ones can be fixed with dowel nails.

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels with your own hands has two obvious advantages, included in the title, is the speed and economy of such finishing. At the same time, it is quite possible to achieve a design effect and guarantee the durability of the repair if you avoid typical mistakes when working with PVC panels.

Toilet repair - why plastic?

Plastic as a finishing material for walls and ceilings has a whole range of advantages:

  • The lightness of the material is such that even a teenager can install PVC panels in the toilet, physical strength not required for such work;
  • Cheap - compared to tiles plastic is 3-6 times more economical;
  • There is no need to level the walls and ceiling; their unevenness will be “smoothed out” during installation frame base;
  • Polyvinyl chloride is completely inert to moisture. Just do not confuse this quality with moisture resistance; not a single type of PVC panel will become a barrier to dampness. Waterproofing will have to be taken care of in advance, at the stage of installing the frame;
  • Easy to maintain and clean. After high-quality installation Cleaning up the toilet will take 5-10 minutes; just wipe the plastic surface with a damp cloth;
  • Durability - the original appearance of the plastic panel is difficult to damage, even if desired. The material is resistant to most types of household chemicals, solvents and oxidizers.

Naturally, plastic panels also have their drawbacks, otherwise due to their low price and installation advantages they would have long ago taken a monopoly position in the market finishing materials. The main disadvantages:

  • Any plastic burns, and PVC wall panels are no exception. Manufacturers provide data on its thermal resistance and self-extinguishing qualities, but even smoldering polyvinyl chloride becomes a source of toxic gases. A fire in a toilet lined with plastic is a real danger, it must be taken into account when smoking, working with open fire, etc.;
  • Finishing a toilet with PVC panels is not as simple as it seems. A lot depends on the stage of preparation, which we will discuss in detail below. Begins preparatory stage not in the apartment, but also in the store;
  • Plastic finishing will narrow the dimensions of the room by at least 3-4 cm from each wall and ceiling. At uneven walls spatial losses will be even greater. For the height of the toilet, such a decrease is not critical, but for the length and width it can lead to certain inconveniences - for example, during further installation of plumbing, when opening and closing doors, etc.

Therefore, plastic is installed on the ceiling of sanitary facilities more often than on the walls. There are various design options mixed wall repairs using ceramic tiles and PVC panels, but they are more relevant for bathrooms than for smaller toilets.

Finishing the toilet with PVC panels - choosing the main and consumable materials

One of the main mistakes when choosing wall plastic is the primary focus on its design qualities . The strength of the panels is much more important than the design and patterns! It is for ceiling will do material of any strength, and we lean on the walls with our hands, hang shelves and accessories, etc. Therefore, start your choice with the rigidity of the panels - the higher it is, the better. The rigid panel will not vibrate from accidental touch and will require less effort when installing the frame, because mounting clearances can be made wider.

After selecting sufficiently durable PVC panels, we pay attention... no, not yet to the colors, but to their size and design. The length of the wall plastic is standard (3 meters), and the width varies from 12 to 25 cm. The wider the PVC panel, the more precise and level the frame base to which it will be attached is required. If you do not have natural carpentry talents, choose a width up to 15 cm.

Now you can choose colors and patterns for the glossy “packaging” of your toilet. And don’t skimp on accessories - plastic corners and endings. The strength and aesthetics of the entire repair depend on these fastening strips. They should be of a similar color to the main panels, with wide shelves for ease of fastening. Buy plastic fittings with a reserve - during the first attempts to fit them, mistakes are possible, and you hardly want to go to the market several corners away.

For the slatted base of the frame, use slats measuring 20x25 mm. For proper strength, it is wiser to choose a square section of slats, from 30x30 mm. Pay attention to their straightness, for which do not hesitate to untie a stack of slats and measure several (or even each).

Even the Tula Lefty will not be able to build an even frame on crooked slats. Buy self-tapping screws for attaching the frame base to the walls and mounting nails for the plastic itself. Small construction nails will not work; rather, you need an analogue of tar paper nails, but with a low head. If the toilet is damp or the neighbors above have man-made “floods”, you will need an antiseptic composition for treating wood.

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels - we install the frame with our own hands

Even before repairing the toilet with plastic, the toilet must be installed and the floor tiles laid; the work requires a ready-made, flat floor. Place all the plastic away from the repair area; if the frame is installed properly, its installation will only take a few hours, but that will happen later.

Installation of a frame for plastic panels - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Treating the slats with an antiseptic

This stage is often skipped, but in vain. If you carefully coat the slatted base with compounds against rotting and fungus, it will last for decades and will not lose its strength from dampness. Due to the fact that most of these compounds are toxic, the slats can be treated using outdoors the day before installation - dry it there, bringing into the apartment the bars that are already ready for hydro-troubles. The entire surface must be lubricated with an antiseptic, with the exception of the ends - the same requirements as for the ceiling between floors, wood is wood.

Step 2: Set up the side posts

These are four slats in the corners of our room for mandatory reflection. Their installation has its own secret - the main slats should not touch the floor and ceiling. Why do they put small scraps of the same plastic under them, and then pull out improvised pads when the rail is firmly fixed to the wall with screws. Accurate installation of the side posts is very important; they are installed strictly plumb, and the parallelism of the edges is checked with a wide steel ruler. In fact, the accuracy of the entire frame depends on these “four pillars”. Fastening is carried out in increments of 30-40 cm with self-tapping screws, through which holes are drilled in the walls (at least 5 cm deep), and plastic plugs are driven into the holes.

Step 3: Sheathing the Side Posts

Along the lower and upper perimeter of the room, bars for the lower ends and upper corners, respectively, are attached to the main vertical slats. The mounting screws are tightened at an angle of 45˚ to securely “hook” both slats. After the end screws, the fastening of the sheathing is supplemented by fastening the slats to the walls using long self-tapping screws. When the frame “skeleton” is ready, additional racks or crossbars are installed (depending on the direction of laying the plastic, vertical or horizontal). Step between frame racks make it smaller, about 50 cm - then the reliability will be higher, and the strength of the entire structure will be “like a glove.”

Step 4: Installation of fittings

Nailed to the main posts and perimeter rails plastic fittings. Its corners are cut with a sharp knife at an angle of 45˚, with the calculation of precise articulation with visible side. Due to the elasticity of the plastic panels, the fittings are mounted in all corners and turns. The step between the nails is the same 30-35 cm. If the lath lags behind the wall, then scraps of plastic are tightly squeezed into the gap, and only then the nail is driven in. A separate topic is mounting nails. They should have wide and flat caps. If you cannot find such nails, buy any 20-25 mm long and cut 1x1 cm spacers from PET bottles. They will attract the plastic to the wood and will not damage it. Perform the final blows with a hammer not directly on the nail, but on an auxiliary attachment such as a bolt, so as not to damage the corners or the panel itself.

Installing PVC panels in a toilet - using a ready-made frame is quick and easy

When the frame with the fittings nailed to it is completely ready, installation of PVC panels is easy and pleasant. Each part is sawed off with a hacksaw with thin teeth, about 1-1.5 cm smaller than the seat (the size deficit is compensated by the shelves of the fittings), inserted into the grooves, slightly pushed back and nailed to the slats. All subsequent plastic elements are pushed into the previous panel all the way and fastened in exactly the same way - with nails, with plastic washers, with a guarantee of safety of the plastic from being hit with a hammer.

The last PVC panels will need to be cut to length, this must be done with great precision. The cut panel is inserted into the corner until it stops and carefully pushed into the lock of the previous one using a thin screwdriver. Therefore, the size of the locks is always less than seats in fittings - the last panel must have contact with their surface. It cannot be secured with nails, so finishing the wall must be done in the most inaccessible place for traffic.

Do-it-yourself toilet repair with plastic panels is completed. Don’t forget to leave installation marks on the new plastic, along which the shelves and holder will later be attached toilet paper, hood, etc. – searching for plastic-covered slats is not included in our installation plans.

You can order bathroom renovation with PVC panels in a Khrushchev-era building, a new building or any other house through the Yuda service. Yuda-registered specialists will carry it out not only efficiently and quickly, but also affordable price. They will also provide competent advice on the selection and calculation of finishing materials for a bathtub or combined bathroom, and, if necessary, assist in their purchase and delivery to the apartment or in a private house. An order for the repair of a combined bathroom or a separate bathroom and toilet can be placed at any address in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Repair features

Repair of a bathroom with PVC panels in a Khrushchev-era building, a new building or any other house can be ordered from Yuda either as part of a comprehensive turnkey bathroom overhaul or separately. After all, it is not difficult to produce it without resorting to leveling the walls and ceiling, as well as other global preparation of the room. This is what makes PVC panels attractive:

  • they are easy to install and dismantle
  • completely hide all unevenness of the ceiling and wall surfaces
  • are inexpensive

In addition, plastic is easy to maintain - easy to clean and change if deformed. It is good to use where there are changes in humidity and temperature, that is, not only in the bathroom, but also, for example, in the kitchen. Sheathing walls with plastic panels is not difficult, so the cost of the work of craftsmen will be low. And when you order from Yuda, the services of specialists will cost you even less. Create a task on the website like “toilet repair with plastic panels - open price” and see for yourself.

Installation can be of two types: sheathing walls with PVC panels can be done by creating a sheathing or using liquid nails. The last option is used less frequently, since it assumes the presence of completely smooth surfaces walls Installation with the help of lathing allows not only not to carry out rough work before finishing the bathroom with PVC panels, but also to hide pipes and other communications that are undesirable in the interior design.

That's why this is the ideal way to do it redecorating kitchen or bathroom - both combined and separate. Yudu masters are proficient in any technology for decorating premises with plastic panels.

How much will the repair cost?

The cost of any repair services ordered in Moscow through Yudu will be at least 30% lower than the market price. In addition, the specialists presented on the site will assist you in purchasing finishing materials inexpensively. After all, most of them directly cooperate with suppliers of plastic panels, ceramic tiles, wallpaper and other materials for cosmetics major repairs, which allows them to purchase them cheaply.

In each specific case, Yudu performers evaluate bathroom renovations differently and toilet with PVC panels– the price depends on factors such as:

  • room area
  • complexity of the location of pipes and other communications
  • urgency of repair work

A specialist will announce the final cost of ordering a turnkey bathroom or toilet repair only after a personal inspection of the property. Repairing a bathroom with PVC panels when ordering from Yuda will always be beneficial for you.