Advantages of hydrogen welding in comparison with other types of gas-flame processing. Hydrogen burner: device, principle of operation, how to make it yourself Do-it-yourself electrolyzer drawings for welding

A do-it-yourself hydrogen burner is a completely feasible task for experienced craftsman and a beginner, armed with detailed recommendations about her self-production. This device works thanks to the heat generated by hydrogen. A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is a gas with the highest possible combustion temperature - 2800°C. It is called detonating gas or Brown's gas. However, you must be careful when working with this mixture as it is highly explosive.

Hydrogen has certain advantages over other flammable gases. For example, it can be obtained by electrolysis directly from water. A self-made hydrogen burner does not require the use of hydrogen in cylinders. The electrolysis burner is capable of supplying gas to the required quantities. Thanks to this, hydrogen welding is a very economical and safest method.

A homemade welding machine with a hydrogen torch can be made based on an electrolysis generator. The possibility of a gas explosion using such equipment is completely eliminated, since all the gas is immediately used for welding and does not accumulate in a quantity sufficient for an explosion.

What is required to make a burner?

To make a hydrogen burner, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • sheet stainless steel;
  • 2 bolts M6x150 with nuts and washers;
  • a transparent tube, for example, such as in a water level;
  • fittings with an outer diameter corresponding to the hose;
  • sealed plastic container with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • small filter for purifying supply water;
  • water check valve.

The choice of stainless steel must be approached responsibly. It is advisable to choose the brand of imported steel AISI 316L or the domestic equivalent - 03Х16Н15М3. However, if there is a small piece of stainless steel 50x50 cm with a thickness of 2 mm, then there is no need to purchase a whole sheet.

It is necessary to use stainless steel, since it does not corrode in water, unlike ordinary steel.

Additionally, hydrogen welding will be more efficient if you use alkali rather than plain water. The alkaline environment is aggressive, so using ordinary steel is unacceptable.

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Manufacturing Features

Stainless steel needs to be cut into small plates. From a piece of 50x50 cm you will get 16 plates in shape close to a square. You can cut the metal with a grinder; one of the corners of each plate must be sawed off so that you can later connect them together.

On the side opposite the cut, you need to drill holes for the fastening bolts in order to connect the elements later. The operation of the device will be based on the fact that D.C., passing through the electrolyte solution sequentially from plate to plate, will split water into oxygen and hydrogen. To ensure this process, it is necessary to create plates with opposite charges: positive and negative.

For the greatest efficiency of the device, it is necessary that the area of ​​the plates be maximized. This will ensure the maximum area of ​​influence on the solution; the maximum current will pass through the water, resulting in the formation of the largest possible amount of gas. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to provide positive and negative charge to the largest possible number of plates. With 16 plates, there are 8 elements per anode and cathode.

Hydrogen flames can be an excellent alternative to acetylene flames and can also be used for cutting, soldering and welding. Hydrogen welding is practically harmless, the reason for this is steam, which is a combustion product here.

If you own a gas one, then hydrogen welding will not be too difficult for you. People have been using gas welding for more than a century; the main flammable gas in it is acetylene, but hydrogen is more productive, the difference is that an acetylene flame can reduce iron, while a hydrogen flame oxidizes it.

Hydrogen welding occurs with the participation of oxygen and a mixture of flammable gas. In this case, the weld pool is covered with a layer of slag, making the seam thin and porous; hydrocarbons are now used, with the help of which this problem has been solved.

Application of hydrogen welding

Hydrogen is suitable for welding iron products, but not stainless steels, since it dissolves in molten nickel, nor is such welding suitable for copper, but the hydrogen atmosphere does not allow the surface to oxidize.

The hydrogen welding machine can operate from a regular household electrical outlet; the device operates in automatic and manual mode. A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is supplied to a standard burner through a hose; the flame temperature is regulated at 600 - 2600 degrees.

These devices are easy to use, they do not require frequent recharging, you can start using them in just a couple of minutes, and the device is very powerful.

This type of welding is very environmentally friendly, which distinguishes it from acetylene welding, which is highly polluting. environment. The devices are safe to store and operate; however, you should not dispense with protective clothing.

Another important condition before starting work is that you need to choose the right electrodes, everyone is unique, depending on their the right choice The success of the work will largely depend; when choosing, you need to take into account the working material, the required quality of the seam, working conditions and many other parameters.

  • Such welding is capable of performing almost any task in the flame processing of a material. These devices are very popular with jewelers, dentists and refrigerator repair specialists.
  • Powerful machines allow you to cook material up to 3 mm thick; they are constantly used at repair stations various equipment, since oxygen cylinders cannot be used there.
  • Hydrogen machines can be used for body work, repairing batteries, blocks and engines. As soon as the maximum possible level of electrolyte pressure is reached, the system itself will give a signal and the device will turn off, which ensures high fire safety.

This technology provides a much cleaner cut compared to propane and acetylene. These devices are used in wells, tunnels and subways, where propane and acetylene are prohibited.

Hydrogen welding is also possible with negative temperature. Such a device will be very useful at home, but they are quite expensive, there is another option, to assemble the device yourself.

DIY hydrogen welding

The hydrogen mixture can be obtained by electrolysis of an aqueous alkali solution, the current source can be made using a rectifier to charge the battery from the car.

Electrolysis must take place in a vessel, at home it will do glass jar with a polyethylene lid, its volume can be from half a liter. Make exit points in the cover for the wires and electrode plates, as well as for the gas exhaust tube bushing.

The hydrodispenser can be a second vessel; gases are bubbling in it, where they are saturated with vapors of flammable substances. This mixture is sent to a third container with water; it serves as a seal for the release of gases. Gas containing oxygen, hydrogen and flammable substances will come out through the medical needle.

  • The flame temperature can reach up to 2500 degrees, but if you change the level of the supplied voltage it can be adjusted.
  • The combustion process must be stable; if you change the voltage on the electrodes, the current strength will also change, and it affects the dose of gas evolution.
  • During electrolysis, water is consumed, but the amount of alkali does not change; it breaks down into ions, which increases the electrical conductivity of the solution.

The fuel mixture can be refilled with a regular medical syringe with a needle. You need to place cotton swabs inside the syringe tube, at its end and base, this is necessary to prevent the flame from leaking through the tube into the vessel with the alcohol composition.

The rectifier can be assembled by connecting diodes via a half-wave network; a transformer with a power of 180 W or more is suitable for this, good option there will be a device from an old Soviet TV, remove the secondary windings and wind new ones using thick copper wrapped wire.

Make taps to regulate the output voltage that powers the electrolyser. The flame temperature will depend on the composition of the fuel; acetone or ethyl alcohol can be used.

If you choose acetone, do not use sleeves made from gel pen tubes, they will dissolve in it. If oxygen predominates in the mixture, the flame may go out.

If you assemble the device well and it is sealed, it can work for a very long time. If you need to weld large metal elements, then you need to find out how it’s done; in principle, this is quite possible.

Hydrogen welding can be very dangerous, as mixtures can explode, oxygen reducers can ignite, and kickbacks flame.

Before starting work, you need to clearly study safety precautions, this is the first thing, it cannot be neglected. This type of welding should not be carried out near flammable substances.

If welding is carried out indoors, you need to take frequent breaks and go out into the air. In closed and semi-closed spaces, use local suction to remove gases. If welding takes place in a tank, then an observer is required outside.

  • Carry out all work only with safety glasses to avoid damaging your eyes. If you use gas cylinders, carry them on a cart or stretcher and use a protective cap.

They should not touch or fall, and there should be no oxygen cylinders in the welding area. Always use gearboxes with proper pressure gauges to avoid explosions.

When welding, the torch flame should be directed away from the power source; if this is not possible, protect the source with an iron shield. Gas-conducting hoses must be located near the welder; during breaks, the burner flame must be extinguished. If you follow these simple rules, hydrogen welding will always be safe.

​Hydrogen flame is a good alternative to acetylene flame and is actively used for welding, cutting and soldering various materials. Unlike many traditional ways Hydrogen welding is almost safe due to the fact that the product of the combustion process in it is steam. This method is considered a variant of gas-flame processing, using mixtures of oxygen and flammable gases.

If you simply use hydrogen as a fuel instead of acetylene, the weld pool will be covered with a thick slag layer, and the resulting weld will be thin and porous. To avoid this, organic compounds that can bind oxygen are used. For this purpose, hydrocarbons such as gasoline, benzene, toluene and others are used, heated to a temperature of 30-80% of the boiling point. The required quantity is minimal, so the price of hydrogen welding is not much different from other methods of gas-flame processing.

Another difficulty this method may be due to the lack of sufficiently effective sources of hydrogen and oxygen. Gas cylinders are extremely dangerous to use, so their use is inappropriate. Significant concentrations of hydrogen can cause frostbite and dizziness with suffocation.

What is especially dangerous about a hydrogen flame is that it is not visible in daylight. To detect it, it is necessary to use special sensors. The problem of reliability of gas sources can be solved by special devices that decompose water through the action of electrical energy on oxygen and hydrogen. These electrolysers can produce both gases simultaneously.

These lightweight and compact devices replace heavy gas welding equipment used when power sources are unavailable, which is especially convenient for hydrogen welding at home.

Hydrogen welding equipment

Hydrogen welding devices, having different powers, operate from a regular electrical network. They are equipped with a traditional acetylene torch, into which a hydrogen-oxygen mixture is supplied through a hose. Adjusting the temperature of their flame allows you to set it to wide range(600-2600 ºС). The devices can be used for both manual and automatic welding. Their operation does not cause difficulties due to not too much labor intensity and the absence of the need for recharging.

Having compact dimensions, the equipment can be quite powerful. It is brought into operation in a few minutes, depending on the temperature at the welding site and the required gas flow. If you have the basic skills of gas-flame processing, doing hydrogen welding yourself will not be difficult, and the productivity of the process and the quality of the seams will be no worse than with traditional welding.

Unlike traditional welding, which uses acetylene as the main fuel gas, welding using hydrogen instead is not only productive, but also environmentally friendly. Welding with acetylene can cause contamination atmospheric air toxic compounds, while the only product from the combustion process in hydrogen equipment is completely harmless steam.

These devices are also absolutely safe during storage, transportation and operation. They perform not only welding, but also oxygen cutting (manual or machine), soldering, powder surfacing, heat strengthening and powder spraying. Several different modes allow you to carry out work in a wide range of materials from joining materials to minimum thickness before cutting thick steel. Despite the small size of these portable devices and low power, they allow welding and cutting of products with thicknesses up to 2 mm from both ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

Application of hydrogen welding

Oxygen-hydrogen welding, in which hydrogen is the fuel gas, is widely used in the manufacture of jewelry, used in dentistry and repairs. refrigeration equipment. Various models hydrogen devices are popular in service centers for maintenance of equipment and other indoors where the use of explosive oxygen and propane cylinders is prohibited.

Also, the advantages of using an oxygen-hydrogen flame include a reduction in the cost of servicing workplaces while complying with standards fire safety and industrial sanitation due to the complete absence of waste in production and the absolute harmlessness of the combustion product - water vapor. For continuous operation of hydrogen-oxygen devices, only a small volume of water is required. And the range of materials they process is quite wide and includes both ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals and steels, as well as ceramics and glass.

An electrochemical subtype of fusion welding, atomic-hydrogen welding, which results from the action of an electric arc with hydrogen, is well suited for joining cast iron parts and structures made of alloy and low-carbon steels. But its use in industry is limited by the rather high voltage of power supplies, which poses a danger to human life.

In addition, this welding method cannot be used when working with copper, brass, zinc, titanium and a number of other chemical elements that have increased activity in interaction with hydrogen. At the same time, the high activity of molecular hydrogen effectively protects the metal melt from negative atmospheric influences.

The technology of welding and cutting with hydrogen, unlike acetylene or propane, allows you to get a fairly clean cut. In addition, there are no harmful emissions of nitric oxide and burr, and the metal does not absorb carbon and is hardened .

It is advisable to use hydrogen welding machines for work carried out in tunnels, wells and other hard to reach places, where placing propane or acetylene cylinders is prohibited. Certain types of hydrogen welding equipment allow welding even at subzero temperatures.

Today, among all types of gas-flame processing, hydrogen welding is becoming increasingly popular. This gas welding technology is based primarily on the process of electrochemical decomposition of water into two chemical element: hydrogen and oxygen.

The welding procedure is the most efficient and has great advantages over welding, where the main element is the combination of oxygen and acetylene.

Hydrogen welding can be classified as a harmless technology, since the entire combustion process is based on a single element - water vapor. During operation, the burner temperature can rise to 2600°C, which means that this technology will allow you to carry out any welding, soldering or help you cut through different kinds ferrous metals.

Read also:

Hydrogen welding process technology

Since the hydrogen flame has a number of advantages over the acetylene flame, it is more often used for cutting and soldering metal products. Due to the fact that water vapor is released as a result of combustion, this type of welding is considered the safest. When using hydrogen as a fuel element during welding, a layer of slag may form on the metal coating large thickness. The weld produced in this case will be thin and loose. To avoid this, organic compounds are mainly used, which, on the contrary, bind oxygen. To do this, it is better to use various hydrocarbons (gasoline, toluene, etc.) and heat them until a temperature reaches 80% of the boiling point. When welding, a minimum amount of hydrocarbons is required for maximum result, therefore it is much cheaper than other gas flame treatment.

When using hydrogen welding, there is no need to use gas cylinders, which are effective sources of a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. The fact is that they are very dangerous when used. When welding occurs, the hydrogen flame is not visible at all in daylight. Therefore, to facilitate the work, it is necessary to use special sensors. The reliability of gas sources depends primarily on devices that can operate when filled with water, where, with the help of electricity, it breaks down into oxygen and hydrogen. With the help of such electrolyzers, electrolysis welding is very easily performed, where a hydrogen-oxygen mixture is used as the main element for joining parts.

In some cases, atomic hydrogen welding is used, which is an electrochemical melting process. The action is achieved by heating the electric arc of hydrogen splitting. In terms of heat content, atomic-hydrogen welding is somewhat different from acetylene-oxygen welding and other types of welding. Mostly this type used when welding cast iron or steel. IN industrial enterprises atomic hydrogen welding is used in rare cases due to high voltage, which is dangerous for any person.

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Types of welding machines

For any type of implementation welding work it is necessary to use a welding machine, the absence of which is unacceptable at any construction site or in domestic conditions. After all, it is the only device with the ability to fasten metal products.

For hydrogen welding, hydrogen welding equipment must be used. The hydrogen apparatus is used not only for cutting and soldering different types metals, but also for finishing various plastics, glass or quartz.

This type of equipment is suitable for use in industrial areas where operation requires heating to maximum temperatures.

The welding machine operates using hydrogen, which is produced in the machine itself. Due to the breakdown of water molecules into two important element, oxygen and hydrogen, it is possible to obtain hydrogen. After this, a gas mixture with maximum energy is formed. Using it, you can carry out work on connecting various metal structures.

In order for this device to work correctly, you need to prepare 1.5 liters of distilled water and free access to the power supply.

This equipment is very easy to operate, does not require frequent recharging and has little labor intensity. Work begins within a few minutes after turning on the power supply. Using hydrogen welding machines, it is possible to weld parts up to three millimeters thick, which means that it can be used by jewelers, dentists, and household appliance repair specialists.

Hydrogen-oxygen electrolysers differ in power, depending on which various welding operations are allowed.

These include soldering, welding, oxygen cutting and others. When welding with hydrogen, you can perform a huge range of work, from microwelding to cutting steel sheets. These devices are small-sized and can be used for welding sheets up to 2 mm in size with a power of 1.8 kW.

In some cases, acetylene generators and cylinders are used. It is advisable to use them only in field conditions where it is not possible to use electricity. If there is a power connector, it is better to use bulky welding equipment.

Atomic-hydrogen welding is slightly different in its technological process from normal looking such works. During the process, hydrogen is supplied to the welding area. Using a welding torch, you can easily determine the direction and volume of the mixture.

When welding with oxygen and hydrogen elements, the edges of the torch melt due to too much high level temperature. Therefore, it must be cleansed immediately. This gas welding process can be performed either manually or automatically.

Professionals with skills in this field are able to do these necessary work without anyone's help.

You just need to buy a welding machine with effect 210, where there is another torch in the package. This device starts working after connecting it to a 220 W power supply. They can easily achieve results when cutting thin metal plates or alloy steel plates.

Hydrogen welding is a type of gas flame processing. Her distinctive feature is the combustion of a flame in a hydrogen atmosphere. Today, among all types of gas-flame treatments, this method is the most popular.

He has high efficiency and serves as an excellent alternative to acetylene welding. In addition, you can make a welding machine with your own hands at home, which makes it even more interesting.

Hydrogen welding has a number of advantages compared to other analogues. Its main advantage is that during the combustion of the welding torch, water vapor is released, so it is the safest.

In addition, this technology provides high operating temperatures, which means it allows you to work with more refractory metals. Hydrogen welding can be easily used at home, since anyone can make a welding machine with their own hands.

Another most commonly used method is acetylene welding.

Hydrogen welding technology.

At the same time, hydrogen in many cases turns out to be more preferable due to its features:

  • allows you to obtain neat, tight seams;
  • ability to work with small parts;
  • heat gas burner allows you to carry out not only cutting, but also cutting of materials;
  • making a hydrogen burner with your own hands is a feasible task not only for masters, but also for beginners;
  • the ability to perform work in a confined space;
  • The hydrogen welding machine is small-sized and easy to transport.

Despite the many advantages of atomic hydrogen welding, it is not without its disadvantages. The main ones are the difficulties of working with copper products, some alloy steels, and also with massive materials.

Application of the method

Gas flame welding is carried out due to the combustion of a gaseous mixture. The most commonly used is acetylene welding. It is based on the oxidation of carbide in water.

If low temperatures are required, for example when working with small parts or thin metal, propane is used. It is fed from the cylinder into the mixing chamber and then into the burner.

Oxygen is supplied to the same chamber to support gas combustion. By adjusting the oxygen pressure, it is possible to achieve a combustion temperature of up to 3000 degrees, which allows not only welding, but also metal cutting.

The disadvantage of this is the need to use a gas cylinder. This places restrictions on the use of welding in many difficult conditions.

Unit for hydrogen welding.

The operating principle of hydrogen welding is based on the process of separating water into hydrogen and oxygen. As a result of the subsequent recombination of monatomic hydrogen into diatomic hydrogen, energy is released, which accelerates welding.

The welding area is protected from oxygen by hydrogen, which eliminates surface oxidation and ensures smooth seams.

Using hydrogen cylinders for rafting is dangerous. Leakage in confined spaces may cause suffocation or dizziness. It is also explosive.

Producing the hydrogen needed to operate welding machine, is carried out directly at the welding site in the electrolysis chamber. This eliminates these risks when correct use equipment and compliance with safety regulations.

Hydrogen welding is widely used in difficult conditions: tunnels, mines, sewers. It is impossible to use propylene-acetylene cylinders for such tasks due to the high risk of mixture leakage and explosion.

Electrolysis equipment does not have these disadvantages and is widely used in these areas.

Using hydrogen welding machines is quite simple. They do not require frequent recharging and quickly reach operating temperatures.

In addition, they can operate from a household network, which makes them very attractive for the average user. Especially considering that hydrogen welding can be done with your own hands using one of the many electrolyzer circuits for welding available on the Internet.

How to make a hydrogen welding machine yourself?

Hydrogen welding is useful to any craftsman. The hydrogen cutter is not a cheap piece of equipment. In addition, commercially available devices are often unsuitable for small parts, especially for jewelry.

The way out of this situation is to make atomic-hydrogen welding yourself. All the parts necessary to create such a device can be easily purchased at any hardware store. So, let's look at how to do this at home.

Main capacity

Installation for welding with hydrogen.

The hydrogen welding machine operates as a result of the combustion of hydrogen, due to the dissociation of an aqueous alkali solution.

This process is carried out in a container for which a half-liter jar is perfect. It must be closed with a plastic cover with two holes made to remove contacts from the electrodes.

All terminals must be tightly sealed. Moment glue is suitable for these purposes.

You can use four-centimeter strips of stainless steel. For the best performance of the welding machine, the entire volume of liquid must be used.

To do this, the plates are drilled along the upper and lower edges and connected to each other with dielectric pins. Terminals are made on the resulting block: two negatives located at the edges, and a pole between them.

Each terminal is bent and fixed to the container with a bolt. The terminals from the power source will be attached to these bolts.

The container must be filled with a syringe with working fluid through the gas outlet fitting. The electrolyte is an 8-10% mixture of sodium hydroxide in distilled water. When the electrolyzer is operating, the temperature of the working fluid alkaline solution usually does not exceed 80 °C.

The second vessel acts as a hydrodispenser. In it, gases are saturated with vapors of flammable substances. Then the resulting mixture is sent to a third container filled with ordinary water. It acts as a shutter for the release of gases.

An ordinary medical needle can be used as a nozzle through which oxygen, hydrogen and flammable substances will come out.

Current source for atomic hydrogen welding

A regular 12 volt battery can be used as a power source. This option is perfect for working with metal of a fixed thickness.

Its disadvantage is the inability to control the flame strength, since its performance is determined by the production of hydrogen and oxygen, which depends on the current strength.

Choice charger for car batteries will be more preferable. For working with thin metal plates or jewelry Charging can be set to 3 volts.

Hydrogen welding can be powered with oxygen from a regular 220 V network, which allows you to use this device at home.

Exchange camera

Schematic diagram of a hydrogen welding apparatus.

To select hydrogen and oxygen supplied to the burner, another container is used - an exchange chamber.

You need to make 3 holes inside it:

  • for refilling with working fluid;
  • at the bottom there is a fitting for supplying working fluid to the main tank;
  • fitting for supplying the gas mixture to the nozzle.

The design of the additional container must also be carefully sealed. Gases and liquids should not leak through the hydrogen seals of the hydrogen generator. This is also solved with the help of "Moment".

Making a burner

To make a burner, you can use a regular rubber hose. It is through this that hydrogen and oxygen will be transported from the exchange chamber to the nozzle. You can use a needle from a syringe or dropper as a nozzle. The latter will be a more preferable choice, since the walls of this needle are thicker.

The hose must be tightly secured to the exchange chamber fitting and the needle base. This is achieved using clamps. After completing all operations to assemble the device, you can begin testing it.

Electrolysis of the working fluid begins quickly. After just a few minutes, you can ignite the flame at the end of the nozzle. The flame is adjusted by changing the voltage on the device.

Bottom line

In many cases, the use of hydrogen welding turns out to be more convenient than other gas-flame methods. It becomes especially relevant when it comes to working at home.

The given description of how to make a hydrogen burner with your own hands will help all craftsmen who want to make such a device. This will significantly save money on purchasing a store-bought welding option.

In addition, a self-made hydrogen cutter is more promising for working with small products. Hydrogen welding is environmentally friendly, and its production does not require much labor and large costs.

The method is also similar to acetylene welding, and mastering it is not difficult.