Which septic tank is better to choose? How to choose which septic tank is best suited for your dacha? Self-made septic tanks

Living in a dacha allows you not only to take a break from the bustle of the city, but also to enjoy nature, clean air, find peace. But so that nothing interferes with a good rest, you have to take care of the amenities of civilization - water supply, electricity and sewerage, right?

Are you trying to figure out how to choose a septic tank for your dacha so as not to overpay or make a mistake? We will help you in this matter - our article discusses the types of septic tanks, their structural and functional differences. Indeed, to choose the optimal recycler, it is advisable to get acquainted with existing options.

Manufacturers of sewerage equipment offer the most various options designed to make suburban life easier.

Equipment options include both simple and inexpensive models, and quite complex biological wastewater treatment plants.

It is quite difficult to choose just one, especially if the dacha owner is faced with this issue for the first time.

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When building a residential building, they simultaneously design a sewer system, most often an independent one. If previously sewage was dumped into a cesspool, now septic tanks are replacing it everywhere. These are progressive devices for purifying domestic wastewater, which are an airtight vessel divided into chambers in which wastewater They are first settled, then processed by microorganisms, and then filtered.

A huge selection of drain cleaners on the market raises the question of which septic tank is better for a home with permanent residence, and which one is more suitable for the conditions country house.

The main element of a closed (local) sewer system is classified according to various criteria. Based on the number of wells, one-, two- and three-chamber septic tanks are distinguished. They are made of steel, reinforced concrete products, plastic and fiberglass, and equipped with suitable materials.
The following is a classification of septic tanks according to design features. Depending on the range of functions implemented, there are three types of septic tanks for homes.

  1. Cumulative. It includes one chamber or two communicating wells. The waste in a sealed storage tank is separated into liquid and dense fractions, organic matter is broken down, and the liquid with suspensions settles. To avoid overfilling of the vessels, sewage is pumped out from time to time. You can use the drive as a basis when arranging an inexpensive country septic tank. This technical solution acceptable , if residents come to the house only on weekends (pumping will have to be done once a year).
  2. A settling tank with a soil post-treatment compartment. This is a reservoir delimited into chambers without a bottom (infiltrators), which play the role of aeration platforms (filtration fields). The chambers contain activated sludge, which accelerates the decay of wastewater.
  3. Installation for deep cleaning. In it, waste is decomposed in stages using various methods. First, the solid fraction settles, then comes the stage of bioprocessing of organic matter. Progressive cleaning units This group is equipped with a compressor. The method is expensive, but very effective: up to 95% of wastewater goes into a neutral state, and sewage has to be removed no more than once every 5-7 years. It is advisable to equip a deep cleaning station if the house is being built next to a river or pond.

To local sewerage functioned more actively, it is recommended to equip an anaerobic septic tank for a private house. It involves the colonization of special bacteria that feed on organic matter and have no need for oxygen into the primary purification tank. This approach speeds up the disinfection and dissolution of wastewater.

If you remove a pipe from the after-treatment tank to communicate with the atmosphere or connect an air compressor, you can get an aerobic septic tank.

To do this, it is inhabited by microorganisms that process organic matter when oxygen is available. Biological decomposition of waste by two types of bacteria allows you to bring wastewater to a state process water.

When organizing wastewater treatment, an inevitable question arises: how to choose a septic tank for your home? To answer this, the problem must be analyzed from several perspectives.

1.Factory product or homemade design. In the second case, the cleaner is made from tires, concrete rings, brick. But such a model is permissible only under the condition of periodic or seasonal residence in the house.

Comparison of septic tanks produced at the plant and self-made in terms of duration and safety of operation, it convincingly proves that for household needs it is better to prefer a purchased installation, which, in combination with proper installation, guarantees full compliance with building and environmental standards.

Stations with a high percentage of filtration allow you to discharge purified water into any body of water.

It is not practical to use such a septic tank for a summer house or a detached cottage, but it can be purchased for a village or street. For an individual user, a two-chamber or two-capacity septic tank is more suitable. The first option collects wastewater and performs its primary purification, the second filters the liquid part and releases water into the ground. Effluent treated with two-chamber units is not allowed to be discharged into water bodies.

2. Material. It also determines the choice of septic tank for country house, affecting its service life and reliability.

  • Reinforced concrete. The rings, manufactured according to the technical process in accordance with the standards, do not corrode and have great strength, but their installation will not be possible without special equipment.
  • Metal. Advantages of steel containers – mechanical strength and an affordable price, but the main disadvantage is increased corrosion. From the inside, the walls of the tank are constantly in contact with the chemically active liquid, and on the outside - with the soil. In order for a metal septic tank to last longer, waterproofing will be required. Installation of a massive tank is impossible without lifting equipment.
  • Polymer. Plastic septic tanks are in demand due to their low weight and relative cheapness. The disadvantage of the design is instability: during installation the container must be constantly held in a vertical position. Most polymers are susceptible to damage by rodents and cracking when exposed to low temperatures.
  • Fiberglass. Along with chemical neutrality, it also has other positive qualities: durable, lightweight, and does not respond to temperature fluctuations. The most durable and practical septic tanks for a country house are made from fiberglass.

3.Groundwater depth and soil type. If a single-chamber model is selected, groundwater must flow deeper than the bottom of the tank. For safe use of the multi-chamber option, they must be 1 m below the bottom of the last stage (filter).

If the water is located at a depth of more than one and a half meters, it is technically difficult to equip drainage fields for three-section septic tanks, especially on waterproof clay soils. Here are some tips for specific conditions.

  • Sandy soil. A unit with biological treatment is recommended, upon completion of which the water directly turns into sand. The filtration field is located higher.
  • Clay. In addition to bacterial purification, the wastewater must pass through a sand filter. The purified liquid from the septic tank is discharged directly onto the ground.
  • High bedding line surface waters. The best option– a polymer septic tank with bio-treatment, specially weighted or fixed to prevent floating.

4. Volume of the vessel and its dimensions. Capacity is calculated based on the average daily norm drainage per person (with a standard set of plumbing fixtures - 200 liters), number of residents and a three-day supply. If there are four in a family, the volume of the septic tank is calculated as follows:

200*4 people*3 days. = 2400 liters

If a country mansion is often visited by guests, the result obtained is increased by 2/3: 2400 * 1.66 = 3900 liters. The optimal tank depth is from 1.3 to 3.5 m.

Depending on the resulting cubic capacity, according to Table 1, a septic tank model is selected.

How to choose a septic tank for a private house and cottage

Dacha for occasional holidays

If residents visit the house on weekends, and plumbing equipment there is little in the home, then a productive complex that processes wastewater is not required. Dacha owners often choose inexpensive, low-performance single-chamber drives. Unlike a cesspool, they are filled with sand and crushed stone filter layers, providing 50% purification.

Following the advice of experts, it is better to prefer a small two-chamber mini-septic tank with sedimentation and infiltration sections. If the volume of wastewater is not higher than the standard (certificate), then such equipment perfectly performs the functions assigned to it.

Before choosing a compact septic tank for your dacha, get acquainted with its features:

  • mini-septic tanks are sold complete with activated sludge, populated with anaerobic biomaterial (after processing the organic matter, the liquid is filtered in a well, then enters the soil);
  • sewer storage tanks are made of reinforced polyethylene, resistant to frost;
  • compact products are delivered to their destination in a passenger car; a construction truck crane is not required for loading;
  • You can install a septic tank alone.

Country house for permanent residence

For a family with an average income, the best septic tank for a country house is a unit with two or three sections (factory-made or built from reinforced concrete rings). This is a combination of a one- or two-chamber storage tank and a septic tank filter. The first two wells (settlements) are sealed, and the third is without a bottom; a layer of sand and gravel is poured into it.

When the settling tanks are filled, a sewer is called in to clean the septic tank, and the filter components are changed every three years. A multi-chamber septic tank cleans drains by an average of 90%.

Which septic tank to choose for a country house in order to make the drains cleaner and call the sewer less often?

  1. Septic tank with filtration field. This is a complex that combines 2-3 wells and a drainage zone (it requires an underground area of ​​at least 30 m2). The minimum gap between the field and the house is 30 m.
  2. Multi-section septic tank with biofilter. This is the answer to the question of which septic tank is better for a country house and cottage if there are permanent residents and taking into account the high boundary of the passage of groundwater. The model, manufactured industrially, consists of 4 sections:

Depending on the material, which is used in the manufacture of a septic tank, all structures are divided into the following types:

  • Reinforced concrete;
  • Plastic.
  • Made from stainless metal.

The most widespread are reinforced concrete and plastic septic tanks. Hardware They are rarely used because they are very expensive and wear out quickly.

And this video describes the rules for building a septic tank for a country house.

Comparison of septic tanks for a country house. How and which one to choose?

Let's consider plastic and reinforced concrete septic tanks.

Characteristics of reinforced concrete septic tanks

Cleaning systems based on monolithic reinforced concrete have their own advantages:

  • Durable. The service life reaches up to 30 years.
  • They have high resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive substances.

There are reinforced concrete septic tanks:

  • Prefabricated: collected from massive rings, the diameter of which is from 1 to 2 meters. Installation is carried out using construction equipment, since their weight is very large. Installation takes a day or two.
  • Monolithic: They dig a hole directly at the installation site and begin equipping the septic tank. A septic tank, the design of which is monolithic and has fittings inside, is made in a few days.

This photo shows the process of installing a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings for a private house.

Features of plastic septic tanks

Advantages at plastic structures a lot of:

  1. Eco-friendly, safe. High tightness of the structure and durable material avoid leaks and waste getting into the soil.
  2. Reliable.
  3. Service life is long.
  4. They have less weight, so during installation you can do without the use of expensive special equipment.

Plastic septic tanks only need to be purchased and installed on the site. There is no need to collect anything.

Important: installation of all types of septic tanks and connection with sewer pipes must be carried out by specialists.

How many chambers should a septic tank have?

Devices for drainage of wastewater and household waste have the following number of cameras:

  • One;

For sufficient functionality of the system, the expected waste volume. It affects the number of cameras:

  • Single-chamber design: the volume of wastewater is no more than 1 cubic meter per day;
  • Two-chamber design: no more than 10 cubic meters per day;
  • Three-chamber septic tank: wastewater exceeds 10 cubic meters per day.

Important: in a finished septic tank, a container in the format of a plastic Eurocube has chambers of the same size. The chambers in finished reinforced concrete rings are also the same.

If you plan to make homemade septic tank for a country house, it is advisable to take into account the recommendations of specialists and make design compartments of different sizes:

  • Double chamber product: the first chamber is two-thirds of the volume, the second is one third.
  • Three-chamber septic tank: the first chamber is half of the total volume, and the second and third are 25% each.

Septic tanks for country houses come in different sizes. The choice of model depends on the number of drains, the volume of which will pass through it. The minimum volume is the amount of waste that can accumulate within three days. The septic tank must have an optimal volume. Big square interferes with the uniform distribution of sedimentary masses over the entire surface of the bottom.

Autonomous septic tank for a country house. What is this?

If not central sewer or connection is difficult for a number of reasons, do not give up. Autonomous septic tank - a rational way out of the current situation.

What does the device look like? The tank for drainage and waste is made of polypropylene. The cleaning process is as follows:

  1. The settling tank is filled with wastewater.
  2. Next, they are disinfected and cleansed from various impurities.
  3. Special bacteria process contaminated wastewater.
  4. Mechanical treatment allows you to achieve good purity of wastewater.
  5. Purified water is drained into the soil.

The newest generation of autonomous septic tanks allows you to release almost clean water into the soil. In this case, groundwater contamination is excluded.

A septic tank operating autonomously in a country house has a fairly high cost. Drain pit arrange it cheaper. But the obvious advantages autonomous system wastewater treatment during the entire service life confirms the correctness of the choice. An autonomous septic tank relieves owners from many problems with waste disposal and wastewater disinfection.

Sewer septic tank for a private home: reviews

Many cottage owners and country houses positively evaluate the use of a septic tank on your own farm.

Andrey, Bryansk: I purchased a Picobell septic tank with a tank volume of 3700 liters. Enough for our family of four. The tank is single chamber. There are no problems at work. I've been using this system for three years now. About cleaning the chambers from silting. It is enough to drain the sludge and wash the chamber once or twice a year, and everything works fine. If the lights are turned off, the system continues to work, although the speed decreases, but still, the process continues! I recommend.

Sergey, Novokuznetsk: I bought a BIOTAL series 4 septic tank and have never regretted my choice. The wastewater settles and is cleaned of bacteria very well. There is practically no smell. I call the vacuum cleaner once a year. It's not expensive. My house is large, 8 people live in it. 4 cubic meters of capacity is enough so that our family is not bothered by the problem of drains. The instructions say that there is a high-quality biological filter inside. This won me over. I am for environmental friendliness.

Rating of the best septic tanks for a country house

  • Rosecology.
  • City Eco Plast.
  • Helix.
  • Aqua.
  • Topas.
  • Bioxi.

Prices for septic tanks for a private (country) house

The cost of septic tank models depends on:

  1. Tank volume;
  2. Number of cameras;
  3. Manufacturing companies;
  4. Cleaning technologies;
  5. The material from which the structure is made;
  6. “Fillings” of the septic tank.

Most Popular the following septic tanks for the private sector:

  • Ecopan. 62 thousand -141 thousand. rub;
  • Breeze. 58 – 88 thousand rubles;
  • Count. 55-75 thousand rubles;
  • Biotal. 55-85 thousand rubles;
  • Green Rock. 70-200 thousand rubles;
  • Eurobion. 56-124 thousand rubles.

A wide selection of products on the market for sewer stations and septic tanks allows home owners to choose a device that will meet all requirements.

When choosing a model, pay attention to the characteristics of various types of septic tanks for installation in a private home, their volume, number of chambers, level of cleaning - and You will forever forget about problems with wastewater treatment and waste disposal.

Varieties autonomous sewers there are quite a few. But what is the best septic tank for a dacha or country house for a particular family to choose is often unclear. Each type of VOC has its own advantages. Plus, there are a huge number of factory models with their own distinctive advantages. However, installing something on personal plot necessary. Without a treatment plant, there is no need to talk about comfortable living outside the city.

Description and principle of operation of septic tanks

A septic tank is designed for the accumulation and partial or complete processing of sewage from a house. Such structures are installed at dachas for temporary stays and near cottages where a family of several people lives all year round. Accordingly, the type and productivity of the treatment plant is selected based on the number of residents and the intensity of their use of the intra-house sewerage system.

When sewage enters the septic tank, these waters are settled (clarified), and then drained into the ground or pumped out by vacuum cleaners. This is how the normal one works cesspool with anaerobic bacteria. If you are improving your dacha, then such a simple cesspool is ideal for it.

In more advanced biological stations with deep cleaning, aerobic microorganisms are used, which are supplied with an additional volume of air inside the septic tank using a compressor. This way they eat organic matter much faster.

Choosing the type of septic tank

All variations of septic tanks are divided into:




In the first case, the treatment facility is a sealed tank of the simplest design for accumulating wastewater. For their subsequent pumping, a sewage disposal machine is then used.

Storage tank "Rostok"

Two-chamber septic tank “Tank”

The third option is full-fledged stations that process sewage by 95–99%. At the exit from them the water has technical condition, which allows it to be used for watering the garden at the dacha or washing the car in the garage at home.

Autonomous cleaning station "Topas"

Storage tanks and most anaerobic septic tanks are energy-independent structures. They do not have pumps or compressors; all water flows inside occur by gravity. They do not require electricity to operate. If the water supply for a country house is organized from a well or centrally, then this option will do just perfect for a cottage.

Aerobic septic tanks are stations that depend on uninterrupted power supply. They have more best performance wastewater treatment. But aerators pumping air into the chamber with activated sludge require constant power from the electrical network.

For a summer residence, it is best to choose a septic tank of the first or second type. Such VOCs are cheaper to implement, easier to maintain and do not depend on power supply. But for full-fledged private houses outside the city, it is worth choosing an aerobic station. Big family produces a lot of wastewater, a cesspool or an anaerobic plant will not be able to cope with significant daily volumes.

For the manufacture of septic tanks the following is used:

  1. Reinforced concrete.

The most the best septic tanks For dachas, factory anaerobic models with a polyethylene body are considered. They clean drains quite effectively, take up little space and do not require electricity. Plus you can put them right next to country house. Moreover, it does not matter whether a screw or pile-strip foundation was used for its construction.

Moisture from such VOCs will not have much impact on this base. Such a septic tank is sealed, and the infiltrator or drainage well It’s quite possible to move it further away from the building. IN similar situation When building a house, it is even allowed to use gas silicate blocks, which really do not like high humidity.

Selection by performance and volume of septic tank

Septic tanks for dachas and cottages are selected based on calculations of water consumption by people living in the house. If you know how much waste is discharged into the sewer per day, then making a choice in favor of one or another structure will not be difficult. For all factory-made models, the passport indicates their total volume, salvo discharge and daily productivity.

When fully calculating the cubic capacity of wastewater discharged into the sewer according to all the rules, it is necessary to take into account all plumbing fixtures in residential building. Each of them has its own average rate of water drainage per day. For example, about 0.1 l/day is drained from the toilet into the septic tank, 0.15–0.2 from the kitchen sink or bathtub, and about 0.14 l/day from the shower stall. It is necessary to add up the consumption of all the plumbing installed in the home - this will be the total volume of waste water per person.

The lineup"Termite" in various volumes

Such accurate calculations are often made only by designers. To simplify calculations, it is customary to provide a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 200 liters per day for each person. A septic tank for a summer residence is usually calculated according to the minimum level, and for a house with permanent residence - according to the maximum.

After determining the daily volume, it is multiplied by 3 (three days). It is within three days that the sewage in the septic tank is completely processed. Based on this obtained figure, it will be possible to choose which specific station in terms of volume is best installed on your site.

Choosing a manufacturer of septic tanks for a summer residence

It is impossible to say unequivocally which septic tanks for a dacha should be purchased here and now directly in the store. The range of ready-made stations from the factory is extensive. Some are cheaper in terms of VOC price, others are easier to install, and others are optimally suited in terms of volume for a specific situation.

From domestic producers Stations from:

    GC "TOPOL-ECO" – various models"Topas".

    "Triton Plastic" - "Tank", "Microbe Mini" and "BioTank".

    PC "Multplast" - "Termite" and "Ergobox".

    "SBM-Group" - "Unilos" with modifications "Astra", "Kedr" and "Mega".

Septic tanks for dachas from these manufacturers occupy the lion's share of the Russian VOC market. Owners often speak of their products as if they were their own. best choice. The range of these factories includes both anaerobic non-volatile models and more productive aerobic models with pumps. Among them there are modifications not only for standard soils, but also for areas with high groundwater level.

Of the foreign manufacturers, only the Finnish “Uponor” is worth mentioning. If the dacha is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation and preference is given to imports, then better than a septic tank will be difficult to find. This company offers several solutions for different numbers of people living in a cottage. There is plenty to choose from. Here it is: there are domestic and imported products on the market. The choice is solely at the discretion of the buyer.

Which septic tank to choose for your cottage or home?

You can make a septic tank for your dacha yourself from bricks, iron barrel or concrete rings. This is the cheapest option. But it is much easier to take a ready-made treatment facility from the factory, which only needs to be installed in a pre-dug pit. And if you have money and want European quality, then you can order a cleaning station made in Finland. The choice is extensive, it all depends only on the excellent preferences of the cottage owner.

Exterior view of a septic tank on a dacha site