How to evaluate the quality and reliability of cabinet furniture? What materials are best to buy furniture from? It’s not the quality materials that are important, but also

Selection building materials for repair plays an important role. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

Which flooring should I choose?

Parquet and wood are considered one of the most environmentally friendly floor coverings. parquet board. Natural wood is rightfully very practical. But it is important to understand that even such an expensive and practical material as wood can lose all its properties if you choose the wrong varnish.

Laminate may well be a suitable replacement for parquet. Despite its similarity to parquet front side, which has a huge assortment of wood in its arsenal, their structure is far from the same. Unlike parquet, laminate cannot be called an ecological coating.

Ceramic tiles can rightfully be considered a natural coating, but do not forget about the possibility of releasing various toxic substances from the adhesive used. The Orso-Bruno finishing materials store offers big choice consumer who decides to purchase flooring. In addition to this, you will also need skirting boards, which you can buy there.

One of the most familiar and widespread floor coverings became linoleum. But you need to remember it polymer composition. When heated, it releases organic matter that have an impact on the human body.

Beautiful does not mean environmentally friendly.

Selection of finishing material

When choosing a finishing material, first of all, you need to pay attention to the room in which this material will be used. For high indoor humidity, hard and synthetic materials are suitable. Decoration Materials, for example, such as a natural stone or ceramic tile. This type of finish is ideal for a bathroom.

One of the simplest and most common types of finishing is wallpaper. The stores have a huge range of wallpapers different widths, colors and prices. But, when compared with other building materials, do not forget about durability. Paper wallpaper is the most short-lived, acrylic wallpaper will be a little more durable, non-woven wallpaper is suitable for painting.

Decorative plaster has long gained its status in the market. It comes in many colors and is the embodiment of any fantasy. Plaster tolerates moisture well, but one of the biggest disadvantages is its difficulty in application and cost.

The easiest way to quickly update appearance walls - this is painting. Huge selection colors will suit for any interior, and if you approach painting walls with imagination, you can give the room your own individual style, complementing it with various patterns. The disadvantage of paint is its high toxicity and the requirement for a well-prepared wall for painting. At poor preparation the paint will show everything on the surface.

Nowadays there is a large selection of finishing materials for wall decoration; the main thing is to choose them correctly in accordance with the conditions in order to enjoy the renovation for a long time.

Not a word about design! We're going to the construction base.

How to choose lumber, doors, baseboards and wallpaper at a construction site so that you don’t have to return the goods. Who to trust with the selection of building materials. Advised by a practicing builder.

You have been planning the renovation or reconstruction of your home for a long time. We gathered even longer, met with private builders and representatives of companies, drew up estimates, assessed our capabilities and finally decided... Repair, and especially finishing and construction country house, is a serious matter, and requires at least a superficial understanding of the fact that not only specialists are needed who can implement design ideas, but also the materials from which, in fact, everything will be made. Today, since it’s autumn, many products are on sale at discounts, and we will talk about purchasing them. And practical builder Igor Tikhonov will help us, with whom we will go to study the assortment of construction bases and construction goods stores.

Let's start with the fact that one of the most simple ways extraction of quality materials - rely on a foreman or other specialist from among those who will perform the work. But they are not always ready to take on our concerns. Perhaps the best option is to become a supplier at a construction site yourself. With a competent approach to this exciting business, you will not spend a lot of time, and the work will be completely under control. By contacting workers or a foreman, you will understand the essence of the process and protect yourself from most abuses. And this happens quite often when money is given, as they say, “on parole.” We are ready to assure you that any foreman or supplier, upon request, will bring you any number of “pieces of paper” justifying the costs. But all checks, delivery notes and payment receipts must be collected and stored. To prevent you from paying twice for the same product. For example, in a situation where a not very conscientious foreman suddenly “remembered” that he had put his lining into finishing and offers you to pay for it. Therefore, even if you have neither the time nor the desire to work yourself, you will still have to supervise the work of the invited team.

Let's start with relationships with workers. If you still decide to entrust the purchase of materials to specialists, give money in small portions, check that what you brought matches what you ordered (at least in terms of quantity) and demand a report at least once a week. Such scrupulousness usually discourages the desire to “let something go wrong.” And in no case should you be a lord: give out exactly as much as is asked for the next purchase, and be sure to discuss what is where, what it costs, what the quality is, where they are going to buy what and why there and not elsewhere. This, of course, will not protect you from abuse, but at least you will reduce costs.

What will you have to delve into?

Now let's move on to practice. The fact is that you, without having the slightest idea about modern building materials and technological process, you decided to become a supplier at your construction site, there’s nothing to worry about. Since you’ve managed to earn money to repair or build a house, you’ll figure it out here too.

So, you already have an estimate in your hands. For example, you need concrete mortar and reinforcement for the foundation. We start conversations with builders, where and, most importantly, how to buy it, that is, how to take advantage of the discounts that any Building company, a team of decent workers or a smart foreman.

And now, attention, the most important thing: never be lazy to compare prices at construction sites and in different stores. Sometimes builders earn more from your ignorance than from the work itself.

When we're talking about about construction wooden house and you are unable to evaluate the quality of timber, lining, boards, use the services of a person who will create your home from all this, and take it with you to the store. Be sure that he will choose the best - after all, he will work with this material, and working with high-quality material is always more pleasant and faster. And then no one will tell you the catchphrase: “Well, master, you brought some goddamn crap, you have to add for the work...”

So, consulting with builders, comparing prices from sellers, you begin to “get into the swing of things,” and the result is, perhaps, ideal: the work is progressing, and everyone is happy. You didn’t spend extra money, the builders didn’t waste extra time; you have complete understanding. And with such good relations you will get better quality of work, reduce deadlines, and most importantly, control will be unobtrusive.

From foundation to roof

Now let's move from the lyrics to practice again. In what cases will we ask for help in selecting materials, and in what cases will we not? There are positions that you can really figure out on your own, but there are also those that you can’t do without professionals. And I would not recommend installing stoves and fireplaces yourself, heating equipment, with a number of reservations - electrics. But sometimes they help simple solutions. For example, if it is necessary to install a complex engineering equipment it makes sense to hold a hidden tender among different companies to choose the best options and prices. The visit of a specialist is usually paid, but the money spent will most likely pay off.

When comparing prices, be sure to ask what the shipping and unloading costs are. Sometimes it happens that it negates the benefits of discounts.

Let's start with the basics and simplified diagrams. Let's say a house consists of a foundation of walls and a roof. For example, the foundation will require sand and crushed stone, concrete mortar and reinforcement, which are indicated in the estimate offered to you by a certain brand and nomenclature. If none of the supplier organizations in this moment doesn’t announce good discounts, we get on the phone, compare prices (and certainly including delivery), find out about discount programs... Then the walls are aerated concrete blocks, brick, reinforcing mesh, cement, sand... The technology is generally the same. There is one exception: if we are talking about “living” material (timber, logs, lining), you cannot do without a qualified assistant. Important nuance: The declared quality may differ greatly from the quality of the shipped product. Therefore, the supply of lumber must be controlled both at the exit from the construction site (selection and sorting) and at the entrance (count, compare with the selection sheet, identify damage during loading and unloading).

If you are not a carpenter or cabinetmaker, then entrust the selection of lumber to a specialist who will work with them. You will save money, and he will save time.

As for roofing materials, it is advisable to visit any specialized company that supplies the necessary components (from roofing membranes to drainage systems).

Or better yet, more than one - choose according to the price-quality of service ratio.

From pipe to putty

Now about internal works. It all starts with communications. Plumbing purchases should be entrusted to a specialist, but money can be given to him only after discussing the network design, installation scheme, place of purchase, and discounts provided. It is necessary to discuss every step, even if you don’t understand anything about it. Ask, for example, why these items are so expensive, can you trust the quality, are there any guarantees...

You can undertake the purchase of electrical equipment yourself. Naturally, you should first agree with the builders on the quantity and range of products. Please note that electrical wiring can be different: according to the cross-section and material of the wires (copper, aluminum), operating conditions (for internal or external work). And problems are possible if, having decided to save money, you purchase a wire that does not correspond to the declared loads.

Having finished with communications, we move on to interior decoration. First of all, plasters, putties and drywall. Here you should contact specialized companies - they have a good turnover of all bulk building materials, as a rule, there are no expired ones, and the suitability of the mixture greatly affects the quality of the work. It is almost impossible to estimate the total required amount of plaster and putty, so we purchase it in several batches. Let's start small. Rated minimum thickness layer, total area and material consumption (how much square meters can be treated with a mixture from one bag) - and we make a purchase. Unfortunately, nothing can be optimized here: you can’t save on delivery, you’ll still have to buy more, and if there are surpluses left, you can’t return them to the store, and the material doesn’t last forever—it loses its properties after six months.

Parquet, window systems and roofing materials It is advisable to purchase through highly specialized dealers and suppliers - they have comprehensive information about the product and know what goes with what.

We also need materials for partitions. We will not analyze which is better: aerated concrete, tongue-and-groove slab or gypsum board. All this can be safely ordered at the right quantity based on the total area. True, drywall requires a slightly different approach. The number of sheets is calculated not so much by the area as by the perimeter (a standard sheet is 1.2 m wide and 2.5 to 3 m high). The volume of material for the frame is determined similarly. On the question of quality: undoubtedly, imported manufacturers are preferable. But if you plan to build partitions from two or three layers of plasterboard, then it makes sense to buy cheaper material for the first layers and use good material on the outside.

Having built the ceilings and partitions, plastered and puttyed everything that is possible, we choose paint coatings. This is extremely difficult - even professionals sometimes doubt it. The choice is colossal, the range changes all the time, and the quality of products from seemingly proven manufacturers sometimes drops. So we go again to the method outlined above - we talk for a long time about all the problems of choosing coatings with the specialist who will paint, draw conclusions, and only after that we go to the store and begin to “torment” the consultants. If in general outline, then don’t buy the cheapest paint (even if it’s from a famous manufacturer), but you also shouldn’t buy the most expensive one (not every master knows how to work with it).

Walls of the house: a view from the inside

The next item is wallpaper. Not a word about design. Today we are talking only about quality, and here is what should be noted. Wallpapers that are popular today for painting (they are often chosen when they have not yet decided what color to paint the walls) are approximately the same in quality, only the abrasion resistance and ability to absorb are different. expensive paint. Everything is simple here: the smaller the pattern and the calmer the relief, the more durable the coating and the less it will eat paint. Simple paper wallpaper- the option is completely budget-friendly, and we will not consider it. As long as you have enough money to build walls, you shouldn’t skimp on wallpaper. A hit of all times - vinyl wallpaper. But how different they are... Price is not the last argument here, but not the main one. Take your time with the purchase, bring the person who will glue them to the store, listen to what he has to say, and draw your own conclusions. Perhaps on the next shelf there is approximately the same thing, but more High Quality and at a very reasonable price.

Now the doors. Here the range of offers is extremely wide, the choice is yours, but preference should be given to those models that you not only liked, but also have wooden filling and door frames, made not from cardboard, but from normal wood. Small nuance: do not take simple panel doors if you are building a summer house - a few freeze-thaw cycles are enough for them to dry out. Let's move on to the selection of accessories. You need to choose only good hinges, and even more so handles and mechanisms. By the way, pay attention to Spanish and Taiwanese manufacturers - their products are of quite decent quality.

It is also worth focusing on delivery, or more precisely, on the acceptance of doors. Be sure to open the package and look for scratches and chips. Take a two-meter level, apply it and check whether the canvas is bent (this, unfortunately, happens), and replacing the product after acceptance can be problematic. In general, there is nothing to talk about trims and frames: just check the quantity, quality and consistency with the color of the doors (such “jambs” also happen).

Don’t be lazy to check everything - it can save a lot of time.

Regarding floors (laminate, linoleum, parquet boards, piece parquet), as well as windows (only double-glazed windows in wooden or plastic frames), then you will be well informed on these issues in specialized companies and stores.

Skirting boards. If you choose plastic ones, then take them with cable channels: it’s easier to attach, and you can always throw a cable forgotten during installation of wiring. MDF laminated plinth is also not bad - it can be matched to the color of the floor or trim and, importantly, can be purchased at a reasonable price. And if you do not have inlaid parquet, but a pine tongue and groove floor, this is optimal solution. Skirting boards made of valuable species - oak, beech, ash - require sorting and careful inspection. But if you are not a parquet or cabinetmaker, then don’t even try to evaluate them. This is exactly the case when only professionals should deal with procurement.

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The cabinet furniture market in our country today offers a huge variety of options in order to properly equip the furnishings of a home, office or any other place where people visit or live. Moreover, the variety concerns not only the color, shape or configuration of furniture; the price range between models of different performance classes is also huge.

Most buyers who are not well versed in the intricacies of furniture production are guided by the cost of the product when purchasing - after all, it is usually assumed that the more expensive the furniture, the better quality it is. Of course, there is a certain reason for such reasoning, but still, when purchasing a particular piece of furniture, it would be useful to at least understand a little about what materials it is made of, and how to make a worthy purchase without overpaying. Indeed, in practice it often turns out that the best furniture is not the most expensive.

Below we will briefly talk about the materials that are used in the production of furniture, how their quality affects the durability of the furniture and its functionality, and will help you purchase high-quality and durable furniture that will serve you for many years.

We evaluate the case material

One of the most important factors influencing the durability and user characteristics of any cabinet furniture is the choice of material for the cabinet. The cost of purchase also depends on this parameter, especially for furniture made of solid wood, especially valuable species. However, in the mass production of furniture, wood is not used as a body material; today it has been replaced from this segment by cheaper and practical materials, such as MDF and laminated chipboard.

Chipboard with laminated coating, which is widely used today in furniture production, has excellent consumer qualities, quite easy to process and looks great. In addition, modern high-quality samples of this material are extremely environmentally friendly and contain a minimal amount of phenolic compounds. German-made laminated chipboard, which has a thickness of 18 mm and excellent quality lamination coating, is especially popular among cabinet furniture manufacturers.

Also showed excellent quality furniture material MDF board, this material is made from wood dust using synthetic binders - paraffin or lignin. The highest quality and most resistant to external influences samples of such material have a varnish or enamel coating.

Also, sometimes in the manufacture of cabinet furniture, slabs coated with wood veneer are used - this material is very similar to natural wood, looks rich and aesthetically pleasing. However, when choosing a veneered board, you should pay attention to the quality of the varnish coating - if it is not good enough, then there is a risk that moisture will get inside the board, which can lead to its damage.

Attention to furniture edges

When buying cabinet furniture made using board materials such as MDF or laminated chipboard, you should pay close attention to the furniture edges. It is applied by the manufacturer to the ends of furniture boards, and the protection of the ends from moisture depends on its condition.

The fact is that furniture boards have a loose structure and readily absorb moisture from the air or during wet cleaning. Therefore, high-quality furniture edges are one of the guarantees of the durability of your furniture. The highest quality is considered to be a PVC edge with a thickness of 2 mm - such a coating not only protects the end of the slab from moisture, but also protects it from impact.

In addition, a high-quality and carefully glued furniture edge makes the look of your furniture complete and hides the not very aesthetic end of the slab. In general, we can say that the condition of the edge can say a lot about the overall level of quality of the products of a particular manufacturer. The presence of flaws in this area may indicate that the manufacturer is not too attentive to detail.

Fastening and fittings materials

It is not enough to use high-quality material for the production of furniture; all parts of the body must be securely connected to each other. One of the signs of high-quality and durable assembly is the absence of visible fasteners. Furniture manufacturers that respect their work and customers carefully hide all connecting parts, using appropriate components for this.

If, when choosing furniture, you see the heads of bolts or screws on the surface (even if they are recessed into the slab), you should be wary and take a closer look at the purchase. This usually indicates low quality of furniture design and assembly.

If, during an internal inspection of the cabinet, you see plastic connecting corners, then it is better to refuse to purchase such a design - such furniture is unlikely to survive even one move and will quickly become unusable with everyday use.

The same applies to quality assessment furniture fittings– furniture equipped with high-quality fittings will last you longer and at the same time have a presentable appearance. Hinges, handles, latches and locks, roller systems and other fillings of sliding wardrobes from well-known and reputable manufacturers will last you longer and will not cause any inconvenience during use. Crafts from dubious companies will quickly deteriorate and lose their original luster.

Particular attention to the façade

It would probably be unnecessary to mention that when buying furniture we want its appearance to be impeccable. To do this, pay attention to the material from which the facade of your furniture is made. Furniture with a facade made of glued wood looks especially rich and aesthetically pleasing. wooden shield or veneer board. MDF board has also proven itself well as a material for making facades.

But laminated chipboard is not very desirable for this - due to its low strength and loose structure, such a material may collapse over time. Also look great furniture facades with glass inserts, however, when choosing, it would be useful to check the reliability of the glass. You can also pay attention to the presence of door closers - such a detail will ensure smooth closing of the doors and help extend their service life by almost half.

When choosing furniture, the main thing is that the purchase fully meets the buyer’s requirements. Of course important aspect When purchasing furniture, you should consider the environmental friendliness and durability of the materials from which it is made.

The most common materials for making furniture

Prepared wood;
MDP – boards made of compressed fine wood dust;
Lined with chipboard;
Plastic and stuff.

If questions about the practicality and environmental friendliness of the material are a priority, it would be best to order furniture from natural wood. However, such products are also highly expensive, but it is not scary to place such a wooden product in a children’s room, because such furniture cannot cause air pollution with phenol, formaldehyde and other harmful substances. In other words, if you are interested in quality indicators, regardless of the cost of furniture, the best option a product made of natural wood will serve.

MDP is much cheaper than whole wooden blocks when making furniture parts, and accordingly, the cost of a finished furniture product made from MDP will be much lower. In addition, this material does not have negative qualities when used in the manufacture of furniture, being environmentally friendly. This effect is achieved due to the peculiarities of MDP manufacturing: the wood is crushed to the state of coarse dust and then pressed into sheets. This process does not use chemical additives or adhesives. Such material, despite its relatively low cost, perfectly fulfills its functional purpose. Furniture made from MDF is durable enough for long-term and intensive use.

What is the most common material for making furniture?

Of course, the most common and cheapest material is chipboard; it is made from crushed chips of various sizes, mixed with an adhesive substance and then pressed into sheets. After this, the sheets are lined and go on sale. Thus, if the priority when buying furniture remains cheapness and durability, furniture made from chipboard with different coating the buyer will like it. However, it should be noted that such material is more susceptible to moisture than others if the lining on the panel is damaged somewhere.

In any case, each material has its own positive and negative features.

For some reason, there is a stereotype that eco style in the interior is an apartment made of greenery and bamboo. Google and Yandex especially show us this when searching for “eco style” or « » . In fact, bamboo and an abundance of green may be present in eco style, but this is not what we are talking about in this direction.

What is the main difference between eco style

The “eco” direction in the interior means the use of natural materials in decoration and furniture, and materials that do not emit harmful substances for the body and environment. Right now, this direction can be said to be at the peak of popularity, and if we look modern interiors In magazines, we see more and more homogeneous matte surfaces and natural materials in finishing.

What is the reason for such popularity of eco style?

Nowadays there is such a trend in everything, a lot of people want to move from big cities closer to nature, eat fresh products from the farm, breathe fresh air. Cities have become larger and taller, and the amount of information we receive per day has become hundreds of times greater. We are surrounded by iPhones, cars, computers, concrete houses and glass showcases. It’s hard to even imagine what we breathe in big cities.

Naturally, we miss Mother Nature. By doing this, we want to bring more nature and nature into our homes.

Now let's move on to specific tips.

Techniques for creating an eco-friendly apartment

Decoration Materials

When choosing decoration for an apartment, you need to carefully select materials.

How to determine the harmlessness of a material and its environmental friendliness? As a rule, all packaging of environmentally friendly materials contains signs and labels of environmental friendliness. You can find out more about these signs on the Internet by searching for “eco labeling.”

Manufacturers of building materials also mark them with the following values:

  • E1 - completely safe environmentally friendly materials for any premises, including children's rooms.
  • E2 - such materials are suitable for corridors and kitchens.
  • E3 - materials for residential premises are not recommended, suitable only for finishing technical premises.

It is these designations that you should look for first on the label.

1) Wall decoration

Worth giving up vinyl wallpaper and replace them with paper, textile or vegetable ones. If you use decorative plaster, make sure that no chemicals were used in its manufacture - you can find out about environmental certificates from the manufacturer.

It is best, from an environmental point of view, to use paint on water based. You can also use a board or wooden panels as finishing.


2) Ceiling finishing

In finishing the ceiling it is worth abandoning suspended ceilings from PVC. This material is not recommended for use in residential premises. Even after PVC ceilings are stretched, the smell of polyvinyl chloride is present. The name alone immediately tells us that this material is not environmentally friendly. Most environmentally friendly material in ceiling finishing it is water-based paint.

If the ceilings need to be lowered in order to accommodate engineering, I recommend using metallic profile and gypsum board. By international standards, plasterboard sheet is environmentally friendly, but it all depends on the manufacturer. Unfortunately, they may not be used quality materials during its manufacture. You should not choose gypsum boards from dubious companies.

3) Floor finishing

Of course, the most environmentally friendly flooring material would be natural board, parquet boards - everything that was created by Mother Nature. It is important to pay attention to finishing coatings. It is best to use oil or water-based varnishes. The second favorite material of modern eco style is natural stone.

For residential premises it is worth abandoning linoleum and laminate. Linoleum is the most unsafe material, which contains a lot of chemical additives. The environmental friendliness of laminate directly depends on the quality. There is a completely eco-friendly laminate that is suitable even for children's rooms, but its cost will be approximately the same as an inexpensive parquet board.

4) Windows

If possible, it is better to use wood-aluminum windows. Their price is higher, but it is a completely environmentally friendly material with excellent sound and heat insulation. Wooden windows Naturally, they are also environmentally friendly, but not entirely durable and relevant to our climate.

PVC profile, although it is artificial in production based on polyvinyl chloride, when modern methods processing can be a completely environmentally friendly material. It is important to look at the notations.


Furniture and interior items

In order for the design of an apartment to be environmentally friendly, it is important not only to use environmentally friendly finishing materials, but also to use furniture that contains substances harmful to the body and the environment to a minimum or completely absent.

1) Cabinet furniture

The main part of the furniture modern apartment makes up cabinet furniture - cabinets, kitchen, shelves, tables.

You should avoid furniture made from chipboard (chipboard). As a rule, furniture made from chipboard is the most budget-friendly. If you go deeper into the process chipboard production- these are sawdust, wood shavings that stick together chemical resins(formaldehyde). Exactly these chemical substances harmful to the human body. When using low-quality chipboard in an apartment in large quantities, people experience headaches or even migraines. When buying furniture made from chipboard, it is important to look at the quality of the product and the environmental class. Chipboard is also divided into: E1 and E2, the meanings of which I described above. The highest quality chipboard is considered to be Austrian and German. In any case, formaldehyde resins are present in chipboard, and they can be released, albeit in small quantities, so I still recommend minimizing the use of this material in cabinet furniture.

If the task is to use smooth facades without wood textures, I recommend using MDF (fine fraction) - these are very fine sawdust that stick together under the influence of high temperatures due to natural wood resins that do not emit harmful substances.

2) Fabrics

The most environmentally friendly fabrics are fabrics of natural origin: cotton, silk, linen, hemp (hemp fabric), ramie (a type of nettle). Natural fabrics in the interior do not cause allergic reactions and are completely safe for the body, but only on the condition that when growing cotton, flax and other things, the plants were not treated with harmful chemicals and pesticides, and this, unfortunately, is already quite rare. Easier to harvest by machine watering plants with chemicals.

The most popular are mixed fibers - synthetic and natural. This golden mean between environmental friendliness and practicality. And, as a rule, such fabrics good quality. They do not cause allergies and do not emit harmful substances. Fabric dyes and dyes: natural dyes are not so bright, so most often fabrics in eco-interiors are neutral gray or beige shades.

2) Decor items

Decor still does not significantly affect the microecology of the apartment, in my opinion. Its main purpose is that by decorating and selecting individual elements, you can add a sense of nature and visual environmental friendliness to the interior. For example, as coffee table or bedside tables you can use stump from valuable breed wood as an accent item.

Modern eco-friendly style - this one does not mean using large quantity details, this is when each detail has its own role. Therefore, you need to carefully choose decor for eco style.

Let's sum it up

Modern eco style is not about bamboo and an abundance of “nature” in the room.

The basic rule of eco-style interior design is the choice of natural or safe materials for humans and the environment in decoration. It is also important to carefully select the material for the cabinet and upholstered furniture, focus on the class and environmental labeling. When choosing fabrics, it is better to choose quality manufacturers and strive for neutral colors in the upholstery.

When choosing interior details, I recommend focusing on some natural art objects, for example, texture and structure unusual tree. There should not be many such elements; it is important not to overload the modern interior with details.

At the end of the article, I want to say the following: it is worth paying attention to natural materials in the interior, and do not forget to treat them with special compounds. To prevent the formation of mold and other microelements, care is needed. It's not as scary as it seems. For some reason, many people are afraid to use natural materials precisely because they need to be looked after. Believe me, it is not so difficult to wipe the material with a product once every six months.

I hope you found the article useful.

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