Indian talismans and amulets. Indian talismans. Slavic amulets and their meaning

Even in the distant past, people to protect themselves from negative impact used various items. They were endowed magical power and turned into amulets - magical things whose functions were protection from evil eye, attracting wealth, good luck in love affairs and others. Ancient peoples had their own special amulets, amulets and talismans. But despite the fact that a lot of time has passed, people can still use them.

The mechanism of action of a magical thing depends on its shape:

  • The circle is a symbol of happiness and regularity. Wearing an amulet of this shape is necessary to attract harmony and prosperity into life.
  • The square symbolizes the unity of the elements of fire, water, earth and air. This is a sign of constancy, it will help in any difficult situation.
  • The triangle promotes communication with higher powers.
  • Oval. A symbol of this shape attracts good luck to the one who wears it.

Amulets in the form of needles and knots are widely used. Needles have long been considered a good protector against damage and the evil eye. There is probably no person who does not know about the pin that is pinned to back side clothes. Knots are also a good protector, but in addition to this, they also bring luck and happiness into life.

Chinese magic items

China is the most ancient civilization in the world, it is from there that many Chinese talismans originate, and their meaning is enormous for humans. There Special attention paid attention to the arrangement of objects and even sounds were considered harbingers of good luck.

Very often, Chinese talismans and amulets are presented in the form of an animal or its image (pendant, medallion, pendant). Each animal symbolizes a specific energy:

Other Chinese magical symbols

Ancient people endowed magical abilities not only animals, but also plants:

It was believed that paper also has magical energy. Religious texts were used as a talisman, which were printed on red or yellow strips of paper. They were glued to walls and doors at home. This brought good luck and warded off evil spirits.

They carried the paper with them and even rolled it into small balls and swallowed it. Sometimes they burned it, and the ashes were poured into tea or water and drunk.

IN ancient philosophy swords were endowed protective properties. They were cut from various trees(willow, peach tree). A very powerful talisman is a sword made of coins. It bears to its owner financial well-being and protection.

Symbol of unity - yin-yang. These are two principles - male and female. It accompanies good luck in love and is a symbol of the beginning of something new. If there is this magical item in the house, the marriage will be successful for many years.

Buddha is a symbol of faith; he is capable of bringing happiness and peace not only to his owner, but also to those who simply look at him. It’s not for nothing that such talismans are displayed in the most visible, crowded places. A Buddha figurine or image helps to perform many rituals.

A mandala is a pendant made of precious metals (gold or silver) that has protective powers for the person who wears it. They are often made in the form of an "om" symbol, as well as in the form of a star with a gemstone.

Very a large number of Buddhist talismans, and their meaning is varied. But Eight symbols can be distinguished that have certain interpretations:

  1. An umbrella is a symbol of protection from bad thoughts and moods.
  2. Pisces - a pair of fish is considered a talisman for family well-being and a happy marriage.
  3. The vase, which is depicted filled with a divine elixir, carries the energy of health and longevity.
  4. A white shell twisted to the right is a symbol of bliss.
  5. Endless knot. Such a talisman has neither beginning nor end, and therefore for the owner it is the personification of wisdom and endless life.
  6. The banner of victory means victory over life’s circumstances, and not over the enemy.
  7. Lotus - beauty and longevity, especially for girls.
  8. The Wheel of Dharma helps to understand the religion of Buddha. An amulet in the form of a wheel with eight spokes symbolizes the unity of all symbols.

Buddhist amulets are gaining popularity, and their significance for humans is very great; they have become widespread in Russia quite recently, along with Eastern romance.

Indian amulets are also widespread - their meaning for a person is that they help resolve issues of fate and karma. The most significant of them:

  • Talismans depicting Indian gods. They can bring prosperity and health.
  • Goddess Lakshmi is the protector of the family hearth, her image brings happiness.
  • "Om" sign. Ancient people claim that it was from this sound that the Universe was born, it is a symbol of the beginning of life. You should definitely carry such a magical thing with you or have it at home.

"Om" is also a Tibetan amulet. The image of this sign is made on various things: clothes, jewelry and even on trees and stones.

Indian talismans come in the form of pendants with semi-precious and precious stones. The stones are endowed with living energy and can bring good luck and health. But it is necessary to choose “your” talisman, since the same stone can influence someone positively and another negatively.

In Japan, almost every home has amulets and talismans. At first glance, these are ordinary figurines. But in reality this is not so, they have enormous magical power. They are passed on from generation to generation. Here the most significant talismans:

A talisman that protects a sleeping person from the invasion of evil forces is a dream catcher. This is an Indian mascot. It is believed that bad dreams get entangled in the web, and the good ones pass through the hole in the middle and are dreamed of by the person. It wouldn’t hurt to have such a talisman in the children’s room so that it protects the baby’s peace.

In order for everything magic amulets and amulets fulfilled their function; it is not enough to simply wear them on the body or have them at home. The correct plotting of such a thing is mandatory. After all, the words that are spoken when creating an amulet have enormous power. A person’s faith in such a talisman is also very important.

India is one of the most mystical countries in the world. It is not surprising that Indian amulets are considered the most powerful, because they were used even by yogis, whose capabilities are much higher than those of most. Meditation and mantras originated in India but quickly spread throughout the world. Indian mascots are also part of this mysterious and amazing culture.

Features of Indian beliefs

The ancient Hindus believed that life was controlled by gods who were similar to people, but they had superpowers to subjugate the natural elements. The main deity was the lord of thunder, Indra, along with him the god of the sun, Surya, and the moon, Soma, ruled. The lord of fire Agni also played an important role, he acted link between people and gods. Fire was used in many ancient Hindu rituals.

The main deities in Indian culture were called devas, but, in addition to them, there were also asuras, who played a much smaller role and did not particularly influence people's lives.

India is very famous as the country where Vedic teachings originated. Words such as karma and reincarnation are known to everyone, but it was the ancient Vedas who introduced these concepts into daily life. Almost all world religions believe that the soul is immortal, but only the ancient Hindus believed that it never leaves this world. Death, according to the teachings of the Vedas, is simply a change in form, a transition from one body to another. In order for the next incarnation to be successful, it is necessary to monitor the purity of karma.

Amulets and their meaning

Such attributes will help a person attract into his life the benefits that he needs.

No one wanted to put up with a bad fate because of sins from past life. Therefore, Hindus used various objects endowed with magical powers to untie karmic knots. This is how Indian amulets and talismans appeared. Any amulet, first of all, protects the owner and attracts various benefits into his life. But Hindus also used them to solve complex life problems and as a warning against violating caste prohibitions.

The fact is that Hindus believed that what stratum of society a person belongs to depends on how he lived his previous life. A person's position in society is predetermined even before his birth. A member of the lower caste will never touch the talismans of the upper class. Tourists buy souvenirs in shops and put on amulets without thinking about their meaning. Meanwhile, in Indian culture nothing is done without a reason, and before you buy yourself a trinket, it is better to ask what power it contains.

Figurines of gods and animals

A common amulet is the figurine of Buddha, but the goddess Lakshmi and are also popular. For those who want to improve family relationships or to attract love into life, you need to purchase a figurine of Lakshmi, which appears from a lotus flower. Ganesha will attract wealth and unleash creativity. The figurine of this deity should be placed in the house to decorate the interior and stroked on the right palm from time to time, then material difficulties will not arise. Hindus also use animal figurines as talismans. Thus, they want to take credit for their qualities.

Stones to improve energy

With the help of moonstone energy, a person can improve his health.

Minerals are strong amulets given by nature. Ancient Hindus used them to influence the chakras, treat diseases, and get rid of negative influences. Stones were placed around the home, worn as jewelry, or applied to a sore spot for healing. If you know what power lies in each of them, you can get rid of troubles. Each mineral had a meaning and attracted corresponding energies:

  • Moonstone - health.
  • Blue topaz - strong friendship.
  • Aquamarine - courage.
  • Aventurine - protection against snakes.

Every human culture has different talismans. Like other objects of this kind, they reflect the religious, cultural and spiritual traditions of the peoples who created them. Indian mascots stand out among others not only because of their original surroundings, unique to this country.

Their main feature is their focus on the spiritual component of man.Unlike amulets and talismans from other countries that are aimed at attracting material wealth and other similar goals, Indian ones are designed to have a beneficial effect on the spiritual body of a person. Improve karma, straighten and balance the work of the chakras, help development inner world, and through them, influence the health and material aspects of human life. This is due to the widespread development in India of many spiritual and philosophical schools and practices, tantric, Ayurvedic, yoga, etc., which laid down the necessary theoretical basis to create amulets.

Indian amulets can be divided into several categories:

Mantras - are made in the form of a hollow pendant, into which mantras written on paper are placed. It is understood that it is not only worn, but also the mantra inside is periodically recited. They are more individual, and their impact depends on the will of the wearer. They are capable of extremely positively influencing human destiny.
The Om sign is a variation of the previous category, containing an image of Om - the sound of the born universe. It has a cleansing effect, gives strength and energy.
Yantras are talismans in the form of a plate with a complex geometric pattern that attracts all existing benefits.
Stones are a wide category of amulets made in the form of a pendant containing minerals, precious and semiprecious stones in a metal frame. The stones are either uncut or cut in the form of an inverted obelisk. In India there is whole line schools describing the meaning and influence of stones on a person, his body, chakras, energy and much more, including them medicinal properties, influence on his fate and activities. Stones need to be selected very individually, and their influence is very precise. It can have either a broad focus or be focused on specific chakras, improving their functioning.
Amulets of the seven chakras– have a beneficial effect on the basic basis of healthy human life. According to the theory, we have seven main chakras, and accordingly, a person’s seven bodies provide all the basic aspects of his existence. Such pendants, in the form of seven elements on a vertical base, harmonize a person’s condition, give strength, additional energy, improve health and general well-being.
To activate most Indian amulets, you need to read the corresponding mantras or perform individual elements of meditation with attunement to them.

Images of gods– Ganesha, Lakshmi, Shiva, Buddha, Saraswati and many others. All of them are called to be spiritual mentors and assistants to man, life path its development. These items are the least individual and have a beneficial effect on many aspects of life.

In this article you will learn:

In Hinduism, each god patronizes some area of ​​people's lives. The deity Ganesha, who has more meanings than other spirits, helps earthly beings in many matters. He removes obstacles from those who work honestly and rewards them with material benefits. A person who has gone on a journey or seeks to gain new knowledge will also receive the support of good Ganesha.

What kind of deity is this

Deity Ganesh, otherwise called Ganapati, is easy to remember due to his extraordinary appearance. It has the body of a man and the head of an elephant. Ganesha is considered the patron saint of those people who lead a righteous life, do not forget to pray and have bright thoughts. He directs all his kindness and favor to such people.

In his homeland, Ganapati, the god of prosperity and wisdom is one of the spirits that is especially revered by Indians. They show their respect by adding the prefix Sri to the name of the deity. Dancing Ganesha is the son of the supreme god Shiva and his wife, the daughter of the king of the mountains, Parvati. Ganesha's consorts are two goddesses: Buddhi, who rules the mind, and Siddhi, who controls success.

Ganapati's trunk is endowed with extraordinary power, with the help of which the deity can remove any obstacles, clearing the way for those who want to reach the top in any matter.

Iconography of Ganesha

There are different images of Ganesha. Sometimes he is drawn with a yellow body, and in some cases with a red body. The deity has a large belly, 4 arms and a powerful elephant head with one tusk.

The god's belt is entwined with a snake, symbolizing energy, which can take many different forms.

In most paintings, Ganesha is seated on a lotus flower. Next to him you can always see a mouse or a rat (sometimes it is replaced by a shrew or a dog). Legend claims that good god pacified this creature, which previously had the soul of the devil. The animal, which is a symbol of vanity and insolence, became so obedient that it allowed itself to be saddled. Since then Ganesha has been riding it. And Indians believe that Shri Ganesha helps spiritual growth by getting rid of fussiness, selfishness and pride.

Ganapati has several arms. In different images, their number can reach 4, 6, 8, 18 or 32. At the same time, he holds a lotus and a trident in his upper limbs. The fourth hand is positioned in such a way that it appears as if it is giving something to the person looking at the god. Sometimes it contains lada, a sweet treat made from rice flour. In other hands of the deity there may be the following objects:

  • lasso, which helps to catch luck;
  • an ax that cuts off all visible and invisible obstacles lying on the way to the goal;
  • the shell, which is the source of wisdom;
  • a staff, which is a symbol of the support a person needs throughout his life;
  • cup of abundance, which brings prosperity and good energy to the house;
  • a flatbread through which a person will be granted prosperity;
  • lotus flower, symbolizing the development of the spirit.

The deity's trunk holds candy. She is a symbol of happiness, which gives freedom from influence negative energies. Ganesha needs large elephant ears in order not to miss a single request for help that people send to him in their prayers.

Hidden meaning of Ganesha's body parts

Every part of the body of the immortal Ganapati has a meaning. The elephant's head represents the deity's prudence, constancy and devotion. The ears confirm the kindness of the spirit, symbolizing its endless nobility and desire to help those who need it.

The tusk symbolizes the focus on struggle, the desire to overcome the duality of human nature, to defeat it negative side characterized by laziness, quarrelsomeness, anger and other destructive qualities.

A long trunk speaks of the high intellectual abilities of the deity. Ganesha was given a big belly as a sign of his generosity and generosity.

The Ganesha talisman will protect and help a person who wants to gain confidence and happiness.

Hypotheses for the birth of God

In India, there are several legends that explain Ganapati’s unusual appearance.

According to the first of them, the mother of the future deity had long dreamed of a son, for which she passionately prayed to Vishnu. He honored her with mercy, and soon a boy was born to Shiva and Parvati. The happy parents decided to celebrate this event with a celebration to which everyone was invited. Among the guests was the god Shani, who had the ability to incinerate any object with his eyes. The gaze of this spirit fell on the baby, and instantly Ganesha’s head burned.

Shiva ordered the servant to bring the head of the first creature that came across him on the road. It turned out to be an elephant. Thus, Ganapati acquired the head of this animal.

According to the second version, the child lost his head due to the temper of his father, who tore it off with his own hands, thereby incurring the wrath of his wife. Wanting to quickly correct what he had done, Shiva attached the head of the first animal he came across - an elephant.

There is another legend according to which Parvati herself molded a child from clay and saffron and installed him near the entrance to her chambers as a guard. When Shiva arrived, the boy blocked his path, for which he was deprived of his head. However, the grief of his wife confused God, and he decided to make amends using his power. He brought the child back to life by giving him the head of an elephant.

According to legend, the Indian god Ganesha loves most of all balls made from corn and having a sweet core. Once, at his birthday party, he ate a large number of these balls, and then, while riding around on a mouse, he fell. This happened because the mouse got scared when it saw a snake crawling past, and threw off its rider. From the blow, all the sweets spilled out, but the god was not taken aback and immediately ate them again, and to be sure, he pulled his stomach with a snake, which became the reason for his fall.

Appeal to Ganesha in the form of mantras

In order for the Indian deity Shri Ganesha to be heard by those living on earth, it is necessary to read a mantra dedicated to this god. At the same time, a special treatment is used for each purpose. You should read rhythmic combinations only in a good mood. It's better to sing them. This must be done at least 180 times, while feeling each spoken sound and conveying to it the purity and nobility of your thoughts.

For guard

To protect yourself from ill-wishers and enemies, you should recite the following mantra: “Mangalam dishtu me maheshwari.” This letter combination will lead a person to harmony with himself and the world around him, and will make him feel the sweetness of the release of negative energy.

For prosperity

If a person begins some difficult task or finds himself in a difficult situation from which he cannot find a way out, he should recite the following mantra: “Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha Jay Ganesha pakhi mam Ganesha Ganesha Ganesha raksha mam gam Ganapataye namo namah om Ganeshaya namah” .

The energy of sounds will help cleanse the subtle energy layers and enlist the support of the god Ganapati. This combination should be pronounced by entrepreneurs, because... This mantra in business helps to eliminate obstacles of any nature.

To harmonize yourself

To get rid of fear, which often becomes an obstacle to achieving goals, you should read the following mantra: “Om gam ganapataye namah.” This letter combination will help you find harmony, find the right path that will bring success to a person.

The following mantra will clear the mind of doubts, remove psychological barriers and fears: “Om Lakshmi-Ganapataye Namah.”

To fulfill your wishes

The mantra “Aum Ganadhipataye om Ganakridaye Namaha” is used when a person wants to achieve the fulfillment of any desire. However, this combination is also used more widely: it gives good luck, helps to achieve heights in professional activity, and start a business that will bring material well-being.

Ganesha in the teachings of Feng Shui

Many people are confused by their unusual appearance Indian god Ganapati and they don't want to put his image at home. However, only a subtle mind will be able to discern behind the oddities of appearance a soul that is full of kindness and sincere generosity. Only the person who abandons stereotypes in thinking can gain spiritual freedom, self-confidence and harmony.

God Ganapati can be an effective amulet for many things. A figurine of a deity with the head of an elephant is installed at home or in the office. It can be worn on the hand or neck. Spirit image to attract material wealth put in the wallet.

It is a common idea that the larger the Ganesha figurine, the higher the likelihood of achieving success. However, there is no confirmation of this fact in Chinese teaching.

If, for unknown reasons, some part of the figurine suddenly broke off, for example, a hand or a tusk, or the base itself cracked, then this is a sure sign that the deity saved the owner of the house from some great danger. There is no need to get rid of such a talisman. You should try to attach the broken part to its original place, accompanying the process with words of sincere gratitude. Then the deity will restore its state and will be able to continue to protect the person who seeks his protection.

It is better to place a bronze statue of Ganesh in the west or north-west sector. Nice place it will be for her Right side desktop. A wooden figurine will strengthen family relationships, so best place for her there will be a south-eastern or eastern sector.

It is not enough just to place the Indian deity in the right direction. Ganesha needs constant attention: you need to talk to him, rub your stomach and palms. Chanting mantras addressed to the elephant-headed god will help increase the intensity of energy flows in any sector. His favor can be won with the help of sweets, which should be placed on a saucer in front of the figurine.

The main Indian amulets include:

  • First of all, it is worth mentioning the intangible talisman - mantra. These are sacred words that are charged with special energy. If a person turns to prayer at least once a day, he will find inner harmony and will be able to find himself in this complex world. Some people prefer never to part with the magic of words - they write them on a piece of paper and roll them into a small pendant.
  • To protect their homes, representatives of a given country place a small figurine of one of the gods in each room. Probably the most popular is Ganesha figurine . He is depicted on posters, on clothes, and on cars. To appease God, you need to lightly touch his hand.
  • All questions related to family and kinship relationships are addressed by Hindus to goddess Lakshmi . She bestows love and peace on all who ask.
  • Clay or metal plate with an image geometric figure called an amulet yantras . Higher power give a piece of their divine energy to this magic item. To keep your home always warm and cozy, you should hang such plates everywhere.
  • Another intangible Indian amulet is the sacred sound OM. This first word is the beginning of the Universe. If you are faced with problems or feel afraid of an important event, just mentally say the mantric sound - and your soul will instantly calm down. You will receive all the answers you need.
  • A talisman called "Singing Bowl" . Using a special pestle, you need to rub it along the rim of the bowl - and you get a special drawn-out sound. Hindu healers use it in their practice. There are known cases when even terminally ill people were cured with the help of the “Singing Bowl” - sound magic drives away evil spirits and demons.
  • A person is most vulnerable during sleep - his soul and body are unprotected. To protect themselves from danger, Hindus use amulets "Dream Catcher" .
  • Almost every person in India has tattoo. This is not just decoration or a lifestyle - it is a sacred protection of a person from accidents, from unkind people, from otherworldly forces.

How to wear it correctly

There are no specific rules for wearing amulets in Indian lands. But most residents prefer to decorate their hands with talismans or hang them around their necks.

Some women tie a belt around their waist that is suspended protective amulets. Men attach a short rope to their belt for this purpose.

Everyone has the right to choose the material for the amulet themselves - there are no restrictions here. It can be a precious metal (gold, silver, platinum), wood, clay.


Plunging into the wonderful world of Indian traditions, we are faced with a number of unusual features.

For example, in the country there is a clear division of the population into castes and sub-castes - this is a special system of restrictions and prohibitions. Charms that one uses social group may be completely prohibited for another.

Another feature of Indian amulets is that their action is aimed at karma. The country is very respectful of the issue of religion and, above all, cares about its soul.

With the help of amulets, you can unravel the treacherous knots of fate and solve important life problems. They protect against rash actions and mistakes.

“Dream catcher” - how to make it yourself?

dream Catcher

In order to create a beautiful and very useful Dream Catcher talisman, you will need:

  • willow twig;
  • natural thread or leather strap;
  • white feathers (it is important that they appearance you liked).

Prepare for work - discard all unnecessary thoughts and fully concentrate on the future amulet.

Wait until it's warm outside. Hold the prepared branch over the fire for a few seconds so that you can easily make a circle out of it.

Now wrap the resulting hoop around the rim with threads or a strap. There is no need to tie the branch tightly. Remember that you need to secure the thread with a knot - at the beginning of work and at the end.

The next step is to weave a web from threads inside the hoop, gradually securing it. And tie a knot every time!

At this point you should energetically activate the Dream Catcher. Imagine how negativity and anger leave your life, and are replaced by smiles and good luck.

Then cut a few short ropes and tie the feathers to them.

Your personal dream keeper is ready - tie it near your bed, and you will forever forget about nightmares and insomnia.

"Ganesha": meaning and activation

Talisman Ganesha
