Refrigerator in the hallway: pros and cons, location options, examples. Hide in the closet quickly! Seven ideas on how to make your apartment more spacious Washing machine in the hallway: is it worth it?

The dimensions of this unit are far from small, so we are often worried about the question - where to put the refrigerator in the kitchen? Everything is simple when your kitchen is spacious, but what if it is small in size?

In our article you will find several ways to solve this issue, as well as their advantages and disadvantages. The owners will not be deprived of our attention large kitchens who can get some good ideas for themselves.

The most practical options, where you can put a refrigerator in a kitchen of any size, you will see in the photos below.

Correct installation of the refrigerator

It is important to know how to install a refrigerator correctly! Whatever type of kitchen you have, you should definitely consider the installation rules.

By following them, you will not only be able to comply with safety precautions, but also ensure that your refrigerator has a long service life. After all, you must admit, this is not an item that we buy every year.

When installing, consider the following factors:

  1. 1. Cooling products, refrigerator gives off heat, therefore the distance from it to the wall should be at least 10 cm. Moreover, the wall should also not be warm so as to create excessive heating of the device. If older models had rear ventilation - i.e. This rule concerned the location of the rear wall, but modern refrigerators have ventilated side walls, which greatly simplifies the installation situation.
  2. 2. For the reason mentioned above Do not place the refrigerator near heating devicesgas stove, oven or radiator. The recommended optimal distance is 50 cm. You should also avoid overheating the unit body - it is better not to expose it to direct sunlight. This is especially true if your kitchen is located on the sunny side.
  3. 3. Unlike a gas stove or sink, the refrigerator has greater freedom of “movement”, because it is tied only to the outlet. But there are some nuances here too:
  • it is desirable that the connection be made directly, without extension cords and adapters;
  • The refrigerator wire is usually not that long, so the outlet should be nearby;
  • the socket should be installed away from the sink and stove;
  • The possibility of grounding the connection is welcome.

The refrigerator must be installed on a flat floor, otherwise it will make unnecessary noise or not work correctly.

  • 4. And one moment. By taking this into account, you can avoid a number of inconveniences and possible injuries - don't forget about the door! Modern models have a mechanism that allows you, if necessary, to rearrange the handle and change the direction in which the refrigerator door will open. But not all models can boast of this. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the device before purchasing.
  • If you have a large kitchen

    Well, that's wonderful! Your options are limitless! In particular, you can:

    • choose traditional accommodation refrigerator, making it the main accent of your kitchen - bright element decor or the embodiment of your own creativity;
    • place the refrigerator in the corner, giving the wall more rounded shape and thereby following the rules of Feng Shui;
    • divide the spaces of your kitchen into separate zones;
    • if you live in a mansion or a two-story apartment, and your kitchen has stairs leading upstairs, you can install a refrigerator in the stairs, filling the empty space and thereby saving space;
    • install a refrigerator in furniture, providing it with the most harmony with the kitchen set appearance.

    The photo shows modern interiors, illustrating how a refrigerator can be located in spacious kitchens.

    One “but” - necessary and very useful for the kitchen household appliances It’s getting bigger and bigger, and it all needs to be placed somehow, while using the space as rationally as possible. Therefore, you may need ideas for small kitchens.

    The principle of convenience

    In addition to following safety regulations, the location of the refrigerator is also important. It would be quite logical to place it closer to the table or to the sink, and for some, for example, to the microwave.

    The bottom line is the same - no one wants to make extra circles, even within the confines of their own kitchen.

    Of course, you shouldn’t sacrifice safety for the sake of convenience. We advise you to simply consider both factors, as well as the fact that some amenities may need to be given up.

    If you have a small kitchen or the long-awaited 5 places

    Somewhere, but in the kitchen in the Khrushchev-era building you definitely won’t be able to make circles! And the layout of apartments in new buildings tends to reduce kitchen space.

    What can be done to small kitchen? Here's what:

    1. 1. If there is absolutely not enough space for a refrigerator, consider whether it is possible place it in the corridor, closet or room, perhaps mounted in a closet, which will give it a more room-appropriate look.

      Pros: an obvious advantage is the solution to the issue of placing the unit, and in some cases this, unfortunately, is the only option that allows you to win at least some free space for moving.

      Cons: if you are not afraid of making circles along the route corridor-kitchen or room-kitchen, then we must remind you that the refrigerator is a rather noisy device. Modern models in general they tend to make very strange sounds, but what can we say about older samples. Are you ready for these sounds to come to you from the corridor or become part of your room?

      Another drawback. What do you associate a refrigerator with? That's right, with food, like everyone else. Will it not be an unnecessary reminder about food and a reason, for example, to eat unscheduled between lunch and dinner or to “sin” again and eat too much at night?

    2. 2. A more radical option might be seems to be a connection between the kitchen and the balcony or loggia. This also includes combining a kitchen with a room to obtain a quite popular modern interior studio rooms.

      Pros: solution to the placement issue; it is possible to reduce the distance between the refrigerator and kitchen table compared to the previous version.

      Cons: in the case of a loggia, it would be nice if the refrigerator did not heat up in the sun all day - to avoid this, you can use curtains or blinds on the windows. Keep in mind that all kitchen smells and sounds will be present in your room. In the photo you can see examples of interiors where these recommendations were successfully applied.

    3. 3. Sliding doors to the kitchen. In some cases, this completely resolves the situation, because you fill the non-functional space.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: dismantling the door, which is not always possible.

    4. 4. The simplest, but far from it a budget option non-standard sizes refrigerator or him wall option. A narrow refrigerator can easily fit into a small cabinet; it can also be placed in a shallow niche. The facade of a wall-mounted refrigerator may be no different from the facade kitchen furniture. And if you do not purchase a ready-made option that suits you externally, you can always design it yourself, fortunately there are many completely available ways and materials. But the main objective, you agree, will be achieved.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: high prices and possibly a long search for suitable sizes.

    5. 5. Similar solutions to the situation include separate modules for refrigerator and freezer (for example, there is a mini-freezer 85 cm high), which can be placed under kitchen furniture and work surfaces, designing their façade to match the kitchen furniture.

      Pros: obvious.

      Cons: as in the previous option: it will be expensive and time-consuming to find the perfect size.

    We are glad that this article turned out to be informative for you, and even more so - it helped to bring comfort and beauty to the interior of your small or large kitchen.

    To save general style kitchen set It is impossible to avoid solving the problem of disguising the refrigerator if its appearance does not fit into the main interior design. Modern and high-tech units with many capabilities and functions seem rude and huge if the kitchen is made in an elegant Provence or Baroque style. There are several ways to help avoid discrepancies in the appearance of the room and successfully arrange this essential household item.

    One of the most common, but also expensive options is built-in equipment. Such a refrigerator will fit comfortably in an accessible area of ​​the kitchen; its design will be a logical continuation general interior. Depending on the needs of the family, you can purchase a kitchen with built-in large refrigerator or with a compact minibar. A less expensive, but more labor-intensive solution would be to independently integrate the purchased refrigerator into the cabinet. To safely use built-in appliances at home, you should follow several rules when installing them:

    1. The cabinet should not have a bottom; the refrigerator is installed on the floor using adjustable legs.
    2. The back wall of such a cabinet is not mounted to provide ventilation for the operating unit, or it must contain a grille.
    3. To create a stable structure, it is better to use the principle of a sliding wardrobe, the doors of which are made taking into account their frequent opening and closing.

    Two low refrigerators installed next to each other under work surface. This option will help eliminate differences in height along the entire line of the kitchen unit.

    Hide in a niche

    The narrow refrigerator can be conveniently placed in small niche. Before installing it in closed place It is necessary to provide for the possibility of a convenient approach to the equipment for its use, and also to leave free space near the walls of the unit for ventilation.

    Put it in the pantry

    This option for installing a refrigerator is very convenient, especially if this room is located directly in the kitchen or very close to it. If you have a large pantry next to the unit, you can place shelves for storing vegetables and fruits, as well as home canned food.

    Put it in another room

    Before taking the refrigerator outside the kitchen, you should listen carefully to the sounds it makes. An engine that is too noisy can interfere with rest if the adjacent room is a bedroom. A popular option in new buildings and beyond is to move the refrigerator onto an insulated loggia. In this case, before the relocation, a redevelopment is carried out, agreed with the necessary authorities, which provides for the demolition of the partition between the loggia and the kitchen. This option will not only allow you to move the refrigerator to a remote corner, but also expand the space for the dining area.

    Build a plasterboard structure around it

    To implement this option, you must follow the following rules:

    1. Drywall and the walls of the refrigerator must be at a certain distance from each other - at least 5 cm for the side surfaces and 15 cm for the back.
    2. On the side on which the door is hung, it is necessary to increase the gap between the surfaces so that it opens freely.
    3. On the convenient side of the unit you will need to install an outlet and supply electricity. If the outlet is located in an accessible place, you will not have to move the equipment to disconnect it from the network.
    4. When constructing the upper part of the niche, you need to leave a distance to the refrigerator of at least 15 cm, this will ensure normal air circulation.

    When calculating the internal width and depth of a niche, it should be taken into account that frame racks and drywall have a certain thickness. In order for the refrigerator to fit inside the building and leave the necessary gaps, the total thickness of the niche walls must be added to the original parameters.

    Install under the stairs if it is a private house

    If in an individual residential building there is a staircase next to the kitchen or directly in it, then the space under it can be used to place a refrigerator. Decorative fences with doors will allow you to disguise the unit.

    When choosing a point for installing equipment, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of a convenient approach to it and free opening of the door.

    For normal operation of equipment in a closed area, it is necessary to consider a heat sink so that the unit does not overheat.

    Separate freezer from refrigerator

    IN small kitchen It is not easy to place a bulky refrigerator that has a freezer as a “second floor”. To adjust the dimensions of the unit, you can install these parts separately. Small appliances can easily be placed under the countertop or in a cabinet. To freeze food in this case, you should buy a separate chamber, which may be located in an adjacent room.

    Buy a small refrigerator initially

    Very compact, but small-capacity units are suitable for those who live alone. This option will also be acceptable in a small family where they do not like to cook at home. Some small refrigerators have a built-in freezer inside, while others don't have one at all. The mini-unit will fit in a cabinet under the window or in a cabinet under dining table. It can also be placed at the bottom of the headset under kitchen countertop. Such a solution is easy for those who do not like to make grocery purchases for future use.


    Creating a comfortable and stylish interior in the kitchen is a task that requires careful planning and resourcefulness, especially if the room has small area. Of all the necessary interior items, the refrigerator is one of the most bulky and difficult to style.

    If it is impossible to apply any of the tips listed in the article, you can make the unit an independent interior decoration by painting it in the same tone as the kitchen unit.

    The kitchen layout revolves around the refrigerator - you can't live without it. What if the look of it doesn't suit you? What if there's no room for it? Is it possible to hide the largest item in the kitchen? Of course, there are at least 7 options that we will talk about.

    Let's say you're planning to make a kitchen in the style of a medieval castle; you even cook food in the fireplace - how will a glossy giant refrigerator fit into the idea? Or the whole kitchen - at most 5 square meters, and you definitely need space for a dishwasher, hood, table, stove, and more. And sometimes you want to hide the refrigerator so as not to look into it again.


    Take the “culprit” of the thoughts to another room. Just think carefully - who will be disturbed by the noise there, and who will have round-the-clock access to food, will this suit you? A worthy option is a loggia, if everything is met technical specifications. Namely: the room is ventilated, warm in winter, moderately humid. Otherwise, the refrigerator will simply stop working. You can try to combine the loggia with the kitchen, if you are not afraid of technical and legal difficulties, or at least make a service window to transfer food directly to the kitchen.

    Our opinion:

    Redevelopment connecting the kitchen with the loggia will add space and light. But remember that you will have to get consent from all family members and neighbors. If the renovation affects the appearance of the building or the relocation of communications is required, the task becomes more complicated. Think about whether the game is worth the trouble, perhaps you will be satisfied with just an insulated loggia as an additional room.


    Maybe a mini-fridge will suffice? You may be ready to ditch the freezer or install one separately. This will save space and make it easier to hide the “components”. Small refrigerator It’s quite enough for one not very hungry person, and there’s even a place for such a unit in the bedroom. In any case, before choosing household appliances, you should ask yourself a few important questions.

    Under the stairs

    Hide the refrigerator under the stairs. There is enough space for a niche or an entire pantry. But remember that you need a heat sink. In a blind niche, the refrigerator easily overheats. Even without additional walls the refrigerator under the stairs is visually lost - the main thing is to remember where it is when you need food.


    If you hide the refrigerator in a closet, where should you hide the closet? Nowhere, if its appearance suits you and fits better into the interior and style of the kitchen than the metal giant. A ready-made set of kitchen furniture may already include a built-in refrigerator in a cabinet that perfectly matches the color of the entire kitchen. Or you can build a cabinet to your liking. Please note that the back wall must have a grille for ventilation.


    Hide the refrigerator in the most visible place - here is an unexpected solution. Just disguise it as something else - slate board For example. Imagine how convenient it will be to leave notes and recipes, shopping lists for loved ones, and finally solve problems! Now there are paints that create a similar effect on any surface. In addition, you can change its appearance every day if you put colored crayons nearby.


    This is more than just a disguise: the refrigerator turns... into a Tardis, a means of transportation through the universe of the legendary Doctor Who from the British television series - using adhesive vinyl film. Or art gallery your best photos. Tastefully selected travel magnets will also turn a boring device into a small museum. Now his appearance causes only joy, and there is no need to hide anything.


    Decorate your refrigerator so that it itself looks like a work of art. You can do it yourself, or you can use full-size magnetic panels with amazing effects. This way the refrigerator will fit into both a pop art style kitchen and an imitation of an old coffee shop in Provence. Some refrigerator models are already sold with designer drawings on them.

    IN modern houses There’s somehow too much equipment: TVs, routers, and air conditioners... Everything requires electricity, and that means sockets, wires and extension cords. If you live in a high-tech or minimalist style apartment, electrical appliances can still be somehow integrated into the interior. But most other styles are ruined by technology. Then you want to put it out of sight, hide it or disguise it.

    Hiding appliances in the kitchen

    Most equipment is usually found in the kitchen. However, this problem is now solved in the easiest way: you build everything you can into the kitchen and close it with the same doors as the cabinets. Special built-in stoves and dishwashers. Even a refrigerator can be hidden this way.

    However, what if you are not going to change the kitchen, and it is not organized in a special way? The microwave, toaster and other small appliances can still be stored in wall cabinets if they are the right size.

    You won’t be able to remove the refrigerator, but you can disguise it by painting it, for example, with chalkboard paint or pasting it with self-adhesive paper. Various household appliances can be disguised in this way; we wrote a lot about this in the article.

    If your kitchen is in a country style, you can hide some of the appliances behind the curtains.

    Hiding equipment in rooms

    TV is the biggest fan of stealing attention in the living room or bedroom. It can also be “embedded”, that is, hidden behind the cabinet doors and opened only for viewing.

    You can also hide the TV behind a curtain or by hanging a beautiful poster of a suitable format over the screen.

    The remaining options relate to camouflage: create an environment for the TV so that it does not stand out. For example, surround it with photographs in frames of the same color as its border.

    Another annoying device is the Internet router. Among other things, it tends to blink, thereby attracting attention even on a cabinet. The router can be placed in beautiful box, leaving holes for cooling, or cover with a book cover.

    To avoid the clutter caused by phones, tablets and iPods charging at the nearest outlet, you can create a charging station. A cabinet or chest of drawers, as well as a regular shoe box, are suitable for it.

    Air conditioning is quite difficult to disguise, although you really want to. In order for it to work without interference, it cannot be fenced off with anything. The maximum that can be done: a cabinet in the form of doors (with slots), but without the lower part. Then almost nothing will interfere with the air. But if such a disguise stands out unnecessarily, it is better to abandon it altogether. Therefore, when choosing an air conditioner, look for a prettier model and a color that harmonizes with the interior. As a last resort, the air conditioner can be painted, giving it the same color as the surrounding space.

    Hiding equipment in the office

    Whether you have a separate office, or just a desk in the room, the same thing will always happen: a tangle of wires, extension cords, a printer or other office equipment.

    The printer can be hidden in drawer chest of drawers, after removing the side or front wall of the drawer.

    It often happens that the size and layout of the kitchen do not allow installing full refrigerator. But the whole kitchen revolves around him! Yes, and you want the room to be beautiful, make a good impression, be comfortable and functional. What to do if the kitchen size is only 5 m2?

    With this solution you can easily create a comfortable and functional interior.

    Ways to place the refrigerator:

    • If there is a small pantry next to the kitchen, the refrigerator can be placed there;
    • Disguising the refrigerator as a cabinet in the hallway or corridor;
    • Combining a kitchen with a loggia.

    One of the most acceptable and less expensive options is to place a refrigerator in the hallway. Yes, at first it seems a little unusual, but over time you will see that it is convenient. In addition, the choice is small when you have to choose between appliances that should be placed in the kitchen: an oven or a refrigerator.

    Ways to place a refrigerator in the hallway:

    • In a special cabinet, which was made to order;
    • In the corridor niche;
    • In a small hallway closet.

    Placing a refrigerator in a closet has a number of advantages: a significant amount of space is freed up in the kitchen, there is a lot of light, the built-in refrigerator will not disturb anyone. At the same time, the cabinet will continue to perform all its functions. You need to personally decide what kind of cabinet design you want to see in your home.

    Design of a corridor with a refrigerator

    Eat various options design.


    1. If you decide to place the refrigerator outside the cabinet walls, great solution It could be the construction of a small “window” into the corridor. This is done for more convenient serving of products.
    2. When choosing refrigeration chamber It is worth considering the design of the hallway. Due to this, the refrigerator will fit perfectly into the room.
    3. The refrigerator must be placed so that it does not block passages.

    Basic rules for installing a refrigerator in a corridor: silent operation of the unit, the design of the refrigerator is selected in accordance with the design of the room; correct location.

    Washing machine in the hallway: is it worth it?

    A washing machine has become an indispensable thing these days. However, with the small size of the bathroom, it may easily not fit there. The corridor comes to the rescue. Should you place a washing machine in the hallway?

    Rules for installing a washing machine in a small corridor or hallway:

    • Convenient location. The unit will not block passages.
    • Correct placement of communications.
    • Suitable dimensions of the corridor.
    • The right choice of equipment - you should choose narrow models.
    • Compliance with the design of the room.
    • Compliance with SNiP requirements.

    By following these rules, you will be able to properly mark the washing machine in the hallway. Correct connection washing machine is as follows. If the corridor is located next to the bathroom, then holes must be made in the wall, and hoses must be placed and connected through it. Another option is to hide all the hoses in flooring. This option requires more costs than the first.

    Connecting communications is possible using:

    • A release coupling, which is mounted in a pipe;
    • Fitting, when connecting to a metal-plastic pipe;
    • A tee that connects to the sink or bathtub faucet.

    If you decide to mount washing machine in the closet, you should make sure there is an outlet.

    Installing a washing machine in a hallway closet

    How to properly hide the unit? There are many different options.

    For example:

    1. Placing a washing machine in a closet. In this case, the cabinet will continue to perform its main function.
    2. Hiding the typewriter in a pencil case is one of the most optimal options placement of the machine. The cabinet built into the wall does not take up much space and is easy to use.
    3. Place the machine in a small nightstand.
    4. Placing behind a curtain is very convenient option, so the machine won’t attract much attention.
    5. Don't hide the machine at all.

    Of course, the last option does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, and it should be used in a desperate situation.

    Hallway layout with a refrigerator in the closet (video)

    As you can see, if the dimensions of the room do not allow you to install the necessary equipment in the kitchen or bath, then you can place it in the corridor or hallway. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules, and then the equipment will not attract unnecessary attention and will last for many years.