Photos of bed bugs. How to detect bed bugs: the reasons where they come from and the symptoms of a bite. Why are bites dangerous?

Domestic bugs in the photo are found in residential premises throughout Russia, from the northernmost regions to the south. For a comfortable life, they only need more or less warm conditions and the presence of constant sources of warm-blooded food - people or animals. For humans and pets, such proximity is not only unpleasant, but also harmful. Why are house bugs dangerous?

  • The presence of bedbugs itself creates unsanitary conditions in which pathogenic bacteria actively develop.
  • Bedbugs leave behind multiple bites that are very itchy and remain noticeable for a long time.
  • Insects spoil things, clothes, furniture and interior items, leaving a brown coating on them from their excrement, chitin, empty eggs and other products of their vital activity.
  • Bedbugs serve as a source of constant stress and interfere with restful sleep, which inevitably affects work, relationships and well-being.
  • Due to the way they feed, bedbugs can become carriers of various viruses and blood-borne infections.

The ability of bedbugs to transmit specific diseases has not yet been sufficiently studied and infection with viruses has not been recorded as a stable trend, but it is still highly advisable to avoid bedbug bites, since according to scientists, some risk of infection still exists.

Modern science knows over 40 thousand types of bedbugs, and domestic bedbugs are the only ones found in apartments Central region Russia, however, needs to bring some clarity to the term itself.

The term “house bugs” may mean:

  • The family Cimicidae, which in Russian is described as bed bugs, includes about 90 various types these insects.
  • Specific view The bug that is part of this family is Cimex lectularius, which in Russian also sounds like a bed bug.
  • One of the everyday folk names for blood-sucking bedbugs living in apartments, without scientific reference to any species.

House, bed and sofa bugs are the same type of insects that live in apartments. In order to effectively fight bedbugs, it is enough to establish that it is they, and not some radically different blood-sucking insects, for example, or.

  • The body of a hungry house bug does not exceed 3 millimeters in size, but when saturated with blood, it can increase to 5–7 millimeters in diameter.
  • The body is round, flattened, slightly pointed towards the end of the body.
  • The color of the back varies from red to dark brown and can vary depending on the degree of blood saturation.
  • The large round head has the same color as the body, but does not change shade during feeding.
  • The bug has 6 legs and has long thin whiskers on its head.
  • Bedbug eggs are shaped like grains of rice up to 1 millimeter in length, dirty yellow in color, translucent, laid chaotically, in small portions in secluded dark places.
  • The larvae immediately after hatching look like full-fledged, but very little bug, at favorable conditions grow to the size of a mature individual in 30–40 days.

You can identify bedbugs by:

  • Adults
  • Larvae
  • Eggs laid
  • Characteristic dirt

You can quickly find all the shelters of bedbugs if you know where these pests most often live in the premises. House bugs can primarily be detected by:

The reasons for the appearance of house bugs may be that:

Insects are often found where there are unsanitary conditions, but they themselves are not critical for the pest, so in fact, bedbugs can appear in absolutely any home, regardless of financial well-being or social status its owners or tenants.

You can accidentally pick up bedbugs in:

  • Public transport
  • Any locker room
  • Clothing store
  • Hotel or hostel
  • Sanatoriums
  • Away
  • Country house acquaintances
  • Someone else's car

Bedbugs can get into the house:

  • On new or second-hand furniture
  • Packaging materials for goods
  • Pet hair
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Books
  • Any used items
  • Through ventilation passages
  • Open windows
  • Damaged communication grooves
  • Gaps in walls, ceilings and floors

It is possible to notice the presence of bedbugs on things and objects at the moment they enter the house only by luck. The easiest way to judge the time of their appearance is by their bites. If there are bedbugs in the house, you will notice the first red dots on the skin within the first week.

Bites from house bugs

The body's reaction to bedbug bites is similar to the reaction to bites of other insects - redness, burning, itching, and the appearance of lumps at the site of the skin puncture. And yet, there are a number of features by which you can accurately determine a bug bite.

  • Bites from house bugs appear as small, dense red dots up to 1 millimeter in diameter.
  • If you are allergic to the bites or you scratch them, the dots may increase in size.
  • Bedbug bites always appear several times a night and form a trail of dots.
  • The more bedbugs bite you during the night, the more strings of bites appear.
  • Adults inject an anesthetic into the skin and you do not feel the moment of the bite.
  • The larvae do not have such an ability, so their bites, on the contrary, are quite noticeable.

The most a clear sign By which one can distinguish bedbug bites from the bites of other domestic insects, successive strings of inflamed points are considered, since each individual bites several times in one go, moving along the body.

How to get rid of house bugs

Folk remedies

Most repel or reduce the activity of bedbugs due to a strong and unpleasant odor. It is impossible to get rid of the entire colony in this way. When choosing a product from this category, adequately assess how justified its use is. Kerosene, turpentine, gasoline and other flammable oily liquids often recommended in the fight against bedbugs can do more harm than good. There are more modern, safer and, at the same time, inexpensive products on sale.

Insecticides for self-use

To combat bedbugs, they are most often produced in the form of aerosols, sprays, concentrates and, less commonly, powders. Aerosols and sprays are completely ready for use and are ideal for local treatment. If you need disinfestation of the entire apartment, you can use concentrates. Before use, they must be diluted in water and poured into a spray bottle. Required during processing full set protection: closed clothing, gloves, respirator, eye mask. Powders are the least popular because they simply need to be scattered in bedbug habitats, which creates extra dirt and is also dangerous if you have children and pets.

Professional processing

– this is the fastest, most effective and safest way for you to get rid of bedbugs. Treatment with individually selected expert-level products using hot and cold fog methods is carried out in just 1 day, and the result is guaranteed under a contract from 1 to 3 years, depending on the method of work.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures mostly include housework, which are not directly related to the physical destruction of bedbugs, but have a dramatic effect on the effectiveness of any treatment method. These include cosmetic or major renovation, installing mosquito screens on windows, sealing cracks and much more. If you use at least part of it, you will greatly reduce the likelihood of any insects appearing in the house.

Eggs, larvae

The size of the young animals is small, as are the offspring of ticks and cockroaches. If we consider the laying of eggs, they look like oval-shaped neoplasms no more than 1 mm long, and more often 0.8 mm. Domestic insects at the first stage of formation are characterized by a light shade. On one side, the egg has a kind of cap, from which a larva (aka nymph) subsequently appears.

Pest eggs and larvae, light color– nymph

What do bedbugs look like at an early stage of development? After the larva emerges from the egg, its size is small - 1 mm. However, according to external signs house insect already resembles an adult. There are few differences: inability to mate; light shade body, which still has elongated shape. Immediately after the first meal, the larva will change its color to a light brown hue. Transparency is maintained and food can be seen through the walls of the abdominal cavity.

Pest larva fed on blood

As the nymph sucks blood from the victim, its body size gradually increases, as happens in adults.

Domestic larvae develop over the course of 4-6 weeks, during which time several molting processes occur (every 6-7 days).


How the shape and size of an insect’s body changes during feeding.

Small triangular head. On its underside there is a long proboscis formed by fused jaws.

Features of the reproduction process

These pests are capable of increasing the population in a short period of time. This is due to the fact that the female stores the seed in a special Berlese organ throughout her life. This means that reproduction can occur under any conditions and even in the absence of a male after a single insemination. The number of eggs in a clutch varies from 3 to 10, more often – 5 pieces.

Insemination occurs through traumatic penetration of the male's sexual organ into abdominal cavity females. The consequences of this action (a hole in the body) are eliminated over time, which occurs thanks to the Berlese organ.

Furniture bugs reproduce in a rather complex way, as this allows them to increase the population even when in unsuitable living conditions. If we consider that a female is capable of laying an average of 5 eggs per day, she produces about 500 eggs throughout her life. eggs

How to recognize bedbug nests?

Given the small size of these insects, finding them in an apartment is sometimes not so easy. They feed on human blood, so they will nest closer to the food source. Furniture bugs leave waste products (feces look like a small ball) and drops of blood in the bed. However, their nests can only be found in places hidden from human eyes, which usually do not change.

Bedbugs nest together to keep warm. You can identify a nest in an apartment by the appearance of a moving mass, which, for example, is not typical for a cockroach and a tick. Furniture bugs live on certain areas, so you need to look for them there first. You can also pay attention to how pests smell. The more bedbugs there are in a home, the more intense the smell.

Chitinous cover in pest nesting areas

Behavioral characteristics and life expectancy

Differences from other insects

How to find out what type of household pest was found in the apartment?

Main features:

  1. Number of paws. For example, a tick has 4 pairs of them, while a bedbug has 3.
  2. Insects feed in different ways. Cockroaches do not suck blood. The tick has a different feature - it remains on the body after the bite. Bedbugs, in turn, feed regularly, out of sight.
  3. The body shape is flattened and rounded. In comparison, cockroaches look different and have a longer body.
  4. Paw sizes. In a tick they are longer than in a bedbug.


When daylight comes, the pests hide in their nests and do not move beyond their nests. You need to look for such areas closer to the places where they feed - beds. If the wallpaper nearby has come off the wall or there are cracks flooring, between the baseboard and the wall, there is also a possibility of a nest forming here. Most commonly used areas: mattress folds, interior structure of the sofa.

What harm do bedbugs cause?

Unlike ticks, these insects cause less problems, with the exception of itchy bites that look like a trail of red inflammation.

In the photo you can see bedbugs in their natural habitat - next to a person in his bed

All stages of bedbug development from egg to adult that has drunk blood. Appearance the bug changes depending on how full it is. A hungry young individual has a transparent yellow color, a well-fed one - scarlet. An adult hungry individual is light brown, flat, very difficult to crush, and has an oval shape. A well-fed adult elongates and becomes round, acquiring a dark brown color.

Adult bedbug on a human hand

Another photo that clearly shows all the stages of bedbug development in chronological order, as well as the differences between males and females

This is what bedbug eggs and very young individuals look like, real photos

This photo shows how the shape of a bedbug changes depending on the time it drank blood.

The photograph shows the consequences of bedbug bites. These are itchy redness on the skin. Bed bugs have the habit of biting several times within 1-2 cm of the previous bite, so the bitten areas often look like paths

Where are bedbugs found in the house and how to detect them

  • bottom of the bed;
  • mattress folds;
  • between sofa cushions;
  • on the back side of the beds;
  • inside the frame.

But bedbugs aren't just found in beds. Yes, they prefer proximity to your bed, but they spread throughout the bedroom. Especially on baseboards, bedside furniture, tables, floor lamps, switches and sockets, cracks in the floor and walls, in places where the wallpaper comes away from the wall.

The photo shows the typical habitat of bedbugs

And this is more realistic photo, from real life

Sure signs of a room being infested with bedbugs are traces of their vital activity: eggs, feces, remains of shells

How not to confuse bedbugs with other insects

Those people who have never encountered synanthropic insects often confuse bedbugs with ants, harmless bugs and other insects. The consequences of bites are taken as a certain allergic reaction, and the fight against it occurs with medication, which only harms your health. To avoid this, you need to be able to distinguish a bedbug from other insects.

The main characteristic difference between a bug and other insects is its smell after being crushed. This specific smell is reminiscent of spoiled berries or cognac, and cannot be confused with anything else. Only bedbugs have it. But there are other differences.

Differences between bedbugs and cockroaches: the latter are much larger than bedbugs, if you take adult individuals. Bedbugs are wingless creatures and their bodies are more oval than cockroaches. Spreading mustaches are another sign of cockroaches, which bedbugs completely lack.

Differences from ticks: First of all, ticks have 4 pairs of legs versus three for bedbugs. And the paws of ticks are much larger in relation to the body. Ticks prefer to stick to one place for a long time, unlike bedbugs, which leave the crime scene after several bites.

Differences from ants: these small working insects have a more graceful body with a semblance of a waist, or simply a narrow area in the center of the body. The bug is an oval, or a more elongated oval in the case of a well-fed bug. Narrow places are missing. Plus, ants won't be interested in your bed.

Differences from fleas: bedbugs are significantly larger than fleas. But fleas are much more mobile, and unlike bedbugs, they can jump. A newborn bug is larger than an adult flea.

Ways of penetration of bedbugs into a human home

  • Bedbugs love to travel. They can get into clothes, a suitcase, and, having fallen into suspended animation, spend a long time without food until they get to a favorable place.
  • Bedbugs can be carried on clothing by a person who lives in a bedbug-infested room. Often these are dormitories.
  • Used furniture may be infested with bedbugs, so you should inspect it carefully when purchasing. It is also not recommended to take discarded furniture from stairwells and even more so near the garbage containers, no matter how attractive it may be. If it was thrown out, then there are probably bedbugs in there.
  • The ventilation ducts in your home are ideal conduits for bedbugs. Be careful if your neighbors have bedbugs. There is a high probability that they may appear in you too if you do not take action.
  • Exterminators say bedbugs can also travel through external walls houses in search of a new home.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment or private house

Cypermethrin is one of the professional anti-bedbug remedies that has proven its effectiveness.

If you decide to call an exterminator, then after 1-2 treatments you can be guaranteed to forget about these blood-sucking creatures. Bedbug eggs are completely immune to chemicals and temperature changes, so only already hatched individuals can be destroyed. This dictates in some cases the need for re-processing. But the residual effect modern means against bedbugs is often large enough to exceed the maximum incubation period and kill all hatchlings in one treatment.

The Dezmission company has more than 3 years of experience in exterminating bedbugs. We have rid hundreds of apartments and houses of these pests and returned restful sleep to their residents. We'll give it back to you too! Order against bedbugs now, don’t waste your time and nerves!

How to kill bedbugs yourself

If you want to personally take revenge on the bedbugs for all the inconvenience caused, or you are just a gambling person with a lot of free time, then you can remove the bedbugs yourself. To do this, you will need high-quality means to destroy them, plus the knowledge that we will give you.

There are many professional means for exterminating bedbugs. They have different active ingredients, additives for their effectiveness and methods of influencing pests. Which one is best for you depends on the situation: how large the population of bedbugs is, whether you tried to get rid of them yourself, whether there are animals or people in the house who cannot move. Consult our consultant by phone or email listed at the top of the page. We will recommend a remedy that will be effective in your case.

Preparing the apartment and the drug for treatment

  • Now you have a remedy for bedbugs. Before you start processing, you need to prepare the room for processing. The standard procedure includes:
  • Wet clean the room so that no dust remains. In the future, dust can suspend the chemicals you use to treat the room into the air.
  • Moving furniture away from the walls. The beds need to be turned or turned over so that it is convenient for you to handle the habitats and movements of bloodsuckers. Remember that bedbugs hide exactly where you are too lazy to get to.
  • Remove all linen and clothes. They cannot be processed, but they can and should be washed in hot water. For now, you can just pack it in large sealed bags.

After preparing the apartment, you can begin preparing the drug for processing. As a rule, all professional bedbug killers require mixing with water. The proportions are indicated separately in the instructions for each specific product. This must be done in the means personal protection:

Dismission - effective destruction insects

Make sure you have everything on again. necessary funds personal protection. Also make sure that all baseboards and furniture have easy access so that you can process it quickly and without problems. Once you start spraying the product indoors, your task will be to finish the treatment as quickly as possible, and you need to do everything in advance. As much as possible.

Ask your neighbors if they have bedbugs. It is necessary to carry out treatment immediately in all infected premises to exclude the possibility of bedbugs coming to you again.

As we have already found out, the only food for a bug is human blood. It feeds at night while you sleep. Therefore, we treat everything next to the bed especially carefully. But they spread throughout the apartment, into every smallest crevice. Therefore, we process everything carefully and carefully:

  • Bed hems, frames, sides of mattresses, cracks at the joints of boards.
  • Bedside furniture: bedside tables, cabinets with shelves and drawers, lamps and floor lamps.
  • Skirting boards and gaps between walls and floors. Gaps in the floor
  • Peeling wallpaper, switches, cracks in the walls.
  • Door and window openings and the cracks in them.
  • Rugs, carpets, their downsides and the walls behind them.
  • Under the windowsill and next to the heating radiators.
  • Ventilation holes.

After treatment, you need to follow the instructions of the product you used to treat your home. Some products need to settle and the windows need to be closed. Others require ventilation of the room.

Unless the instructions say otherwise, we recommend repeating the treatment after 2 weeks. This will destroy the bedbugs that have hatched from the eggs.

It doesn't matter which method of killing bedbugs you choose. The main thing is not to delay the fight against them, and to act immediately. Then a restful sleep will return to you very soon, good mood and good rest.

To successfully overcome your enemy, you need to know him by sight, so before launching an attack, it is wise to look at photos of bed bugs and make sure that it was these insects who caused you the unpleasant visit.

Today there is a large number of species of bedbugs, which are united by a number characteristic features: the presence of wings, a clearly defined pattern on the abdomen, as well as a segmented angular body hidden under the wings. But in the rather large order of hemipterans, it is bed bugs that are the exception, since they have neither wings nor patterns, but the body, on the contrary, has rounded shape and a clear segment structure. Also, domestic bugs are characterized by the presence of a pair of eyes located on the sides of the head, three pairs of legs, long antennae and a proboscis, with the help of which the insect feeds on blood.

As for bed bug eggs, they are very tiny in the initial stage: usually their length is 1-2 mm. It is very difficult to notice them, since they are almost transparent, and their shape resembles a grain of rice. It is the hatched young individuals that are very often confused with lice, since their body is initially translucent, and only after several feedings the color becomes darker.

Reasons for their appearance

To prevent the rapid proliferation of bedbugs, you need to be careful, keep your house clean and adhere to certain preventive measures.


As you know, bedbugs most often live where the source of their food is located, however, if the premises are extensively infested, these pests can be found in the most unexpected corners. The favorite place of bedbugs is a bed or sofa, so the first thing you need to do is carefully inspect the mattress and what is under him. It is also worth examining seams, joints, breaks in the cover or upholstery, drawer for storing bed linen and the linen itself: pillows, blankets, sheets.

But if we are talking about a completely neglected home, then you will have to look for insects even in the bathroom and kitchen, for example, under the sink.

Reproduction and lifespan

House bugs reproduce through traumatic insemination, which means that the male pierces the female’s abdomen with his subcutaneous genital organ and introduces seed into her cavity. The seed enters a special area of ​​the body called the spermatheca, where it can remain in a viable state for a long time. The female lays eggs until all the sperm reserves in the spermatheca are exhausted.

All this only suggests that such uninvited guests need to be gotten rid of, and the sooner this happens, the better for both the physical and mental health. emotional state health of apartment residents.

Bed bug bites photo

Very often, house bug bites are confused with mosquito bites or allergies, so the appearance of red spots on the body is not given much importance. In fact, the places where skin lesions are caused by these insects have their own specific characteristics, knowledge of which will help to accurately determine the cause of redness on the body.

Grouping and multiplicity are the two main signs that the body is bitten by bedbugs, and not by any other insects. Only domestic bugs bite in one line, with 3-5 skin punctures every 3-4 cm. As a result, characteristic “paths” remain on the human body. The bite itself looks like a small, clearly defined red spot with a small dot and a bump-like swelling in the middle.

The locations of the bites are the arms, legs, and neck. This is explained by the fact that house bugs most often bite areas of the body that are not covered by clothing. If a person sleeps without pajamas, then red spots can be found on the back, stomach or sides. If you do not scratch the bite sites, then after a few hours the swelling and redness begin to gradually disappear. But it is almost impossible to ignore these spots, because after each night more and more of them appear, and the resulting itching becomes simply unbearable.


  • red swollen spots on the body;
  • constant itching, burning;
  • “chain” in the form of which the bites are arranged;
  • islands or small groups of skin lesions.

How to get rid of it at home

This entire large assortment can be divided into several groups:

At home, the first three methods are used, but you should not expect positive results from them.
result if bedbugs are already literally swarming in the room. Only in the early stages of infection can you try independent methods to eliminate the problem.

The chemical method involves the use of various available pesticides: both purchased and prepared independently. Today, special stores offer sprays, aerosols, pastes and gels, crayons: “Karbofos”, “Forsyth”, “Executioner”, “Tetrix”, “Get”, “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Mashenka” and others.

You can also use available poisonous agents and independently make complex solutions based on them:

With such solutions it is necessary to carefully coat all the cracks in the floor, holes in the walls, as well as baseboards.

All of the above measures can also be combined with folk remedies, which will only add effectiveness in such a difficult task as the fight against domestic bedbugs. You can use vinegar essence, valerian tincture, essential oils cloves, rosemary, mint, which you just need to treat some areas of the room. Wormwood and tansy, which just need to be placed in or near the bed, will help repel insects. It is a good idea to thoroughly vacuum the area using a disposable dust bag, which must be thrown away after cleaning.


  • sealing all gaps, especially near the pipeline;
  • regular treatment with crayons of those places adjacent to communication channels;
  • examination new apartment in case of moving, as well as any purchased furniture, check for bedbugs;
  • frequent cleaning: cleaning carpets and curtains, wet washing of floors;
  • using a vacuum cleaner in hard-to-reach places;
  • systematic washing of bed linen, covers, clothes;
  • preventing wallpaper from coming off;
  • periodic inspection of furniture and books in the house;
  • a thorough check of the hotel room during a temporary stay in it;
  • suitcase storage or travel bag closed;
  • careful inspection of things after a vacation or business trip.

Following these simple rules will help you avoid the appearance of uninvited guests in your home, as well as the unpleasant consequences that may arise after their visit.

The life cycle of the pest lasts up to one year. In case of food shortage or low temperatures bloodsuckers fall into suspended animation (slowing down the process of life in order to survive unfavorable conditions) or move to places that are more favorable for them. Bedbugs are not able to survive temperatures that are too low from -15 degrees and too high from +30 degrees and die.

What harm do bedbugs cause to humans?

Scientists have still not been able to identify the fact that bedbugs have infected humans with any disease, although this is theoretically possible. The main harm from bedbug bites is that they often cause an allergic reaction, which can result in fatal angioedema. The rash that appears after bites is very itchy; if you scratch it, you can introduce bacteria into the wounds and thereby provoke the occurrence of inflammatory process and suppuration.

Also significant harm is the psychological oppression of a person, he cannot fully rest, becomes irritable, and his mood deteriorates. The very thought that harmful creatures crawl over the bodies of adults and children at night and suck out blood can deprive them of peace and sleep. And when there are so many bedbugs that it turns into a real invasion and they can bite without even waiting for the person to fall asleep, you just want to leave the room.

Where do bed bugs come from?

There are several ways and reasons for the appearance of bed bugs in human housing:

Methods for controlling bed bugs

Folk remedies for bedbugs

Advice! Of all the listed plants, only chamomile is completely harmless to people and pets; the rest are poisonous to varying degrees. Therefore, it is important to ventilate the room to avoid large concentrations harmful substances in the air. When using turpentine, vinegar, kerosene, denatured alcohol, etc. you need to leave the room completely until they are completely weathered.

How to fight bed bugs using chemicals

Before you take on insecticides, you need to prepare and take precautions:

  • carefully study the instructions and act according to them;
  • wear personal protective equipment;
  • remove all people and pets from the premises;
  • remove food, toys, clothes, you can take them out to the balcony;
  • liquid products are sprayed using a spray bottle;
  • careful treatment of all seams, folds, bottom and back parts of furniture, baseboards, cracks in the floor and walls, carpets, paintings and other hard-to-reach places is required;
  • After treatment, leave the room closed for several hours;
  • some drugs do not immediately affect bedbugs, so you should not start cleaning immediately after treatment; you should spend at least one day outside the house;
  • After waiting time, you need to rinse everything well and vacuum it upholstered furniture, mattress, blankets, pillows, carpets, cracks, after which the dust bag must be thrown away, blankets and pillows can also be dry cleaned, clothes can be washed at high temperature and stroke;
  • After treatments, you need to regularly inspect secluded places in order to notice surviving bedbugs in time and destroy them; the sooner the bloodsuckers are detected, the easier it will be to fight them.

Important! Since bedbug eggs are not sensitive to most drugs, re-treatment is necessary after 10-14 days. During this time, a new generation of pests will hatch.

What are the types of chemicals?

The range of insecticides is presented in the form of powders, liquids and aerosols. You need to choose the remedy that is most suitable in a given situation and apply it correctly. If these conditions are not met, the problem may worsen - the bedbugs will spread throughout the home or get used to the chemical and lose sensitivity to it.

  1. Aerosols. The advantages of such tools are: ease of use, efficiency, penetration into hard to reach places. The disadvantages include: they apply even to items that were not intended to be treated, they can cause allergies, an insufficient dosage will not kill bedbugs, but will only disperse them throughout the room, which will make further fight against them much more difficult. The most famous aerosols: Dichlorvos, Raptor, Raid, Combat, Carbozol.
  2. Liquids: Forside, Foxid, Lacterin, Actellik. Often, such products must be diluted with water, then the resulting mixture must be sprayed on the home, paying the greatest attention to places where insects accumulate. Substances that fall on the body of one bug are carried into the nest and there affect the entire family. Advantages liquid products: less toxic to humans and animals, have a long-lasting effect (up to several months).
  3. Powders: Neopin, Karbofos, Riapan, Clean House. Can be used in unchanged form or as a suspension. In powder form, the drug is poured into the areas where pests are located. The room is sprayed with the suspension. The powder must be used very carefully; if it gets into the lungs, serious complications and illnesses can occur, for example, pneumonia.

After killing bedbugs, you need to apply preventive measures, aimed at preventing the re-entry of insects into the house, inspect things, especially those brought from travel, seal the cracks as much as possible so that bedbugs have less chance of moving into the apartment from neighbors.