Ecosil method of application in drops. Ecosil. Speed ​​of exposure and period of protective action

Every gardener strives to maximize productivity and protect his garden from biological threats. Treatment with biostimulants is profitable preventative measure, protecting crops from many diseases and unfavorable natural conditions. Ecosil is an inexpensive and effective immune modulator, which is sometimes called a garden first aid kit for plants.

Purpose of the drug

Ecosil is a stimulant

Ecosil does not belong to the group of fertilizers, but its effect allows you to favorably change the composition of the soil, which better facilitates the absorption of beneficial nutrients by the plant. The stimulant also enhances plant resistance to viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

Advantages of using Ecosil:

  • acceleration of fruit ripening;
  • enhancing seed germination;
  • restoration of frozen and drying plants;
  • increasing the amount of vitamins in vegetables and fruits;
  • increasing resilience to sudden climate change.

Treatment of broken branches promotes rapid restoration of damaged areas, and during replanting of shrubs and mature trees, rapid rooting and adaptation to a new location. An additional benefit is the enhancement of the decorative qualities of plants, which are in demand when growing indoor and garden flower crops.

Action and characteristics of Ecosil

Ecosil contains triterpene acids dissolved in a 5% aqueous emulsion as the main active ingredient. The volume of the container is 20 ml, which is enough to apply the drug to plants growing on an area of ​​up to 3-5 acres. For large plots and agricultural complexes, larger containers are produced - 100 ml, 500 ml and 5 liters.

Autumn treatment with the product helps create protective conditions for planting material, which survives the winter cold better and takes root more easily. The growth regulator has a pronounced fungicidal (disinfectant) effect. Using Ecosil, the gardener must choose the method of application depending on the type of crop.

Reference. Ecosil is an environmentally friendly drug obtained using Siberian fir and the composition of the active substance is similar to ginseng.

The consumption of the substance varies depending on the type of crop being treated - after receiving the necessary data indicated in the table included with the packaging, the required volume is set using a measuring device, a syringe, or by counting the number of drops of the emulsion added. 1 ml Ecosil is 30 drops of a biostimulating substance.

Preparatory measures before use:

  1. the emulsion is shaken;
  2. mixed with warm water (35-60 g);
  3. the resulting solution is thoroughly mixed.

Before processing, the liquid is stored in a dark place. The preventive procedure is carried out in the morning or evening, always in dry weather. After treatment, the active ingredient begins to act in 15-30 minutes, and the farmer can see visible results in 2-3 days.

Seed and seedling treatment

Pre-sowing treatment helps to increase germination - this quality is in great demand when there is a limited amount of planting material, which it is desirable to completely preserve.

Seedling. 20-30 drops of Ecosil are diluted in a liter of water, the planting material is processed 4-6 days before placement in the ground.

Seeds. 0.4 ml, or 12 drops, are mixed in a liter of water in which the seeds are soaked. The duration of the procedure is no more than 60 minutes. After exposure, rinse clean water and the seeds are left in the shade to dry, after which they can be placed in the soil.

This is interesting. Treatment with Ecosil increases seed germination to 95-98%, enhances the viability of sprouts and accelerates their appearance.

List of crops, drug consumption and timing of use

The consumption of the drug depends on the crop.

Potato. 2 ml of the product is diluted in 3 liters of water, after which the resulting solution is sprayed in the phase of the first closure of the tops in the beds. Intensity of use: every 10-12 days. For 100 m2 (1 hundred square meters) 3 liters of ready-made solution are used.

Tomatoes. 1 ml Ecosila is diluted in 3 liters clean water, which is used for spraying three times - at the stage of formation of brushes 1, 2 and 3. For 1 hundred square meters you will need 3 liters of aqueous solution.

Cucumbers. 0.3 ml per 3 liters of water allows you to get a solution that is enough to treat 100 m2. The first procedure is carried out when 2-4 true leaves are formed, the second - the start of flowering, the third - the full appearance of flowers.

Beets and carrots. Dosing - 0.5 ml of essence is diluted in 3 liters of water (consumption is similar to the volumes calculated for cucumbers). The first spraying of the tops is carried out at the stage of appearance of 8 and 10 leaves, the final treatment is carried out after 15 days.

Onion. A dilution of 2 ml in 3 liters is sufficient to obtain a solution for treating plants of the onion family. The initial application of the substance by spraying is carried out after the formation of 4 leaves, and repeated application after 15 days. 3 liters is enough to process 1 hundred square meters.

White cabbage. Proportions - 0.8 ml to 3 liters of water (per 1 hundred square meters). Spraying is carried out twice (the first - when 6-7 leaves appear, the second - when heads are formed en masse).

Grape. For 6 liters you will need 1 ml of Ecosil, which is enough to process 1 hundred square meters. Spraying is carried out during flowering with a break of 15-25 days.

Strawberries and strawberries. 0.4 ml (12 drops) per 3 liters, sprayed three times: after removing the mustache, in next year- before the formation of flowers and during the period of active flowering.

Many gardeners note a positive increase in the taste of vegetables, berries and fruits after using Ecosil.

Important. The permissible frequency of treatments for each plant is certain: beets, carrots, onions, grapes - twice, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes - three times, cucumbers - four times.

Processing of ornamental crops

Observe the correct dosage of the drug during processing.

Application of Ecosil for ornamental crops also requires the use of instructions for use to determine the dosage of the product.

Lawn grass. 1 ml of Ecosil is dissolved in 5 liters of water, which is then sprayed onto emerging seedlings planted no earlier than 3 weeks ago. Spraying is carried out once, consumption - 0.3 liters per 1 m2.

Pine (seedlings). 1 ml of product is diluted in 5 liters of water, which is enough to treat 1 m2. Watering with the solution is carried out on seedlings 15-20 days after planting.

Perennial and annual flowers. Different degrees of dilution of the substance are observed in the first period - the germination phase (for perennials, 3 ml per 5 liters is used and for annuals - 1 ml per 5 liters) For the second phase - budding and flowering - for 1-year-old flowers, a dilution of 0.06 ml per 5 liters is used 0.3 liters. Perennial crops are sprayed 14 days after initial treatment with a solution, which is prepared in a proportion of 0.18 ml to 0.3 liters of water. Received aqueous solutions enough to spray the substance onto 1 m2.

Indoor flowers. 0.6 ml is diluted in 3 liters of water. It is allowed to soak the tubers of weak plants and spray them with the solution until improvements appear or the disease gets rid of.


Ecosil can be combined without restrictions with pesticides and fungicides. Compatibility testing of products is carried out by mixing substances - the formation of a sediment indicates the presence of foreign substances chemical reaction. The simultaneous use of such means is prohibited. If there is no sediment, additional testing can be carried out - treat the plant with Ecosil solution and check the phytotoxicity of the drug mixed with another substance.

Security measures

Ecosil belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class - 4), however, caution is necessary when using the product. The drug sprayed onto plants does not harm animals, birds and bees, but direct exposure to the undissolved substance can be harmful to living organisms. When working with the drug, you should use individual means protection - rubber gloves, goggles, dust-proof respirators and cotton raincoats ( Alternative option- protective suit).

Use gloves when working with Ecosil.

According to the manufacturer, plants treated with Ecosil can be used to prepare dietary and baby food. Neutralizing emulsion that has been accidentally spilled does not require any measures. When collecting Ecosil in a plastic or glass container, you must subsequently stop using containers for food. For technical purposes, it is permissible to use containers that contained the drug after washing the container with soap and water.

Reference. The natural metabolism of plants - after exposure to Ecosil - contributes to the complete disappearance of the substance in the soil and plants.

First aid

Getting Ecosil into the body depends on the method used: when spraying, unwanted inhalation of vapors often occurs; when soaking tubers, the substance may get into the eyes and mouth if it accidentally comes into contact with a hand moistened with the solution. If the solution gets into the eyes or mucous membranes of the body, it requires immediate treatment with a large amount of clean water, which allows the substance to be washed off from the skin and tissues. Abundant ingestion of the sprayed substance through the respiratory tract requires a person to remain in the fresh air for a long time.

A high risk of poisoning occurs when a substance is ingested that negatively affects all systems of the human body. In such a situation it is necessary to call ambulance, and before the arrival of specialists, perform gastric lavage and give the victim Activated carbon(calculation of the victim’s weight - 1 tablet is required per 10 kg of weight).


Ecosil, unopened, can be stored for up to 6 years.

Ecosil should not be kept in rooms with high humidity levels - the best option it becomes a dry place with a temperature ranging from 0 to 30 degrees with a plus sign. The shelf life of the working solution obtained by diluting the drug in water does not exceed 24 hours, and the shelf life of Ecosil (sealed bottle) is 6 years. After 3 years of storage, the effectiveness of the product decreases.

Every owner of a summer cottage dreams of increasing the productivity of his harvest, as well as protecting plants from various disasters.

Treating dacha crops with biostimulants is an opportunity to profitably preventive work to protect crops from numerous diseases and vagaries of nature. A drug called “Ecosil” is a budget-friendly and highly effective immune stimulant, which many gardeners call a “first aid kit for country plants.”

Why is the drug needed?

"Ecosil" is not considered a fertilizer for plants, although its effect is to favorably change the composition of the soil. This helps to absorb beneficial and nutrients. The stimulant also helps plants cope with viral and fungal irritants.

A number of advantages of the drug "Ecosil":

  • acceleration of crop germination;
  • the fruits ripen much faster;
  • the amount of vitamins and useful minerals in grown fruits increases;
  • frozen and drying plants come back to life;
  • Country plants develop strong immunity and are able to withstand sudden temperature changes.

How does Ecosil work?

The drug contains tri-terpenic acid diluted in a 5% aqueous emulsion. This is the main active ingredient. A 20 ml container is enough to process about 4 acres of land. To process a large area of ​​crops, the manufacturer is ready to offer a container of 100 ml, 500 ml, and also 5 liter bottles.

If you treat plants in autumn period, then they are activated protective functions. Crops tolerate cold much better and it becomes easier for them to take root in a new place. The growth regulator of dacha crops also has a disinfecting effect. The gardener should keep in mind that for each type of plant the dosage and method of using Ecosil are different.

How to breed Ecosil

The drug should be diluted based on the type of plant that needs fertilizer. To find out how much water is required for proper preparation drug, you need to familiarize yourself with the table that is located in the drug packaging.

Table on how to breed Ecosil for different types plants(click to enlarge) :

The substance is collected using a special measuring device or a medical syringe. One ml of Ecosil should yield 30 drops of the active substance, which is ready for use.

Before direct dilution, Ecosil should be shaken and then mixed with warm water, heated to approximately 50 degrees. The resulting mixture must be mixed.

Before applying the resulting liquid to plants, it should be placed in a dark place. The fertilization procedure is carried out in dry weather in the morning or evening. After spraying the substance, the drug begins to act after 20-30 minutes. Visible results are visible within a few days.

Proper treatment with the drug to stimulate the growth of seeds and plants

Treating seeds before sowing improves the similarity of plants. This characteristic is especially important if you want to save as many seeds as possible.

For seedlings should be used 20−30 drops stimulant growth of Ecosil. Dilute the drug 1 liter of water. Seeds should be sprayed 5 days before sowing.

For seeds enough 12 drops Ecosila and stir it 1 liter of water. The seeds must be left to soak in the resulting solution for an hour. After this, rinse the seed running water and then dry it. After this simple procedure, the seeds are ready for planting.

Precautions when working with Ecosil

Be careful when using the drug. When working with it, you must wear rubber gloves, safety glasses, a respirator, and a protective suit.

If the drug does get into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water. If a person inhaled a large number of sprayed substance, you should stay in the fresh air for a long time.

The risk of severe poisoning arises when Ecosil is swallowed by a person. This negatively affects the entire functioning of the body as a whole. In this case, immediately call a doctor, and before he arrives, perform a gastric lavage on the victim, and then take the sorbent.

How to properly store Ecosil

Before unpacking the package, the drug is valid for 6 years from the date of production. It should be noted that after expiration three years, the properties of the substance decrease.

The drug must be stored in a dry and dark place in the temperature range from 0 to +30 degrees. After dilution with water, the solution is stored for exactly one day.

Cost of the drug

The price of the drug "Ecosil" is low. For example, its smallest dose in 20 ml costs about 5 rubles. Behind 500 ml The gardener will have to lay out a bottle of Ecosil approximately 30 rubles.

Every gardener wants to improve the quality of their plants and harvest large harvests of tasty fruits. Today, the most popular biostimulant, which protects crops from diseases and unfavorable conditions, improves decorative and productive qualities, is Ecosil. The drug is inexpensive, but at the same time it is very effective and copes with its task very well.

Article outline

Composition of Ecosila and general characteristics of the substance

The drug is an emulsion of a 5% concentrate of triterpene acids obtained from coniferous plants. "Ecosil" is sold in a 20 ml bottle. This amount is enough to fully process a plot of three to five hundred square meters. If you need to spray large territory, then you can find bottles of 100 ml, 500 ml and even five liters.

Spectrum of action

Instructions for use "Ecosila"

The drug "Ecosil" is bred for a specific crop, because the volume of the product depends on the type of plant. For example, for onions you need 2 ml of the substance, but for cucumbers only 0.3 ml. The emulsion in the bottle is first shaken, then poured into a small amount of water heated to 40-50 degrees. It is convenient to measure the required volume of biostimulator using a regular syringe or pipette. The solution is thoroughly mixed, and only then water at room temperature is added to the required amount.

The prepared liquid will be consumed on the same day it was prepared, since it is not advisable to store the Ecosil solution for more than 24 hours, because then its effectiveness will be lost. All plants should be treated outdoors in calm weather when there is no wind.

The best time is either early morning or evening. It is advisable to complete the work before the rain, four to six hours. The drug begins to act 15-30 minutes after spraying. But you can see the result only after a couple of days.

It is noteworthy that the method of using Ecosil is not limited to any one period. This product can be used year-round:

  • At the end of winter and in the first months of spring, you need to take care of seeds, bulbs and tubers, and seedlings. The drug will increase immunity and increase survival rate.
  • In summer comes a period of rapid growth of all vegetables and fruit and berry crops. Treatment with Ecosil will not only increase plant immunity, but will also increase the volume of the future harvest, its taste and product characteristics.
  • In autumn, garlic, bulbs and rhizomes are treated with Ecosil. flower plants. It would also be a good idea to spray trees and shrubs (both fruit and berry and ornamental) with the product. This technique will improve the decorative qualities of plants, help prevent the appearance of fungus and rot, and also speed up the healing of crops after pruning.

Rules for seed treatment with Ecosil

To improve the germination of any seeds (on average up to 95-98%) and provoke intensive growth of seedlings, it is recommended to soak them for one hour in a prepared biostimulator solution. To do this, dilute 12 drops of the drug in one liter of warm water, which is equal to 0.4 ml. You cannot keep them in the solution for more than 60 minutes. After an hour, the seeds are washed with plain water, dried and sown in the prepared substrate.

Using Ecosila for seedlings

Before disembarking at open ground(in four days - one week) the seedlings are sprayed with the following solution: from 20 to 30 drops (0.6-1 ml) of the drug, diluted in one liter of water. This treatment will significantly increase the percentage of plant survival in a new location. In this way, the loss of planting material will be minimized. The procedure is especially relevant when there is a small number of seedlings or when growing expensive and rare crops.

How to use Ecosil

Features of processing ornamental crops with Ecosil

Name of culture Number of treatments Spraying time Amount of Ecosila in ml
Houseplants 1 time – beginning of budding 3 liters 20 0,6
Annual plants 4 times – first shoots;

– seven days after watering;

– formation of buds;

– massive opening of flowers

5 liters
Perennials 3 times – first shoots;

– period of intensive growth;

– 14 days after the second spraying

5 liters 90 3
Pine seedlings 1 time – 14-21 days after planting on the site 5 liters 30 1
Lawn covering 1 time – 21 days after sowing the grass mixture seeds 5 liters 30 1

The drug will improve decorative properties plants, will increase the duration of flowering, and also increase their resistance to various diseases and garden pests, unfavorable environmental conditions.

Rules for spraying vegetable and garden plant species

Name of culture Number of treatments Spraying time The volume of water in which the substance is diluted Amount of "Ecosila" in drops Amount of Ecosila in ml
Tomatoes From 4 times – seedling emergence;

– opening of the first brush;

– flowering of the second cluster;

– opening of the third raceme

3 liters 30 1
cucumbers 4 times – blooming of three or four leaves;

– blooming of the first flowers;

– period of intense flowering;

– one week after the third spraying

3 liters 9 0,3
Potato 2 times – during the first closure of the tops in the beds;

– in one to two weeks

3 liters 60 2
Eggplant 2 times – stage of mass appearance of buds;

– during intensive flower blooming

3 liters 36 1,2
Pepper 1 time – before planting in open soil 4-6 days 3 liters 18 0,6
White cabbage 2 times – with the appearance of six leaves;

– when all the heads of cabbage are tied

3 liters 24 0,8
Onion 2 times – with the appearance of four feathers;

– two weeks after the last treatment

3 liters 60 2
Carrot 2 times – with the dissolution of 9-10 leaves;

– on the 14th day after the last treatment

3 liters 15 0,5
Beet 2 times – with the appearance of 9-10 leaves;

– in the second week after spraying

3 liters 15 0,5
Beans 2 times – with the first blooming of flowers;

– during the period of active flowering

3 liters 12 0,4
Strawberries and wild strawberries 3 times – after picking the berries and removing the tendrils;

– during the blooming of flowers for the next season;

– during full bloom of flowers

3 liters 12 0,4
Grape 2 times – during the period of mass flowering

– 14 days after the first spraying

3 liters 15 0,5

Note: for tomatoes, Ecosil is used during each flowering, so the number of treatments can be increased.

In addition to improving general condition plants, the use of "Ekosila" will increase the yield, taste and product characteristics of the fruit.

Compatibility of Ecosila with other substances

According to the instructions for use of Ecosila, this drug can be combined without restrictions with various pesticides and fungicides. To be sure whether the selected drugs can be used together, you need to mix a small amount of the two substances together.

The chemical reaction may result in the formation of a precipitate. If this happens, then you cannot combine these remedies together.

Precautions when working with the drug

Ecosil has a hazard class of four for humans, which means that the drug is low-hazard. The biostimulant is also characterized as non-phytotoxic and does not cause resistance. It is also low-hazard for bees, birds and mammals.

Nevertheless, you need to spray plants with Ecosil using special personal protective equipment (for example, a gauze bandage or a respirator, gloves, and so on). Upon completion gardening work Clothing should be changed, and hands and face should be washed thoroughly with disinfectants. Better yet, take a shower.

If, while working with the Ecosil solution, the drug gets on the mucous membranes or in the eyes, the affected areas must be rinsed abundantly with clean water. Unfavorable for human body Inhalation of biostimulant aromas also has an effect. If the drug enters the body through the respiratory tract, you need to spend some time in the fresh air.

If you swallow something containing particles of a biostimulant, you should definitely do a gastric lavage and drink activated charcoal.

Any medication spilled on any surface should be cleaned up with a rag or sponge. Hands must be protected with gloves. Then the surface should be washed with plain water and any detergent (toilet or laundry soap, powder and so on).

Where to store the drug

"Ecosil" can be stored in any dry and dark place with an air temperature from 0 to +30 degrees. Food and medicine should not be near it. It should also be out of reach of children and pets.

A sealed bottle can be stored for six years. An open bottle of Ecosilom growth stimulator can be used for no more than three years. After this period, the properties of the substance disappear.


Ecosil– a growth regulator that also has a fungicidal effect. It is used to increase productivity and also promote better germination seeds The drug Ecosil is used both for spraying during the growing season and for soaking seeds before sowing. The use of Ecosil reduces the likelihood of plant diseases from viral, fungal and bacterial diseases and contributes to an easier progression of the disease. The drug is also used to increase the resistance of plants when growing in stressful and extreme conditions: when the temperature drops, lack of moisture, lighting, etc.


Application of Ecosil helps plants simultaneously in several planes:

  • 1. Ecosil helps strengthen plants: increases resistance to pests and fungal, viral and bacterial diseases.
  • 2. Ecosil increases the germination of seeds, increasing their germination energy, which increases the amount of final products.
  • 3. The use of the drug stimulates the formation of roots during the propagation of bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants, as well as when propagating by cuttings.
  • 4. Plants recover faster after experiencing stress (frost, drought, use of other drugs) if the plants are treated with Ecosil.
  • 5. The use of Ecosil on decorative flower crops (both indoor and garden) prolongs flowering and increases the decorativeness of plants.
  • 6. After treating plants with Ecosil, the quality of the fruit increases, ripening occurs more quickly, and the number of fruits increases.
  • 7. Ecosil increases the stress resistance of plants. Lack of moisture in the soil, drought or frost, and sudden temperature changes are more easily tolerated.
  • 8. Reduces the number of crumbling flowers and buds on berry and fruit crops, thereby increasing the harvest.
  • 9. Increases the natural immunity of plants.

Instructions for use ecosil

Ecosil must be dissolved according to the proportions given below, depending on the crop on which it will be used. The Ecosil emulsion is shaken, then diluted in a small amount of warm water (40-50 degrees), after which it is brought to the required volume with water at room temperature; mixing must be done very thoroughly. Required amount The drug can be measured using a syringe or by counting out drops.

The working solution must be used on the day it was prepared; storage is highly undesirable and should not exceed a day (store in a dark place). Treatment of plants is carried out outdoors in the morning or evening, preferably in calm weather.

List of crops, drug consumption and timing of use

Houseplants(3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 20 drops of Ecosil). It is possible to soak plant tubers, followed by spraying during the formation of buds and during flowering. Treatment helps weak specimens gain strength, accelerates the development and growth of the plant, and promotes better abundant flowering, and also increases the resistance of crops to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Annual flower crops(5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment is watering the seedlings, after which the plants are sprayed three times: a week after watering, then during the budding period, and the last time during the flowering period. Treatment with the drug increases the decorative qualities of the crop, and also promotes faster development and growth.

Perennial flower crops(5 liters of water, 3 ml or 90 drops of Ecosil). The treatment can be carried out three times: the first time during the emergence phase, they can be watered, the second time - spraying the plants during the period of active growth, and the last treatment is carried out 2 weeks after the first spraying. Ecosil stimulates the development and accelerated growth of crops, and improves its decorative qualities.

Hibiscus(5 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). The treatment is carried out during the emergence of seedlings by watering, which stimulates accelerated growth and faster development of Hibiscus.

Lawn grass(5 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The lawn is sprayed three weeks after sowing the seeds, which accelerates the development and growth of plants, and also has a positive effect on decorativeness.

Seeds(3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). The seeds are soaked in the solution for an hour, after which they are washed with water, allowed to dry and planted in the prepared substrate. Treatment helps improve seed germination and more active growth of seedlings.

Horticultural crops(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). Treat twice: during the budding period and 2 weeks after the first spraying. Treatment improves product quality, increases yield, increases resistance to aphid damage, increases resistance to frost and reduces flower abscission.

Grape(3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). Treat twice: the first time is sprayed during active flowering, and the second time – two weeks after the first. Processing helps to improve fruiting and improve product quality. Fungicidal effect: increasing resistance to rot, mildew, anthracnose and oidium.

Strawberries and wild strawberries(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). The plants are treated three times: the first time - after collecting the fruits and removing the tendrils, the second time - during the beginning of flowering next year, and the last time - during the period of active flowering. Treatment with Ecosil makes the fruits sweeter, improves the quality and size of the fruit, and helps increase the number of flower stalks. Fungicidal effect: improves frost resistance of seedlings and disease resistance.

Tomatoes(3 liters of water, 1 ml or 30 drops of Ecosil). The first treatment is spraying the seedlings, the second is spraying during the flowering of the first cluster, the third and fourth treatment is spraying during the flowering of the second and third clusters, respectively. Processed to increase yield and improve the quality of finished products. Fungicidal effect: increasing resistance to Alternaria, late blight, septoria and black bacterial spot.

cucumbers(3 liters of water, 0.3 ml or 9 drops of Ecosil). Spray after the appearance of 3-4 leaves, at the beginning of flowering, during mass flowering, and the last fourth time - a week after the last treatment. Spraying is carried out to improve the quality of products and increase the quantity of harvest. Fungicidal effect: reducing the likelihood of powdery mildew, nosporosis, drying out and bacteriosis.

Eggplant(3 liters of water, 1.2 ml or 36 drops of Ecosil). The treatment is carried out 2 times: at the beginning of budding and during flowering. The drug helps to increase productivity and product quality. The drug also prevents the spread of diseases and reduces the likelihood of plant disease.

Pepper(3 liters of water, 0.6 ml or 18 drops of Ecosil). Treat once - spraying seedlings 4-5 days before planting. Helps increase productivity and improve the quality of fruits, and also improves the resistance of pepper to diseases (fungal and bacterial).

White cabbage(3 liters of water, 0.8 ml or 24 drops of Ecosil). Spray the cabbage after the appearance of 6 leaves and during the mass production of heads of cabbage. Treatment with Ecosil helps improve product quality. The drug also increases resistance to bacterial and fungal diseases.

Carrots and beets(3 liters of water, 0.5 ml or 15 drops of Ecosil). The plants are sprayed the first time in the phase of 9-10 leaves, and the second time – two weeks after the first. Processing is carried out to improve product quality and increase yield. An additional effect is increased resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases and resistance to frost.

Onion(3 liters of water, 2 ml or 60 drops of Ecosil). Spraying during active budding, in the 4-leaf phase and again two weeks after the last treatment. Ecosil helps improve the yield and keeping quality of turnips, and also reduces the likelihood of downy mildew.

Beans(3 liters of water, 0.4 ml or 12 drops of Ecosil). The plants are sprayed three times: at the very beginning of flowering, during the period of active flowering and another week after the second treatment. Ecosil increases productivity and increases plant resistance to cold snaps and diseases.


Ecosil is compatible with most fungicides and pesticides, but before mixing drugs, it is better to check their compatibility by mixing a small amount of drugs - if sediment appears, the drugs cannot be combined.

Security measures

Ecosil– a low-hazard substance, has a 4th class of hazard to humans. The drug is low-hazard for bees when used in fields. Ecosil is not phytotoxic and does not cause resistance.

You need to work with the drug using personal protective equipment: goggles, gloves, gauze bandage, gown and hat. After finishing working with the drug, you need to change your clothes, wash your hands and face with soap, rinse your mouth with water, and take a shower.

The drug can be used after the expiration date, given that the effectiveness may decrease. If Ecosil has been spilled, the area can be washed with soap and water; no special treatment is required.

First aid

If the drug gets on the skin, the area should be washed with plenty of running water.

Contact with eyes requires rinsing eyes under running water. open state. If necessary, consult a doctor.

If the drug is swallowed, the stomach must be rinsed, and then take activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

If Ecosil vapors are inhaled, the victim must be taken to Fresh air. Treat symptoms if needed.

Ecosil storage

Store Ecosil in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees. Do not store together with food and medicines. Children and animals should not have access to the drug. Ecosil shelf life is 3 years. The shelf life of Ecosil is 6 years (after three years the effectiveness of the drug decreases).

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Growth regulator with fungicidal activity.

Active substance: triterpene acids obtained from the extract of woody greenery of Siberian fir.

Analogue drugs“Silk”, “Novosil”


The drug Ecosil - UE "BelUniversalProduct",

The drug Novosil - Vedabio LLC.

Preparative form:

5% aqueous emulsion containing triterpene acids at a concentration of 50 g/l.

Purpose: Growth regulator with fungicidal activity. The drug is intended for treating seeds before sowing and spraying horticultural crops during the growing season in order to increase productivity and seed germination energy; viability of plants in extreme climatic conditions (drought, frost, etc.); improving the quality of fruits and seeds; reducing the incidence of plant fungal, bacterial and viral diseases.

Increases cold resistance, heat and drought tolerance. Helps to safely get out of stressful weather situations (recurrent frosts, sudden temperature changes).

Provides a high and unique immunoprotective effect by activating the natural defenses of the plant organism.

Strengthens the protective functions of plants against diseases and pests.

Increases decorativeness flowering bushes, flower beds and lawns, will prolong flowering, enhance the brightness and freshness of color.

During the flowering period of fruit and berry bushes and strawberries, it allows to reduce the shedding of flowers, provides bountiful harvest, will increase the collection of remontant strawberries and raspberries.

Increases the yield of vegetable and fruit crops, accelerates the ripening of fruits by 10-15 days, improves their quality and nutritional value.

Increases germination energy and seed germination.

Stimulates root formation during green cuttings and propagation of rhizomatous, tuberous and bulbous plants.

Helps resuscitate plants damaged by drought, frost, or pesticides.

Mode of application:

According to the table, calculate the amount of the drug, measure it using a measuring container, or you can use a syringe. Stir the emulsion thoroughly before preparing. Dilute the drug in warm water at a temperature of 35-60°C, mix thoroughly, checking the completeness of dissolution. It is recommended to first dilute the drug in a relatively small volume of water. Then pour the dissolved drug into a container and bring it to the working volume.

The resulting solution is stored for no more than a day in a dark place, otherwise the water becomes cloudy.


Purpose of processing

Application technology

Consumption of the drug per 1 hundred square meters

Disease resistance

processing seedlings 4-5 days before planting; three times spraying in the flowering phases of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd clusters

30 drops (1 ml) per 3 liters of water

reduction in susceptibility to late blight, alternaria, septoria, black bacterial spot

increased productivity improved quality

four times spraying:
in the phase of 3-4 leaves,
at the beginning of flowering,
in the mass flowering phase,
7 days after the third

10 drops (0.3 ml) per 3 liters of water

reduction in the incidence of nosporosis, bacteriosis, powdery mildew, drying out


double spraying:
in the budding phase,
in the mass flowering phase

40 drops (1.2 ml) per 3 liters of water

suppression of the development and spread of major fungal and bacterial diseases

White cabbage

increasing productivity, improving quality

double spraying:
in the phase of 6-7 leaves,
in the mass heading phase

24 drops (0.8 ml) per 3 liters of water

processing seedlings 4-6 days before planting

suppression of the development of major fungal and bacterial diseases

Onion on turnip

increased yield, improved shelf life of turnips

increasing productivity, spraying in the mass budding phase; double spraying:
in the 4-leaf phase,
15 days after the first

60 drops (2 ml) per 3 liters of water

reduction in the incidence of peronosporosis

Horticultural crops

increasing productivity, improving fruit quality

double spraying:
in the budding phase,
12 days after the first

prevention of flower falling, frost resistance, protection against aphids


increasing productivity, improving quality

double spraying:
in the flowering phase,
12 days after the first

30 drops (1 ml) per
6 liters of water

reduced susceptibility to mildew, oidium, gray and white rot, anthracnose


acceleration of flowering, growth and development, regeneration of weak plants

soaking tubers in solution;
double spraying:
in the budding phase,
in the flowering phase

20 drops (0.6 ml) per 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance


acceleration of germination, increase in growth energy

pre-soak for an hour in the working solution, then rinse with water

12 drops (0.4 ml) per 1 liter of water

Strawberries, strawberries

increase in the number of peduncles, formation of more large berries, increase in sugar content

three times spraying:
after finishing the berry picking and removing the mustache,
next year upon arrival first flowers,
during the period of mass flowering

12 drops (0.4 ml) per 3 liters of water

increasing productivity and disease resistance

three times spraying:
in the initial flowering phase,
in the mass flowering phase,
7 days after the second

12 drops (0.4 ml) per 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance, frost resistance

Beets, carrots

increasing productivity, improving quality

double spraying:
in the phase of 8-10 leaves,
15 days after the first

15 drops (0.5 ml) per 3 liters of water

increased disease resistance, frost resistance

Annual flower crops

watering plants during the germination phase; spraying plants three times during the germination, budding and flowering phases

1 ml per 5 liters of water (per 1 sq.m.), 0.06 ml per 0.3 liters of water (per 1 sq.m.)

Perennial flower crops

stimulation of growth and development, improvement of decorative qualities

watering plants during the germination phase; spraying plants twice during the active growth phase and after 14 days

3 ml per 5 liters of water (per 1 sq. m)
0.18 ml per 0.3 l of water (per 1 sq. m)


stimulation of growth and development

watering plants during the germination phase

1-3 ml per 5 liters of water (per 1 sq.m.)

Lawn grass

stimulation of growth and development, increasing decorativeness

spraying plants 20 days after sowing

0.06 ml per 0.3 l of water (per 1 sq. m)


Ecosil and Novosil are combined with well-known herbicides and fungicides.

Period of protective action: activation of the immune system from the moment

Impact speed: within 15-30 minutes after application, the visible effect occurs after 2-3 days.

Security measures:

Hazard Class: 4 (low hazardous substance). The drug "Ekosil" belongs to the 4th class of danger for bees in field conditions. Non-phytotoxic, no resistance observed.

If the emulsion gets on the skin and mucous membranes, the product must be washed off with plenty of water. If the drug is swallowed, rinse the stomach and then take activated charcoal. If the drug enters the respiratory system, remove the victim to fresh air. Treatment is symptomatic if necessary.

When working, use personal protective equipment: cotton robes or suits, dust masks and goggles, rubber gloves. Before eating, wash your hands and face thoroughly with soap, rinse your mouth, and take a shower after work.

Neutralization of the spilled drug is not required, either in agricultural production or for personal plots. If possible, collect the spilled drug in a container (do not use containers suitable for eating in the future), remove the residue from the surface with water detergents(soap, powders, etc.).
Destruction of unused drug is not required because even after the expiration date, the drug has residual biological activity and can be used in the future without increasing the consumption rate, taking into account the decrease in effectiveness. The container is disposed of with household waste. Special measures There is no need to neutralize the drug container. After washing the container with soap and water, the container can be reused.

Storage conditions:

The drug is stored in dry indoors at temperatures from 0°C to +30°C, protecting from direct sunlight.

Shelf life: 3 years. Shelf life: 6 years. Good luck to you.