What interesting things to read about the psychology of relationships. The best books on the psychology of relationships. “Secrets of success like a woman”

At all times, one of the most interesting topics for humanity has been, is and will be the psychology of relationships between people. Because gender differences are so diverse, it is difficult for men and women to understand each other, so literature that helps improve relationships has always been successful.

"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" John Gray

The world bestseller about relations between the sexes has become a reference book for many people. The author focuses on the well-known postulate: men and women differ in many ways, so it is difficult for them to achieve mutual understanding without putting some effort into it.

The book is full of accessible information on the topic of gender differences in perception, behavior, and the emotional world. Each situation is analyzed in detail, real-life examples are given to create a clearer picture and easier comprehension of the material.

This book differs from many similar ones in that it has a practical part that allows you to hone your correct communication skills. It is this part of the book that has helped many couples around the world save fading relationships, start a family and generally improve their lives, since the principles described in it allow you to communicate productively not only with your partner, but also with the people around you.

"The Five Love Languages: How to Express Love to Your Partner" by Gary Chapman

Many seemingly promising relationships fall apart due to the partners' inability to express their feelings. The author, understanding the tragedy of the situation, tried to create instructions for such couples on ways to express their warmth towards their loved one.

  • Verbal channel - words of support, affectionate nicknames, compliments, approval, praise.
  • Time expenditure is the amount of time a person spends alone with a partner, devoting all his attention only to him.
  • Gifts - presenting gifts to a loved one: from gifts on occasion and small surprises for no reason to being nearby in difficult times.
  • Serving a partner is fulfilling the requests and instructions of a loved one.
  • Physical channel – touching and sexual relations.

"Love or infatuation?" Victor Dobroslavovich

The author raises a topic quite relevant for the modern world: what is the difference between fleeting love, attraction, passion, desire to possess and other similar feelings from real Love? Not everyone succeeds in meeting the love of their life, but everyone should be able to recognize her.

Thanks to the presence of many examples from life, cinema and literature, the author achieves extraordinary ease in describing the complex and deep issue of the differences between falling in love and love.

After reading this book, you will be able to determine whether your relationship has a future, whether your partner's feelings for you or your own emotions are true.

The book is devoted to the analysis of one of the most common causes of divorce - personal inconsistency between partners.

Dr. Lopinau states that this problem is due to the fact that all people grow up differently, and some remain at the level of childhood perception of reality until old age. This fact also determines a person’s relationships with loved ones.

The difference between the degree of maturity of spouses can be significant, despite the same age.

“Between Sex and Love” Semyon Chaika, Natalya Tolstaya

This is one of the few books on psychology that allows you to look at the problem from two sides, thanks to the presence of two authors of different genders.

The famous certified psychotherapist and practicing psychologist Natalya Tolstaya and the very popular metropolitan TV presenter Semyon Chaika express their own opinions about the problems of relationships between people, about love and passion, jealousy, betrayal, understanding, separation and much more.

“School of bitches. Strategy for success in the world of men: step-by-step technology" Evgenia Shatskaya

The famous Russian writer Evgenia Shatskaya set as her goal the creation of an extensive encyclopedia for successful women. This book is one of its parts dedicated to relationships with men.

IN modern world The term “bitch” is no longer offensive. It means a woman who knows her worth, is strong and independent, purposeful and sexy.

“3 main questions. Family happiness" Andrey Kurpatov

In his book, Dr. Kurpatov reveals the most problematic aspects of family relationships. This book is intended for married people, however, it will also be useful for unmarried partners.

The author considers such important questions, such as building stable and reliable relationships, achieving mutual understanding between spouses, separating everyday and sexual life, the struggle for dominance in the family, the issue of infidelity and the differences between male and female infidelity.

“Men’s secrets + Women’s secrets that you need to know before living happily ever after” Natalya Tolstaya

The popular work of the famous psychotherapist Natalia Tolstoy is dedicated to revealing the differences in the perception of a partner’s actions from a female and male point of view.

Steve Harvey's book, truthful and sometimes quite tough, allows women to penetrate into a man's world, look at their partners with different eyes and understand them better.

"Woman. Advanced User Guide" Mikhail Lvov

One of the few psychological books aimed exclusively at men. Mikhail Lvov wrote it in the format that is most familiar to most modern men - in the form of a manual.

In his book, the author tries to convey to men the fact that a woman is a person with a complex and subtle soul, therefore, treating her correctly requires certain knowledge and skills. At the same time, the author urges his readers to observe moderation in everything, control themselves and not lose themselves in a relationship with their chosen one.

Natalya, Novosibirsk

Books devoted to the psychology of relationships contain publications from practical recommendations how to attract worthy men, to be loving and loved, to create a strong family and find harmony in family relationships. Authors, including Allan and Barbara Pease, Steve Harvey, Alex Leslie, Oleg Roy, Mila Levchuk, Julia Lanske, Helen Andelin, Simon Oakes, write about the peculiarities of perception of the same things and phenomena by men and women, help to understand these peculiarities , learn to apply techniques and methods in life to work on a happy personal life and self-confidence.

Creating a harmonious marriage union requires effort and knowledge on how to build interaction between husband and wife and at the same time not “enter someone else’s territory”, allow everyone to remain themselves and maintain warm relationships, taking into account personal qualities, properties, views and preferences. A big role in this is played by the moment of acquaintance, which is given Special attention. You will learn where and how to look the right man, how to behave on the first and subsequent dates, what to remember if you meet online.

Issues of affection, love and trust are especially closely examined in the publications of the “Change Your Life” series.

This is the industry psychological knowledge, which studies the interaction of people in different areas life. Within the framework of science, research is carried out on interpersonal, family, social, business and other types of relationships.

Each person is individual: he has his own character and temperament, certain conditions of development, upbringing and education - all this affects his interaction with others. To make it as effective as possible, scientists specially develop recommendations practical advice, techniques and methods that allow you to establish contacts with any people.

Within scientific knowledge studies are conducted of human behavior in various life situations, his reactions to the actions of others, perceptions nonverbal cues, the ability to understand and empathize with the interlocutor. By studying literature on the topic, you can learn to know others and yourself, build strong relationships with a partner, achieve comfort in communication, hear and listen to others, correctly convey your thoughts and feelings.

The best books on relationship psychology

Gender relations do not lose relevance against the background of other problems in modern society. Why are we so different, how to discern love, how to be happy in a couple - these are questions asked by representatives of every generation. Literature on relationship psychology will help you find answers to them or at least understand the direction of action.

"Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" by John Gray

A classic manual by an American family psychologist and sex therapist, which has already become a kind of bible. interpersonal communication. Translated into 15 languages ​​of the world, its very title tells the reader how great the gap is between us and how much work is required to find mutual language. In real everyday situations, readers will be able to see how perception differs different genders under the same conditions, understand that you need to act here and now in order to change your life for the better.

“You Know Nothing About Men” by Steve Harvey The master of psychology honestly lays out all the cards of the stronger sex in front of a female audience. How to communicate with him at 20 and at 50, why a mistress is inevitable, and bachelors don’t want to get married, how to carry passion and fire through the years lived together? Harvey talks about all this and advises reading his research not only to young girls, but also to mature readers.

"Promise is not marriage" by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo

Your next relationship isn’t working out, and your friend is annoying you with the number of suitors? The authors will prove that this is not the end. How to open your eyes wide and stop being distracted by unsuitable people, how to open your heart to true love and meet someone who will make the world sparkle with colors - you will learn all this from this publication.

“The language of relationships. (Man - woman)" A. and B. Pease

A family of writers easily and accessiblely talks about the differences in male and female thinking. How to understand a partner, correctly interpret his words and actions and maintain harmony in the family - readers will learn all this from this masterpiece.

"Guide to Men" Bel de Jour

A small pocket guide with light, sparkling humor dedicated to stronger sex, rules of communication and behavior with him. Inexperienced girls and wives with experience will learn a lot of interesting things here, and the heroes will recognize themselves in the stories described.

“The Paradox of Passion: She Loves Him, But He Doesn’t” Dean K. Delis and K. Phillips.

Anyone who has ever been in love will find themselves in these stories. The authors describe in detail the stages of relationship development, difficulties that arise and ways to resolve them. Steps and techniques proven over the years and by thousands of couples will help revive the romance and refresh your married life, even if it has become commonplace.

"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman

Family consultant and Ph.D. formulated the main simple methods that will help you express your feelings to to a loved one. The book caused a lot of noise with its appearance and taught hundreds of thousands of happy married couples to love and be loved.

"Man and woman. How to understand each other" Vadim Korotky

“I didn’t marry someone like that” or “I married someone else” - these words are often heard in quarrels between families with little experience. A practicing psychologist is sure that divorce in this situation is far from The best decision, after all ideal people does not exist, and next time you may encounter the same difficulties. The literary work describes in detail the features of the male and female view of the world, teaches how to make compromises and warns young couples against future mistakes.

“On Women: Contact with Feminine Spiritual Power” Osho

A book by a writer and philosopher, which Internet users have long parsed into quotes. He writes that the fair sex must first be loved, and only then understood. In big and complex world it is the two halves who meet and create something new that are the miracle that makes things spin Earth.

It was not for nothing that the classics called for fighting for happiness, because life paths are rarely straight and smooth. Fall in love and be loved, and psychological publications from the Eksmo catalog will help you overcome all difficulties together.

Still from the series "Sex and the City"

Psychologist Nastya Butenko (@butenko_psy) - about why you can’t divide everything into “male” and “female” and you need to talk with your partner about topics that are usually kept silent.

Mistake #1: dividing into “male” and “female”

Dividing all spheres into “male” and “female” is the most common mistake. Many women really believe that they are able to regulate their relationships with the opposite sex themselves. In fact, we must understand: only 50% depends on us. The other 50% need a partner who treats the relationship with the same care.

In our society there is a very widespread opinion: a man should be responsible for money, a woman - for the emotional climate. But that's not true. Once a woman decides she can control emotional condition partner, the relationship ends. Understand that we cannot regulate this in another person.

Mistake #2: Don’t talk about “uncomfortable topics”

Very often, women keep silent about topics that are important to them. It seems to them that first they must understand what their partner wants from them, and only then take into account their interests. Understand: you have the right to speak out on any topic (even scattered socks). Only then will the relationship be strong and healthy (read about codependent relationships here).

Mistake #3: Focusing on others

Women are often focused on the contact sphere - they lose themselves trying to adapt to the demands of others: men, society, parents. Men, meanwhile, understand perfectly well what they want. This applies to all areas, including sexuality. For this reason, a man doesn’t care what he looks like when he has sex, but a woman cannot relax her stomach without receiving pleasure. When you are focused on others, you stop understanding yourself. In such conditions, a person does not build relationships, but tries to meet the expectations of his partner.

Mistake #4: being overprotective

There are men who need it. They are infantile and play the role of a not very independent boy. Overprotection will bring them pleasure. But this is not the norm. The cause of overprotection is anxiety. Have you packed your suitcase correctly? Did you take the keys? Did you miss your flight? When a person cannot relax, constantly monitoring his partner’s every step, he feels very, very bad.

Internal anxiety extends beyond relationships. There is a 90% chance that a person prone to overprotection will have panic attacks. This is a story about health. He needs help.

Mistake #5: Doing things that don't bring you pleasure

There are many women in the world who like to cook borscht, show a lot of care and give warmth. And that's great. This behavior is part of her personality. If a person hates standing at the stove, but persuades himself because “he has to,” it doesn’t work out very well. good story with relationships. The woman is sure: the man will be there when she does what he expects from her (read why it is important to love yourself here). First of all, you will ask, does your other half need this borscht at all? Men intuitively sense insincerity - there is no need to overact. Learn to listen to yourself!

Exclusive versions of the new books “Secrets of success like a woman” and “Fulfillment of desires like a woman” have just appeared (have time to order, limited edition)

“Secrets of success like a woman”

In this book you will find the quintessence of success as a woman - how to become wealthy, loved and fulfilled. How to stop doubting yourself, become confident and get rid of your own and other people’s negativity - you will learn about this and much more from the book. Practical tasks await you that will make your path to success truly easy and interesting!

"Fulfillment of desires in a woman's way"

Four masters of making wishes and dreams come true will share with you their magical experience: how to buy a house by the sea, travel to more than 30 countries and become a woman magnet!! You will find a step-by-step training from Irina Udilova and Anton Ustavalov, an exclusive part of the book from the main storyteller of Russia and a secret section dedicated to sexuality!!

“Attracting money the feminine way”

Many people mistakenly believe that women and money are incompatible. Or only men should bring money. But this is a mistake! This book will allow you to learn how to easily attract money into your life, as well as find yourself and become successful!

"Real Love Story"

Plunge into the story of a couple who carried love through the years! Everything is real: the first quarrel, the first baby, conflicts with parents, flirting on the side, and many familiar bright moments from life are waiting for you! This book will allow you to look very deeply into yourself, to ask yourself the right questions and find answers to them!

This inspiring book will bring love and warmth back into your relationship! In it you will find 57 simple and effective ways come to personal happiness!

"How to make someone love you"

Thanks to this book, you will finally be able to... full confidence love yourself and return everything to its place! An amazing 14-day program for internal transformation awaits you!

The problem of gender relations has been relevant in our society from time immemorial. Loves or doesn't love? Why are we so different? How to build happy and strong relationships? Today we decided to help you replenish your knowledge box and suggest 9 books on the psychology of relationships between a woman and a man that will definitely be useful to everyone.

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  1. John Gray "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus."

It would be blasphemy to start our list with another book on the psychology of relationships. John Gray, an outstanding American family psychologist and sex therapist, created a book that was translated into more than 15 languages ​​and sold millions of copies around the world. Already in its title, the book says that women and men are completely different creatures and in order to get along together we need to work long and painstakingly on our relationships. The author uses an example life situations shows us the difference in how men and women understand the same things. And most importantly, John Gray forces us to act, here and now. The book encourages you to change your life for the better, understand each other and love.

  1. Steve Harvey "You Know Nothing About Men"

The master of relationship psychology books Harvey in his robot opens a woman's eyes to the rich inner world men. What should you expect from a guy when he’s twenty, and how to build a relationship when he’s fifty? Why does he always choose his wife over his mistress? Why don't bachelors get married? What do you need to always have passion and spice in bed? The author honestly answers these and many other dilemmas in his book. Harvey recommends reading his research as young people unmarried girls, and experienced ladies with a baggage of relationships behind them.

  1. “The paradox of passion: she loves him, but he doesn’t” Dean K. Delis, K. Phillips.

As the writers themselves note at the beginning of the book, if you have loved or love someone, you will definitely find yourself in its pages. The book tells us the main steps in the development of relationships in a couple and helps us find a way to save love when, it would seem, there is no way out. The authors offer methods and steps that have been trusted over the years to help you and your significant other revive feelings, romance and improve your family life.

  1. Behrendt Greg, Tuccillo Liz “Promising does not mean marrying.”

Are you unsatisfied with your relationships with the opposite sex? Do you envy your friends who are surrounded by male attention? Liz Tuccillo and Greg Behrendt's book proves it's not all bad. You just need to open your eyes wide, stop making excuses for men, don’t spray yourself on everyone you meet, but open your heart to true love and the one and only one who, despite all the “buts,” will definitely be there.

  1. Gary Chapman "The Five Love Languages"

Doctor of Philosophy and family consultant Geri Chapman in her creation “5 Love Languages” teaches how to correctly express care and tender feelings for your significant other. 5 languages, 5 main simple methods- this is our key to family idyll and long, happy love. At one time, the book made a huge splash and taught many couples to love and be loved, to give and receive in return.

  1. Vadim Korotky “Man and Woman. How to understand each other"

Young couples, when starting a family, often face a number of problems. And the main thing is that after the wedding, the person next to you is not at all the person with whom they wanted to go hand in hand through life. Practicing psychologist Vadim Korotky, in his book on the psychology of relationships, loudly declares that divorce is not always a way out of such a situation. After all, who will insure you that the same thing won’t happen to your next lover or chosen one? "Man and woman. How to understand each other" helps us understand all the intricacies of male and female psychology of relationships and warns those who decide to start a family against many mistakes.

Vital, light and useful book Australian writing family Allan and Barbara Pease is another masterpiece of psychology, which clearly shows us the difference in the thinking of women and men and helps to avoid conflicts and quarrels between lovers.

In 2012, an Englishwoman under the pseudonym Belle de Jour wrote a small pocket guide, “Guide to Men,” where, with subtle humor and irony, she tells inexperienced girls and faithful wives who men are and what they eat with. The book will also be of interest to the stronger half of humanity, who will definitely find their own example on every page.

And finally, a book by a writer and philosopher, whose works are spread across the web with quotes social networks. “About Women” was no exception. A woman must be loved, and only then understood - the main idea of ​​​​the book. The world is big and complex, but two halves meeting somewhere create something beautiful, a miracle that makes the globe rotate.

Love each other and understand! And if suddenly there are ravines on your way, hold hands and cross them together. And these 9 books will definitely help you with this.