What is safer: drying or tying? How does drying differ from a love spell? The oldest and most proven drying plot. Read on the water before taking a photo

Prisushka is one of the types of love spells. What is drying?

Drying is a very common ritual in love magic, one of the types of love spells. Let's figure out what drying is, how it is made, what it is, and in what cases drying is used.

Drying is a powerful magical effect on the desired object. With the aim of “drying”, “bewitching”, “bewitching”. Don't let him go to another (another), hold him, don't let him go.

Dryness rituals make the person you bewitch think about you every minute. To yearn and want you. In other words, dryness rituals make the desired object fall in love with a person against his will. Therefore, drying does not in any way relate to white magic rituals. There are drying rituals aimed only at sexual attraction - sexual drying. But we’ll talk about the methods and rituals of drying themselves later.

As a result of drying, a violent effect occurs on the person being bewitched. Against his will. This means that drying always has certain consequences for the one who does it. If you decide to use drying rituals, you need to be prepared in advance. That you will have to pay for it.

Unlike ordinary love spells, the black suffix has enormous powerful witchcraft powers. And it has virtually no analogues in the world of magic. I usually do not recommend resorting to such rituals. If only in extremely rare situations. When other rituals do not help and there is nothing to replace the drying with.

Symptoms of dryness. How to determine dryness?

The symptoms of drying are very similar to the symptoms of a love spell, some even confuse these rituals. But the effects and symptoms of these rituals are different. An ordinary love spell only allows you to attract attention to yourself. Cause lovesickness, awaken fading feelings. But it does not cause strong painful dependence. And properly done drying can be a difficult ordeal for both. Prisushka completely paralyzes a person’s will, acting on the karmic and physical level. A person can be said to become a zombie.

If a person has a dry patch, then his behavior changes greatly, it is impossible not to notice. It should always be close to the person who dried it. He needs an object of adoration every minute, every second. He simply begins to rave about this person. He develops a painful addiction. Doesn't look at the opposite sex. Moreover, all other representatives of the opposite sex are disgusting.

It happens that the person on whom the drying was done did not have any feelings for the customer before. And attachment disappears when the one who did the dryness approaches.
Scandals, strong quarrels and even fights may break out. And when the dried one is away from his loved one, he begins to feel very sad. And regret the quarrels. Immediately wanting to make peace.

Dryness - main symptoms:

  • Very frequent sexy dreams with the participation of the person who did the drying
  • You are inexplicably drawn to a person with whom you had no mutual sympathy before.
  • You want to lock yourself in an apartment with the object of your passion and not let him go anywhere. All thoughts are occupied only with the beloved, everything else becomes unimportant.
  • Suddenly it becomes unbearably bad. Or you suffer, suffer from panic attacks. Overwhelmed by depression and insomnia. When you can't be with your loved one. Longing for your loved one becomes unbearable, it literally eats you up.
  • You constantly call and write messages. Look for meetings whenever possible. With a person who previously had absolutely no attraction for you and was indifferent.
  • When there is a particularly strong dry spell, you may lose your appetite. Apathy towards life appears. The person becomes impulsive and nervous. It starts to hurt a lot and literally fades before our eyes. Such dryness can even result in the death of the patient. Or an incurable disease.
  • Incredible sexual attraction to the object of one's passion

How to make drying? Strong drying.

You can make a strong dryness once and for all, but getting rid of it will be quite difficult. Sometimes it is almost impossible to remove witchcraft spells. It is quite difficult to carry out drying rituals on your own; it is better to entrust this matter to hereditary witches, sorcerers and magicians. Rituals of strong drying are carried out using black magic. They completely change a person’s karma and reprogram his brain. They need to be treated very carefully. But it happens when there are no other options other than to severely dry out a person.

If the love for the object of attachment is very great, the person begins to torment himself with unrequited feelings. As a result, he suffers nervous system. And appears real threat health. In this case, you can decide to go dry. Or in situations where the family and children suffer with the departure of their beloved father. To a young insidious mistress. Indeed, different events happen in life. And there is nothing left to do but turn to the forces of darkness and dry out your loved one forever. So, you have decided to dry it. Now all that remains is to choose a good sorcerer or try to perform the rituals yourself. First, let's look at the types of dryers.

Drying - varieties. How can you dry a person?

Many dryings are carried out using special objects that act as conductors. As I wrote earlier, drying is always a resort to black rituals. They are usually held at night, often in a cemetery, on the waning moon. When performing black drying rituals, time and place are very important. Depending on its effect, drying can act as a love spell. According to the force of impact, it can be divided into strong drying and simple drying. Depending on who the dryness is being applied to. Or who becomes the object of magical rituals: a woman or a man.

Dry a person and you can do it different ways. This can be drying at a distance, with close contact, with the help of various conductive objects.

Drying yourself at home.

Independent dryness rituals can be performed at home. How to directly come into contact with the person being bewitched. Same without his presence. Let's first consider dryness from a distance. Despite the fact that love spell rituals are carried out remotely, they have a powerful energetic force. The use of which is recommended only in exceptional cases. After all, independent magical love spell rituals can have unpredictable consequences.

You must always remember that with such conspiracies you are addressing the powerful forces of evil and demonic witchcraft. And these forces are constantly in search of weak and unprotected souls. Remember one thing! For any fulfillment of your requests and desires. No matter what forces carry them out. You'll have to pay. And the fee that you can be charged for witchcraft rituals of dryness can be very high! Before you decide to perform rituals, think carefully about everything again!

Drying at a distance. We do the drying.

Let's look at independent, effective and simple drying at a distance. They are used in cases where your loved one is far from you. And personal contact with the bewitched man is not possible. Exists various ways dryers at a distance. Drying at a distance differs in methods of influence, power, timing and purpose.

Drying from a photo at a distance.

For this attachment you will need a photo of you and the object of the love spell.
Black silk thread.
Red piece of paper.
Black felt-tip pen.
Red tulip bud.
Black or red candle.
The dryness ritual is performed on the full moon after sunset. The room should be dark. Close all windows, doors, curtains. Turn off all electrical appliances and Cell phones. Nothing should distract you from magical actions. Light a candle and write a spell on a red piece of paper with a black felt-tip pen. At the same time, you also pronounce it out loud in a whisper.
The text of the incantation is:

“Imodero cari brovan, zavinero tronto doro. Parineta jarizen, shagerento boriven. And then write your name and his name.”

After this, wait until the candle burns halfway. At the end you take photographs. Place a tulip bud between them. And you wrap the photo and bud in the paper on which you wrote the spell. Sew along the edges with black silk thread. At the same time, reciting the written spell again. Seal it all with candle wax. Place the resulting package in a secluded place. The bud will dry and the drying object will dry on you.

Moon drying.

A very simple ritual of drying on your loved one on the outgoing moon. You need to wait for the full moon and you can start reading the plot. For this you only need some object or thing. Which was given by the person being bewitched. Or a thing that is associated with it. It is very important to fully visualize his image in front of you. Imagine the object of your passion. And you can start reading the drying plot. The thing must be in your hands.
The plot is like this:

“The moon is omnipotent, omnipotent and strong, controlling the forces of darkness. Help me this night with your charms. You will forever bewitch, bind the slave (name) to me with witchcraft powers. How you rule everything around you in the night. So I will control the heart, soul and body of the slave (name of the one being bewitched). Amen."

After reading the plot, put the thing in your bed and sleep with it. Until the drying takes effect.

Sucking on love.

To carry out this love drying, you need to collect clean spring water. Pour into a black mug. Then put a photo of your loved one next to it and at midnight read the spell over the water:

“Let the slave (name)’s heart open to passion, for me, my body, my soul. Let him adore me, desire me forever! Let it be so! Amen."

After reading the love letter, go to bed. Wash your face with water in the morning and wait for the result.

Blood drying.

Blood drying can be performed on both women and men. This is a very simple drying ritual that can be easily performed at home. Take a photo of your loved one. And at sunset, ignite your finger. You drip blood onto the photo of the person being bewitched, saying:

“As this blood dries up, so will my beloved (name) dry up for me day and night. Sprinkle my blood on slave (name). Let him burn with love and passion for me, only dream about me. About me, slave (your name) forever and ever! My word is strong! Key. Lock. Amen."

After you drip the blood, smear it onto the photo with your finger. Wait until the blood dries and remove the photo of the person being bewitched away from your eyes. Your loved one will soon begin to miss you.

Prey on a man and woman through food and drinks.

Drying on an apple.

Love spells and food spells have been very popular since ancient times. This can be any food that the target of the love spell will have to eat. It is advisable to select products that your loved one loves. If he has a sweet tooth, then something sweet is fine: candy, cookies, pastries, cake. If your chosen one does not like sweets, then choose another food. For example dried fruits. Dried fruits are stored for a long time. This means he won’t throw them away. Based on this, the person being bewitched will consume the “treat”.

In a word, try to choose foods to be completely sure that the subject will accept them for food. And of course, carefully ensure that the food you have spoken is eaten by the person for whom it was intended. One of these rituals is drying on an apple. You first take the apple to the grave with the name of the person being bewitched. You leave it there for three days and three nights. Then you take the apple and at midnight read the plot:

“Apple, help me turn slave (name) towards me. So that slave (your name) will dry for me and suffer for me. He thought about me in the bright dawn and in the dark night. How can the deceased (name) never be seen again? bright light and warmth. So the living (name of the person being bewitched) does not know warmth and light without me, slaves (your name). From now on and forever and ever. My conspiracy is strong, strong, cannot be broken, cannot be returned. How to eat slave (name) my charmed apple. So from that very moment you will be attached to me (your name). Forever and ever. Key. Lock. Demonic cross."

After reading the plot, give the apple to the object of your love to eat within three days, no later. It is important!

This dry spell has a very strong effect on the object of the love spell. She drains her loved one sexually and emotionally. or blood drying in magic are considered the most powerful, but also the most dangerous. Blood energy itself has enormous potential. It also creates an incredibly strong connection. As a result, on the karmic and physical level between a woman and a bewitched man. Such rituals, as I already wrote, belong to the types of love damage. A person’s will is completely broken and the person becomes dependent on you. Period drying is very easy to do. This drying agent begins to act on a man almost immediately after entering the body. The effect appears within a few hours or days. To cast a love spell on menstrual blood, you will need to add three drops of blood to wine. Or you can add them to juice or food. Collect blood on the third day of your period. The words of the conspiracy are:

“Enter my blood into (name), awaken passion in him! Spread over his body, flare up with the fire of love. Let my beloved (name) desire me (your name), miss me day and night. He wants love, only with me, and with no other! Let his passion be eternal, and his love for me endless! I want it that way, so be it. Amen."

After this, you should give the man the charmed potion to drink as quickly as possible.

Bread for a man.

To feed a man on bread or pie, you will also need menstrual blood. When mixing the dough for baking, add 5 drops of monthly blood, be sure to use fresh blood! When removing the pie from the oven or oven, say the following spell:

“Eat my pie slave (name), consume my blood, recognize my insatiable passion. My blood is strong, your love for me will soon be seen. I am your mistress, forever for you, you will have no others, only I am a slave (your name)! Let it be so!"

After this, put the pie back in the oven for 10 minutes. With this bread, this pie, you treat the desired man whom you want to dry up. No matter how much he eats, one piece will be enough. Throw away everything else.

Dryness for sex is also very popular. Those who have spontaneous sex and liked it want sexual dryness. But the partner, for some reason, does not want to repeat it. Then sexual addiction is what you need.
After the ritual of drying up for sex, your partner will, not only want, but lust for you.

Why doesn’t the “drinking” spell work?

Negative consequences are possible after drying.
How to remove dryness?

To be continued….

Order when dry

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Having properly prepared for the ritual and uttered the right words, even a minor schoolgirl can dry it. Moreover, young energy is much more powerful than that of a middle-aged woman, who is dying out of impotence to make her life happy without the intervention of magic, using a love spell. The consequences of drying have already been discussed in this article, and they are the same for everyone. The universe does not choose age and intentions. She sees the essence of what was done and everyone will be equally responsible for their actions, regardless of gender and age.
Prisushka is correctly chosen words, a love spell, energetically directed at the object of desire in order to bind it to oneself on a subconscious level. Is drying harmful - such an action is ambiguous and the question is controversial. Sucking at a distance gives confidence that a young man or a beautiful lady will definitely not go “to the left” of his other half.

How does it work?

In its action, each dryness works according to the following principle: just as, for example, an apple will dry, so the enchanted person will dry according to the order of the drying. Simply put, the energy of ongoing events is transferred from one object to another object. When performing drying, special care, responsibility and high concentration are required. In another case, the conventional line that exists between ordinary and love damage is not observed.

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled. Drying will strengthen feelings and can rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, and an irresistible desire to be close to each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch someone once and for all; it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell; there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to do it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely; the victim not only misses and yearns for the one who ordered the love spell, the longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences incredible sexual desire, and loses his mind during a long separation.
Both the drying ritual and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your lover will never be the same again. Dryness changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails suppression of the will of the victim, worsens general state health, changes a person in all areas of life. Even runic magic rejects prisushki, love spells, conspiracies and lapels, as particularly dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Drying work. Incorrect execution of influence

For example, a person wants to bind his loved one to himself, found the text of the conspiracy on the Internet and read it. Will this influence work? The action of drying will be effective if the person performing it has the following qualities:

personal strength;
the ability to control energy flows.

For people who have never practiced magic, such an explanation will not be clear, so they should understand how these qualities relate to the performance of drying.
The will of the person performing the dry spell and the dry spell of love are connected. When performing this influence, a person must be aware of what he is doing, to whom this influence is addressed, and the reason why he is drawing the person to himself. It is also important to know about mandatory condition dryness, that it is being performed for a loved one, that such an effect speaks of pure feelings for him, and not of revenge.

What are the known symptoms of dryness?

If a person is addicted, he changes greatly in his behavior, this happens to everyone. He needs to be with the one who dried him up. Tell your every step. Communication with the opposite sex almost disgusts him. I want to lock myself at home with the object of desire, turn off all phones and not let anyone into the house, hide. However, if in the real world before the drying, this person was indifferent, the craving disappears as soon as the dried one approached the one who made the love spell. Scandals, irritation, anger, and a desire to urgently leave the premises begin. But as soon as the dried-up person leaves the threshold, he begins to regret that he quarreled with his loved one and wants to go back.

Another symptom of drying, how a love spell works: frequent sexual dreams with the person who dried you. If you had never thought about such a connection before, but now you are increasingly beginning to gravitate towards the person with whom you were connected only by fleeting communication, then this is probably one of the additives at work. This is not difficult to check. It is enough to remember your first love or your last. If your heart no longer skips a beat, and it’s impossible to remember good memories, because you think that the person you think about now is the best, then this is a dry spell.

How can you dry a person?

You can dry a person or cast a love spell on him in different and sophisticated ways. Drying agents affect people both at a distance and in close contact:

Through a gift;
Through food and drink;
Remotely by photograph;
Through a code word spoken into your eyes;
Attachment for personal belongings;
Drying for embroidery on clothes.

So that the guy thinks and doesn’t sleep without his betrothed

“I, servant of God (name), will rise and go from door to door, from door to gate, into an open field. Fire and flames and a violent wind are coming towards me. I will stand up and bow to them low and say this: “Hey art thou, fire and flame! Do not burn the green meadows, but the wind is violent, do not fan the flames, but perform a faithful, great service; take out of me (name) the melancholy and weeping dryness; carry her across the seas and rivers, do not drown, but put her in the servant of God (name), in the white chest, in the zealous heart and in the lungs, and in the liver, so that she yearns and grieves for me, the servant of God (name), , night and midnight; I wouldn’t overeat on sweet foods; I didn’t drink it in mead, beer or wine. May you, my words, be strong and sculpted from now on and forever. I put a strong lock and the key in the water.”

The oldest and most proven drying plot. Read on the water before taking a photo

“I, (name), will get up, blessing myself, and go, crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from the yard to the gate. I’ll go to an open field, towards the east. On the sub-eastern side there is a hut, among the hut there is a board. There is melancholy under the board. Melancholy cries, melancholy sobs, waits for white light, White light The red sun is waiting, rejoicing and having fun. So, (name), waited for me, rejoiced and had fun, could not live without me, nor be, nor drink, nor eat, neither at dawn nor at evening, like a fish without water, like a baby without mother’s milk, without the mother’s womb cannot live, so (name) without (name) could not live, neither be, nor eat, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at ordinary times, nor at noon, nor with frequent stars, nor with violent winds, not on a day with the sun, not on a night with the moon. Dig in, melancholy, eat up, melancholy, into the chest, into the heart, into (name)’s whole belly, grow and give birth through all the veins, through all the bones with aching and dryness in (name).”

How to rid yourself of dryness and protect yourself from it

If you feel that you have been dried out, you need to take a photograph of that person, light a candle in front of it and say the following words:

“Just as a candle burned in front of you, so all your words and slander addressed to me will burn without a trace. So be it."

Go to church if it pleases your heart. Every day before going to bed, take a shower from head to toe and say:

“Just as water flows and changes everything in its path, so misfortunes and slander flow away from me. Just as one cannot swim against the current, one cannot return to conspiracies.”

Are families with married people happy?

If you are going to build your family on dry land, this is not good. A husband or wife who is covered in sugar will change in character and will soon stop liking you. In a family where a person is forcibly immobilized, there is no peace and quiet. He is always drawn to adventure and has an inherent desire to free himself from your shackles.

Gypsy onion drying

Gypsy dryness is one of the most effective and fastest drying options, helping to take even married man, and with his help eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of soil, three candles and a clean White list. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or a waxing moon. Write your loved one's name on the bow and place it on the sheet.
Place candles in the shape of a triangle around the bulb. Say the following words like a prayer:

“Let him come, let dear (man’s name) come to the threshold, let him desire me, let him be exhausted without me.”

Then bury the used leaf in the pot and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, you know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying to the wind

This ritual must be carried out during the wind, in an open space, moreover, than stronger wind, the longer the dryness will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the ritual, they ask that the victim bend the way you need, just as the wind bends trees with ease, so that there is no life without your presence, but only sadness and melancholy. A ritual in which the forces of nature are involved is a fairly strong dry spell.

Drying on socks

Give your lover socks, you can never have too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress the legs, I weave the darling” during the purchase. Then turn the product inside out and quietly embroider a small cross on each sock with a thread and a needle. Then take the socks in your hands and read the spell. Now a seemingly ordinary item of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day it will make your victim think about you.

Drying on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. This precious metal is very often used in black magic rituals due to its high magical conductivity. Place the coin in a transparent glass of blessed water and say the text of the drying exactly nine times. Ask your chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are many more options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for rope, for hair, for a mirror and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are a lot of cases where dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case was described on the online forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help because her son had a desire for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was solved by the dry spell of Egelet, which uses the famous Alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive result of dryness is described on the same forum. The guy didn’t know how to win the attention of a girl who everyone liked but didn’t reciprocate. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a string-drying ritual. Their relationship is developing rapidly, they have been living together for two months. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service provided.

How to determine whether a love spell is on you or a love spell

Usually, if a person has any magical effect, he does not even have the thought of checking whether his fears are true. If such thoughts come to your mind, you can remember your behavior and thoughts, analyze your thoughts and actions. If you started to behave rudely towards someone earlier to a loved one, you don’t listen to him and quarrel all the time, and your thoughts are occupied with a completely different person - you are probably influenced by magic.

A love spell is on you if:

you suddenly developed a crush on someone you hadn’t even noticed before;
as you already know, you have become irritable;
you don’t want to be close to someone you previously loved;
disagreements have appeared in your family, the former understanding has disappeared;
in the end, you divorced your loved one and left for someone else.

You have been dried out if you notice:

the person who previously attracted you is of no interest to you;
you want to be close to the person who attracts you physiologically all the time;
you are literally drying up, you have lost sleep and appetite;
Features of rituals for drying and love spells

Drying is one of the most effective magical rituals that is used to quickly and effectively achieve results in love sphere.

The main essence of prisushki

Like any other action, each type of drying has its own characteristics and the consequences that they cause and how they differ. However, in explaining what prisushka is, all actions without exception to bind a person to oneself can be characterized by the main features that generalize them to each other, allowing us to know that this is prisushka:

  • First of all, each suffocation of a loved one is a type of magic that covers the love area, used love spells in the form of a powder to save a marriage, to eliminate a rival, in order to return a loved one to the family, to attract the attention of the man you like or the woman you want,
  • in contrast to such magical rituals as damage, love spells and lapels, a simple love spell is a ritual exactly performed in magic, much safer than others, since it is aimed only at initiating an active magical action only in the love sphere, without affecting other areas, thus is component love spell effect,
  • a strong dry spell for love, performed by professional practicing magicians, is nothing more than a call to black magic (damage), not related to a white and light act, since a powerful dry spell, leading to an effective result, can only be performed by appealing to dark forces , even a black suture carried out at home by ordinary people carries with it the subordination of the will of a woman or man,
  • a fulfilled and effective love powerful drying spell is dangerous: like black damage, it leads to consequences in the form of longing and boredom for the customer of such a magical ritual, the object of the drying begins to constantly think about the customer of the drying, looking for meetings,
  • the strongest witch spell for drying, performed by a professional magician, becomes the cause of changes occurring in the object of the strongest drying for love appearance, behavior and his health.

Most often, offended wives who have not found the strength to forgive their offender resort to numerous methods of drying and drying a loved one, especially those performed at home. Often, through dry spells, mothers-in-law are driven away from their son in order to get rid of a woman they don’t love. However, as magicians warn, it is the spiritual resentment that serves as the reason for carrying out the drying ritual that becomes a source of danger both for the one who acts as the object (the victim of the drying) and for the one who needs it (the customer).

The principle of action of drying on an object is to carry out a spell on any object or food product, binding to the selected person. So, among the common rituals is drying on an onion, after which the object of magical action begins to dry according to the customer. You can make a love dryer that works on an item, or you can dry it on your loved one from a photo. This happens due to the transfer of energy force from the enchanted object to a living object.

Common dry spells and necessary conditions

The main types of additives that are used in the love sphere include:

  • magical influence through the wind,
  • primordial ritual performed using photography,
  • tying a person to food - food and drinks, this can be done with an apple, raw meat, sweets (candy, honey), bread, onion, salt, coffee, sugar, plain water,
  • a strong ritual of binding a beloved guy or girl, done at a distance from the object of drying, without the use of personal objects and things of the object,
  • sucking on a girl or guy using various particles - hair, saliva, nails, as well as through intimacy - sex (sexual attachment),
  • ritual for binding love using silver coins,
  • love addiction with a rope,
  • one of the strongest suctions with reference to runes (runic suction),
  • performing a binding through the object’s personal belongings - underpants, socks, jumper and other items of clothing; the plot can be made on a pin or cufflink or handkerchief belonging to the beloved.

The strength and consequences of the drying depends on how correctly and accurately the ritual is performed:

  • Strong drying at a distance of a lover you don’t need, for whom you do not have true feelings, is prohibited, otherwise you can expect serious consequences from magic, which can often be dealt with and removed only by professionally performed drying, with prayer in church and a certain ritual,
  • so that magical actions are sure to help, the most effective icings are done on the Christmas holidays, on Christmas Eve - the night before Christmas,
  • You can’t blame same-sex love, since same-sex affection is initially a sin,
  • You cannot carry out heavy attachments using sperm or menstrual blood on your own; sexual black attachment is done only by experienced magicians,
  • You cannot perform a ritual ritual just for the purpose of revenge, without good intentions.

If you violate any rules for the drying ritual, adverse consequences may occur after a few days, which sometimes become impossible to remove. Among the first symptoms of realizing that something has been done wrong are:

  • rapid activation of the accelerated human aging process,
  • decreased immunity and the appearance of various diseases,
  • changes in oncological nature,
  • general weakness,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • sexual dysfunction.

Such changes in state can greatly affect and manifest themselves both in the object of the drying and in the one who ordered this ritual and acted as the performer of the magical action.

You can make any type of icing at home, without resorting to the services of professional magicians. Among the most popular, there are several that are easy to do yourself.

Ritual with the elements

An element that helps to dry out a loved one and cause violent passion can be the wind. A magical ritual that lasts a lifetime is considered more effective and is performed when the wind outside is strong enough, accompanied by rain.

The most suitable place for carrying out strong drying at a distance into the wind is an open space. This could be a clearing in the forest or a field. The time does not matter - day or evening.

Among the rules for casting a love spell on an element in order to achieve the desired result in a short period of time is keeping it secret from others, when no one is around and no one can hear the spell words of the drying and cannot see the process of performing a magical ritual.

Drying is done with the involvement of the elements on the waning moon. To carry out wind drying, wait until the beginning of this lunar phase and the onset of night, after 12 o'clock, but the ritual should be done before the sun rises.

If it is impossible to perform the ritual in natural conditions, wind drying is available for execution at home, for which it will be enough to open the window slightly and say the text of the spell: “Strong and mighty wind, hear my sincere request for help in returning my beloved, servant of God (name). Let him pine for me and remember me. When the withered branch bends, then the beloved will turn to me. His life will turn into boredom and mortal melancholy. He won’t be able to sleep peacefully without me.”

Onion dryness

Among the ancient prisushki, possessing powerful force, - onion ritual. It needs to be done at once; only a professional magician who knows the basics of white and black magic can make a lapel for such a drying. You will need:

  • small flat onion, beautiful shape, without external damage,
  • the lover’s hair, quietly taken from the object of the love spell (for example, while the person is sleeping or from his pillow),
  • 3 church candles, preferably red,
  • a kitchen knife not used before the ritual.

In the absence of eyewitnesses magical ritual Church candles are lit and lined up. The onion is cut in half with a knife, and the lover’s hair is inserted between the resulting halves. The two parts of the onion are connected together so that the edges exactly coincide with each other, after which you need to read the spell: “Dry your foot and hand, heart and soul, so that your life will be next to me. When the onion dries, then the servant of God... will dry up to me.”

The right time to dry onions is at night, while the onions are growing. lunar phase. Day of the week - first, third, or fourth.

To obtain an accurate result, church candles must burn out completely. The enchanted bow is hidden in a hiding place. The dryer will work when the vegetable dries.

Considering the strong active effect of this drying on the onion, you need to understand that your feelings are really so strong as to dry your beloved for life.

Dryness on clothes

Among the items that are chosen as an attribute for performing the drying ritual, new socks are often used. When purchasing a new pair of socks, you should try to make the purchase in such a way that there is no one else in the store besides the seller of the product and you. At the time of paying for the goods, you need to say a spell to yourself: “I buy new socks, I tame my lover.”

Drying time for new socks is the waxing moon.

At home, a purchased pair of socks is turned inside out and, using a thread of the same color as the textile product itself, a cross is embroidered on each one, accompanied by the words of the spell: “By embroidering the thread with a cross, I sew the beloved servant of God...to myself. Let him feel bad without me. Let him yearn and miss me. Let him come back soon and be near.”

The charmed socks embroidered with a cross are left overnight on the windowsill under the moonlight. In the morning, the dried socks are presented as a gift to the beloved - the object of the drying.

Dryness in the photo

There are many ways to dry from a photo. Easy to perform, but quite effective, adding a photo of a loved one can permanently dry a girl or a guy. Among the attributes for performing the ritual ritual:

  • a printed photograph where a girl or guy - the subjects of the photograph - are captured alone, without others,
  • photograph with your own image,
  • red silk thread,
  • 2 church candles, preferably red,
  • a fully opened red rose flower,
  • book edition, thick in volume, bound in cardboard,
  • unused gypsy needle,
  • rose oil.

Photos from your phone need to be printed, electronic versions images are not suitable for effectively bewitching a person.

For magical actions with the image to help, the most best time when drying is done from a photograph, it is a new moon.

Before drying, the candles placed on the table are lit, the photographs are placed facing each other, and a rose bud is placed between them. A gypsy needle is dipped in rose oil and a silk thread is inserted into it, through which the photographs are stitched together along the edges.

During the process of stitching photos, it is worth checking where the punctures go: make sure that the needle does not get into the images.

The stitched photographs are placed inside the book. The publication is hidden so that no one can detect the book. As the rose bud sewn into the photographs dries, the drying effect will be activated.

Apple dryness

The fruit of paradise is often used as an attribute for lovemaking, performed independently at home. However effective ritual becomes only when the apple is plucked from the branch by the performer with his own hands. To carry out drying you will need:

  • ripe apple with red peel,
  • red thread,
  • a photo with the face of a loved one, and the size of the photo should be the size of an apple,
  • kitchen knife with wooden handle.

The rules for this ritual are similar to others: you need to make sure that there is no one in the room, and, as usual, light a church candle. With a knife, the apple is cut into two equal parts, between which a photograph is placed, the halves are tied with a red thread, accompanied by the words of the spell: “I ask for help from the magical servants to find happiness with the servant of God... So that you will be with me in joy and in sorrow, in a hundred years and through a hundred paths. Just as an apple dries and withers, so my beloved servant of God...dries up to me.”

Rope binding

To perform the binding ritual, a simple rope is suitable. Among the requirements for the main attribute of the ritual are: White color And natural material. To carry out the ceremony, they take a rope of sufficient length and, sitting down at the table, imagining the image of a loved one, begin to tie knots on it, without counting them. When the length of the rope runs out, the results are summed up:

  • the resulting even number of imposed knots means that magic will become your assistant and will assist in attracting the attention of your lover,
  • an odd number of resulting nodes means that an attempt to dry a loved one in this case will not be successful.

If the attempt is unsuccessful, the ritual of drying on a rope is resorted to again after some time.

In case of positive result on a rope tied with an even number of knots, the words of the conspiracy are read: “No matter how the rope twists, there will be a knot. No matter how God’s servant…flees from me, he will become mine.”

After a night, the charmed rope needs to be thrown on the threshold of the beloved’s house. The dryness will work on the rope when a person steps over it.

Drinking a guy from a distance is often used by women when a beloved man moves to another city for some reason, in order to evoke in his soul intense melancholy. Not every person is able to trust a long-distance relationship. To make sure that their partner will be faithful, girls often carry out a dry-up on a guy.

Most often, dating a guy from a distance is done independently at home, without the use of outside help. It is important to observe the sacrament of the ritual, otherwise there will be no action. The ritual itself represents an impact on energy centers, causing persistent dependence on a certain person. This, in fact, is not even the imposition of feelings by force, but the consolidation of existing ones, with their subsequent strengthening.

The strongest drying may vary depending on the application method energy impact, as well as on the execution and use of attributes. Accordingly, a ritual can pursue various goals to satisfy certain human needs. Dryness for a guy at home is divided into several varieties, depending on the method of implementation, as well as on the paraphernalia used:

from photo;
for food;
on a rope;
on the personal belongings of the person being bewitched.

The most powerful drying agent, which will work reliably, requires a thorough approach to the ritual. The time at which the ceremony will be performed plays a big role. As already mentioned in the preface, a magical love ritual should be performed during the waxing period of the moon, on the eve of the full moon. It is better to perform actions on men's days.

Is it possible to dry a guy from a distance using a photo?

Few people know that a photograph contains part of the energy of the person depicted in it. Essentially it is a phantom. A piece of human emotion. That is why it is very simple to bewitch a photo, ask the Guardian Angel to protect a person, on the contrary - to cause damage or remove it. The photograph must be no more than five years old. Otherwise energy field won't be enough to influence the guy in the photo.
If a girl dreams of drying a guy herself using a photo that she has saved, and the young man himself is in another city, then she will succeed if great desire, but not at once. Drying consists of several stages. First come thoughts and dreams, then a desire to see each other, which, perhaps, the guy will drive away from himself. And after that, the subconscious will give the idea of ​​a meeting. There will be some reason for a call, a chance meeting, or an urgent matter that you will be asked to do, but, as a rule, you will not participate in it.

For drying you need a photo of the guy and your photo. You need to choose pictures that, if placed side by side, will depict you facing away from each other. Get a light one new fabric and three red candles. For drying you need a red rose, rose oil or fresh rose petals from the wedding.
For the waxing moon, create an envelope with your own hands from white fabric. Light three red candles and arrange them in a triangle. Sprinkle the place inside the triangle with rose aroma oil or place a flower so that its bud faces the central candle of the triangle. Place your photos on the sides of the rose with their faces turned away from each other and read the following words:

“Like the sun rises, like a river flows along the banks. As day follows night, as the seasons follow each other invariably, so a servant of God without a servant of God cannot live and love irrevocably. We will be together forever for all times, for all the lives that are measured out for us. Amen"

Match the photos with the pictures facing inwards. It will turn out that your faces look at each other and will now look forever. Leave a rose flower or petals between the photos. If there are none, tie the photo with a red ribbon and hide it in a white fabric envelope. Place the white envelope in the most secret place, but do not bury it in the ground, otherwise you risk causing trouble for yourself and the guy yourself.

If you could only find an old photo of a guy who is more than five years old. All you can do is take it under your pillow at night. Sleep for 9 nights with this photo, saying:

“May your Guardian Angel and my love protect you at all times.”

Words need to be spoken with kindness and love, without a “stone in your bosom”, and they will not work for someone who is married or already really loves another woman.

Option for women more experienced in matters of magic

Prisukha from a photo is essentially the same love spell from a photograph, only it works a little differently.

Let's start with the fact that dryness, or as it is also called - dryness, is a series of certain actions designed to cause, firstly, melancholy, and only then love, plus sexual attraction of the object. It is perfect for both young couples and married couples. It refreshes relationships, bringing back their newness and awe. Also, dryness can cause increased attention from your chosen one or chosen one and a slight attraction to you. Then everything depends on how your relationship will develop.

Dryness has its roots deep in history. In the old days (there was no photo code), this ritual was carried out with the help of personal belongings - the bindings of the person being bewitched, but today everything is much simpler - there is a photograph. Believe me, the image of a person is a direct imprint of his energy, through which you can influence his subtle world, in order to evoke reciprocal feelings.
Let's take a closer look at how to dry using a photo.
How to make a dry spell from a photograph
For dryness you will need:

Photo of the person you want to dry
Your photo
Red wool threads
New gypsy needle (we buy it on Wednesday - this is important)
Two red thin candles
A piece of brocade (small to wrap your photos);

When to do it dry?

In order to make a dry spell from a photo, you need to wait until the moon begins to rise.
On the third lunar day after sunset, you can begin your work.
Stay home alone. No one should disturb you; try to remove animals, especially dogs, for a while; cats are not a hindrance. Turn off phones and all appliances in the house. Let your hair down and remove your jewelry.

Remember, no one should bother you or embarrass you.
Lay a piece of brocade on the table, take two candles and twist them into one, place them on a candlestick or saucer, and light them. One candle will identify the object of dryness, the other you.
Now you need to thread the red thread into a pre-purchased needle, thread it twice. Now take your photos, place them facing each other and start stitching them together, clockwise, while reading the plot below.
Drying from the photo - text of the plot:

"I don't stitch together photographs,
I sew slave (name) to myself (your name),
Let him walk my paths
My thresholds
He looks at me - he can’t stop looking at me,
He breathes on me - he can’t breathe enough of me,
Let the slave (name) grieve - grieving like a mortal!
Plagued by ardent suffering!
From now on, I am both a clear moon and a red sun for him!
Until the thread breaks, slave (name) is with me (your name)
It won't go away!
Just as I sewed it, I dried it!
Let it be so! From now on and forever!"

When you have sewn everything in a circle, tie the thread into three knots, reading for each knot:

Dried it!
I sewed it on!
I'm done!

Then wrap the photographs in a piece of brocade and place them under your pillow until the full moon, and then put them away where no one will find them. You can't bury it! As I mentioned above, everything will depend only on you on how you behave.

How long does it take for dryness to take effect?

The dryness from photography will begin to take effect within a month, but if you are already an established couple and are doing it to stir up feelings, it will manifest itself much earlier. Don’t worry, dryness does not have negative consequences, it is safe. In addition, its drying effect can be easily neutralized by simply cutting the thread and separating the photo.

Agree, every person wants to be loved. After all, without love we are not able to build our lives the way the Creator intended. So don’t sit idly by, take action!

How long will the relationship last after drying?

The dryness in the photo does not last forever. Information memory begins to be erased from the photo and the magic begins to weaken. If you resorted to photo-drying at home to speed up your wedding or ID common feelings, then there is nothing terrible in the disappearance of the conspiracy. During this period, most men go through all the stages of love and passion and get used to their woman as to their own person. Drying can be repeated once or twice a year.

Will it work out or not?

It often happens that targeting a guy from a photo from a distance simply doesn’t work. There are many explanations for this:

It was dried before you;

He has genuine sincere love;
He wears a strong amulet;
Your thoughts are not pure and are directed towards revenge, not love;
You won’t be nice by force, and the guy didn’t feel anything for you that could flare up with passion with the help of a photo.

One way or another, is it worth getting angry and offended by these “Buts”, because there’s more to come? whole life and, most likely, fate has prepared for you best gift than someone you simply can’t be with

To strengthen relationships, love and physiological attraction, a love spell or sugar spell is usually used. But in what case exactly should a love spell be used, and in what case should a dry spell be used? And how not to make a mistake in choosing a method of strengthening relationships? Before you begin the rituals, you need to arm yourself with knowledge of what is the difference between a love spell and a love spell.

You need to use a love spell if you want a person to love you.

Differences between love spells

In my magical practice, there have often been cases when mostly women, but also men, came in tears, asking to return their love to them, to restore their intact family. But there is no magical ritual that would influence the mind and emotions of a person, which can make a person turn around and leave the one to whom he was bewitched. influenced the human mind negative energy, which destroys his will. And the more you try to bombard a person with conspiracies, the stronger man will look like a zombie and is unlikely to live long. A person loses free will.

Let's consider what a love spell is - a strong energetically magical action aimed at the psyche and emotional condition a certain person. You need to use a love spell if you want a person to love you, or if you want him to return to your family. Before you decide to perform a ritual, you should think carefully about whether you really need this person so much that you are ready to resort to magic. Weigh all the pros and cons, remember that the ritual will not be without consequences, both for you and for your lover.

Differences in drying

If your lover had to go somewhere, or you are simply afraid that he might have an affair at work, then a dryer is what you need. The person on whom the desiccation was applied will not be able to live without you. All his thoughts will be directed only at you, and if he is not with you, he will begin to fade, get sick and miss you. He won't last long in this state. As soon as he returns to you, the person will immediately feel better, he will stop getting sick and will feel better, as if you are his oasis in the desert. But remember that the person who has been put under a love spell does not experience sincere feelings, his thoughts will be about you, but everything that is done against the will of the person mainly brings him harm. If a person initially does not have any warm feelings and emotions for your person, a sugar spell will not work the same way as a love spell. A person will be attracted to you, but there is no guarantee that a person's attraction will develop into true, sincere love.

Do not confuse love spell and dry spell. Usually, when performing such rituals, people believe that love spells and love spells are not much different from each other, which leads to almost irreversible mistakes. You need to be extremely careful, clearly know your goal, know possible consequences love spells and drying spells, and not allow even the slightest mistakes.

Usually they dry a person if he has offended. They no longer dry for the purpose of love or attraction, but for the sake of the suffering of another person.

If you suspect that your loved one has been cheated, you should pay attention to his behavior.

Suggested signs of drying out:

  • your loved one stopped paying attention to you and your words;
  • he has an absent, sickly appearance;
  • often quarrels with you;
  • loss of interest in you, everything that concerns you;
  • loss of meaning in life.

Do not confuse love spell and drying spell

How to determine whether a love spell is on you or a love spell

Usually, if a person has any magical effect, he does not even have the thought of checking whether his fears are true. If such thoughts come to your mind, you can remember your behavior and thoughts, analyze your thoughts and actions. If you began to behave rudely towards a previously close person, do not listen to him and quarrel all the time, and your thoughts are occupied with a completely different person - you are probably influenced by magic.

A love spell is on you if:

  • you suddenly developed a crush on someone you hadn’t even noticed before;
  • as you already know, you have become irritable;
  • you don’t want to be close to someone you previously loved;
  • disagreements have appeared in your family, the former understanding has disappeared;
  • in the end, you divorced your loved one and left for someone else.

You have been dried out if you notice:

  • the person who previously attracted you is of no interest to you;
  • you want to be close to the person who attracts you physiologically all the time;
  • you are literally drying up, you have lost sleep and appetite;
  • Features of rituals for drying and love spells

How to make a love spell

You can perform love spell rituals yourself, without the help of a magician. You must be focused on your goal, clearly imagine what you want. You should not tell anyone that you are going to perform, are performing or have performed a love spell ritual. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon in complete solitude. Focus on the result. After performing the ritual, immediately try to forget that you performed it and live as if the desired result has already happened. Don't forget about rituals to protect against rollback.

How to do drying

The drying ritual is an element of black magic and in this it is no different from a love spell, so the help of an experienced magician is recommended. But you can also do it yourself if you are confident that you can do everything correctly. Drying is carried out using various objects and even in the weather.

If during drying you are not focused on the goal, if you are distracted, then the effect of drying will fall on you. Drying made with an admixture negative emotions or offense against a person is tantamount to damage. Do not forget, the slightest mistake and damage will be on you. In no case do not forget about rituals to protect against reverse negative effects, which, if you try to remove the drying or perform incorrect actions when applying the drying, will hit you. It is best if you turn to a magician for help so that there is no trouble. A person who tried to cast a spell and did not succeed, having cast a spell on himself, begins to suffer severely and painfully for a long time. Most often these are heart diseases and psychological diseases. Doctors here are unlikely to help you, just to muffle the symptoms of illness a little. Only an experienced light magician who has never practiced and is not involved in love spells or drying, casting damage and similar kind of black magic can remove damage from you.

The drying ritual is an element of black magic

Examples of rituals

Ritual for drying to the wind. It is recommended to carry out the ritual in a well-ventilated room or on the street, in places where there are no people and the wind is blowing. Your task is to conjure a wind that will blow on the person, blowing it towards you, causing the person to cling to you and pine for you.

A plot to dry out using new socks brought as a gift.

Buying socks that you will talk about and end up giving to a person, which is main goal your ritual, there should be no one in the store except you and the seller. When paying the seller for socks, say to yourself

“I’ll buy socks and tame (person’s name).”

When you get home, turn your socks inside out and embroider a small cross on each of them using threads of the same color as the socks. Then turn your socks inside out, place them on your palms and concentrate on the person you are going to dry. Imagine the desired effect that ultimately affects the person. Then give him these socks.

Love spell ritual using a broom. Take an old, reused broom. Take out two twigs from it, representing the object of your love. Clearly set yourself the purpose for which you are resorting to this ritual. Imagine how your lover began to love you too, how you live happily with him. After that, read the prayer “Our Father” twelve times on the twigs, and at midnight, place the twigs on the threshold of your beloved’s house so that in the morning he will step over or step on them.