Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, malfunctions and their elimination. How to adjust plastic windows yourself Winter ventilation of plastic windows adjustment

How to prepare plastic windows for winter?

How to prepare plastic windows for winter?

Metal-plastic profiles – perfect solution for glazing of residential and premises. They perfectly protect the room from heat leakage, street noise, drafts and dust and have significant advantages over conventional wooden frames. Quality product can last 15-20 years without problems.

To avoid unforeseen inconveniences during operation, the PVC structure must be periodically maintained, namely: promptly switch to winter and summer mode. The main topic of our article is preparing plastic windows for the winter season. We assure you: it is not at all difficult and anyone can do it if you follow the list of recommendations below.

Let's start with cleaning

The first thing you need to do is wash the window thoroughly. This means not only double-glazed windows, but also profiles, window sills, and plastic-lined slopes. We strongly do not recommend using caustic or abrasive detergents! They can damage the plastic coating, leaving unsightly streaks of a darker or yellowish color on it. Clean with soft cleaning gels.

For safety reasons, you should not use a steel wool to remove dirt - it will probably scratch the plastic and its aesthetic appearance will deteriorate. You will need a soft flannel cloth, rags or sponge. It is worth washing not only the inside, but, if possible, the outside as well.

Pay special attention to the drainage channel. You can get rid of debris or debris stuck there by carefully using a regular toothpick. This will prevent water from stagnating in the drains and obstructing the movement of window sashes. To windows pvc in winter served without problems, it is also necessary:

And a little more about seals. They must be periodically lubricated with special lubricant or technical petroleum jelly. Timely care will help avoid drying out and freezing. But a preliminary inspection revealed wear and tear - don’t worry: replacing the seal is easy to do yourself.

Select the required option at construction market and install, after removing the old one (using a flat-head screwdriver). It is advisable to treat the seat with lubricant. Afterwards, the entire area of ​​the seal is covered with it.

Setting up window fittings for winter

Before the cold weather approaches, it is necessary to adjust the window fittings: the frame should be pressed more tightly against the double-glazed window: this is the only way to eliminate drafts. To perform the action you will need a hex wrench. If you don't know how to adjust the fittings, use our tips.

  • The horizontal sides are adjustable by panels at the bottom and top. Take a closer look: they have a special hole for a hex key.
  • The top panel is adjusted when the window is open. Raising the edge is done by rotating the key to the right.
  • If the window is on the ground floor and can be reached from the outside, you will not have to open the sash. A loop located at the bottom allows you to adjust the vertical sides. To get to the hex hole, first remove the protective cap.
  • To increase the pressing force of the profile frame, you need to monitor the eccentrics. To do this, turn them to the right. The guide will be specially applied marks that determine the pressing force. Attention! If the mark is turned towards the seal, the pressure is strong. Often the eccentric is turned with ordinary pliers.
  • In the places where the loops go, there are devices responsible for the clamping force. How to recognize it? That's why the tongue protrudes so much. The longer, the stronger the pressure of the frame against the window. Measurements are usually made with a hex wrench.
  • Under no circumstances apply strong pressure to the tongue! This will inevitably lead to rapid wear and complete failure of the window seal.
  • Do not neglect adjusting the hinges when switching the PVC structure to winter mode. Please note: most manufacturers have provided a protective cap on the bottom hinge that can be removed. After this, a special bolt is screwed in.

If you have carried out these manipulations, the adjustment of plastic windows for winter is completed. Everything is quite simple: the main thing is to be careful and consistent. But it also happens: everything is done correctly, but the window still does not retain heat well, and a draft penetrates into the room. Why this happens and how to correct the situation - we will tell you further.

Preparing plastic windows for winter: how to retain maximum heat?

Does the PVC profile retain heat poorly, let noise through, and does condensation accumulate on the glass unit? A depressurization has occurred that requires immediate intervention. The most common causes of the problem:

  • Shrinkage of the walls occurred after the plastic windows were installed. Solving the problem is easy - just adjust the fittings.
  • The seal has outlived its useful life. The replacement we wrote about above will help here.
  • The junction of the slope and the frame is not airtight. You will have to remove the slopes, insulate them and install them back. If you do not have enough experience to carry out this manipulation, invite a specialist.

Single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows in extreme cold require additional insulation. It can be produced using film, preferably frost-resistant. For high-quality insulation you need to know that:

  • Pasting the film indoors, not outside outside windows are the most efficient and energy saving.
  • When gluing the film, control the uniformity and tension force. If this is not done, breakthroughs may occur.
  • There is no need to replace the film for minor damage. Carefully seal the breaks with tape.
  • The best option– frost-resistant film (has high density and a characteristic yellowish tint). We do not recommend buying it on the market. It makes more sense to visit a large one hardware store, selling certified products from trusted manufacturers.
  • At the same time durable and quite decorative, greenhouse film is used for gluing the window on the side of the room. And also - it is durable.
  • Do not use for fixing construction stapler or push pins! They tear the material. All you need is tape.

IN Lately Eco-friendly and reliable PVC insulation is used. It is resistant to deformation and severe frosts. We hope we have comprehensively talked about how to prepare euro windows for winter and have been useful. Good luck!

The Russian climate is characterized by sharp temperature changes in the cold and warm seasons. The difference between summer highs and winter lows is tens of degrees. Plastic windows can be used at temperatures from −40 °C to 60 °C, so residents of most regions of our country do not have to worry about the ability of the window to withstand winter frost or summer heat. However, consumers must properly care for their windows to ensure they effectively protect the room from too low or too high temperatures.

Having prepared your window for winter, you can enjoy
comfort and warmth

Why prepare your window for winter?

Plastic windows require maintenance regardless of the time of year. For example, keeping windows clean is not just a matter of aesthetics and hygiene. By promptly removing dirt from windows, you prevent solid dirt particles from damaging the profile and glass. Therefore, the first step in preparing for winter is washing the windows.

Plastic translucent structures are mechanical systems, the mobility of which is ensured by fittings. Cleaning, lubricating and adjusting the fittings is the second stage of preparing windows for the cold season.

The thermal insulation properties of a window depend on the tightness of the sashes to the frame. Therefore, before winter it is necessary to clean the rubber seals, check their integrity and lubricate them with a suitable product. This is the third stage of preparing translucent structures for winter.

How to properly wash plastic windows before winter

Start preparing for winter by removing the mosquito net. Wash it under running water in the bathroom and clean it until spring.

If you have a window with a ventilation valve, close it during cold weather. However, do not forget about the need to regularly ventilate the room even in frosty weather. This is necessary to prevent the formation of condensation.

Drainage holes required

To clean plastic windows, you must use microfiber cloths and soft detergents. Never use sponges with an abrasive layer, as they damage plastic and glass.

The detergent should not contain abrasive particles or chlorine. Also, do not use old newspapers to clean glass. They leave invisible scratches on the surface. Use a soap solution made with dishwashing detergent to clean the window.

Be sure to remove dirt from the drainage holes. They ensure the removal of moisture from the window, which prevents it from fogging and freezing. You can clean the drainage hole with a match or toothpick.

Be sure to wash the rubber seals with soapy water. Do not allow dirt and dust to remain between the seal and the profile. They can usually be easily removed with a damp cloth.

How to insulate plastic windows: deal with fittings

The fittings ensure the mobility of windows, as well as fixing the sashes in the desired position. Elements of fittings need to be cleaned from dirt and dust, as well as the application of protective lubricant. The fittings can be washed with a soap solution without abrasive particles and a soft cloth. Do not use for cleaning metal parts window treatments containing harsh chemicals.

After cleaning, wipe the fittings with a dry cloth and lubricate the moving parts machine oil. You can also use silicone oil or petroleum jelly.

The degree of fit depends on the position

Now you need to adjust the fittings.

The degree of fit of the sash to the frame is adjusted using eccentrics or locking pins. They can provide strong, standard or medium pressure (see diagram).

In winter, it is necessary to adjust the trunnions in such a way that they provide maximum pressure on the sash. To do this, take a hex key and install the eccentric in the position indicated in the diagram. The loose fit mode should be used in the summer, while the standard fit is suitable for the off-season.

If you cannot install the eccentric in the desired position, contact the specialists who installed your window. Also call a professional if completely closed design obviously leaks air. This problem can usually be resolved by adjusting the hardware.

What to do with the seal

The seal needs to be washed
and lubricate

It was noted above that rubber seals ensure a tight fit of the sash to the frame. The consumer must ensure that the seal is clean and free of cracks and holes.

The seal is cleaned using a soft cloth and soap solution at the same time as washing the profile and glass unit.
After this, the seal must be wiped with a dry cloth and lubricated. Silicone oil should be used as a lubricant. It protects the rubber from cracking.

What else you need to know

Consumers also have other questions in the context of using plastic windows in cold period. The most common ones include the following:

Why do plastic windows leak in winter?

A plastic window can leak in two cases. Firstly, this is due to a violation of installation technology. If the installer did not ensure tightness assembly seams, the window will leak in the literal sense of the word. To eliminate this shortcoming, you need to contact the company that installed your window.

Secondly, consumers often talk about window leaks when in fact we're talking about about the formation of condensation. Moisture condenses on windows due to the large temperature difference between the glass and the air in the room. This happens when you choose the wrong glass unit, which does not provide sufficient thermal insulation. Moreover, a similar situation arises if warm air from the heating radiator does not reach the window due to the window sills being too wide. IN similar situations Consider replacing the window and/or sill.

Moisture condensation on windows also occurs due to high humidity in room. To solve this problem, ventilate the room several times a day.

Is it possible to install windows in winter?

During the cold season, the demand for plastic windows decreases. Window companies offer discounts to customers to compensate for forced downtime. Many consumers do not take advantage of this opportunity, believing that high-quality installation possible only in the warm season.

In fact, windows can be installed at temperatures down to −15 °C. In this case, specialists must use “winter” polyurethane foam, and also heat the insulating tapes to operating temperatures. The question remains of the temperature drop in the room in which the installation is being carried out. Indeed, the room remains without a window for several tens of minutes. If you have the opportunity to temporarily stay in a neighboring room, you don’t have to put off installing windows until spring. And if you live in one-room apartment, and even with a small child, it’s better to postpone installation work.

By the way, installing a plastic window in winter allows you to immediately identify and eliminate all shortcomings of the installation work. In the cold season, any draft indicating leaky seams will not go unnoticed.

You can quickly prepare your window for winter

If you have a suitable quality window, the installation work was carried out in compliance with technology, and the fittings were adjusted by professionals, then preparing for winter will not take you much time. It is enough to remove mosquito net, close ventilation valve, wash the window, lubricate the fittings and seals. After this, adjust the eccentrics to the maximum fit mode. Now you can brew tea and enjoy the comfort and warmth.

When purchasing plastic windows, always pay attention to whether the structure has a winter mode. Window installations from the Rehau company have been using such functions in production for a long time.

It is worth noting that not all windows can be switched to summer-autumn modes. This is typical for more expensive models that have not only opening and closing functions. Rehau windows just belong to this category of these products.

What are modes for?

In winter, windows should perform the function of retaining heat in the room. This is very important, because not all models are resistant to strong temperature drops. In summer, it is important that dust and dirt from the street do not enter the room, and that there is also access to fresh air.

To find out whether your window structure is equipped with such functions, you need to inspect it. There should be a hole on the side of the sash, it is located on the trunnion.

Windows must be switched to winter mode in the following cases:

  • if air begins to flow through the window, or the window is not resistant to cold temperatures in normal mode;
  • if the window density cannot keep air out;
  • The room temperature has become too low.

Windows from the manufacturer Rehau are quite easy to switch to winter mode; you just need to follow the instructions. First, you need to completely clean the window of dirt, especially the fittings. Cleaning can be done using a special brush.

If the lubricant on structural parts is outdated, replace it. This will significantly speed up the process and help you adjust the mode as accurately as possible. Then, start adjusting the necessary flaps. Find all the necessary pins on it (their number depends on the size of the window).

In order for the seal to press correctly, it is necessary to move all the levers. It is worth carefully inspecting all the trunnions, as modes may be marked on them. To turn the trunnions, use a screwdriver and pliers, or a hexagon. Turn each lever as far as possible.

To check if the operations were performed correctly, close the window. If the closing becomes tight, then the function is set. Try inserting a sheet of paper between the sash and frame. If the sheet was then pulled out without special effort, something was done incorrectly.

It is best to check the availability of modes immediately before purchasing windows. Then you will be advised on all issues and given a couple of tips on setting up functions.

Adjusting windows. Switching fittings to winter mode:

Since PVC windows appeared in most houses, the life of their inhabitants has become more comfortable, and winters are much easier to endure. Plastic windows are very durable, reliable and last a long time, but they sometimes require maintenance and repair. To ensure that windows do not let you down in the cold season, conserve heat and protect the house from drafts, a number of preparatory measures should be carried out in advance. Only they can ensure the correct functioning of your window in winter. Photo and video illustrations are presented below.

Cleansing of accumulated dirt, routine care before the season change

  • The first thing you need to do when preparing your windows for winter is to wash them well. Double-glazed windows, profiles, window sills, slopes, if they are finished with plastic - nothing should be left unattended. To remove dirt, use non-caustic detergents, soft sponges, and rags. It is necessary to wash not only the inside, but also the outside. After opening the window, you should also clean the drainage channels; a sharp object, such as a toothpick, will do for this. If the window is well cleaned, then in the autumn-winter period the water will not linger in the drains, but will flow out freely. The window sashes will be able to move freely without encountering any obstacles along the way.
  • You also can’t ignore moving elements. window fittings. Most of the pollution accumulates in those places where the pressure rollers are located. Because of this, they cannot function smoothly. It is more convenient to remove dust and old grease here using a hard brush.
  • Once the window has been completely cleaned, including hard to reach places, begin to lubricate all its mechanisms. For these purposes, imported silicone grease is preferable. It is not only thicker than domestic, but also lasts much longer. If it is too expensive, then from Russian analogues solid oil is quite suitable. Some people think that food products are suitable for these purposes. vegetable oils, but this opinion is deeply erroneous. When applied, these oils dry out very quickly and turn into a kind of sandpaper that can damage mechanisms in just a year. When lubricating the rollers, you must constantly turn the handle so that the lubricant has the opportunity to spread evenly over the entire surface of the moving contacting parts.
  • The next step is to check the condition of the seals. Caring for them should be approached with the greatest responsibility, because... It is the seals that most determine the “weather in the house.” If extraneous noises begin to penetrate into the room, they begin to sweat and become covered with ice, then this is a sure sign of its damage.

To extend the service life of the seal, it must be cleaned and lubricated periodically. Lubricate it with the same silicone grease or technical petroleum jelly along the entire length to prevent freezing and drying out. If, while inspecting the window before the onset of cold weather, you find that the seal has worn out, then it will have to be replaced. It is quite possible to do this yourself. To do this, purchase a sealant from the construction market, taking into account the shape of the seat, because it varies sometimes. Helping yourself with a flat-head screwdriver, carefully remove the worn material and place a new one in its place. To make your work easier seat treat with lubricant. Upon completion of the work on top, generously treat the entire sealant.

How to adjust windows for winter

As cold weather approaches, it becomes necessary to adjust the windows for the winter. It consists in pressing the frame more tightly to the window to eliminate drafts. This is done using a hex key.

Adjustment of the horizontal sides is done along the panels at the top and bottom. To make this possible in window hinges Sockets for a hex key are provided.

To adjust the top panel, the window must be kept open. To lift the edge opposite the hinge, the hex key should be rotated to the right. To lower - in left side.

If your window is located low and you have free access to it from the street side, then adjustments are made without opening the sash. In this way it is possible to move the frame by 2 mm, or eliminate the bevel by the same distance.

The loop located at the bottom makes it possible to adjust the vertical sides. To gain access to the hex hole, you need to remove the safety cap. To raise the window, you need to turn the key to the right; to lower it, you need to turn it to the left. The shift is also 2 mm.

When varying the pressing force horizontally or vertically, we must not forget that the eccentrics responsible for this are located along the entire edging of the frame at equal intervals. When you turn the handle, they each go behind their own clamping area.

To increase the pressing force of the frame, it is necessary for the eccentric to turn to the right, to decrease - to the left. Each eccentric has special marks that allow you to determine the clamping force. Thus, if the mark is turned in the direction of the seal, this means strong pressure, if in the direction of the street, therefore, the pressure is weakened.

Sometimes window eccentrics are designed in such a way that it is possible to turn them with ordinary pliers.

At the locations of the loops there are also devices that regulate the clamping force. It is recognized by the degree of protrusion of the tongue. The longer it is, the tighter the frame is pressed against the window. Its length is changed with a hex wrench.

To extend the tongue, the key must be turned to the left if the hinges are on the left. Therefore, when the hinges are on the right, the key should be turned to the right. It is best to press the frame tighter in winter and looser in summer. But when doing these manipulations before the arrival of winter, it is important not to overdo it, because... If you press the frame too hard, it will cause premature wear of the seal.

When preparing windows for winter, it is also worth adjusting the hinges and pressing them tighter. WITH bottom loop remove the special cap and turn the perpendicular bolt.

Adjusting the pressing force of the top hinge is only possible if there is a flap. Then it is installed for ventilation, making the hexagon accessible. When performing this operation, the window must be held, because it is fixed with a single hinge.

How to insulate windows in winter

If, after some time has passed after installing PVC windows, they begin to let in drafts and retain heat poorly, then you need to insulate the windows for the winter. But before that, it’s worth thinking about why the depressurization occurred. The most common causes and ways to eliminate them:

  • The rubber seal on the window is worn out. Then it should be replaced with a new one.
  • The junction of the frame and the slope was depressurized. To eliminate this drawback, you need to remove the slopes, insulate them, and install them back.
  • After installing the windows, the walls began to shrink. In this case, it is enough just to adjust the fittings.

It is possible to insulate plastic windows in winter using film. This method Although it is quite expensive, it is very effective. Most often, the film is applied from the street side, but sometimes this is also done from the room side. This option is the highest quality. The film is stretched over the entire area of ​​the frame and secured along its edges.

While doing this, you need to simultaneously control the strength and uniformity of tension. If in one of the areas the film is stretched more loosely, then when strong wind a breakthrough may occur. If this has already happened, then seal the torn area with tape so as not to change everything.

When choosing a film for window insulation, you should give preference to frost-resistant. The most suitable material for these purposes is recognized by its yellowish tone. It is best to refrain from going to the market and purchase it at a large hardware store. In order not to disturb the aesthetics appearance room, it is better to choose film designed for greenhouses. It is, of course, somewhat more expensive than a regular one, but it can last a very long time due to its resistance to low temperatures.

Attach the film to the edges of the frame regular tape. Sometimes they use buttons or a construction stapler, but in this case the frame will be damaged.

In addition to film, the use of PVC insulation is quite acceptable. This material is reliable and environmentally friendly, guarantees good thermal insulation. Such insulation materials are not afraid low temperatures and are not deformed. Their manufacturers guarantee that PVC windows will be reliably protected in winter.

Today you can find plastic windows in almost any home. But not everyone is familiar with the operational capabilities metal-plastic windows. Their characteristic feature remains that there is the possibility of switching to winter or summer modes. This feature is associated with the type of fittings used. Naturally, this function is not inherent to all PVC structures, but only to those in the installation of which modern fittings were used. Let's figure out how to configure it.

Setting plastic windows to winter mode

When it’s autumn outside and you feel that because of the closed PVC sashes window passes cold air, then this indicates that it is time to switch the window structure to “winter” mode. But you shouldn’t do this unless absolutely necessary. This is due to the fact that winter conditions greatly wear out rubber compressor. (and this is what the seal looks like for entrance doors self-adhesive, you can see) Also, do not tighten the eccentric too much. In this case, it can cause harm window frame. And to repair it, you will have to pay a tidy sum.

But you can find out what Roto anti-burglary fittings look like, and how exactly they are installed, from this

Before proceeding to direct adjustment, it is worth taking a number of simple but very important steps:

  1. Using a damp cloth, remove dust from all joints and connections at the end of the sashes. You also need to pay attention to the frame. Do not allow dirt to penetrate the internal window opening mechanisms and hinges.
  2. Using a brush with hard bristles, remove dirt and dust from the surface of the fittings. It is also worth learning more about how
  3. Remove dirt and used lubricant from the rubbing elements with a dry cloth.
  4. Replace seals if significant wear is observed. There is also
  5. Treat the adjusting screw to adjust the winter mode using a special silicone grease. You also have to pay attention to the hinges.

But how to adjust the pressure of a plastic window, and how to do all the work yourself, is indicated

When all the preparatory measures have been completed, you can proceed directly to the actual adjustment of the winter regime. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Find the place where the pins are located. The number of eccentrics is determined taking into account the dimensions of the sash. Most often there are 3 of them. It is necessary to find all the trunnions, because when changing modes you will have to change the position of each.
  2. Since the previous lubricant had to be removed, a new one must be applied.
  3. Examine the condition of the axles. Find stripes or other markings on their surface that will display the operating mode of the window structure. If the trunnions have an oval shape, then it is necessary to pay attention to their position relative to the horizontal.
  4. Rotate each pin to the required position. In this case, this should be done using a hexagon or pliers.
  5. Check the correctness of the transition. To do this, you must first place a sheet of paper and then try to remove it from the closed window.

It may also be useful for you to learn more about and what tool is needed for this.

Video: switching fittings to winter mode and adjusting them

On video winter mode of plastic windows:

Some manufacturers PVC structures the trunnions are made recessed into the sash. Before turning them, you need to set them in the correct position and then push them in again. The manipulation is similar to that which involves moving the hands on a mechanical watch.

When switching to winter mode, the long line should be focused towards the street. And if there is an oval trunnion, then its location should be horizontal. Most people, even if PVC windows have a mode change, do not use this feature. And in vain, since this allows you to increase comfortable conditions living in a house.

In winter, a gap may form in the windows, through which cold air will leak into the room. But with the onset of heat, the compression will have to be loosened, otherwise it may damage the seal.

But what should be the fittings for plastic balcony doors, and how it can be installed. This will help you understand

How to switch to summer mode

The modes are used to ensure that the PVC window can adapt to the weather conditions that exist outside. If the cold has already receded, then there is no need to retain heat and save on heating. But this requires reliable protection from dust, noise. In addition, during the summer heat it is so important that the window does not allow hot air to pass through.

The presented functions of a plastic window must be carried out even in a state when all connections are relaxed. No cracks are formed, but there is no too tight pressing.

So, when it’s warm and comfortable outside the window, then it’s time to take care of switching the PVC window to summer mode. There are no difficulties here, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the following plan:

  1. Check the window to see what mode it is in.
  2. For the summer mode, a characteristic feature remains that there is a small gap between the doors. A thin sheet of paper fits perfectly there. It is also worth paying attention to what kind of
  3. Thus, the fittings are not pressed tightly against the seal and allows you to extend the life PVC operation window. The window really needs this kind of rest, and this applies even to the most modern and expensive designs.
  4. Next you will have to unscrew the hexagon to the minimum possible.
  5. Eccentric is special fastening, thanks to which it is possible to convert rotational motion into translational motion. It also weakens the seal. It should be concentrated as close to the street as possible. This way the seal can be loosened.
  6. You need to take a suitable wrench and simply unscrew the eccentric until it stops. It is extremely important to check that all eccentrics have switched to the new position.

But what kind of fittings are there for sliding doors? glass doors, and how it is installed, this will help you understand

Video: switching and installing plastic windows to summer mode

Video showing the transfer of plastic windows to summer mode:

It is believed that the summer mode is the most gentle for PVC windows. There is no need to worry about the fact that air will pass through the gap formed, dust or hot air will actively warm up the room. Window design will perfectly perform the assigned tasks without extreme tight compression.

Here is what the fittings for maco plastic windows look like, and how they are installed on the window.

The high popularity of PVC windows has led to the fact that almost every home has these structures. But installing windows alone is not enough. It is important to learn how to use them correctly. Only then can you create comfortable conditions in the house and at the same time extend the service life of the plastic window. Characteristic feature care lies in adjusting the winter and summer regime. This process does not require any difficulties, and you can set the appropriate mode in 10-15 minutes. But after this, you will be able to simultaneously create normal living conditions and at the same time extend the life of the window fittings.