Christmastide names for men January. Name days in January, Orthodox holidays in January

Female and male names (how to name boys and girls in December)

Name days in January:

1 – Boniface, Gregory, Ilya, Timofey.

2 – Anton, Daniil, Ivan, Ignatius.

3 – Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Procopius, Sergei, Feofan.

4 – Anastasia, Dmitry, Fedor, Fedosya.

5 – Vasily, David, Ivan, Makar, Naum, Nifont, Pavel, Theoktist.

6 – Evgenia, Innocent, Claudia, Nikolai, Sergei.

8 – Augusta, Agrippina, Alexander, Anfisa, Vasily, Gregory, Dmitry, Efim, Isaac, Konstantin, Leonid, Maria, Mikhail, Nicodemus, Nikolai.

9 – Antonina, Luka, Stepan, Tikhon, Fedor, Ferapont.

10 – Agafya, Alexander, Arkady, Vavila, David, Efim, Ignatius, Joseph, Leonid, Nikanor, Nicodemus, Nikolai, Peter, Simon, Theoktist, Yakov.

11 – Agrippina, Anna, Varvara, Benjamin, George, Evdokia, Euphrosyne, Ivan, Lavrenty, Mark, Markel, Matrona, Natalia, Theodosius.

12 – Anisya, Anton, Daniil, Irina, Lev, Makar, Maria, Fedora, Fedosya.

14 – Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Nikolai, Peter, Platon, Trofim, Fedot, Emilia, Yakov.

15 – Vasily, Gerasim, Kuzma, Mark, Modest, Peter, Seraphim, Sergei, Sylvester.

16 – Gordey, Irina.

17 – Alexander, Andronik, Archippus, Athanasius, Anisim, Aristarchus, Artemy, Athanasius, Denis, Efim, Karp, Clement, Kondraty, Luke, Mark, Nikanor, Nikolai, Pavel, Prokhor, Rodion, Semyon, Silouan, Stepan, Timofey, Trophim, Thaddeus, Theoktist, Philemon, Philip, Jacob.

18 – Apollinaria, Gregory, Eugenia, Joseph, Lukyan, Matvey, Micah, Roman, Semyon, Sergei, Tatyana, Thomas.

19 – Feofan.

20 – Athanasius, Vasily, Ivan, Paphnutius.

21 – Anton, Vasilisa, Victor, Vladimir, Dmitry, Georgy, Gregory, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ilya, Mikhail, Sidor, Feoktist, Julian.

22 – Antonina, Zakhar, Nikander, Pavel, Peter, Philip.

23 – Anatoly, Gregory, Zinovy, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Feofan.

24 – Vladimir, Mikhail, Nikolai, Stepan, Terenty, Fedor, Feodosius.

25 – Eupraxia, Makar, Peter, Savva, Tatyana.

26 – Athanasius, Maxim, Nicephorus, Nicodemus, Pakhom, Peter, Jacob.

27 – Agnia, Adam, Andrew, Aristarchus, Benjamin, David, Eremey, Ivan, Ilya, Joseph, Isaac, Makar, Mark, Moses, Nina, Pavel, Paphnutius, Savva, Sergei, Stepan.

28 – Varlam, Gabriel, Gerasim, Elena, Ivan, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Prokhor.

29 – Ivan, Maxim, Peter.

30 – Anton, Antonina, Victor, Georgy, Ivan, Pavel, Feodosius.

31 – Alexander, Afanasy, Vladimir, Dmitry, Evgeny, Emelyan, Ephraim, Hilarion, Kirill, Ksenia, Maxim, Maria, Mikhail, Nikolay, Sergey, Feodosia.

Church Orthodox holidays in January

Venerable Elijah of Pechersk

On the first day of the year, the church celebrates the memory of St. Elijah of Pechersk, nicknamed Chobotok. Ilya was a native of the city of Murom, and popular legend identified him with the famous hero Ilya Muromets, about whom Russian epics told.

The Savior was born during the reign of Emperor Augustus in the city of Bethlehem. During the census, everyone had to be in the place where his family originated. Arriving in Bethlehem, the Virgin Mary and the Righteous Joseph did not find any vacancies in hotels and stopped outside the city in a cave intended for keeping livestock. At midnight, the news of the birth of the Savior from the jubilant Angels came to the shepherds, who came to worship the God-Man. The holiday in honor of this event was established in apostolic times, but before the 4th century. it was connected with the celebration of Epiphany.

Having learned from the Magi about the birth of a new King, Herod ordered the killing of all babies under two years of age, hoping that among them would be the Infant of God, in whom he saw his rival.

On this day, according to the Old Testament law, the Lord accepted circumcision, established for all male infants as a sign of the Covenant of God with the forefather Abraham and his descendants.

On the same day, the memory of the Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia is celebrated.

Vasily lived in the 4th century and received an excellent education in Constantinople and Athens. Returning to Caesarea, he taught rhetoric, then was baptized and embarked on the path of ascetic life. Together with his friend Gregory the Theologian, he retired to the desert to devote his life to God. Subsequently, the saint was ordained a presbyter; during the reign of Emperor Valens, a supporter of the Arians, he became an archbishop and made great efforts to protect his flock from heresy. He compiled the rite of the Liturgy, wrote Conversations on the Sixth Day, on the Psalms, as well as a collection of monastic rules.

January 15 is the day of the repose (1883) and the second discovery of the relics (1991) of one of the most beloved Russian saints among the people -. Having taken monastic vows at the age of 27, the monk labored in the Sarov monastery or in the forest desert until the end of his life. For his feat of prayer, he was honored with repeated visits from the Queen of Heaven. The Monk Seraphim departed to the Lord during prayer in front of the icon Mother of God. The monk was glorified as a saint in 1903. After October revolution the relics of the saint disappeared and were discovered only in 1991, in the storerooms of the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, which was located in the building of the Kazan Cathedral in Leningrad.

January 17 – Council of 70 apostles of Christ, chosen by the Lord to preach the Gospel to the whole universe.

These apostles are commemorated separately throughout the year, and this holiday was established in order to show the equality of each of the seventy and thereby prevent disagreements in their veneration.

January 19 is celebrated - the twelfth holiday established in honor of the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River and in honor of the appearance during this event Holy Trinity. The Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove. The next day, the Council of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John is celebrated - the one who served the cause of the Baptism of Christ, laying his hand on the head of the Savior.

On January 24, we remember St. Theodosius the Great, who became the founder of cenobitic monasteries. He was born at the end of the 5th century. in Cappadocia. The saint lived for about 30 years in the Palestinian desert, remaining in fasting and prayer. Those who wanted to live under his leadership constantly came to him; as a result, a communal monastery, or Lavra, arose, which existed according to the charter of Basil the Great.

The memory of the holy martyr Tatiana is celebrated on January 25. Tatiana, the daughter of the Roman consul, refused marriage, wanting to devote her life to the Lord. She was installed as a deaconess in one of the Roman temples and served God, caring for the sick and helping those in need. During the reign of Emperor Alexander Severus (between 222 and 235), Tatiana accepted martyrdom for Christ, refusing to sacrifice to the pagan gods and enduring terrible torture.

On January 27, the church remembers the enlightener of Georgia. She was born around 280 in Cappadocia into a noble, pious family. One day Nina saw in a dream Holy Mother of God, Who gave her a cross made of grapevine and sent her with apostolic service to Iveria (Georgia). Nina came to Georgia in 319 and made a lot of efforts to educate this country - five years later Christianity was established in Georgia.

January 30 is the day of remembrance of the famous ascetic, founder of desert living, called the father of monasticism. Anthony was born in Egypt in 251. After the death of his parents, who instilled in him love for God and piety, he began an ascetic life. He had to fight with the most difficult temptations and attacks of evil spirits, but with God's help he overcame the tricks of the devil and went into the depths of the Thebaid desert to serve the Lord in complete solitude. The saint spent 85 years in desert solitude; his example was followed by many of those who wanted to spend their lives in ascetic deeds for the sake of the Lord.

From birth, every person is given a name. This word is not just what the child will be called, but also endows a person with character, strength and skills, and determines his destiny. In the old days, when giving a name to a child, parents consulted the Orthodox calendar of names. It describes which day the saint's name belongs to. The 2017 name day calendar will help future parents decide on the name of their unborn child, thereby predetermining their character and destiny. The name can bring happiness, luck and meaning to the unborn child. life path, if it is chosen correctly. In addition, each person can check whether his parents gave him the name accordingly.

Thanks to the calendar, you can find out what is the best name for children and when someone celebrates their name day.

Name day in January 2017

Children born in January 2017 fall under the influence of Capricorn; such people are distinguished by luck and intelligence. But there is also negative sides Capricorns - they can be cruel, even with close people, and they are self-centered, considering themselves more important than others. Children whose name day is in January 2017 of the Rooster will be leaders in life, thanks to optimism they will be able to solve any problems and achieve success in life, but this big influence will render the selected name.
January 1 is Aglaya's name day, which means “magnificent.” January 4 at Anastasia - resurrected, they have feminine power, but at the same time weak and tender. At Christmas it is better to name a girl Eve or Mary. January 25 at Tatiana's. Also in January the name day of the owner of the names is celebrated:

  • Claudia - 6th
  • Ulyana - 3rd
  • Evgenia - 6th
  • Nina - 9th
  • Irina - 12th
  • Theodora - 4th
  • Vasilisa - 21st
  • Agnia - 27th

It is not advisable to call her Zhanna, Daria and Catherine, these names will give masculine character traits.
Boys born in January should have strong and confident names. The most successful choice would be the names Alexander and Alexey. Good choice the names will be Ivan and Anton on January 2, Peter and Mikhail on January 3, Pavel on January 5, Ilya, Evgeny, Victor and Grigory. It is advisable not to give the names Anatoly, Igor and Dmitry.

Name day in February 2017

Those who will be born in February 2017 are under the sign of Aquarius. Such children are quite calm, easily find friends and are lucky in strong relationships. family relationships. The character will largely determine the name of the future baby. Kids with a name day in February 2017 will strive for a huge number of friends, however, they may have selfishness, but this character trait will not be the main one in all areas of life. You should not give the names of friends or famous personalities With tragic fate, the child can take it upon himself.
Mark and Fedor celebrate their name days on February 1, Timofey and Ivan on February 4. February 7 Dmitry, Georgy, Vitaly. Also this month people with the adverb celebrate their name day:

  • Arseny - February 1, February 19, February 28
  • Pavel - February 2, February 6, February 16, February 28
  • Victor - 13th
  • Prokhor - 23rd
  • Peter - 1st, 4th, 7th, 9th, 12th, 17th, 20th-23rd and 28th
  • Stepan - 7th
  • Ivan - 3-6, 8, 9, 11-13, 16-17, 19, 22-23, 26, 28
  • Vladimir – 5th, 7th, 10th, 12th, 16th, 26th
  • Konstantin - 11th and 27th
  • Kirill - 17th, 27th

For girls, names should be consonant and beautiful, such as double names such as Alexandra, Victoria.

Also name day for:

  • Anastasy - 3 numbers
  • Agniy - 3 numbers
  • Evdokii - 5th
  • Kseniy - 6th
  • Pelageya - 12th
  • Vasilis - 18th


Children born in March 2017 are under the sign of Pisces. They are smart in learning, such children are interested in everything new and unknown. Such children are creative, a little weak physically in childhood, and their character may weaken as they grow up, so for the future child you need to find a name that will give extra strength and strength of character. People with a name day in March 2017 will have a lot of loyal comrades, but due to their nature they are stubborn, which will negatively affect relationships with people.
Female names that will give toughness of character:

  • Nika - 23rd
  • Kira - 12th
  • Maria - 1st, 20th
  • Galina - 23rd
  • Marianna - 1st
  • Marina - 12th
  • Marfa - 16th
  • Antonina - 14th, 20th

IN Lately The name Anastasia is popular, and Elizabeth is gaining popularity.

According to the Orthodox calendar, girls can be called like this wonderful names- Evdokia and Vasilisa.
Male names mean strength and tenacity of character:

  • Pavel - 1, 2, 5, 6, 16, 20, 23, 29-30
  • Vyacheslav - 17th
  • Yaroslav - 4th
  • Mikhail - 1, 6, 7, 11,14
  • Denis - 4th, 23rd, 28th-29th
  • Konstantin - 5.18-19, 25th
  • David - 4.18th
  • Semyon - 25th
  • Victor - 2, 6, 23, 30
  • Nikolay - 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26
  • Philip - 4th, 6th

Also popular adverbs in March are Alexander and Maxim.


A child born in April 2017 is under the sign of Aries. Such people have a gentle character and will be very drawn to communicate with peers and older people. The name for such a child is chosen to be courageous and strong, this will help the child to be stronger character and let me deal with it life problems. Due to their soft nature, children with a name day in April 2017 may be withdrawn, which is something parents should pay attention to.
For men, a rigid name is selected based on meaning, for example:

  • Vadim - 22nd
  • Herman - 2nd
  • Efim – 14-15, 24th
  • Yakov – 3, 6, 19, 23-24 numbers
  • Maxim – 2, 23rd
  • Nikita – 2, 16-17th
  • Kirill – 3rd, 11th
  • Mikhail - 11th, 29th-30th

For women, names should be soft and at the same time strong:

  • Daria – 1st, 4th
  • Svetlana – 2nd
  • Vasilisa – 4th, 28th-29th
  • Lydia – 5th
  • Taisiya - 4 numbers
  • Ulyana - 2nd

It is not advisable to give children born in April some names, as they can make the child weaker or more withdrawn; these are names such as George, Mark, Konstantin, Galina and Daria, Anna and Larisa.

May and June

Future children who will be born in May 2017 are under the sign of Taurus, such people will strive for power and control, they will become bosses, such people are talented, and such a child must be given room for creativity. Taurus are very principled, this trait can negatively affect relationships with loved ones. The name for such children should symbolize gentleness, kindness, this will balance the harsh character. People whose name day is in May 2017 strive to achieve their goal by any means, sometimes this can offend loved ones.
Boys should be called by soft and kind names:

  • Ivan - 1-2, 4, 6, 9-10, 12-17, 19-21, 25, 27
  • Vitaly - 5th, 11th
  • Anatoly - 6th
  • Victor – 1st, 2nd
  • Alexey – 4th, 7th
  • George – 2, 6, 10, 26, 29
  • Nikita – 13th, 17th, 27th
  • Stepan - 9-10, 20, 30

The name for a girl symbolizes beauty and kindness:

  • Alexandra - 6, 31st
  • Christina - 31st
  • Tamara - 1st, 14th
  • Elizabeth - 7th
  • Faina - 31st
  • Zoya - 15th
  • Julia - 31st
  • Irina - 18th, 26th

Children born in June 2017 are under the auspices of Gemini. Such children will be very exciting and inquisitive, creative and sophisticated. They will have good luck in life, but not because of the blessings of fate, but with the help of strength of character. Also among the negative traits is that the person will be indecisive and shy, parents need to take care of this. People with a name day in June 2017 are characterized by frivolity and frivolity, therefore, when choosing names, you need to strive for the name to be strong, unshakable and wise. Such names will make the child’s character stronger and help him decisively overcome difficulties in life.
The following names will give men confidence and determination:

  • Kirill - 3, 22, 30 numbers
  • Yaroslav - 3rd
  • Vasily - 1, 5, 10, 12, 14, 20-21, 23rd
  • Arseny - 25th
  • Vladimir – 2, 4, 20, 27 numbers
  • Ignat – 1st, 5th, 10th, 20th, 23rd
  • Anton - 1st
  • Stepan – 6th, 20th, 25th
  • Makar – 4th, 8th, 10th, 23rd
  • Andrey – 1, 5, 11, 23, 25-26
  • Dmitry – 1, 5, 10, 15-16, 18, 26
  • Timofey – 1st, 23rd, 25th

The following adverbs will help girls be stronger:

  • Antonina - 23rd, 26th
  • Sofia – 4th, 17th
  • Ulyana - 15th
  • Valeria - 20th
  • Maria – 5, 11, 15, 17, 20, 22, 24-25
  • Anna - 20, 23, 25-26 numbers

July and August

Children who will be born in July 2017 fall under the sign of Cancer. These children will be able to decide their own destiny and do only what is important to them. The disadvantages of such children are their capriciousness, they are annoying with their curiosity, and they can show selfishness and pride. Parents need to eliminate such character traits in their child; they can harm them in adulthood. Children whose name day is in July 2017 have a complex, capricious character; a correctly chosen name will help smooth out their character and help establish relationships with peers and loved ones. Cancers are passionate about family, so choosing the right name will help your child grow up to be a good mother or father.
Suitable names for girls:

  • Marina - 30th
  • Ulyana - 5th, 19th
  • Olga - 17th, 24th
  • Elena - 24th
  • Rimma - 3 numbers
  • Inna - 3rd
  • Veronica - 25th, 30th
  • Varvara - 18th
  • Angelina - 14th

All summer names have tenderness and positivity.
Suitable names for guys:

  • Victor - 1, 19th
  • Georgiy - 4, 9-10, 16-17, 23rd
  • Sergey – 1st, 11th, 18th, 20th
  • Gennady – 5th, 18th
  • Vladimir – 10th, 28th
  • Ivan – 2-4, 7, 9-11, 13-14, 16, 22, 25, 27, 29, 31
  • Mikhail - 13, 16-17, 22, 25th
  • Anton – 6, 7, 16, 19, 23, 26
  • Konstantin - 8th, 14th, 16th, 22nd, 27th
  • Nikita – 4th, 7th

Children whose birthday will be in August 2017 are under the auspices of Leo. Such a child will be kind and protect the weak. He will be surrounded by the love of others; many famous personalities were born in August. But such children can love themselves too much. The name he chooses can help him achieve success in life, muffle negative traits character, and help future well-being, but a poorly chosen name will prevent the child from finding happiness. A child whose name day is in August 2017 will strive to be the best in everything, academically, in camaraderie, in sports.
It's better to call guys:

  • Gregory - 1, 21-22, 31st
  • Ivan – 2, 3, 6, 9-10, 12-13, 15-18, 20, 22, 25-26, 31
  • Trofim - 5th
  • Leonty - 2, 14, 22 numbers
  • Alexey – 2, 4, 11, 17, 20, 22, 25-27, 30
  • Ignatius - 8th
  • Boris - 6th
  • Valentine - 12th
  • Jacob - 22, 25-26, 29th
  • Alexander - 2, 7, 11, 14, 20, 24-25, 27, 29
  • Nicholas - 2, 6-7, 9-11, 13, 16, 21, 25-27

And the girls:

  • Elizabeth - 13th
  • Evgenia - 1st
  • Praskovya - 8th
  • Anna - 3, 5, 7, 13, 29th
  • Maria – 4th, 18th, 22nd, 24th
  • Christina – 6th, 18th


Babies who will be born in September 2017 will fall under the protection of Virgos. Virgos are serious, such kids are inquisitive about the people around them, but such children can hold back their inner experiences, parents should be scrupulous with such a child. Virgos are reserved and unsure of their abilities. When choosing a name, you should pay attention to those that would give confidence and could liberate the child in communication. The name should be firm and confident in order to smooth out the softness in character. Children whose name day is in September 2017 are distinguished by their long perseverance; exact sciences will be easy for them.
Boys should be called with confident and strong names:

  • Ivan - 1, 4, 5, 7, 9-12, 15-17, 19-21, 23, 25, 27-28, 30
  • Makarom – 4, 10, 12, 19, 20, 28
  • Anatoly – 10th, 15th
  • Pavel - 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17, 23, 30
  • Arseny – 6, 10, 12 numbers
  • Denis – 10th, 19th
  • Jacob - 28th
  • Gregory - 10, 12, 17, 20, 22, 28-29
  • Stepan – 2, 9-10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 26, 28
  • Fedot – 15th, 28th

For girls, choose the following names:

  • Natalia – 8, 14th
  • Anna – 10th, 22nd
  • Elizabeth – 12th, 18th
  • Maria – 8th, 21st, 28th
  • Raisa - 18th
  • Vera - 30th
  • Angelina - 12th
  • Love - 30th
  • Evgeniya - 12th


Children born in October 2017 will be under the sign of Libra. Such a child in the future will be a family man, positive and purposeful. Libras set a goal on their path and clearly move towards it, but they are characterized by composure and prudence, in different situations these character traits can play both positive and negative roles. Parents need to explain to their children in what cases to be cold and calculating, and in what cases not to. When choosing a name for children with a name day in October 2017, you need to take into account that when choosing a name for a boy, the adverb should be strong-willed and confident, this will give the character strength and determination. For girls, it is worth choosing gentle names so that they soften the negative aspects of their character.
So, it’s better to call the guys:

  • Andrey - 4-7, 15, 23, 30, 31
  • Maxim – 8th, 22nd, 27th
  • Vladimir - 1st, 4th, 9th, 17th, 21st
  • Mikhail - 1, 3, 10, 13-15, 17, 27
  • Peter - 1, 4-6, 10, 13-17, 18, 21-22, 27th
  • Evgeniy - 8, 29th
  • Anton - 24th, 30th

And the girls:

  • Alexandra - 13th, 15th
  • Irina - 1st
  • Agniei – 4 numbers
  • Anna - 11th, 15th
  • Hope - 21st
  • Veronica - 17th


The child who will be born in November 2017 is under the sign of Scorpio. These people are realists by nature and check the advice of others. The nature of such children is calm and balanced, they are reasonable and serious. A child whose name day is in November 2017 may sometimes not listen to his parents, be capricious and deserve punishment. Scorpio can learn from their mistakes so as not to make them in the future. When choosing a name for such children, you should not take mundane names, as this name will make you lonely; it is recommended to choose romantic names that will add tenderness and romanticism to such people.
Name the boys

  • Leonid - November 1-2, 11-13
  • Alexey - November 3, 6, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23, 27
  • Evgeniy - November 11, 20, 24
  • Vladimir - November 3-5, 16, 25
  • Mikhail - November 1-2, 20-21, 23, 27, 29-30
  • Jacob - November 3, 5, 13-14
  • Sergei - November 1, 3, 9, 13-14, 16, 20, 27, 29
  • Dmitry - November 1, 3, 8, 10, 14, 22, 25, 27-29
  • Ivan - 1-6, 9-11, 13-14, 16-17, 20, 22, 23, 25-26, 29-30 November
  • Maxim - 4-5, 9-10, 12, 20 November
  • Andrey - November 9, 11
  • Mark - 8-9, November 12

And girls:

  • Pelageya – November 3
  • Victoria - November 6
  • Anastasia - November 11-12
  • Elizabeth - November 4, 14, 20
  • Neoniloy – November 10
  • Maria - November 11


Future children born in December 2017 will fall under the auspices of Sagittarius. Such children will always be restless and move a lot, but despite this, they have complex nature in communication with peers and they have conflicts with people. Also, such people are endowed with excessive emotionality and hot temper; they are freedom-loving and will not tolerate if something is forbidden to them. The name for a child with a name day in December 2017 should be chosen to be simple and soft; such a name will help them move towards success in their life, and will calm their character a little.
Suitable names for boys:

  • Nikolay - 1, 3, 8-12, 15-17, 19, 23-24, 26-27, 29-31
  • Ilya - 5th, 9th, 18th, 29th, 31st
  • Plato - 1st
  • Sergey - 2, 10-12, 15, 18, 20-21, 23, 30-31
  • George - 9th, 16th, 31st
  • Emelyan - 3, 24, 26 numbers
  • Arseny - 3, 26th
  • Makar - 29th
  • Peter - 2, 5, 8-9, 11, 20, 23-24, 29-30
  • Alexander - 2-3, 6-8, 17, 22-23, 25-26, 28-30
  • Arkady - 26th, 29th
  • Andrey - 8, 10-11, 13, 15-16

For girls:

  • Thekla - 3, 10, 23 numbers
  • Zoya - 31st
  • Marina - 29th
  • Anna - 3, 11, 22-23
  • Alexandra - 23rd
  • Evdokia - 23rd
  • Vera - 15th, 31st

From childhood to everyone little man is given its own given name. This name not only means the beauty of the letter syllables, but also gives a certain character to a person. It is not without reason that in ancient times, when naming a baby, parents always paid attention to the Orthodox calendar. It describes which day belongs to which name. The name day calendar for January 2017 is extensive and varied.

Name day in January 2017

Happy future parents who are expecting a new addition to their family in the near future are probably already thinking about what to name their future baby. It is important to choose a name that would bring only happiness, luck and meaning to the child in life.

Those who are expecting a name day in January 2017 will also be able to observe whether their parents named them accordingly? Is their naming consistent with church rites?

Let's consider who will celebrate women's name days in January 2017, and also men's name days in January 2017?

In January, the zodiac constellation will be ruled by Capricorn. This zodiac sign is very positive and influential. The zodiac constellation gives a certain obstinacy, pride and spontaneity to a person’s character. A lot of leaders come from Capricorn. Despite his strength of character, the representative of this zodiac constellation are very good people, reliable spouses and true friends.

If we take the names that children are given in January, then among them there are those that are completely unsuitable for this sign. For example, Dmitry, Anatoly and Egor are undesirable for boys. These names will give even more leadership to the little man. A certain bitchiness will appear in the boy’s character, which may not always have a favorable effect on life circumstances.

For girls, the names Daria, Ekaterina, Zhanna are undesirable. These names will give the female soul masculine character traits.

Name day in January 2017 The following people are noted who were given names from birth: Anastasia, Evgenia, Alexandra, Nina, Lyudmila, Tatyana, Lyubov, Natalya, Aglaya, Polina, Anisya, Ulyana. Among the male names we can identify the following: Victor, Efim, Pavel, Ivan, Daniil, Vladimir, Peter, Evgeniy, Arthur, Gregory.

Currently, there is a tendency to give babies unusual names, this is due to the modernity of life, as well as the revival of past traditions and rituals. Some of the most popular names remain: Naum, Fedor, Aglaya, Anisya.

What awaits people who celebrate their birthday in January? This month gives birth to proud people and leaders in life. Even women will have masculine character traits. The willpower inherent in these people will help them overcome the most difficult obstacles. But pride will not always benefit January birthday people. In some cases, due to their nature, they will be lonely and unloved by many. In terms of career, everything will be extremely wonderful for January people, especially if they work in senior positions.

But ordinary workers will also be respected hard workers, they will never shirk from work and will always help students in learning a labor specialty. You can always rely on January people, both in a friendly and personal sense. Such people will be faithful comrades and indispensable assistants in business. January spouses make the most wonderful ones. People who once create a family home will always protect and preserve it. People whose birthdays fall in January will make excellent fathers and the most caring and loving mothers.

For all parents, the birth of their long-awaited baby is a huge event, for which they usually prepare long before the child is born. Choosing a name for a newborn is not an easy task for modern parent. In the old days, choosing a name for a child was not difficult, because church book called Saints or Months, containing more than 1,700 names (mostly male), from which parents were asked to choose a name for their offspring, based on certain rules (see. Orthodox calendar of names for January 2017 below).

How to choose a name for a child according to the Saints

1. The name is chosen depending on the date of birth. The clergy have a book that lists names for boys and girls. These are the names of saints and great martyrs, after whom it is customary to name their children, so that they inherit his patronage from the saint (see January 2017).

2. It is customary to name a child on the eighth day from birth. This tradition has different interpretation, one of which is that in ancient times there was no such powerful medicine as is now available to us, and many children born weak could simply not survive the first week - the most crucial by the standards of that time.
3. If you were unable to choose a name from those proposed on the eighth day, then you can choose it on the fortieth day after the day the child is born - on the day when it is customary to baptize infants.
4. If you still couldn’t choose from the names listed, then you can review some names, looking ahead a few days - this practice is not forbidden by the church.

Female and male names in January 2017 according to the church calendar

What to name a child in January 2017

Names for boys, name meanings:
Timothy (“who worships God”), Ilya (“the fortress of the Lord”), Vladimir (“who rules the world”), Ivan (“the mercy of God”), Ignatius (“the unknown”), Vasily (“the king”), Naum (“the comforter "), Makar ("happy"), Leo ("king of beasts"), Dmitry ("related to Demeter"), Efim ("compassionate"), Joseph ("multiplying"), Emelyan ("sweet-voiced"), Anatoly ( "ascending"), Michael ("equal to God"), Nicholas ("conqueror of nations"), Nikanor ("who saw the victory"), Thaddeus ("gift of God"), Erast ("beloved"), Eugene ("noble") .

Names for girls, name meanings:
Anisia (“executive”), Irina/Arina (“peace”), Augusta (“sacred”), Vasilisa (“queen”), Maria (“bitter”).

Before you name your child after someone, read his biography. Through a name, a connection is formed between the bearer of the name and the one after whom this bearer was named. Many character traits and even life events can be repeated.
You should name your child wisely, choosing a first name that matches your middle name and last name. Choose a name that will sound harmonious.

Also see: January 2017.

The greatest joy for every person is the birth of a child. And then the problem arises - what to call it? In past times, parents were not particularly worried about this, because the child was named by the priest during the baby’s baptism, guided by the recommendations of Christmastide. IN modern world There is no such custom anymore; parents have to invent it themselves.

And sometimes they “come up with” such things that the registry office workers are only amazed and clutching their heads. The imagination of parents who want their already unique child to have a unique name is often off the charts. As a result, children are named after foreign pop stars, and that's the best case scenario. Sometimes a child is “awarded” with the name of some popular hero this moment series. And then a person must live under this nickname all his life.

There is a tradition of giving children names of relatives. This especially often happens if the child and the relative after whom they are going to name the baby were born in the same month. AND It will be easier to celebrate the name day in January 2017 - for two people at once!

It’s much easier not to invent something unclear, but to look at the calendar or Christmastide. And name the child after the patron saint of the day on which the baby was born. After all, there are wonderful, capacious and euphonious names for a child in Orthodox calendar so much!

What name days will we celebrate in January 2017? There are several patrons to choose from each day. If for some reason you don’t like the name, you can choose a suitable one in the next few days. When choosing what to name your child, you must take into account that January children grow up to be independent, hardworking and very kind.

Female names

On cold winter days you really want a little warmth. And what could warm you better than something that radiates light and love? female name! And in January, girls are usually called exactly that - warmly, affectionately and life-affirmingly. And also melodious and soft.

And on the first of January, as a magnificent gift for the beginning of the year, the girl who appeared is fully worthy of the name Aglaya. It means magnificent. What a shame that it has become so rare! But I highly recommend this name!

On the fourth of January, Anastasia celebrates her name day. It means “resurrected”. And in fact, in Russian folk tales It is Nastenka who turns out to be the strongest in spirit. She is like that in life too - seemingly weak and tender, but when it comes down to it, she shows the wonders of special feminine strength.
During the Christmas season, it is best to name the baby girl born Eva, because Eva is life! And Mary is the name of the Mother of God. A girl whose patron is the Mother of God will definitely find her happiness.

January 25 is Tatiana's Day, International Students' Day, it's wonderful when a girl's name is that!

And Claudia, Agafya, Ulyana, Evgeniya, Nina, Agrafena, Irina, Theodora, Anisiya, Vasilisa, Emilia will also celebrate.

But it’s better not to call your daughters Zhanna and Daria in January. They are more suitable for "summer" girls.

Male names

January is the month of Capricorn. Therefore, boys born under this sign are often strong, self-confident, and independent. There should be a name to match these characteristics.

What are men's name days in January 2017?

The most successful in this case are Alexander and Alexey. It is the same Greek name, meaning “protector and rescuer of people.” It can be given to a boy almost every month.

Also something so beautiful is becoming popular again Russian name- Ivan. It is also available in almost every month.

You can't go wrong by naming your boy Peter or Paul.

Good choices are also Ilya, Evgeniy, Victor, Grigory.

But Anatoly, Igor, Dmitry - it is better not to use for January boys. These are autumn names.

There are many names on Christmastide. And what you name your child will often determine his future fate. You can advise a lot of things, but you have to decide.