A powerful love spell on a personal item of the chosen one. Love spell for a thing

The article focuses only on real and effective conspiracies with which you need to be extremely careful, because they can have the opposite effect.

Love spell on something that cannot be removed at home

There is a very strong love spell, the effect of which cannot be removed at home. This kind of love spell is done in the presence of any thing of the person you want to bewitch and his photographs. In addition, you need to have one more candle.

To perform a ritual, which in its effect can become eternal if done correctly and to the end, you need to go to the cemetery in search of a grave with the same name as your chosen one. On this grave you need to place a candle in the ground, put things under the candle so that wax drips onto it, and place a photograph behind the candle. When all preparations are completed, you will need to read the plot:

“Just as the dead servant of God (name) lives in the grave and cannot get up, the Living servant of God (name) will not be able to leave me. Our love is eternal. Amen!". Having collected all the attributes you brought, you need to leave the cemetery without looking back. All collected items must be buried deep in the ground in your yard.

Read a love spell on a guy, a girl at home on a thing, reviews of who did it, how to remove it

To carry out a love spell, you will need a personal item of the guy you want to bewitch. The item must be selected carefully. It should be something that comes into direct contact with his body quite often, such as a comb or underwear. The selected item will need to be spoken correctly and returned to the object of your desires.

“Just as water does not stand still, so the servant of God (name) will not be able to resist the servant of God (name). He will stick, he will get used to it, he will be around me all his life, he will love me very much, he will not look at others and will not approach others. Amen!". You can remove such a love spell only by taking the enchanted thing from the guy and throwing it into a raging river.

Spell on a loved one's thing to read so that he returns, misses, loves

There is a black love spell that can make a man miss you to such an extent that even if he left you, he will not be able to be without you for long. To carry out such a ritual, you will have to go to the cemetery in search of a grave with the same name as your beloved. You need to take with you any thing that belongs to a man, a red woolen thread and three aspen twigs.

When you have everything ready, you need to go to the cemetery at sunset and lay out the twigs at the chosen grave so that they resemble a snowflake. An item belonging to a loved one must be wrapped clockwise with red thread. When you have everything ready, you need to set fire to the twigs. You need to fumigate the thing with smoke from an improvised fire, while reading the plot itself:

“At sunset, at the grave of God’s servant (name), I will speak about my love and ask the dead: have pity, help, bring your beloved home. So that he gets bored and sad immensely, so that he behaves exemplary. To think and dream, to wonder about me alone. Amen!"
When the plot is read, stick the unburnt twigs into the grave soil, and take the thing home and hide it where no one can find it. The effect of the sentence is not long, so when the man returns home, you will have to make an effort to keep him near you forever.

Read the conspiracy to sell things quickly

To sell something quickly and profitably, you need to speak it in a certain way. To do this, the main thing is to strongly believe that everything will work out. Take the thing that needs to be sold and, closing your eyes, say three times: “As easily as I close my eyes, so easily I sell this thing. Money comes and goes into my pocket. As I say, so it will be. After all, my words are the key, and my deeds are the lock. Amen!"

Spell for money and luck read on a personal item

To ensure that luck and money always walk in step with you, you can help yourself with this by using one very effective conspiracy. To perform a ritual that attracts financial well-being and Lady Luck, you need to take the thing that you wear most often and sew a coin into it so that it is not visible to prying eyes.
In the process of sewing up money, you will need to say the following words:

“Just as a needle cannot sew without thread, it’s hard for me to live without luck. Just as a thread cannot curl without a needle, I cannot live without money. With a thread and a needle I attract to myself, and well sew two companions in my life into my life. So that they would be next to me and follow me on my heels. Let it be so!"

Spell or prayer to find a lost item

To quickly find lost item, you can use the following conspiracy: “Don’t joke with me, get in my sight. When I come home, you will come after me. (Name the thing you are looking for) don’t play like that anymore, and return to your place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen". Go outside the threshold of the house and come back, turning around over your left shoulder. Usually the item is located within five to ten minutes.

Read the spell on your wife's things at home

If you notice that your wife has cooled down towards you and no longer shows the care and feelings that she had before, you can talk about her personal thing so that she not only pays attention to you again, but also cannot even think about it. to leave the family. You need to choose something that she often carries with her: a ring, a watch, a mirror...

You need to put a mirror on the table, and the selected item on top of it. To successfully carry out the ritual, you must clearly believe in every word spoken. “Help me, mirror surface, save my relationship. So that the servant of God (name) misses home, and yearns for the servant of God (name). To eat, to drink, and to always love me. If there is another man, let him go completely into the abyss. Amen!"

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

Magic today, as in the most ancient times, offers a variety of rituals and ceremonies, conspiracies to attract such changeable luck to one’s side. And a spell on a thing to attract good luck occupies a special place among them - it can be carried out on a lace or a coin, a ring and water, and so on. This will be discussed further - what rules should be followed when conducting the ritual and what rules exist effective rituals to attract good luck.

Conspiracy for personal belongings

How to spell a thing for good luck - this is a question many of us often ask, and in this case, practicing magicians give their advice and recommendations on how to carry out the ritual correctly.

Rules for conducting rituals:

  1. Even a white magic ritual can have negative consequences - they should be taken into account and the pros and cons should be assessed, whether you are ready to bear personal responsibility for the magic.
  2. If it is difficult to learn the words of the conspiracy, write them on paper, but after the ritual, immediately burn them, setting them on fire from the flame of a lit church candle.
  3. It is worth carrying out the ritual completely alone, without extraneous noise and laughter, the presence of strangers and animals.
  4. A pregnant woman should not practice magic - it is unknown how magic, even white and performed with good intentions, will affect the unborn child.
  5. Before the ritual, 3 days beforehand, avoid drinking alcohol and junk food. The diet should contain only healthy foods filled with positive energy.
  6. Also, a few days before the ritual, you should not argue or make trouble. They will negatively affect the energy field and can negate the ritual being carried out.
  7. And, of course, you should not tell anyone about your intention to perform the ritual or its actual implementation - it is important to keep your decisions and actions in strict confidence.

Taking into account all the listed points, you will accurately and clearly carry out the ritual, obtaining the desired result.

Conspiracy on a lace

A conspiracy carried out on a string is effective and efficient, easy to carry out. To attract luck to your side, take the simplest one, white lace and speak to it with the words:

“Hurry up, luck come to me - look at me, let luck burst into my life - it will never turn away”

You put such a lace into the shoes that you wear most often and wear for happiness. You can perform another simple ritual with a cord - just tie it to your left shin and say:

“I tie this lace - I tie luck to myself”

For all its apparent simplicity, it has considerable magical potential - the main thing is to wear it on your leg for three hours and after removing it, carry it with you as an amulet. Such a talisman will attract good luck and prosperity, health and success in the love field to its owner.

Per coin

If difficult financial times have come in your life and money is very tight, you can perform a ritual with a coin. For this ritual, you should stock up on a brand new coin with a face value of 5 kopecks. Then place it on your open left palm and raise your hand as high as possible above your head and hold it there for several minutes.

As practicing magicians note, this will allow it to be nourished with upper cash flows. After this, lower your hand and say the following over the coin:

“My money, yes to my money, wallet and to full wallets - just as the sun shines golden in the sky, so my penny glows, it brings money and brings joy. Words are a lock - actions are strong.”

Afterwards, carry such a charmed coin with you in your wallet, keep it in your wallet as irredeemable, and after a year, repeat the ritual again. The main condition for its operation is to carry it in your wallet, along with paper money or in a separate pocket.

Ritual on the ring

To perform this ritual, they take only a gold ring - you must buy it yourself, choosing what you like. Although, as an option, you can use jewelry donated for another holiday, the main thing is that it is new and no one has worn it before you.

Prepare in advance a ring and a piece of woolen fabric, which should be white or gray. Light a wax candle purchased in a temple using only a match and only with your right hand, and place it in front of you. Afterwards, place a piece of wool on the table and wrap a ring in it - such an improvised envelope should lie between the candle and the person, and the ring should not peek out from the package.

“You are a tit bird, you lived overseas, built your nest, found a ring in it, and brought me...a name.... I'll dress up with that ring, yeah good people I’ll take a closer look, the doors to my house will open and everything will come true in my opinion.”

After this, let the candle burn to the very end, and take the ring out of the package and put it on your hand, but put a piece of woolen fabric in the pillow, under the pillowcase on which you sleep. The ring will attract good luck to you, but the wool will help attract prophetic dreams in your sleep.

You can also perform another ring spell spell for good luck - it is important that the jewelry is comfortable, since you must wear it constantly. When night falls and the clock strikes midnight, draw water from a well, and if there is none, draw it from the tap in advance. Place a container of water on the windowsill, put a ring in it - the stars should be reflected in the surface. Look at the reflection of the water and say:

“How the servant of God... name... will go out at night and not during the day, through the door, but not through the window, she will go along the road - not along the path, but into an open field, and not into a swamp. She takes with her a little gold thing, full of water - he will punish her with a covenant. You are a silver thing and full of water, take care of the mistress - call good luck to her, take away sadness and anger."

Then leave it overnight and in the morning, take the ring out of the water and put it on your finger without wiping off the water.

On the water

As you know, water has a special, even unique energy and is often used in magical rituals. To attract good luck, you can perform the following ritual ceremony - say the following words over spring water:

“Water, you are pure water - you give me a full drink, you give me a wash. So give me some water and three drops of luck, and 5 drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness. Just as I will seal those words with that water, no key can unseal them. Yes, be it my way"

It is worth reading the ritual words three times and drinking water in three sips - to make this easier, do not pour full glass, and, for example, half. When reading a conspiracy, an important condition for its effectiveness and action is thoughtful pronunciation and comprehension of what you are saying and, of course, faith in success.

Let us consider in detail an easy bracelet spell for good luck - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Spells for chains, rings, bracelets, coins

The most powerful way to attract good luck

Jewelry that you are used to as an addition to your beauty, to your outfits, as a stimulus Have a good mood, can become more serious helpers for you.

Did you know that since ancient times, jewelry could have magical and magical properties? Let us recall, for example, “The Magic Ring” from A. N. Afanasyev’s collection “Russian Folk Tales”.

The hero saves a dog and a cat from death by buying them from their tormentors, and then rescues a snake girl from the fire, who turns out to be the daughter of the “underground king”, the owner of the treasure. In gratitude, the king gives the hero a “miraculous” ring that grants wishes.

Researchers of beliefs and conspiracies have noted that wearing rings, chains, etc. on oneself is a desire to create a security zone around oneself, to protect oneself from misfortunes, and to obtain magical help in achieving goals.

The jewelry is made of metal, covered with a pattern, and embedded with precious and ordinary stones. All this strengthens them magical properties– because they come into contact with your body and absorb your energies.

Ring spells

Plot for good luck

Take the ring, get up at dawn and say, looking into the ring at the rising sun:

“Red Empress Ogrofen, give me, God’s servant (name), good health and self-interest and joy in everything, from all people salary and honor and heartfelt love all the days and nights and hours of my life.”

A spell that brings happiness

Take the ring, place it in front of you and say clearly three times:

“On the sea-ocean, on the island on Buyan, fate sewed with black silk; I didn’t start sewing, the blackness stopped.”

Plot for good luck in life

Take the ring, wrap it in red cloth, wear it around the room and say three times:

“As an airy cloud hovers over the whole earth, creating for the faithful and the unfaithful, so appear to me, good luck, and guide my life from beginning to end.”

Conspiracy to attract good luck

Take the ring, pass the scarf through it and say:

“There is a blue cloud, under the blue cloud there is a blue sea, on the blue sea there is an island of gold, on the golden island there is a gold stone.

And the golden stone will be lifted up, and nine brothers will come out from under the stone.

They trample on one shoe, they gird it with one belt, under one cap, they carry out distant axes and distant axes.

They will walk along the island and find distant golden oaks.

The roots of the oaks are golden, and the tops of the oaks are golden, and the branches are golden, and all those oaks are golden.

And the distant brothers will begin to flog the distant brothers with nine axes, and the distant oak trees with axes from distant directions.

And an old man will come out of the sea and ask the distant brothers, what are you cutting those oaks for?

And the answer is given by the distant brothers: it is necessary to build a golden forge, and it is necessary to build a golden forge, and it is necessary to kindle oak coal in this golden forge, it is necessary for the house (name) to shine with gold.”

Good luck spell for children

Take the ring, rub it on your cheek and, clenching it in your fist, say:

“I, my own mother, slave (so-and-so), burst into tears in the high parental mansion, from the red dawn in an open field, looking at the sunset of my beloved child, my clear sun (so-and-so).

I sat until the late evening night, until the damp dew, in anguish, in trouble.

It didn’t implore me to destroy myself, but I came up with the idea of ​​speaking into a fierce, grave melancholy.

I went into an open field, took the wedding cup, took out the wedding candle, took out the wedding shawl, and drew water from the student outside the mountains.

I stood in the middle of a dense forest, outlined myself as a visionary line and spoke in a loud voice.

I speak to my beloved child (such and such) over the wedding cup, over fresh water, over the wedding dress, over the wedding candle.

I wash my child’s clean face, wipe his sugar lips, clear eyes, forehead, red cheeks with a wedding handkerchief.

I illuminate with a wedding candle his caftan, his sable posture, his patterned undershirt, his embroidered cats, his light brown curls, his youthful face, his greyhound gait.

Be you, my beloved child, brighter than the clear sun, sweeter spring day, lighter than spring water, whiter than ardent wax, stronger than fuel stone, Alatyr. I take away the terrible devil from you, I drive away the stormy whirlwind.

I am moving away from the one-eyed goblin, from someone else's brownie, from the evil merman, from the witch of Kiev, from her evil sister of Murom, from the Morgunya mermaid, from the damned Baba Yaga, from the flying fiery serpent.

I wave away the prophetic raven, the croaking crow.

I protect from the poisonous kashchei, from the cunning warlock, from the conspiratorial magician, from the ardent sorcerer, from the blind healer, from the old witch.

And may you, my child, be protected by my strong word at night and at midnight, at one o’clock and at half-time, on the road and on the road, in sleep and in reality, protected from the power of the enemy, from unclean spirits, saved from vain death, from grief, from misfortune , preserved on water from drowning, covered in fire from burning.

And be my word stronger than water, higher than a mountain, heavier than gold, stronger than the flammable stone of Alatyr, mightier than a hero.

And whoever decides to faint and decorate my child will hide behind the mountains of Ararat, into the abysses of the underworld, into boiling resin, into scorching heat.

But his charms will be, his fooling will not be fooling, his decoration will not be fooling.”

Conspiracy for prosperity at home

“I will lie down, blessing myself, and stand, crossing myself.

I will go from door to door, from gate to gate.

I look into the open field - a hero is coming from the open field, carrying a sharp saber on his shoulder, cutting and slashing at a dead body.

This is how fate will cut all the knots and bring happiness to my home.”

Conspiracy to attract prosperity

Take the ring and, looking into it, say:

"Cross, cross cross,

a man was born, a cross was erected,

and Satan contacted

in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

now and ever, and unto ages of ages,

A spell to get rid of troubles

Take the ring, place it in front of you and say clearly:

“Turn, fight, earth, be strong, and you, misfortune, from the servant of God (name) calm down.”

Conspiracy to avert misfortune

Take the ring, wrap it in black cloth, put it under your pillow at night, and before going to bed say:

Be you, ring, good for everything; You, ring, do not resist anyone and are silent, lying here, holding neither your heart nor your grudge against anyone.

So in this world, male and female, my friends and enemies, and my evil adversaries against me, the servants of God (name), would be silent in everything and would not resist me, the servant of God (name), in anything, not even their hearts , no one had any kind of grief against me, the servant of God, during all the days and nights and hours of my life and until my death.”

A spell to get rid of trouble

Take the ring, place it in front of you and say clearly:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

Until now, under King Hagar, the sky was copper, the earth was iron and did not bear fruit from itself.

Just as the rivers and streams and small springs calmed down and dried up, so would the servant of God (name)’s hot trouble and pinching and aches subside, and you help a lot with all my words, like the sky is the key, and the earth is the castle.

How to spell any thing for money and luck

The most effective method To attract constant good luck has long been a spell on your thing. With its help, you will stop having problems with money, and your life will be filled with happiness.

Life is very expensive these days. However, some people can afford a lot, and some live on a tiny salary, while others have long been mired in debt and loans. We are all equal, everyone has a chance to succeed and material well-being. Need to try it on personal experience the famous saying “money doesn’t buy happiness” and stop counting every penny. White money conspiracies can help you with this, which will program your energy for well-being.

To conjure any of your things, it is not necessary to resort to the services of magicians, psychics, or hereditary witches. You can perform such actions on your own without anyone's help. Experience shows that people with supernatural power do not undertake such rituals. They do not waste their capabilities on such small tasks that ordinary people are capable of doing.

Basic rules of conspiracies: how to read correctly

The first thing you should do is think about the consequences. Even white magic sometimes it can be dangerous. You need to firmly know why and why you are making a conspiracy, and only after that start taking action.

The second rule is that you cannot read a plot out of curiosity. In such situations, words charged with success are of no use: you even risk losing luck for many years. Therefore, a conspiracy should be carried out only when necessary.

Fourthly, the magical text should not be read by pregnant women: there is a risk of bringing misfortune and misfortune upon the child. It is better to hold off on this and postpone the ritual.

The fifth rule indicates that you cannot read conspiracies whenever you want. For each of them there is a specific date and time. Be careful and check all the details.

Sixthly, if you are afraid to read the plot yourself or cannot, then the person who takes it upon himself should be well thanked by you. This is necessary so that the conspiracy will certainly empower you, and not the person who read the charged words.

Before performing the ritual, it is advisable not to drink alcohol for three days. You need to try to eat healthy food and not get into arguments and scandals with loved ones. Your energy should be clean and positive.

And the last rule says that everything that you have done should not be made public. Don't tell me under any circumstances unfamiliar people about magical rituals. No one should know what you talked about the thing for, much less what you got in the end.

We charm your item for good luck and financial well-being

The power of a conspiracy can attract not only money, but also good luck. After the ritual you will come across necessary people, favorable circumstances, you will be able to make profitable deals or find high paying job. You can speak any thing that you consider necessary. However, it is worth remembering that for maximum effect you should carry this item with you every day. Usually pins, rings, coins, small souvenirs, lace, string are used. You can choose whatever you like.

To perform the ritual you will need three candles: brown, green and white. Colors are very symbolic, so try to find candles like these. Green means the money you want to attract, white represents spiritual purity, drives away black forces, and brown symbolizes the ritual you will perform.

For the plot to be successful, you should choose an even date on the waxing Moon, but remember that at this moment you must be alone. No one except you should participate in the ritual. Find the brightest place in the house and sit comfortably: it is advisable to have a table in front of you on which you will place candles. Make a triangle out of them, in the center of which place the thing you want to speak. You should light candles with your right hand and say: “The flame of fire will help me win, attract good luck to all my deeds. And let the power that is stored in money pass to me. Keep me away". After the spoken words, hold your gaze on each candle and your object for about half a minute. Then combine all the candles into one to create a common flame, and wait for the wax to fall on your item. After this, you can leave the candles to burn out and keep the item with you.

Others can help you attract material well-being money conspiracies. However, remember: for the ritual to work and good luck to visit you, do not refuse to help people in need. Don't forget about good deeds when you gain wealth. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Correctly read conspiracies for a thing

In our lives we encounter every day different situations, both good and not so good. White life stripes alternate with dark ones. It happens that dark streaks settle into our lives for a long time and are in no hurry to leave it, but how we want to protect ourselves and our loved ones from troubles and misfortunes. This can be done by turning to magical techniques. In such cases, a spell on a thing will help. You can talk a thing into anything. With its help, they attract good luck and wealth, bewitch a loved one and make a talisman against troubles, protect themselves and loved ones from damage and the evil eye. This method is the most effective, since a charmed thing, especially one that is constantly with a person, will attract to him all the benefits for which it was charmed.

Plot for good luck

It is possible to attract good luck to any personal item, which, after the ceremony, should be carried with you at all times. There are many rituals with which you can bring luck to your side. To do this, you need to use personal items that a person will carry with him all the time. Here are some of them:

  • To attract good luck into your life, you can perform this ritual. Take any item of clothing, let it be your favorite, and cast a spell on it 12 times:

“Just as a squirrel wore its fur coat and didn’t take it off, so you (the name of the thing) would bring me happiness and good luck. Let it be so. Amen!"

  • on the new moon they take a pin, maybe a gold one, and read a spell on it that will bring good luck and prosperity:

“The moon is born, its power awakens and comes to me. Just as the sky cannot part with the moon, so luck cannot part with this pin. To follow on my heels, I should do good. Amen!"

The pin is left overnight on the window so that the light of the new moon falls on it. This talisman, if pinned to clothing, will not only bring good luck, but will also protect against any negative impact. If you perform such a ritual every full moon, luck will never leave you;

  • You can attract good luck using a braided lace. A lace charmed in this way will not only attract good luck to you, but will also fulfill your wishes. Conspiracy words:

“Hurry up, luck comes, look at me. May luck burst into life and return to me forever.”

Tying a lace to the ankle of the left leg, say the words:

“I tie the lace, I tie luck to myself.” When you tie a lace, you can mentally make a wish, and it will definitely come true;

  • You can attract good luck and wealth with the help of a five-ruble coin. Placing it on the left palm, they say the words three times:

“Money to money, wallets to wallets. Just as the sun turns golden, so would my coin shine, bringing good luck and joy, giving me wealth. As said, so done. My words are strong, and my deeds are accurate. Let it be so. Amen!"

The coin is always carried with you. A year later the ritual is repeated;

  • You can use a gold ring to spell good luck. To do this, wrap it in wool yarn and place it on the table. They take a lit candle in their right hand and read the plot:

“A tit lived across the sea, a tit built a nest. She found a ring in it and brought it to me. I will decorate myself, I will dress up, I will be useful to good people. All doors will open to me, all secrets will be revealed to me, everything will be my way. Amen!"

The ring is worn on oneself all the time.

A pin will protect you from the evil eye and damage

A pin is a unique item in magic, on which many rituals are performed. First of all, with its help you can reliably protect yourself and loved ones from the evil eye and damage. A charmed pin acts as a talisman if you constantly carry it with you. Pin spell options:

  • place the open pin on the palm and say:

“Take away all evil, turn away enemies, turn away the evil eye, protect me. Amen!"

The amulet is ready. All that remains is to fasten it to your clothes;

  • on Tuesday, when the moon is waxing, they take a pin bought on Friday and a white candle. The pin is heated with the flame of a candle, and at the same time the plot is read:

“God, the Angela have arrived! Guardian, protect me. Protect from evil machinations, wash with pure flame. Let it be so. Amen!"

Wax is dripped onto the tip of the pin. When it cools down, you can fasten it to your clothes.

Love magic

The most effective rituals performed on a loved one’s thing in order to return it, bewitch it, attract attention, strengthen relationships, etc. Options for rituals:

  • if your loved one is about to leave, then a return spell will help. To do this you will need a new bath broom. When you go to the bathhouse, you need to whip yourself thoroughly with this broom, and when the leaves begin to stick to your skin, say the words:

“Like a leaf sticks to the skin, let (name) stick to me and never leave me. Let it be so!" Then they collect all the leaves from themselves and put them in their loved one’s clothes;

  • You can bewitch a man with new thing. To do this, they buy a gift in the store for the person who needs to bewitched. He must like the thing. Some time before the gift is given, a conspiracy is read about it:

“Just as you take a thing from me, you give me your peace. In broad daylight and dark night, without me (name) you will have no peace or sleep. Let it be so. Amen!"

Until the moment of donation, no one should touch the item;

  • To return your husband to the family, this simple ceremony, carried out from a photo, will help. You need to take his most recent photograph and write a return spell on the back:

“In the name of love, bring your soul and heart home! I will not break my oath, and you (name), preserve honor and love, so that the blood does not cool. Amen!"

The photograph is placed near the icon of the Virgin Mary illuminated in the church. Every day they light a church candle and think about their spouse and his return with love;

  • A lifelong love spell, a spell for the full moon, is carried out like this - they take either a strand of hair from a loved one or cut off their nails. If it is not possible to do this, then it will do Toothbrush or a comb. They read the plot on them:

“I order white slave, (name of the person being bewitched), obey me for life. To languish in grief, to be enchanted, and to remain in love for me until the end of your days. Just as the moon is eternal, so you will forever be bewitched by a hair (nail) to me endlessly. I take your nail or hair as a deposit, now I can avoid attacks from my rivals. Suddenly you wake up, you'll be pestered by me, no matter where you go, you'll come back again. Let it be so. Amen!"

The thing on which the love spell was cast is taken outside and thrown to the east. The ritual will take effect in 13 days.

Spell for a rich life

For a thing that is often used or worn, a piece of clothing is best suited; a coin is sewn into the hem, and at the same time they say:

“Like a needle and thread together, money is nowhere without me. Just as a thread follows a needle, so will money come to me. I hem the hem and sew money onto myself. Come to me, money small and large, paper and gold, big and small, all kinds and different. For God's grace, and for your own joy, to buy and spend, to receive good luck. Amen!"

They say this while they are sewing. You can sew coins into many outfits. The item should not be worn on this day.

If they borrowed money from you and are in no hurry to pay it back, then they read a conspiracy to return the money. To do this, take a coin of medium denomination, which is buried under the tree early in the morning, saying the words three times:

“I will bury the coin in the ground so that the debt taken by (name) will be returned to me. To force him to give back everything he took, and when he gives it back, I’ll dig up the coin and forget the offense against the debtor. Amen!"

Within a week, it is necessary to remind the debtor of the debt that he will soon repay.

Attractiveness spell

To become attractive and desirable to the opposite sex, you can perform the following ritual - a spell is cast on a personal item, for example, a comb, which after the conspiracy no one should touch except you:

“Treasure, my treasure - a love pledge! I will put you in prison and speak against the beautiful maiden. In the name of the Angel, in the name of the Archangel, pull the suitors to (name). I will be beautiful, I will be blush, I will be desirable to men, like spicy grass. Let the fellows grieve for me, let them grieve, let them yearn. In the world they will remember me at the feast. On water and on land - they remember me everywhere. I will be bright to them, like the light of the sun, clear, like the face of the moon, warm, like a gentle wave. I will be among all the girls, alone. My words are strong, my desires are true. No one can thwart my conspiracy, no one can whisper it, stronger than words can’t be found to reprimand. Just as people believe in God and bow, so they will love and bow to me. Everyone will greet me with a smile on their lips and see me off for a long time. My word is true, as I said, so it will be. Amen!"

May good luck always accompany you! Happiness, love and prosperity!


A bit of luck is needed in every business. If a person is lucky, then his every endeavor will be successful, and all kinds of obstacles will be removed from the path. Some people are born with a shirt on, while others need to take care of their well-being on their own. By the way, they will have a spell for good luck, which can be used to enchant absolutely any thing.

No special attributes are required other than the selected item. Almost anything can act as it - a ring, a wallet, a mirror, a shoe lace, etc. Magicians recommend giving preference to something that will be easy to take with you: then the effect of the spell will manifest itself fully. You will need to concentrate and read the plot on the subject:

“In a distant kingdom a forest grows, in that forest there are rotten swamps, at the bottom of the swamp lies a precious stone, not seen by human eyes, untouched by white hands. Just like that stone lies at the bottom - hidden from everyone, hidden from everyone, so my luck is not visible to evil eyes, inaccessible to other people’s fingers, no one can touch it, no one will dare to take it away from me. As long as I keep (the name of the thing) next to me, luck will sit on my shoulder, will drive away evil, will lure goodness to me, will protect me from enemies, so that I will be lucky with matters of the heart, with financial endeavors, with physical health.”

All that remains is to use the enchanted thing. It will bring good luck to its owner in all areas, helping him to be in the right place in right time. It is permissible to perform a ritual for luck on several objects at once. Charms are harmless and help to attract only positive energies into a person’s life. The ritual can be used even for a child.

Say something for good luck

To attract constant good luck in any business, read a good luck plot that will help you become more successful. The oldest ritual that brings good luck is done on a thing. You can cast a spell on any new things or objects; most often, the spell is cast on jewelry that you will wear every day; this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It's customary among magicians cast a ring for good luck and wealth and wear it on your left hand without taking it off. A thing charmed for good luck becomes the most the best mascot making its owner lucky, about whom many say: “he was born in a shirt and that is why he is always lucky in everything.” But the secret of constant luck is in the enchanted object - the ring. Now we will tell you how to independently charm any thing or object so that it brings good luck and wealth. Buy any silver ring or pendant and read this spell on it :

Lord, my God, I stand before You, my guardian angel,

From evil hearts deliverer, save me, protect me.

Just like a loving mother does not want to wean her child from her breast until the time comes,

so that no one, ever, at any time, takes away my luck.

Increase my luck, Lord, let's go.

Lord, deliverance from enemies.

My angel, stay with me, keep my happiness and good luck.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Constantly carry a thing with you that is spelled for good luck and very soon fortune will turn its face towards you and will constantly guide you through life and in all matters that you undertake.

Money conspiracies for Easter have always been popular, and the poor and the rich have all read conspiracies to attract money and wealth on Easter Day in order to ward off poverty and live a year in prosperity and wealth. In villages to this day, Easter money spells are known and every year with the arrival of Easter they perform this easy ritual to attract money and wealth to their home. Do you want to live richly and always have money in your wallet? On Easter week, “Bright Week”, read this spell for money in your wallet and all year you and your family will not know the need, and wealth and prosperity will always be in your home. Early in the morning on Easter with no one to talk to

All the conspiracies that need to be read for Easter really work and quickly give the expected result, provided that they are carried out accurately and believe in the power of white Easter magic. Luck has always been a good thing, and in order for it to accompany you all year on Easter Day, you need to read the Easter spell for good luck. Like all conspiracies read on Easter, luck is attracted to painted egg. Immediately after performing a ritual to attract good luck, a person becomes completely lucky; luck will literally accompany him in any matter at home and at work. A person charmed for good luck will be able to receive benefits that he could not even dream of. Easter is coming and that means it's time to have a good time

If you read this plot for Easter, then wealth and money will be found in your house all year. In ancient times, thanks to the Easter spell and an easy ritual for money to attract wealth, people knowledgeable signs and customs got rid of poverty and lack of money in one day of Holy Easter! Nowadays, anyone knows how important this day is in the Orthodox world. White magic with rituals and reading Easter conspiracies for wealth really contribute to quick enrichment, so what is this mysterious conspiracy that attracts wealth and big money to life? Orthodox man and what you need to independently perform a magical ritual for Easter and

If you are looking for a real way to quickly become a rich person using magic and quickly get a lot of money, perform this magical ritual with reading a powerful spell to summon big money and wealth into your life. To carry out a ritual to attract money, you need a bowl made of natural clay, which should be placed on the floor near the door to your bedroom. From the moment the bowl is placed, for six days, every day at five o’clock in the evening, put a yellow coin of the same value into the bowl, while saying a spell

A money plot must be read on a waxing moon; a money plot can also be read on a full moon. Before reading the plot, you need to find a tree that you can easily fully embrace and there should be leaves on the tree. Having waited for a ritual suitable for attracting money and wealth lunar day, prepare a linen bag in which put ten white coins, ten yellow coins and one any paper bill. Seal the edges of a linen bag with money yourself with red thread so that your money is not flattered devilry and didn’t jinx yours monetary wealth. Approach the previously noted tree closely, closing your eyes and hugging the tree to the floor, three voices

This powerful spell for wealth, read on an egg from a “ripple hen” - brown, will help you gain wealth and attract big money. egg with white spots. You can find this in the market, but you will have to walk around, although the luckiest ones find such eggs very quickly and, after reading the plot, quickly become rich and self-sufficient people, living their whole lives in wealth and luxury. Having found such an egg on the market, without haggling, buy the whole ten from the seller and leave all the change, if any, to the seller. At home, choose an egg that is unevenly colored or has some inclusions on its shell and hard-boil it for 5 minutes. While the egg is hot

Those who know the text of the prayer - the white conspiracy, once a year can fulfill their most important desire. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday, but the day before it happens you need to go to church and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, place and light 12 candles around you and, holding a glass of water in your hands, while the candles are burning, read the spell to fulfill

A conspiracy against poverty allows you to quickly find money and get rid of lack of money in a very short time. In difficult times, when there is not enough money even for the most necessary things, in the old days they read this good white conspiracy against poverty, which very quickly restored monetary wealth by attracting and luring money from the very different sources(extra change in a store, finding money on the street, and so on). The conspiracy against lack of money should be read on a green scarf and grains of wheat (one glass). Calcine the wheat in a frying pan, reading the Lord's Prayer nine times while calcining. Remove the pan from the heat and cool the roasted wheat in it. At midnight on a full moon or on a new moon

Vanga’s conspiracy which will be discussed will help you attract good luck in all matters - at home and at work and luck for life. A strong conspiracy that can quickly make you the luckiest person for the next 3 years; after three years, the luck conspiracy from Vanga needs to be repeated. You need to carry out the ceremony in a quiet, deserted place, sitting on the ground near standing water, a pond or lake. It is very important that the water that is read magic spell lucky ones there was no flow. If you already know where such a place is, early in the morning at sunrise, sit next to the water and read the words of the spell seven times

On the night of baptism, you need to read a strong money conspiracy for wealth, so that there is always money in your wallet and never runs out. The ritual of white money magic performed on the night of January 19, Epiphany, will very quickly relieve those in need from poverty and make even richer those people who live in abundance. In the old days, on the night of baptism, this conspiracy was read by all people who knew it - it lasts for exactly a year and therefore requires its constant repetition at each Baptism. With the help of this conspiracy, even the merchants' trade went better and brought more profit, and the peasants' harvest was richer and richer with each new year, increasing the wealth and prosperity of the conspirator by greater amounts.

There are special money spells that need to be read before Easter - on any day before Easter week. After reading these money conspiracies, a person who has performed a magical ritual to attract money will live richly all year without knowing the need for anything. This is a very simple spell for money that needs to be read during Easter week; it is best to read it on Saturday evening right before Easter. At 7 o’clock in the evening, take the coin with the number 5 in your wallet and spin it on the table and say this Easter money spell that attracts wealth. The ritual for Easter with a coin to attract money, good luck and wealth is considered completed after you sew in the charmed

A good spell to attract money should be read on Maundy Thursday (Maundy Thursday) before Easter. After reading the plot for wealth and prosperity in Maundy Thursday money will always be in your wallet and there will always be prosperity in the house. On Thursday morning, take a sieve and put a handful of small coins in it, as many as your hand can grab from your wallet. I’ll say right away that you need to read a money plot all year long that attracts wealth and good luck into your home so that none of your relatives, much less strangers, see it. Early in the morning at dawn, go outside and hold change in your hand

Knowing this spell for money that needs to be read on Maundy Thursday before Easter, you can live in wealth all year. Seven days before Maundy Thursday, prepare a handful of small change, putting a few coins in a pile every day. On Maundy Thursday, preparing for a wealth ritual to attract money to your home. This wealth plot carried out on Maundy Thursday will make you a rich person and throughout the year you will not need anything, living in complete prosperity and wealth. At the time of reading the plot for wealth, there should be no one in the house except you! Pour tap water into a basin and throw in all the change you have accumulated over the week. Now, you need to read 33 times

A money plot to attract money into your home and the wallets of all family members is the most The best way how to attract money to live in wealth without needing anything. This strong spell for money needs to be read on a silver spoon yourself; if there is no silver spoon in the house, any new tablespoon will do to attract money. Very soon after reading the plot, your house and your wallet will begin to be attracted - big money will be attracted from a variety of sources, the existence of which you had not even imagined before - this action of an old and very powerful conspiracy for money attracts wealth and prosperity to your house and now you have money will always be found and

Let's consider in detail the plot to read a loved one's thing so that he falls in love - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Lovers, for the most part, are selfish. They all want their “object of adoration” to constantly think about them and miss them. This is especially true for women, who by nature are much more emotional than men. Girls often have a question: How to make a man feel sad and bored? What measures can be taken to ensure that my husband arrives as soon as possible, or at least just calls? How to convince him that he is a father and your child needs him? A plot to yearn for a loved one can help with this.

Conspiracy for the longing of a loved one

What is a spell for melancholy?

Conspiracies for melancholy represent certain magic spells, capable of causing in the person on whom they are applied a feeling of inexplicable sadness and longing for the person who ordered the impact. The victim of the conspiracy begins to get bored, and she has an irresistible desire to see, hear, and hug the person who ordered the ritual. Depending on the method of influence, all conspiracies for melancholy and love on a loved one can be divided into white and black. White conspiracy for melancholy and love is weaker, but also safer, both for the victim and for the person who ordered the ritual. White magic “knows” such conspiracies, the effects of which, compared to black magic, are softer and less profound.

Black magic is “responsible” for the black conspiracy for melancholy. To cast a strong black conspiracy on a guy’s melancholy, they use his biological materials: blood, saliva, sweat, sperm, hair, nails. To enhance the impact, a black magician can turn to the forces of darkness and perform rituals in the cemetery. Such influences have quite serious consequences for both one and the other “side” of the ritual, causing depression, illness and misfortune. Getting rid of black influences includes, in addition to carrying out special conspiracies so as not to be sad, reprimanding with prayers, using blessed water and Thursday salt, which is done before Easter on the night of Maundy Thursday.

Let's figure out what time of day and on what Moon the plot to make a guy miss a girl is read. White rituals can be performed in the morning, afternoon, evening or night - any time will do. Among the four lunar phases: new moon, full moon, waxing and waning, the most successful time for carrying out love rituals is the growing moon. As for black rituals, they are best performed at night during the full moon.

There are many different love spells. Wind, salt, an apple, a photo of a loved one, or, as it does, are used as “auxiliary” ingredients in such rituals Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova morning dew. At first glance it seems that intense melancholy It’s easy to plot against a loved one, but this is far from true. The success of the enterprise depends on the strength of the customer and performer of the ritual, as well as on the degree of resistance of the victim.

Conspiracy on a photograph

A strong conspiracy to yearn for a photo will help the wife remind her “forgetful” husband of her existence, and the mistress will “capture the heart” of her married chosen one even more. The essence of love influence is that a woman, visualizing the image of a sweetheart, enters into astral contact with him, influencing his thoughts and behavior. To “create” a conspiracy for a man’s longing from a distance using a photo, you must first “obtain” a photograph of him, in which the guy would be depicted alone and in full height. The photo should be relatively recent, not “older” than a year. To carry out the ritual, you will also need a red or white candle.

Before going to bed, light a candle, pick up a photo of your “dear friend,” look carefully into his eyes and, stroking his head with your fingers, begin to read the spell from the photo to make your loved one yearn:

“I clear your thoughts from all worries, from all troubles. I fill them to the brim with sadness, torment and longing. On a fine day under the clear Sun and a dark night under the Moon, you will love me alone, and you will begin to think about me.”

Then move your fingers to the area of ​​the man’s heart and, stroking the picture, continue reading the plot for the longing of your beloved guy:

“I will warm your heart with my love, even if it hurts and dies from love for me. I will reward you with spiritual anguish, I will order you to love me alone.”

You need to end the ritual with the words:

Invest in them as much of your energy and faith as possible that everything will work out for you.

At the end of the ceremony, extinguish the candles, put the man’s photograph under your pillow and go to bed. Read this conspiracy To make your loved one lovesick, you can do it as many times as you need. The only condition: try to make sure that no one sees the enchanted photo of the man and no one touches him. This is a fairly powerful and fast-acting lovesickness spell, so if you did everything correctly, then the guy’s desire to see you will increase “by leaps and bounds.”

Conspiracy to the wind

An ancient spell for melancholy to the wind can make your ex-boyfriend remembering you, which will serve as an “impetus” for him to return. For loving wife the words of the spell for melancholy will be the beginning of the restoration of family relationships that have “cracked.” You can do the ritual at any time of the day and in any weather, as long as it is windy. In a deserted place, find a hill and stand on it so that the wind blows in your face.

Stand on the hill for a while, feel the gusts of wind and try to clearly imagine the image of your loved one. Then start reading the spell for melancholy to the wind:

“Like on the glorious island of Buyan, the Wind Vetrovich walks. Everyone will bow to him, everyone will honor him. I will bow my head low to the ground and ask Veter Vetrovich for mercy. Fly Veter Vetrovich to my dear (name of loved one) in his native direction. Bring him Veter Vetrovich a burning melancholy, a yearning boredom for me (your name). Let great sadness gnaw at him, let thoughts about me (your name) haunt him. Let his heart inflame with love for me (your name). Let him not sleep, not eat, and not be able to live without me (your name). Let it be so".

After reading this powerful plot for the melancholy of a loved one, immediately leave without turning around or talking to anyone. At home, the plot can be read through an open window or through a vent.

Salt spell

Salt spell for melancholy - strong and effective way attract the attention of the “object of passion”. To perform the ritual you will need a red candle and a handful of ordinary salt. First you need to say salt, which you will later throw to your loved one. At midnight on the waxing Moon, light a candle, pour salt into a clay container and read the following plot for a man’s love-sickness, stirring the grains of salt with your hand:

“I sprinkle salt, sprinkle it, I command the Servant of God (name of a loved one) to obey me. I sprinkle salt, sprinkle it, and I blow a fog into the head of the Servant of God (the name of my loved one). I sprinkle salt, pour it over it, and cover the eyes of the Servant of God (the name of my loved one) with darkness. My word is true, my desire is strong.”

After reading the salt curse, you can proceed to the second stage of the ritual. Pour the salt into a bag and, at the first opportunity, throw it to your loved one, it is better to do this at the doorstep of his house. Scattering salt, you need to continue reading the plot for boredom and melancholy - the success of your entire “enterprise” depends on this:

“I’m not scattering salt, I’m bringing melancholy and boredom. You will no longer see peace, Servant of God (the name of your loved one), without thinking about me (your name) you can neither spend the day nor spend the night. Neither eat, nor drink, nor sleep, nor live - you love me alone. Just as no one can collect grains of salt, no one can remove my conspiracy. My word is true, my desire is strong.”

For the spell to work, after the salt has been spilled, you need to quickly leave without turning around or talking to anyone.

Spell for rain

A spell for rain will help to make the guy feel sad. The ritual can be performed at any time of the day, as long as it rains - the heavier the better. Let's look at a brief algorithm for this ritual:

  1. To begin, write your name and the man's name on a piece of paper.
  2. Then go out into the rain and, holding a piece of paper with written names in your hands, begin to read a spell for severe melancholy: “As raindrops wash away traces, so will our separation be washed away. Let the water take away your joy, I will leave only boredom for you. Let the one who erected a wall between us no longer be a hindrance to us. You will be the only one who will love me, I will be your only joy in life. Let the rain bring melancholy. Let a date with me only save you. As soon as the water merges our names together, fate will bring me and my dear one together forever. Let it be so".
  3. After reading the plot, go into the house and take the spelled sheet with you.
  4. The piece of paper with names needs to be dried and hidden in a secluded place.

You can “catch up” with a strong spell for rain without leaving your home. To do this, you will need to read the plot through an open window or window. While reciting, raindrops should fall on a sheet of paper with names written on it. However, it is worth noting that the first version of the ritual works better.

Spells for smoke and steam

An example of a strong conspiracy that makes a guy sad is the ritual with smoke. To perform the ceremony, you need to light the stove and wait until the smoke starts to rise. Then open the stove door and read the plot to make you lovesick:

“Burn the logs, crackle - fly smoke towards your dear (name of your loved one). Bring me peace quickly, reward me with melancholy and sadness in return. Fly, circle, bewitch his wild head. Penetrate the soul, envelop his heart in haze, do not let him love anyone. Let him only miss me greatly, let him not notice anyone else. His salvation will be meeting me, from now on and forever he is only mine. Let it be so". In a few days, your loved one should send “news” about themselves. Once this happens, don't miss your chance to "get him on your side."

The “bath” ritual is considered a fairly effective spell for melancholy. To bring melancholy to a loved one, you need to heat the bathhouse and, after taking off your clothes, take a good steam. Then take the broom that you used in the bathhouse and read over it one of the most powerful spells for longing and love:

“In the steam bath, I steamed and groomed myself with a broom. I washed away the boredom and melancholy from myself and prepared it for my dear (the name of my loved one). I will leave the bathhouse, stand on a silk broom, and shout out a cry to the eight winds. Eight winds will fly to me from eight directions. I will give boredom and melancholy to the winds, I will order it to be taken to my dear (the name of my loved one). The winds will fly into distant distances, find the winds of my dear (name of a loved one), reward him with boredom and melancholy forever. My dear (the name of a loved one) will see neither peace nor joy, only sadness will be his companion. How my dear (name of your loved one) will miss me (your name), how he will cry. Only love for me (your name) will be his joy and consolation. The word is said, the deed is done."

After the recitation, the enchanted broom must be taken with you and hidden. The result of the ritual will not be instantaneous, but true.

Spell on a thing

Strong love spells that cause an immediate reaction from a man are made using his personal belongings. To “bring” melancholy to a loved one, the first thing you need to do is “get” this very thing. A suitable thing for reading a plot to make a guy sad would be an object with which he is constantly in contact. In this regard, wardrobe items and various “working” devices have proven themselves very well: a pen, a notepad. A lovesickness spell for a departed husband can be made using things he has forgotten, which you will later return to him.

Now let's move on to the ritual itself. The spell for a man’s melancholy should be read after midnight on the waxing moon. At the appointed hour you need to stay alone, light a red candle and read quick plot to a man's yearning for love:

“A loon bird flew in the high sky, it saw everything, knew everything. I will call the loon bird, I will order it to fly to distant lands, for blue seas behind high mountains. Fly, bird, circle, and bewitch my dear Servant of God (the name of your loved one) to me forever. Make him feel melancholy and sadness, take away his joy and happiness. Without me, the Servant of God (your name), he will not see peace, he will not know other dear ones. Throw a fog into his violent head, bring darkness to his eyes, so that he sees only me, the Servant of God (your name), and only misses me with mortal boredom. Enter into his dreams and into his thoughts, so that he dreams only of my name. So that without me he could no longer eat, sleep, day or night. Let it be so".

Even the best and strongest melancholy spells will not work without your energy supply. Therefore, while reciting, you need to clearly imagine a man, putting as much strength and energy as possible into every word spoken.

After reading the spell, the “one who makes me sad” should put the spelled thing under his pillow and go to bed, and there is no need to extinguish the candle - let it burn out to the end. At dawn, the item must be taken out and returned to your loved one as quickly as possible. How you do this is not important - the main thing is that he does not realize that you spoke to her, and is the first one to touch her after you. The wax of a burnt-out candle must be very carefully collected and disposed of by throwing it into the river or burying it under a young tree.

The effect of the spell on the thing will begin immediately after the man touches the spelled object, and very good results show things that a man will use constantly. Every time he touches such an object, your image will “pop up” in his thoughts, in addition to his desire. Wearable wardrobe items have a powerful effect. Black magic in such rituals “offers” to sprinkle the enchanted objects with blood or use other human biological materials. However, such methods are very dangerous and have serious consequences, and it is quite difficult to cancel or remove such effects, no matter how much you want it.

Conspiracy to make your loved one love: 3 rituals for mutual love

Love is one of the keys to female happiness and occupies an important place in the life of every person of the fair sex. But, unfortunately, it often happens that love feelings for a guy or man remain unrequited. Such situations occurred in ancient times, and girls, in order to evoke reciprocity from their lover, turned to the help of magic and read a spell so that their beloved would love. Love magic has not lost its popularity among our contemporaries.

Features of the practical use of love spells

A conspiracy for a loved one has no special restrictions on the performer - both very young girls and women of mature age can turn to him, because every lady deserves simple female happiness. Many love spells have come to us from ancient times and, provided they are performed correctly, can lead to simply amazing results. Often, a conspiracy to make a loved one love requires the performer to carry out a specific set of actions - a ritual.

A prerequisite for using a love spell young man or men may become several situations:

  • when a girl wants to make a guy who is attractive to her and dear to her heart fall in love with her;
  • when a young lady wants to return the love of a young man with whom she had to break up for some reason;
  • when a wife wants to return the cooled or faded feelings of her husband.

Correctly pronounced and carried out taking into account all the requirements, a conspiracy against a loved one will contribute to the emergence or renewal of tender feelings in a man for the performer, and will also strengthen and intensify existing sympathy. For the ritual to work properly, the following conditions should be taken into account when performing it:

  1. The guy or man in relation to whom the love plot is being read should be an acquaintance. It will not be possible to arouse love in a person who is not at all familiar with the performer.
  2. The performer of the ritual must at least minimally (at the “hello-bye” level) maintain communication with the object of her desire. The closer and closer they communicate with each other, the faster the results will follow, the more effective they will be.
  3. Absolutely all actions and conditions contained in the instructions for the conspiracy must be carried out exactly. The most insignificant, even seemingly small things, require attention.
  4. The text of the plot to make your loved one love must be recited from memory, having first learned it by heart. Magic does not encourage reading from a piece of paper.
  5. You should cast a spell on your loved one only during periods of good health, in a good mood. It is impossible to carry out the ritual during even a slight illness or illness.
  6. The best time to cast love spells is during the waxing phase of the moon.

Any representative of the fair half of humanity is capable of making a guy or man of interest fall in love with her. To do this, it is enough to call on love magic to your aid and carry out one of the conspiracies aimed at evoking reciprocal feelings in the object of your desire.

Conspiracy to make your loved one love: proven and powerful rituals

Conspiracy against unrequited feelings

This plot can be read at a photograph or personal item of a loved one who does not reciprocate your feelings. In addition, one will be needed for the ritual black candle— you need to scratch the guy’s name on it with a needle or cut it out with a knife.

A photograph or personal item should be placed on the table, and a candle with the guy’s name should be placed on it. Light a candle and say the words of the spell:

“I ask the Lord God to miraculously allow my thoughts and feelings to come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that it will accept my aspirations, and my heart will show it the way to meet the one for whom my suffering is about. I call with words and feelings the power of the Lord from the cloud to pour rain on my beloved (boyfriend’s name) so that the water, touching him, gives him the desire and the path - the desire to meet me and the path to me. May the heavenly cloud, led by the power of the Lord, find its way to where (the guy’s name) is now, and may the drops of heavenly moisture revive his heart, and may his soul accept the call of my soul. I know that the Lord God heard me, and I thank Him for his help! Amen".

The text is spoken exactly as many times as necessary for the candle to burn out to the end. At this moment, strange and frightening phenomena may occur in the room, especially with a candle, but there is no need to be afraid of them and stop the ritual. This is a sign of the concentration of strong and dense energy around the performer.

When the candle burns out, its stubs and all other ritual objects must be taken to the crossroads of 4 roads and left there. You should leave the intersection quickly, without looking back.

Spell on a loved one: return the love of an ex-boyfriend

The conspiracy can be used if your lover has left you, but love for him still burns in your heart and is present desire bring him back and revive his faded feelings.

Attributes of the accompanying ritual: a personal item of a loved one or a gift given by him , matches , a sheet of paper with the text of the conspiracy written on it in your own hand :

“(Lover's name), my beloved, come back to me.

May you dream of me in your dreams.

Let me just be in your thoughts,

You love me alone.

Luna, please help me,

return my beloved to me.

As soon as I say everything -

I’ll bewitch you to me.”

With all the attributes, go at night, when the moon is growing, to the crossroads of 4 roads. Face north and recite from memory the spell to make your loved one love you, written on a piece of paper. Read the plot a second time, but be sure to do it in reverse order, from the last line to the first. After which the piece of paper with the spell must be burned, the resulting ashes should be scattered on all 4 sides. Then, without regret, leave a gift (personal item) from your loved one at the crossroads and leave the place without looking back.

Returning home, Read the Lord's Prayer three times- this will help neutralize the negative aspects of the ritual. Usually this spell for a loved one gives the first results after three days.

See also strong conspiracies for your loved one in this video:

A conspiracy to make a loved one love: a ritual for married ladies

A strong conspiracy that helps to return the love of a husband if his feelings for his wife have cooled. The wife should read the text three times, looking at the growing month. The words in it are:

“I’ll stand on the threshold of the church and create a talisman for my family. My dear husband (name of spouse), give me your peace. I stand before you, and behind me is a holy protective icon. I will bow to her and stand at the altar. I gave the slave (spouse’s name) my heart and soul. He would be so jealous now, he wouldn’t let me go anywhere. He would love me, caress me, and caress me. Just as a mother suffers for her children, so you will suffer for me, love me and wait, never change. My strong and true word! Amen".

This is one of the most effective conspiracies. Its effect is especially pronounced in relation to married couples who got married in the church.

Spell on a loved one to love deeply

Strong conspiracies are very helpful for saving relationships. They are able to renew the husband’s former feelings, attract the man he loves to them and make him miss him during a long separation.

It is not difficult to perform such rituals. Moreover, they do not have negative consequences. But they will effectively attract attention the right man. It is the fastest way to get rid of unnecessary rivals.

A spell for a man’s love will help make your loved one think about you, bind him and push him to take a responsible step.

Types of rituals

Almost all conspiracies are divided according to time:

  • having a short validity period;
  • having a long validity period.

Short-term rituals- the most harmless. They are usually carried out during the initial relationship in order to better attract the man’s attention. They are also used during a long separation from a loved one, so that he thinks about only one girl.

Long-term rituals are already used in long-term relationships. They do not allow the husband to think about other women. They are able to strengthen the love of a spouse, but only if his feelings are sincere. If the husband fell in love with another, then such a ritual will only bring damage. The loved one is not in a relationship of his own free will, and because of this he will experience great suffering.

Restoring feelings

This ritual will help couples who have been together for a long time and their love has begun to subside. If the ritual is done correctly, the husband will remember past feelings. There will be the same love and affection as in the original relationship.

The plot will help rekindle lost feelings with even greater force.

To achieve a strong effect, the ritual is best performed on the full moon or during the waxing moon.

For the ritual you will need:

  • church candle;
  • a white piece of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

The ritual begins exactly at midnight to make it more effective. You need to stay alone in the room and sit at a table. A candle is placed on the table and lit. The last name, first name and date of birth of the beloved husband are written on a piece of paper. After this, you should mentally imagine the desired manifestation of feelings: a bouquet of flowers, a romantic evening or something else. You can remember first dates that are filled with strong love and tenderness.

The strongest love spell on a loved one

This love spell is quite strong. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to prepare a red candle, a clean white handkerchief, a needle, a fountain pen or pencil.

We lay out a white handkerchief on the table and light a candle. Using wax, we slowly begin to dig a shape resembling a heart onto the handkerchief. The whole heart is filled with wax.

After this, the name of your loved one is written on the resulting heart, and a needle is stuck in. During this entire procedure the following phrases are spoken:

“I don’t kindle a flame, but I call the soul of a loved one, I don’t pour out wax, but I question the body, I don’t pierce the heart, but I call love into my life. Let the soul and body unite and turn to the servant of God (the name of the beloved). His heart is filled with love, and he turns to me, a servant of God.”

Upon completion, the wax heart is hidden very securely from prying eyes. As soon as all the conditions of this procedure are met, it is then recommended to be near the charmed person more often. It is in this way that the energy of witchcraft will be more powerfully transmitted to him.

Such a ritual is carried out only if there is exact confidence in one’s feelings for the person being charmed.

Conspiracy based on photography

Photography is a unique object. With its help you can make a person completely different. Photo conspiracies are considered the fastest and most effective rituals to find love or get rid of a rival.

To make the result more effective, you need to carefully perform the rituals and be sure to believe in your success.

Also, for the magical ritual to be successful, you need to choose the right photo.

The eyes of your loved one must be visible in the photograph. After all, it is in them that the soul is displayed, with the help of which you can influence a person.

Only a recent photo of your loved one, taken no later than a year ago, is selected. Old photographs will not give the desired effect. As a last resort, photographs taken three years ago are acceptable.

No strangers are allowed in the photograph. After all, then magic can do its work for a completely different person. You can simply cut a person out, but you cannot injure the head. Important: during the ritual, give magical power to the words so that they begin to act. Therefore, it is not recommended to read the plot without feelings and with carelessness. All words must be pronounced emotionally, so that they contain strength, love and energy. You cannot read a plot from paper. After all, when pronouncing words, you need to see the eyes of your loved one in order to influence his soul. Therefore, it is recommended to memorize all the words.

Ritual with photo No. 1

This plot should be read at night. To do this, we close ourselves in the room and open the curtains. To make the ritual more effective, you should wait for the bright moon. Two candles are placed on the table, preferably church candles. We place the photo of our loved one between the candles, and begin to read the following:

“I call upon love in the heart (beloved), I kindle the fire of passion in his soul! Go love into the heart (beloved) and stay there forever! Let his feelings for me (his name) flare up with a hot flame, let him reach out to me and strive! Let it be as I wish!” After this, “Amen” is said three times.

Ritual with photo No. 2

Any ritual in which a red thread is used has a powerful effect. To perform this ritual, you will need to prepare two photographs (one should depict the person being bewitched, and the other the person performing the ritual), a red thread, a needle, a pen, a white envelope and church candles.

They write on the photo full names and dates of birth. After this, the pictures are added together right sides and in the corner they are sewn together with red thread. Be sure to make a knot at the end. All corners are sewn in this way.

The stitched photos are placed in an envelope, sealed and hidden. It is very important not to touch the people depicted in the photographs when stitching.

Photography in magic is a special object that reflects the aura of another person.

White love spells

The white conspiracy is the safest.

It’s a very good time when feelings between a man and a woman are just beginning to appear. This will make the budding love stronger. It is carried out only for the growing month. Days of the week for the ceremony: Monday, Friday or Sunday.

For the conspiracy you will need three twigs from a broom, often used in everyday life. A wax candle is lit and the person conducting the ceremony should pull out a couple of his hairs. These strands need to be slowly wound and the words read:

“As my hair is here, so you (beloved) are with me forever. Just like my broom is always at home, so you (beloved) will always be near. I unite two destinies (both names of lovers).”

At the very end you need to say the word “Amen” three times. While pronouncing the last phrases, we begin to drip a candle onto the hairs so that they stick well to the twigs. Such twigs are wrapped in a clean towel. The resulting blank is hidden under the threshold in your home. And make sure that your loved one steps over the blank.

If the husband has stopped paying due attention to his wife, and the wife still has strong feelings, then this conspiracy will allow you to return the past passion.

When feelings first appeared that the husband had cooled down and love was no longer the same as before, but feelings for the spouse remained, you can use magic to awaken the past passion. All words must be read with love to make the magic more effective.

Required to do first romantic dinner so that there is a reason to drink wine. While the husband is not at home, alcohol is poured into glasses. The following is said over the spouse's glass:

“I, (my own name), cast a powerful spell on the intoxicating red wine. My beloved husband (lover) will take a sip of wine and he will no longer be able to live without me. I will always awaken a strong passion in him. Amen".

Any magic word has both strong destructive and creative powers. Therefore, they should be read very carefully so as not to have a disastrous effect. While reading, all attention is focused on your loved one, all the smallest details are imagined, and the mood for a positive effect is established.

The most effective method to attract constant good luck has long been to cast a spell on your item. With its help, you will stop having problems with money, and your life will be filled with happiness.

Life is very expensive these days. However, some people can afford a lot, and some live on a tiny salary, while others have long been mired in debt and loans. We are all equal, everyone has a chance to achieve success and material well-being. You need to try the well-known saying “money doesn’t buy happiness” from personal experience and stop counting every penny. White money conspiracies can help you with this, which will program your energy for well-being.

To conjure any of your things, it is not necessary to resort to the services of magicians, psychics, or hereditary witches. You can perform such actions on your own without anyone's help. Experience shows that people with supernatural power do not undertake such rituals. They do not waste their capabilities on such small tasks that ordinary people are capable of doing.

Basic rules of conspiracies: how to read correctly

The first thing you should do is think about the consequences. Even white magic can be dangerous at times. You need to firmly know why and why you are making a conspiracy, and only after that start taking action.

The second rule is that you cannot read a plot out of curiosity. In such situations, words charged with success are of no use: you even risk losing luck for many years. Therefore, a conspiracy should be carried out only when necessary.

Fourthly, the magical text should not be read by pregnant women: there is a risk of bringing misfortune and misfortune upon the child. It is better to hold off on this and postpone the ritual.

The fifth rule indicates that you cannot read conspiracies whenever you want. For each of them there is a specific date and time. Be careful and check all the details.

Sixthly, if you are afraid to read the plot yourself or cannot, then the person who takes it upon himself should be well thanked by you. This is necessary so that the conspiracy will certainly empower you, and not the person who read the charged words.

Before performing the ritual, it is advisable not to drink alcohol for three days. You need to try to eat healthy food and not get into arguments and scandals with loved ones. Your energy should be clean and positive.

And the last rule says that everything that you have done should not be made public. Under no circumstances tell strangers about magical rituals. No one should know what you talked about the thing for, much less what you got in the end.

We charm your item for good luck and financial well-being

The power of a conspiracy can attract not only money, but also good luck. After the ritual, you will come across the right people, favorable circumstances, you will be able to make profitable deals or find a well-paid job. You can speak any thing that you consider necessary. However, it is worth remembering that for maximum effect you should carry this item with you every day. Usually pins, rings, coins, small souvenirs, lace, string are used. You can choose whatever you like.

To perform the ritual you will need three candles: brown, green and white. Colors are very symbolic, so try to find candles like these. Green means the money you want to attract, white represents spiritual purity, drives away black forces, and brown symbolizes the ritual you will perform.

For the plot to be successful, you should choose an even date on the waxing Moon, but remember that at this moment you must be alone. No one except you should participate in the ritual. Find the brightest place in the house and sit comfortably: it is advisable to have a table in front of you on which you will place candles. Make a triangle out of them, in the center of which place the thing you want to speak. You should light candles with your right hand and say: “The flame of fire will help me win, attract good luck to all my deeds. And let the power that is stored in money pass to me. Keep me away". After the spoken words, hold your gaze on each candle and your object for about half a minute. Then combine all the candles into one to create a common flame, and wait for the wax to fall on your item. After this, you can leave the candles to burn out and keep the item with you.

Other money conspiracies can also help to attract material well-being. However, remember: for the ritual to work and good luck to visit you, do not refuse to help people in need. Don't forget about good deeds when you gain wealth. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.04.2017 03:40

The full moon is the best time for many changes. Attract happiness, love and strengthen your feelings...