Wiring diagram for a chandelier on a double switch. Connecting a chandelier to a switch: features. Connecting a chandelier with a ground wire

A chandelier, a popular ceiling lamp, is found in every home, and more than one. Therefore, from time to time everyone needs to install and connect a chandelier. Of course, it is not at all difficult to invite an electrician to do this work for you for a certain amount. But you can learn how to connect a chandelier yourself; it doesn’t require any special abilities. A positive attitude, basic knowledge of electrical engineering and compliance with basic safety rules will allow even an inexperienced person to be able to connect a chandelier on their own.

Required tools and equipment:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Voltage indicator.
  4. Marker.
  5. A stepladder or other stable device of sufficient height.
  6. Terminal clamps.

How to connect a chandelier - identifying wires

Before starting work, you must read the chandelier’s instruction manual, which indicates the main technical specifications, and there is also a diagram and order of connecting the wires.

For convenience, the wires differ in color:

  • the “neutral” wire should be blue;
  • ground wire – yellow or yellow-green;
  • "phase" wire - usually red, brown, black or another color other than blue, yellow and green.

You should also inspect the place where the chandelier is hung. In apartments there is usually already a ceiling special hook for hanging. You need to pay attention to the number of wires coming out of the ceiling: two or three. The presence of three wires (unless, of course, one of them is a ground wire) allows you to connect the chandelier in sections for application different levels illumination The presence of two wires deprives you of this opportunity; it is only possible to turn on all the lamps in the chandelier at the same time.

Modern home wiring is typically done using color-coded wires. The color distribution is similar to the above.

If you have old wiring, and all the wires are the same color, then using a voltage indicator, identify the phase wires on the ceiling and mark them with a marker.

Connecting a chandelier to a single switch

The easiest way to connect a chandelier. The wires of the home electrical wiring and the wires of the lamp are connected in pairs to each other.

  1. Connect the neutral wire of the chandelier with the neutral wire from the junction box.
  2. The phase wire from the distribution box must first be connected to the switch and routed under its button. Connect it to the phase wire of the chandelier.

When connecting wires, the most reliable and safe option is to use screw terminals. However, in practice, twisted connections are often isolated with special caps. We strongly do not recommend using it for insulation. PVC tapes, over time, due to its drying out, the quality of the insulation can deteriorate significantly, which can cause short circuit and is fraught with unpleasant consequences.

Connecting a chandelier to a double switch

This connection method is used when connecting a three-arm chandelier or ceiling lamp having more than three lamps. This type Chandeliers allow you to regulate the level of illumination in the room and, moreover, allow you to save on energy bills. If you want to install a chandelier of this particular modification, when purchasing, pay attention to the number of wires coming out of it: there must be at least two phase wires, not counting the ground and neutral wires.

Your home electrical wiring should also be done accordingly: three wires from a double switch are connected to the chandelier mounting point. One of the wires is a neutral wire, the other two are phase wires passing through different keys in the switch.

The connection diagram for a chandelier with a double switch allows you to step by step adjust the level of illumination in the room.

Execution sequence:

  1. Divide the wires from the chandelier lamps into two sections.
  2. From each section, connect one twist to the neutral wire.
  3. Connect the two remaining twists separately to the phase wires.

As a result, with this connection you will get three different lighting modes.

Connection diagram for two or three chandeliers from a single switch

In a large room, several chandeliers are often installed or a large number of halogen lamps, LED lamps, which are turned on all at the same time with one single switch. Also, sometimes it becomes necessary to install a switch so that it can turn on the lighting in several rooms simultaneously. In this case it applies parallel connection chandeliers, like several shades in one chandelier.

If the number of wires in the chandelier and on the ceiling do not match

It may turn out that the chandelier you purchased has three wires, but there are only two wires on the ceiling where the chandelier is mounted, and the switch, accordingly, is single. Or vice versa. Algorithm for connecting a three-arm chandelier to single switch looks like that:

  1. Connect the neutral wire of the chandelier to the neutral wire on the ceiling.
  2. In the terminal block of the chandelier, install a jumper between the phase wires or clamp them in one terminal and connect them to the phase wire on the ceiling.

With this connection scheme, it will no longer be possible to regulate the light level.

In the opposite situation, when there are three wires in the home electrical wiring (two phase and one neutral) and double switch, and there are only two wires in the chandelier, the connection is made in the following sequence:

  1. Using a voltage indicator, you need to determine the neutral wire and connect it to any of the wires on the chandelier.
  2. Clamp the other two wires (phase) into one terminal, or install a jumper.

ATTENTION: similar situation You should definitely check all three wires with an indicator so as not to accidentally short-circuit the network if the third wire is not phase, but neutral. This, unfortunately, also happens.

How to convert a chandelier designed for a single switch into a double switch

If your chandelier is designed for a single switch, that is, only two wires come out of the base of the chandelier, and there are several lamps, and your electrical wiring allows it, you can try to convert the chandelier to a double switch. The process is labor-intensive, but the result is worth it.

In a chandelier of this design, all wiring from the lamps (shades) comes into one combination of phase and neutral wires. You need to find this place and divide the lampshades into two sections, each of which will be turned on by the corresponding switch key.

After we have found the connection point, do the following:

  1. The neutral wires remain connected to each other and do not need to be touched.
  2. We divide the phase wires into two groups of wires instead of one. The division scheme is at your discretion, depending on the number of shades and your personal preferences.
  3. Connect the common (neutral) wire with the neutral wire coming from the junction box.
  4. To connect the phase wires from the resulting sections of the lampshades of the sections, you need to run another additional wire from the chandelier to the place where the chandelier is connected to the electrical wiring from the double switch.

Thus, it is quite easy to transform an ordinary chandelier into a three-mode one.

The most common mistakes in connecting a chandelier

Errors during installation and connection occur not only among novice electricians, even among experienced specialists It often happens that a chandelier does not shine at all as it should. These mistakes are typical and banal.

Incorrect connection of double switch

This is the most common mistake, which consists in connecting the incoming phase wire to one of the output contacts of the switch. With such a connection scheme, the chandelier cannot function normally, since one section of the lamps turns on only if voltage is applied to the other section. That is, if the incoming phase is connected to the left contact of the switch, when the left key is pressed, the phase enters the distribution box through the lower input contact and turns on one section of the lamps. The next time you press the right key, another section is turned on. But when you open the left key, all sections are turned off.

When the left key is pressed, it is impossible to turn on the right key.

The reason for the dependence of the right key on the left is that initially the phase entered through the input contact of the left key switch, and the left key, when turned off, breaks the phase in both sections at once.

To eliminate this error, you should swap the connections of the incoming and outgoing phases of the switch.

Instead of a phase wire, a neutral wire passes through the switch

According to the rules of electrical installations, there is a procedure for connecting a switch that closes and opens the circuit by breaking the phase. How does it look on the diagram? The neutral wire, bypassing the switch, is laid from the distribution box directly to the neutral wire of the ceiling lamp. The phase wire from the junction box passes through the switch key, which breaks the circuit.

However, in practice, sometimes an incorrect connection occurs: it is not the phase wire that passes through the switch, but the neutral wire. That is, when the switch key is turned off, the electrical wiring remains energized, despite the fact that the lighting is not on. This is fraught with the possibility of defeat electric shock when replacing a lamp, if you accidentally touch the exposed parts of the chandelier lampshade, or if the insulation of the wire is broken.

Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to eliminate such a connection error.

This violation of the connection diagram can be detected using a voltage indicator, which, when the switch is in the “off” state, shows the presence of a phase on the ceiling wires.

Incorrect connection diagram for the neutral wire of the chandelier

This error is the reason that only part of the light bulbs in the chandelier turn on normally, the rest either shine weakly or do not turn on at all. As previously discussed, if there are three wires, the phase wires are each connected to a separate section of light bulbs, while the neutral wire is common to all light bulbs, which are all connected to it in parallel. If you mix up the wires and connect the interconnected light bulbs, say, of the first section to zero instead of the phase, and connect all the light bulbs of both sections to the phase (instead of zero), then when you press the first key in the first section, the light bulbs will turn on, since they go there at the same time both zero and phase. When you press the second key in the second section, the light bulbs will not light, since both incoming wires will be phase, and in order for the light bulb to shine, a phase with zero must be supplied to it at the same time.

Compliance with safety rules when connecting a chandelier

Working with live parts always involves a certain degree of risk. Connecting a chandelier to a home is no exception, and the work is done at height. To protect yourself and others during electrical installation work, must be observed following rules security:

  1. Carefully study the instructions for connecting the chandelier.
  2. The power tools used in the work must be in good working order, especially with regard to the insulating parts of the tools.
  3. Equipment for climbing to heights - stepladders and other devices - check for reliability and stability of the structure.
  4. Before starting work, stop the power supply by turning off the circuit breakers in the electrical panel.

A chandelier is one of those interior items that people begin to become familiar with almost from birth. A baby lying in a stroller or crib looks with interest at a beautiful glowing device on the ceiling. Any a large room in an apartment or house it must be equipped with a chandelier, which is fixed in the center of the ceiling. It not only becomes an interior decoration, but also allows you to evenly distribute lighting load across the space of the room. To vary the illumination of a room, chandeliers with 5 or more bulbs are most often used. Such lamps will be discussed in this article. Let's talk about how to connect a chandelier with 3 wires, what is needed for such work and can this be done by a person without special electrical engineering education?


The modern market offers a wide range of lighting fixtures with intricate designs, a large number of LEDs or lamps, with remote controls. remote control. However, most people still prefer to install in their living rooms five-arm chandelier.

If such a chandelier is connected to a single switch, this will entail high consumption electricity. Agree, it is not always necessary for all five horns to glow in the room; sometimes two or three are enough. Therefore, the most popular connection diagram for a chandelier with a double switch is considered. It is this kind of circuit that we will talk about below, and before connecting the chandelier to a household two-key switch, let’s figure out what such a lamp consists of and how it is designed.

First of all, this is a basic design with 5 horns. Regardless of where the lamps will be directed (down or up), the mounting of sockets and lampshades with horns is carried out in the same way - using threaded connections. Each horn at the end looks like a threaded tube; a decorative cap is attached to it using a nut. But very often the fastening occurs due to the bottom of the cartridge, which is screwed onto the horn thread. You need to connect the wires and screw the light bulbs into the socket; this is where their direct contact occurs. Lampshades serve to diffuse light and also perform a decorative function; most often they are made of metal, glass or plastic.

The wires on the chandelier most often go inside metal structure. The lampshades are attached to the lamp body using latches, bolts or a plastic ring that is screwed onto the thread of the socket. From each socket inside the horn to the connection box of the lamp there are 2 core wire.

You can install a variety of lamps on a chandelier - incandescent, fluorescent, LED, energy-saving.

A power supply or ballast for starting LED and fluorescent lamps can also be installed in the chandelier body.

There are chandeliers equipped with reflectors that have a white or mirror surface and create directional light.

You can learn more about how to choose a chandelier and lamps for it in this video:


Before connecting a chandelier with three wires, prepare the necessary tools:

  1. Indicator screwdriver (it will be needed to determine phase and zero).
  2. Pliers with insulated handles.
  3. Knife (to remove insulation on conductors).
  4. Multimeter.
  5. Insulating tape.
  6. Screwdrivers (flat and Phillips).
  7. Wire cutters.
  8. Marker.

Devices with which the wires will be connected. These can be special blocks in which the connected wire is clamped under a screw, spring or connecting insulating clamps (PPE). Well, don’t forget, of course, about the stepladder.

Purpose of wires

Before connecting an indoor chandelier with a two-key switch, let's figure out how many wires we need and why each of them is needed.

example of instructions for assembling a chandelier (click to enlarge)

Any lighting device must have a passport with the diagram indicated in it. Study it carefully, it describes the purpose of the wires by color. As a rule, the phase is performed in white or brown color, the blue wire means zero, and there may be a third protective ground wire, it is usually made green or yellow. In total, 4 wires should come out of the chandelier - zero, protective grounding and 2 phases.

If there is no passport for the lighting device, then we will decide for ourselves where the phase is and where the zero is.

So, you have a hole in the ceiling from which three wires protrude, one of them is neutral, and the other 2 are phase wires from a two-key switch. If your chandelier is with protective grounding, then there will be a separate fourth wire for this.

  1. Turn off the power supply to the apartment and set the double switch keys to the “Off” position.
  2. To avoid short circuits, separate the three wires that stick out from the ceiling at a distance from each other to the sides.
  3. Remove the insulation from each core by about 1 cm.
  4. Apply voltage by turning on the circuit breaker and then the switch. Touch each core with an indicator screwdriver; the one on which the indicator does not light up will be zero. Mark it with a marker.
  5. Now turn off the keys on the switch one by one and check the presence of the corresponding phase.

Determine the purpose of the cores in the lamp using a multimeter:

  1. To begin, set the device to the “Dial” mode and short-circuit the probes for 1 second. An audible signal should sound, this means that you have chosen the correct measurement limit and the device is working.
  2. The socket has 2 contacts, one of them is phase, it is springy and is located in the center, the second is zero, it is located on the side (when the light bulb is screwed in, it touches it with its base).
  3. Also strip 1 cm of all four wires extending from the chandelier.
  4. Now we need to find the zero core. Place one multimeter probe on the zero (side) contact in any of the cartridges. Using the second probe, touch the stripped wires in turn. As soon as you hear a beep, it means that this core is the zero wire, also mark it with a marker.
  5. In a similar way, determine the correspondence of the two phase conductors extending from the lamp. This time, use the multimeter probe to touch the central phase contacts in the sockets one by one. In a five-arm chandelier, one phase core is connected to three sockets, and the second goes to the remaining two.
  6. To check the grounding wire, you need to touch it with one probe and the metal body of the lamp with the other; a sound signal will confirm the correct choice.

Single-key switch circuit

First, let's look at more simple diagram– how to connect a three-arm chandelier with 3 wires. Here are three detailed step by step instructions. First, check the equipment of your lamp:

  1. Having opened the original packaging, immediately find the list of kits included in the chandelier and check the list for the presence of all components.
  2. Find the bracket that will attach the chandelier to the ceiling. It is a strip that is directly screwed to wooden base in the ceiling, and the chandelier cover will be attached to this bar.
  3. Check the presence and integrity of all lampshades.
  4. Next, there should be a device (you can call it a chandelier connection box) in which the wires will be disconnected, three horns are attached to it, and this mechanism itself is connected to the bracket cover. A double wire (phase and neutral conductors) is pulled through this device. One end of it will be connected to the phase and neutral conductors, which come out of the hole in the ceiling, the second end is intended to connect to the conductors in the horns.
  5. Usually the third grounding wire comes separately with the lamp. On the metal case (most often on the lid) a special icon indicates the place where the protective grounding should be connected.
  6. Check for the presence of three horns; cartridges should be attached to them and a phase and neutral conductor should come out of each.

Now let's look at how to connect the wires in a chandelier:

  1. Take one horn and the connection box of the lamp where the connection will be made. Two wires come out of the horn (blue - zero, brown - phase). Pull them through one of the three holes and secure the horn.
  2. Do similar actions with the other two horns.
  3. As a result, in the connection box of the lamp there were 6 wires from the horns - three blue and three brown, and a double 2-core wire that will be used to connect to the network.
  4. Strip the insulation on all 6 wires from the horns and on the double wire.
  5. Connect the three blue wires to one core of the double wire, and in the same way connect the three brown wires to the second core of the double wire. Do this using twisting, you can also solder it on top. Put on the insulating caps, as a rule, they are included in the kit.
  6. Carefully lay all the wires in the connection box of the chandelier and close the lid on top.
  7. Connect the protective ground wire at the indicated location.

All that remains is to connect our chandelier with three wires to the network:

  1. Before starting the electrical part of the work, de-energize the room by turning off the power supply.
  2. Secure to wooden structure a mounting frame in the ceiling using ordinary wood screws. This must be done as firmly and reliably as possible, because the bar will have to support the full weight of the chandelier.
  3. To avoid having to redo anything later, immediately try on the lamp, lightly tightening the decorative bolts. Look, if you are satisfied with everything, then unscrew the bolts and start connecting the wires.
  4. It is advisable to do this work with a partner, so that one person can hold the lamp to be connected, and the other can handle the connection. If there is no partner, then attach the lamp to set bar, tightly tied with a cord or a piece of strong wire.
  5. Start by putting self-clamping terminal blocks on the wires sticking out of the hole in the ceiling. Then connect the corresponding lamp cores to them.
  6. Now turn on the machine and the switch to check correct work. If all three lamps light up, turn off the switch, the circuit breaker and finish the job by finally screwing the lamp to the bar.

Now you know how to properly connect a three-arm chandelier, let's look at more difficult option– connecting the chandelier to a double switch.

Scheme with a two-key switch

Connecting a five-arm chandelier to a household two-key switch is done in the same way.

  1. A neutral wire comes from the distribution box, which is laid to the lamp; all five neutral wires from each lamp will be connected to it.
  2. The phase conductor from the box approaches the two-key switch; two conductors extend from it, which will supply voltage to one and the second group of light bulbs.
  3. In the distribution box, the neutral and phase conductors are connected to the phase and neutral of the supply network.
  4. In the connection box of the lamp, instead of 6 wires, as in the three-arm version, there will now be 10 wires (5 phases and 5 zeros).

All five blue neutral wires in the lamp must be connected into one common bundle. And from the phase conductors, form two connecting harnesses - one of three brown conductors from light bulbs, the second, respectively, of two. That is, when one key of the switch is turned on, three lamps will light up, and when the second key is turned on, two will light up.

There are three wires in the connection box of the chandelier. Some ends are brought out into top part and will be connected to the wires connected to the hole in the ceiling to the place where the lamp is attached. Connect the other ends this way:

  • Blue neutral conductor with a connecting harness of five neutral conductors of all lamps.
  • One phase conductor, for example brown, with a connecting harness for the phase conductors of three lamps.
  • The second phase conductor, for example, is white, with a connecting harness for the phase conductors of two lamps.

From the hole in the ceiling, in the place where the lamp will be fixed, you have three stripped wires sticking out. Connect them respectively to the phase and neutral conductors of the chandelier. In the case of protective grounding of the lamp, there will be a fourth wire and connection.

You see that, by analogy with more simple option, connecting a chandelier to a double switch is also easy. More information about connecting the chandelier can be seen in this video:

I would like to give a little advice about inexpensive Chinese chandeliers. Immediately after purchase, check all wiring for integrity. They often contain all the electrical part in the connection box of the chandelier, check the reliability of the contacts. It would be a shame if such a huge amount of work had to be redone later.

Now you know how to connect a chandelier with 5 or 6 arms to a double switch. In principle, if you have basic knowledge of electrical engineering, this will not be difficult for you to do. But you can save a little on calling a professional electrician.

From this article you will learn what cross-section of wires is needed to connect to a chandelier, how to ring and determine the phases on the ceiling: we are looking for a ground wire, we are looking for phases and zero, the designation of the chandelier wires.

How to connect a chandelier in a simple way, rules for connecting wires, connecting a 2,3,4,5, 6 chandelier to a single and double switch and many other questions.

Design features of the chandelier

Chandeliers are most often used as lighting devices in residential premises - multi-lamp lamps designed for installation on the ceiling.

A chandelier is a structure that connects several lighting elements - light bulbs, which allows you to provide the room with good lighting.

If you use a regular light bulb in a room, then to ensure proper lighting you will need to install a powerful lighting element, and even then, if the room is large, it will not be enough.

But such light is not always needed, so more the best option is the use of several lamps.

But in the case of using ordinary light bulbs, each of them will have to run its own wire or branch from the junction box.

But if you install a chandelier, the design of which involves installing several light bulbs, then the complexity of the connection will be the same as for one or more light bulbs.

But at the same time, all lighting elements included in the design will be powered, and from one wire.

And all because the wiring branching occurs at the entrance to the chandelier, and not in the junction box.

Well, don't discount it aesthetic side question. A lonely light bulb hanging on the ceiling looks dull, or maybe a beautiful chandelier.

To get good lighting in a room with a perfect combination lighting fixture with the interior, it is not enough just to purchase matching chandelier, it still needs to be hung and connected correctly.

What is taken into account before carrying out work?

Let's immediately define several key points that should definitely be taken into account:

And one more thing - it’s one thing to simply remove the old lighting fixture and connect a new one in its place, and quite another thing to completely create a lighting power line, including from switchboard, installation of switches, junction boxes and lighting fixtures with their subsequent connection into one network.

Go deeper into the specifics self-installation We will not discuss the power supply branches of the chandelier, since we are more interested only in how to connect the lighting elements, although some points regarding wiring will be touched upon.

Helpful information

Let us immediately point out some features that can help:

  • Breaking the circuit with a switch is carried out only through the phase line, and the neutral conductor and grounding conductor (if any) go directly to the consumer;
  • For each branch, a separate phase wire is laid at the output of their switch (It is separated in the switch itself. A single-key switch has one phase conductor at the output, a two-key switch has two, a three-key switch has three). This affects the wire used leading from the switch;
  • On the terminal blocks of the chandeliers you can find the designation of the terminals, which makes the connection easier (the marking “L” indicates that the terminal is phase, “N” is neutral, “PE” is grounding).

Now directly, how to connect the chandelier to the switch.

Let's assume that the line is made in advance, the switch is in place, and 2 or 3 wires stick out from the ceiling (with the third wire being “ground”).

In general, the connection diagram is the simplest - “ single-gang switch– 1 lighting fixture.”

If the chandelier is armless (with 1 lamp), then the connection method does not differ at all from powering a simple light bulb.

It also greatly simplifies connecting a chandelier to one or more light bulbs.

Single-key switch – 1 chandelier

Before starting work, you should determine which wire is which. It would be good if modern wiring with color differences between the cores was used. On initial stage I'm only interested in the "ground".

If the electricians did not mess anything up, the ground wire will have a yellow-green braid.

But you will have to figure out the phase and zero yourself and for this you will only need an indicator screwdriver, but all precautions should be taken, since the test is done in live wiring.

Therefore, before applying voltage, you should make sure that the ends of the wires are separated in different sides and do not touch each other.

And only after this can voltage be applied (you also need to turn the switch to the “on” position).

After we touch the ends of the wiring with the tip of the indicator screwdriver, the indicator light that comes on when touched will indicate that the core is phase, which means the second one is zero.

If there are three wires at the output, and it is not clear which of them is zero and ground, you can use a test light to determine it (we connect a two-core wire to a regular 220 lamp through a socket). Then we identify the phase with an indicator screwdriver.

If the lamp lights up after applying voltage, then the second wire will be zero (if it doesn’t light up, the “ground” is connected to the control). For reliability, the wires should be swapped.

After determining where each wire is, all that remains is to connect them to the corresponding terminals of the chandelier terminal block, and then secure it to the ceiling hook. In general, everything is as simple as shelling pears.

The diagram for connecting the chandelier to two terminals is as follows:

If the circuit is three-wire, then the connection is made like this:

Now let’s assume that the chandelier is a two-arm chandelier and you need to connect it to a single-key switch.

Each horn is a branch and two wires must come from it (phase and zero), but the “ground” is connected to the body, so it does not go to the branches.

Let's assume that there are blue and brown wires coming from each horn.

To connect the chandelier, you need to separate the wires of the horns by color and twist them together (the blue ones are separate from the brown ones).

Then we connect them to the power line, and it does not matter what color the wires will be phase and neutral.

For example, we connect the brown wires through the block to the phase conductor, and the blue wire to the zero.

Then we isolate everything and check its functionality. Here we note that with such a connection, no matter how many bulbs there are in the chandelier, they will all light up when turned on.

It happens that the third wire in a chandelier or wiring is superfluous (ground is not provided in the lighting fixture or power line).

In the case of a chandelier, we simply ignore this output (this will not affect the performance in any way), but the grounding conductor of the wiring will need to be insulated.

Overall this is general scheme connecting the chandelier and it is identical for everyone, but there are some nuances that will be indicated below.

A little about wiring connections. To do this, you can use either terminal blocks or conventional twisting followed by insulation with protective caps.

Each connection method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Terminals are more convenient for installation, but it is not always possible to install it.

The twist is more compact in size, but it is not always possible to twist the wires well.

Two-button switch - chandelier

Now let's talk about how to connect a chandelier to a two-key switch.

Since the number of lamps and their division into groups can be very different, we will consider several options:

One switch – several chandeliers

Now let's look at how to connect several chandeliers to one switch. Here you will also have to consider the features of the power line.

For example, let’s take a single-key switch that will power three chandeliers at once.

The lighting line diagram with this switch is as follows: phase and zero go from the switchboard to the distribution box.

A wire goes into it from the phase conductor to the switch, and returns to it again.

As a result, in the box we have a zero and a phase (with a switch included in the circuit), to which we can connect the wiring leading to the consumer.

Therefore, in order to connect three chandeliers to this switch at once, it is enough to throw one common line and insert the phase and neutral wires of the lighting devices into it.

Moreover, it is better to connect each chandelier to a common line in distribution boxes (they additionally need to be installed). And then in the chandelier itself, divide it into horns (branches).

Connecting a chandelier with additional equipment

Now about connecting the chandelier in which the fan is mounted. This lighting device does not require anything special to connect, since the fan is the same consumer as a regular light bulb (that is, the circuit is the same as that of a two-arm chandelier).

It should be connected to a two-key switch so that you can turn off the light or fan if necessary.

Also, when connecting such a chandelier, you should read the instructions, which should indicate which of the wires going to power the fan is phase and which is neutral, and use this information when connecting.

The same applies to chandeliers that have remote control using a remote control.

Inside such a device there will be a special executive unit with a controller that receives signals from the remote control.

So, this unit requires power, and it works on the same principle as a light bulb.

But in chandeliers with LED lamps, the lighting elements operate from a 12V network with direct current. And for this purpose, the design of the lighting device contains a step-down transformer, which has phase and neutral terminals.

Connecting this chandelier is as easy as connecting a regular light bulb.

Sometimes there is a need to install a combination switch to power the chandelier, combined with an outlet.

And here the whole peculiarity lies precisely in connecting the switch itself, and not the lighting device.

Since there is an outlet, in order for it to function, both phase and zero must be supplied to it.

And if only a phase conductor was routed to a conventional switch, then a neutral conductor will also have to be routed to the combined one. The connection diagram for such a switch is presented below.

There are times when the part of the supply wiring protruding from the ceiling is not enough to connect the chandelier. In this case, you can simply increase them.

To do this, you can take two segments copper wire cross section of at least 1.5 mm. sq. and connect them to the line terminals using twisting. Then the connection points should be properly insulated.

Popular with readers: disadvantages and advantages of the device.

Safety precautions

When connecting a chandelier, do not forget about safety precautions. All work should be carried out only with de-energized wiring. Moreover, simply disconnecting the line at the switch is not enough; it must be de-energized at the distribution board.

You need to be very careful about the distribution of wiring before connecting.

5 / 5 ( 1 voice )

Today, stores sell a huge number of different multi-arm chandeliers. Most of them do not have the ability to connect to a two-gang switch. This can be determined immediately in the store. If a two-wire wire comes out of the chandelier, then without modification it can only be connected to a single-key switch. If it is three-wire, then you are in luck; it can be connected to a double switch without additional upgrades.

Why do we need this double switch? For example, if you place a five-arm chandelier only on a single switch. Then we will get the fact that either all five light bulbs will shine at once or none at all. It often happens that such bright light We don’t always need it and want to tone it down a little. This can only be achieved by turning off 2 or 3 lamps in the chandelier. Now, if two light bulbs work from one switch key, and the other three from another key, then you can easily play with the brightness of the lighting in the room.

One of my friends and I went to choose a chandelier. We chose this option. The photo shows the final result of the installation, but before that the process of its modernization took place. This is described in detail below.

We bought it at the beginning of 2015 for 4,000 rubles. To be honest, I was a little surprised by the prices. Why do you need to pay 4 thousand rubles? 5 glass shades, 5 metal tubes and 2 meters of wire don’t cost that much. There are no complex works, non-standard elements or any sophisticated design solution. Maybe I don't understand something? And in stores they simply didn’t leave people a choice, since you can’t find it cheaper almost anywhere. Somehow I got distracted from the topic. So, let's move on...

This chandelier contained a two-wire wire for connection. I observed the same thing with all similar lamps. The sellers simply told everyone that if you want to connect it to a two-key switch, then redo it yourself at home. After that, I decided to write an article on how to convert a chandelier into a double switch. Maybe it will be useful to you.

In order to do this, we simply need to replace the existing two-wire wire with a three-wire one.

At the first stage, we disassemble the five-arm chandelier. We unscrew all the nuts, washers, tubes, etc. Your design may be slightly different. The main thing is to remember what is screwed where and in what order, since then you will have to put it back together. It's like a constructor.

In our chandelier, the connections between the power wire and the wires that go to the light bulbs are located in its lower central part. Unscrew the bottom cap by hand and remove the lid.

Here we see neatly laid wires.

We take them out so that we can work with them. The connections are made with ordinary plastic caps. This is done in all Chinese chandeliers.

One cap connects all neutral conductors. These are the blue wires. The second cap connects all phase conductors. These are brown wires.

Carefully unscrew the caps counterclockwise and disconnect the power wire from the twists. Then you should put the caps back in place so that the wires from the cartridges do not become disconnected and subsequently confuse you.

Then we pull out the power wire from all the elements of the chandelier. In the photo below he is lying next to her.

Since all elements of the chandelier have round holes and a lot of twists and turns, then for convenient installation you should choose a soft wire round shape. Next, we calculate the power of all lamps. The passport states that the maximum power of each lamp should not exceed 60W. In total we get 5pcs x 60W = 300W. In my case they were purchased LED bulbs 10 W each. As a result, the entire five-arm chandelier will consume 50W. See what savings there are. Just in case, I purchased a wire with a good supply. Perhaps in the future the owner of the apartment will replace the burnt out lamps with ordinary 100-watt ones. Better to play it safe. As a result, PVS 3x0.75 wire was chosen.

We pass the new wire through all the necessary elements of the chandelier. These are tubes, washers, nuts, etc.

At the place where the wires are disconnected, we cut a new power wire.

The blue core is the neutral conductor. From the switch connection diagram we know that the “zero” is common and comes from the junction box. We connect it to all five blue wires from the cartridges. You can simply screw them together with the existing protective cap.

The brown core of the new wire is the phase conductor that comes from one key of the double switch. We connect it using the existing protective cap with two wires from two different lamps. It is better to choose lamps that are located opposite each other. This way, in the future, light will fall evenly from all sides.

The yellow-green wire is intended for grounding. But what to do in our situation? You will have to use it as a phase conductor. There's nothing wrong with that. We can’t pull a new wire, especially since there’s no more room for it.

We connect the last yellow-green wire of the new wire with the remaining three brown wires. To do this we need to buy a new similar protective cap. This vein will go to the other key of the double switch.

After everything is connected, carefully lay all the wires into the chandelier body.

On the other side of the chandelier, we pass the new wire along the route of the old one.

All that remains is to cut the new power wire and connect it to the place where the chandelier is attached. If there is grounding at home, then connect the yellow-green conductor from the bottom photo to the grounding conductor. If there is no grounding at home, then we simply hide this wiring under the cover, since it may be useful in the future.

So we figured out the question of how to convert a chandelier into a double switch. I think I explained everything clearly.

All we have to do is hang the chandelier and connect it. It is attached to the ceiling using a hook, which is clearly visible in the photo below. You can also see the remote control unit through which I connected it. Wait for a story about this in future articles.

Let's smile:

The electrician, having finished his work, says to the housewife:
- Well, that's it, grandma, you have a bottle.
- Milok, maybe money would be better?
- No, grandma, I can’t have money - I’ll drink it.

It is not necessary to call an electrician to do a job that you can easily do yourself. In this article we will tell you how to connect a chandelier to a one-key or two-key switch with your own hands.

The principle of connecting a chandelier

When connecting a chandelier to a switch, you need to understand the operating principle. It's pretty simple. The light bulb lights up when two wires are connected to it, these are the phase wire (designation L in the diagram) and the neutral wire (designation N in the diagram). When connecting a light bulb (chandelier), one of the conductors goes directly from the junction box to the chandelier (lamp), the second is also connected to the chandelier, but through a gap (switch).

Important! For safety reasons, the neutral conductor cannot be routed through the switch. It should go to the light bulb (chandelier) from the junction box without breaking.

You should not rely on the electricians to correctly connect the electrical wiring based on the color of the wires (the neutral working conductor is blue or light blue, the neutral protective conductor is yellow-green). They could have been wrong. It is for this reason that before starting work it is necessary to look at where the phase conductor (phase) and where the neutral conductor (zero) comes out of the ceiling or junction box. For these purposes, you need a screwdriver with a voltage indicator. When determining the phase and neutral conductors, you need to check the voltage indicator where you are sure there is voltage. This can be done in a working outlet or floor panel. After this, we determine and remember which conductors come out of the ceiling. There is nothing complicated here, you need to touch the wire with an indicator screwdriver, and if the indicator light lights up, then it is a phase conductor.

Wires can come out of the ceiling in the following order:

  1. Two wires. This is a phase conductor and a neutral conductor. This diagram means that only all lamps can be connected together.
  2. Three wires. Two phase conductors and one neutral. With this scheme, you can distribute the switching on of the lamps in the chandelier.
  3. Two two-wire wires - it is also possible to distribute the switching on of lamps.
  4. There are three wires coming out of the ceiling, but without the ability to distribute the switching on of the lamps. The third wire is yellow-green in color and is the neutral protective conductor (grounding).

Let's look at the main options for connecting a chandelier to switches.

Connecting a chandelier to a single-key switch

If only two wires come out of the ceiling, this means that it is possible to connect only a single-key switch with all the lamps turned on at the same time and it does not matter how many wires come out of the chandelier, two, three or five.

Connection diagram to a single-key switch: 1 - single-key switch; 2 — junction box; 3 - chandelier

If three wires come out of the chandelier, then they must be connected to each other according to color, so that in the end there are two bundles of wires. Then we simply connect the wires from the chandelier and from the ceiling.

If two wires come out of the chandelier, then all lamps can only be turned on at the same time. If three wires come out of the chandelier, then this means: one common conductor for all lamps, which must be connected to the neutral conductor. The second and third wires are intended for the first and second sections of lamps in the chandelier, respectively (for example, 1 + 2 lamps for a three-lamp chandelier or 3 + 2 lamps for a five-lamp chandelier, etc.).

Connecting a chandelier to a two-key switch

The conditions for connecting a two-key switch are three wires from the ceiling (zero and two phase wires) and three wires from the chandelier (three- or five-lamp chandelier). In this case, using a voltage indicator, we determine the neutral and phase conductors that come out of the ceiling. To determine the common conductor for all lamps, there is nothing simpler, there is only one, and the other two are the same color, which means they go to two sections of lamps. The manufacturer does this on purpose so that even a non-electrician can connect the chandelier. Then we connect the neutral conductor from the ceiling to the common one in the chandelier, and each section of lamps with phase conductors that go through two-gang switch.

Diagram for connecting a chandelier to a two-key switch: 1 - two-key switch; 2 - distribution box; 3 - chandelier

Important! When working on connecting the chandelier and installing switches, it is necessary to turn off the electricity supply to the corresponding branch.

As a rule, there is a separate branch for the overhead light, which can be turned off with a batch switch without de-energizing the sockets. To illuminate the room during installation, use lamps connected to sockets.

Electrical wires must be connected using terminal blocks. It is allowed to connect electrical wiring by twisting with mandatory insulation. Twisting with soldering is considered a reliable connection.

Important! Connect copper and aluminum wires twisting is not allowed. This is a fire hazard! Their connection can only be made using terminal blocks.